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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH The United Mine Workers of America, in biennial convention at Indianapolis, by an overwhelming vote, ratified the Washington agreement of October G, which grants substantial wage advances to bituminous coal miners and provides penalties for violation of contracts. The steel pleasure yacht Joyeuse, said to lie owned by Emil H. Kleugo, an unnaturalized German of Englewood, N. J., was seized at New York The News Happenings of by United States Marshal McCarthy. Seven Days Paragraphed Ulysses Grant Hillyer, son of the late General William S. Hillyer, member of General Grants staff during the civil war, committed suicide at the home of his sister at East Orange, INTERMOUNTAIN. With the patriotic record of having N. J., by inhaling illuminating gas. WASHINGTON. raised more than $28, (XX) to aid in winwar for world justice the Congress will be asked soon to augreat ning and liberty, the National Woolgrow-er- s thorize the melting of 150,000,000 silver dollars now stored in the treasassociation brought it? annual convention to a close at Salt ury to supply silver bullion for export to Americas allies and to pay trade Luke on January 19. Itegistration of ail German alien en- balances. emies in Idaho will be made under the Repeated publication of reports of direction of the United States mar-sh- shortages of food and clothing among during the week of February 4 to General Pershing's forces in France has led Secretary Baker to announce 9, inclusive. Harry Lauder, the Scotch comedian, that no complaints had come to him official or unofficial sang before the Woolgrowers conven- either from f tion at Salt Lake anti received for sources. Director General McAdoo on Saturthe two songs he sang the sum of which will go to the Harry Lau- day explained to the senate Interstate fund for maimed commerce committee the operation of der million-pounScottish sailors and soldiers. government control of railroads and Manufacturers in Utah are highly urged speedy passage of the adminisinterested in the hearing being con- tration railroad bill by congress in orducted by the state public utilities der to clarify the financial situation commission in the petition of Utah so as to prepare the way for future railroads for permission to increase government bond issues. coal freight rates 15 cents per ton. The signal corps needs women teleThe state council of ' defense for phone operators between 23 and 35 Idaho has gone on record as favoring years old, who are in good health and a special session of the legislature to speak French and English fluently. enact needed legislation. Experienced operators are preferred. Federal agents asserted at Seattle In his first report submitted to con that a German spy pilot masquerading gress, A. Mitchell Palmer, alien propas a helmsman under the name of erty custodian, says he has received so William Swanson, stood at the far 11,167 formal reports of enemy wheel of the Alaska liner Spokane property and has opened 1378 separate when she crashed on the rocks trust accounts, of which 1236 are estiloint, B. C., on the night of Novem- mated to be worth $134,603,231. No ber 22, 1917, while bound from southvalue has been placed upon 142 of the eastern ' Alaska for Seattle with 237 accounts, pending further investigapassengers. tion. TNEDES1 BOLSHEVIKI MEMBERS MEET . $11,'-2.1- 0, d y A marked improvement in coal fam- mals. One of the most important of the de cislons was that to refrain from conWe be tracting clips in the future. lieve the time has come when the wool-growe- . David Roberts -every sleek coat, prevents worms, etc. Retd (he Practical Home Veterinarian (toftdl fur fr booklet on Abortion In Cwi If no dealer In your town, write fit. 100 Grand Avenue, Wauktiha. Co., SES SURELY BLACK LEO y reliable by preferred western stockmen. because fresh, u . s. g, well-dresse- PILLS ( refect where ether vaccines fall, Write for booklet end testimonials. Pills, 11.00 Pills, $4.00 Use any Injector, but Cutter's simplest and strongest. The superiority of Cutter products Is due to over IS pkg.BIcklf BMsts pkf. Uackltf Insist Only. in VACCINES CUTTER'S. ON order direct. AND SERUMS unobtainable If Tks Cuttsr Laboratory, Borkoloy, California ClearYour Skin Save Your Hair With Cuticura Soap 25c 0lntment25and50c rs e one-fourt- PREVENni CUTTER S BLACKLEG year of specializing closed the assembly at 4 a. m. Sunday therefore we urge and recommend that and a decree of dissolution was is- the entire wool clip of woolgrowers of sued during the day, the official state- Utah be consigned to the National Wool Warehouse & Storage company, ment says. On the first test of strength the the resolutions state. Bolsheviki were defeated by the Other items in the resolutions adoptM. Tchernoff, minister ed pledge the of the assoof agriculture in the Kerensky govern' ciation with the administration, request meut, and the nominee of the the government to exempt1 sufficient of the right, for chair- trails between ranges from the proviman of the assembly, was elected by a sions of the homestead act, vote of 244 to 151. The candidate of and commend the work of the federal the Bolsheviki was Maria Spiridonovo, biological bureau and of the state livelong a prominent revolutionist who was stock commission. The deficit of $603, released from exile in Siberia after the contracted for current expenses during overthrow of the Romanoffs. the year, was wiped out and approxiThe threatened demonstrations mately $200 in addition was put in the against Bolshevist control of the open- treasury during a collection taken. An ing session of the assembly were con assessment of cent a head fined Vo parades of small groups of on owned by members was sheep men and women. These groups were levied. composed of people, ex Following the authorization of an adcept in one instance, where there was visory board, the chief duties of which a larger number of soldiers and peas will be the furtherance of ants. between the association nnd federal At a corner near the American emand state boards, its personnel was sebassy this group was fired upon and lected as follows: John W. Thornley, dispersed by the red guards. Five per- John H. C. B. Stewart, Wilford Seely, sons were killed and a dozen wounded Day and M. S. Merriott. A finance committee was created and FORM DIVISION OF ADVERTISING. composing it are W. S. Hansen, Box-eldcounty; J. C. Jordan, Sanpete Volunteers Will Marshal Forces ; Ernest Peterson, Cache councounty to Win War. Publicity Help ; M. S. Merriott, Weber county ; John ty Washington. Definite assignment of the part national advertising forces are Nebeker, Rich county ; J. W. Thornley to take in the task of winning the war, and W. A. Cramer, Davis county; HiW. S. Phii- was given in an order Issued by Presi-- 1 ram Seely, TV Emery county; w- Imiay, Wash-visio- n PS J dent Wilson Saturday creating the di- C?U,1.: of advertising of the committee ingtofu county ; Thomas Seavy, Garfield J. C. Jensen, Carbon county: on public information Juab county and E Sara' J ,C T0rum Through the division of advertising It is proposed to perfect publicity roa- - Uds Uintah county No changes were made in the board chinery which may be called into serv ice when campaigns of a national char of directors except where necessary beacter are necessitated by war condi cause of death or change of residence. Mr. Marriott, Mr. Allen and Hiram tions. A board of five members, which has Seely replaced W. J. Seely, C. N. Still- already established executive offices in man alul Hleliard Jones. The assess-NeYork City, has been named by nienl wil1 be collected by members of Chairman Creel of the committee on I tIle finance committee. F. J. Hagenbarth of Salt Lake, presipublic Information to direct the activities of the new division. dent of the National Woolgrowers association, in liis address on ConservM'ADOO EXPLAINS PLAN. ing Meat, stated that there is great need in conserving all things. If a Urges Speedy Adoption of Railroad man is not patriotic from any other Bill to Clarify Financial Situation reason, he should be because of Mr. Washington. Director McAdoo on enlightened selfishness, Even if the war Saturday explained to the senate In- - Hagenbarth said. terstate commerce committee the op- not occurred we sheepmen would eration of government control of rail- - bave had to conserve If we continue roads and urged speedy passage of the ln business. The day has passed when administration railroad bill by con- - we can turn flocks on the open range gress in order to clarify the financial and without further attention expect situation so as to prepare the way for tbera to make money for us. He made a P,ea for conservation and saving in future government bond issues. He also asserted that government op- little things affecting the business. William A. Crane of Ilerriman urged eration would be extended to canals and inland waterways if it was con- a greater general efficiency in the sidered necessary. It is folly not to sesheep business. cure efficient employees and to feed $1 First Payment of Soldiers' Insurance worth' of rations to a two-bi- t man, he Washington. Mrs. Betty Ingram of said. As a means of additional naPratt City, Ala., the widowed mother tional conservation he suggested a to- of Gunner's Mate Osmond Kelly In-- 1 baecoless, poolless and soft drinkless gram, killed last October 15 when the day. destroyer Cassin was attacked by a The effort to divert $58,000 from submarine, has received the first pay- - the state bounty fund, where it is made by the soldiers and sailors Ing Idle, to be expended by the state insurance bureau to the dependents of livestock commission In conjunction a soldier or a sailor killed in action with the federal bureau, probably will be successful, Mr. Stewart announced. Bernstorff Associate Jailed. Governor Bamberger, the attorney genPlattsburg, N. Y. Adolph Iaven-stederal and the council of defense all realformer associate of Count von ize the Importance of the action for Bernstorff when the latter was German the increase and the conservation of ambassador to America, and of Bolo food, he said. It is a reflection upon the flockmas-ter- s Pasha, held as a spy la Paris, was arof Utah that the membership of rested Sunday at Lake Placid hotel. The order for his arrest was issued by the association Is no larger, Mr. Day declnred, during a strong plea for co--I Attorney General Gregory. operation. 640-acr- Wit Low-price- social-revolutionis- ts anti-Germa- club-room- during social-revolutionist- s. A general Austria, according to an Exchange administration as a result of the opcompany dispatched from Telegram eration of the government fuel restricParis, which reports 100,000 men quittion jrder. work in Vienna and Neustadt Recent repetition of the story that ting down all the war factories closing Anna Kitems has been executed in this country for connection with the The strikers are described as openly German espionage system has caused The Bolshevik! members of the conthe state department to repeat its denial to American diplomats in neutral stituent assembly and those belonging to the left wing of the countries. General Pershing has sent word that tionists, withdrew from the constitm tlie motor mechanics regiment being ent assembly in Ietrograd at its first recruited by the United States public meeting, according to a Russian wireservice reserve is wanted in Franco less report. After a series of conferences at MeX' immediately. ico between representatives of mining Of the '2500 odd youths who have served as volunteer ambulance drivers companies and officials of the treas in the American service in the last ury and the commerce and industry three years, nearly 2000 have been ministries an agreement was reached to reduce the taxes on mining claims college men and more than a hundred different colleges and universities have and metal experts. been represented. Although two battleships, one Brit Enlistment of 30,000 more women in ish and one Japanese, are in the port the military nursing service will be re of Vladivostok, reports do not indicate condition ashore, to warrant land quired if prospective needs of the gov- any of troops. ing ernment are to be met, the American After a single turbulent sitting, the Red Cross has announced in an apRussian constituent assembly has been peal for volunteers. The freight depot of the Kansas City forcibly dissolved by sailors, who up Southern railway at Tort Arthur, parent ly were authorized by the Bol Texas, was destroyed by fire of un- sheviki decree, which, however, at the known origin early Sunday, causing time of the dissolution had not been an estimated loss of $100,000. proclaimed. The first month of 1918 has been With a membership of 160,000 men in train and yard service, the Brother- one of the most trying of the whole hood of Railroad Trainmen today has war for the British people. Now the more than 5000 men in the military nation seems to have weathered its doubts and disagreements and acceptforces of the nation. ed the watchword, we must go on or Seven armed men raided the Cosmopolitan club, in the heart of .the down- go under. In a naval action between British town district at Minneapolis, took approximately $5300 in cash and $1500 and Turkish forces at the entrance to worth of jewelry from seven faro play the Dardanelles, the Turkish cruiser ers and the dealer and about $300 in Midullu, formerly the German Breslau was sunk and the Sultan Yawuz Selim cash from thirty loungers in the They escaped with their booty. formerly the German Goeben, was beached. A hunt for the prettiest girl in General Sir Beauchamp Duff, com America, whose picture will be. borne by posters advertising government in- mander in chief of the British forces surance for soldiers, is announced by in India from 1913 to 1916, was found le soldiers and sailors campaign dead in his bed in a West End club at T" counsel, a body of insurance men and London. army officers in charge of a special Addressing the labor delegates at drive to solicit insurance before Feb- London, David Lloyd George urged the ruary 12. need of raising more men to hold the Samuel Gompers, president of the line in France against the armies of American Federation of Labor, de- the central powers, declaring Germany clared that the workers of the nation was not yet ready for peace, and that will be the greatest sufferers from the democracy cannot survive unless its fuel restriction order. adherents are willing to die for it. There is plenty of grain to supply Serious strikes accompanied by roit-inthe needs of the United Stated and the have taken place in Vienna and allies during 1918, but it is up to the other cities throughout Austria, accord government to move it from the farms ing to news agency telegrams to Zu to the centers of distribution, repre rich and other points in Switzerland. scuta tives from grain exchanges from Italian troops have succeeded in all over the country declared at the breaking the pressure which the enemy convention at Chicago of the National has been exerting on the lower Piave Council of Grain Exchanges. in the sector nearest Venice. Mrs. Elizabeth Guistorf, arrested at The report comes from Petrograd Hanford, Cal., as a German agent with seditious documents in her possession, that a Japanese cruiser at Vladivostok has put troops ashore and that the Is suffering from mental aberration and there is no truth in statements Japanese consul there has issued a a e has declaring that the Japamade Hint she is a German spy proclamation nese soldiers are to keep order owing a this country, according to an an to the danger threatening Japanese houncement by federal authorities. citizens. Sndal-Revol- Dr. David Heberts the last year, the creation of an advisory board and a finance committee, and the adoption of recommendations that all sheep in the state be dipped once each year, railroads grant lower rates on sheep, a more business-lik- e method of the disposition of wool and conservation and economy, the two days annual convention of the Utah Woolgrowers association ended Jahu ary 16. The convention, the most successful in the history of the organization, recommended also the enactment of a federal law placing a tax of $1 upon every dog in the United States, the fund thus created to be used for the elimination of predatory wild ani- st I PHYSIC BALL and rTJk HORSEthreeTONIC once months makes a of this state and country report has it that the constituent assembly has been dissolved by the should make a complete change in the Bolshevist authorities. Sailor guards manner of disposing of their wools FOREIGN. strike is on throughout ine conditions is reported by the fuel Tabe Care of Your Horses Nothing else will do os much to koep them In fine condition as One off-Ido- l DOMESTIC. Salt Lnke City. With the of the officers who have served social-revolutionist- s, social-revolutioni- " s Th,t A" sh" Dipped Once a Year, and That Railroads Grant Lower Rate. Create Advisory Board. Be London. The Bolshevist members of the constituent assembly and those belonging to the left wing of the withdrew from the constituent assembly in Petrograd at its first meeting, according to a Russian wireless report of the situation received Saturday. This action appears to indicate a split between the Bolsheviki and the the majority break occurring after the election of the majority candidate for chairman of the assembly, The Russian situation apparently is entering a new phase. The Bolsheviki having withdrawn from the constituent assembly, their next step probably will be an attempt to assert their supreme control of affairs. They nmy dissolve the assembly forcibly or reorganize it to give themselves the mastery. The next report from Petrograd may tell of more fighting among the factions. nl i STATE ASSOCIATION ADVISES AGAINST CONTRACTING FOR CLIPS IN ADVANCE. T Control of Affairs, and Factional Fighting May Result. fifty-fourt- h ( DE-FEA- AND WITHDRAW FROM CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY. h d PARKERS . HAIR BALSAM toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. A For Restoris Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 60c. and $1,00 at Druggists. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Shop Talk. Pessim Life is not worth living. Optim You talk like an undertaker trying to drum up trade. "Cold In the Head" I. an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Persons who are subject to frequent colds !n the head will find that the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. AH Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. 1100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. (i er - w self-interes- Punctuality. Telephone service prompt? Parts of it. The bills always get around on time. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and 4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home it very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo It will gradually darken Compound. streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color, the scalp, is nob sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adr. Easy Wisdom. All things come to him who waits. Yes, one never knows what one can do until one loa$. Piles Cured ln 4 to 14 Days Bts refund money if PAZO OINTMBNT to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding 60c. First appUcation gives relief. True. He means well. Half the worlds disasters caused by men who mean well. SWAMP-ROO- T 'falls Pile. ard FOR t, KIDNEY AILMENTS I - I There is only one medicine that really, as a medicine for stands out curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. stands ths Dr. Kftmers Swamp-Roo- t highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Rooa physicians prescription for special diseases, makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon 'realized in most cases. It iB a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr, Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. t, ly-me- nt t, I He Knew Her. She Ive had that parrot two year and it has never said a word. He Why dont you give It a chanctf When a woman takes a man into her confidence he Is up against the worst kind of confidence game. When Your Eyes Meed Csro Eye Remedy Try Murine No Comfort. M eoutt aS Just By Smarting Drurglata or malL Writ for Fro Byo Book. KKMXDX CO.. CHICAGO KDXUll XU , |