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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH ' $ r cj , $ . CORN WILL WIN DEMOCRACY'S VMR Americas Greatest Cereal Crop Is Now Moving to Market. MAINSTAY IN NATIONS CRISIS. Surplus Wheat of the United States Has Been Sent to Famine Threatened Europe. Due to the mild winter, we are overstocked, therefore we are offering Americas great corn crop, exceeding 3,000,000,000 bushels, will save the worlds food situation, officials of the United States food administration believe. Corn Is the nations best food cereal, Special Low Prices This Month to Reduce our Stock. housewives are to realize. S It contains all tliebeginning elements needed to Fonnesbeck Knitting Wks. ARIMO BLOCK, NORTH MAIN STREET, LOGAN Red Cross Seal Campaign report of the Red Cross Seal tampaign in this state has just been A Lifes Pleasures k are bestowed by destiny upon those who have the judgment to practice frugality and foresight. Dont spend all you earn on the passing show. Good things come . To Those Who Save Now Join the growing number of young men who have a savings account in our care. HYRUM STATE BANK GOOD LUMBER IS AT THE BOTTOM of success. Low price smay help some, but its the fine quality of our lumber that brings our customers back time and again. It pays us to sell good lumber. It will pay you better to buy it. It lasts longer and is more satisfactory to work up. Try us with an order and youll come back when you mant more. Smith Bros. Lumber Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. , Subscribe. For The South Cahe Courier JOB PRINTING issued. The campaign has been very 6nccessful, says Frank W. LeCiere, State Sales Manager. We have, more than doubled our best previous record, although many persons told us that the people had already given so much to the many war drives that we could not expect them to give liberally to this cause. Last year the sale of the seals averaged slightly less than one per inhabitant. This year it averages over two for every-man- , woman and child in the state. ' Several cities have sold more than three seals per capita. Complete reports have not yet been received from some places so that the total receipts can not yet be published. The Utah Public Health Association is the agent of thg National Red Cross for the Red Cross seals in Utah and will expend the money realized from ihe sale, less l he ten per cent due to the National Red Cross, in public health work in the state. i keep the body In a state of health and when used according to the scores of tried recipes, especially when combined with an added portion of oil or fat, will sustain life Indefinitely. Indian warriors in colonial days lived on parched corn alone for many days at a time, and at Valley Forge parched corn was at times the sole ration of the Continental soldiers. Owing to transportation difficulties caused by the war the corn crop moved more slowly to market this year than ever before. Now, however, the cereal is reaching the millers and consumers. In the meantime the nations surplus wheat has been sent to Europe. Today there are approximately 30 bushels of corn for every American. This quantity is greater by five bushels than in former years. Corn has become the nations mainstay in the crisis of war. Just as this cereal saved the first American colonists from famine on many occasions, just as it served as a staple food during the War of the Revolution and during the Civil War, King Corn has again come to the front in the nations battle with autocracy. Corn meal is finding greatly increased use in the making of ordinary white bread. "Hundreds of housewives and many of the larger bakers are mixing 20 per cent, corn ftieal with wheat flour to mnke leavened bread. This kind of a mixture is worked and baked in the same recipes and with the same methods that apply to straight wheat bread. Corn bread using corn meal entirely is gaining a greater popularity than ever before. Housewives are coining to realize that every pound of wheat saved in America means a pound of wheat released for shipment to the nations with which America is associated in the war. There are a score of corn products that today possess unusual importance for Americans. Corn syrup for sweetening corn cakes and buckwheat cakes and for use in the kitchen instead of granulated siqjar is one of the leading products made from corn. Corn oil, excellent for frying and for every other purpose filled by salad oils, is appearing on the market in large quantities. It comes from the germ of the corn. Even more important than the money raised by the seal campaign, says Mr. LeCiere, is the stimulated interest in health protection. The annual seal campaign is an LIES educational campaign of the greatCIRCULATED IN CANADA est value. We have been greatly encouraged' by the hearty oopera-tio- n Canada is also having trouble with and the liberal support of the Made-i' Germany lies calculated to people of the state. We have re- hinder Canadian food conservation acceived many expressions of interest cording to an official statement received from the Canadian food conand good will. troller by the United States food adWe wish to express our thanks ministration. to the many who have given so libThe stories bothering Canada are of the same general character as those of their time and strength erally the United States food administraand money to help make the camtor recently denounced in this counThe schools in try, such as the ridiculous salt and paign a success. the report many places deserve special mention blueing famine fakes andwould seize that the government fur their good work in selling the housewives stocks of home canned seals. goods. Colored Beans Becoming Popular According to reports coming to the United States Food Administration, the pinto and other colored beans are becoming quit? popular in the West and Middle West as a substitute for the common white bean. In most of the larger cities in these sections, colored beans are used almost entirely. In the New England and Atlantic Coast States there is little demand for this variety, while the demand for the white bean almost exceeds the supply. Reports from the two largest white bean producing states Michigan and New York, indicate that this years crop is far below normal. In Colorado the estimated production of colored beans exceeds last years crop by 400 per cent and in New Mexico by from 50 to 100 per cent. This is a surplus of over 3000 cars above the needs west of the Alleghenies. Colored beans are at least equal to white in. food value, and many claim that they surpass them in flavor. The housewife in the East may save considerable money by purchasing colored beans for they are from 25 to 40 per cent cheaper than the white. Mr. K. P. Kimball, bean expert with the Food Administration, states that the supply of the colored beans is ample to meet our needs. Reports from the quarter-master- s of the Army and Navy show that colored beans are being used extensively by them and are meeting with great favor. A Handy List For The Housekeeper Figures giving the food supplies of the world tell us that in 1918 America will more and more be called on to the share with a hungry world what she can spare from her own board. This can be done by substituting other foods not needed for shipping. Sometimes it is hard to think of that substitute. Why not prepare a list to hang on the kitchen cabinet to be used for ready reference when in doubt. Let the list below grow with your Meat Substitutes. ' MADE-IN-GERMAN- Y n The Canadian food controller estimates that when the people listen to and pass on such stories, each one has the power of destruction that lies in a battalion of soldiers. In order that a proper account Stories without even a vestige of have been scattered broadfoundation may be kept on the records of said the Canadian statement cast, Hyrum City it is desired that relNor have they come to life casually. atives or other interested parties They' have started simultaneously in send in the names of those who different parts of the country and In each instance have been calculated to are in the service of their country arouse public Indignation. in the, present war, giving1 time They are Insidious, subtle, persistof enlistment and branch of ser- ent. Bit by bit they dissipate public trust, the great essential in the work vice. of food control. John W. Jensen, It lies with every individual- to forfrom criticism ; to refrain from bear City Recorder. passing on the vagrant and harmful story, and thus the more effectively In work which Is going Buy your cornmeal manufactured to to mean more lhan the majority of by the Hyrum. Union Mills. It is people yet realize. Ad. cheaper and better. Notice - Poultry Rabbit Bean loaf Fish Eggs Bean soup Milk soup Cheese dishes Baked beans Milk Nut loaf Chowders Wheat Bread Substitutes Corn bread Potato biscuit Brown bread Rye bread Oatcakes . Potatoes Buckwheat cakes Rice Hominy Special Notice An Income Tax Officer sent by the Government, will be in Hyrum on February 25th and 26th for the purpose of assisting all to get in their Income Tax Returns, with the Exemption lowered to $1,000.00 for single persons and $2,000.00 for married persons. The Income Tax will effect practiaally every small Merchant, Salaried man and Farmer, also every Corporation and nearly every partnership, either the Income Tax, Excess Profits Tax or both. What Expenses are properly deductable? See the Government man at the City Hall February 25th and 26th. A Severe penalty is imposed for negligence. It is your duty to cali on the Government, not the Government to Call on the Tax Payer. All forms will be ready when you call. Tell your Friends and Neighbors. |