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Show r i SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH BEEF BAH III WEST si i i 5 LIFTED FOR A BUT INCREASE OF UVE Til stockmen are warned days have that COME meatless TO STAY. Such Is Message Delivered to Stock-meby Chief of. Meat Division In Address Before the National Livestock Association. n SUCH IS PLAN OF STOCKMEN OF NATION AS EXPRESSED AT CONVENTION. - Advocate Plan to Exterminate Preda tory Wild Animals and Further Investigation Into Value of Grazing on Forest Lands. UTAH BUDGET If you want a fault- Anna Taylor Snow, aged 3, died at Salt Lake as a result of burns received when her dress caught fire from an open grate-a- t the family home. A search has resulted in members of the city attorneys office locating a copy of the original charter granted Ogden city by the territorial legislature in 1868. During the 5 per cent discount period, January 1 to 15, it is estimated that more than $25,000 was collected in water taxes by the waterworks de- less DIAMOND at the right price, buy where you are sure of getting both STRIKE FOR PEACE WORKERS REBEL AT COERCION BY BERLIN AND SPARKS OF SEDITION SPLUTTERING. BOYD PARK FOUNDED WO MAIN STREET Detailed to Keep Borders Closed and News From Outside World Report Strikes and Troops partment at Ogden. Muntinies. Accidentally shot in the arm on the day he was to have enlisted, John McSalt Lake City Meatless and wheatCurdy of Salt Lake will now be unSuit Lake City. Increased producAmsterdam. Sparks of sedition less days are Institutions that have tion of live stock in the United States, able to enter the service of Uncle Sam are behind the spluttering hermetically come to stay; at least, for the period suspension during the period of the and may lose his arm. of sealed frontiers of war necessity. The members of the Utah irrigation war of the homestead act, coSuch is the pointed and positive mes- operation . of congress in' regulating and drainage congress will meet threatening nt any moment to whip discontent into flames the empire-widsage brought to the American National railroad rates and terminal changes, Thursday, January 24, at the Agricuof revolt. open Livestock association, assembled in its and the assumption of jurisdiction by ltural college at Logan in connection So widespread and intense Is this disto be held twenty-firs- t annual convention here, by the secretary of agriculture of the un- with the farmers round-ucontent that the very troops detailed 21 from to 26, inclusive. January Joseph P. Cotton, chief of the meat appropriated public domain, were to keep the borders closed and the division of the federal food adminis- adopted as resolutions at the closing Reversing judgment of the Fourth are intration and principal representative of session on January 16 of the twenty-firs- t district court, the state supreme court news from filtering through world the in strumental postkeeping the food administration at the conannual convention of the Ameri- has handed down a decision giving ed on the in of Bolshevism progress can National Livestock association. vention. Juab county the right to assess and the domain. Hapsburg This message from headquarters at Further investigation into the value collect taxes amounting to $1771.77 Strikes and riots, mutinies and peace Washington was delivered Tuesday to of grazing on the forest lands, ap- from the Mammoth Mining company. demonstrations are the order of the the assembled livestock men of the proval of the action of the federal J. Elingsworth, aged 47, died at Some of the largest plants are day. country at their afternoon session at trade commission in holding public Salt Lake as a result of being struck affected and the prospect of an empithe Hotel Utah, just after the market hearings to extend facts connected by a street car. At the time he was re-wide munitions strike looms large. committee of the organization had sub- with the packing industry, appropria- injured, Mr. Elingsworth was attemptand Vienna, Budapest Prague are hotamounts similar tion of mitted its annual report at the mornby congress ing to catch an inbound car,- and did beds of radical propaganda. not see the outbound car approaching session urging the necessity for advanced by the state for the exterOne of the largest Austrian munithe convention to take some action mination of predatory wild animals, a ing., tion plants, just outside of Vienna at on war and tax urgfederal the AmeriThe Germans will make the dogs looking toward the securing of a is Immediately withchange In the governments meatless ing of congress to provide the exten- can soldiers into wagon grease, is one in the scope of the peace agitation, as to high of the statements said to have been day program by the substitution of sion of military instruction are the Skoda works outside of big reswere schools of the other country uttered by Gust Bredof, a German, and Iilsen. porkless days for the present meatolutions passed by the convention which landed that individual in the less Tuesdays. Output Vital to War Plans. Denver Next Meeting Place. Mr. Cotton, speaking as head of the county jail at Ogden as an alien the output of these Austrian Upon set as was Denver the place meeting meat division of the food administraenemy. relies to a material Germany twenty-seconconven plants annual Dan Tarnasky and his wife, who es- extent in tion, stated that already the adminis- for the connection with her' bein tion the of 1919, association tration had announced Its plan to lift caped from the county jail at Richoffensive in rethe west. She cause with its location of central cold the restriction upon beef on meatless field, were found suffering with called man to the has available every Kansas to the cattle industry. and nearly starved under a store in days in the Pacific coast states, but gard thousands colors, honor. a close ran including second for the previously City, he assured the convention that this Sigurd after a search by officers of to turn out munitions. All of officers exempted, the positions holding forty-eigbeen had hours. is but a temporary holiday ; that meatThey With the Italian danger to Trieste hours. there thirty-siless day as first inaugurated will be during the past year were and Leibach removed by German aid, was conceded it that It universally maintained throughout the country and Rendered prosperous by high prices insists upon so many milrestored to its full extent in the Pa- would be very foolish and inadvisable and ready market for ranch products, Ilindenburg lion pounds, not of flesh, but of muto of in middle horses the the swap cific coast states after the present conthe young farmer, of Utah who has nitions, from Austria. and the motion was carried not taken unto himself a wife will be gestion of beef at the countrys pack- stream, It is now clear, from advices that unanimously. The following are the required to pay income tax, just as ing plants shall have been relieved. reached here during the last have officers of the convention, his citified brother will have to pay twenty-fou- r Exports of beef have been small for 1918: hours, that Germany, his share of the war cost. compared with exports of pork, Mr. alarmed over the inevitable gravely President, Isaac T. Pryor, San Ancare Cotton said, but this condition will of effect of Bolshevism If farmers will take more ; J. B upon her army soon be remedied and the outlet will tonio, Tex. first will be able to and their machinery they ; second navy and her home front, was deKendrick, Sheridan, Wyo. Lib largely help the cattle situation. Prices C. M., ODonel, Bell make substantial investments in termined to break off with the Rushe said, will not fall far below the Ranch-- N. with what they save, ac- sians at bonds erty K. M. Salt Parsons, M.; but was preA. L. Mathews present level. vented in the eleventh hour from doLake City; Wallis Huidekoper, Wallis, cording to Professor of the department of agricultural edu Science as related to the cattle inMont.; Isaac Baer, Meeker, Colo.; W ing so by Count Czernin, the Austrian dustry was given a hearing at the J. Todd, Maple Hill, Kan., and E. L. cation of the University of Utah. who has pledged foreign twenty-thir- d annual convention of the Stockmen in Utah will receive en- peace to minister, Omaha, Neb.; treasurer, John the Austrian people in unAmerican National Live Stock associ- Burke, as to range conditions W. terms. Denver, Colo. ; attorney, lightenment ation when two university professors SamSpringer, over a large area of the state in equivocal H. Cowan, Fort Worth, Tex. ; secFour Factors Rousp Revolt. delivered addresses on meat producbulletins, the first of which So irresistible is the Austrian peoretary, T. W. Tomlinson, Denver, Colo. weekly tion. was issued last week, under the direcIn President confidence its demand for peace that one diploAffirming ples Choosing as his subject, Hints on Woodrow Wilson as commander in tion of J. Cecil Alter, meteorologist mat who knows the situation accurateEconomic Meat Production, John T. of the United States weather bureau. of chief of and the the armies ventured this navy ly remark: Caine III, director of the extension diThe heaviest sentence yet imposed maker of public If Czernin went back to Vienna and vision of the Utah Agricultural col- United States, and Salt ' Lake on in bootlegger was told his people peace sentiment for the allied world, and negotiations were more meat To said: lege produce given T. F.' Stitt, a negro, last week, definitely off, he would be mobbed the following points pledging the president the to four economically sentenced he spend being forthwith. support of the livestock men of the months should be remembered. Use only good in the county jail and pay a or he The Bolsheviki, on their part, fully in efforts nation may any policies stock bred along meat production in the one fine of $200 or spend day the aware of this situation behind the to deem win this war, necessary lines. Take care of range and feed county jail for each dollar of the fine. Austrian borders, can afford to bide stock liberally when needed. Market American National Livestock associa As a result of admissions made by stock at younger ages and keep more tion went on record as Approving the Casey Gould in police court at Ogden, their time and stick to their original females. Take more care to see that concentration of power by the govern- an order has been issued to druggists terms, it is argued. you get a large percentage of in- ment in the hands of efficient agencies to cease selling bay rum, especially German Plot Bared. for the purpose of developing and to crease. persons who they might have reaNew York. Full information of a Cattle feeding on hay was pro- mobilizing the powers of the nation. son to believe intended to use it as a The convention unanimously adopted substitute for booze. nounced unprofitable by E. L. Potter, Gould was ar- gigantic German plot for the burning and dynamiting of ships,, industrial a resolution of the animal authorizing enlargement rested while intoxicated. husbandry, professor of and terminals was in the hands Oregon Agricultural college In his of its market committee to a memberThat any concerted effort to se- plants speech on Fattening Cattle on Hay. ship of seven and expanding its duties cure a pardon or parole for James M of federal authorises here Sunday. The guard along the citys water front Good results are obtained, however, to include that of maintaining this speShockley, serving a life sentence in was trebled immediately. Professor Potter said, in feeding the cial delegation at the national capital the Utah state prison for the killing cattle on a mixture of alfalfa and corn for the purposes set forth. of Almasa L. Gleason and confessed Two Held for Babys Murder. Patriotism was the predominant murderer of Thomas B. silage. will Brighton, concarried Urbana, 111. Goldie Chesley and chord in the proceedings of the Meat conservation is being meet with opposition, was Walter Robbins, both of Homer, 111., to the extreme under government reg- vention and was the keynote of every announced vigorous last week. were arrested and have been lodged in ulation, particularly as it affects beef, address delivered before the opening A. a resident of Suit the county Tuckett, Henry soundL. one of the session. T. B. President C. said jail here charged with the Irwin, Pryor largest Lake City for sixty-fiv- e years, dud murder of the formers son, Wilford cattlemen in Wyoming, and with the ed the tocsin of patriotic at the state capitol at about 4 oclock Le Roy Chesley, aged 14 months. They present enormous supply of fresh beef between the livestock men and the He was the are held without bail. stored in the packing houses it is a government in his annual address Wednesdayofafternoon. a of popular number composer crime to tell the people they should when he declared that the livestock not eat beef in order to show their pa- men, as producers of that essential hymns and music therefor, and at one Kaisers Right to Make Peace Terms. triotism. food product, meat, ask nothing of the time was an instructor in music at Washington. The right of the GerAn anticipated resolution calling government but a fair profit upon their the University of Utah. man emperor to the exclusive making In future it will be a violation of of war or peace has been reaffirmed upon the federal food administration product and that they be not expected to alter its meatless day program by to orders of the national food admin- in the Prussian chamber of lords in the produce it at a loss. The president substituting porkless for meatless days voiced the unanimous sentiment of the istration for retail dealers to sell more the Adoption of a resolution presented failed to make its appearance. Follow- convention when he declared that the than ten pounds of sugar, or cus-t- by Berlin representatives, said a dising the announcement made by Joseph I to any one men are and patch from Berne. ready willing elght pounds of flour, P. Cotton, chief of the meat division in cases one at tomer except time, in do all to meet their the power food administration, Tuesday, of the a Two Turkish Warships Wrecked. that meatless day was a permanent in- demand of the government for in-- 1 where the customer lives at market, the from distance askLondon erable In a naval action between resolution and the that ask proposed production, stitution, only e British and Turkish forces at the enFirst aid to the injured is the ing a change in this program was bur- the government in return give them ied In the resolutions committee and consideration necessary to encour-- 1 cialty of William E. Griffith, of Salt trance to the Dardanelles, the Turkish not permitted to reach the convention age them in accomplishing this impor-- 1 Lake, who has been granted exemp-tan- t cruiser Midullu, formerly the German floor. tion from draft because he was an ex- - Breslau, was sunk and the Sultan end. We welcome the fact that we are In line with the attitude of the ass j pert fitter of artificial limbs. Griffith Yawnz Selim, formerly the German now under government regulation and I claimed that he could provide more was beached. control ; the actual facts will be known elation to employ every means possible1 men with arms and legs out of the Goeben, meat sup-of toward the conservation and there will be no opportunity of any Face Death in Storm. than he could destroy in the false information being given out ply, the executive committee of the na- J field trenches. President Paso. El F. Louis Hundreds of Mexicans in Swift, tional organization, through broadcast," declared held in cold storage northern Mexico are facing death from president of Swift & Co., packerscon-of Pryor, wired to Secretary David F.- in Food products eight different plants in Utah at the severe cold weather. Heavy snowHouston of the department of agrlculChicago, in an address before the re- - the end of last December, were : In to vention. the him drifts have caught thousands of head prevent ture, asking Mr. Swift declared that the report to opening of the Juarez packing plant cases, eggs, 4576; in pounds, butter, of cattle in the Panhandle country of the effect that Swift & Co.s profits for at Juarez, Mexico. 56,603 ; cheese, 151,625 ; poultry, 46,- - Texas, and it Is feared it will be imthe past year amounted to 34 per cent One of the effects of the war on the 984 ; fresh meats, 469,539 ; salted possible to save them. on a capital of $100,000,000 was not a livestock industry is the stimulation of meats, 1,689,180 ; fresh fish, 148 , saltfair statement of facts. Mr. Swift subFor the first time in the his- - ed fish, 14,985 ; dried fruits, 21,995 ; Many Plants Put Into War Service. knitting. in mitted figures to the convention conventions of the Ameri- - nuts, 6473 ; sugared the of strawberries, realtory in Washington. Conversion 'of industhat his of argument support can National Live Stock association 1300 ; frozen egg meats, 17,921 ; lard, trial plants to war production is proity the profits of the company were not women snt in the audience knitting 103,502 ; butterine, 7180. more than 20 per cent on the capital ceeding steadily through the efforts of The womens farm bureau of Weber the council of national defense, and surplus used in the conduct of the sweaters and mufflers for soldiers as business, hence the profits were not their husbands debated momentous county perfected organization at a by George N. Peck, industrial unreasonable as reports would lead the matters pertaining to the present mar-- meeting at Ogden last week, representative. ket conditions. public to believe. Austria-Hungar- 640-acr- e e p f I IQOS MAKERS OF JEWELRY Wiener-Neustad- t, SALT LAKE CITY. Srinliing men YOU hve promised your family and your friendi many limei that you would quit, but you never have. YHY? Jut becauie the craving, due to the demand of an impaired nervous system, is stronger than your will. JAKE THE KEELEY TREATMENT and be restored to your normal self. The Keeley Institute 334 West South Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah Users treated with Cigarette and Drugsuccess. equal BARGAINS IN USED CARS Oldsmobiles, Na tionals-52- 50 Guaranteed first class to $800. condition-easy terms if wanted by running right parties. Write for detailed list and description, vised Car Dept., Randall-DocAuto Co., Salt Lake City 50 splendid used ks, - d much-heralde- d ht x . i I ! vice-presiden- t, vice-preside- Brest-Lltovs- 4 IN t i I k, whole-hearte- d 1 t forty-livestoc- k o consid-crease- d I I spe-th- ed SCIENTISTS AIDING IN WAR Experts Have Found a New Work In Which They Are Materially Assisting the Government. Secretary of the Interior Lane, in his recent annual report, portrays the transition of a peaceful democracy into a nation organized for war, Possession of resources alone, he warns( the country, does not win wars, and' recounting the enormous progress made on every hand, declares the physical resources of the United States are almost completely at the command of the worlds needs. What can you do to serve me? The quotes the secretary, replying: answer of this department is that it has put every agency and activity which It hhs at the service of those departments more directly concerned with "Our men of scientific knowledge chemists, metallurgists, engineers, typographers have found new work at their hands. "The patent office has been searched for new devices that could be brought into useo kill the submarine or limit its destructiveness, for the plans of heretofore unused lethal weapons and for the formulae of improved or unknown sources of power. . The scientific bureau of the government found themselves converted overnight Into adjuncts and in the great international contest. Men who had regarded them- -' selves as modestly useful only in the discovering and revealing of new sources of material strength found that their years of experience in the mountains and on the desert, in laboratories and in mines, called them at once Into the thick of the European struggle. war-makin- g. auxll--iari- es An Incident of Sea War. William McFee, author of "Casuals of the Sea, tells la an English paper, Land apd Water, of an attack by a submarine upon a steamer and describes this incident of the engine room before the boat was sunk: "For those three men (the officers) stood by for the better pari of an hour. The stokehold was empty, the steam was dropping, and there was considerable water in the bilges, but they stood by watching the speaking tube and the blind white face oL the - telegraph pointing irresolutely to Stand By (the orders from the bridge). And presently the strain of waiting grew oppressive, so that the chief, looking up toward the skylight, said to my friend, Mister,, go up and see whats doing. It must be dayi'ght now. And he went bp, 'and came out on deck and found himself face to face with a problem of some complexity. For the deck of the ship was deserted, and far across the dark sparkle of the sea he saw the boats crawling toward a smear of smoke on the skyline. Officer Ignored Orders. Eatly In the war when Field Mar- shal John French and General Joffre were straining every nerve to hold back the German advance which they did finally at the Marne a French general, so the story goes, refused to open orders sent by an officer who had been promoted over his head. The message, n like the dispatch in the war, was lost and a division, which was left without support, was The story .goes almost annihilated. that the general was ordered shot. Franco-Prus-sla- |