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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH r vi i : . j j ; i i' ; that this was once In a lifetime. And you know how hard we worked. And then, when we relaxed our our vigilance Just for a moment, you spoiled It all by What Yes talk English, Carrie. was It you tried to do for me?" "Well, if you want plain English you From Suffering by Getting You know can have It," said Carol. Her Lydia E. Pinkhams what professor Is, a swell position like Vegetable Compound. his, and such prospects, and New York city, and four thousand a year with a For many months raise for next year, and we tried to Pittsburgh, Pa. was not able to do my work owing to a good fair chance to land I you give Co. Copyright a weakness which him squarely, and caused backache To land him" and headaches. A To get him, then! He hasnt any friend called my he said he was going to New London girl. You could have been engaged to attention to one of Arnold David moment Prof. for the day. Now well have to chase him this your newspaper CIRCUMSTANCES INDUCE FAIRY TO REVEAL HER LIFES advertisements and down there and shoo him off before Duke if you had wanted to. Oh, is that It? Duckle comes." The twins, growling immediately my ROMANCE-T- HE TWINS FOR A SHORT PERIOD husband bought Yes, thats it." and grumbling, gathered themselves up three bottles of Fairy smiled. "Thank you, dear, It and started. But they started too reENJOY THEMSELVES HUGELY Lydia E. Pinkhams too late. of sweet but was you, youre luctantly, too leisurely. They were not CoVegetable I am engaged. In time. me. for mpound Carols lips parted, closed, parted After taking two Fairy sat up In the hammock with a Synopsis. The story opens in the house of Rev. Mr. Starr, where bottles I felt fine cry of surprise, but not vexation, when again. You you? Prudence, his eldest daughter and feminine head of the house, conand my troubles caused by that weakGenes angry countenance appeared be"Exactly so." ' of her her father, herself, sisting sisters, Fairy, the twins Carol, and fore her. Hope flashed Into Carols eyes. Fairy ness are a thing of the past All women Lark and Connie, the youngest, are awaiting the arrival of their aunt who suffer as I did should try Lydia E. saw he Look it, and answered, swiftly.1 began, of here, smaller Fairy, the members of the family results disGrace, Liveliness Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. about not not. Im crazy whats the Joke? Are your fingers Certainly astrously for their appearance. Carol and Lark Investigate Christian Mrs. Jas. Rohrberg, 620 Knapp St, to am I thouof four engaged to hold that little your professor. get Science. Prudence postpones her wedding when Carol catches measles. Itching N. S.. Pittsburgh, Pa. with It said She sand a year the twins are eternally Eugene Babler. Then Carol tries to convert the town roughnecks. The twins score a Women who suffer from any form of bragging about? Are you trying to pride, not unmlxed with defiance, weakness, as indicated by displacements, triumph at the church entertainment. conthrown yourself Into the old school knowing as she did that the twins inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, sidered Gene too undignified for a par- backache, headaches, nervousness or teachers pocketbook, or what? The twins were the blues, should accept Mrs. Rohr-berGene," she said, sonage Dont be CHAPTER VI. minutes later they returned. There "come and sit silly, and down suggestion and give Lydia E. strong for parsonage dignity was about them an air of subdued ex6 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a he "You are? Sit grandmother! down, your citement, suggestive of Intrigue, that Making Matches. thorough trial. I am. snapped, still angrily. "Old Double D. Aunt Grace sat In a low rocker with Fairy found disturbing. For over forty years it has been and her. a at in stared minute, A Carol be Instant D. will up bobbing long such ailments. If you have You neednt plan any nonsense, a bit of embroidery In her hands. And correcting a about to off me hear the twinsll Then she turned toward the door, complications write for mysterious 1 Hes no beau sick rooster, drag Fairy sat at the table, a formidable ar- twins, she cautioned. com-or something. He Is Where are you going? advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine ray of books before her. funt Grace of mine. Co., Lynn. Mass. "Im going to tell papa. was gazing Idly at her sewing basket, Of course not, they assured her Ing. Isnt he?he she said confusedly. It." I knows is, guess laughed. Papa Fairy a soft smile on her lips. And Fairy pleasantly. Were too old for misLets cut and run, wilt you? he Carol came slowly back and stood by Quite a Zoo of Em. was staring thoughtfully Into the twi- chief. Seventeen, and sensible for our We can be out the dresser silence a After short hopefully. Jamie suggested Gee, your grandma is a spry again. light, a soft glow in her eyes. Aunt years! Say, Fairy, youll be nice to of Come on, Fairy, be she moved away once more. old lady. sight before Grace was thinking of the jolly parson- Duckle, wont you? Cnnt you try to "Where now? good to me. I havent had a glimpse or Jennie Well, hadnt she ought to age family, and how pleasant it was make it pleasant for him this week? a vouch of you the whole week. What To tell Aunt Grace, then. be? Her father lived to be a centaur to live with them. And Fairy , was IIe11 only be here a few days. Will do you reckon I came down here for? Aunt Grace knows It, too. and her mother was almost a centithinking ah, Fairy was twenty, and you do that much for us?" He looked Come on. Lets beat It. it? Does know Prudence St. Louis Republic. s the I pede. into Why, would, twins, of course, to around with a worried air. Hurry, or always stare Yes. but In eyes. know you, with oblige Genes you dreamy twilight, the twinsll get us." Carol swallowed this bitter 1,111 In upon this peaceful scene burst the town this week, and Ive got to BOSCHEES GERMAN SYRUP Gene was lost. and hesitated, silence. Fairy "Oh, you leave Babble Gene, I Intwins, flushed, tempestuous. In spite of next and the her hand, How long?" she Inquired at last. intheir seventeen years. Their hurry to mean to us," said Carol airily. Fairy grabbed were crawling unstant, they laughing, About a year. Look here, Carol, will quiet ybur cough, soothe the a of In Junior being college, and Eugene der the fence at the south corner of sore and a of flammation speak had rendered them incapable throat lungs, Ill show you something. Really Im speech, so they stood in the doorway Babler a student of pharmacy in Chi- the parsonage lawn just as the twins in the bronchial tubes, you know about It. Were pretty stop irritation panting breathlessly for a moment, cago. she felt obliged to restore him to appeared at the barn door. They glad a good to Insuring nights rest, free from we and ought young, papa thought while Fairy and her aunt, withdrawn his Christian name, shortened to Gene. stared keep It dark a while, to make sure. coughing and with easy expectoration gasped. They They stopped. thus rudely from dreamland, looked at But the twins refused to accede to this at each other In dismay. Thats why we didnt tell you. Look in the morning. Made and sold In them interrogatively. propriety, except when they particudeclared at this. was a put-uIt job, years. A worn From her cedar chest a America for fifty-tw- o Yes, I think so, too," began Fairy, larly wished to placate Fairy. Carol. drew derful Christmas gift from Gene she prescription, assisting Nature In You leave Gene to us," repeated and the twins endeavored to crush her Now whatll we do? But Babbles out a small velvet and box, building up your general health and jewelers with their lofty scorn. But It Is not Carol. Well amuse him. Is he com got more sense than I thought he had, of throwing off the disease. Especially before the eyes admiring displayed easy to express lofty scorn when one ing tonight? I must confess. Do you suppose he Carol a plain gold ring with a modest useful In lung trouble, asthma, croup, Yes,, at seven-thirtis red In the face, perspirey and short f dlamohd. bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civilLets call him up and Invite him for was kldnapingvh? of breath. So the twins decided of Carol snorted derisively. "Kidnaping It. Then she kissed ized countries. Adv. kissed Carol And too, Lark. dinner, suggested necessity to overlook the offense just She was ahead when I saw Fairy twice. youll do us a favor and be nice to nothing! this once. em. Whatll we tell the professor? "I know youll be awfully happy, wont you? Well keep Babb Finally, recovering their vocal pow- Duckle, And Im Two humbled gentle twins greeted Fairy," she said soberly. You need a change of scene. Gene out You of road. er, the uniin phone ers simultaneously, they cried some fifteen minutes glad of It. But I cant honestly bethe professor But, doctor, Im a traveling man. to Gene, and Carol, son: later. lieve theres any man good enough for do Why er thats the point. Stay at own Ill said my thanks, phoning, Duckle so sorry," Carol explained our girls. Babbles nice, and dear, and home awhile and see somebody besides Were Duck In the yard Do you mean Fairy, rising quickly. "Yes, well have Babbie came and he and all that, and hes so crazy about you, hotel rooms and railroad stations. them both. And Just as a favor to f'intly. n live one? Where did it come from? I guess they had an errand and do you love him? Her eyes were Fairy I you, twins, will help amuse your proejaculated their aunt. We think theyll be back wide, rather wondering, as she put this somewhere. Cutleura Stops Itching. fessor. Youll be and good, help, wont They mean Professor Duck of their very soon. Fairy will be so sorry." The Soap to cleanse and Ointment to softly. question you?" comfreshman year, explained Fairy The professor tmlled and looked Fairy put her arm about her sister's soothe and heal most forms of Itching, Its nothing. The twins The twins glowed at Fairy with a quite bright. placently. and her fine steady eyes met burning skin and scalp affections. shoulders, warmth that seemed almost triumphalways make a fuss over him. They Are gone? Carols they Ideal for toilet use. For free samples clearly. feel grateful to him for showing them ant. She stopped and looked at them him address, Cutleura, Dept. X, Boston." Yes, but were sure theyll be back love I said she Yes, frankly, When she returned after through freshman science thats all." doubtfully. that Is, were almost sure. Carol, with all my heart. Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap they were gone, and she Thats all, gasped Carol. Why, telephoning, the mode of their deparso so 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. makes remembering Is what that you to said her aunt: assurance on that shiny, and smiley, and starry all the Fairy Starr, do you know hes emIm not superstitious, but when the ture, felt far less she could have wished. ployed by the Society of a a scien- twins act like than time? point The Proof of It. that, theres usually a tific research organization or sometoo bad," he said cheerIs. It Is the most wonIt thats Well, I must be a failure. guess In cloud the PruMarriage parsonage skylight. thing in New York city, and gets four dence says so." But my loss is Bablers gain. derful thing In the world, Carol. You fully. do you make that out? How , proshas and a thousand dollars year decant Imagine it beforehand. It is From the obvious fact that every I But the twins comported themselves I suppose we ought In Christian pects all kinds of prospects to him the afternoon. Lets ; It Is heavenly. cency give magical when woman is most All single decorously. during the week go out to the creek for a stroll ourYes, I know It. You havent seen Yes, I suppose It Is. Prudence says shes married. worked like kitchen they wrinkles slaveys, has and doing him, auntie. Hes tall, shall we? Thatll leave him a so, too. I cant Imagine It, I kind of And they selves, around his eyes, and a dictatorial nose, chores, running errands. field when they return. You think wish I could. Cant I go and tell Con- clear and steel gray eyes. He calls the twins treated Fairy with a gentle considera- theyll be back soon, do you? nie and Lark? I want to tell someand theyre so flattered tion which almost drew tears to her down the road looked He hopefully, body!" though she still remembered Pruthey adore him. He sends them candy eyes, rewhether would but Yes, tell them. We decided not to hopeful they cloud in the parsonage skyfor Christmas. You know that Duckle dences lr. Madaras Condition Was Critior wouldnt, the twins could not let you know Just yet, but since yes, turn. light the about. very so much rave Its see to It." they them up and cal Until Doans Were Used. They certainly interfered with her have told. At any rate, he seemed tell them,kissedbring man. Is he here? her again, and went were ready Carol until impatient quite they own off on her plans. They engineered Hes in town, said Lark. Health Was Restored. to their beloved professor at every con- to start, and then, very gayly, the out, gently closing the door behind her. Going to stay a week, added Carol. and stared she out three wended In their the the stopped hallway way pretty Tor six months I couldnt walk, 1 And he said he wanted to have lots ceivable turn. And Gene, who nearly country road toward the creek and at the wall for an unseeing moment. so swollen as the result of kidney was haunted the a had house, we so savage and gleam of good times with us, and shook a stern clenched she Blackbird a lane. had Then time ; trouble, says Geo. T. Madara, 15 Mt. good They in his out of accord with eyes quite Vernon Ave., Pitman Grove, Camden. why, of course It was very sudden, and his usual door. the at fist the did one no twins white Insist that always chatty good humor. Fairy on earth was N. J.: Backache drove me nearly wild we didnt have time to ask I dont care, she muttered, theyre quite so entertaining as and big lumps formed But parsonage doors are always knew she was being adroitly managed, dear old Duckle, but in her heart Carol not good enough for Prudence and over each kidney. I hut she had promised to help the twins I believe open I Just bloated until I weighed At first she tried ar- registered a solemn vow to have It out Fairy! Theyre not! And I dont know how he ever with Duckle. 407 pounds, and I was a with when she got back. She despise men, all pf em, unless its tistically and unobtrusively to free her- had Fairy wormed it out of us, but one of us a smiled little She Duck and sight to behold. The that "o daddy opportunity night. Fairy In self from the complication which her water I cant remember which one I in my system Eumore. once looked Gene and then would and that grim telephoned they pressed around my heart Invited him to come for dinner to- sisters had Involved her. But the twins not be home for dinner, and the pro- gene Babler, and a little queen like were both persistent and clever, and and I sometimes felt as night, and he's coming." fessor had gone, and the twins were Fairy! I think that must be heavens if I was being strangled. We Fairy found herself no match for them said Aunt Grace. Goodness, She sighed again. The kidney secretions enme right down to business. sleeping soundly, when Fairy crept notion of a joke. It when and to have potato soup are going were scanty and Oh, well, it's something to have someShe had no Idea of their purpose she softly up the stairs. a thick sedi- - fb.IUitn toast. ! out It I found Im to tell glad But not Carol thing did vow. her that she and Gene were alforget Itll keep, said Carol. "Of course only knew ! Lark of ahead the next morning she stalked No one can imagine how I suffered were sorry to inconvenience you at ways on opposite 'ides of the room, the Early Into I finally went to the hospital, but when room, where Fairy man grimly Fairys at the grinning young savagely will I and but Larkle this late hour, an operation was suggested I would was bringing order out Lark for a time takes up a tell Connie what to do, so' you wont twins merry prattle, and she and the of theconscientiously not consent and came home. chaos in bureau htr drawers, a I heard how Doans Kidney Pills have much bother. Lets see, now, we professor trying to keep quiet enough "literary career, the dream of did a after word corthing Fairy from to the always hear other perfectevery had helped others, so I discarded all must think up a pretty fair meal. Four her life. She finds newspaper Carol knew ner. And If they walked. Gene was ly happy day. that, and It the other medicines and started takwork too arduous and abandons thousand a year and prospects was with ing them. The second day I began Aunt Grace turned questioning eyes dragged off by the firm slender fingers that she genuineatreproach in her voice It to improve and as I continued, my after and last, spoke of and the twins, friendly standing Fairy toward the older sister. back stopped paining and the swelling some two for minutes walked In watching Fairy drearily along All right, said Fairy, smiling. Its the professor went down. The other kidney trou(TO BE CONTINUED.) talking innnely about the as she deftly twirled .long ribbons bles left, too, and I was soon as well evidently settled. Think up your menu, the rear, and weather as ever. wondering what the about her fingers and then laid them In twins, and put Connie to work. in methodical piles Sworn to before me, Decay of Metals. , separate corners of twins were talking about. Is he nice?" Aunt Grace queried. The most remarkable example of And the week passed. Gene finally the drawers. Philip Schmitz, Notary Public Yes. I think he is. He used to go she said of his and the off Is in metals Fairy, twins disintegration allotroplc dont fell attendance, sadly, "you know I some. Gat Doani at Aar Stare, 60e Box with our college bunch rest. On Friday seem very appreciative, some way. perhaps that of tin. The investigation him pretty well. He brought me home took a afternoon they flattered themselves Here Larkle and I hove tried so hard has shown that the disease can only from things a time or two." occur in a temperature not exceeding CO BUFFALO. N. Y. Carol leaned forward and looked at that all was well. Gene was not com- to give you a genuine opportunity worked and weve 64.5 In schemed InFahrenheit. was and hammock the Tin degrees sudden waiting ing. Fairy kept decay her handsome sister with He asked about you, she for the professor. So the twins hugged ourselves In the background, and thats is, therefore, most prevalent In cold tentness. Be asked each other gleefully and went to the the way you serve us Its disappoint- climates. laid, keen eyes on Fairys. No need t let that couch peralit. Stop the haymow to discuss the strain and ing. Its downright disheartening. you. about, particularly Irritation, and remove tickling and hoare-peaa folded blue And veil week. and of then laid the not Fairy Gentle ,lt Hint struggle Did he? Thanks. Yes, hes by relieving the Inflamed throat with a one. on Then she turned. top of white Wearied Young Lady (hastening the "Why, the big mutt cried Carol, In ad. Hes pretty good in a crowd." She inquired coolly. departure of tedious youth) I think By the force of her magnetic gaze, her annoyance Ignoring the Methodist "Yes. What? so few real chances for a we are going to have a beautiful are There comes here and out of boundaries, Lark the room, drew grammatical jarol the door closed behind them. A few that bubbling Babler this minute. And woman In Mount Mark, and we felt I1USBA 0 S VES WIFE PRUDENCE SAYS SO By ETHEL HUESTON The Story of a Houseful of Loveable Girls Bobbs-Merr- ill 1 . son-in-la- gs 1 , twenty-year-old- far-seein- g 'I . p . y. ; i ; i Ready-Witte- ( ! I, 1 f t; '.1 I ) d. t 1 miss-mate- d song-bird- Body Terribly Swollen s, I ! con-teine- d 1 DOANS much-neede- d VZILY FOSTER-MILBUR- 1 gto? Youn coua.::::3 a. 1 0 r r |