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Show Mtch Hobby Stohr. Yakima, Wash., itard collected more than 2,000 h 0f paper matchei in the last Every one is different 7ear tottf two or three packets has ft. youth every state in the Union, n Canada, one from Eng-- . from Alaska and ten from .u.i j islandsE-paper 4 Surii( rn lions Kor Roliof 01 Ilchiiur . f ft 'tbe C' . Jjn . , 'b 1 i va jrcffl sea e is c'! (9 ti o 11 f alls i e. V l s t- a y - uf I", i w ! tlureon V Ur Arthur St Mans. CTi cag,). ap peareii m tl e J.u.r nal of the American association LODGE way to sure popularity with smokers la t nip Merry Christmas with th Christmas gift pacto-Mf of Prince Albert smoking to haire See them at your dealers k s,Vh py holiday wrapping including d and every big fgard kKE P Ciehuck-ful- l of prime, tobaccg A. the tt'rve b o. Your tobacco store has Prince PMKU in the pound gift tins pre-ie- S ilart a d ifhe 'VWW all ready to bring Holiday NTS tear to many a mans Christmas makins and jt - One-pou- one-poun- rich-tast-t- cool-burnin- t cm. Sfl Cun Adv. U Confidence is that feeling by IhUence ( if horn rii i! h the mind embarks in great courses with a sure . CUM! cihonorable in itself. Cicero. trust and t Cit?. fs wom sponi At v ITEDJ local m lpful Neel Si. 4 CONT BE BOSSED V feY YOUR LAXATIVE -- RELIEVE Br) CCtoSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY When you feel gassy, headachy, logy dna to clogged-u- p bowels, do as million! d- o- taka F at bedtime. Neat Ofmng thorough, comfortable relief, hNpmg you start the day full of your ortnal energy and pep, feeling like WH3 Billion! doesnt disturb nights rest or interfere with work th dav Try t, the chewing (Ul laxative, yourself. It tastes good, its auv and economical ... a family supply Feen-A-Mi- nt your Feen-A-Min- Proxi" w tux o? I Short Life Otr iife is scarcely the twinkle slur in Gods eternal day. ard Taylor. jf 1 WHY ! T REN-A-HIHTT- SUFFER Functional FEMALE COMPLAINTS lift Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Has Helped Thousands I E. 4 Mr do not have some elfTO of today ronil trouble. Maybe you've noticed rt L LF yetting restless, moody, nervous, yourwork toomuchfor you try Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable d tPour to help quiet unstrung nerve, monthly pain (cramps, backache, arbfi and weak dizzy fainting apeU to functional disorders. For over 60 hams Compound has helped hun C" Pin of thousands o weak, rundown ner- Fased lately v 5040 1 Strength In Solitude is a man strong until h tit n ,7s Browning. Today's popularity of boon's Puts, alter many years of world wide use, surely must be accepted as endenc. of use And favorable public opinion supports that of the able physicians who test the yalue of Doans under exacting laboratory conditiona. c.f be Amfpg the local tauses arc Aiiim.il parasites such as itch mites and other mstets that he on the skin, p.n worms, and the para site known as trichomonas 2 Vegetable irritants such as itch powder, ntttles, fungi, plant juices, pollen, drugs 3. Mechanical irritants such a' scratching and rubbing of clothing and the effect of wind. 4. Cold or heat. 5. Chemical irritants such as sulphur, mercury, nickel. 6 Local secretions: sweat left in folds of skin, alkaline or too acid urine. 1 Gift Suggestion One may of the body STREET AT ST H SOUTH KAIN b general disturharn .(.NEW AMERICA Sun. Cause and Treatment. General causes of itching: 1. Irritations due to pressure of growths on abdominal organs. 2. Deficient nutrition, anemia, vitamin lack. 3. Poisoning of blood and tissues by 7. liver disease and constipation. 4 Gland disturbances such as diabetes (pancreas) exopthalmic goiter (thyroid) and the menopause. 5. Sensitiveness to foods, drugs and other substances. 8. Nervous diseases. The treatment of itching natur ally depends upon the cause. Until cause is found. Dr. Stillians suggests the use of a soothing powder of equal parts of boracic acid, talcum and zinc sterate. Cooling the skin by cool wet compresses of boracic acid solution a teaspoon to a pint of water is also helpful. Calamine lotion is perhaps the most widely used preparation to relieve itching. Getting Rid of Superfluous Hair HAS been found that the best ITtreatment for the removal of superfluous hair is electrolysis. The tiny needle is inserted into each hair root and, if done properly, the hair is permanently destroyed Unfortunately, because this is not medical treatment, anyone can buy this electrical outfit and perhaps. in time, acquire the necessary skill to kill the hair root and leave no scar. But while these opera tors are learning how to use the equipment, much damage may be done to the skin of the patient. There are a number of reasons why safety is not assured by these lay operators, the most important or serious of w'hich is (ai their lack of knowledge of preventing infection, and (b) treating what they consider simple moles, which are really an early form of cancer Operator Should Know Antisepsis. To avoid hazards of infection and Spreading a cancerous growth, the operator should have some understanding of anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, antisepsis, besides his knowledge of how th.s particular electric apparatus is used. Now th.s doesn't mean that anyone with superfluous hair must go to a physician to have it destroyed because the majority of physicians know little or nothing about remov It does ing hair by electrolysis mean, however, that if he does not go to the physiotherapy department of any hospital, a patient desiring this treatment should ask his physi cian about the establishment where he expects to undergo the treatmeni A good "operator" of the electro lytic apparatus may be unable to tell the difference between a simple and cancerous mole QUESTION BOX v ....... , r ft -- ' . ' , t"nre often employed. cin!T or too frequert urina arn of d.sturbed kidney fu t 3 v navsirg back "'ert headache, attacLs of d t T' sler r,, ,;.c.r ,5 .-. U" 11 ft , r .in r 'e LI ryes e i.sg, purt nervous feel weak, P' It is better to rely on has won world wide ac 00 something less favorably 1 y car nrtekborl Is it safe to use the formalde Q hyde remedy for' excessive under arm perspiration? Formaldehyde used in treat ment of perspiring feet Is an trritani of the skin and might be loo seven for perspiration under the arms for The raj treatment is effective bed Very underarm pt rspiration. towels placed in armpits lor a mtn ute may hold back perspiration fo -- an hour or more. tii u a i l 1 n U t ' i i v , Otristaffis . , I ' - a ,1 t l . I r s , w , 'til ' o' stl; i i,i i ' i ' 's , i l ' s. f I j ll , ' Itotcftt . I Sirci ", , , ,1 l.i ' ' I u i i t s - ,i , i , i Willi i.h,uf c I ftoit nenh iiiiivl fiU ( 1 1 IOIVY lii ' 1 ' . 1 i i 1 , 1 ste -- NOW... 1 i 1 1 . . Sai PKyKE Blln!' i ' flirakfnM f ntl'SH , "Thatll be swell, I said as heartily as I could but she marked the hollow sound. You dont like Grove. And its my fault." "No, I answered, "its probably mine." wtess 10f Be the 1 V4' d ir lip. lail I Stull ai latlle if in a iiu-i- Heir listed e ll from tlie as I ill eat and get mv duck pul 1 mid f, ii toi.il it f Nut evi n the smile me as I In Iped her shivetmg Allegra pave into the taxicab di'pi-lle.mv misery She was of the flotsam, tins datk whirlpool mto wlm ti we all were caught and whirled about rur more rapidly. We sat speechless while the taxi rolled uptown until silence giew uncomfortable, I said at last, to keep thought at bay: Ill remember this evening Its fair?" "tthy dont you play one thing more I owe you and your will come me. My mind was crawling from aunt. I hope the the W'rcck of another collapsed hope. some day I knew the words were stiltid Perhaps 1 was beginning to have while I spoke, but only half my delusions. Maybe, I had only imagined the guttural voice that I had mind had followed them. heard once before as the herald of Lyon had been the murderer. murder. I managed to smile and Wily? Lyon had spoken over the released Lyons cordial hand telephone, again in the restaurant, I Just in a voice nut his own I said inanely, Or were Thanks, wanted to say hello. those blunted cadences really his, But sit down," Lji n urged, mak- and the faintly English speech he employed, part of a disguise he ing room wore Do, lone beggi ti A glass of w nit chuckled Beside her brother me, Allegra Must you, she asked, behave like went on and sign led a waiter "Youre a godsend The fact is that Eileetro, the mechanical in. in" were killing time rather than "Meaning what? I heard somehis lean face wrinkled in a faint thing more than Jest behind her Were also question. go home grimace She said, wilh an Impatient geswating for liven tt v ho was to us hire We find M Ys rather nu re ture Miami g many things Among soothing than what the papers call the rnuidir flat. of dumbni ss Louis, anoher them, your You arent dumb. gins' ' "Tli. inks," I said again and shook Thanks." Or not," she puOud hi r attack, my head. I did not dare insjnt m w the fre-h"rde of doubts that "as dumb os tli.it. Why don't you cried for attt ntion. The most I pi. iv fair 'I lie re was farm vtmci in her could do was to c' vt r up and I tried h Tin re was app a on the to kcip my voice rny face quiet as I went on: face turr.ej to mue The world at Im in the next booth, with Miss the minute was filled with many recognized your things I was unfilled to handle Her Paget. I thought warm voice was blowing away evvoice. I hoped that by some sound or erything but thought of how much I The wanted her. I tried to get out of sign he might show alarm. thick voice must have come from danger. I'm at least. I told her, that this booth I was as sure of this as I could be of anything, but Lyon was dumb. How haven't I played fair? She did not answer for a minute. drawling on in his faintly English Thin she said in a quiet voice: accent: Then Ill not 8k you both to Ive told you more than Ive ever join us, though you'd be most wel- told anyone else except Grove. I come. I think Im beginning to bore I trust you a lot. Why don't you my sister a bit. The fondness, that trust me? ever showed when he spoke of her, Id trust you with anything that's Weve been mine. I said I meant it too. softened his face now She laughed, but not as if she here, said Lyon, for when did were amused. we come in, Lou.s" , s r," the lingering "So you say." she answere d You fall over a wine bucket, you're in wa.er replied. For almost Cve hours, then. such a huiry to see who is in the Wh.eh only goes 1o show how much next booth She gave me the sort of look that misery loves any company, eh, Mallory? I wish yojd have a glass always robbed me cf my wind Then with us. she made It worse by slipping her The band brayed rn. My mind strong l.ttlo band in mine. Her gyrated with the dancing chorus. bright head was against my shoulI told Lyon. der. I must go back, You're pretty swell at that, she "Ye were on our way home. Ive had a rather strenuous day." said I think the angel must have run Good God," he said with a Who should know that out of gold stars before he laid shudd r aside my record that night. If I better than I? he welt on his forgot all but my need of her, it was He fro v. red a and her soft mouth hand. Icne said in her husky voice: because her I think rrety generous to dared me; if, for an instant, I let jojre go of everything I'd sworn to hold speak to him at all. Mr. Maiiory. Accidents," I answered flatly, fast and kissed her, at least, 1 "w !1 harp r caugfit myself on the way down. L r " s r r kr d with a It wasn t the sort of kiss I, or she, Vi'h ch, news to .s wanted, krd yet it left us both breath-le-s- . cro icily gr.n, G od lurk, old There was ringirg in my ears our family, ch" he add'd, as I murr bled and I thought the cab had a flat chap, of farewell and bu't- I away. 2v.ee till I fund it was the of yi u to hail us " rny heart Th pressure of the diaAs I returned to r y t.ble, I craned mond ard plitirjin ce rone-- against It rr.y Piehud hrljcd me t i let tier my reck irto tr n th beyond 'Il.it vcnce was unoccupcd go. Afer a l.t'.ic, whin I did not ret have ceme frm there. It had speak she asked in a shaky voice: t nu-e- dtanHtnd Van Camp's Inc and two Dept. W, VAN CAMP'S v F Don No. 144, FntloseJ are tABflS - Nw York, H. Y. fill critts ami two Itibflt from drliciotit Cun firnps I nt.hu In. Sterling Silver lling at illutli uietL me the Unsly Sulul IU-as- Aits NAME ADDHtSV. art pay-of- f STATf. RING SIZE SCALE tins, oiiiia Wrap around llngar and chck your alia IT TAKES AX ORANGE LIKE THIS t hunch." have Always play them, I advised her. Right, she said and her head came up again, well do just that." Mino, himself, sleek as a blaek cat, ushered us Into a wide, chamber where a band presided over a square of dance floor About the polished reciangle that dancers were quitting, tables were packed and beyond them along the stalls. walls were Dance?" Allegra whispered to me. I shook my head. The smell of food was hard for a starving man to stand. Well sit over by the wall then, Has Mino. she told her guide. has Mr. Paget been m tonight? Mino seemed desolated that Mr. Paget had not. I did not share his grief. I gave our order to the waiter and prayed inwardly that he would be quick. From the center of the dance floor, a master rf ceremonies spoke amid gusts of laughter and retired as two lines of girls pranced out on either side of the band platform. The midmght show, Allegra said, l.ft.ng her voice above the din. Do you mind? I can take it or leave it, I think. Doesnt, she mocked, any sort cf music please you? Have you no savagery in your breast, at all. Mister? If I bad not matched her own when food arrived, she would have had her arswer. Allegra lifted her seidel and grinned at me across it. Here's luck, she called through the racket. Suddenly the music paused, the dar.cers held a ccmpl.caed formarattled, I tion and before b next to oth m the heard a voice it blotted bond The curs. reviv.rg, The dancers stamped and ut. I sat with my sudei st.li wh.rlcd. to my lips. Reason told me I was mistaken. My cars defied it. It's not po.srn." Allegra said. I was I could not answer btr. the sw.tchbiard at the come nr.d the wheel had ju-ff M ss Agatha's cha.r and I had Well? ft a vo.ee that id'nt.cal voice to issued f r m where Ior.e and Lyon I said none of the things I wanteo ct its wn number while I rushed to sat. That meant thi n that Lyon I managed to smile at Allegra but to. I just patted the hand I still held he old lady's a,d Bjt the owner of I be mv must dead. was pretense was poor. She asked: and dropped it. lat vo.ee What is the matter? (TO Ilf. COM I. S I ID) nistaken. And yet I knew I was a a tool fit m 5 Qt i We'll go somewhere else if youd rather, she said meekly. I don't know why I said Minos. If Grove burned up with delight at seeing either of us but I dont knew I just RING Thi licnut iful ring is Solid Sterling Silver (not . pl.ili-d)It I rt Willi A liugn while, l.iillunt cut lone that look liLn a diamond. T wu niutli-- r lone on rithrr ci.ln with limit motif give yon pride ami plnomrc ill wearing this dintinetive ring that gora witli any for any CHaion. J nnl mid rOn and fieo label from an Camps 1 rod iiiU with this order blank. p ll gorgeoui end savo money .Vs n-- mv-sel- with this SILVER STERLING , dli- 1. 4S, dinner from envy of your friends I - fim luncheon ; - fIuhi-i'iim-,- Somewhere I had heard that name. She misunderstood my hesitation and tried so tactfully to reassure a poor employee of her aunt that I smiled One of the tilings I want most in the world at present is a chicken sandwich and a seidcl of beer. My child, I told her. "your ambition touches me. It does indeed. Give me the address. The cab swung east at my new order. I asked: Why should Minos mean anything to a boy from the country and wnat? she answered. It shouldnt. Maybe, you've heard Grove or me speak of it. He likes it and he used to take me there a lot. Perhaps," she added, and I thought her voice hell be there togrew tighter, night. frm Git Lam i , i i (imf fumrij The HOTEL UTAH 1 . . tli njef ftftotiil 1 1 $2.25 Rooms as low as of 4iit irti an I r tm?ntrnrrt lulcl tt low toft you'd mn A mint alma program tompGtrd ? rlcftlrrto. Knrnitrr I l niftkftft nfitnioeirtlionft unnfttiftl Ytotu Pik your tat to our new, nunlcr ftiage at toitirniflr low rate. F lli'-ldlll- I g iiut r I 4iii I i , 1 Mtnos?" 1 1 1 Mmos. iiimiiiyijf V (UllMSiAX Gi liiijj 4 ml rjt 014 - ijii tl I i , i i i Ho !, van kiiaw it He helped '! a I'1 II k w all t i ii is " n in i i ,u n e, t! eugh, if that's ary c, mfait V If u w i! tn ti 'I i to n h in Wire s noli 1. i I Wilt-CalK i s the .11 I IN I It's n ore than tbit, I ! Id hi r. ll i ,fl t (All t i r nnd she glanced at me again a' mi. .I'd, Hi u ;h t1 "i i hi II i i I i s p "l l, l.i u iti-titl ,ugh U.ie !u t i ii .is ii ill Ii Thi i e w..s i ii a ii i, a to (V. .1 s n e !ir txpei'td s pt i i to p. ti. ' g m n.y fa Ul 1 i Mon of Ini mint's that w as not th, re 1'aw in ' M ,, i in he s.nd and real gi m lii'Ii said W'o moved with the crowd u to ,) in nis t! e lot y nr.d t i the street h tlii i.'sdi lathi r Ihi'ii- ht I lie ilSy vi'ioo, md p'i isure ' " !, i ; j o is tbs a Ins ll've" sj iig"'.-iiwhere the st.uters whistles statin d Pritaiv fur e a"ii In i s (u-iin gi lil.lt. I'll tbr, orh the racket of cars and. at 1 lie t.af pastid rf I "k It. lost M I M, in I".! lie, I gold Ft. ii on im tip it last, f and a tui cab I helped her In and give the dr.ver her adduss on a ' e, " - In ti Id me tin n,.i-i hi er on t " ,.r Mu'! wc? s e asked as I sat t.i up) i o d, w n i s d.e ht r. "ii Ju I t.i p. i.n ' .s I. it eiatiI was a i ' ,u s. a'is ,i i d ':e slut i fled by too s i.i i it st At', r a n i . d f much n.usiC in nn 'n;'y stomai h ( I .1 i .i I sa d l.'.li lii i l up u h",, t r s I'll s' u. Veil nsk the t r lest q a Is C i the l. t if t! ii be d.s And yon, she reswrred. d n't File a- hi d seem to hue nnv h man feel ops at plai i d ill a ta i ab I til k ll e'd belli all. Art n't you ever hungiy or anyp." " 1 knell she was iiiui i mg afu-.lth mg'' TV- - " o er In r bi l! An.y'hn r' I'm practically evi i So what"" " u!d Ci lie nu In tti i Tin e 1 se as we ri "All r ;d t. f1 e sn.q pe 1, if yen li'.islid, ins st rn being led. insuad of hadTile band- tin its ilm.-ixdam m; p Is sliq pi d b u k In tin ir ing me. astray! I'd like to go to 'l a' w h Aif Oiletiri , , . ' .1 . I ! i t I i I . Movie ( ' 1 'll t ' ' B3easi3BM4 I..LM - - t i i " man Mr. Wagner g t d ' St'anHHMr m it I ' l ,1 1. i r , A i pic-tens- low-ceile- d a- high-backe- - ! ,c c .50000 I c kH (ICDdiflD 1 d k.OV''vV' Vk.rv , ' ' fA, v, 1 ' v U, 'j j vt; kXj1 & V; V t W . v 1 V t y V ' - Seven-thirty- lit-t- - ft k n r i app-oi.s- ft- t, I itch some disturbance of the 'kin local itself, causes, or to son e ... si ii ! to actually tear his ng MOTOR v rent recently The causes 42 fjet t' shops, theatres, business f ul heated rooms . . . Tile baths, telephones . . , Locked garages low winter rates. N ft 1 I, Ci s ll . r to so lie at t ' t ii r i art.cle time yon visit Salt Lake City! l i ( V 1 nixt i I : an- like-- y f i g t c 1 tv,. Medical q4 !! i' t ( i , im-- t a-- - f. . 3 U ! i ' s. this. bo important is itching ronMderi'il fiom the standpoirt of comfort ami ea lth that a special NES ' t w ,i v 1 . sit u n in heatl-tul.r- ; skin to yam relit f. 7-- III (' otilmued -L 1I-1- . nidi,) causes. I n ft r to itch it is ral'et! ini', or pi uritis Itchmy cannot he closed as pain and 1 it can be St severe that it may cause the patunt ti tll K I sv m has vehicle pro grude, eelld by the feet was Invented In i by Bar von Drais, chief forester toe frand duke of Baden, and It jjUed diaisme in honor of him insisted of two wheels of equal arranged tandem and coa- d 7 np i Bicycle Origin Urn! tt simple . j i II r. hac countid otlu rs in my more titan It v, ou KI st cm ti.at a not lie r Loo-rwu- s rit. t m, rn N t huniirtd causes 0 wi.! v by HAVK countt d ovt r uru 1 raid shelter. Tie tun-8feet below ground mile of South abandoned 48 years aga accommodate 8,000 persuns u,n and safcty. I DU. JAMI.S W. IIAllTON I? ube Resurrected fix f. t deep level tube railway world Is to be resurrected its long rest and used as t- -, fkcdl me By - P - half-wa- y k pou-d.n- CHO TREATS CfffeQDflDe Besl for Juice atu Mj-mil- t ue You can see nd taste the "extras in California oranges! The juica is deeper in color-fin- er in flavor richer in vitamins and minerals. They are the sttdltss Navels. Easy to peel, slice and section foe fresh salads and desserts. Ideal to eat out of hand between meals or at bedtime. Those stamped Sunkist on the skin are the finest from over 14,000 cooperating growers. Buy several dozen for economy. CftnrliH 1140b Ctollforalto 0yy,)4SHi t n.-ir- Sv&u c-ul- r otiotspi fnm Omfti hrtmtft |