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Show Christmas Eve Church Service Held in Stable .mt i'uk( i .itt. By RI.V. by fte lir.NMNfilON BOSS Wrott-r- Newspaper Union CIIKKIK NICHOLAS It Congregation Selects liarn After Fire Destroys Church Ihjihling. i!irlfHrd Sequin and Jewel Embroidery Add Glitter to Winter Costumes r ,wetr 7 f la itf At t, t 0 V X no ' t Li v. v jVJ 3 ' : 4 W ' V & - isn UPM.f.- VY" , t2 ; A In It' !! v KL- ofM' ' ft,, (Ml 'SSvJ - 'hpk Member of the Methodist ehunh congregation In Kansas City which held It Christmas eve services In a stable last year are shown above. Ihey met in the stable after tlielr church had been badly damaged by Are. them, the onlookers offered a prayer of gratitude that the damage had the congregation arose and sang, "All Hail, Fmmanuel." The congregation was radiant when the service ended, and the two small boys who had come early that morning to rehearse their Christmas pageant forgot completely that it would have to be postponed. been worse. Faced with the necessity of call4 ing off their Christmas eve services, the members immediately agreed to 4 V tiie suggestion that they meet In an 9, old deserted stable nearby. 'I Prospects of celebrating Christmas In a common stable aroused spontaneous enthusiasm, as members worked ali day to prepare the build Ing for services. The old stable was Art9 swept from the hayloft to Its concrete floor. A stove was improvised to furnish some relit f from the bitBy ALLAN RFII) ing cold, and chairs were borrowed Is There more to gift giving, parand arranged People pressed In and filled the ticularly Christmas gift giving, than the mere fulfilling of obligations. The building as evening approached The Christian Fndeavor service for giving of gifts can be fun for the the young people was marked by giver as well as the recipient. Tiie instance of tiie little crippled unexpected features which had been A who received a book on the life to the meet boy occasion prepared author read an original of Steinmetz bears out the point. young Christinas story, and an accordionStcinmetz, the electrical wizard, dwui fed and crippled, was an ist led the singing of hymns Solemn evening services followed Inspiring example to the crippled The boy. It was convincing testimony the young people's worship. Rev, BENNINGTON ROSS, M. 8, choir took Its seut on one side of the that there is opportunity for everystove next to the accordionist and one in the world, no matter how heat, the services evoked enthusiasthe pastor assumed his post at the badly handicapped. If one but foltic response. lows the right channels. It gave The fire was discovered the morn- Improvised pulpit The congregation has long prided that little cripple a pattern of life. ing of December 24 by two small It was a superbly Intelligent wonder boys who were reporting early for itself on its singing, but ttiat night tile words of Silent Night" and working gift, that book. the last rehearsal of a Christmas Gifts should be designed to serve pageant. The fire department was "Joy to the World rose to the bare beneficent stable the purpeises in the lives of hastily notified, but the fire made rafters, filling to whom those the building untenable before it they are sent. An a Seated in semicircle facing the of tools may be the kit could be extinguished. conInexpensive in old the the little stable, pulpit Smoke was still pouring from the gregation was told by the pastor how means of starting a young man off building when mem- the little Christchild was born in a on a successful career. An inexbers of the congregation dashed into Bethlehem manger. The simplicity pensive, even second hand, sewing the building to bring out armfuls of of the surroundings seemed to give machine may result in the lifting of the entire personality of a girl whose this story an even deeper meaning hymn books and other church valuables. As the moonlight streamed fund for clothes is limited. These With their ruined church before through the window in the old stable. are the sort of gifts which have a deeper meaning and a constructive rather than ornamental value. Also, there should be a fitting regard for what the recipient already possesses. The instance of the person who received a set of the Encyclopedia Bntanmca, shortly after .1 aS.ille Map of Business Conditions. he had purchased one, illustrates how r zzi thoughtless and wasteful gift giving --A may be An autoimbile radio to one L who does not own a car; candy to those who are on a diet; a drawing outfit for one who has neither talent nor interest in art, are examples of pointless gift giving They . V q V i -betray not only an abst'nce of interest but also a lack of intelligence. It is well to get away from the vf v ' . at yf ordinary in the choice of gifts Dolls, cigars, neckties need not ' make up the entire Christmas g ft v. list On the other hand, a bicjele or pair of roller skates for the for Wtifvr, e40 youngster who has a long trek to sehitol, a mandolin for the g'rl who U im unvuiw iNivwvm likes music but whe'se folks will not be able to afford a piano for some to anno; a game for the thap The nlon map pictures the current condition of business anil years who is inclined toward developing agriculture for the month of December, lW. It indicates that the his mental powers and get fun out of harvest of most maor farm crops has been above average and that doing so chess, checkers, citadel, farm prices are higher than last year. Also, Christmas buying in and the The are worthwhile gifts In essence, therefore, gve meanretail stores is close to the highest on record, according to the figGive as you would want ingfully. ures compiled by the La Salle Extension L'nit ersity of Chicago. to be given tc with good taste, inand kindliness. Christmas trade is running ahead of telligence, By 1,. G. I I LIOTT even the h'gh volume of last year President, la Salle I xteroion and will piobably be above all preC. I rui erots. R. vious peaks S U farmers this year have Those farmers who produce' grams, raised larger than average crops, and are getting bight r prices than fra ts, tobaccos, meat animals, and MINNEAPOLIS The army of they received a vtar ago. Their d.vry products have had the greatstudents ROTC taking military total cash income will be close to the est gams m income, while those raisat American college's, high training v and Colton ing egot iblcs have' re sche'ols, and academies, has ex largt st in 11 years The demand for farm products ceived sma'ler melinites over a p iiuii'd another 11,000 men w.th the year ago Impioved demand fieun fall enrollments of 1040, to a total continues to improve and is expectconsume is. how i v r, has recently ed to be even greater in 1941 enrollment of 197 708 traine'es been help ng these ctops Ce'tton mean Larger i.i'roil? for n'di.stiy Appheaions are pouring into the that con.un ers will be able to spend and woolen m 11s have been especiallwar de pai tment for esablishment for some y time busy more for food and clot! ng These of new ROTC units from schtiols The foil go domu'd for ngricul increases are' alieaov si ceding up and colloges now without them, ap holiday buying in feta sUres. The tural prod, els is gg"g far behi'd plu'at ons are already on file from tiie ue'iiie 'Pi' den and Ahhe'i.gh 37.1 xih.vls, treble the number of current sh n ents ibioad are large, on the appli ons vif tl'ev Cems.st most! industrial cat.on fi.osrepresontod Surplus Coffee of the war department il for !Nev lM.itie ofg 'ods and war n'atei'.i's Fxpoits a .'ear a to faim pioduets are key to reTht re is little mimed ate Brazil w .11 endeavor to dispose of main relatvely small for many of any of these requests being Siime of its huge sarpus coPec prm mo; ths duction by conveitrg ci'lTee into granted as the arm cannot spare e'f all cre'ps are lirge an more experienced officers for roe ide ane,; ae fo d and instruct on purposes according to a the next m.w.iii .is well mw repe'rt on mihtarv tra nmg in U S schools b plenty on h md for carrv Northwestern Na tional I. fe Insurance company 1 : y of fee d Tital ROTC student militarv is per e large st o1 itoid and enro .merit tot He'd 18'' 710 men in the re "Hi on st f.n r b e acuiimC 'ear 1984 1940 wheh was s ng be e j.; ok (. mi eis an i' ci ea?e of 20 per cot t over the c da ns two vears TN' .940 41 t'n pre (i luets C ' roMr ti civ's .tv of Ifffi 8M me" tak ive teen better t1! S e'f b L s ,vid pe !; lie !'e hi' c twe'Vear iram ne Hot $ The smoke of Selection of Gifts Rotes as Real water-soake- d -- .a e- rjrr vrY 'x mmmm i 0. T. See v a a, ft v&. e A-- . x Xtuaes gleam on the inter fashion horizon, a glitter tnat stems from a heritage of fashions reminiscent of Central City's opera house m the eighties and the red plush and gaslight of the glamorous days of yore The millions of paillettes, beads and sequins, the gold embro.dery and metal cloth popular those days are again found this season trimming otherwise simple $ilk dresses for both day and evening wear. In the silk parade of fashions, sparkling embroideries, trim yokes, form pockets, bodice tops and even entire dresses take on an allover sparkle. Theres big news, too, In the fact that it Is as fashionable for your costume to take on glitter at high nooff and afternoon as it is for it to take on the witchery of glittery and gleam by night. Speaking of daytime glitter, starkly simple silk crepe dresses frequently introduce one brilliant accent in the form of pockets trimmed with gold braid or bizarre jeweled embroidery. See this bold adventure in glitter in the novelty black silk crepe daytime dress centered in the illustration. It is made on neat tailored lines with lapels and is a wicked opening accented by gold bra.d poekets Inverted front pleats retain the Worn w.th shin skirt line an orange-rus- t pompadour bonnet with sunburst tuck trim and a flow ing veil (laming the face, this cos tume le.n.s on to "the end of a perfect dav " There is n eu h black on black to be seen tl is winter Th s alur i g combust on is called "suen black " fly-fro- nt g leiim)iif Glove? d tv tiV t O S e v tie 1 1 'gr, e n t o Is been s, ' e of , f e I ;s a- - t od goods be t'S s he T m ,v d the bm V JT Se S 'la ! if g of !"(' taKmg the adva"eii emu se and 72 101 vo. ths e"rolYi m jqn ,,r no. i i f nrt p it Elude accor- - ng to tKe re port Me.mwh !e the con pir.itively m 18 i, e'd A coasdi rable thus increase part of it, however, is due to normal business expansion group ROTC students in naval also showing a on, to a number ap of unts sharp expa proximal ng s is 3 900. i 'l1 umversites long-sleev- pre-Worl- d siren-blac- k D- &CAviv. . .v.lkv than the average of the 4 other of the largest-sellin- g cigarettes tested less than any of them according to Independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself. THE SLOWER-BURNIN- CIGARETTE G square-necke- Narrow Minds Gold is the fools cun Narrow minds think nothing right that is above their owm ca- hides all his defects h world. Feltham. pacity. La Rochefoucauld. raOQuBB mmm short-sleeve- d d bodice. The vogue for dresses for more or less formal evening wear calls forth increasing enthusiasm. The skirt may be a billowy bouffant type of net, lace or shimmering silk, or it may be a sleek velvet pencil slim sort. One skirt with a flock of tops suffices for a whole season of dine and dance parties. The jacket blouse can be most elaborate with glitter and embroidery See m the inset a jacket This is a simple type compared with gorgeous affairs that are often sumptuous with jeweled handwork and riotous color. jacket-and-ski- rt jacket-blous- iReleased by Western Newspaper e Union.) white holds triumphantly forth in wool coats, spangled jacket tops and white frocks dttailed with gold belts, leopard trims and also in airy-fairb.llowy tulle, lace and net full-skirt- y frocks eortrast.ng mitts, eos.lv interlined, are makii g the h t of the season in campus g.rl circles The gove pictured is done in rumpus re'd, the very seifs, me color that is the latest in nail tip tones This run pus red is best described as a cerise-tonered that is eve catch ng at verv firs glance The dress Pictured here is velvtteer in d ?chooi-hous- e green (a deep pme tone) brighte'ned with re'd felt insets The peaked suede hat is also rumpus red jersi-- per.al-sL- white gowns In In More iid the Color a r C.m.' g is cole'r m ght toward us from every d. rectum. Iron S uth Annr can shorts, fron Mex io from at ve H.,w(u a" dress hi in Ch na. from ijarn Al. these im, uncos are reflected m cur rent styles and will be merevs "gly Yes self ev idc tv as time goes on Indeed, fashion is m a vivid color mood. There Bar-Reinforc- ed TIRE CHAINS When winter dumps snow and ice on roads and highways, the crash rate goes up. Lives are lost. People are injured. Cars and trucks require expensive repairs. Accident costs are tremendous. Even the most careful drivers are in danger. A quick safe stop may be necessary any second. Play safe. WEED TIRK CHAINS in inter Styles Wool fabrics are havirg their big vogue for classic wool davtire frocks is one way of saying it Another is the endless procession of wool evening coats moment American Dont gamble. Keep nolens .Accented The and capes that wend their way to the opera and other festive night occas ons The story of the of wool weaves goes on in enuless pageantry throughout the crime svle pr gram during this w iru r tn-um- fh Current St les Appear your car and truck and be ready to use them for stormy weather. With WEED AMERICANS you can start easier, drive safer, stop quicker. And you get more than twice the mileage. Ask for the chains with red end hooks. American Chain St Cable Company, Inc., York, Pennsylvania. T x 4s.x'-1 T" 'N'Vv FEATURES awinforcmnf thou dovbl cru th miioogo. link mor 2 MoJ of 3 Potwited U?W-lot- k End Hook. o,r to s ond potrhv fattening, Vd kordotwd to rotl.l tvrfc otd rut woar uhtmim cron chain Weedatloy-meta- l. stronger, tooghr r t rut long-tors- o In the evin.ng, Bo.xu g yocftu e, pected this time happens to be a sudden movement in the direction of a widespread vogue for white It is smart to wear a white hat with your dark coat, suit or dress An interesting feature is that of white trimming on wh.te hats, gardenias, feathers and so on. the entire pret-t.l- y veiled w.th brown or black, navy or wine or fashionable green. i V COOLNESS is always the unexpected that be expected so far as fashion is concerned. The expected unex- , i i MILDNESS It may I likeli-heo- EXTRA Gains Momentum e F-e- EXTRA Vogue for White Expands, HraiPs the devastating slenderltne dinner gown shown to the right in the group. Here the trend for jet on black silk crepe is seen in fascinating interpretation. Black bugle beads in flower and vine motifs give a new slender bodice and skirt. Note the return of war elegance which this distinguished dress reveals The black on black is also suited for daytime wear. Legions of simple black crepe dresses are showTi with glittering jet highspots in way of bow knot passementrie formed of beads or jet sequins, with corresponding touches in matching neckline items or decorative glittering pockets Smartest and newest of all are the tops that fit like a jersey and allover glittered with beads or sequins. Worn with pleated black silk crepe skirts, these sparkling twosomes tell the story of current fashion. A steel gray silk crepe dinner dress as shown to the left introduces In the new "surface decoration bead and gold pearl embroidery coverirg its line-on-li- ne 'HERE - 1 Camels gives slower-burnin- g AN- Enroll? 197.000 Men necessary filer but also the resu which is neeoed to mane the plas tics tiu trtprdoq u fciruur ahfi u.J Do you act as if you had 10,000 swan M fu In No l,i, Ct.l I tt.llrlnra stands Death to KIKT lteist. n , yeari throwaway? at your elbow. I e good for some- IwU ts u Sod III.. thing, while you Ine and it is in Aetii your power. What remains but to live easy and cheerful, and crowd Nature knows and devi one good action so closo to another that there may be the least taches her curit Goethe. empty space between them. I One of the most unusual Christina Fve services in the country was held In Kansas City list year when m inters of tlie Jackson Avenue Methodist (hurch irn t in a stable Ih sire for a unique st ttmg had not prompti d use of this stable, but the choice was forced upon the congregation by a hue which had destroyed Altheir church that morning though organ music was lacking and a small stove did not provide perfect I Good Actions Anther ff'liion.ible J.mt nuw .m ter . d ns re. wmed trow-- s is very fdh oneble Hewevcr. amter has just started on its ca-ee- m Clare that ly I hr sfr.C tarlv rej rp$ Sl, irfe jovet vibrant ar. ber lures tohe on ne lmportarce II 4, mtfaog. M AMERICAN CHAIN A CABU COMPANY, INC York o Ponn.ylvanin IS BVSISESS FOB YOUR SAFETY 1 8D |