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Show r VOLUME SIXTEEN LAV Like In 1933-3- U TAH. DEC JM BUR ') 3 thirteen number k' Last Kites To He H. V. Hancock, Son of llounlilul ('ouneil Henry ( lay Passes Held Sunday For At llountitul Home Mrs. Hancock, Made Discusses Sewer Services Saturday Layton Resident At Wednesdav Meet Aid to CAL Head Engineer Fears Drouth LStiite ; COl'M'V. ON, 1AV1S I ( liristmas Lighting Centerville Ylan Dies Tuesday Of ontest Rules Are Announced Monday Hart Ailment C cm al scrv s toi Mi. oi c'a u in scribing the possibility of a t life .i s a 19, w i e oi at 4 ton dad' Mla'i.s, that to next sinunuT parallel nh i lit, dft vs Chav of ho a ton, Q Adan n s( II w state Pngim-t-i loll, mg al il cl ilieU uestlav in an t'gLn , t r, ,, week cautioned this Ills l' Jin" phervs will be illness, alter a n Mi i. ib d a rvn III III Tiier users of the state to savewa-in coinliiited Sunday at 3 p in in y, lav a ,,sthe.t .it rv possible way on storage l.inllltllul .it .I'll lavton DS ward chapel bv BishI lav t . n ' at lints m r. Vi 111' io i lad a oi in t' ter Lr 'le ncy' R" "otiths. in A. William Dawson. ' Iuiial, with whom he had hem d tv i li's . lr. Humpherys, with 1'. G. Niel-,jr- ti op I'll Kavsv ton Memorial paik. Broi Kht home two vvetks i om in it tee i t e si n i ills engineer in charge of Utah Mrs. Adams was bum Sept 39, had an n eiuhi rocovere. o n d w T1 ot In for the I. S. Hureau of innr a a nit-- ting oi ti n nl.iv at 4 laination. and Director William 1901, m avton, a daughter of John cations whuli ensued. 11. and Hannah M. I. lavton, piLot 19 n n in. to d is, iiss S. U. of exten-jipA. the C.. lain p'. as os . t May lSnS, at Kovtoii, Pturson on t lioi i t hoi oi kIiW In l,io . division, addressed a meeting oneer citizens of lavton. She "as I ancestor, England, he was a .on from Davis stliool of graduated high lleiirv ami hue Sarah Woodhiad aiplhation paptis ,u e diawi of the annual adult training school in 1920 a an computed not mal Clav. od Ci OI di ilbanis. i it up, the college in Logan Wednesday course at University of Utah in t poi ti d c ogetht r w it li bis p.u oil's, .of last week. 1933. She had served as a kindergarlv came to I ih wbon mil itn c o . Halt iU Ss.,( t " ,i e Agricultural agents and represent- ten instructor in Kasville, of Farming III! and had . iH tin 29 m m tisnlcd BoumiMl the y age, front states i.i'i. counties irwAyyr atives ton and Clearfield schools. x addl s id t 'v lor the past (.() veais ( in J uie 13. e siili u i n on gi Wre present at the meeting, rv a! She was married to Mr Adams 1895 in t!ie old .sail d u st s .ike Ml Halt i m g Ds inflit 1933-3- 4 we found ourselves in 19. a 19J. Sept ilow Kecogmed M merit he lllol (Il which of house, we drouth stln have m.uiied hoald ol I'll , tht worst 'tale .or.isa J lullips, vvlh) passed avv.iv Mr. Humpherys said. musician, she was active in auxil-I Mv record, x 'ji hc.illh of I.DS M i ii. hi the 93.4. .in organizations iary h 11 reser-Yoilolls ' oi t All the ponds, creeks and A Ho later marrii T Emma were drained. We are just as church as a tcaclur and musician. int, wile, h il U a si ii, Surviving are her husband, two Un til Stoddard oil M, id. a k. hon, with our present watill d .S Iludi ll, 1939, near 1933-3sons and a daughter, John IE, Jul who survives, oi .n e la eslt II n s 'oolev ter supply as it is possible to be. ie Ann and Patrick Clay Adams of Ail eniplovee of the lb t liai les I nv lav w ai d, ,ii si n. la.i 3 he state engineer based his 1. f liai les eo hi iok ump amt on the present status of ay ton; eight brothers and sixers ftc railroad for years, Mr l lav was retireu as veteran ur man mi t Salt Tiihune Lake Utah and Bear lakes and some of terville; two sisters, Mrs. Scott uiirtesy U'tober 3t), 19.17, and had vim r llan-imthe larger reservoirs of the state, Winners will reieive all prizes on Gamble of Malta, Ida., and Mrs. ppomtmeiit of Harvey spent some time traveling about t lie sou n! Mrs. J. Y. llainoi k of considered together with the below Moiulav. Dec 23. '1 he merchant W illiam T. Bernard of American est. foimer Salt lake City normal precipitation of the past tentuv'le. winning the business award, will Falls, Idaho. Mr. t lav, who bad alwavs boon new sp,iM man and public relations Funeral services will be conductmonths. not be known until a sound truck a devoted I.DS dumb woikor, was exeiuuve to the The home of ed of assistant Orville to .These are the best guides we Turner p. m. in the Cenat Saturday at fact post after driving up piorlainis the a member of the MeUlnodek piiost the terville First ward by Bishop I.eroy he said. So if you have i get, president of llio United Ail lints vv est Bountiful was endangered bv(to the winrrs place of business hood in the Bountiful First ward. was annomurd :sainidav by Ihesi-den- t fire Ihuisdav morning when a him an. Burial will be in Center-ill- e itnall reservoirs and can control Besides bis widow, at Bountiful, W. A. Patterson in Chicago. burning tire, adiaiacent to the them, do so. Cap your wells, you cemetery. he is survived by three daughters, Mr. Hancock, who lias served as e, i aught the building on fire nay need the water. If you have Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Es- the companys publicity representahe prompt answer of a call to 'lands which are not frozen on ther both of Woods Cross, tive in the intermountain atea siiue the Bountiful lue can water that which you apply Mr ami Mrs. Nils Fund announce department, durand Mrs. "Maude Hayward of Bonn November, 1937, will serve in an ing a high east wind, saved the stru the would otherwise waste, apply that birth of a daughter born Wedtiful; five sons, Van Clay of Boun- administrative capacity in the com- t lire from hunting. W'hile the underground water. nesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. .IX Warren of tiful; George C. Clay of Hutchin- pany's western division with headlasbin is a public reservoir, it is Shit ley Rangerter, University of Iowa have been visiting at Vernon Marsh-Altoona, 1 of son, in Kans.; San Francisco. Clay tatill your basin, and if you wate it quarters Utah freshman, bolds the lead in the borne of Mrs. Warren's sistw Bak-Evan field, Eort of Mr. The Ore.; addition of Hancock and Clay own as j are water wasting your individual sales of Utonians, cam- for the fQu ten Edward Kamel-days. of past of Mr. er, is others to Pattersons staff talif.; Clay well as that of your neighbors. pus yearbook, it was announced Mrs. I'rancis Tibbs of Riverside The state engineer told of the allocation of materials for the Jan. hanioha, Hawaii: 34 grandchildren, Mo meet the heavy air transportation Wednesday by Dave Barlow, busidemand incidental to the defense work of federal bureaus in futher-riQ- g 31 quota, to civic and literary clubs and two greatgrand children. ness manager. As leader, Miss Bang is spending the winter with her Luneral services have been set program, Mr. Patterson said. As-fthe water conservation program and to American Legion auxiliary erter is favored to win an expensive daughter, Mrs. Francis Hess. Saturday at 2 p. m. in the Bonn sot iated with Mr. Hancock as itt Utah. He said that with aid of units located in Davis county. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tubbs of rank J. Baker, M, resident of wrist watch which is to be awardkl these bureaus and the benefits to Names of clubs, those in superhirst ward chapel, with Bishop icutive assistant will he Arthur G. l 'I Idaho spent the week-en2K Malad, ed the or sella student who was armington found university years, 3 realized through the federal flood vision and the articles to be made, Evan Taylor officiating. Interment Beggs, with lieadquai ters in I.os dead in bed early of their sister, Mrs. at home the Wednesday at his the most books. Miss Rangerter is Angeles. are, O. R. O. club at Rountiful, Mrs will be in Bountiful cemetery. Ontrol act and the borne, the victim of a heart attack. a graduate of Davis high and lives Francis Hess. In bis staff duties, Mr. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson iciall reservoir act, there is no rea-- Walter Barlow, president, womens Mr. Baker was in usual good in Bountiful. In high school she will work with Seeley V. Hall, vice health T club at Syracuse, here visiting with their parents, are 'll why Utah should not complete dresses: Syra-Lit- a in was in active uesday and assisted with a speech and year ' Xijects necessary to insure an am- - Mrs. David Miller, president, hospresident of western operations for power saw in cutting some Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Robinson. book DaMr. sales. a also Barlow, large United, P. T. A. will The Farmington water supply in the state. More pital bed shirts; Clearfield Literary .,raff, officials of li,IS Utump and spent the evening with vis grad, is a junitor student and . ian administrative Mrs. ' fn 1 00 possible reservoir activities Walter Steed, president, sites dub, who came in to visit. He is tnajoiing in business. Clearfield give a Christinas program on Thurs ndghhors s he e been investigated by the state bath robes; Farmington women, day, Dec. 19. A good program has aff, oi( ,,Iltl passe(I 80On af(rr re is his home town. under ,ce Pres, '1 he Bountiful Lumber & office and the informa- Mrs. George Buchanan in charge, tilillK hut was not discovered until Supply been arranged with Airs. George I hompson, Chicago. tion is available to anyone in the layettes; Kaysville woman, Mrs. wishes to congratulate Mr W. Buchanan giving a Christmas that he had passed away. company morning Mr. Hancocks newspaper oxper state requesting it, he said. George Underwood and Mrs. Geo. Wallace Ray Noble, 40, of San About two weeks ago, Mrs. Bak- am! Mrs. Phillip A. Snell and Mr. story. Refreshments will he served Utahns were advised to take their Flint in charge, childrens dresses. Jose, Calif., late manager of the ience dates from 1930 when lie join- - er slipped and fell suffciing a and Mrs. Preston Hughes upon the and the public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Udy were Telegram statf as broken leg. American Legion auxiliary at Walgreen company in that city and ed the Salt water problems to the Utah Water completion of their lovely new A son nf Mr. and Mrs. 1'iank J. homes. The Snell residence is locat here this week visiting with their Bountiful, Mrs. Rulon Fisher, presi well known here as a former man- a reporter, being appointed city ediStorage commission for tor in 1924. He became the Salt Baker, Sr., lie was bum F'rank Udy. in an address by Mr. Nielsen. dent, girls skirts, and American Le ager of the old Scliramm-Johnsoat Council ed on Second South street near Sec parents, Mr. and Mrs. ake 'Tribune city editor on OctoMr. and Mrs. W. O. Mayfield ree look to this commission for gion auxiliary unit at Kaysville, drug store at First South and Main Bluffs, la., on June 21, 1876. On ond East and was contracted by Da advice on the order in which we Mrs. Ray Hyde, president, girls' streets at Salt Lake City, died at ber 14, 1929, serving until January June 6, 1935, lie martini IOiiLa vid Soffe. Alvin Nessen was in turned home Thursday from South lie was promoted to where they had exinvestigate these water projects, he dresses. Work for the most Parthis home in San Jose, Calif, Tucs- - . 1930, when Kcnzchnan, who survives. charge of contracting for the Hugh ern California the a lie the winter, but owto managing editorship, post spend done pected be will A former miner by said. He outlined in detail the work at home by members, day morning, occupation, es residence at Second North be- ing to Mr. ill health Mayfields lie bad been an lone in Utah ojt water conservation with credit given the club, or group F'irst tween Born October 30, 1900 at Woods held until Octolnr 10, 1931. Second and West employee of the Later was home. Mr. llainock returned while Mrs. there, publicity they for its part in the work, projects to date. Cross, he was a son of Wallace Wil Knight Mines company, until the street. Both homes are of frame in '1 he final windup drive for funds liam and Lenora Smith Noble. Ob- consultant for the Utah loweis & past two months, the iln reiterating statements made by Gailey said. attractive modern American when he had ward Light company and Utah and Idaho operated a farm at tile state engineer, Mr. Peterson style. adv. to complete the Farmington taining his education in Davis coun- bureau Farmington. for hall Internation recreation the and house manager meeting Miss Mair Stringham, said: The rainfall in the state of ty schools, be was married to Mil- al News Service. Surviving arc his widow of Farm daughter with all its class rooms spacious dred Green of Salt Lake City in Mr. of Utah is only half sufficient to inMrs. and a Roland R. Baker of son, Theril Stringham will he held The new U. A. I executive is a ington; Friday and Saturday sure crop growth. If we are going On April 1927. Huntington Dark, Calif.; two daugh is reov f ring from an attack of pnett native of bis and obtained Utah, Beginning nights. l'riday night Mr. Noble had worked his way Her monia to stay in this section we must make Miss at home. Stringham with a fine education in Centerville. ters, Mrs. F'ern Blacker of Vernon, lias program and Saturday ill been up from a drug clerk to assistant primary since and economical use of every bit of waMrs. Vivian Colo, Kcnzelman Tuesday. He is a graduate of the West High a turkey banquet followed by Homer D. Harner of BurleVj manager of the Schramm-Jolinso- n A of Rupert, Ida.; two brothers, dinner and dancing anight ter available. Salt Lake Uniwith a fine orchestra. It is dance and the school, City 6a Ida., charged with speeding I When Mr. Humpherys came infirm, and later to manager, a posiHugh Baker of California; Thomas party was given Thursday evening the of of the bishopric that beand a was member Utah, versity a in hope miles hour an zone, tion he a held for number of years. Baker of Colorado; three sisters, in the 1'mpire room, Hotel Utah, fore to office there was little data availof football end instithe tlie of this year, 1940, the teams both at Mrs. Grace Newton of Denver, by Mr. and Mrs. Golden W. Steable, but now, compared with other Monday had paid a $10 fine when He had also served as assistant man tutions. lie was dioscn all be will of completed and dedi building he before Rocky Justice pleaded guilty ager of Walgrcens in Salt Lake Mountain wart, Mr. and Mrs. (diaries A. I.ar-se- cated. Colo.; Mrs. Violet Webber states, we are a long way ahead, and conference for center H. Holbrook. the Peace William Mr. and Mrs. F.1 Bronson, Mr. Mrs. Garnet City, following the business tranhe said. both of Oakland Maude Welling, of Farmington, State Highway Patrolman Ray M. sactions between the concerns, at a three years and was the U cap- Calif ami threeSaul, i Verl Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. and grandchildren. was chairman of arrangements for Clawson made the arrest. later time. Since his tranfer to San tain for two years. Mrs. Harold Calder. Sorviies will be conducted MonMr. II ar.coik a member of the the annual Womens Athletic Jose four years ago, he had been ( (instruction on the new m. at Farmington Cen-- : at home p. day tea held Thursday on the Fort club, University Douglas the for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l.ggett has a ward liapel by Bishops Counmanager of Walgreen firm in of Utah campus. Miss lineview! club, University Ogden Country that city, up to three months ago, selor Julian Miller. Burial will be in just started. The home will be of j By who is vice president of a Chi Yacht Sign. club, Welling, fraternity, lie when white frame, located on the new 1 a: mington enicti i y. resigned to accepta pos- Chi Delta 1lii the organiz.ation, arranged the parjournalistic fraternity! Gov. ition with another company. Twelth South street, with Orval He was state din 'tor of Red Cioss with a yuletide theme carried I Besides his wife and parents, he Leak as contractor. Materials aie ty in for two vears. out decorations, table setting and is survived by three children, Bar- publicity being furnished by the Bounti i ' ''Vs. chairman refreshments. The purpose of the Bertha Muir bara, Rav, Jr., and Mary Joyce .umber (A Supply company. adv ulcbration was to honor new mem A' uican Red Cross, Bountiful, M enib ers of the American To South Davis Junior ligih school Noble, all of San Jose; two sisters, Legion lKrSi an,l p, present awards to out- Mr. and Mrs. tournament at Mrs. Roy Winegar of Centerville blue George Stevens George K. Day post, auxiliary unit landing old members. Miss WellV our chapters success in present basketball last and Mrs. Clifford the of for on last we(k to and partners at Bountiful, will enof Bountiful, Hampton (ft underway Salurday is a senior at the university this Cross roll call will be a definite 85 youngsters par- Bountiful and two brothers, Dell a month visiting witli with two tertain at a dance on Saturday at ing and has been active in W A weeks, spend and rrtribution to national defense (ar, lildren in California. a dance on Saturday at 8:30 p. in. A activities all conducting the and Horace Noble, both of Woods .'l reflect our national solidarity ticipating in and during her college Cross. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lawson at the Legion ball, Mrs. half first the will Rulon career. She is studying physical complete games, this crucial period. A great active L. a After computing Members of the family who left announce the birth of a son on De- Fisher, unit president, announced. of the schedule in two weeks, Coach education and sociology, and is the 'e,rbership in Utah is essential. San Jose, will return D. S. mission, Donald Ashdown, cember 12 at a Salt Lake hospital. for Tuesday Mrs. George Johnson, who has announced Friday. Larsen, Henry of Edward Yase carry on until every patriotic Welling of AshD. F'ranklin of son Presidnt It is not news when a woman been ill at the home of her daughter (laughter With eight teams in play, stu- Friday with the body and the fam5:v?n has been enrolled. I'armington. down of South Davis stake, and does her own bouse work but it is Mrs. dents supervise in all official capa- ily of the deceased. for Joseph G. Hepworth GOV. HENRY H. BLOOD. Thursday, Dec. 19, Deanna DurMrs. Ashdown, residents of Bounti- news when she reher own several months, is reported to be un bin in F'irst Love, Thursday, Dec. plows cities, which includes, umpiring, ful, will arrive home a few days place this is what Mrs. Linnie Evan improved from her condition, which 26, Nancy Drew Stair Case. Thurs. fereeing, scoring and in keeping before Christmas, according to son of Val Verda did but she gives is growing steadily worse. Lar time, Mr. Larsen added. Coach Jan. 2 Doctor Takes a Wife. Jan. 9 members of the family. the credit to F'ord Tractor with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Willey at- Its a I9ate with Deanne Durbin. sen watches from the sidelines, At the outbreak of the war, Mr. his F'erguson system on account of its tended a dinner dance at the The Home Economics club had a without interference, unless Thursday, Jan. 16, He Stayed for Ashdown was located only a few of operation and adaptaif students the is hotel on Saturday evening of Breakfast, Coming: Blondie Has simplicity asked, or Christmas program on Wednesday. councel Mrs. Chloa Arbuckle returned miles from the outposts of Berlin bility. This equipment not only does last week. The speech students in the club put in charge fail to settle some minor Servant Trouble; Kit Carson; How home last Saturday from Monterey and, together vith other missionari- good plowing but is good for many the Next Tuesday, Dec. 17, the Bonn ards of Virginia Love Came Back; n an difficulty. Thus students learn was hurrie dto a es, Scandinavian original play by Dorothy ifine tiful First ward Relief society will Our Town; Rivers End; Flowing points of the game as well as Park, Calif., where she had been country, sailing from Copenhagen, other ways. Barber. The cast consists of gar. Dec. 18th the John put on a Christmas program in their her son and daughter-in-laLarsen. visiting Wednesday, Mr. Acadsaid 'directing, Bara Moss, Beverly Bowles, Mary Gold; Sea Hawk; Military Mr. and Mrs. Dale Arbuckle1 Denmark for the United States after Pack camp, I)UP will meet at the Relief society room. All ladies are So You Wont Talk; Lady ki 14 months spent in the foreign mistha Evans, Dorothy Barber, Maur- - Following the Christmas holiday emy; home of Lillian Fllderdge. invited to attend at 2 p. m. the six top teams will play a second for the past two weeks. They went sion field. Question; Out West With The Kimber and Wilma Wood. Robert Nelson senior University Nathan is 20 games. to the docks in Wilmington 18 back and from to Parrish, of tournament Peppers; Angels Over Broadway Christmas presents were drawn Mr. Ashdown, who was assigned of Utah student, was chairman of Montana where he had spent a few in the I'armington ward amusement from a decorated Christmas box by School will be dismissed on Decern saw IJder Wayne Winegar, son of the of district presipost Pres. Thomas E. Winegar, off for one of the most successful programs months. While there, he took treat- hall. Dont miss any one of these fre girls. The presents were made ber 24 until January 6. dent at .Albany, N. Y served 15 ever Hawii on his mission. staged by the Associated Men ment for an ailment he hda been big pictures! 'be club members of material additional months there and has al Students. Mrs. .Arbuckle v visited In of Arranging for entertain- suffering from and has been cured Mrs. Leone Stewart will leave many Zimmer, and Dorothy Mary had on hand. No new material left New York for his home. ment on the ready mens first smokei by a doctor there. her friends and relatives while she He has next Tuesday for Berkeley, Calif, tould be purchased. of a number days with of the year, Nelson promoted boxspent A childrens Christmas dance and where she will was there. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence spend some of the brother-ilaw and sister, Mr, hs very Rfrl wore the Home Econ- ing, wrestling and novelty numbers party will be held at the American winter months with her daughter, Pace of Santa Monica, Mrs. Ger.Anderson of Ithaand Mrs. Milton club symbol which is of red foot- Legion home on Friday, Dec. 20th Mrs. trude Moss McMurrin of - A., ca, N. Y who were recently mar- Aballfilm of the Dorothy Heaton. nd grey felt. A red triangle of red was Ike starting at 7:30 p. m. Santa will Coach shown Mrs. T. Howard game by Smith (Catherine ried in Salt L'Ae Sheriff Joseph Holbrook was "h three little City, and a short Armstrong and refreshments were come about 8 30 baige felt chains .Arbuckle) of .Arcadia and Mr. and and all are invited successful in locating the mother of in with friends time New Jeralso, from serve.!. The affair was strictly stag to attend. Admission 5c each. triangle on the Mrs. .Andrew S. Arbuckle of Comp joeing Mike Ilusak who was killed by the 01 'be sey. j Mr. Nelson graduated from Davis ghains are H. E. C. ton. cloth-hig- h train used Anyone North Salt Lake, Dec. 6th. having good t Mr. n Ashdown Economics club in red Motoring 'gh, where he was active in ing, toys, canned vegetables, fruits Her name is Mary Ilusak and lives ahool On her way home, she passed "i'l make a smitlern tour, stopping tra.k and other athletics. He lives or jellies her Mster. Airs. Hugo Ogaard , Lot.at they wish to donate to the at Smoke Ri n, Fa. a small comWashington. I. C theme to V.r in U oods Cross. - Reporter. WILMA WOOD tie Mann) of Salt Lake City. Mrs leave the same at the munity near lloutzdale, Fa., to poor j may anil gmia, Kentucky, Tennessee, 1 he new homo of Mr. and Mrs. Legion Ogaard visited with Mr. and Mrs. other home, Monday afternoon, which point the body was sent Mon scenic spots on the way to J. L. av lor of Salt Lake is under Dec. 16th .Arbuckle a few days and then went and Thursday afternoon, day evening for burial. The Union j , w,w, n for Utah and home Christmas! M onstrm tioii in Orchard ward. Cc- - Dec. 19th. As time is short repairs Mortuary in Bountiful prepared to Glendale. Calif, to x Mr. and Clifford Duncan is on crutches asFampton. N. Y.. was Mrs. Otto Burgener. lias already been poured for ca nnot he made on clothing or the remains for shipment. It is ment of an accident at Bingham ;?" .lamages against a de.artmnt Billie Arbuckle, son of Mrs. Chloe the foundations. David Soffe is the toys. seem to motorists Many supposed that he became confused a sale.lady .Arbuckle when she testified 1 nyon "here he is had his appendix removed ,the warning Mn1- at railroad cros-- . ciuitia. tor and Bountiful Lumber Mrs. Branclic Johnson and infant working at the1 store on the approach of the train anJ "trennusiv too A power drill he was opcrat-Hia- d vanse . h d for the hn otnotive A Supply company i supplving nia son returned home from the hos- LDS 'he inten arc a' last ms Fri hospital was struck befeu-- lie could get out lay, j,ad or an on a cor-- t t c'd taking oft a I ec, 6t' t r. adv. pital Thursday. Both arc doing fine. '' i of the way. part ot a Tting a engtni n ert' l i i ( . 1 ; 0.14-3- : iiit oil 3, 1 ! j two-vea- r Vv i v . I i ill, 1 . , i i!!e-I.- , t .1 v i , 1 I C t . .1 1 V. I ' I a i i , A 1 I r v i v t i 1 1 i i I ' v A v I . t ''it 1 l i I T I v s 111! v-- ' , I , I i 1 . I - i I i 1 ' 1. i I 1 1 's I I v I l'liza-Augu- v s, i I 4 ( i 11! , con-dosio- 1 1 I i I tell-e- h . vv i il Rountiful Firemen Put Out Flames 1 -- rtsi-ih'i- 1 FARMINGTON Frank J. Raker of Farmington Ward 1 , Dies Wednesday exe-tif- ul d Case-Wheel- er K Well Known Woods Cross Man Dies .lar In California ... 7ima.e n I 1 Idahoan Arrested Speeding Count no-ho- 50-mi- le ) n, - Message Received Mrs. Muir From , asso-(iati- ROUNTIFUL South Davis High Henry H. Blood Tn Tournament 1 c I I WOODS CROSS I Donald Ashdown Return Soon From Eastern Mission Y-- th Woods Cross News Junior High News From Califmia New-hou- mis-io- se n n s Utah-Colorad- I- let-te- e o n. CENTERVILLE 1 ( rrt ! - i J I f i on 1 ' 1 e , |