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Show THE LAYTON JOURNAL, LAYTON, UTAH, DECEMBER Iilciits. I I ( J THE KINDERGARTEN he L i nil or k ;i r o tin lia y i- Mil; ,i A i lot i f ! I J I to hav'" uin n is ahum sum' i 1 1 lmi-i- . In 1 kilnics Mi-- s li. dm-- ' luniks. im. i, l.M nii eL. Our table was the nicest so uur prize was a piece ot cake in addition to our soup. Our room is Mr. Tolmans. think they will half full, Ike ilnldliii their will gm; them tu heir niuthd , and lathi lmi't you? i, fur : H K , ( l.i Minas. N AN Kl.i.Y .sill L II LB ILL, 5i;i MY LIBRARY BOOK Stoker School News 1 slaid. hunk llieie. me 5,1, THE PARTY I I I am KENNETH SLEIGHT, 6th ( 111 We ale Inal. mg (Ml. yeupi the Inst Cli ale vtty pirtty. ,aw J call i nlur mine as (tv. pic i H.I.A R L LAY, 5th J, 5th is J . ( 1 SHOP TODAY WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE 1 Meyers is going to have some boys and girls give a chorus and other things like that. After we will come back to our home room and have our parties and exchange gifts. 1 think we will have a good time. VLA DOVE MANGUS, 6th 1 gu-lli- VERNA 'BALLARL Lace cloths OUR PARTY Embroidered cases $1.00 Houses shoes - DI.VOLA PETERSON, 5th Gay Mode hose In Miss '1 ingeys room the n are making Christmas cards. I hey get some old carsd ami paste them uii paper and put their verses inside, J think they will he nice chil-dre- DECORATIONS s Lined mitts Sport shirts Fountain pens Sweaters 980 490 $1.98 Fancy sox 150 Ties 250 250 Belts Helping The War Victims Last year we all brought pennies to put in little tin Red Cross banks. 9 49 980 Suspenders Driving gloves .... Rayon slips Rayon pantie Rayon dresses 790 Buggies - fought 90? Panda Bear muffs.. Trike, chain drive $70 $4-9- Chinese Checkers .... Big engines ... fr a few stouthearted patriots for their lives. In 1861 economic existence. Every time Americans have had the backbone to emerge stronger than ever before. 980 Snow suits Books 1 we fought to preserve our Union. In 1893, in 1929 and 33 we fought for our 8 3-- 9 We have faith in America, in Utah and in our community. Were ready to back this 'faith with sound loans (anytime you SOILED TOYS REDUCED $159 1 been greater than they are today. In 1776 150 190 need to call on us. State HBannk IFairmmers 98? J.C.PENNEYC0J STORK. WOODS CROSS, UTAH department Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PNej'STNt, oocooooocooooooooooococcooocococococooococoooooooooocooooccocoooccoooo SEE YOUR DEALER OR POWER & LIGHT CO. Workmen Walker remodeling By reaching up and pulling a in Augusta, Ga., string attached to a small bell, a found a family of mice snugly bed- cat owned by the Rev. Stanley ded down in a nest of d Knott of Abingdon, Mass., lets his dollar bills. master or mistress know when lie wants to enter the house. Inmans home much-chewe- Famous Health Center Continued Through Decision of U. S. Army DR. JOHN E. GORRELL - BATTLE Defl CREEK. MICH. will not the advice that niv army ;ei;iire Battle Creek Sanitarium as r. Uise tins, mnl came as cheering :nv..i j,, Hundreds oi patients and Ln .ner patients ot the m enty tour ii'.'.r old. health eetitit As in the first world war, the army had ri eently considered pi.i chase o! the institution. But ns Major General Janies C. Mace, surveon tenet. h! id the L S Aitnv just has adused the sanitarium the study by several fact committees of the war doPartment led to the conclusion that ive equipment - inborn loi dianno.-- i ' j treatment, large physical therapy departments, and spaciour private roon s were designed far beyond army needs. Array wards, the surgeon general pointed out m 'he decision, accommodate twenty or more beds, permitting extreme economy of plant operation. Conversion costs of the finely appointed rooms, it was stated. would be prohibitive. A flood ot letters and wires expressing relief over the decision was received from former patients, who Include business executives, hankers, editors, actors and a of outstanding Americans m public and private life. "It is indeed fortunate." said V. M J Bowse. Wichita, Kan., former president of the 11. S. Chamber of Commerce, "that the sanitarium I. as been permitted to continue its lourse of senue to the '.non" He expressed the consensus ot patients. Hr Jo!'.n E (lorrell Sanitarium adiuiiiis! Mtor. said the institution , of too much tmpoitance to template a move which would ,iinl ,ts Ht.ve continuation as a 'scientific medical institution We h.ok torwa-- d to men as. cross-sectio- con-rustee- n., . ... , o o o o o o o 8 8 o o 8 o o 8 o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o over Buick dealers reports on models, we find an unusual GOING 1941 thing happening. Time and again cars come in for the usual inspections with an extra note of instructions "Please check the gas gauge needle. Even after hundreds of miles, people mistrust their eye9 when they see its snail-lik- e pace from the Full mark toward Empty they dont see how its possible for a car as big as Buick to go so far on so little. But it does And the simple secret of Compound is that it keeps your engine running on its most frugal diet for all normal driving and provides full feed only when you need, w ant and call for the lift of extra Car-bureti- on wallop. Meantime even the gears are helping save money for the regular high gear in a Buick gives you the economy of the g top speeds you hear about. so-call- ed "gas-savin- The big thing is, of course, that this is no small car thats setting these economy figures. There are all the room, size, impressiveness, comfort and downright thrilling performance you pect from a Buick. So it ex- isnt because the needles out of kilter that it goes down so slowly. Its simply because its in a Buick. FlRB-BAL- L and for good reasons. The whole FIREBALL engine was designed and built to get the most good out of modem gasolines. EXEMPLAR OF GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Harold Calder, Manager 105 South First West OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BASIN BUICK COMPANY WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 1 Mi , Many times in tour history, problems have 49? 79? 250 Winter coats ... Appearing before ti city council this week. ingham, ejst side reside: t til ul. asked the cornu n Sixth La-- t street, inn street immediately west chie A. Briggs resident the Burningham home, .. ward to intersect with street. Following instructions council, Mr. Burningh.t" cooperation with Mr. i deeds for a range street to he made to the the properties have been - with confidence! 980 490 Rayon pajamas vo , WE FACE THE FUTUIKE 98 980-$1.4- To Open Street 98 Tie racks Pajamas - Bountiful Requested 8 shirts. $1.49 $1.98 Parka hoods, Large dolls The cooks gave a prize to the room who kept their table the Towncraft I spelling words. Mr. I'ishers room is leading, Mr. Tolman room is coming next and Mr. Hills room coming in last. RALPH LARSON, 6th FOR GIRLS 49? 690 Ice skates .... OUR PARTY TABLE MANNERS UTAH Ties, in boxes - FOR BOYS In art class we are making Christ nras candles and trees. The trees arc going to have silver under them The candles will be very pretty too I chink they will be very nice in the exhibit. RITA MANN, 6th Sl.98 Dress gloves $2.98 98 98 - 59 98 98 0 980 98 Rayon suede robes Towel ,sets Chriitma Candle and Tree DONALD JENSEN, 6th $1-0- pair .... House shoes 980'$l-9- Tea aprons boxed Mrs. Dyer lias pust the city in which Jesus was born around the border of her room. The shepherds arc in the field watching the star. It is very pretty. KEITH EAST. 5th up. Silk sox, 3 $1.98 Ski caps Last I'riday we had a peanut bust for winning the ticket race. They gave us the last period for it. We put the shells under the desks and after school we had to clean them $2-9- Satin gowns Satin slips will 79 - Gloves ART are the and Rayon robes Silk scarfs Purses DOUGLAS JENSEN, ,5th In Miss Meyers room we making snow scenery. Lots of houses are red, some are green some are orange, I believe I make mine orange. GALE COLLAR I), 5th 0 HORSE RACE In Mr. Hills room the three sixth grades are having a horse race with Bill folds CHRISTMAS CARDS perfect Christmas gifts . . . adding cheer to homes at holiday time and all the time. There simply isnt any more useful and practical gift than a lovely new lamp which protects the precious eyesight of everyone. See the display of handsome new lamps at any Utah Power & Light Company store or at your Electric Dealer. And remember! You can buy on convenient, easy terms with just a small down payment. $1-0- lass is having a party on ( Li ist mas c arc going to ex day. cluing presents. Jt will he a lot of fun I think. i BETTER Light, Better Sight Lamps are FOR HIM FOR HER 1 BEVERLY Tuesday, Dec. 24th we are going to have five Christmas plays. Miss I 1 ait. : I OUR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Shopping Guide we arc imiiii ii. dim.', "llc.i' it We collected six we received a letter ii. Cross telling its that i brought in was addid other schools of the and they had a lmndn thousand dollar in M. lvalue how much m ; GEOGRAPHY think BILLY I In Mis. CHRISTMAS FOR POOR IN MISS MEYERS ROOM arc .iiiir i ii.iiii y liKikiiu; ilii m .itimi-- , ni tin'll iimiii nr loom is going Miss Meyers sad to Inintf tmnic Jin lii't ami s, i mnl mimics arc huy a Christ 'Ian iiiny a liny aic Ki'iiiK ohl j i lints of Iniys and y. i r nIs to mas nee to gu m our room. Ale i to liavc a j 4 r a i aid n iiish- - make t.ilendms to send to '. rt ! n. We get through with it wc arc g tu give it tu the puor t hldrctl. J think it a goud idea. hope it will make whoever gets it happy. I 12, 1940 Telephone 261 Bountiful, Utah OOQGQQOOOOOOOOO ! 1! f I |