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Show THE LAYTON JOURNAL, LAYTON, UTAH, DECEMBER the l Hie Layton Journal army is home for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Joseph L. Mabey, .Sr At the tegular S.U lament serv-nIn Id in the lmal Ward chapel t bin. day c t in! g, Mer James (.Mill Mi Kaj spoke on the Mile to nit "Wold 1. v nts m Relation . t hi ii a nmler lie tint .ii of Mis. .ilTe.il Slok- II, the b nig mg .' '! hi - jug Silent Night Holy Night and Shall Not I'ass Again Ins Wav." Bishop Mil. in i. Wood, presided. l aiol Serviie pro. the dileition of Mm gt.iin, Ra u on pi i sen ted at the S. SMlfhtm ASSOCIAIIOX A weekly Newrpiipef published at 1 ayton, Utah, tn t i in'rre.t of Davis County and Colonies formed by former residents of the county. Ti Entered as sremro rears matter Layton, Utah, under the Act March 8, 1879. at of I.- i I'lit-i'i.- ! 1. m Subscription JOHN STAID FI, ini'ig. JR. Editor Mis. ,de Mi R CLEAKFIKL1) i i -- i M. I. A vv a- milling Mi- - I in 1 .i- -t -- I l.i i j I I , , or-gai- i avion levievved the How to Win lue an i inli'il III e Vi I ieml J - 1 i I, '.I nm vv !.I mol d III Uir u a st a v a 1 m ia Se v- Mi, ail son, let i ill, with a Imthdax i h. a - ago. Mis a ve.oc. S Mindoik i noon, and dav Satin alii patty l.it In h Kefie!i-ment- s 14th. lianas wen- jil.ii i Ili.uglis M III dot k. made lo II home Inf si .met line 111 to a giottp of litwvi' mv u-( It al lei tle pl,i mates. Ii Barker of Ml. and Ml- - J of Mrs. Walter Crosswy Denver, ( win. died reirntlv just It) Colorado, is a guest at the home of tlavs a j ;i vvell wenknown lure, her mother, Mrs. John Reed. Mrs. (dell fotmerly of ( lear-fielhe remeinhered will by Cros'wy Imt in ,vv of ( )gden. lnr fiiemh as Miss Helen Reed. ii trm tot John Weir, and Might Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weir and student lav (iieen were the liver ( t lues children of gden a iiled hi to land mi the new Ogden Air-iolav evening at the home of Mr. and tiis( Mr. Weir, lo. al pilot, is inMis, John .Weir. to a i lass of eemmereial structor Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1.. l.eventon and and W eber College students. son, Keith have returned to their Jbe Carpenters Union will give home in lass A nude:., Calif., after a brief isit here with Mrs. I.even-ton- s mother, Mrs. John Reed. Mrs. Max Slaughter entertained a few friends last Saturday afterI v 1 I i . . I 1 i , 1 i Ses-ioiii- - s, 1 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING . guests of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Muir, of Springville, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. James Weir of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a son, December 4. Mrs. Weir was formerly Miss I.ucile Thurgood of Clearfield. Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker announce the birth of a son at their home. December 3rd. Mrs. W'alker was formerly Miss Janet Shaw of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Sessions visit Sunday afternoon with relatives at the Joseph Parker home in Clinton. lleber C. Blood of Salt Lake City was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Lavton. Last Friday afternoon, Mrs. Stcrl iug Clark visited with her mother in Farmington. Mrs. Adam Russell was a guest last Tuesday of Mrs. John Manning in Syracuse, Davis co. Mr. and Mrs. George Thurgood visited in Salt Fake City Sunday with their daughter, .Mrs. I.ucile Weir. Mrs. Lllis Starks visited in Farmington last Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Steed. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow Wood of Ogden were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ixiy Wood. George Cooper, instructor at the North Davis Junior high school at his home in spent last week-en- d Smithfield, Utah. Mrs. Ethel Hill of Syracuse and Mrs. Ruth Harvey of Kaysvillc w ere Thursday visitors of Mrs. Hattie Sessions. Mrs. Ethel Bray, Mrs. Haiti Major and Miss Nellie Hamblin were Ogden visitors Friday. Joe Mabev, Jr., 1st lieutenant in A public hearing on the adoption of the budget for Davis county for the year 1941 will be held in the Commissioners room in the Davis County Court House on December 30, 1940 at the hour of 10 a. m. R. BRUCE MAJOR, 6 County Clerk EASY TERMS FREE COURSE OF LESSONS See or call us today Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muir were week-en- NOTICE PIANO ACCORDION PpDifJoin Mildred d 22 thrive on gem lniectlons 45-4- NOTICE Van Uitert A. of Adoption of Budget East, 3rd North, BOUNTIFUL SUMMERHAYS MUSIC COMPANY i West, 1st South. Telephone 5-58- id j1; (T'P )lt f ,v ST Notice To Creditors Fstate of Sarah Woolley, Deceased. Creditors will prestnt . vouchers to the umli Wall Street, Salt Fake t on or before the 25th d.iv ui A. D , 1941. Gordon Roberts W Administrator of the Sarah Ann Roberts Wo. ceased. Date of First Public,-,vember 22nd, 1940. e I ! William T. Jenkins, deceased. The petition of Davis county praying for the issuance to R. Bruce Major of Letters of Administration in the estate of William T. Jenkins, deceased, has been set for hearing on Saturday the 14th day of December, A. D., 1940, at ten oclock A. M., at the County Court House, in the Court Room of said Court in Farmington, Davis County, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said Court, with the Seal thereof affixed this 3rd day of December, A. D 1940. R. BRUCE MAJOR, Clerk i Seal By Wanda Coombs, Deputy Clerk The following Applicati been filed to appropriaf-grounwater from will- county, Utah: 3.5(i( Melvin J. Rermr field, Utah: 6.73 g.p.m. tor use from well 7(5 it point E. 2234 ft. and S. llu the N'W Cor. Sec. 32, T : 2 W SLB&M. 13742 J. K. Wellman, K er, Wyoming; 6.73 g.p.m. f mestic use from well deep at point E. 2344.8 ft. M 1562.3 ft. from NW Cor. & r. ind nithueld T. 2 N R. 1 W, SLB&M. 13768 Neis Petersen, Woodj ddur!,t r' Cross, Utah: 6.73 g.p.m. for lamtv tic use from well 200 ft. deet r at point V. 1125.78 ft. and X, 25 ft. from EJ4 Cor. Sec. 31, T 2 X csi R. 1 E SLB&M. Th Line 13804 Mary A. Downs, Box 123, W'fnn Bountiful, Utah; 0.1 sec. ft. iorfcsidcnt, dia. well irrigation from a ft. deep at point W. 662 ft. and S. 658 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 29 X 2 N R. 1 E SLB&M. 13879 Joseph R. Naillon, R. 1, Box 13, Woods Cross, Utah; 005 sec. ft. for irrigation from a dug well 40 ft. deep at point N. 1289 ft. 4yd )a and E. 2314 ft. from SW Cor. Sec ""f1 wr mve 25. T. 2 N R. 1 W., SLB&M. atu Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing Applications, with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form with extra copy and f filed with T. H. Humpherys, State F1? ng Sovir 403 Sal State iCapitol, Engineer, fell t s Lake City, Utah, with a fee of irougl.t 'on or before February 2, 1941. lime 6u T. 21. HUMPHERYS $Cn.U- ( 1 2-i- n. n. b.-- 3-i- n. 4-f- t. 3(1 , $1 44-4- STATE ENGINEER 8 m 1 - to ere : iWto 4r- - ly L g firr.e d. fnve nt MntCori gargle LISTEBIME At the first symptom of a cold, gargle often with List erine Antiseptic. 1 1 treats a cold for what it is a local infection aggravated by germs. Kills germs by millions on surface tissues. The prompt and frequent use of List erine Antiseptic may head off a troublesome cold or an irritating sore throat. Lambert Pharmacal C o., Nf. Louis, Mo. Christmas party at the Labor temple in Ogden, Friday evening, December 20th. Local carpenters belonging to the organization, and their wives, who anticipate attending are: Mr. and and Mrs. Wallace Mammon, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Muir, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ileiner. The affair will be centered around a turkey banquet and all its a tim-ming- s. KILLS GERMS ON THROAT . Were playing Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trimble of Bountiful and Miss Euella Chad-- 1 wick of Salt Lake spent last weekend with Air. and Mrs. Thomas! Chadwick, The Phillips camp of D. of P. met Thursday at the home of Mrs. t hester for their Xmas party. Assisting Mrs. Flint were. Mrs. Quin Blood, Mrs. l.eRov Webster, Mrs. l.e Roy Crawley, Mrs. G. L. Nance, Mrs. Kenneth Burton and Mrs. Fannie W ebster. Clinic was held in the Relief so-- 1 cidy rooms Wednesday afternoon. Miss Vesta Barnes entertained the livening Bridge club at her Santa Claus ahead of time ii these R; CM 1 I 1 Old 1 n ; Salt Lake Hunters Violate Laws GLEN BROS. MUSIC BY 1 MODERN MOTORS: INC. N lP-DU- I T -- 4. . "A: - GIFT PRICES KAYSVILLE 1 940 FORD DeLuxe Fordor, heater, radio, overdrive 1937 PLYMOUTH Sedan, heater 1936 CHEVROLET Coupe, heater 935 FORD Tudor, new finish throughout COMPLETE OVERHAUL 1 1 Price Xmas Price $595 $775 425 345 32$ 940 CHEVROLET Coach heater, radio, spotlight fog lights 895 939 FORD DeLuxe Fordor, heater and radio 695 1935 PLYMOUTH coach 1 - 940 PLYMOUTH Coach, radio and heater 1939 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1938 FORD Pickup, reconditioned like new 1 939 OLDS Sedan, radio and heater 1936 PONTIAC Sedan 325 895 665 . 445 695 345 About 30 More fim idtctiom to dioosc from Write yoor own Terns YOUR PRESENT CAR WILL HANDLE THE DOWN PAYMENT. WtU-NO- Y MODERN Administrator of the Ellen Dcveraux, Devca-Dat- e of first puLli, ai. her 6th, A. D., 194o. Keith L. Stalile, At Administrator. Chmt.as keatives from bore attended the funeral services of Mr. Laura I.ueL la Smith lladficld, 82. held last J uesdav alternoon in the Ogden Sixth Ward chaju-lMr. lladficld vva a grand daughter of Captain Daniel C. Davis of Mormon Bathome Thursdav. talion fame, after whom Davis lister OBrien and family have count v wan named. Her son, Wells lladtield, and family have long been moved into their new home in East of Cearficld. ayton. Mrs. Howard Thomas and son, l rank, spent three days in Salt1 Fake t his week with Mrs. Thomas mother. Mrs. Charles Rudd. W ill Green and family of Salt Mrs. Donald T homas and scn. I ake have moved to California to iehard Keith, are home from the make hospital and are staying at the W. Given their home and Mrs. James ot kaysviile accompanied D. Thomas home for a few davs. them. Mis Stella (.riddle entertained Mr. ami Mrs. l.dward Ritter are 28 of her companions on her Furo-I'eato Ogden next wfek to moving trip at her home Friday even make their home. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Scot field of The First and Second wards will Salt spent Sunday in Kav hold a Xmas party together ;n the ville. First ward hall next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Dana of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Williams and son, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant, of Grace, Idaho spent a few Donald Thomas Tuesday days with Mrs. Roy Green last IV D. Keith Barnes evening. returned week. Grant Williams is leaving for home last week alter spending a mission to the northwestern states few days in the eterans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Blood of Centerville were guests of Mr. and Mrs John Blood, Sunday. Mrs. Maurice Barton entertained the Bhatanka Sewing club at her CO. home Friday, The I.ake View Neighborhood Two Salt lake conutv hntners OGDEN, UTAH club met at the home of Mrs. Anne were arrested west of BounSunday l.aytons Friday to celebrate the tiful on a charge of hunting witti birthday of Mrs. James Green. a gun having more than three There w ere 15 present. shells. E. Vene Bringhurst. 22, of Murray. pleaded guilty to the charge ml was given 3 $25 fine with lr suspende dwhen he appeared beiore Justice of the Peace William H. Holbrook at Bountiful. Joe iley, J r., of 901 Gale street. VH SERVICE DE PATT.MEMT OF J S PLEASE WElu HOW D I kNOW N3' Uke City, was sentenced to Hen FY-4 xOi..- WANWD to 6ET WIS Wfc' COULO LET VS PASS- WE've pay S2 fine with $15 suspended, GET AsOOND dorNG oo PERM FOUC.Vs'lNO or sen e one day in the Davis counLOAD OF HAY Ia4 ri TOO FOR FIVE . , A4V F5TfR'N ME' jail at Farmington, for each ty FRONT OFOS. MOTORS INC F-MILES Sk. ot the balance ot the fine. Stav CERTA1MLY PIVEO THIS ot execution wa g anted until SatCAQ AS GOOD AS NEW. :.sr urday by Judge Holbrook, George SPEEDN-TH- IS ROU6H M. Baker, state deputy game war- COlN7 CY OAD lien as tie arret'nk ott'icer PPOV'ES IT Mf TOR SALT Wiener pigs. vT Henry Schtilthies main highway, South J Bountiful. Phone Bountiful SPEEDY DISTRICT COURT, IN DIVISION PROBATE AND FOR DAViS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. In the Matter of the Fstate of Notice to Creditors g 81 IN THE The City Council of Bountiful, Utah, will meet on Tuesday, the 31 day of December, 1940, at the hour of 12 M. in the City Council rooms to finally approve and adopt the budget for the year 1941. The proposed budget is on file with the City Recorder and may be inspected at any time. A public hearing on the budget will be allowed during the regular Estate of Ellen City Council meeting to be held on ceased. December 26th, 1940 at 7:30 p. m. Creditors will present claims with Date December 11th, 1940. vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Keith L. Stahle, Clipper Mayor. S. LLOYD RILEY, Bldg., Bountiful, Utah, on or before or 17 Coombs, Deputy Clerk NOTICE training on the Popular d. last Seal j Bv Wanda Give your child a Gift he will enjoy for years. A thorough musical it noon in honor of the first birthday of her twin children, Darwin and Darlene. Mrs. I ance J. Wheelwright and daughter, Evelyn, of Ogden were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Wheelwright's mother, Mrs. John Thur-gon- LESLIE DF.V1 1 I 11 ' 5 74-J- linln (his tin- luueial servviiimlv iie- o Mis Bhnihe Roheits Mur I", hi Id in (le West a t, in aril - i Bounl 1941. 0 43-4- mteiest lass, In' oik aliigie n o n ev- - tie-da- y Mary BImh! was the ii.ii, oil Iii ( 43-4- ( s o NOTICE ( U price $1.25 a year. 45-4- -- l.ii-lma- the 8th day 45-4- LEGAL NOTICES ic-- i City Recorder. clarinet. FOR SALE One Mrs. Fred Rampton, Bountiful. 45 PROBATE A GUARDIANSHIP Hi one 102. NOTICES FOR SALE Six room modern Consult County Clerk and Respecborne in Centerville. Inquire ClifInformaford Duncan, 915 West, 14th North tive Signer for Further tion. Salt Bake City. BOR RENT Modern three room hoti.se In Bountiful. Inquire of H. G. Sessions, 275 West, hirst North IN' Tin: DISTRICT COURT, Salt Bake City. IN DIVISION PROBATE AND FoR DAVIS COUNTY, FOR RENT live room apartSTATE OF UTAH ment, L( at, hot water, garage; dose In the Matter of the Fstates of Bountiful in. Rhone 272-- . Katie Gibson and Join H. Hibson, BOR SALE Bower cream sep- deceased. arator, almost new. David Robins, The petition of John 11. Gibson, Kaysvillc. Phone r., praying for the issuance to him-- e If of l etters of Administration in OR Rif NT Nice clean apartestates of Katie Gibson and the ment 15 i if r month. Phone Bonn li. Gibson, deceased, has been 45 juhn 222-tiful set for bearing on Saturday the 34th day of December, A. 1)., 1940, FOR RFNT-me- nt. urnished red Mrs. Rampton, Bonn at ten o'clock A. M., at the County 45 Court House, in the Court Room of tiful. Phone 12. said Com t in Barmington, Davis County, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said Court, with the Seal thereof aflixed this 3rd day of December, A. 1)., 1940. R. BRUCE MAJOR, Clerk v 1' WILFRED H. WILLIAMS, CLASSIFIED ADS e UTAH 12, 1940 that -- 44-R- 2k CVlodeirn CViloofs, Bnc. (BOUNTIFUL, UTAH O Horace P. Beesley, Mgr. O Telephone 260 |