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Show r mi: Jori! on the Farm And S:lFh. Too! Ixapc" From 81 m. i. i i u 1 Iltui Nazi" ( in 1 i,i ti t M t I 'u i v ilia I ' I.t u( J v t lilts n Ntw Kjiljnirilon i i ' df s v P " t i .S t .um I fdtd h iU( -- j eji Mrt i in Nrtttpii ii M 1. IU f im: i.nv C RADIO STAGESCREEN k I uitn cau.so of tl o 1 i r i1 0 t w i i 0 ''tit t i w i t in Stool 1 ' I I ' ' l i 1 ' s U v - 0 U I ' e i , i lit v .ii Oi its .i ' I o ' . I , , , ' f l Ill . . i i I I I i w ' i ' I I I f ( ! ,i ,i i u i t I . g I'olll 1' . a ' t v ii m i o tl m i s . I, ' lino mm mm i o u . - tl e dui .f the f Hoiking i 4 i a yt $1 Oi KI 1)00,000 ll s I d I. ll , I II I it ,1k 0 os . 1, s 11 ' I I s . is i I ill nils II 'I t son n Jn ( 111 ' , ' , n i 111 i. i ! ' i I r ' I g i st 'till' In s n I'lier, senses reel as we si i her in her bridInal night, n Barstitution i l bara Sumvvik , i. lini slim nls In Kmnuiii.t I'lltisi StltlS lift I' Is III . i ,i i s t , ii.I i viiulive Orders I !tlin!iii.lislnllttHO ri di.r C.vil . i i i i i , , ii Du i r t li iV ,,i Sihiiim111 , , 'ii t , , , v i s t ' t i sluirl - . , t s . ide Milan's Nile , , V si i a'ti h bis and She snuli s like a leopard and almost puns" II. d llnniv tie ess Fonda was ratlur startled whin le encountered. In his own art, "Unfortunately. as he savs tins he looks , I , S I ivi s of l V r 1h c l V, '4 CHKIST M AS jAND e a s 1 MkKHT (f m-c- 1 vi u t bad no doi ' s about what wdk iciyurid w hen she read Our 1 But two i n loo. costume oi John Iteeessi is pH lurid lure with his wife in New Turk eil as the arrived aboard the S. is. .sibone) from I isbon, Portugal. Iteiessi who writes undtr the jit n name ot nabe, recently had the good fortune of esi aping from a Nai prison camp. 1 , 11. s I stv t Hid I in l'l III s .1 I J t a r v in f oi . i C s oi a;i ! ' " i s III lo I I ,'l , - ' , ai no in " , I In If. ' i iii ii m i o i i ' Mlm ' i I " a o invented i ulv tlwava i to ' I iii ii through if t rn.ii, Moon i , I W ' s l 0 I . r s t v , si If 11 ( M i .. io i n k i eil (or t I S ill i'j t M s ji ( ii t i V .1 'I ( I'llolll i ' m i Ni u l ll v i I lb .1 V i t I vilvia I s of .. i gtlli I t ' O i ( O ' . . i ( Is r r itn ( it t- - i t . i i i II 1 . p I II l i . I M er" Witney I " i ' i l . t i Still i SAfit'e 8 Injured, in Airliner Crash Ii ' , , st np . i a 1 ti Nil fyf i i f S - t r IFal, .ii I ( i ti tli'lls 111 ii ii1 ki ew Just i. a hi I s ll o hahly-c- l lls'l u 1 t 1.1'. I is as it is on the iv si'iceii givd on paper, itll bo u knaokout Pit stin Stui.'is, who is directing tho 'ii tui o, wk to tlie m npt as vvi'.l, liko all f his scripts, it r.i t only bu inter i s. I.,', read,' dons the bt.n.s ot a. Hoot i ii v ith t! o pieti : SjjNfcU ln Chicago last week. Their costumes were approved by the Alden, who is shown In the center, wearing dinner gown. The " from left to right: Gertrude Burbank of Dover, Massachusetts; C I jcup of Oxford, Ohio; Hester Roberts of umber, North arolina, J,1 Tremper of Coldenham, New York. i I 4i m ( i' i are these png right out and right st lih, too, by the wa who designed and sewed these winning garments for their Live Mock show whiih , esntest In connection with the International I i j i ' I A A HAHPY Ntw UAR l.ke an idot " With "The Gnat McGulv" and "Christa as in July" to Ins credit, Stirgis, who uu d to write suectss-- f d t'lavs, has Ih'i otiif one of those diriitois whose futures Jiu cant a 1 i d to m vs - Joan Crawf wul lave Milvvn (who's just s gned a m w contract with Mttro) and Conrad Veidt as her hading men in "A Woman' Face," which or g nallv was made in Sweden with ligud Berman in the leading role. d Douglas ,4, 4 WASHINGTON, m ufc Csylight view of the wreckage of the airliner which crashed near airport, taking a toll of eight lives and injuring eight persons, 1 ethically. The 6hip lost headway as it was gliding in to its landing, ", fell, crashed Into a house, a garage and an electric power line, crashed its if zi 12 tons to the ground. ss ' ' . i : " V s E ' ' " ' , , yv ' General's Guest , "1'vv V yr'yyi'y.'Av V ; ; . S e' . , ' , ' t s V' A The first Galll-Curc- It hi ffof'- War Minister in Middle East II paitingrr ScJin, $HHO t. front directional ngnali ami bumper gum!, hi ritrt nut tliglit f j g JJ J f, y "S -- -- ' This is Boy Scout Jim Rast, the who wanted to volunteer In the Eighth division. He is bolding In bis hand the Invitation be received from MaJ. Gen. Philip Peyton, commanding officer, to be the generals guest at a division Inspection at Columbia, S. C. Scout Rast went there in the generals car which brought him from his home In Swansea, S. C.. and back again. i Jb tin ISid King Vidor. And incidentally, speaking of the charming Claudette, her latest picture, "Arise My Love, deserves the svalanches of praise that its been receiving Of course, In her role of foreign correspondent, she does dress better than any real newspaper woman. But who cares? Shes delightful, she plays her big emotional scenes expertly, shes convincing. Ray Mil-lan- d makes you tharkful that Don Ameche bad differences with Paramount just tn time for Milland to get the role opposite her. Injected Into r y Arm-- y YOU Some of Americas greatest musical talent la acheduled to come to you on that new radio program, "Music That Refreshes." beard on Sunday afternoons over 92 stations of the Columbia Broadcasting System. John Charlea Thomas, Helyn Jepson and many other top notch singera will appear. Albert Spalding, the violinist, is a permanent fixture on the program; with him is Andre Kostelanetz, the conductor, and husband of Lily Pons. Miss Pons will drop In as a guest star from time to time. Spalding attributes h.s success as At the age a violinist to a monkey of seven he was first exposed to one which, gaily dressed, was passing h s home with a wandering fiddler H s family wouldnt buy him a mom ey. but settled for a viol.n. Teiday he owr.s several of the most valuable viol. ns in the world, is internationally farn us, and has made a fortune by h.s t lav r g. v ' A w smA can hartlly spend 10 minutes or profitably enjovably than seeing anti driving this great new 19 il Dotlge Luxury Liner! low-prite- d Dodge, with all its traditional engineering leadership, has poured the whole of its 26 years experience into the making of this great new car! JUST A TEW DOLLARS CARS! NORE 1HAN SMALLER, IVt'oit delivered price I votral nx s mi rindaui rquiprutiiL Irans-- . nortation, AUle and local taxts (if any), extra. Front dirntionul ngnal and butnper guards at tiKhtexiracost.breourlodj(e r 1 hi i I ULux Loupe an up luxury Liner a Ue Lux Pas Sdail & dealt r fr Its plainly evident in the many new safety and economy features. And now Dodge offers you Fluid Drive for the first time in a car. Combined with Floating Power, Dodge Tluid Drive gives almost unbelievable smoothness, handling ease. iow-price- Trom your first glimpse of its handsome lines, youre tJue for one surprise after another. When you step inside you've only begun to realize what value Dodge offers today for just a few cars! dollars more than smaller, ed Ii i winter Norma Shearer, . 6 - anows are blanketing upper reaches of the San Bernardino mountains and of as president Southern Skis she's resuming active direction of the organization. Among Its members are ' Claudette Colbert, ? f'-r- l)r lure ' Paulette Goddard is up to her neck In snow, figuratively speaking. ' rleston Navy Yard, Boston, which was protected by a cordon of han 100 police and a detachment of marines after a navy official eived Information that a workman would attempt to carry a time and dynamite Into the navy yard in a lunchbox, when the gates opened for the day shift. A thorough search revealed nothing F5 - on. , t. ;! tOSl Dodge I unify Liner Bette Davis deserves new laurels for her performance in "The Letter." She does some superb acting In a difficult role. Perhaps you remember the story Jeanne Fagels made it In 1929, after Katharine Cornell had appeared In a play versed on the Somerset Maugham story. It Is the story of the wife of an English rubber planter In the Malay Mates; she kills a man, but an incriminating letter exists, which must be recovered. The entire cast James Stephenson, Herbert Marshall, Gale Sondcr-gaaris excellent, and Wiliam Wyler's direction could not be Improved "'-- t d S " , "S s V' - ' I a . ;Js j;i I se - Philip B wage and Fleming, administrator, hour division of labor department, as he appeared before house committee investigating migration of destitute citizens. Intact After Bomb Threat I D. C. eev'11 eparmi hmigt i rms d words cant describe it. Youve and drive it. Come in today got to for a demonstration. Iiut see Tune in Major Bowes, CBS, Thursdays, 9 to 10 P.M..E.S.T. BIG BARGAINS IN USED CARS! The great success of Dodge Fluid Drive has brought us a w ide assortment of w used car values. Late model Dodge and PI) mouth ...and all popular makes, at attractive prices. hy not get a car wou, so ;uu can enjoy it over the holidays and all )ear long? on-dirl- ul t fM)' ll'irold ODDS AM Ud mny return to at ting uhen he finuhet Girlt and f,r till IK imn chore t on three If ee lionnie linker ha to a (t oh he t ery cartful of ulo.i the doei uith . her eyet, hand w ' j minister of war. Is Captain Anthony Eden. British frontier i shaking hands with an officer of a The East. Middle of the is recent visit to the British army in bis holds be the but gadget icer at left is unidentified, witch. If thats of any help. - . . Trans-Jorda- n i Z t 'iffTi ' ' '' This draftee Is taking a shot In the arm to ward oft disease. This scene will take place all over the country as draftees arrive at C. S. army training camps to start a year of training. the't ringing " in and dimfdei tthen Iaramounl't ) ou rt the One according to the nudm the doe , thmei vtlh her totce that Sally Hand don uith fang he lint hemiiiiheric premiers" in motion picture hiitnry taker place Dec. 17, uhen Metro thout Flight Command timulumeoudy in IT arh-- i mg I on, Havana, Mexico City and To done ar a Hilute lo irontoiti being4n ntom Day, Freeman Holbrook Motor Go. 35 West Center Street Telephone Bountiful 120 |