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Show THE l.AYTON JOURNAL. LAYTON t ii Bountiful Society I lrfd Mr 4nd ik j two a from muj 'V, i.vrmd fh Muir "a' lU!a! U a '.Miuwn Mr, 'ti"v. II. 1 1 v v pc- T tors nil C i i 4., ot u; v J'ui 1' , rs. 1 T4 i i liOl NTIFLL T till Xm;is! r fifth t t r. i t . .. b 4 ' 1 I pd in'i i' h f 'In aiul Notu i hr c !u lo'.m u. i 4 i'1 un 'l pamed Ills Mmh n av Louiitit. k Mrs. Chtioi.l Miit1 .r sihti widding aim mi- - X A tall i! T i .. ill u i 1 1 t ! ner$ pt! j atji - ; tfcft .''1 litk Mr n it tle tan ih on m rusts "iltieS ttuots : li sum on a, i 1 -t mu ". Mm t M- - Mr ami in . d Iewiton; Mr ami j, jrok Miller of lfjruni, Mr. and nton Balls of Benson and rs. Mrs. Floyd Gittens of t re, b, I id Cross. The guest list of d(s oods Fee. 8 included, Mrs. Laura E(J st ! t nitk, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, L. W. McCann of 3t r. nd Mrs. mthtield and Mr. and Mrs. B. 1). daughter of Arinio, WooA addur"t an cti 1 n fcs 4-- an! is tilttms, m'ard tnttnis, Mi e.ittms ot Muitniuki, Mr ( itti ns ami 2 s 1 homas H a' j,. X J audi J Mn4-jKjI Kr- - 1 ..la Flowers bring SMILES at Christmas Time! all' M i i M xiwact n Q 1 U L! U A R t. R 1 .S s. ... They were from a husband She smiled and read the card from a friend . . . FLOWERS the perfect gift she stands in your affections. Send Prompt Delivery on Christmas again. t I I l li'M ' I K 11 ' a ! t v t , I'TK ( A L I in I s ti g , t A PI LI A a U i i vj tli n ' NT KS BOWMAN APPLIANCES 1 min t.ts on I cims 'I l 't N Mill ' SCHOSS READ ELECTRIC STORE r Ms t AM nt u 4th Sliect, Ogden - '1 i'.lll ilav s M i s where tn lav 11 ank i in ! , a ill si n I . I I In lit s 11 I ci c uit a I an Mis aki s s.'t ill vv M kv Mi. with Flowers ! l t un USAMDS AND v;,luoMS ofi ii .3 I LAYTON Marv Margaret Morgan, Bfttv Jean ('wen and Manorie Muir were pledged Friday to Apmiss. Arts society at the school. a 1 umial Min cs (lav tol Nils ( Mctul.iV 11. lit I,l III will hi In. 11 vsim (l.(llls, will! M it the liospil il Mr .uul Mist I', hi- .uul .uul arl K Mil. . d.ittis .j,, iu I..! t k 1 I Llano n turm burs me ilav Mi PoiaUllo with (iul .uul in Mu t here vvuh atti-a visit nlatives Iiik i i lint Mr mu I'lnllips accoinpanu (1 Moiil Williams has Inti) tians-fittci- l to Npnngv illi tin it h plume loinpanv and tluv will make tin it home m I h uvo he Ws( I avion Relief .1111011 will hold (In it 11ius paitv mil liHMlay in the K S moms Spnial guests will he t he widows and widowers aiul old folks ol tin ward Mrs. Artie Inti sides who is ore from California has been in their stock of goods to Ogdtn Jdtues A. Mac Inty re ol Cliarfuld has sold his farm time aiul pm Mr n Mi - Cl s 1 1 TOYS I ill sy 1 1 -- live i ... You never saw so many wonderful toy we have the hinds to please any boy or girl regardless of age and apti tude. And the prices are reasonable . . . you can gel attractive ones for as little as 25c or you can go as ... high as $60 if you like. Soo KAMMEYERS for the most complete selection of toys in town! 1 iJsbsfssaf fascinate... to educate... TOYS to ( (U nis.li tion at the University. 1 fa MM-- KAMMEYER S SPORT STORE 31 8 24th Street OGDEN 4 The Christmas .Store tic Streamliner "Torpedo" Six Sedan Coupe $923 ( uhite sidewall tires optional at extra cft) I Gateway to a Mans Gift World Assembled under the roof of this store you find will an amazing variety of gifts for men, all chosen with an eye to their GfT IT in A PONTIAC AT THt 10WSST PKICC OF The new Pontiac Strcsmliner car Torpedo is the lowest-pricein the world with this sensationally successful new General Motors style idea. And Pontiac cut no corners on value to give you this car st to low a price. Iu styling is identical with that which is featured by cars costing hundreds of dollars more styling so advanced it is bound to mean more in future trade-ivalue. It gives you Pontiac's exclu d 9 fin wt Luu2j'S K77 rtt ififlf nm n Tru-Ar- c quality, good taste and to give you the most for your money. All d Steering and Ride which permits you to relax as you ride. It gives you LifePontiac's exclusive Built-Itime Oil Cleaner. And like all new with their Pontiac "Torpedoes Bodies by Fishar it is offered either as a Six . . . or as an Eight for only $25 more. Nowhere ele will you get si much value for your moaey why not see your Pontiac desler now tod let him proe it? sive The secret of a successful gift is not how much, Triple-Cushione- one, but it is never a cheap one or a bargain. i: Let there be two names on your gift box yoursand PRICES BEGIN AT $828 FOR THE DE LUXE "TORPEDO SIX BUSINESS COUPE Delivered at Pontiac, Michigan. State tax, optional to thango equipment and accestories extra. Prices subject without notice. General Motors terms to suit your purse. Only $25 moro toe tlphf In nny m4ll rs-- HBaDoannttMunll Harold Caldcr, manager Mtoitoii0 105 Sooth First West, Bountiful Ered M Nye Co sd11 Telephone 261 but how well you have chosen. A fine gift is not necessarily an expensive n PONTIAC r 3 n FLllML LUMP) donaF&f CJkss I It" i t ( S' Gardner, Mrs. Calvin Rampton and Mrs. A. L. Burnham who were special guests. Christie Wicker was highly honored at the U. of U. last week when she was made a member of Cwean a scholastic and activity organiza L i s, u II 5AY S.MAl I. MANNING t k. They were regardless of whether shes six or sixty, or flowers for Christmas! They always please! Day! The Oldest Way is the Newest Way All. lit tilt I1 Ml n la How sweet of him to remember! I K k It! OR Sue a Lartfo Stock of She tore open the wrapping and a smile ht up her faie What lovely flowers Bless him, lie remembered. They were from a son . . . Its breathtaking beauty held her for a moment when she umovned the fragile orchid. It was from a fiancee . . . She blushed as crimson as the roses in the box and felt like a young bride again 01 J 1. A i i M , U a' t M . .. 1 - It t j .The Tine h'- b t . MrsjJ Arts Guild met ednes kx 123 lyt'enmg at the home of the tt for fvsidtnt, Mrs. J. W. Murdock, present. Mrs. ell 3J ith W members 4l'l Hammond conducted the and S Mrs. Walter Holbrook 2d X lKtirt M an interesting sketch on the fbristias Carol, silent night, and l, R !rs. Co Hayward played the se- OQj he on t!,e stee Ku'tardi a Mrs. Hammond Danny jf liyed Boy. 239 or gtt tea feported on the art exhibits at leUnnersity of Utah, art center, j . icmi and Lionhouse which were isited by members of the guild, dur Mrs. Coy be10m n? national art week. '! Uyward gae a talk on her recent pjan. jexjco 5he showed interest V Biaoung pictures of the trip as she . a.. rell Is many art treasures Mexico. Mrs. rougl t back from Duffin and . iinet Burns, Horace C. Stocks were appointed !prp Jtn.y to sere as a committee to plan a Qtri&aas basket for the guild mem ibenkie to a family at Christ-slt- : $me. Mrs. Murdock, assisted Ls daughter, Murrial, served re frtBents to club members and Mn Cordon Stringham, Mrs. C. C. H I j i s riooMxc.rfrtnsi . It n r.J--s t Mr. and Mrs. Smith were .mt. with a beautiful chest of wetted dees veT, by members of the two tam- T - .Mn it um3ia' a.v-eiucf- l 4 bO- - - ft t t t I ' l t . ' iC40 11 K iii-- J s:, K Ij. Open evenings T t i uii Chnstnus l!Kr' ' $ book e t I 4 1 4 UTAH. DFCFMH1 OGDEN H U V H !$ I 1 |