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Show On n I;., of ail A' Newspaper One-thir- d PrcttyPartyVrock stations now are own in part by newspa For the Little Girl Nearest to this adorable frock for 1 1 your own little girl, tie a rib-bon round her head and 6cnd her off beaming to her next important party date I You may be sure shell have a good time, and be the 6martest little girl there! Correctly simple, with waistlipe alimmed In by inside tuck be i;.rh The North pole is i,. eenter of the earth. ; . flattened , ti at slightly N TAKE of .Cjttis " 4 , ifoor 7ear5 Jtt yuth tom Coldest Spot The coldest spot in t tor is usually just below the freezing ur Ji-- 1 HAD AN EMpT BERTH tAD' ABOVE HIS AND THATS VJWRt RED' LE?T r COME CIRCUS IS THAT PUT' WHISKERS" CN,LAZBVJES wnn rr wetl to make the Dog wagon COOK HOUSE BEFORE THE IN TW' s gosh. NOMJ Off ticrPiN Together tcr, cz YCAfcS! BRTAKFAS-- lot. see here, 'Silk, I understand' vtu vE BEEN Picking on that KID .'RETS and His DOG Him AND HE HAS YLA& IS t)OVN THERE'LL K-K- THE Later, on huh. E.PAD.W' ONLY t THING ABOUT TU 17 1 WANT VCKJ To LAY, . D YOU HEAP- - ? , THEN TELL THAT D1RTV LITTLE IS REDHEAD GCXNG TO make trouble for me-- Ii wet s 1 monder hovj HiM TO KEEP HiS pooch OUT OF THE MENAGARIE I TENT, Ziff W 7 -- .iia-'- S IV tt " ' cc ii! Jt jested1 Falls nrra v N Y., and officials. vvV LALA PALOOZA -- lt:i wij, (roai mi.-- Illuminating Niagara K Jar l w0 is the t rPjfl04,n an thing in the world?,",Vhv'CL1 ruiu-.a h: next to a beautiful giil, I1 . wj tying about statistics. K 0-V'jCa T rank f-- No Bequests to ( h inty to Laws that either limit (,r p,( bequests of money or pr , r.y , ligious or charitable ins'.-- . nin ' Acude. societies are on the b , s "peUtd bj 1 a states and the District u ty.,.. fe f fj 1 fOR US! A i i By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP get " Niagara '!"! FiMcSr,- cy Fai.-- , Oat, .AC MaiUey KynOlt. viilii By RUBE GOLDBERG Maybe It's Something He Ate Use of Eyes The average adult us. continuously for 16 hour.--, his e a day rep BLO HOTELS Whrn REMI IB HOTKI NtVAOA . I.OI.IKN-K- ,n most ,, iare-.- nonular hoiri . i Cuter shot ItMt.ful ht WASHING MACHINES - Apex - 1 10 Dexter Boll Repairinp, All m HOMER HANSEN MAYTAIi Slluf 4! So. State Street Salt Lap (j. Maytag ffN WATCH BARGAIN SMATTER POP Well, Sir! Grandpa Was Fit to Be Tied! By C M. PAYNE A 115.84 ralae for only 8.95 I.aiiiea IH, wriet watch. Fine quality Sh is. mn.nt in yellow gold caae. (,'ift box incledii i ' not eatisfird after 8v- - dava f,n your money promptly refunded. j qI- I f RUSER JEWELRY 14 W. let South, Salt Lake -- neath which the skirt flares end ripples, its trimmed with frills and ribbon at sleeves and neckline. You can see from the diagram sketch how easy this design (No. B827) is to make. Just cut out four pieces, make the tucks and the darts, and sew it together. Even the least experienced mother or doting aunt can do it! For the coming holiday parties this frock will be most appropriate in velveteen or taffeta, with organdy or very fine lace for trimming. Simple as it is, this sew pattern includes a step-by-ste- OFFICE ECHJIPMENT WHEN IN SALT Luncheon bt Business Is Picking Up s.l huntley wa, . i Mer ltt of StP w. ho 'gitard- - LAKE huck a, tir tt. Your Dinners and Sandwirho Hart in R? all er ca-- A to SURGERY TREATMENTS i Thermogenic Fever Aids Disease Cue. Many chronic disorders ouch a trtfci! rheumatism, pelvic disorders of wom larged prostate glands have responds x ( , Me . f Thermogenic Fever Treatments withou. sorting to eurgery. Information an l tf fi th ture sent on request no SURGICAL A h CUXKt L Buildinr, Bait Lake 111 Templeton S. S1 U Deal toud in Salt l.aKe rve The MAYFLOWER CAtfc Bt 154 South Main HUI'ULAK I'KIlH for ibes I, 5 and 8 years. S!?e 4 requires I1 yards of material; ll, yards trimming and Itk yards of velvet ribbon. Send order to; Pattern -- hkg-- fho MESCAL IKE No. (1827 Is designed vlviv, NEW AND USED deske and chain, typewriters, adding mch'a, aafei, S. U DESK EX.. 35 W. Broadwai, Sdt p chart. Hi, telei rilow a City. ft WANTED DISTRIBUTORS CON MEN or WOMEN, permanent local re BRUSH or any tales exp. helpful. new Items. Bay wholesale. Neel X iY Y tributors. Up to 60c profit on SI. WHT3 HOUSE CORP., Box CJ764 BewJ eCHSTIP Los Angeles. SEWING CIKII.K PATTERN OEPT 149 New Montgomery Ava. Calll. Saa Eranrisra Enclose IS oenta for each pattern. Sue Pattern No When j to clc take 1 GREETINGS Name Address -- ing SPREAD your Yuletide joy and other itk Wiping y snnal greetings and messages Distinctive Personalised Sentigrii'1 i lonnal ei proee or verse for all occasion. million! our Art Department. Nnt onal Serrt your Postoffice Service, How To Relieve night Ut day laxat Q PROJECTORS POP httkiy New Holmes 16 and S5mm Sound Proper Portable and Standard. Used few tux demonstrators. Big Discount. Factor; Representative HOLMES PROJECTOR CO. 1749 Grant Ave., Ogden, Utah Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. Box 2098, Salt No! Just There Visiting By J. MILLAR WATT Mnc FEE?! Obr Iif. I r fard MO. jtMJ yu m vac CREOMULSION CO! Aiks for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis lfaE.P ti foie Mrtonil Unknowo Griefs If the internal griefs of every man could be read, written on his forehead, how many who now excite envy would appear to be the objects of pity. Metastasio. R.E. MORRIS & ASSOCIATE Suita 544 Jodre Saflding Phone JOURS L I hfesedlh .jnen tr; Cfepour. j HOTEL BEN LOMOND Salt Lakes NEWEST HOTEL OGDEN, UTAH TURNS KX0 AU.&V TO INDICATE THAT HE DOESN'T WANT ANY MORE DINNER COVERS MOUTH AND PUSHES SPOON AWAY DINNER STILL FEIN6 PROFFERED, PUSHES PLATE AWAY, WITH ROTH HANDS, EMPHATICALLY a !! Rooms SSI Bitlm !! mil? Romt (o 4 ptf0" 4ir CmM lAMNit 51 r!U Rmmb far Shp Hunt RU Hotel TEMPLE SQUARE Opposite Mormon Trmple El CULT RECOMMENDED Rates $1.50 to $3.00 Its a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. BOSSITER, Mgr. 7 Elfhanf Ckamhr il Klwtnia Kifro1' Optimiata Hotel Ben Lomond Things by turning his BACK AN? CUMBiNvi UF BACK OF CHAIR ON BEING PULLED DOWN INTO CHAIR, PROTESTS WITH FLMNo ARMS ONE RICK LAND-NON PLATE, AUTOMATICALLY ENOiNG DINNER and legs. CLnw - T Ihi OtillKN UTAH FEELS THAT ITS PRETTY HARD, SOMETIMES, GETTING AN IDEA ACROSS TO GROWN-UP- S, AND goes to sleep OllflR 9 r K ' |