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Show WEEKLY- - NEWS-EXPRES- LAYTON, UTAH, APRIL 2, 1936 S, but you can srt aside enough left last week for Washington and! New York where they met their money to establish a money sub! 111,1 Fielding who is on ;his way Mr. slitu'.e for jour c!:," vnys home from his mission. life is Watters. ."Tho niethid The junior girls enjoyed a swim at the Weber gymn. walls and good ance and it is difficult to Wednesday w o from windows and rtand why the business man re- They returned to Norma Hadfields the rulos a social and refreshments. Miss night lights are a necessity in the is so familiar with and obbsoles for Elva Winn, Hilda liadfiejd and Aldepreciation garding and kitchen for good work, good should not vin Stoker provided a way for them ventilation is equally necessary for cence in his own affairs Miss Annie Skienks who is livwith health. Much fatigue can be traced reckon with them in dealing with Mrs. Allie Green bus reing machine." own his personal to eyestrain and poor air, warns turned after visiting her folks for To his family, the end of the Mrs. Efffe S. Barrows, extension a few days. busilife of the Mr. and Mrs. Golden Stoker and home economist for the Utah State ness man, wether coming at death Mary Stoker from Salt Lake and Agricultural college. or with the exhaustion of old age, Mr, and Mrs. David Stoker were Whi'e, ivory, tan, or yellow walls the same problem as the the invited guests at dinner Sun brings are and woodwork reflect light and out or destruction of ma- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wearing aids in improving kitchen Ijghing. Clarence Stoker. backchinery. cool Sometimes a light green Golden Stoker who has been The answer is in the annual prem ground proves successful. Colors to county agent in Salt Lake has been insuriums on paid policies of life te avoided are drab grays and the same position in assigned credBeAner county. He eft Wednesday brown, s dingy greens and blue, ance which constitute annual which seem to depress the spirit its to the depreciation reserve on to start his work there and he ex and tend to absorb light instead of the normal useful working life expects to make his home lin values.. Beaaer for the present time. Jii 'using it. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Olsen and Last year the American public For the best lighting and also and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas bilone-hafamily n paid over three and for cross ventilation a good and llanku family from Salt Lake in life lion insurance dollars premhas windows on at least two with visited Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel sides, or one or two windows on iums, applied o hover .100 billion Hanks Sunday. one side and an outside door on an- dollars of He insurance in force. Mrs. N. C. Lyngby from Salt other. The cross draft will take out And during 1935 the life insurance Lake is visiting with her daughter hot air and odors, especially if the companies of the Ignited tates paid Mrs. Alvin Stoker this week. Mrs. Alhelene Weatherston en windows are high and opened from out to policyholders and beneficiarofficers tertained the primary the top. Another advantage gained ies a total of $2,000,000,000. home. her. at Refresh Thursday from setting kitchen windows high mentg were served. i3 that large pieces of equipment, The M. I. A. conjoint meeting CLEARFIELD like the sink or refrigerator, can be Wa sheld Sunday with the followg laced under them. ing program: Song by M. I. A. the chorus conducted by William Mrs. Harold The stove should be placed so Retold story, Last Leaf" timt drafts do not strike it direct- funeral Sunday nf the email child Mr. ar.d Mrs. Belnaff, in Hooper, by Mildred Barlow; duet by Mrs. ly. Such drafts are a fire hazard of Belnap was 'formerly Vera Eldon Barlow and Marjorie Cook an J decrease the efficiency of the Mrs. Mrs; Ray Fisher from West Point. who used to reside here. Wilcox stove. A screened transom over the Mr, and Mrs. J. Jacobs nnd fam- Presentation cf the plcgan was eutsido door and over the windows, are rejoicing over a- son and given by Miss Elma Forbes. Purif they are not sufficiently high, ily brother born in the Dee hospital, pose of prayer by Lyle Green afwill aid in carrying off cooking Friday. Mother and child doing fine ter, the chorus sang Drink to Me Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Barlow visitsnr.clls. An outside door with glass Only with Thine Eyes." Mr, and Mrs. Jessie D. Barlow with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ed to in the upper half adds the light. and Alvin Stoker attended tbo funin West Point, Sunday, Miss Beth McFerson is ill with eral of Mr. S. F. Samuelson in Salt Lake, Friday, Grow Obsolete scarlet fever. Mrs. Lottie Adam's from Layton Miss Ircene Manning entertained for dinner Sunday evening. Miss visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde The business man who failed to Golda Criddle, Idella White, and Adams, Sunday, Ruth Stoker. et up systematic reserves to Tho operetta, polished Pebbles" as and LAYTON machinery buildings Was presehted Tnursday evening counted would be wore out they the school. n incompetent by other business by Relief society teachers convenMr. and Mrs. Gordon and men and he would be likely to go tion was held Tuesday after which family have moved in' thoRay aparta social was given in honor of Mrs. ment over Adams and Sons store. troke. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jenson of But how many men consider this Harscy Moore who has been a rule in dealing with their own counselor for some time. Mrs. Plain City are rejoicing over the Lodies ?" asks Thomas Watters, Jr. Mamie Barton, Mrs. Julia Galleyo arrivel of a daughter, MrB. Jenson and Mrs. Jnsio Strong from Xays-vill- was formerly Miss Corilla Hamilan wriing in Nations Business on the I were tho guests. Refreshments of Layton. Obsosubject, When Men Grow' ? were served and Mrs. Moore, was Mrs. 'Noall-Z- . Tanner returned lete." presented with a beautiful basket a few friends at a miscellaneous To be sure you cant set aside of floweis, shower in honor of Miss- Merle Mr. and Mrs. Innthul Barlow Bennett, a future bride, at her enough to replace your worn-o- .Kichcns Need j 1 body, 1 Be Smarts Be Thriity;inp(2mTi2y9. ProperLiglit ster inco- me-producing Holt-attende- . Mc-Intir- AN It LETS Good OlIPO Skn i mart! Laea) pas- trimming, tog': and bottom. Vcr ! tels and dark , , Sizes ft A buy! hades. to 814. ! Wear troll., tot j look easily fancy figured tops. White, tt-44- 4QC looking rayon plaited anklets with Tan bodlca topa. roMvhlta, flaahj urn r; Smatero Meno M e. oh-air- Action , for I to Part! .m Men mohair fare. Tucked ip or I DRESSES ce at this . Famous Prt-shrun- Cheerio' Solid colors in fme-qu- . no-wi-lt Cottar . 93 al ity acetate crepes . ., and ever so smart plain, or print combinations I Short, long sleeyes! 12 to $2t - Nucrajt, ... ' prints fast-col- or us-- - (tally found in much morti expensive frocks 1 Latest ' '. daintiest;. of styles trims.'. Matching panties' for frocks in sizes 1 to 3. ' Yost Color k .) New, Dpocg CLirtc prints that sire, washable and wont pull at the seams! . Perfect-fittin-g! as S4-9- S feature pricel , ' Dainty.! Lace trimmed or tailored with hemstitching Small, medium, large. . ,, r .. , vaka tool. kox-k- , ! . trashed Long new gate, nblfe! front! fastener Year-Olds- Tub, Frocks PANTIES suit fifth, lea tyfe, with short taloft Slipover m 14 COLORFUL SPUING Oft.98 - re-rU- Dainty Rayon Taffeta Rayon PlailtJ I Burn-ingha- sl j Injants & Children'! lf kit-he- t j Spring KECKWEAU lacy! Uufjly! . ':4SK' ut naaessBa ra wsaft Noiv on Display raE.RJE VJ 1 , , . . : RETOGERMOnD for . and Mr. and Mrs. Webb Couch ' Son visited relatives in rocate.Ho, . Idaho, over the week-en. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bon? are leaving Friday for Michigan where tbe'y will purchase a new car and1 ' drive it; home. . Mrs. George D. Watt will be hos-- ( te.ss to ber bridge club at her home ' ' .Thursday,In honor of MisS Dma Ellisdn, a bbxide of the new figure;. Miss Cleona Jltdams.arKl Mrs.. 'Neall 2. Tanner, ard entertaining at a tea at'the home. of E. P. Elliion, Saturday afternoon. Alisa eicn'a Millard ' entertained for Mrs. Elden Simmons, a recent bride, at the. homp of her parents, . . . Wednesday. evening. The Beehive girls of tbe Lhi'ton d. ELECTMC . ' home! Wednesday.' - . 1936 - Mutunlhonored thoir mothers at a dinner at'the home of' Miss' Thornley,. Tuesday. Tbe Beehive girls and their mothers who attended werei'Miss 'Dorothy Whitesides, Miss Elaine Ac'ams,' Miss Margaret Thornley,. .Miss Barbara Adams, Miss Virginia Adams. Miss Arlene Tanner, Miss Virginia Adams, Miss .Lorraine Lay-toMar-srar- ct n, FIATOPS Aristocrat Modern G-- E M0NIT0I Standard of ExcoIIqsco Cabinet Styling at low tost Miss. Kathledn Green, Miss Gladys Cowley; state heal'd member; Mrs. Prhtt Whftesides, Mrs. A. Z, Tanner. Mrs, Spencer Adams, Mrs:. Will Thornley, Mrs. .Golden Adams Mrs. CTtha K.. Green, and ' Mrs. Dan Whitesides Mrs. Arthur Thomasson fcnd two sons of Salt Lake are spending a feg days With Mrsr. Thommasoijs parents, Mr, a.nd Mrs. J. J. Eugger A wedding reception Is being Erven Friday evening in the West amusement hall .for Mr. and Mrs. Elden Simmons ,who were recently married.. Jacks orchestra, will furnish the dance music. The West Layton M. t. A. give ft Leap Year dance at thd amusemtfnt hall Tuesday evening. Mrr. Royal C. Robins was honored with a surprise party oa her Me-lodi- NEW Cabinet Styling I f The famous G.B mechanism that has an unparal. j ' convenience NEW features I teled record or dependable per. NEW low operating cost! ) .DOUBLE THE COLD. . NEIF prices and tetyisl'. . With 40 LESS CURRENT! sealed-in-ste- el . Umoo Fumitoire'Goo' . IBooofiiifuil IPInoime IB John. Watt spent last .week-en- d visiting with his son and daughter-inlaMr..and Mrs. Leland Watt in w, ' Tfertionton, Mrs. Lynn Wakefield and daughter of Provo ar visiting her parE. M. White-sideents; Mr, and Mrs. ' . ' . : . s, . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Couch were called to Pocaello, Ida., Saturday because- of serious illness cf Mr. Couchs mother. Mr. nnd' Mrs. Briant Jacobs announce the birth of a son, Friday!. Mr. Jacob is Davis, county treasurer, Edward A. Mortetisen .of Sunset and Alta Moyea cf Ogden were mar .. r . . yied recently; ' Mrs. Noall Tanner entertained for Miss Merle Beftnett Tuesday evening at a bridge 'supper. The .guest: Miss Oma. Ellison, Miss Miss Margartte Grant of Bountiful, Mrs, Richard Evans, Mrs. Seth Blood, Miss Bertha. Linford, both of Kaysville Miss Stanley Ellison, 'Mrs., Waynard Bennett, Mrs. Welber Couch and : Miss Cleono Adam. Leo Chaufkcey Child of ftiterdal and Edrii May Watts of South We ber have also bee united in Holy . . matrimony. Mrs. TIarold Elliaoh returned Friday from ft sevea week visit in Los Angylee. Mrs.'Trc8Sft Griffin sisttf, Mrs. Neils Andersoa 1 Genolft passed away, Friday. Msr. Gdldea M.. Adamft ft ft special-- guest f th T . . . a ! ww with VACUUM CLEANER , Call, write or telephone for estimate of job, Davis County Sheet Metal Works .Fhones, Shop $25 Trade in Allowance on your old cook stove 105-- J; Residence 1C8 Bountiful, Utah DEVEREAUX . HARDFACING Harold Evans. CENTERVILLE . '. Art Pettit lias returned frois : taking a eours oof study' of. car . . carburetors, A complaint charging Charles Napoli of this place with battery on Nathan R. Parrish, also of Centerville,' was filed last Saturday in'-thcourt of A. I). Ford, justice of the peace, Napoli, the complaint charges, eausde serious injury. to Mr. rarrish.'s hand during a fight . between the two men resulting from a quarrel over a calf. Vern BrighAm' Pickering of Ceft- -' terville and. Florence., Gwyna of Woods Cross now proudly sign their name as Mr. and Mrs. Ckas. A. Trump, Mgr. BROS. ELECT. -- ACET. WELDING TANKS TRAILERS PLOW POINTS ORNAMENTAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED BOUNTIFUL PHONE 250 Every Home Should Have iSssgtote liii 1 kin .J&L .University Furnaces Cleaned . from their' cupboard a rmall pitcher reported to contain the .money. The man for whom officers are hunting had been employed by Mr. Morgan on his farm here and has not been seen since the theft, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hodson left last Saturday tot . Detroit where they plan to purchase a new ruck. Mrs. Tiff Parrish, of Park City, "pen Friday as guest cf Mr. and . Mrs. Ase ParrisK. Arlo Reynolds son of Leonard Reynolds of Clearfield, is placed on navy, waiting list at the Ogden recruiting office. Also he is a graduate of Davis high school. John. Cooley Ellison is ill with scarlet fever,. , ' Daruin, Scott of Tooele spent Sunday as guest of his sister, Mrs. 1 Womens club of Provo held at the home of Mrs. I V-- Cullmbre Fri. . day. . birthday, Sunday. .QffiogM wet teanthinft fo ft Morris Ellison and 'Parley Elli- transient of etealing suspocted . son left Monday for Elko. Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knowlton f 54.60 from tho farm, home of Aland family returned here after fred Morgan Saturday afternoon. making their home for the past S Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, eteming months at Hurricane, Utah. from ja shoxt visits found missing . Toward any New Electric Range. an Ralph Tanner left Friday for San Franctsco to spend a week with his brother, Dtan Tanner, who is doing interne work at a hos. pital there. WORK . . . YOU, perhape, have ft scull room or spap opstain or down-stairs that b dumped into a vtsry eyeful and inexgensxrt . EXTRA BATHROOM. . . We will gladly call and determine whore in your home you can have one, discuss color possibilities, and recommend the Kohler bath, lavatory and closet that will be best for you. AL though Kohler fixtures representative the newest in design and are made of the best materials, THEY COST NO MORE in the end than those that are unknown, e marked, and sold on a "low price basis. chiefly When installed by us, your plumbing will be RIGHT. Our service guarantees a workmanlike installation. Call us today. non-tr&d- Bountiful Lumber & Supply Co. BOUNTIFUL, UTAH TELEPHONE 2 . |