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Show WEEKLY NEWS-EXP'llEi- LAYTON. UTAH, APRIL S, 2, 1936 KAYSVILLE with this rational exhibit is also held a state hi,h school exhibit. The date for the art trip has not Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Collett and been definteiy set. Ralph Collett, of Midvale, were roSTURE TARADK Thirty-fivguests of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Cogirls with ihe most llett, Monday. perfect fMur?s at Davis high Mrs. II. C. Burton entertained have bur hosen to go to the 11. the lantern club at her home, Wed- Y. I, invitational track and field nesday afternoon. Miss Katherene meet which i to be held some time Christensen, of Salt Lak gave the in A T'lil. Those girls were rhisen program of musical selections from from approximately ?59 contes- the following composers: Bay itant. The posture parade of iris Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, reprerentiti.; many of the high Bartlett and Siberhut. She als-- schools in the state will open the t Th se entering from gave several dramatic readings. jtra , Miss Melba Thornley attended a our schiv.il re: Lorraine Layton, birthday party, in honor of Miss (icrtrulc Grossman, R.isella MitEmma Perucca, at her home in Og- chell, Ih vorly Richter, Ruth Harden; Wednesday evening. rison, l.aRene Janet Iliggi, J. R. Gailey, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Romauie Smith,Illis, Bernice Gailey, La Blood, Miss Fay Sanders and Miss cille Clark, Rid Burnet, Betty EpMiriam Barnes motored to Boulder person, Bernice Rosemait, Bonnie dam, Saturday returning home, Robins, Helen Helen Bowen, Glen Worthington add Ray Fors-ber- g Hoinich, Pauline Burns, II Stevenn son, Julia left Monday to attejvd Wicken.i, Madge Steed, in California. They expect Patricia Robinson, Dora Smith, to be gone a week. Marjorio Beasley, Afton Bennett, Mrs. A. N. Johnson, of Preston, Arno V,r T Grace Oliver, Mary Ida. spent last week with her par- Ai'jin!', Co'hrook, Dorothy ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bodily. 'off, 'Icar.or Jost, Ardell Love, Miss Erma Cottrell spent last forma Jensen and Barbara Adama. day'evening, soliciting the citys cooperation with the rchoo! board in the purchase f additional playground adjacent to the scol ground?. The matter was referred to the committee on public grounds for investigation. Trial of Ceorge C. Layton, accused of second degree burglary in connection wbh entry ino tha pore at Kaysville, has been postponed until the next term of u..sU-ie- t court. He is at liberty ou o- to j o 1 Bamberger Electric Fred B. Williams of Salt Lake his sister, Mrs. Joseph Jar- - man, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joha Nanco announce thA arrival of son, bom Freeay. Mrs. 1 . C.A. Epperson entertained her bridge club at her home, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Blood entertained the Bay View elub at her home in Salt Lake, Wednesday afternoon. Mjrs. Means, of Salt Lake, received the book Marie Amtoinotte. . The American Legion auxiliary of Kaysville, will give a program at the Veterans hospital ia Salt Lake, Friday evening. Ray. Jones, of Murray, is spend-- . ing this week with, bis cousin, Mr.s .Glen Worthington. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morgan and Helen Whiting are out of school on account of having the mumps. Mrs. Harold Ellison returned home Friday, from a months visit in California. James Burton of Idaho spent last week-en- d with Mr. and Mrs. W. . . : Collett. Wayne Sheffield : DAVIS. HIGH' SCHOOL NOTES , ; pcech meet in Provo, which is held every year. Mr. Gardner, Mr. Bry-sf'and Mis,! Reeves hav coached the student from Davis. They are as follows: Byron Rampton. Maxine Clark, Martha Lallis, and Rev Wicker will debate affirmalive; Lor raine Clark. Merlin Clark, George Faded and l)ick Camp will debase negative. The question is Resolved, that a system of socialized medicine be adopted, making available to all complete medical service at public expense. The following students have been chosen by Miss Reeves to take part in the drama department: George Fadel, Janet Higgs, Elda Cornia; Clark ' and humorous; Maxine Goorge Fadsl; extemporaneous speaking, Byron Rampton and Lorraine Clark, oratorical contest, A one act play will also bo selected. Dorothy Welling, Maxine Clark, Harold Steed will be sent for dramatic readings. JUNIOR ASSEMBLY ' With Friday of iast week, the competitive assemblies began with the junior class being the first first to give their assembly, The theme of their presentation was Hawaiian owning the fact that the Prom followed that line. Following, are thp charcters and the parts they portrayed: Dick Camp, King Poundm Chest; Jimmy Taylor, King Gruesome, Raymond Clark, .Queen Feather Weight, Bill.Nalder-CocoVinson Somethings, Madge Hips, Betty Epperson, Watcher Wiggle, Dean Sheffield, Czar Twirlm Cooty Car-agBeth Hindly-IIavey- a Heard, Way With Me, Mary . . . ART EXHIBIT Eah year the Art .club of DAvis makes a trip f o Springville to visit the Natioanl Art exhibit held there annually. Millions of dollars worth of famous paintings of noted ar- tists from all over the .United States are collected there. Along . . : underwent an operation, for the removal of Saturday. Miss Eula Coombs, of Ogden, .spent three days last week with . Mrs. Myrtle Thomas. Clifford Strong returned home . Monday evening from a two weeks trip to southern California. Mf. and Mrs. Bruce Mayor had as their guests, Monday and Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. H. U Payne, Mrs. Clarence Naylor and Mrs. .Edna Clawson, all of Safford, Ariz. Mrs. Wesley Mulleneaux of Tfiat-- : cher, Ariz. and Mrs, Yilda Tanner of Ogden. Mrs. Harvey King Is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wendell Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas and Mr. and Mr3. George Briggs attended a dinner party at the home f Mr. and Mr3. Mayben Fox, in Ogden, Thursday evening and a dance afterwards. The genealogy committee enjoy ed a good social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jarman, Wednesday evening. There were. 25 guests present. . Mrs. Roetta Kilfoyle entertained . the sewing club at her home, Monday afternoon. . Mrsi. Ulyss K. Thurgood, and two weeks old. son, are visiting with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bodily, , for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomasaeh . left Sunday for their home in Long Beach, Calif, after a two weeks visit here with friends A relatives. t . Mr. and Mrs. John W.- Thornley attended their monthly family dinner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Doris Sill, 164 Yale ave, Salt Lake, Sunday. Mrs. Vernon Mansell, Mrs, Julia Gailey, Mrs. John Thornley, Mrs. Harry Strong and Mrs, Albert Barton attended the Relief society conference in Salt Lake Thursday, morning. ton-ail- s, sssfop S: "aM e t y JjEconomy and Convenience travel the Bamberger route to ( SPEECH MEET Davis high is entering the drma, $ n, The Bamberger station is just across the street from the tabernacle grounds. Ill Save Mney too! TO: Salt Lake City From From TO: Salt Lake City $1,09 (Hover Orchard $0.99; Uosedalo Cosydale Sunset .. Arsenal $0.99 Chase $0.89 Centerville .Ogden .. a.l.l ; ......$0.80 .. ...... Layton Kaysville .. $0.75 -- ........,$0.69 .$0.i5 .$0.55 .$0.49 ...$0.49 Clearfield King Lagoon Martha Burton; Promenaja, Howard Richards, Junior, Wesley Day, Princess Skinnan Bones,.' Beb Clark and Barbara Smith, Holla Farmington ..; .......... $030 ... ..$0,30 Stoker ..$0,25 ,4. Bountiful for student offices .for he coming year. Mr. Crown was nominated for student treasurer,, while Mr. At kirison was named fd rstudent representative on the university athletic council. Primary elections will be held at the Utah schoolon April 17, tq bo followed by the' finals on April 24. . r Maude Mitchell returned.' home, the latter part of last week from the hospital where she underwent an- operation foy appendicitis. ' The West' Bountiful ward operetta bds been postponed for a while - vo pany will, be discharged on 10. Twenty-thre- e Burn ; $0.23 4 . ............. Cleverly North Salt Lake ...........$0.20 .$0.20 2 It was scheduled for April 1. Co. of Salt The Fairfcanks-Morft- e fake was awarded the contract for ha scales going in at North Salt Lake this spring. The work is to' icgin as soon as the weather clears cp. These scales are for weighing trucks carrying, freight through wood save pipe wih cas iron pipe. Culinary waY will be brought, to more than '35 homes in the new town, The sheepmen have started to leave the desert with their flocks for the summer range. There will be a dance Tuesday ' ' the state.- ' after Mutual Tuesday in South Several people are sporting new Bountiful amusement halL . cars lately. Harold Nelson drives a ... -.new two-dosedan and Ed Barrett returned with a late model' of Ford All this, illustrates that there is a definite clash between farm bodes which favor and those which op lose legislative tinkering with the farm problem. So far, it Betms that tbo tinkerera have mado a rather sorry mess of the whole bus!-nes- . . . .. or On their, return from the East where they went o bring new cars home, Dclton Nelson, Bob All lick, Clarence Law, Vernon Brown and . Edward Barrett were caught in' a snow storm and couldnt get through Evanston, Wyoming. They were' stalled in a snow drift and spent the night in Weber canyon However, by morning.' they were able to come on through and arrived here Monday March 0. The primary officers and teach: era held' a party at the home of Mrs. Mary Andrus last Tuesday. Prizes were awarded at the end of a very interesting game; first prize, went to Leah Peterson and consolation prize to Mrs. Tay . llo-ga- n. Heavy snows delayed Cross 'culinary day on' water systern begun here. The project, approximately half completed .consists of replacing the present work-Tue- the-Wood- FARMINGTON -0 Farm Bodies Clash ' V-- 8. s. BRONCHIAL COUGHS miiaii General Board x With permission arranged for by the of the M. I. A. will present, under direction of Y IRA G CURTIS, the 3 Act Play ", . : . . Just 7-- Representatives from the P T A association met with the city coun-c- il Whetf any leader of a particular at its regular meeting Wednes claims of ciizens the .power group to fully control such group or deliver the votes of Us members, his claim may well ' be taken with the proverbial grain of salt; No' leader . can deliver the labor vote, the vet eran. vote, any religious denoraina tions vote, or the farmers votei Beauty with This thought is again brought; to NEW EASTER CURL mind by R. B. Thompson, editor of ' who as the' Agricultural Digest, niinute to Styles sorts that the American' Farm Bu-- . reau Federation,' wVjch lias been individual type. most enthusiastic over farm regiCall mentation and production curtail ment, speaks for less than 10 per cent of the nation's farmers, and VIRGINIAS BEAUTY probably not for. much, more than ' 5 per cpn. . Telephone 228-- J In a recent radio address, Stanley F. Morse, executive vice president of the Farmers Independence ' Council of America, agrees with the Thompson statement', and det, clares that the rations most at Eocooragje your Natural Last Co., Kaysville. f; FOR BALE A good used copper clad coal range. Very good coDdfUoi. A real buy at $20.00. May bo seen Bountiful Llvht ft Power Co. 3 5-- a Hair " given at FOR HALE Or trade Fivr large roomed house and ten acrer cf land. East bench, Emily Han- your sen. 4- . 36-P.- 2. Y-Sn- TIRES. Top values allowed on old tires. Let us restore the motor in your car so it will give Power, Speed and gas and S-- oil mileage as when new. warns that continued legislative monkeying with the economic machine may cause untold misery .to our farmers and staggering burden to our taxpayers. CENTERVILLE AUTO REPAIR CO. CENTERVILLE, UTAH TELEPHONE tired, vvonn OUT, no OUDITDOD 71-R- 3 ) 1 man STEAKS AND CHOPS ; v ju BOUNTIFUL StHhi at the Bountiful First Ward Amusement Hall Hamberger Sand- ' t Potatoes 10c X LUNCH $5000 l . $5000 PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY. m EfioHiQki lets relieve r V odlcrtlaf , i woneo arejr dragging theo-selaroeod, all tired out with periodic weakness asl J pain? They know that STATE BANK DEPOSITS INSURED The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Washington, D. C. wiches with STALEYS - FOR SALE First class alfalfa, hay. David L. Holbrook, Wood 4- Crossj, Phone FOR SALE Four wheel trailer truck f. nrp xvih 14 foot bed; good strong hitch for tongue or for truck; go;d rubber, $55. B. 104 Eat, 8th South, Salt 2- Lake City. Phone Was. 8854. MAN WANTED For Rawleigfc Route of 800 families. Write today,. De-nRawleigh, Dept. U 5 ft ver, Colorado. FOR SALE Mary Washington asparagus roots and rheubarb roc best of their kind. John C. Banger-te- r, Sr., .. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE .independent and successful farmers are opposed to government dictation and controL Mr. Morse alsQ charges that certain farm relief leaders seek to retain their big salaries and .supposed political power by making the mem bers- of their organization believe in quack farm relief remedies. lie - Phone-3C-R2- Layton, Utah . 4- FOR SALE Seed potatoes plant: ed from certified eastern seed ob new ground last year. Right six for planting; Bliss variety. David-L- . . Holbrook, Woods Cross. at SHOPPE t - J. 0S-R- 1. - Curtain at 8 O'clock P.M. April days, FOR SALE Unspoiled baled Mrs. Lucy Rose Knight returned 70 to 80 lbs. per bale, at 25c straw, to her homo Friday morning at each. First crop alfalfa $7.50 Poison, Mont., after visiting here rer ton. One half block hay, west of Five Points, Bountiful. Orson Ellis. 7 FOR SALE Young sow pig also a hog for sale or service. Fhone Bountiful 177-7FOR SALE A Remington portA Few Sips and able typewriter. Excellent condiRelief! tion, good value at $15.00. See E5 Like A Flash Brown at Centerville. T All coughs look alike to Buckleys LOST One Mixture itrlplo acting) one sip of pair and one odd this grand medicine soon stops an heeded buckskin gloves. Reward.. tough old doep Phone ordinary cough Mrs. Ncrman Barber seated coughs and the persistent MAN WANTED For' Rawleiglk bronchial cough are under control after just r few doses no more tore Route of 800 families. Write todajr meriting, sleepless nights. A Buckleys is alkallno, thats why Its Rawlcigh, Dept. U. F. D. S no dlfforent It acts like a Sash. Denver, Colo. V Refuse substitutes guaranteed. 45 FOR SALE Good used Oaklaiid and 85 cents at all druggists. W. 1C car at a bargain price. Inqire Buckley, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. the Union Furniture Co., Bountiful. . ft. FOR SALE Canning machinery; Boamer. cookers, kettles. 3 hp motor hydraulic press, eto. Utah Fruit Julcr self-relian- ApplIH . ADS 0,2 M- , . to reinforce, th ar-riof this will company strength here some time after April IS These new members will consist mainly of enrollees of .companies ia havp been disbanded, in addt-o- n o a few new enrollees. Approx-inmc-ly sixty members of this comEnrolleos ent llill-Walk- land.. Contracts are now being prepared for signatures of officers of the Woods Cross Asparagus Growers association to the portion of the crop that will be taken by the Woods Cross Canning company. At the. regular student nominations held last week at the University of Utah; Keith Brown and Ray Atkinson,' bath graduates. of 'the Davis county high school and. residents of Woods Cross, were n&rned Headquarters Co. 940 s, Tickets on Salt April 2nd to 6th, inclusive ; Return Limit, April 9th m Jak$ Christensen returned, home, from Nevada, Wednesday. Carl Fredrickson sold, his home in North Salt Lake to Mr Holland, who works at St. Marks hospital, and left for Sweden, last Monday, where he was born and raised.. He plans to spend the summer, with friends and relatives in his native Clara Iluber. more enrollees wire Bent to this company yestered with Farmington city as spon- day from company 2933, camp sor for a complete map of city Murray, Utah, to aid in rushing the showing all improvements to date, completion of the Farmington canincluding the entire water system. yon project. Working conditions Mrs. George Smith of Los Ango-le- up there have been impossible for California arrived here Thurs- two days this week due to the day on the Union Pacific Challenweather. ger to visit for a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Company 940 has entered a team-agaiGriffiths. this year in the Davis counTib 'case of Jesse Gwylinms vs. ty league. At a meeting held in William O. Thurgood for damage, Kaysville last night, plans and a. caused In an automobile accident, schedule for tho coming season is set for trial in the district court were drawn up. Tho first game J of Farmington, this Friday. to be played May 9. Last year our Officers are searching for John team made an excellent showing in RhonoJ tweny-on- e year old tran- this league, and were hoping for sient, who is alleged to have fitolen even belter results this year. $54 from a homo in Farmington, ? i Friday. T. L. Clayton, who has been bedCLASSIFIED fast for more than a year, has not been quite so well for the past few rsion Rates m WOODSCROSS e F-3- St e, dancers. No Traffic Worries No Parking Problem HMD a, Steed-Roll- p.-on- L D. S. Cosiferenice . Call-Sel'l- at Logan is scheduled to a number of advanced stubring dents from that institution to the fruit trees on the experiment farm jua thiu side of the transiant homo. Among the students from this county will be Clyde Decker of Centervillo and Joel Barlow of Bountiful. Our mountain tops and valleys are again covered with a generous sprxnd of snow, the first of the week. Tho new white blanket meas uretl from 7 to 9 inches. Judge J.'D. Wood is reported as not having been so well the past few days. Mrs. Agnes Spackman is still in a very critical condition at her home. She' is the mother of Mra. Myrtlo, atcretary in tho office of the school board. W I A project has been approvA. C. I DRAMA, visit&d about 25 men me employed at the U. P. raidroad company at tie renewal work. They commenced in Salt Lake the first of March, and have reached Farmington. They will continuo on as far north as Brigham city. Professor F. M. Coe of the horticulture) department of the U. S. via atrefn-ventio- ose El-n- ora his own recognizance. An extra gang of Salt Lake City with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Rose ner mother has been very sick, with erysipelas, but is much improved now. Daughters of Aurelia S. Roger, camp, Daughters of Pioneers met at the home of Sadie Clark, Monday, March 30. The lesson, Sl eep, and livestock industry of U.ah given by class leader, Clara' The Life of ; sketch of White Stevenson, was readl jy Lenora R. Stewart. Refreshments were served by the hostess, to 14 members. Nevt meeting will be April 27 at Artie Sesr,ion.i hme Maxine Mayfield, ' daughter oC Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mayfield returned from the St. Marks hospital Tuesday where she rocenly under-we- n an appendix operation. Izad The P. T. A. was Lucille Mrs. Wednesday: Clark, president; Jannetta Knowlton, Vic president and Alta Stevens, rfcr- -' :ary. A splendid musical program was rendered from the different grades under tho direction of Mis comfort. Saudi sixt only 25 Mr. Dorale WCLmu cl D Illinois, says, "I had no and was terribly nervous. Yet? lets helped my periods ani up." Try them next f 1 , : |