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Show Star Gives Pleasure by Is Simply Being What It SO WHAT I Is beautiful ; it affords pleasor to ure, not from what It Is to do, it Is. what being by but simply give, y has congru-ltIt It befits the heavens; which in space with the mighty A star Lard used In deep fat frying should strained through cheesecloth after use to remove the food parti- It dwells. It has repose; no force cles which accumulate la the kettle. disturbs Its eternal peace. It has freedom ; no obstruction lies between have a If flavor not better Oysters It and Infinity. Carlyle. overcooked. They may be rolled In fine cracker crumbs, dipped In egg'. rolled again In crumbs and fried in deep fat at 3SO Fahrenheit. be BETTER THAN NOTHING shadows lay thick beneath the and where they were deepest a crouched. Suddenly he heard a a light footfall on the grass. "That you, mate?" he whispered, The trees, figure sound, Landlady Ill give you Just one day In which to pay your rent Boarder Very welL Ill choose xiext Christmas. . -- hoarsely. "Yes," came the answer. What are you doing with that dog?" HAVE A LOOK he muttrred, as his burglar partner drew near. Why," answered his confederate, there was nothing worth taking In the house, and it's bad luck to come away without anything, so I pinched the watchdog and these burglar alarms Magazine. Tit-Bit- s I MARKET SLANT Cut flowers will keep fresh much longer If removed from the table after each meal and placed In the refrigerator. Cover stems with water. "Did you stay long In New YorkT "No; I got short very quickly." Dressing- tables, like little girls dresses, are now flounced from top to bottom. For a young girls room five crisp, sheer flounces of white organdie make a most attractive table. When scouring with wire wool use a snap clothespin to hold wool, this saving your hands. FINNEY OF THE FORCE By Td 0Lougblin llnldo By Western MRS. mas SUooP a new fAP SHE 'THIS-- CALLS VER. MOINIP TRON(s 'NOUGH BE M ATI'S K WEZ CAM FERCxlT PAN 7 Well-Balance- sure Feel terry e lh- -A i She How long will you give me to think over your proposal? He Why? She I want to hold It over Jack. Got A - sir COLD- TAKE SOME WEZ ME APACH- E- MlDIClMEy MRS. SMOOP? THATS RIGHT! AWP TAKE A PERSoM A STROKS KlM So A - Any AILMENT Dick Darling, does your father know that J write poetry? ' Doris Ndt yet, dear. Iye- - told him about your drinking and your gambling and your debts, but I couldnt tell him everything at once. Stray Stories Magazine, J- 7 Abitention "Do you play bridge?1 , She why I cant - . Vuiin Afford Had Good Reference-- . It" . "Did you see anything marked down at the new department store? "Yes; the red elevator globes." A ALL THIS FUSS 3UST BECAUSE VMt'RE Wide-Awak- SO NICE OF VoU To . COME MR. P. VJlLL BE EkSmT dowm vjorked-LatAt the-offic- - INVITED To THE PUPDS fisaoua SEED1 - Coleman G 1st gen- - I The Coleman nine liitiot lightini Iroa. N' R 11 All yoa have to do la torn a ealve. it dice a match and it liRhta inauntlv. You dont have to insert the match inaide th. iron no horned finrera. The Coleman beata In a jiffy; la quickly ready fornaa. Entire ironing aurface ia heated with the hottest. Maintains its heat even for , he fast worker. Entirely seif hcatiny. Operate for Kf in hour. You do your Ironing with lets lens time. Be eure your next effort. In one-thiiron 1 the genuine lnetantLiKhting Coleman. the iron woman It's wanta. lt a wonder every ful time and labor eaver nothing like It. Tho Coleman is the easy way to iron. CND POSTCARD for PRCI PMr aed Poll Dotallw TH COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVI CO. III.-- , THE OtlOIGE EXPERTS It- - home all flustered one day and told his wife: "Liza, Pze got a lawsuit on me hands." Liza replied: "Dats fine, Sam. t Take hit offen yo hands and on yo back. Dem ole overalls look Toronto Globe. conglomerous. darky-cam- e put-hi- Uki Mrs. Rynircsa, 330 timi baking award winner, ixperts taka ns chance The? choose CLABBER GIRL I . Mrs. Wyffe You. simply cannot find a maid who Is honest. The last one left suddenly with nine of my very best towels. ' Mrs. Clyffe What kind were Business Man e, m 494 Paul Av. Difficulties Fly There are few difficulties that hold out against real attacks;- they fly, like the visible horizon, before those who advance. . Puff, Puff what age is she? Dot Iq her. early nlcoteens. Windsor Star. Just Impossible FAMILY AFFAIR THE FEATHERHEADS postcard or coupon Ssu Wants the Best The Plats for 'Nurse, jHd you kill' all the- germs In the babys milk?? ' "Yes, ma'am; I ran It through the meat chopper twice." Nawspaper Unloa - Ad4nu Jte--Ab- out A - fi C Flower Garden, Old Fashioned and New. O How to Have Beautiful Lawn. O Getting the Moat from Your V egetaUc Garden . . answer My. Meek to a. But your wife playa." Thats SSlpJsgk tear ."I want you to teach my soq a foreign language. "Certainly, madam; French, Ger mail, .Russian, Italian, Spanish?" "Which is the most foreign?" London Bystander. ."No," "Yes. FERRYfMORSE DeptWUSlt Wichita, Kum.; Chico, Loe Aagalee, CaUf, Philadelphia, ft, Breaking It Gradually Sez AREBE MIMP GonisIA IKWAUD ? OVERCOME A SEED at your neorby dealer FRESH! Every packet dated one-side- Elsie Youll have to- wait. Si months more. He dWnt propose to me for pearly a year. Pathfinder ' ' . . . Mugazlno. ILL MUtMlM. PUREBRED Life as Work d . MO FERRY'S it - ) Choose IFOR 80.YEARS IMPROVING . commo- TOUCH FOR JACK l, To bring out the brilliancy 6f cut glass, add ammonia' to the water In which It Is to be rinsed. .t-- A. vacation helps to balance our powers, to give us a more symmetrical development. It keeps us from It Improves our becoming Judgment. Myateriea of the Mart People who alternate' work with "Do you think a lottery might hejp play, who frequently get close to NaIn meeting government expenses?" ture, preserve the sweetness of life; "No," said Mr. Dustin Stax. "It Is are sounder, saner; have more bad enough for people to gamble on n-sense than those who never tips from financial touts. It will Ije drop their work. even worse If our speculators get to depending on dream books." Dr. Fierces Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 60 years ago. Six Months to Go They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Ruth I wonder when Arthur Is going to propose? Hes been going with me for nearly six months. AM moimp over. First Pal I understand you are going to follow law. Is that true? Second Tal 1 take an examine tlon for the police force tomorrow. LoiKEi b to import ant to successful jeruunattw (Feny! are dated). btemm k mean realisation of your bopca for cnaewnypc quality. SIND FOR FRi I GARDEN HEIM . table. Elsie (Whose Face Lit Up With Innocent Curiosity) Certainly, Maam; May I ask, Maam, If there .will be much to be reticent about? SBZ FEEL IP (hem grow. Peroxide will remove perfume stains from linen bureau Scarfs. Keep .a blotting pad under scarf protect dressing table or bureau top when perfume Is spilled on It. whea you are waiting on the ) WELL-I- TS y Elsie, the new maid, seemed eminently satisfactory, but the mistress of the house thought a few words of sewing basket. WNTJ Service. Associated Newspapers. advice would be just as well; Mistress Remember, that I expect you to be very reticent about what you-hea- r Play Just as Important to Kill or Cure Newspaper neces-cssar- .Tie a little. bow ef bright colored fibbon on the handles of the scissors and they can be quickly found In the Maybe SEED The rntm fiscuuoog experience is gardening il to pUor FRESHi PUtLBRLD Ktdi tad waccfc l FSH because .. ..' IN THE PARADE with A tablespoon of borax placed in the water In the tea kettle will remove the coating that forms on Inside of kettle. .If the paint on the outside of your house has blistered it may be to take off all old paint. No paint will bond well with poor old paint. She Do you believe In love at first sight? He Yes, but I prefer to have a few looks. merit TARTS ... they? Mrs! Wyffe They were those hotel towels I brought back from the e e summer resort. SHORTENED Ijxchange. " Start Over Customer I havent come ta any v "There Is a great depletion, of the lobster. supply." "Makje you feel lonesome? ' . "Does Joue boy Josh know iuw to run your automobile?" "I think so," replied Farmer "Ills work on the farm ap? to have helped hlmj his perpears sonal vocabulary bein about the 'same as he uses on a mule." Corn-toss- el Mrs. Chutt Mrs. Smith's young ster Is amazingly short and stout. Mrs. Catt I suppose you know It was raised on condensed milk. JUST A HABIT MOvV-P- AY To MR. PUDt TbULL UHAH ATTeTioN LEARN somethimg- - PAY MAYBE whAT ASLEEP . -- AWD SUCRE THE time we TALKED. SOME Mother (to son helping to clear table after dinner) Why dont you car-r- y two dishes every time like your sister? Don't be so lazy. Son Shes the lazy one. She Just doesn't want to walk back after the mj other dish. The Difference The rather stout nature Now what can as discussing birds. a bird do that I can't? she asked. "Take a hath In the howl on im lawn," shouted Jimmy. tem-he- v WMtara Katpapr Haloa . 'W v'a !mi ' Daughter Father, our dom science professor Is teaching us to spend money. Father (Interrupting) Next be teaching ducks to Bwlm. It Suits Him Judge You want to collect daa age done to two pairs of trousers Man Yes, sir, Its a two-pasuit. Dialling It Out PlCKED think Ben Is simply wonderful." "Yes; the trouble Is he thinks so flavor; ' enough. MOPEL. 1 Ail Mother wandering around Hite that! Why dont you find something to occupy your mind? Sister He cant find anything small FALL All (WRIGLEY'S HAS SMOOTHC Undermined Tommy stop mam dudd AMP To HIM Poes he Po But it ' watch old 'ATTENTION ham In this sandwich yet. Walter Try another bite. Customer (taking huge mouthful) Nope, none yet. e Walter it I You must Have passed Arcanum Bulletin. Dog-gon- la Training , ! OR BABES TO CRY nt t.VJR IGLEYS. Th PERFECT GUMr |