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Show i THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. tAYTON. UTAH F BREVITY aver gives up cacfng ha should have grsat future as a movie star or congressman. The McGoofeys First Reader and Eclectic Primer r oi bay mhe still would bs (ho thing an the turd If ho reoi Id net preezo Psrby diw incss in record time, can act Fur. hsrmors, fc has that sort of appeal which puts th crowd on his side More Year, More Care from th moment when h i first Monkeys anil Yellow Fevrt ted Into public view. Tbs Kin$ Sees i'overtjf Most of (?e truly successful tbof. . Auciettl Koratt Foun oughbreds uf years have had these nullities, which are far more saying, reTh French have year enduring than the records hi ferring to biau's age. "One car on cuor. real indicating clast. U more" Exterminator was as far from d plus, vn oi S handsome hors that ho waa le plus. called Old Bones. But th word KuropeaA always were uttered with affectionlions might tak ate admiration. Billy Kelly, Comfor their snotty mander Ross little sprinter whs lino was so welt toved by th crowd wore, on mor 13 years or so ago. bad a similar danger of war. way af communing with bit Italy, Austria. Billy, who, like Brevity, bad bar Hungary a great fondness for lumps of sugar, a three power used to thrust his muzzf over the nde treaty rail in search cf stray offerings af which VhreO-yes- best-lookin- THIS WEEK : rv fcufl- r! I v; ' VMS Sew Tor Poet. WHO SwrrV. Phils Look Better Than Figures Show Cause They Hustle .11 i? i! d. hard-fough- 'll briskly-movin- iu 3 u i i . ! ! if ; ; U fj M II. I. niitm niriiBiTintiimrrfl U, S. Postal Service Is Worlds Biggest Business Biggest business in the world Is American mall Uncle Sam. carries on this vast Job In 4J.015 pust offices ; with 122.000 employees. ' . . . Revenue for the. fiscal. year that will end with June is now estimated ' The cosfof carrying ' at tJC.70.0O0.0li0. the mail will veaefi (TOO, 000, More than a billion pieces pf mail wer frunked, and that was euqlvs-- . lent t. a loss of (32,500.000 for Uncle, ymrii. A fleet of 8,100. mall thicks . looks like another world record fof ymir Uncle. IWIadelphla Inquirer, Em BLACK LEAF treaty keeps Bugs 40" Awkyfrom Evergreens, Shrubsetc. IlMUsa lftteaspdonful iu-dine- e. par Cation ot Spray. YipaiOi ' -- vy gay it again, flight fiow they art making muga out of the record and law of probability by indicating that tha Phillies r n f ha classiest lub parfarm in these parts. Ing It is upon t,he playing field, rath-d- r than upon paper, that appear ances do their test for Jimmy Wil ton's young men, too. Judged so! I y off their Grapefruit league bos core they are not1 impressive. These present Chillies hustle. !n marked contrast to thclf Shibe park rivals, they seem always striving to h the most with their opportunities. Such spirit la itself often enables them to come up with play that misfit otherwise aeem impossible and, riven reasonable opportunity for expression, might well wlo many t games next summer. Yes ained fiaker bowl fiad do frequently had a wearing affect upon ther springtime fa vorites baseball men here hold out little save sixth place for tha pres-dn- t team. Cven though tha pitch must Ing surely be Improved ever 1935, the Phils lack a punch af the Baba Ruth, Chuck Klein, Jimmy Fox variety. There are eight InHeldcrd ea the roster. Only one of them Gene Corbett, who did It for WInnipe; and so has little chance of winning a regular job anyhow hit better than .300 last year. Leo Norris, the shortstop who served such lon term with Minneapolis, has fower. Polph Camllll, the first base-madaps a long halt. la tha outfield there (a no vast Improvement Lthan Allen la a far smarter bitter now than in his youthful Cincinnati days, but his shrewdly placed blows n longer carry so much distance. He bit .307 last year and is the best of the Appearances ' 'mSrnt&cdh bd-fri- g V ! Two Lovely Blouses For Your New Suit g Need Superior Pitching When Lacking Sluggers Since no one of the catchers, Wit--m- , Hob Grace, or Hill Atwood, the rookie, are notable sluggers, the I'hils, thus, would seem to need su- awtmeata. guarantees trian Man O War Hat! h 5 Was Champ of Clumps Man o War, ufu knew til true worth and never let anybody forget It even though success never went to hi head, was another personality horse, Being s champion of champion and the Joe l.oul of his day and business, he must occasionally have been bored by the feeble competition provided for him. but he never let on ubout this. Always when lie passed through the paddock gate some spark seemed to Hash between him and the crowd. Then people settled hack, calm In the perfect knowledge that here was a champion dead set upon doing bla champion stuff, I mention suck Item of the past and present without any deirs ts compete with writer of th Black Beauty fable. Ther are people who regard horses as th dumbest of all animats (not excepting tha $2 bettor whs eecupy (heir days In being touted onto hopeless long shots). Then there ar jockey such as Wayne Wright, who has ridden winner in the three richest stake f th currant national campaign. A teddlsh-halreyoungster, father talle than the average jockey, Wright is not given much to communing with his fellows. A quiet, thoughtful lad, wh is more la the man- g other la war Edward VHl, new king ef u visited th magnificently ocean steamer Queen Mary ia Glasgow, then went from house to houses knocking oa doors, visit-nom of tho worst slum dwellings ia all hl kingdom. Later, talking to Lord itelchett, th king put th problem of Eng-anthis country and tho whole world In theso few words: "How d yon reconcile B world that has produced this mighty ship r with th slums w have just Cng-an- d, lax-rlo- g Because be knows he wll) have to unpack and reload the car again to make room for the dog and the barrel. How (nun times has lie done this? liv h'w.m, tails nf sightly Dan Mon tlruff, use Glov in Now Volt.. iIraship.eiH hi m t cts. Start today with Glovers Mange Medicine and follow, with Glover'll; Me stull too. The life .t U :til s r N about t Welle Weeks. The Outlies ef tlio ;l . Minnts do tint In nut, It for sU .himjiing. Medicated Soap shampoo. ! The ator.ice cutter takes blokes il s.,iT Hups ! ',3.'rf,.Ci stllil lller. Not one utati tn il i!,;p,s eon hatute typewriter liMioti without Peivm ing a lien oils wreck. Moths throughout lh country starred to death summer trying to tind room . bore hull' til pies etil day bathing rmils. RIDE a- -t GENERAL INFORMATION TEST t'htck tlu words which properly complete the following Mcntciu'c ; 1 Millard Fillmore was... a Civil war hero Inventor of the ateamboat..,,.i noted gullet lit the nliietic a pole vuultef the thirteenth President uf the United State a tree sur geon. OVERLAND or iHMi-- n have to go a Jong way toward giving the tailored and man nlslv suit a sweet and feminine iqe pen ranee. The model at the top ts a new lingerie Mouse made of madonna bine crepe do chine and trimmed with tiny crystal buttons.. Soft puff sleeves tightly bunded and n fluffy bow at the throat contribute the feminine tbuehea, At the Imttom Is ft most attractive shirr blouse it baa a charming Peter Pan colln r and buttoned panel the model U for the wnlst closing ' made, of batiste with either short sports or Jong bishop sleeves, Btoim-- THE s .-- Give - 30-lnc- h n. d ng c? ? la vis-ted- be-for- e Who is this) j This Is IhiiNoy. Who Is ITihlscyl Chldsoy is Just an umajo lean family man. What is thhlsejr doing? Vhldsey is packing the tIUwr preparatory to quitting the Mimnior cottiage and going hack to the city. Why docs I'liidscy look so tierce? If you were in I'hldsey's shoes you would look tierce, too. lie s all hot uml bothered. What inukc t'hidscy hot uni bothered? Trying to get the family inn! Its belongings back to town in one load with a minimum amount of cramping. Isn't the car nearly packed? Yes, the cur Is nearly packed. Everything is In except a barrel of dishes and the bird dog. Then why Is Chldsey (till pivv-Ish- I me liberty nr give in dentil" was spoken by Six of seven. Greta Why doesnt Chhlsey pack the Garbo. ... . . . , ..I.ennur Macfuddeu things in the right pluce? bog eta II o inshy, Because Mother keeps digging up Bishop Cannon l'ut rick HurBarbara Bell pattern N. 1S5Q-another crate of kitchen utensils ley Patrick Henry. both Mouses Is available In sizes 3 Alble Booth became Well of something. Cor 10, M, IS, 20; 40 and 42. Will Chldsey get the cur packed known liecuu.se he was a great measurements 32, bust rcsiHindlng actor.... ...lie shot Lincoln..,,.., ultimately? A marretonsly Illustrated ancient Is right, he was a great Yule football 31, 30, 38, 40 and 42. The top blouse Ultimately in th found of 35 or V, yard of Koran, manuscript player..,,,,. he owned the Booth requires 10 34), and' blouse for size material shop of as antiquity dealer of theater. MAXIMS FOR CHILDREN or 2 yards Cairo, Egypt, was bought for fifty Is .....a elty la (II) requires 1J yards 10 knows how Heaven with size pounds. many (31). long sleeves, noted Russian Portugal Be shy And quiet The Barbara Boll Pattern Book thousand of pounds It la actually a kind ullbuiit of violinist... And you'll be put on worth. featuring Spring designs Is ready race horse s Send fifteen cents today for your been to have la said The Koran kind nf wax. If youre rough and informal copy. a educated Give was ' Jew, Theyll say you're normal. written by "Dont highly Up the Ship!" fROM OGDEN OR SALT Rend Jtuir order To The Sewing who suggested Ideas to Mohammed, spoken by ........Owncy Madden LAKE CITY ridfe in an Circle Pattern Dept., lit) New Montthe latter being unable to write. Ia ul Revere ulitioncd coach on our fastest If you like spimuTi gomery Avc.,vSnn Francisco, Calif, the U. 8. shipping hoard It is possible, however, that an- Tour parents will grin trains across Great Salt Lake WNU Berylo; lUtll Byn.illcat. Lawrence John Caplin and over the I ligh Sierra. Coffee gels, supposed Co have revealed But If you repjeet it Paul Jones. divine truth to Mohammed, also Theyll Bprt of expect It, ' i4, milk 3 if,, sandwiches 101 Bombing" ' G Addison .Simms Is a also low cost dining car meals. taught him to write. . British airplanes, were succussfu noted lawyer ....an Interna- lecently In using Milk will make you healthy. . warntional financier the author Good news for tree growers, fruit If your folks are sn wealthy . of bombs to subdue rebInstead ings' of "It .Simms to Mo" chair trees or other. Ton may get rid That thpy can buy Grade A ' el tribes In Africa and Kurdistan, for further details see or writs ' man uf the Reconstruction torpors-tlojv- . of Insect pests by hammering the And he able to pay. D. R. OWEN, General Agent, 4,000 feet high, the ntitiouno Flying . trunks of trees with a riveting ma 41 So. Main St. Salt Lake City era In Ihese machines made entire Chine, such as is used in driving Never speak unless spoken tovlllngcs surrender by threats. Issued THE RABBIT - . rivets' In city skyscrapers. And doctor will coma to examine In thunderous tones, their voices beA California inventor patented . yo.u.ing amplified I.QOO'.OOO .time'. ColThe rabbit Is an nnlnia! rJARROVCBRANDUCFIlS the process This writer propose . lier's. , to try It on h New Jersey orchard Never talk bnck to your daddy iof That very quickly grieve Unless you feed Mm turnip fop ' at the earliest possible moment mumm- yAnd lots of cabbage leaves- The riveting Is said to loosen the Ant) folks they wilt thtnk yoi) a insect pests, after which It la easy .terrible dummy, It keems to cat tin? whole day lorig; to w&Bb them off with strong Its doing, heed no of chemicals spray water, '. Despite what elseseems ' . THE STORY OF ALFRED . to me, The rabbit, so It ed. To save the tree, from Injury, Is chewing. always, always U ia probably desirable to put sevi Alfred wo eral thicknesses of old automobile pretty dull. It lives In burrows In the brouinb Dbg ago I was like shnric friends t tire or .tubes between the bark aa! NOT S He did not And builds a low Jit spirits. out of subway grand the riveting machine. . ' grasp things. In which, unlike the subs we know, ' sorts... tired rawly and looked terrible. I knew I had no serious organic trouble so I reasoned 3 lie. was a It never lias to stand.. Theta is plenty of money In this sensibly,', .as my experience has since proven... swift country, billions of It Jesse Jones that work, worry, colds and whatnot bad just talker and could It sometimes goes upon the stage will tell you, but it Is not circuworn me down, bore yoq on any And presently appear . The confidence "mother has always had in lating,' as unhealthy for money in subject. front' As some magician yanks-ITonic... which is still her stand-h- y when country aa for blood In your veins. 5S.S. was A silk hat by the ears. convinced me I ought to she fccs Tou know the strange, perhaps no subject in course... the . try this Treatment... I started true, stbry of w man who unwit. RIGHT YVORO which Ue was THE come to to back I felt .color skin... began my tingly passed a counterfeit (10 I no longer tired easily and soon X not thoroughly better... hill It went through the hands of ' were back to felt that those Check the words which properly ten Individuals, paid for (100 worth, misinformed. Imfighting strength... it Is great to fed inherited 6 a He talent these for sentences; complete of goods, And came back to the man s.S.S.Co- strong again and like my old sdf. a street 1 A faux pas Is Who originally passed It He Identi- providence ant) was ' always abort a kind of det . of la France money, fied and destroyed It G If he ever found himself With .something embarrassing and One hundred dollars worth of was be bank he the ..a unl of ftallap la tactless (100 thought debts bad been paid, nobody was and all currency. doing splendidly ylolUttag any the worse. . Money is. Queer , . 2 "If that be treason, make tfw tradition' family thing. YOU NEED MORE PEP? 7 lie was pretty Bruch of a flat most of If wus spoken by.,.,.,. SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY his ...Patrick friends best admitted Rogers Hornsby Do not give living toys' to your tire, evep, advice Follow of tha Vr. 1 10 tried his hand at all 8Franklin U. Rouse- things Henry W. S. Birtlow of 222 Oor lobby Is delightfully air children for Easter presents. Many West 31st St., Ogden. veft. results. with . .Harp equal Marx,,, cooled daring the summer months and friends said: who Alter Utah, parents thoughtlessly ' 9 Ue started la business for him- George Washington. . an illness was a in ) Radio tor ivory Room give children helpless living crea- self eleven times weakened condition. I but never could (,enmV)at Wtis Invented 200 Rooms 200 Baths was thin and did not tures, easily hurt live chicks, or make a n embrandt go of It. by to seem have any hatched newly ducklings. Joe strength. I had no appe10 He couldnt figure very well Lord Tenn.yson The helpless creatures are rough tite. and felt generally A Janies Watt loss ax an ap Jackson; and even showed miserable. Dr. Pierce's ly treated, mutilated, fortunate If Golden Medlrat Discovery put me on my Durante vender. schnozxle Uf pie feet again. I had a good appetite and gained they happen to be promptly killed, 11 But he . finally hit something John N. Garner. weight and strength." Buy now I by children that know no better. which provided him with a big field, 4 The Seraplds was. ...I became a 12 of lie statue Salnt'Gaudens.., famous writer magazine The Intelligent a restaurant la Paris.. Swiss nation is said to be disturbed on business affairs. He wrote stories The Out of headed: a famous the Way battleship.,;.... .a Bronx by the prospect of another war as a cockand Business Slump" "Incompeapartqient house ' by none other. ' HOTEL In American Industence Rampant tail Every Swiss under fifty Is armed, . was .Boone famous Daniel 5 trained and ready. Even in the try." 13 lie even ran a department Free sample Velvet Move....a. Civil war cavalry leader... . Constipated? big war nobody tried to Invade No purgatives, cathartic, ment" of a chain of "Business Problems called Made the proprietor e d Switzerland too much ba-climbherbs, griping. A body an.l Ratoa $t.SO to S3.CO AIL" food for all vitabuilding ...........a energy pioneer stores.'. containing Simple grocery and the conqueror would not ing, minerals. "velvet" mins and results. Quick an early Nature Co.. 1004 Gardner, Uullywood, Culif. MORAL': Its all done by bologna railroad builder 0 Tha Hotel Temple Sqeue has a know how to run the hotels, even Inventor the highly do Ira bio, friendlyIt Immae-iletslicers. frontiersman if be acquired them. will alwaya find ' o and of the telephone. supremely comfortable, AGENTS. Men or women to take 8AI.E9 thoroughly agreeable. You can tbero a flagCURIOUS FACTS FOR 0 Jules Verne was ordevs for bsh for Lent. Liberal commisThe Immediate business of this le hotel fora understand why this EDWIN K11M.EV HUN, the composer of sion. Write CURIOUS PEOPLE pole sitter HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Huh Dewier, Heattle, Wash. country Is to find some way of con You can also appreciate why Home, .Sweet Home"... '...a memtrolling flood waters probably fioi baseball Brooklyn of ber no tea o mark af dlatioeVom to 4o a are In beauties There bathing impossible. Nowt Clans organising genealogies ot this boauUtol Ooatolry Register author a celebrated outfield 6 Xln Feat'jrei Syndicate, lao, the Swiss Alps. of Families. Celebrate your name Day C. ROSSITER, Afrr. YVNU ServiceERNEST commander of the Linn Date. ZJc.Veru Information the Mhivily, do care not for The Laplanders VVueli. Frontier Cruud Corner, Couloe, Union army at Vicksburg. ice cream cones. d, y bet-a-m- ll a quently saw 'monkeys with high fevers drop out of trees and die, dozens f them, victim et yellow fever. Fortunately fof Brazil cities, the ungle mosquito that bite tnonkeya and gives them yellow fever keeps away from cities. Th fight against And disease-bearinmosquitoes rats would keep men busy. If they were not busy already killing each ready Lon Meade or the playful Silvio Couccl, he has confided to hi a friends that Brevity can understand, feact and communicate much like a human. Having observed that perfect communion between horse add rider when they were winning the '$20,000 feature at Miami, t do cot doubt It. Wright, who rode Tbp Row Ih the Santa Anita, also says that Brew-itis th best horse of the year. Probably at the moment, he is correct in that,, too. Yet for lh benefit of newspaper brethren who, short weeks ago, were heatihg the drums for Discovery and the N. Y. O. Baa ketball team one or twe ' things might be hinted at before the Ken tucky classic is p&rmittoj to go by default. Crlza fighters who are seeking their fortunes down In Florida ai;e getting little save sunburn this M saw ita fast perform the other night a crowd of COO. There were fouf knockdowns before, the final convlncer was put on In the fifth. The winner's end was (8. Miami wouTd like lo persuade en f the New York team t train there next year, but citizen still are putting the rap on Bill Terry. Their year-elcomplaint toncern the admission fee charged by the Giants. . . , Phil Weintraub, the hard hitting outfielder peddled by the Gl hnts, alss n longer loves hi for. tner boss. . . Young Eddie Thomas, who got them off so neatly at Santa Anita, is the best qtartpr Sinoe th celebrated and departed Dade, 1 wll ts horsemen. work at Detroit this summer and they are hoping that the New York state racing commission will scout p itching and un twnl Boro-caban- ner of Kande than of the rough and -- independ- Bao Paulo, Brazil, worries . OANOKUFF For annoving reports brought by health otllcers 'rota the forests of the upper area. In that region, where mosquitoes are thick, explorers fre- d sea.-so- ITCHING SCALP- - Italy Aus- ence against any attempt by Germany to absorb Austria, for instance. Ther is possible eaus for war If any caus wer lacking. perior pitching and airtight defense if they are to climb out of their accustomed depths. Undoubtedly they wilt field tote ter than most Baker bowl have fielded in the also ono or two veteran pitchers are improved, while there are recruit whose forthcoming efforts can be noted with prayerful admiration. Luck Walter's fast ball makes (he reformed Infielder subject of-raise whenever other players discuss the team. Joe. Bowman now knows how to slow up On the batter and can handle other trick stuff Giant better than when he was The big Indian, Euel Moore, is tm proving physically over last season, and declares that his arm Is as good as In bis rookie year. then is Among the youngster Passo Passeau, reluctantly given up by the Pirate in the Todd deal. He is one of the most eminent of strike out artists, having fanned 239 batters in 244 innings, while hurling for Charleston in 1934. When the Wilson talks usually about him,' the air is Filled with adjectives concerning on of th bet fast balls in tha business. That Is, f course. If the Aging Davis is arouad Philadelphia at the time. Right .now him. Curt, bigger and Suggested sign for Sblbe pdrk better than ever, Is home of the ailing. A's Abandon the star .of the hopte all ye who enter here." . Phils. If he stays Although some umpires are nubbed with them hi a dozen times a season. Bill Klein alhas never been hit by a batted ball pitching may though the chance during bis 35 years of being the Is no more 'than best of them all. . . . Duffy, the Boa one put ton college end who hopes to pitch slight them Into fifth for the Dodgers this year, looks place. let, swell like Body Yallee and knows It. . . pitcher that be Is, Jal Lai Mars look enviously even there Is reason to at rookie ball players. Their sport: believe that his requires rare skill and possibly best the world's fastest, yet $05 a week clubs the be would departure (with occasional $3 bonuses for win break. line-uthe nlng games) Is tops for them. With Davis in their 1 win to the 4 to be pen Bill Dwyer, the hockey, night club Cubs would nant. Fortified with the three or and racing magnate who was so four good young men who could be badly bed only a few months ago, obtained for him, the already im- Is getting back into the proved Phil would be well ad lion class. . . . Rumor mongers have vanced toward getinf toms place It that; Mike Jacob's contract for next year. promoting Joe Louis' fights contains by which the Brown The bst guess, Incidentally, Is a J?o-hulforsake the HenrstA. ( that the Cubs and Phils will gel liorubeT a to battle for tired of uutwaiting one another aoJ when the time coic-ttitle. toe soon. on heavyweight the deal 'her gcjt tog repro-tentativ- a as . air-co- - Loud-Speakin- g . - loud-speake- r' Souihora Pacific . - ' - . . . This story '. will interest many Men and Women .'.run-down- ... pretty I t . run-down- ... so-rail- ed 00 - gil m hard-workin- g, -- a. Food-La- Temple Square x. highly-laxatlv- atmoa-jhere.Y- a, iio-lu-- er the-101- - |