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Show Horsemaa differadvance opinion! .Varying ent candidates In different, ages, is the world's greatest, horseman, but experts are pretty much agreed tbit Friedrich Wilhelm Seylltz was the greatest for.tha dual feason'of bla personal horsemanship and hl.s ability to handle vast numbers of cavalry In the field, lie served- the king of Prussia In the Eighteenth century. One of hfs personal exploits was to ride at a windmill la motion and dash between the ealls without touching. II bertune ft lieutenant general when still under forty. Jt was said he could handle 10, UO cavalrymen with the same ease be handled bis own mount, Gbee la clarified batter, used In India: The beat IS prepared from butter of the milk of cows, the less esteemed from that of buffaloes. The butter Is melted over a slow fire and set aside to coo); the thick, opaque, whitish and more fluid portion, er tehee, representing the greater bulk of the butter. Is then removed. The less liquid residue, oil. Is sold mixed with ground-nu- t as an Inferior kind, of ghee. In India ghee Is hne of the commonest articles of diet, and Indeed centers Into the composition of everything eaten by the Brahmans. It Is also extensively ased In Indian religions ceremonies, being offered as a sacrifice fto Idols, which are at ttipes bathed 1ft It, . - Gontl War ExpfoSoft freefone 4 Drink Png and, la one T Wa.t l.jirtn-on-Trit- , city whosn water la too precious t drink os water, says a writer In Pwlller'a Weekly, Its special prop-ertU-- s make U invaluable In the brewing of ale ind beer, which Is the chief Industry of the city. So all of It goes to the breweries while the citizens use water that Is pumped into tha city from, an out, The greatest sljngle explosion In s . he World wuf took place oh Ridge la Belglnm at 3 :1ft a. 1. on June t, 1017, when 19 British mines, containing more than a . million ponnds of ammon.nl, were fired simultaneously .under German tre.nchv blow ing high In the air s f concrete etnplaco- long' line merits, guns ami soldiers. II. I. Trounce, Snn IMego, Cullf, la Co. lliers Weekly, Mes-Ine- tide source. . Tortei.e.hell - Cal. 1!m Many Plante Australia hns 10,000 species of plflnls, most of. which are peculiar 'to that continent. The forests of enealyptns tower 900. feet In the air and single, trees reach a diameter oTf fiiore than 0 feet. Hundreds of varieties of evergreen with seasonal blossoms of great beaut arc found everywhere, fills'.! -- '. Glass-Blow- Read the Grape colmnn of this paper and learn how to Join the Dizzy Dean Winners and win valuable free prizes. Adr p .' Height of River Traffic The height of the steamboat river traffic out of St was probnbly reached when there were 00 regular packets besides 80 or 40 transient or.trniiip bonts. These bunts ran on regular schedules from St Louis to Miami, Kansas H.v( St; Joseph, Omaha rnd Slou ' Silversmith' .Guilds guilds are reputed to have a history dating back to the Chin and Ilan emperors, more than 2,000 year? afro, but the large modern silversmiths' City - . shops familiar to the resident In - nm. n Finds Relief Safe, All VegefableWay She had given up hojn of anything but parii.it relief until she tear nr. I of famous fR Tablets (Nature Remedy). But "ow aflcr y6318 of chronic consti. biliousness whatachange! New i oationand new color and vitality freodom from bow. sluggishness and intcsrinal poisons. This ali, vegetable laxative gently stim.ulates the entue o ''HI ' , pc-- it , f was a Blender youngster, Just pnst over It, Although they hated the hitwentieth birthday, "nrrnyed In Mexican, they were willing enough store clothes, boiled shirt and derby to be friendly with the first Amerhat" In other words, the typical icans with Whom they came Into eustern tenderfoot tossed Into the an act of treachery on the of the Southswirling west part of an American trader and the murder of a party of lie had been born of Holland-Dutcparentage, near Claverack, Apaches by his men In 1S33 had N. Y In 1891 and had grown up planted the seed of suspicion of on the fnrtn. At the age of sixteen Americans. During- the next 60 the Hudson River Instit- years thnt suspicion grew into a cerute-to that city and Immediately tainty that these white men also the cadet corps where he re- were enemies to he mistrusted and Joined ceived military training which would hated. For there was "s sickening prove Invaluable to him Inter. In the series of broken promises, of ugly full of 1S70 he entered Rutgers col- trickeries. Chiefs, Invited to .conlege to study for the ministry, tils ference, were killed. Safe conducts parent hoped. But young Cliun were vloluted. .Officers broke faith. The American trappers, traders and thought differently. footsoldiers always hnd difficulty In tellon the fie At Bulgers played ball team and took purt In. the first ing the difference between consistIntercollegiate game ever played In ently hostile tribes, like the Chlrle.a-hunand peaceable tribes, such as till country between Rutgers anil they killed I'rineeton, lie also became cnptaln the Arlvnlpns." S of the Crew but Illness cut short his Apaches Indiscriminately and more college career.. He went back to the than once drove friendly tribes on . far-warpath. but, soon realizing that It 1862 federal ivnsnt big enough to make a living th4 government By for him and Ms five brother, ho had decided upon a policy of exter. . decided t go West, mlnatlon of tho Apaches. From 1862 until 1871 It had spent $38,000,000 Ue Goes West to do it and had actually, eucceeded Ills' opportunity came when he In killing less than 100 Apaches, in'read In the village newspaper that cluding women, children and old the. War department was ahout to men! "There were seven thousand organize a meteorological service Apaches In the United States when throughout the United States (Dow that war started and teventy one the United Slates weather bureau). hundred survived. The Apache birth He' went to Washington, passed the rate defeated the Grim Reaper and examination, was appointed an Uncle Sam, combined, by one rver-sergeant In the United States head." All of these, things young John Signal corps at Saiita Fe, N. M. During the next .two years,, ns Clum learned by digging tnto official wenther observer at Santa Fc, the reports when .h went to Washing-totenderfoot became better Acquainted to study up on bis new duties. with the West. But he was fur from ".The deeper I dug Into these being a seasoned frontiersman when. reports, the more bewildered 1 In' November, 1S73, he received from became. Could, my government be thft Indian bureau In Washington nn so two fared as to presume to prooffer of the position of Indian sgent tect the Apaches through Its civilqf the Snn Carlo reservation in ian Department of the Interior and Arizona.' Why was he chosen for the at the same t.Inte endeavor . Job?thorn through Its 'military the several , In ' those day Department of War? . , . I deterdenomination ' were mined thnt the Apaches, would. get religious clmrged with th supervision of s square deal from that time on.. If flie Welfare of the various tribes their new agent had .anything', lo of Indians, Including, the recom, Say about It." mendation of suitable persons Tor Omlnou prediction , ., . as Indian agents. . appointment The wild Apaches hnd bceiras-,- ' Despite that honorable Intent ton, In Tucson,' the words of signed lo tlw very tame Dutch Reformed church, whtcll denem-his way arrived he qn when there, liiatlon hnd boon hesponsUde for to take up Ills new duties at .San the ivltglons guidance of. John Carl tvs, were scarcely reassuring. .. (.Turn's youthful footsteps; H so. "It's ft shaiiSe to send, such Up'll be hack hnppened that the Apnvhes needed ktd; they said. hetV tn a week, ns soon as he nnbgcnt at this time, 'arid a volstay-- ' unteer .was sought nbus-thgets, cne good .took at those. . Feme of ' dents at Rutgers colh-geApaches. Either that of heH get . Clum.'s former classmates tuggCst, n Abachd .lance stuck tfahough d .that, Inasmuch as he was alhlrt- before he ever reaches the ready In New Mexico, he might agency." . be willing to undertake the ob." Better' go back ter the farm," was their admonition, "ind save Job A .Man-Siz- i money as well s your scalp." your A Job it was,' too,, for a But John P. Clum had two outfresh from the East standing virtues courage and Just a matter of taking charge of sense of humor, lie had become 6,000 India vs scattered, all over the bald at the age of twenty-one- , territory of Arizona. Moreover, these and now lacking one month of Indians were the "terrible Apaches." he had only a being twenty-three- , From' the days of the Spanish he kept hair which of fringe they had learned to distrust and hate the whit man and "The government Is paying my for 200 years every effort of the traveling expenses," he told his Fpnnlsh and the Mexlcnns to conadvisers, so I cannot lose any In been vain. them ud money by going to San Carlos, and quer After the Mexican war the United having no hair I cannot very well States had acquired, by. conquest lose nvy scalp." With this parting shot, Clum and purchase, the Great Southwest. But treaties and such like didn't procured a backboard and two mean a thing to the Apaches. This horses, loaded up with provisions, six shootwas Apache land and they hnd never bought a Colt forty-fiver and drove out of Tucson , . admitted the sovereignty of Mexico hurly-burl- y h cold-bloode- d ?, to-th- obse- hun-dre- d ofll-cl- . . old-tlme- 1 ItwiU bc a pleasure to show you these New ; General Electrics., YouJ fee interested in 1 . - '. - t'wehty-two-year-ol- features and their cost. Apologr Not Good intentions should mate deeds not an apology. fop had er , low r. girls Nuts ad In Ahothep lf Butter Used a Cosm'etio Butter Is the natlonnl cosmetic of Ethiopia and if a huslmnd does not keep ,'hls .wife supplied- with butter, she hns the right to divorce him, Butter Is necessary to keep the shine on their hair Which Is the first mark of beauty with tllo worn-- ; . cn'of that country, . their fcOY si V TiTivkiiV:. druggists, Bad Enough A lot of people are Some others are Just hard to ploaM. hard. - . The Chinese silversmiths eCMO SCOTT WATSON the story of ft "forgotten hero" of tha old frontier. His name was John . Philip Clum. . When he died 0 May 2, 1932. newspaper dispatches recorded the fact very briefly. They said ht had been as 'agent for tha Apxch Indians and captor" of tha notorious Chief (Jeronimo, .They recalled that ha had also bees lli first mayor of the'towD of Tombstone, Arlz., In Its wild old days and that h was the foun der and first editor of its famous (and appropriate newspaper, tire Epitaph, But they fold only a fractional part of the story Wild West hero. A more com qf- an authentic e record Tjls career appears In the kook plete "AfiachG Agent The Story of John P. Clum," writreten by his son, Woodworth Cluui, and published ' IIougliton-MIffllthe company, cently by .John duia was about the Inst man on earth you would have picked for a Wild West hero" If you could have seen him that day tn the autumn of 1S71 when he, arrived In tha frontier, country, lie y lie Calif., at the age of eIgl)ty-four- . was a glass-blowe- r by trade, and liecame a circus attraction when lie was thirty yours eld, . l, of Coltfmbui Ship was the largest of Colunihtja fleet. 1C.ngfh was Stl feet 3 Inches, and tonnage, 292; the Plhtn had a length on deck of 82 feet 8 Inches, tortnnge, lCl white the Nina hnd a length on deck of 79 feet and tonnnge, 171. Tonnnge figure's ore la terms of. modern . h Thumb, the midget, was Partus Abner Alilen, .42 Inches tall, vi ho for 40 years was known na Tom He diet) September 21, Thumb. 192(1, at Ms home In 'I, os Angeles, Santa-Marl- . ,v Torn Six weight , bowel, gives com- plete. thorough "Tom Thumb," Loneliest Populated Spot Tristan da Gunns Is located In the. South Atlantic ocean, 1,400 miles from Capetown on .the east, 2,600 m)les from Bueno Aires on th? The Island of Ft. 1,900 miles to the north. Is the nearest Inhabited land, ' A possession of'Grent Britain, the Island often has been called the loneliest populated spt on earth, The .JOHN. P s ohcr Persian. j , of growing fresh vegt daring- the long AfctHe.; even tables dismayed the otheg day t slght-waew iork. Rockefeller Center-The plant 1 required. soil No a chemical container-witIn a grow of salt minerals, solution composed which .foods provide . and other plafit needed- - Ultra . all the nourishment violet ray lamP3' take' the place so well that ; the' sun. doing the Job or three timpf . two at th nlanls grow Washington IW, .' their portnal.rate. A method The tortoiseshell la a type of cat carrying a distinct marking. of the nose Is bhtok, the other half orange. .This Is knqwn as the blaze.' The coat Is blftek with blotched markings or range. and cream arid is clearly .defined and not brindled. The standard of general conformation Is the fame tig AuIhU et Crow Vegetables Without Sun or Soil in Quick Tim? . Orie-hn- He-,'len.- r World' Crest CIih, Common Diot la India . - . close-croppe- Electricity Is The Biggest Bargain In The Home POW'EEi & LIGHT C. ' , e d. nl The moment you apply Dr. Scholls pain STOPS! These thin soothing, healing pads relieve shoe pressure ; prevent sore toes and blis- ters. Separate Medicated Disks in. eluded ia every box for quickly eafely removing corns or callouses. Only 25 and 35f bos at your drug, shoe John P. Clum In 1931. 2 Chatto, John P. Clum and Esklmlnzln. 3 Fourteen of Geronlmot famous band of Apache warriors on their way to prison tn Florida. In the front row, third from the left. Is Nachee (Nalche or Natchez), son of Chief Cochise, and in tha same row, fourth from the left. Is Geronlmo. Tauelclyee, sergeant of Cluma Apache police. 5 John P, Clum and his company of 54 Apache police. (From a photograph taken at Tucson, Ariz in May, 1876.) All pictures from "Apache Agent," by Woodworth Clum, courtesy, th Houghton-Mifflicompany, publishers, 1 Zino-pad- 4' " or department (tore. n En route, he passed through New Camp. Grant and there he saw a Indian with Iron shackles riveted to Ms ankle at work making adobe bricks. Jt was Chief Esklmlnzln f the Arlvalpns. Originally a friendly chief, he hnd seen 118 of ltla people killed by a party of Americans, Mexicans and I'apago Indians from Tucson la the famous (or Infamous) Camp Grant massacre. Small wonder that he had taken to the warpath to avenge them. At last he hud been prevailed upon to bring Ms tribe In to San Carlos.. The reason he was wearing shackles was because be w.us an Apadhe and the army officer In command didn't like himt Eventually Clum succeeded In gaining Esklmlnzlna release and by doing so gained, a friend who wus a potent factor In making a success of his new Job. But an even greater factor was Clum3 method of dealing with the Apaches. - fine-lookin- g ... First Indian Police Anticipating by f0 years the most modern theories about handling Indians, he made .them by founding th$ first body of Indian police ever organized In this country to preserve order on the reservation and by establishing Indian courts to try offenders. He made them partially, by tenchlng them the arts of pence Instead of war and paid them for the work they .did. And above all else he taught them that he was a man who did not speak ztitb a split YJrnt he promised to. do, tongue. whether punishment or reward; he did and they knew he would do It The .results f his policy were, soon apparent. When he first' went to San Xarios he bad 7.00 Arlvalpns under his charge. Then the word went out among other Apache tribes that at Inst there was A white man agebt at Sat 'Carlos who would treqt tl'iera fairly arul protect them from bad ;wh.)tc men (Including the soldier). So they began coming In and within three year Clnm was ruling over 5,000 of these terrible Apaches" without the aid of a single soldier. The only 'other white men at $an Carlos were a physician and a '. . commissary clerks hundred-yearApaches "Fey three had defied control1; had been knowrt. as 'the most dawgtroQt ef all the nationi of red men li North America; the, most resourceful fighters; subdue. John the most difficult Clum disregarded all. precedents of. Indian management, and In three unr years tamed the tamable." It Is doubtful If he could have done that bad It not been for the loyalty of Ms Indian police. Ilow deep was that loyalty Is shown by the fact that Sergeant Tanelclyee shot and killed his own brother when that brother tried to murder the sergeants beloved . It wag proved again when Clum was ordered to take the trail of Geronlmos hostlles, capture them and hold them for murder and robbery. It was a big order. It. meant g s t' much-heralde- d nan-tan- " (chlef-asent)- . . . marching on foot four hundred miles across the mountains and deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, almost to the Rio Grande. It meant a cunning foe, who for years had defied capture. It meant achieving a task at which the military of two tuitions bad failed. John Cl unt carefully selected for his posse a hundred of his best Apache fighting men, made the long Journey, trapped Geron. mo and Lis followers In the mountains near Ojo Callente, N. M., captured, them all, marched them back 'four hundred miles to the Fan Carlos reservation. "This was the only time Geron. Imo was ever actually captured. In later years on several oecaslon-he voluntarily surrendered; he was forcibly captured only once. John Clum did the Job without f bloodshed, without fanfare trumpets. He riveted chains n Geronlmo's ankles and threw him ' Into the guardhouse." . out-smarti- find ready relief from itching of eo zema, rashes and similar ills, in thft gentle medication of Ee $ur They Properly Cleanse the Blood , VOUR tdoneyj are constantly filter. I ing waste, mailer from th blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag ii their wor! do not act as nature in. tended fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging backache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, puffiness under the eyes feel nervous, miser bre oil upset. Don't delay? Usft Doan's PiNs. Doan s are especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They am secom mended by grateful users the country ever. Get them from any druggist. s Politics Intervene More thnn that, John Clum hanging Geronlmo for the murderer that he was. But fate; In the form of official stupidity In Washington and politics, Intervened to save the neck of the renegade leader. Soon after Clura's capture of Geronlmo the. bickering between the Indian bureau and the War de15 3d partment over the question of han- IVNUW the dling Apache, plus "Arizona's dirty politics of 1S77," brought COMES about a crisis which resulted In BEFORE Cluras resignation. At the end of to Fan Elimination cf Body Wait July, IS77, be bade good-bCurios nnd his loyal Apache friends 1$ Doubly Important and moved to Tombstone, where his In tle crucial months before baby arrives career as an editor and public ffi. it is vitally important that the body be rid clal In. that roaring town began. f waste matter.) our intestines must func Geronlmo was released from completely without griping. ' prison, "pampered by the military, Why PHyslcTafit Recommend treated as a hero, made- much of." ' Milnesia Wafer) . And the very next year he Jumped waTers are candy-likthe reservation" and sarted again These milk c magnesia in solid form, pure career f robbery nj murupon 'a much pleasanter to take than liquid. Each . . der. , wfer i approximately eqjualtoa full aduh "If Geronlmo had bet promptly " dose otliquid milk of magnqsia. Chbwed hanged,' that ', great i thoroughly, tlira swallowed, they correct known at thw 'Geronlmo Campaign .acidity in the mouth and throughout the , and insure regular, com .would have been avoid, 'elimination Without' pain or effort, plete d; five hundred human liyei and Milnesia Taftrs Tome In bottles of 20 and twelve million . American dollars would' not. have Beei sacrificed and 48, at 33c and 60c respectively, and in tins for Co.ur handbag containthe United States army wbuld have convenient ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately tgeen spared Its mtfst Inglorious rtc. one aduh dose of milk o magnesia. All ord of Indian warfare." , . good drug storts'sell and recommend them. , f Americans knotv of . Thousands Start using these delicious,- effective balled 'by. the hewspa. Geroilimo, gently laxative wafers today as tbd famous Apache chief, pers looked upon less as a robher and Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request ia made , murderer than as a hero. Esklmlnon letterhead. Select Product, zln, Tauelclyee ; ; red men who Inc.,professional 4402 23rd St., long Island City, N. Y. had been tlwrya loyal to the white rr.ana government, who. had risked 35c & 60c their lives to protect their white bottles brothers, . . , who has ever heard of them?" 20 c tins Not many I Just as there haven't been enough who have heard of John Ihlllp Clum, Apache Agent," who once proved to the red man that not all white men speak with a r crooked tongue" and who taught a despairing people to hope again Tbe Crfg.'.v-- y Kilk ef JlTafnesfa C Wasters Newpptr Unlo. EF3 BABY y lion-regula- xly, - miqt-flavore- e . serlo-cdmpcl- digestive-system- (T8$1-18S- - anti-aci- d, , , . 1 |