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Show LAY 1 OS. UTAH. VOLUME ELEVEN AI :S. i l.M DUMBER Speed Violators Co.To Be Nabbed Tell the Story Featufi soil conservation program which will serve aj the basis for the velopment of stae and county proSheriff Holbrook has announced grams wert explained by federal that he and hi deputies are going officials at a meeting held at Salt to enforce the speed law on the old Lake 7 for wes-eCity March and new highway in Davis county. slates extension representaWe intend to spend all possible tives. time patrolling the highways be Only crop lands were considered tween Salt Lake and Weber eoun-tics- ,' at this meeting. An intensive study the sheriff said. Calling the is now being made ooking toward new alternate highway between the development of a range imWoods Cross and Farmington a provement program. When this pr speedway, he said from five to ten lircinary study j3 completed, furmotorists are arrested there pearly ther meetings will be held with every day. the range interests, officials said. Situated beween Utah' two George E. Farrell, director of largest cities, Davis county high- the western division of the AAA ways get more traffic per day than was in charge of the meeting. any other in the state, when pr6b-abl- y States in the western division repaccounts for the large cumber resented are: Utah, Arizona, Caliof arrests, the sheriff said. fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Fines paid by violators bring Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, considerably money ino the ounty North Dakota, Oregon, Washington hut our primary concern is to eli- and Wyoming, minate automobile accidents," the The general outlines of the nasheriff declared. tional program which state agriDavis county highways have long cultural workers studied are de- been near the head of the list in scribed as being largely a com, the number of fatal automobile pbsite of the recommendations of In 1934 13 persons were the four regional conference held hilled and this number was reducrecently at Salt Lake City, Chicago ed by only one Memphis, and New York City. Sheriff Holbrook said his office The field set-u- p is to follow in had been. tied. up wi.th the Boyer general that which prevailed under murder case and Civil matters', but the AAA programs, with county with the coming of open weather, and community commitees, and more attention will be paid to traf- one state committee for each state. fic regulation.' He praised the state These committees are to bo made ' highway patorl for cooperation on up of producers. state roads in the county, National Goat oMtorists arrested . The rational pagoal under the new trolmen continued to swell the program is to add t approximately . sums in Davis county coffers the 80 million acres to the last several days. . crops. There were approximate Appearing before Justic'e of the ly 100 million acres of such crops ' Peace Joseph A. Sill, at Layton:, in 1930.' Charles A. Doty, 534 McClelland Under the soil conservation pro.street. Salt Lake, paid a fine of gram farmers will receive pay$7.50 for speeding; He was ar- ments .for planting certain crops rested by Patrolman Jack Gridley, and for certain practices which cpm as vAs Ted Toenes, 57 Truman ave ply with the purposes of the new Salt .Lake, who .paid a $5 fine in law. For. ' this purpose,, available 20-2- .ts. by-stat- - Justice Sill's court. . . Grant B. Thiir'go-odSyracuse, charged with operating a commer- -' cial truck with dealers, plates, paid a 3 fine; and J. B. Taylor, 1455 Fourth East, Salt lake, paid $10 ' . . for speeding. E. G; Hensel, Evangtonj Wyo., ar n rested by Patrolman Ruion and 0. P, Howard, paid $10 on .speeding charges when he appeared before Justice Howard Ilelle-- , well at Farmington, John B. Cassut, 33 Boulevard Gardens, Salt Lake, charged with , , Ben-tiio- . : Bountiful, Dies ' Parkin, 88, of South RoUn- vettiful, Black Hawk Indian war ran, died a? the Ve'teyan's hospi.t ,t a! varly Thyriday morning of in- -, firmitios inci'Vnt to a fee. Deceased . served as a private in the Black . Hawk Indian war in Sanpete eoun--, . x ty from Oet.,1, to. Nov. 30, 18G6. lint ini lev'll dI national He was torn. in Glasco, England, Interest. Thtti picturis art May 0, 1847, tin of John and Elitilnctnt firomtbeitandshat zabeth Wright Parkin. . an inappil every dip by As t convert to the church he, eiei phctographiri In iviry emigrated to Utah wih his parent . tornur el thp glob. Turn le cruising thy! plains by ox team in . (him nd th icinn wilttlVf 18(13. On their arrival here the to where moved Bountiful family he hat since resided. . ,, . Mr. Farkin served as road super- -. AVaste visor in South Bountiful from 1878 to 1893 when he Went to Eng- - . n. Nome fact that make us STOP laiid where he filled a two year and THINK.- Contributed . by Art Pettit ef Centerville Auto Repair His wife Mary 'Ann Lewis Parkin died December 29, 1925, C., Centerville, Utah. At 10 miles per hou the aver- Surviving are. Seven children! age cm travels 18.8 miles per gal- - j Heber B. Tarkin, South Bountiful; Ion of gasoline. George E. Parkin; head' of th At 2 Omiloa per' hour the aver- Burns Detective agency in Salt miles per gal-o- n Lake City; Mr. Mary Jane Grant, . age car travel 18.9 ' Mrsi 'Mazelta Graves and Owe of gasoline, ' At 50 mile per hour the aver- Parkin, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Anage ear travel 18.0 mile per gal-o- n nie Gwynn, Cowley, Wyo., and Don Carlos Parkin, sheriff .at Basin, of gasoline. At 40 mile per hour the aver- Wyo.; 42 grandchildren and 48 ' age ear travels 16.4 mile per gal-o- n Funeral services will be hell of gasoTne. At f0 miles per hour the aver Tuesday at 12:30 pi m..' at tha age rat1 travels 14.6 mile per gal-- n South Bountiful chapel under tha' direction of Bishop E. T. Hatch. of gasoline. At MO mile per hour the aver- Friends may. call at tho Union age car travel 12.6 mile per gal-o- n Moruary Saturday, Sunday and o! gasoline, Tuesday prior. to the funeral at theAt 70 miles per hour the aver- home of his son, Heber J. Parkin,, ' . age car travels 10,6 mile per gal-o- n in South Bountiful.The family requests that no of gasoline. At 80 mile per hour the aver- flowert be re.nt.. Interment will bo1 age car travel 8.C .miles per gal- in the Bountiful cemetery. '. lon of gasoline.'. Drive moderately Save Lives. Jdn 1 p'i - Haste Makes The newest streamlined steam engine of (he JVrmnvhimtia railroad a idionti lieu vitti itu-' lln tnor-highly pcrferlvtl unit ikIuhu ovI leavy duly engine. Thp new locomotive, said for reduction the elml science if ri'niutuiuv," It icjuiu-t- (. show a reduction produced by aerodynamic yet 1b wind resistance at a mile a minute ptvt. f , ! one-thir- Green Case Move Started To Flsod and Erosion. Form Organization Control Meetings Disposition To He Saturday Be Held Next Week Of Foreign Wars d and erosion control Reed be will l?eure given by Bailey, of he U. S. Forest Service at Centerville, Kaysville and. Form ingtoi.'.The Centerville meeting will he held at the Memorial hall at A flood illus-trae- ' - . g1 Final disposition of the case of A meeting was held on Friday evening, March 27th at the Soldiers Memorial court house in Farming-- j ton under the direction of Mr. Templeton, state commander of I V!l,t Green, thrice convicted of triple murder, is expected to bo nuiiio Sutuiduy, April 18, when hia case, along with those of GO other veterans of foreign wars. prisoiars, comes up before tho The purpose of this meeting was Utah State Board of Pardons, toconsider the possibility t start-- j Notice Uat tho regular se.vsion of ing a veterans of foreign wars tho board will be held April 18 at j lu a. in. in the SUto organization in Davis county. prison was wifi be held on Riven out by Gov. 11. j I. Blood, The next meeting April 10th, 8 p. in. nt the court chairman of the board. Given's i a.--e is tine of seven conhouse, and all veterans of all wars who- served over seas are urged tinued eases which will be considered Ly tin! board. In addition, to be. present, veteran legislation Is the hoard will vonoider tho cases , Important bqjng' pushed in congress so we of 51 prisoners asking termination men to join the of lenience, Vi requesting teruiin urge all which they arc eli- ktiou of parole, reven county jail organization eases, six iron ball Lake county. gible. Remember where there Is union and one from Weber county. All are re there is. strength, Dont forget of tho county jail case with one lor 10th. quests parole, Friday, April cicep lion which asks termination. ) I mi-sio- . great-grandchildre- n. - Men Escape Serious Injury in Mishap .ex-servi- ce Two men narrowly escaped injury or death late Wednesday when their automobile overturned and burned on the highway west ef Bountiful, The men, E.. V, . Simpson, .2659 BrinkeY .avenuej Ogijen, and Fred Harris, . Brigham City, escaped with btuises and scratches, but the automobile, driven by, Simpson, was demolishod. . ' The machine, a large sedan, was going ..(south 'when outside wheels veered off .the pavement onto the aoft shoulder of tho road. The machine swung off the road, then back to the east side and Into an irriga cion ditch, where it overturned and caught fire.. ecr-io- Mrs. Phillip Fordf James Green, 70, Of Malad Buried Of Kaysvillc In Centerville . . . . - ua ... Dies of Cancer Gcorgc Waite, Father Of Deputy Co. Clerk Dies- - Zada Waite, George'Waite, 71, of Arco, Idaho i father of Zada Waite, deputy county fcleik, dltd at the family home ir Bountiful, Tuesday, after six weeks .. illness Of heart trouble. He waa brought to Bountiful a month ago. on' account .of his serious illness.. Mr, Waite was bom in West-- . Bountiful April 8, 18C5, son of John A, and Margaret Barnes Waite, early settlers of' Bountiful. As a young man he was employed by . Mrs. Amanda Rollins Ford, Cl, James Green, 70, lifelong real wife of Phillip J. Ford, died Friday or a.t her home in St, John, near Ma dent of Kaysville died at his home speeding, paid a $10 fine. He was crops .on acres formerly devoted to in Kaysville, Saturday of cancer o lad. ' Horace S. arrested by Patrolman II. Erown. crops. The payments stomach. the She In born was Oct. Centerville, ' the- Eldredge to manage Appearing before Justice Helle-wel- l, will vary, according to the producDeceased was born in Kaysville 26, 1871,. and married to Mr, Ford kind-oThe Rev..C. Rexhold Eckmam tivity of the soil and the farm, in West Bountiful. Sept. 14, 1899. For many years June 30, 1CG5, son of Thomas ant 857 Simpson ave'., Salt Lake, charg crop replaced. This- payment will In 1888 he went to .Afton, Wyo., Marie Huntsman she was president of the St. John Green.', d with speeding, wa3 given 30 ta based o nproductivity in each where he was engaged .in freight- - -He is survived by his wife, CarRelief society, . . ar-10 He to a fine. was will between that point and Mont and ing days pay county average approxioline Stoddard Green; three sons Surviving are her husband, lte was a great ad- -, Idaho. rested by Patrolmen Howard and mately. $10 an acre for tha nation. pelier, daughter. Miss Ruth Ford, Malad; and two daughters; William Bennion and was. granted the stay In addition, it is planned to make horses and for years, mirer ef good two sons, 'Merrill C. Ford, Center- Green, Kaysville; Ivan Green, held while' of execution, after he told the' court a smaller payment for each acre the record freighting, ville and Byron J, Ford, Washing- Butte, Mont.; Arnold Green, Salt best the of he had been robbed the. day before in horses -Will crops, in 1933, or driving pulling Spoil Open on the road. ton, D. C;, and the following broth- Lake; Marie G.. Schofield and Edna where a his atrest. practice is ers and sisters: S, 0., Rollins, Pe- G. Barber, Reno, Nev.; pine grandmarried Mary Tsabell Reed in carried o' t.' The larger payment On System the Logan terson, 'Utah; C. O. Rollins; Mrs children, two brothers and three wall be limited .to 15 per Cent of temple, Sept. 22, 1889. Asked John W; Ford, Centerville and Mrs sisters, children Five for were bora to them, the base acreage Funeral serdees were held TuesBlanche Weaver, MAuntain Home. With intensions of starting work four of whom survive: George A. to this lim most Funeral services were' held in day afternoon in the Kaysville tab- soon on the fiew $36,000 water sysit include sugar beots, flax, cotton, Waite, Arco, Idaho; Maggie W. Malad Monday morning and inter- ernacle and interment took place in tem in a survey' was Mann, J. Ira and Zada Waite, Boun Gtnterville, and tobacco. The smaller payment t . ment took place in the Centerville the Kaysville eemeteky, New made Monday, according to Henry tifuj. After the death of his wife will not exceed $1 an acre for each Cleveland, town board president. . ho returned to Bountiful, where ho and in acre sorlonserving Pipe has been ordered and con- made his home with his sister, the farm. on Paycrops. A committee from the local maarttm tractors instructed to begin excava Mary Jane. Later he married Sarah actual fnade be will for ments only association, W J, Lions. The new system will supply Ann McHenry, who preceded him with the a few in accord, Just U, ago year Clyde Uarkdull, chairman, Mrs. Andrew performance ' more than 150 families with cul- in death three years ago. Melton at headed a j Texas, Devine, regulations, and T. Clark Principal George inary water To thi.-- i union six children were-bom-, The application ot regulations to $3,500,000 enterprise and was known Knowlton, met 'with May'or Heber the Of amount a to Bermnda be the on Onion the World's five .of whom rarvive as folspent crops J. Sessions and the city council last focal conditions regarding, 45 cent bank dois. a came, -' federal King. will project, be Jhe depression Bertha W. Cottrell, Arvilla. lows: per Wednesday evening asking their practices, and payments strucfailures financial while wrecked the the remainder consists local grant, farm termined at W, Anderson, meetings by Leroy, Lola and', cooperation with the Davis. County ture of business, and today he Is revenue of bonds voted the town state Alice and committees by all of Arco. Beside era agriculWaite, School Board in the purchase of his way back to economic the at fighting . election Novemmunicipal . his Mr. workers. Waite is survived children tural school for additional' acreage at the ' ber 8rd. Independence as a salesman of toys ; conferthe the 'regional Following following brothers and sisby playground purposes In store In Pasadena, Calif, . The water, supply from Duel ters: Margaret W. Smedley, SyraWilliam Peterson of director ence, the authorized Sessions Mayor creek is sufficient most of the year, cuse; Mary Jane and Ira Waite,. Service called regular public property committee the Utah Extension and As Mrs. Yvonne Daignault knelt Mr, Cleveland said, and the new Bountiful; and William L. Waite, secialists composed of Walter Wickens, John agricultural agents in prayer in St. Marys church, at ; town well will bo utilized only dur- Burley, and 21 grandchildrea. him that tell and not Mr. did sssion with wife into a Farrell, JU Steed and L. H. Oviat,tto meet N. Y., she was robbed The Blind. Coyote Waterford, not the would r. driest months of the extenhe the ing so. of director W. A. she hit Mr. Waite has always been acit, Instead. Lloyd, ' with the board to find out what is of her purSty he . it. However, on section western stumble to the service in church work in the several sion for tive expected of them. The Of An order from the state board of wards where he has lived and was and outbuffalo shot'a was where the Utah RichZ. program he,had A. thought A. to W. P. the writings of Irenaeos, Greek engineer decided said, I tilled one, but his unfaith- health to install a ehlorinator will bishop of tho Alton ward from Bishop of Lyons, in the second cen ards, in charge of the local sew lined and discussed. It was the in probably necessitate a request for 1894 to 1899. Up to the time of hia ful udfe said, You missed it. . meetings cr project and the council dis- to hold district new tury, Popo Leo I, in the fourth will where the program high priest, Alter all .the other buffalo had additional funds, Mr. Cleveland de- death he was cussed bouse connections at Jength, state century, recommended the fast of clared. be of the Arco ward.. explained. At one time there was a coyote run off, the wife feigned sleep and but no permanent plan was decided forty days as having apostolic auFuneral services wilt be held thority.- This period was taken to who was blind. He could see just a they camped near where he had upon. Other project were discussed Arco ward and interment wSl was he the when Then Of commemorate, the forty days fast little out of his left eye ,that was shot the buffalo. Observance of jmd announcement made that the took be in and him the Arco cemetery. she left of Moses, 6f Elijah, and especially alL He, too,- would never believe fast asleep, city planning and mapping project could so she off doubted meat that work on it dry told him. the He of Christ. far what people has been approved and A few minutes after she had tesThe Lenten season, which is obwill commence as soon as the Theoretically, at least, the faith- everything that anyone said to it. She had left him there to Starve. tified in a case, Mrs. Sadie Baker, served by the Roman and Greek ful ob stain yom food on fast days him; but everything he said was all For a long time he stayed there in money is available. Purchase could of he in 12,118 acres of land 71, of Toiedo, O., dropped dead of until everntg, worldly amusements right. He would always say no, an improvised wickup, as A new project was authorize! Catholic churches; as well as Davis in Church the then of II? some degree by Eng- and secular, celebrations are to be no, to anything anybody said to not see to go anywhere. county at a cost of $36,-34- 3 heart disease in court. by the council, the guttering of was herb Paul Dunbar was sor of mad Protestant an The total purannounced. the from medicine avoided made some Episcopal And marriages are held to him. one block on First East street in land, bein chase his and the America near a his wife. Tha wa3 why, he inin nation church rocks the amounted to be on comothers, undesirable .during Lent. Once he went with Ms wife to that grew connection with the irrigation his 259,782 former on Ash of cost on a at rubbed The he arces, eyes This $893,476. Wednesday, arsoon Indianapolis police, he tosshouse. February gan duty of fasting is modified hunt buffalo. lie had bows and pany. This work will begin as lan The continue ed well. Then dwas until bottles through the window will to Easter beer were and with his 26, soon and some augto purchased eyes respect laboring people row. After, they had traveled as the weather permits. ment the flood control program be- of his wifes beauty shop. Sunday, April 12, a period of forty children, and women under cer- distance he sat down on a rock in the far distance he saw a smoke tain conditions, hut increased dili- to rest. His wife had two good of a camp fire. To this he went and ing carried on by the commission. Everybody gets a slap once In L. Green, of Lindsay, CaL, bump days, not counting Sundays. not is ChrisIt said Judja OXriLn c! to the a of wife his the while, In the early years permitted drying carry on gence in works of cahity is en- eyes. There are lots of buffalo there he found A. Brown with bis . cd into Mrs. I controlflood ob work on of when he refszti Lent with was the had fast he Mass., Salem, era tian got privately joined upon all, as well as extra- here, she said. Shoot them. He very meat that car. Harry White took Mrs. Brown nece-Barand divorce to Mrs. Olga Drcrx when a was pwnod she for y it And by property bow arrow, periods, and , varying grant ordinary attention to all religious shot several times, somewhat at his to a doctor. C. A. Black was a wit served, ' to her husband kp2-he- r She dead. lands said two the ner. and or one before It some boy she by dropped saw days j observances, throughout only they him,' random and succeeded in killing ness. Mrs. Brown is black and blue, could be used. and iod. hard do to a others for never wrong. Ms longer according time, could pays not eee, one; but as he and Mr. Green is seeing red. soil-bujldi- ng g- - - ' : emtiorsrsvidlftg a glimpse fiopl wfce r playing la today's (lading flr r tit essential put et (lit motirn dswspapir, f print J vr lint iclrct group lowing incl 8 o'clock, Wednesday '. evening, April 8.' The Farmington meeting will be held at the court house at 8 oclock, Thursday evening, Apgil 16. The place of meeting at Kays-rill- e will be announced later but it will be held Wednesday evening, . April 15th. The ' purpose of these meetings is to acquaint the Davis, county people with the enormous amount .work being done by the C.CC approbations total approximately of Tinder the supervisio no! worker's $470,000,000... U.. S. the Forestry officials in coUnder the national, program 'with the county commis-p- d operation crops are divided into three main, lonerS 0)9 Davis count flood crops such I ontro ommittee. as wheat,, corn, cotton, etc.; soil Practically all of the pictures to conserving crops such as grasses be phown were taken in the Davis pastured or cut for hay; and soil area which will greatly couAty building crops such as IgeumSs. . ' lend to the interest, A soildepleting crop-baswill .. .... .. be established for each. farm determined by the number of acres ONION KING WOKKS. in such crops in 1935. Farmers will receive a payment for planting cla-sses- ; War Veteran of So.' a fistum Bin trie mt JmgofUll m . ' , Let Pictures T J. Parkin, Indian xwMmwmH rnwwm On All Highways in TWENTY-EIGH- . . Eld-red- go - . . . Work soil-buildin- g- soil-buildi- Water Farmington To . Provide 'soil-depleti- ng crops.-Exception- s ' Playgrounds soil-buildi- ng Parent-T- eachers he-had- sum-mfe- . Myrth . Ute Indians an-acti- ve i . Purchases Land Announced Lent . -- - b |