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Show - S. . THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON, UTAH MISTRUSt FAULTLESS Our Old Clothes Find a going to help much. I dont kao , Cfo Stitch Towels . yet why they dldn t rick me p. Market in Africa Asia and too. Anyway, when they'd gone, ! That Arc Fun to Malte He who inhibits bo faults Is a fool did a whole lot of thinking. And or a fiypocrite whom we should mis In an article oa the I decided this wasnt a good minute trust. Therb are faults so intimately Goodwill enlightening of the United tastes, shops or that U Prlde fine qualities connected with could respect achingJ. Frazier Vance tells us that many they hidlctfte .thejn, ami we do well of the hopelessly outworn and outPatricia? Well, that hurt He going to separate us, I said,s h, and that that, tu vusrect them. JeuberL had known It would. lie had known, theyre going to, moded clothes that arrive la Goodfrom .that first day, that he cared So I took a chance, and the first will bags are sold to the Old Clothes found Jot Toi this girl who needed a train I could get after Id of Europe, M. Tliiotn, Each Lire Himself U King" look to after the boy. spanking, but he had known, too, somebody butler told me Mr Rid sells $7,0U0,(Xi0 worth of dishe sacred w!e jntui poor is like a year that his caring wasnt going to When the he to never himself hook carded that things no one here will wear road; I come to anything. Even If his luck derd be home around midnight, of Africa and Asia poten uU rUe to dead. mul t eeni bit subjects Of had held, you couldnt marry a girl figured my luck had changed. I 'ev lo r. Los Angeles Tribune, tates. a never vf thought like that, and. then have her find course,! out that you were a bum." An Im- - Ridder. There was te tit- 11! tn ber tone; poster. It didn't matter now. What mattered now was whether this boy only a faint amusement, sueceeded, had killed Mike Kelly. And, if he almost immediately, by ib ji rate hadn't, whether It was "going to earnestness. with all h. sail make much difference" Well, thats my stery I'vili rit tvj the Boss' cohorts arrayed against God only know why 1 told you a telling 1 it - . Jed a Mt-COPYRIGHT, CHANMN6 POLLOCK him. And, anywuy, how the whole j oani WNU SERVICE toil it bee.iu. pPr I a nil dtvor.iiofi for be that needed tod.iv business was to kept j dtdst ttilnk even that tough M too. And then, all at once, the boom while, at least from the woman SYNOPSIS would want to eo hU boy vent to Make oir household linet siimrt busted right in our f.iee, and the who was "counting the days to Lip for murder. Now what do wo And ros temple tilth lui.ig . The Duke, Barry Gilbert, a likable hotel dosed, an! mo t eat It back his letter at Nauheim. evdof sind file to humble Je.t towel " do? fable? I haven't got none Jobless and to New York, youth of twenty-threHlitci make Youve got your nerve," Peggy I enough ; have you? I haven't got thiy, wlut am 1 tell doing pleasure broke, enters an unoccupied summer ing you tills fori' I what 1 said. r Hun it dut. These motii .f ratio thats had Well, a to biro dollar or ..no, O'Day home in Southampton, seeking shel. awyer, 'Go on." l.ivswate and elimu Hi etos sfiteh VTe need now." And, as he listened, .ter from a storm. He makes himhaven't got a relative that I know self at heme. He Is startled by the Well, tho ' tiet ihspteri the Barry was more and moro com-- aiMut, or a friend in the world ure env to emhjoidv r. 'this hub ' arrival of a butler, Willetts; and a same old story. ,N. Honey. No Job. J her. with dorett make Tine pl 1, rj vvotk, jitid to a at kid agree M homo, and polled just a eick chauffeur, Evans. He learns that the Tramping the 0 street, looking fori low Im kind of strong for baked ;'m si grand ftie i r a Jihlce piuty son of the owner of the house. Jack Know what tiiat's like?" J e or tuot aui pt.sMe fer ts f.isr ietss Bidder, whom the servants had never vvoik. g0t i10me around half past up In the Tombs" seen, is expected. He decides to bluff " the girl had boon say- liett. ten do dolwe What oclock, aSked. hnd Sha it out. His supposed parents have Pallet Ti luti.cii o Veil VVifl ?i ing, and Jack was wild when paVent got money enough; have left for Germany. Next morning he tratiMer tnotiis tiler the and heard his a the saw for and story. letter cop, paUeit of opens mother," you?. xaken him into partnervldp; finds a message from the real Jack, details of a hi be back for yon tomorrow,' tke hatM what she had. Into ,.ne of aging Inehevt; Ill Pj saying he could not come, and refill Mitcht's seed; ml inaterl it re here. be and better said, cop Inevitable youd thowJ partner-Thirntnra!, bill. The turning a hundred-dojla- r department takes Its orders Milps of people who have no one to UltiieuienN, boys father had pensioned him into coins Send 1" tv it It tamps from Mike Kelly, and dont yo-obscurity. Barry pockets the money, wi,om they have the right to turn; intending to return it later. On the 1'it to that.' Sewing 'the (coins vie pfehiTedt of forget the and tho kinship poor, way to Montauk, where he intended Neeillvi rait I'ept, Sd I'i'ith vie, see outcast. and I'm t Kelly,' going to disappear, he meets Judge Ham. splsd, rPllt kncw ,l,m Pretfy welH ! Vfl0W "aid the Avenue, New otk, N. Y. died bucks, mu! invited him down dack M'8 bidge and his daughter, Tatricla. Believing he is Jack Ridder, she in. here. 1 dont know what else hap- - ,n 1a,in Headi. AmI 1 knmT w,1re Duke. A great criminal lawyer. I vltes him to dinner the following He lives. Ill be back hereby mid-- met Mm tonight. A fellow named Fir ; 1uttvui ;iml ivolint Thursday. Barry returns to South, pened, because 1 was so mad Make didn't dare a tell me. Promt? Well, ampten, deciding to stay bit longer, lnformalioti Train (live Mr. Ridder, Sr., through his news "He was Jimt ns the clock sens partly, but 1 gtioss the truth ts I iitoii t.v Ghi'-'i'limy ree llie paper, the Globe, accuses Judge was scared us. Any- - Striking. J remember that, because separate theyd li tM timetable rebut" f.iPwav Hambldge of taking orders from 1 made him send the money I thought of a line from a Tammany Hall lh a condemnation "ay, he new n.vstem vluev.t In Scotland. Vlmt'n we going to do? lesque of an old play I wns In once, proceeding. Barry meets Peter Wins Just drain And refill your iVnfrn! lva Imufiumled til Che-goI,ct the kid starve? I The hour has struck,, nnd I am low, prominent attorney. Winslow lie said. Mio-.with Crankcase nt Quaker State. Note the miletell Barry that Judge Hambidge can t get work. W'o, 1 answered, here Jack was The pursed, aloud. We struck up quite Motion, ll had seen an accident in' which a but f.ir you go before you have Hu how see Then the ti'a'n from i age, glance 1' be says. maybe 1 run. The a friendship, lie offered to get me j son of a woman was killed by a taxicab. At I destination. A .t if it isnt farther than See wtatieii add I desire, to nny quart. Well, there wasnt an Aborn skunk! Ill got that guy some day !" home Barry finds the Wife of the j0p. ' of course, that' all mr, on a single quart of any have t ever hi !ii town. Or any other regu-- j Mid Similar yop gone real Jack RIdddr awaiting him. Her njipournieo "Wouldn't he sco you?' t nsked. j enuso 'husband is in Jail Jn New York, lar show that wanted me. So last vn thv real oil economy; hut ni.tcliiiicn tlie means tlehef oil; other aufomalie IThflt sab?. Because why?" "Sure, Jie saw me,' Jack charged with the murder of Mike Monday I landed In a Joint, called The has London i; remember till more that the oil a In umlergrontid sjstem, itia butler bo important, Isn't d "Because potng to brought fight Kelly, Tammany Uoss, The Cocoaimt Bar. One of those Jap, hr a Filipino, or something. anything for me when lie finds Im a window tit tin low! of Hie eyes of tlmt tan,I tip best between refills is giving At the hack places where you got n yoqr motor the safest lubrication. Motorists Kellyd been drinking, nnd lie was a fae. Nobody is, when they know tin average sized person. CHAPTER 111 Continued .. nf Hie window H n card with Hie dinner and a revue for two viol- - drinking more In tins dining room. fm nbt John Clarke Bidder, Jr." find that under similar driving conditions, lars, nnd both of Vtn rotten. Naiad He came In to me, tn tlie drawing . The Duke- rose, utowly, and names of Hie various stations served Well, something had happened. they get many more miles from Quaker State. without dressing, and you dont room, though, and shut the doors walked across the room, from the ventral station. Attached Quaker Btatt Oil Refining Company,. Oil . Something that would end that old care because the show to cm ! name is a number, nnd Just was thinking hard, girls are the behind him The Jap or the Fill-jie woman's efforts to maka It up with same City, Pennsylvania. Ls a Kories of numbottle Tough spot The Co-- pi no, came in after, with Nobody la," be repeated, still below Hie window tlm hoy's father; something that coannt way. X Bar but wasnt choosey of gcotch whiskey, and two glasses, more slowly, us hd returned fo the bered keys. P.y pressing the button Retail Pric . . , Quar might well be the end of them both. last Monday and Mike kept on drinking. I had l cfiair jtt wh!eh was sitting the wife corresponding tu tin number atWhy did your husband kill Uoss So, then, Jaek wav mad." one with him,. Ife was pleasant 0f . the real Jack Ridder. ' But tached to bis destination the Inquirer Kelly? onuses a card tu Midi? tutu vle'w, Hed bepu promised a enough to start with. The tele- - wy should they find out now?" Plenty. : lie didnt, , as elevator man In Brook phone rang in the ball, anil lie apol- which gives a contplele list of the place ' QUAKII STMf MOTOS OllS HD SUPERFINt GStASES You said The .glrj looked at Mm, we but to nnd from the specified nafor wait couldnt lyn, that trains ' "I . said, 'That's what John Clarke You can be as straight In a cabation. Washington post. dont "I get .Kidder did you." Well, thats what they ret as you can In a convent. If you say .he. did, and It isnt Coin? to want to be. Oh, well last Iti easy," lie answered, still night, and very deliberately. Peomake much difference whether he Mike slowly, Kelly came In. About eight do anything for fakes, or dont did It r not." ple oclock. With two strong-arguys, cast-off- s accused of murder. They But you don't think lie did It." I knew him right away, because he wont do anything for the reiil John "I know he .didnt tie had rea- was five weeks at the hotel where son enough, and hes done a lot of Jack Ridder, iecnus.e he's broke and In worked In Palm Beach. And dlsgrnefe; Rut they might do a lot crazy things, but Jack wouldnt hurt he sat down, and sent for the boss for the fake John Ridder If they fly." Luis Morano, the boss Is and didn't 'know he was a fake.' Why did you come out here?" they had a stiff pow wow. Morano X' .For help.' dumb, Peggy said, guess was sore all through when fie came Well," the Duke said, "maybe I back where the dressing rooms afe. but still t dont get you." can help you, God knows I'd like And then we Listen." , swung Into a number, to.-we where see resumed his seat In lets lie Anyway, The girls go called "Tickle Me. .Stand. chair her. .opposite up to the men. In thnt number, and tie crossed the room, and crossed paw f t old John dut In a the 'em good deal. And, the room, .and snt opposite her, on middle of this to Clarke ion." help Kelly Jumps pawing, . "t Yes." a little library chair. ' up,- and yells that Ive tried to Go on," be urged. "What's your And wasn't he here. pick his pocket, I'd really Just ' . ' hame?" "No. ; to him, as another girl left, but . "What's yours? Yonf teal hame?" got a was break for That you, lueky he grabbed my arm, and shoiltod so Gilbert. ' Im a bum. I becauso, .If here, be'dve could have hpard him in Har' "Barry you took shelter In this house, one rainy lem. Luis ran over, nhd the bounc lmd you chunked right out of the front door. Think, .kid 1 He hasn't eight a couple of weeks ago, and er brought a cop, and a crowd gath 'everybody thought was young Kld- ered. spoken to his son for- years. Paid him fifty 'dollars a' week not to use der, so X left 'em think so. That's a Kelly'd been drinking lot. Too tlie family name. And then aCaba-rd- t Whats toy story. yours? I he that kppt cant get away with ' ' She I Can Because and You, Im smiled. Help actually girl turn's up to, say she's marat Morano. 'Ill send this To." Youve got your, nerve," she ot- - yelling Going ried thq boy, and he committed girl to the Island, and yon to the served. or was accused of It murder "Well, thats what we 1 1 meP t Tou watch ogized fbf going out to answer Jt need now. My names Ieggy O'Day." I M,ecaose soinebovly caught her pick-I- s I got nothing to do with It, When he catpe back, '"Youll have . In "Actorlne! e answered. I dont even know to make it snappy," he saya. Ive "Sort of. t was a chorus girl this girl. She only came Monday. I got an Important conference hefel . In, Blossom Time' when t met Jack jin a few minutes." In Florida. He was a bum, too. Isnt that right, boys? was of It end So then the told him obout y6u, Well, living under a fake came. We walked out with the cop. thaMj and he went Idve j nutty. still live under that. Jay Rogers. yet, only there 6hea a damned little thief I" been In the lock-oEverybody calls him 'Jack. The fellow on t.he he Jolled. ' decent a young was old man paid. him fifty dollars a house. He let "She's my wife,' f answered: week for not Using his name. desk at the station to return If I Your wife!" he said, Yes, I , . on met my promise go . flm ... 11 let me. If lie We've got a little boy, how, and 1 one no and there ,s being was wifo wanted, I that guess anybody! know name's even his doesnt you'll let me go oa be)ng John J wants her!" to sign the complaint." ' lie thinks he's Jay Rogers, there . Jr." Was While she talked, the Duke 'Dont say Uiat," i asked him. Clarke Rlddbr, Jr, The old man doesn't know Til say anything I . damn ...Oh, thats the game,'!ls .It?" what tame be took, and he doesnt thtnltinj Listen. John Clarke Bidder, fakp, had hhppened, things please!" he shotlted. cwtio the hell Astonishing care." can be the best friend John Clarke asWere are yon, telling me what to A and went on hnpponln. Everything about the girl was a tonlshlng things always happening, guy living off a girl at say? real, over had In his life. I Ridder, Sppnlsh . can the Duke thought 'vlns,,ow t0 take your case, ; contradiction, eome get did X And Luis Moranosl .Weil, dont give they Hard, and yet soft, with hef steely everywhere? know Im a fake. I can dont he YOU CERTAINLY HAVE as uch as damn who llva as this; you but about off, when quietly eyes, and ter quivering lips. A to use his PLENTY OP ENERGY, J common-dnde get were Hambldge the Luis hies on. 'em to out stflff they as though lifting . chorus (firl who believed in ter HAO OIZZYI I WISH X can ' 0Dd U108 daence plenty. routine? . of dally jo tnyI pocVeb. they got the wrong MORE OF IT OCT. husband, and came an hundred money from home, bpcanse Im Youve walked Into a pretty bird This dame's going tdJall e SSZSfZtrJXrfaKSl oo. YOU CANT beat it tnlles through- the flight to help him. had said.' But, after morrow, a'nd Im going to Leadquar-- mnk,nR goo1, Look read that I" the mess." girl A philosopher, the Dnke, aS we He darted across the room, and wasnt his mess. So far ps he ters myself to bq sure sbe goes have- seen, and he found blmSelf ellit 1 was to up. the game the table drawer, returning with was conpernefl, jNow, get oull he says.',. Inusing, Is anyone black or white? and the full letter frora 1IrS! bidder, inqde complete hod fie Well, of ceurSe, Jack loses- hli kind . Aren't we all cbnrradjctlops without a temper. They this to Read It (fulek I 'Any shock mlght confession girl, yelled. at each other of a. dirty gray?" , . Firstly, be- - a few minutes, aryl thgn Jack says Prove 8er,oua. He must change Ms moments hesitation. Go op," be said. cause the game was sip. anyway, he calmed .down. Listen,"' be will And hh still reads the papers, "Well, Jack was getting Ms fifty It bad. because Lays, as ytfcondly, quietly as Im talking now . All right. What If he does read .from the old inan'h lawyer a hen gnd, moment tot lay- tbei right seemed d0Dt amount to mach, and 1 about a burn, named Jay Rogers, j 1 met him. We were playing West on the table. ,JIe had g0e83 j tnow jt rfs wej a9 you do that married a night-clucards Ing gjrl add .Falm Beach, and he followed tie aslied to fee her Jmnd, and., he But you let or killing a Tammany h8 trla Ili on wlf or on, up my to to Miami. Hadnt anything else cohldnt expect to do that wlthoqt neveg let up on you as long as I Loss. Jay Rogers, dont mean a do. He was- drinking all tle time, j thing. But, If' he reads that Jobs showing his owir. Without InsplM uve so help me I" . and I knew hq'd, never quit qntil he .confidence. her Clarke with Ridder, "And, be flounces Ing Jr, did all tills, . on out th$t, had to. .Til marry you, I told him,, hrer to of want the did Inspire house, te Why but pot while ybu're loafing around Did you bang the door? I What Was her story to confidence? a that's from guy on money you get kkould he care what asked,. trying to make him laugh, ashamed of j'du. I wnnh a home, him? Why Join Dizzy Dean Winners! Get 49 Valuable Prizes to' a womhn he had never banged both of em, he an- rehappened I can J said, and a husband. swered. damn Nauheim? "The Bad door In from put, the drawseen Grape-Nut- s package, with Scud top from one spect. You get a Job, and IT1 marry it, he had seen heNI He bad seen Ing room into the hall, and the . Grape-NutBattle Creek, to and our name you.'" address, is front door. I mean what I said, tlon of the fo'c'sle. That word la, of Into her mind and heart, which Did he?" and certificate and new too. a fbr membership more pin than If at , Mich., looking j a good deal you're, arrested tomor-- course, short for forecastle. In the Yes, be, did, and 4 married him; ' I like free Youll 49 of row prizes. satin Her black dress. a nifty illustioted.catalog or, old days the fore part of a fighting That week. It was a good Job, too face,would a has over with this. And j She paused for a moment, and delicious flavor it Grape-Nut- s be castle-likwinning Ifl life was built crisp, form, ship night clerk In a big hotel at Palm old mans. "The doctor says slumped back Into her chair, as above the level of the ship. This all its ojra. Economical to serve, too, Beach. After that, we let the fifty the shock , might prove serious. One though completely exhausted. Battle Creek, Mich. castle overlooked thp deck of enemy for two tahlespoonfuls, with whole milk any lay in the post office. Jack didnt false step on your part. If he knew, enclose for which send package-topYou 11 find the rest In the pa-Varied to also more served and the aAd protect cream ships or fruit, me Were provide I the but said, item(s) checked bclowi want to. at first, she And forever. end concluded. per," everything would Is The old name the package-topPm soldiers. meal. Membership (send a cops Today mean nourishment than many hearty going to make Jay Rogers Duiy Dean Winners Ring (send 3 pckags-tophe would know. Ill as he Is, he picked him up about three o'clock retained, tlmugli It Is applied now (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1936. Good only something, and then were going still has his newspaper sent him, this afternoon. He Name the of under to the fore part thought theyd in the U. S. A.) back and talk turkey to the old come for me, first, and he said n I the deck where the sailors have Street. he still reads every word." We had a swell little home, and man. few for these A Post Cereal Mads by Ccncral Foods felt about Duke things sorry City Iearsou's The .Etatc that tbelr Weekly. Kelly aren't quarters. and the kid came, and he's swell, I young people, too, for that foolish young husband who "wouldn't hurt and for this painted, hard-- 1 Ay soft young wife and mother, who had wanted a home and a man she I 1 - , but i I , e. vli.-d- t 1 ..-- hej J- ! , I la"r" I 1 the FIRST QUART" TEST fn-- bur-bac- k. 1 , sea-coo- k be-stio- ten-cours- e - I 1 1 ft wide-eye- in rescue ro leY , V-- . the-smal- l . JY'ou-citin- . ... - he'd-bee- . X - -' - hot-spo- filglit-club- . . X p I Rid-.de- r, ( oyy.i biu to-g- 1 Ms , 1 1 1 - - 1 b - BOYS!'GIRLS! "I FREE! full-siz- e s, . 1 e , Garx-NuTS- X 1 Grape-Nut- s 1 s ). ). vp-h- cI |