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Show 1 WEEKLY NEWS-EXPRES- LAYTON, UTaII, APRIL 2, 1936 S, f o sons and daughters, Ervino Moroni, Ralph Henry,. Peter Richard, Josie and Ruby Hamblin, all Afc of Clearfield; seven grandchildren and five sisters, Mrs. Fred Hamblin and Mrs. Walter Bingham of Clearfield, Mrs. George Smith of Ogden, Mrs. George Beus of ClinFuneral services will he held for ton and Mrs. Willard Byrnes of Mrs. Sarah ' Woolscy Ijiyton, . C8, Bluckfoot, Idaho. wife of W. I. Layton, in tho ClearMrs. Hamblin was an active field ward chapel this Saturday un- member in the L. D. S. Relief soder th dirction of Bishop G. Harold ciety. lloll. Burial will take place in the Funeral services were held Thurs Kaysville-Layto- n cemetery. day in the Clearfield ward chapel and interment was in the Clearfield Sarah W. Layton .Widow of Widely . . panies of Saints to come to Utsh. Shfl was married to If r. Claik in 1880. They moved to Liberty, where they were among the firxt settlors of Ogden va!lty. The family ha3 lived in Clearfield 8. nee Wil-Xo.r- d, Wife of W. Layton Dies at Clearfield Known Kaysville Mortician Dies Mrs. Frances Jeeves Barton, 79, widow of John Barton, city sexton of Kaysville and for many years . leading undertaker in north Davis county and member of the legislature at the time that tho Great Salt Lake was, divided among tho several adjacent counties, died . Wednesday in a hospital in Ogden, - as a resuii of a broken hip Butfered Feb. 11 in a fall at tho home of fcer son, Clifton Barton, 3157 Adams avenue in Ogden. She was born April 13, 1856 in Bedfordshire, England, and. went to Kaysville In 1891. Mr. Barton, whom ahe married in. 1892 In the Logan temple, died in 1516. She saoved to Ogdciwn 1922. She was - active in Relief society and Sunday achool work wWle In Kaysville. Surviving are three sons, Cliftou Barton of Salt Lake City, and Morris W. Barton of Kaysville; a stepson and a stepdaughter, Mrs. ... Annie Bodily of Ogden and George E. Barton of Stockton, Cal, amf 9 Mrs. Sally Ann Barker Clark, 72, wife of Charles, Edward Clark, died Sunday morning at the fam- ily home in Clearfield. Sho was born in North Ogden, a daughter of James and Polly E. Blodgett Barker, who crossed the plaini with one of the first com- - . Orchard Brand , Limo Of Garland Dies in "? Salt Lake Hospital , Sulphur Solution . KINDS ' FARM BUREAU SERVICE STATION Kaysville BOUNTIFUL LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Bountiful FARMERS FEED & PRODUCE CO. Bountiful ' . - msrwk - Spirit of Youth ' CB6SD02, . ro thodowl lift the gloom gray tfaT cfdrkens yciuf. ; .' '.face and ngkei yop look yean older. . , ; Whether you'd like to Impart natural color or completely the color of .your hair, Clairol will da It quickly, nal urally, ond o, secretly that your, closest friend wont defect the change, ftigt f . .You mustn't' , of Progressiva Clairol end Instant Clairol common, dyei. Clqirol does whaf eolh'mgi; else can! In oho simple treatment Clairol shampoos, reCon-- . ' dltion ond TINTS. think- - Ask yaw beautician. Of write to v for fRCE Clairol booklet, advice on the cate of heir; one FREE beauty opalysii, Write NOW on coupon below, TREE -- . , H ftr, H.W Toft.Cif rE Ctairal baaklef; ! . . 1 ed hair dyes. Clairol does what nothing eke can I In one simple treatment Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. Ask your beautician or write now for FREE booklet, FREE aivke on care of hair and FREE, bcanty aaefysis. BaacHy Kina, Cbifd lac, U2 Wart Mkk.N.y.C, geni . rX2 Vbmu FREE liiMn. advka aad Uilnii . . . ' . , . ' ' t ' ' e, a e taaaa ",l ' (Veaw ' tea a ' a ; . . . .Slola. ' My llOVtldtfK s and .fIRf nlialml.'' ' . . , , Republic Pictures of youth you can And it again quickly and naturally with Clairel. If your hair is drab and uninter-eatin- g or streaked with gray, Gairol will impart natural color or change its shade (raduattjraecretly.quickly. Don't think of Instant Clairol and Progressive Clairol as common, edvic fKEC . . Mmmn If you've lost the spirit a o . . S sv ; T m Sidneys Must Help Kidneys Clean Out Acids The only war roar bolr can elaan ant Aeldt Ana potaonout waste from your blood I thru P million tiny, dtlicnu Kid X tubot or flltiri, but bowurt ot chmp, rtrantlc, IrrUitlng drugs. If functional or Htad.irr (iinicrS m.ki you Kidnr tuffer from Octtln Up Nighto, Ncrou- oea Lea I'ami, Hnckacha, Ctrclog Un1ar h.oa, Dlirlnaaa. hOoumatie t'alna. Acid-lr- Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't tAko QRinctA Hot th Ikoctor1 toed prenct (ptlog culled Cynic gunruit SU Taa). Work fait, aafo and aure. In 8 hnura It must bring new vitality, and la Suaraatoad to Sx you up in one weak or money back on return of empty package. on,)r e 4 at drtiRieta and the guarantee protecta you. 'r ti 4 ..,a.a -. ItWly Ulrg, ContaiUant CloDot, tot, U2 W.U Htlt TtBhftrets,Slarof Davis County Bank at FARMINGTON WBLCOH V Don't Take Draitio Drug Tour KUtnrya contain 9 million tiny tube or (titer which may be endangered Be by neglect or draatlc. Irritating careful. If functional Kidney ordrug. Bledder dleordere make you auffer from netting Vp Nlghte, Nervouaneee, Loaa of Pep, Leg Palna, Rheuinatlo Paine, Dtaalnesa, Clr-rlUn.irr Eyee, Neuralgia, Acidity, Burning. .Smarting or Itching, you dont need to. taka chancre. All drugglata now have tho moat modem advanced treatment fur theee trouble a Doctor'! ipree-crlptlcalled ryetex (8la-Tex)- . Work faat afe and inro. In 48- hour It moat bring new vitality and la- guaranteed to maka ton feet 10 year younger In on week or money back on return of empty package. Cyetex ooate only Sc a dots at druggiata and the guarantee protecta you. ea V NEW BEAUTY COMFORT ECONOMY FOR YOUR HOME II FRAME LI NUT WINDOW SCREEN AND STORM SASH WEIGHTS CORDSor PULLEYS "No FITTING .No STICKING - cld-fashron- I service. , - ' and ex . - . - . ad-firtap- res et . 20-lbs- V three years th is bnnk affords its iistomers the of ample Member Federal Reserve System And Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for Public Funds Snow blockad in Sardine canyon and in the out-lleading from Cache valley to Collingston was responsible for delaying what prom- ised to be a genuine birthday surprise on Mrs. Tnomas Sessions. Mrs. Sessions had gone to Logan to meet her son, Earl and wife, of Bancroft, who Were coming-- to Bountiful with Earl's mother after they had gone through- the temple in Logan,. but in" the evening when they tried' to leave Cache Valley, they found it impossibla to do so on account of snow drifts .so the remained until, tho following day when the road had been cleared. On their, arrival home Mrs. Sessions discovered that her daughter, Mrs. Berry; Wride, and other, members of the. family had' planned a. surprise on her, however, the fine meal that had been . prepared did not spoil, tho banquet took place a day . , later. .; John Kynaston, who had spent a few months in southern California arrived in Bountiful this week on his way to his home in Bancroft, Idaho. He brought some 'flowers and vegetables with him that he had grown during his stay, on the coast. Edward L Barrett .visited, his He family last weck-end- . one of the representatives of the U, S. A. C. in the Junior Forensic debate tournament held in- Salt Lake City. He recently returned from a California trip where he and' five other debaters of the U. S, A. C. debated with students of the following schools; University ' of California at Berkely; Occidental college; University, of. Southern California at Los Angeles, CaliArrniji Institute of Technology at Pasadena; Red lands college, at Kelands, and Pom ora college at Claremont. ' Thomas Eggett i. confined to his bod as a 'result of a ?evero heart httack the first of the week. William J.I. Wndipbpa and. wife, who recently arrived here from IIauaiiah Islands will litava for Washington, D. C., where they will visit wiih thpir son, M$rr, who is attending a law school there. They will' spend .ahput ten days in the Capitpl aftd then return here and wake, preparations, io leave. loY Soma, where Mr. Vaddoups will succepd Wm. G Sqars ps president of the misiofi. . For the first time in the history - 1 . niue than, BOUNTIFUL ' , A Bank Account . tho Feel'fuU of pop and possesscant you lender formtoyou crave ' . gossip era. if you listen exCesu fat gti light onTo take off . butter, cream and sagfatty meats, rhw fruit cat inoro eta we 8 t arv toaspoon-fu- l vegetables and take. a half of a In Salts glass of Kruschcn hot water every morning to eliminate excess waste. Mra. Fima VerlUe- of Havre de. took oil Grace, Md.( writes: moI fine now. my clothes fit constlNo drastlo cathartics no - nation but blissful daily bowel ac- little dally tion when you take your dose of Kruschen. . . V le Nonna Montgomery Of Clearfield Passes, Sunday - ' ' . Distributed by SHE LOST 20 FOUNDS OF FAT Makes Your Hair Look Its Youngest La-pre- Kaysville, Utah SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH v; Henry: "I think wo had better play cards. Youthful Hair '' . Hazel: "Now that yoU have look d over my music, whnt would you like to have me play?' Returns with 5, Barnes Banking Company Wasatch Chemical . Mrs. Clark rerved In Ihe Belief Mmn, Jr., and wife occupy the few days, last week. society presidency six years and home. Bill Mason, 1056 Twenty-fiftwas a member of ward choirs for The Sessions camp of the D. U. street, Ogden, charged with speed50 years. will meet at the home of Mrs. p. this of west on he new highwsy Soffe on Friday March 10, Annie Surviving are her husband ; seven ing the in a fine of $7.50 sons and daughters, Mrs. Newman tit', paid 2 p. m. The assisting hostesses Et IIolLrooV, jusH. of WilPam Odd and James Edward, John II., court 36 East 7th So-Alice Holbrook and Wasatch 2462 the pence, Saturday. Mason vill he rMs. of tice Joseph A., Nathaniel D. and Fred- was arrested March 21 by II. Mr. Es'her L. Clay. loved ones desire the beet erick N. Clark, all c f Clearfield and Howard, Bamberger Your Hurray state patrolman. highwr.y Brown, ' 45 Mrs. J. W. Rhodes of Ogden; ChiOne Way Ticket this Sat. and Bger.t, resumed Tuesday from his to visit had grandchildren, three brothers and he been where cago, Wed. and Thurs. April a sister, Mrs. Sam Shaw and New- - j Sunday. wife. and son That "Get Phillip ar.d Bachelor Mother man, Joseph and Lyman Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holbrook anLion. Friday and Sat. Charlie all of North Ogden. Rex Theatre. nounce the arrival of a daughter, in Shanghi. Funeral services were held Wed- Chan Ivin MacDonald, three-yea- r born Tuesday, March 31. Ricahrd nesday afternoon In the Clearfield Miss Audrey Workman of Kimold son of Ivin P. and Erma ward chapel ard interment was in Waddoups Macdonald and grand- ball. Alberta, Canada is spending the Liberty cemetery. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wad- a week with her cousin, Mrs. Capps. doups, died of pneumonia at a Salt Motorman Reuben Hepworth of Lake hospital and funeral services will be held this Friday afternoon. the Bamberger line, had some Dr. Kesler is driving a new Chey Varry experience during the storm i rolet car as a nocesity. because Tuesday night. As he was leaving thieve entered his garage, drove Bait Lake, a hoan in an automobile his car into Utah county, broke it deliberty drove infront of the train up and abandoned same, however, and just as he was turning the Norma Montgomery, 10 year old the supposed wreckers have been brickyard curve, a member of the daughter of Mrs Irene TTiurgood jailed. Farmington Bay CCC camp was Montgomery of Clearfield, died Sun Arthur Holbrook has traded his walking along the track and reday morning at the family home houso on the James Green brick- mained until the motorman feared after a seven months' illness of yard to Frank Mann, .for seventeen he had struck him, however offendheart disease, following an attack acres of land on the bench. Frank er escaped unhurt,. . of influenza, several years ago. .She was horn in Clearfield July forty-k'x , , 18, 1925. Her father, Louis A. Mont gomery, died six years ago. The family lived in West Point until 1934, when they came to Clearfield The child was a member of the L. D. S. church and, was in the fifth . . grade of the Clearfield school. ; She is survived by her mother, a Mtirce brother and a sister, Darrell Louis and Donna Mae Montgomery; also three grandparents, J. A. Montgom . . ery of West Point and Mr. and Mrs. John Thurgood of Clearfield. : Funeral services were held in . the Clearfield ward chapel at 2:30 Wednesday tvith Bishop Harold Holt conducting. Interment was in the WeBt Point cemetery. . . Of ALL FERTILIZERS Cf a ilfAY mi r Aran&U of Dead All Others for Use on Farm or Garden . u With a record of and Mrs. Alla May Van Fleet Rich ards, 68, wife of Myron J. Richards, Jr., of Garland, Utah, died in a Salt Lake hospital. She was in the hospital nearly two weeks. She was born in Farmington, May 3,. 1879, the daughter, of .Joseph and Jane Turner Van Fleet. The deceased has been a resident f this state all her life. Surviving are her husband; one son, J. Dewey .Richards of Santa Barbara, Calif., one brother Dewey Van Fleet,. Garland; two sisters, Mrs. A M;. Porter and' Mrs. G. W. Austin, both of Garland. . Above-A- Service 70-J- 2 . SPRAY MATERIAL Mrs. M. J. Richard, Jr. .pESERETMORTUArar get our prices 8-- .grandchildren. he in the Kaysville cemetery. , ' ajll . tabernacle and interment will Telephone Bountiful Estimates Tree. ' h, Dies At 72 Funeral services will be held this Friday afternoon in the Kays-fll- e PLUGGING, KEATING f i.T V : 1908, Mrs. Moroni Hamblin Mrs. S, A. Clark Of Clearfield Dies Of Clearfield At Family Home Mrs. Sarah Katherine Barton nablin, wife of Moroni Hamblin, died Saturday at the family home in Clearfield. She was bofn in Kays ville, April 30, 1878, a daughter of Pater and Mary S. King Barton, and was married to Mr. Hamblin ' in 1901. Surviving are her husband, six DEL STEVENSON!: AND REPAIRING . f of the organization the South Davis stake Gleaner girl and M Men annual banquet will b& held in Salt Lqkq City. The Newhouse hotel is the place chosen and the date, April 11 at '7:30 ;p. m. BerfiTce Broomfield stake president and Carl Haacke, stake M Men president, are general chairmen of the affair and will be assisted by the following committees: Publicity and tickets, Verna Mason, Beth Call, Harold Ford and Delton Nelson; decorations and program, Kar ma Knowlton, Mary Grant, Born-haLeonard and Rodney Porter, Adele Larsen, Genevieve Gardner and Hap Robinson ar the stake m supervisors On his return from the coast, Jacob Gierisch, was guest of Dr. and Mrs. Willianv.Gieriach for a No BINDING .No RATTLE A 0 Sturdier Frame w.eatfief-strippe- d Adapted for Narrow .. Weather-tis. .fern. J.IIE tlirre things liMst.iicgirnl In s nome beauty, comfort, economy dc pend largely upon the window Vo select.. Now, the manufacturers of Curtis Wood-- . WorK have made available for the first time. 1 . mK . . : Narrow MulIioni Setter Glazing , Fit! Any- - Wall M , j Silent nr ' Trim. . Installed Economicaijy Operates Easily . i SILENTITE Pre-F- it Windows, Frames, Screen and Storm Sash. This superior doti- ble-huwood window unit' is new. It Is ' . ng .better. And It is not lti complete departure from th present style in us!B nearly 300 years, but neve Hin.do entirely Satisfactory. . . high-price- d. t. Sra test show, It to' be morn weatherproof than any other tcindoxe mode. . It h been tested In both laboratory and Celd and carries tho tcUtecu and contractoJ wherwrtTused cr shown. ' ' ' e : "" ' tmaury C 17c4 emtuty trindou km,o. inviu ,1 s:in rktnmmyuy you r Infcmuaion, and ma0r sAENTITE u fin woodwork . . : Morrison-Merri-U & Co. t j The Lumbermen BOUNTIFUL, UTAH' TELEPHONE ' : 9-- J |