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Show WEEKLY . . RAYTON. UTAH, MARCH NJSWS-FiXi'GES- lVJItfO itn. . n . f- j - 'gs k 11 of the Firmer In- -, dependence Council of America, dev dared in a recent address., .' . In illustrating his Jmin he made the obvious suggestion, that people can not he fed by .producing less food than they need, .government statistic; show that even in 1929 this country' fell short of liberal diet by more than 49 billion pounds of food. We fell Ihort of meeting even a moderate diet by more than . 19 billion pounds. . Food, price were. Increased because of this scarcity, due largely to the opera.tipri of the AAA, so that the more healthy foods almost vanished from the diet of millions of people. This naurally causedon farms, on transport in lines, grain elevators, in cotton ift the industries of our and gins, West Me I vice-preside- t . I i ruga weir shipped east out of Isabelje Barker entertained at a Home Needs Sinuuofts rut herb and tw, fgrs of hbep Jo Cali fop Mrs. Lyle fofni ;.r.d this .Friday Ihrep tnraria.t fYiday tf.crnQort. .7-- s Many To Be Given in BUI ODr.'en, r.oir of ?Tr. Johfc of .eat'le Avilt po to Denver, RURAL SCHOOL .CICLDRENS1 EYE STRAIN. M. and Mss. jWljt Dawson return1 OBrieft and Pliss Afaxirw! Ste&d ot Monday ' FarnsiirgtcnirfW Ctf home, Mondny'froiia a its e.Teccntlymarfied .hojtage of housekeeping helpf Mrs. ml Hazel Mr. American home I aurjrrising, in Raider trip fa Ins AngoJes ariniver afte a?" wedding The Food Needs of the Child will tatkmwidi . just'ravcaled thei.lj'tb .f peneerGalbrtmh Is In Serious, With a th last of situation Monday ' evening . be the subject of the demonstration rftbdy tomlitiop at an Ogden hdspltal, af, Vance and "I program at th iton The American household being given at the West Bountiful ter undergoing an operation Tues-Sa- y f 2 March at. . 16, bee know as tfco beat tquif i school, Monday,' ' i hall., A of 'Columbine The? the direction the of M. vamp .under F. ji pod ahywh'efe, but fcowt It 1 learn. Earl Egbept is able'to get around Utah . Pioneers of the Daughters Parent Teachers association. Miss ed that fiillioh of Tome!e still a little o ncrutphes'affer being in and social held Its meeting Helen Fixton, home agent, will monthly lack equipment that Would makt bed for four tnoptha with a broken at the Layton ward meeting heusei . demonstrate new and interesting g Ueraehdoualy aaaieP leg. ; '. . i .1 . ' $ save . Thursday. would tandwichesand will lead the dis- money fcf them, la and beefl has .Leona Miss Buggef . Mr. and 'Mrs. P, R. Knowltoh. I ' cussion. Special effort is being These aiklition. Advantages, snore the work from her at Sugar who have been the away few week L made by Mrs.' James E. Eldredge, past had can by ay home fofr ever, office for a few days with the flu. here are . association at and the visiting of Hurricane, first cost krw and the eavihg president very, Miss Greta Adams' of Boulder j of Chester 36, Kaysville, FJint, her committee, to bring this to the the week-en- d total soon fc outlay in any .,.', ray City, Nevada, spent the feet- - amputated both to had have, attention of all parents in the comcase,' at the home of her parents, Mr. . . above the ankles,. Friday, duo .to lf munity. . of all . Slightly less than and Mrs. R. W, Adams.. . hia homes have wash ' lectrically-wired Winslow Evans I home af- injury suffered when, he lost, Mr. The doctrine of scarcity, which ' h the past three months balance while .trdmping hay in a ing machines. Lss than food ter spending not for into farmers, the growing paid falling chopper, hay home3 hare electricity, of the farm ' in Los Angeles, . . he said, forced the. United States the farm home lack washer Mr. Woodrow knives, Half for . SCHOOL NEWS to The . marriage increase. imports of bacon 337 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright of ef any variety. Only Robert 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee butter 7,269 cent; per per cent; State High 'School Basketball of our wired homce have ironers, and Miss Bessie Allen, Salt Lake spent Sunday as guests Roberts ' ' John nf Mrs. Wrights' parents, Mr, and ' lard, 7, 2G0 per cent; eorn 8,400 per . .. Tournament Mr. and the washers twin,. of Mrs, ' cent, and wheat 1,G58 per cent. He daughter Mrs. 'Robert Jenkin,. d of the washers took week. , last place Allan, Willi Brown, son of E. C. Brown .The state basketball tournament abo declared that during nine washers in us the club are base The throughout ball, layton trill be held in the Deseret Gym- months of last year we brought sponsoring a dance at the West Had his right hand crushed in the country have beea throughout nasium at Salt Lake City, March from abroad food which should Layton ward amusement hall, Sat- wringer, Saturday. nsed fQ long that they arc obsolete ' have been the product- - of 15 milMr. and' Mrs. Leo Stephen and 18, 19, 20 and 21 and should be. replaced by urday evening,' Mr; and Mrs. G, Stephens expect Davis enters, first place team lion acres of good American farm who more convenient, more ecobeen has Mr, Ray Corbridge from regin one. Games will start at land. nomical models, the investigation1 confined to his bed for the past 4 to leave in the near future for BosTo better the condition of Amer1:30 on March 18 and 19. After the mon'ha. with a broken back, is 'now ton, Mass., to Visit with relatives.. reveals. .. , ican .farmers he suggests ending able to lYinslqw Evans has returned first of the games .there will be a has been made no muck on erutches. Living get aroqnd intermission. Davis first game will regimentation, regaining lost marDean Gibson, son of Mr. and Mr from a three month visit U Calieasier ia many millions of eity and . be played with Logan, but the kets, promoting intelligent soil Jack Cibron, is at i Salt Lake hos- fornia. , rural homes that improvement of the crop-lim-it was a joke on the thieves that It 4e so much more prevalen afchedule has rot yet been drawn conservation, ending la the district Defective vision country the others will come fastey from sufferTnjfwith pneumonia. folly," stopping, reclamation pital burglarized the Layton Auto the (hen In cities that modern science arose te the problem by eubbinfl now on, Miss . . Annabel Miss dp. : ; and Harris . inmantle beresene lamp tte own magic Aladdifii lamp and. producing projects, fostering farmer-owne- d F. F. A. . Donna Fir'h are new cases of scar- other night as they loaded loot lower to a used ear the company had virtually aa affirieni as sunlight, ftescarch was concentrated an The play chosen this year for and directed fever this week. let ' utilization ot fcereatno because it Is the principal lighting fuel In country an balanced Stock salesmen, ray that a tight and , budget, the Annual Clodhopper, presented taxes, a Stevenson of there and when they got ready to districts. Alary Smith shows one ef the newest ecientifie medeie la Mrs, Wilford victim to vrift -is the end to easiest wad Hot would start. government it experimenting. Is go F. A. The Feed F. Store by n ancient eaample e the natienal lamp show to Chieag Farmington and Mrs. Spencer Adover. All ene has to do in such a The night marshal's services had contrast with The east of characters Mystery. ams were- dinner guests of her CHICAGO-Ru- ral communities mantis cnee is to sell him on the idea that . a proMucing lamp to utilising the with disposed LAYTON just prior re: Henry Gibbons, Rener Nelson. Sister. Mrs, Lester rain in Ogden mod- kerosene of coal oil that effect- he is oing to make a lot of money el the are advantages charing here. burglaries Lemuel Feck, Claude Moss, Mr. Monday. ern ncleum with the big cltiee, and ively, meets the ideal illumination fer himself and the sale ii madk, '" Gerald Hodsofl, son of Mf. and Philburt, Ted Peterson; Werthy the iateet development along eclen-tlfl- afforded by sunlight. So diligently Miss Evelyn Blood, Elmer Young Ra ymond Meadows, Mrs. Bill Hodson, and Miss Norma Anderaon, lines for country' resldeuts Is has science, labored ea this task & Sunday Currency inflation is like dyink Townsend Knowles, Charles Peter and Keith Smith, all of Davit Tnylor of Ogden were married last home light- that the old style yellow, flickerof direction better th la week wore nominated .this, lug ice water. While it is easy t ecn, Martin Puples, Keith Cooper; county, Saturday, The big strides la rural lamp ing kerosene lamplight has glvea get all one should have of it them in ing. national o Phil the Kappa Pbi, Alvin Hawes, Pay Odd, Bert BeMr. and. Mrs. Frank Bone and! . development were eloquently dem- way to the modem kerosene lamp is always temptation to bske om vins, Henry Knabara; . Keeper honorary scholastic fraternity, ac Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Corbridge are at the recent aattunel with oft, steady white tight vir- more drink of Cowboy Millionaire onstrated it. cording to Miss Ruth Jones, secre- planning 16 leave Friday for MichiJenks,' James Johnston, .. from (he disturbing free here. show tually tamp Bostock U. at of U, of the the Evelyn Kennedy Edgar tary chapter .' This play will be presented to Defective vision among school gan, where they intend to each purray.. '. . Alden Chase the students, Friday,' March 13th. Miss Blood, Mr. Young and Mr. chase new. cars and. drive .them is about areas JohnselW, preeldent ef rural children the Victor'S. The reason perhaps most met ' la . Fox Picture ' ' Smith, were Chosen to the club, home. io s who JUNIOR PROM Mantto children the li four to cue for city are willing that the government Lamp Company, Jfte Reel Short and 2 Reel Comedy shewn by an extensive Inventiga-tio- taking aa active part la the more spend ahy amount of money thesk Monday was the beginning .'of along with 18 other members of Mrs. Will 1. Layton and .daughProm Week. Junior officers are the senior class at the university, ter, Elizabeth arrived home. Monmade by the New York statf effective artificial lighting 8 p, m Shows days is that they think they wiB believes that in a emparw never he called upon te pay R health department; The eyes of aelling tickets all week, long lind because of their high scholarship day from California, where they ' pone IpO.OOO .school Cblldrea- Were tlvely short time there will be a that it is always the other fellow campaigning for the dance which average attained during their four had spent the winter, . of school. members at tested by the department. ' . . decided reduction la defective vis- who will Forty & years will be held- March 28. . Mr. apd Mrs, Glen S. Layton Wednesday pay. If he time ever coin- - ' children as ion show ' school the ' acted Federal among country figures university, government faculty ASSEMBLIES . entertained with a dinner party MARCH 18 and .. that. only about. IS percent of rural because more modem kerosen e.i when (Axes will be reduced it .. '.... t)n Friday, March C, Professor judges.. and bridge this evening . fort the ' will be when the individual eralizea homes ire wired lor felecritclty and lamps are going into the country Ted Smith, son of Mr and Mrs. BUD N BEN la ' Williams of tho University of Mrs. George when it eomes to ' paying thk . following: the. balance of. the approximately districts. This company, taanntae-ture- r that Michigan, gave an interesting lec- C. P. .Smith Is still in. bed from Lowe, Mr. and Mrs.' W. II. Jack-soof .both keroseno and eiee-tri- bills he is the government. The (.690.006 country dw ellings' are deRomance Reyier ture and experiments on The the after effecti of scarlet fever. and Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Fin consumer, and he is you and ot on forma other lighting, lamps, hae Just won a decieloa 11a. has been in bed six weeks. 11s pendent Wonders of Liquid Air. The Wonder Horst cock, all of Ogden. . . .. Starlight I, rpys the bill. It makes in Court the Doited States kerosene always Circuit lamp.' principally Students during the1 pr'ogranj was up one day, after he Was sup Ellison returned to his Stanley no difference how the government, of here octence Modem to the another responded Appeals restraining Wives . defective vision asked questions about the liquid posed to be well, then his kidneys home at the- Spanish ranch In collects or under what guise,' indicated it from manufacture! the Uaa problem using to became affected and he had go Nevada last Sunday after being air and were answered by the Moors. Ddrothy Mackail!,.Tpm name alladia tie is Whether a which data above its it the by rubbing tariff, or an income '. company's by ' ' back to led. however, his physician here a month.- Vivian Oakland . and the latter ha employed etnoo 9df. fax, or own Aladdin'S lampmagle ,the so called nuisanc ' is hopeful that he will soon get " SOPHOMORE .TEAM Mrs. James E. Ellison and Mr, consumer the taxes, .5 The Davis pay it in the He is fifteen years old and returned Sum home, Sunday after spend high school sophomore better,. FrL, end. this avoid is that th to It and demned thinking agreements team captured tho aecond annual is a high school student. . two months in Kansas City in ing ' bemean some : Laws Aid were made has its - MARCH . magic government employment long 21,' . 22 20, . During the week two '. cars of an effort to aid Mrs. Ellisons jgold medal junior basketball champ fore the World War, but it was of reaching up Iftt-o- the air r of . . Sonship at Midvale,. Saturday evenhealth, . pped With telling effects by RICHARD ARLEN waving a wand over a hat knd pulMarch Virde 7, by posing out Murray Ouf brief experience' with the Mrs, ing, Fingree and her the Germans resorted ling qut, along with the white bab'after 19 to 18. in the closet and most inAAA confirms the experience of to it 'at daughter, Mrs. Harry Ellis, of Roy .. Ypres, in 1915. Our own bits, vast sums of. money that- some ' which for hundreds were Golof the other .countries of Mri. teresting: game season.' Tuesday guest : that chemical war- -' one tlse is going to have to pay f declare experts . Medals were presented .to outden Adam. . Mathews of years have tried to aid their fare will , , a more important far play Airs. Smith Evans and two small falrmers by devising economic short rolq' in standing stars; as well as to the future war. And there AVliedt any Harold Bell ; A civic club in a midWester sons are visiting, here with Mr. and cuts. The inevitable result of such is not the slightest doubt that diwinning, teams. Individual awards went to.Val Sheffield,. Davis Mrs. Richard Evans. devices has been maladjustments sease city is offering free hollyhock seed d, ' germs would be likewise em- to residents of the town who will . '.Story Bliss Rex Robins is back in school which eventually injured the farm for the. All Tournament : ployed if a practical method of doteam. Dell Hayes, Davis guard, for plant it in the allays and vacant after a tea days illness of rheu- COMING March The era they! wjre' designed to help; . ing so . were developed. POTATOES lots adjacent their property. Any . the second team. Val'Sheffield also MUSIC GOES AROUND. AND matism. Concrete evidence of .this is aeon With all these added ftorvors in received medals for high scorer and in the tremendous increase in the Mrs. Ray Valker has blood poi- AROUND.'" hardy flower would serve but th .'; is little wonder it that prospect, BEANS son in her hand, for on of the three outstanding estimated world cotton crop for the hollyhock seems to do especially . are persons thoughtful everywhere well in this particular locality, Mrs. Willard Parker And Mis current year. The' United State ., players. Portcr-Walto- n to. prevent another world Wheh the seeking Seeds ' hollyhocks bloom th BASKETBALL BANQUET Deparment of Agriculture estimat: which might easily wipe effect will be startling and beauti- - . tragedy, ' es. will that pro- out Wednesday evening after, schobl, foreign Countries entire pppulatiQns, Civilization ful. Many an unsightly .'. SPRAYS' duce 14,8.86, (W0 tales of cottoh for the basketball . players from . all alley a .. must , .preserve peace,, or perish by ditch or .vacant 'lot will present season. .This is the j9.J5-8- 6 teams, were given a banquet in the the instruments of . destruction different appearance beschool cafeteria. The boys were for quite hales more than the . 1934-3- 5 . Liquid which jt has created. . cause the flowers. There is a of biJdefi to cat, after or before tho foreign cyop, xthich.was'the largest added attraction ia adopting in games, sp were given this meal as history. The United States cotSoaps' ih be to It eff all the flower uniform this purpose.; tonfor chip is a result . right . . officially estimated at crop . 10,734,000 bales, which means that old block if the old block isnt a The .effect is much more striking , than if several varieties ire use& this couhtry will produce .only 41 'block Bead, .. .BOUNTIFUL' Food Folly per cent of "the world crop. LUMBER &: SUPPLY Unquestionably the greatly increased foreign, prddutfion Millions of Americans are'suffer-tn- g Deveraux jrcotton Welding Shop .. been caused our from, lack of sufficient .nourishCOMPANY by. .. . . . , , ' curtailment and We Specialize in . ' . . . pro ing food, and are. victims of the .gram. The menace to American TRAILERS ELECTRIC prevailing theory of tho economy . 's ; , growers is 'that .countries like of scarcity, Charles W.' Burkett, ACETYLENE TANKS . Brjuil,.-whic. ! Urge sums in farm and ginning ma- '; - 'HARD FACING FLOW FOINT3 . chinery for handling cotton,1 wre ' not 'likely te abandon their investALL WORK GUARANTEED . . : ment, But will contjnuw to raise cot Roufitiful, Utah , ; I ton which will mean, permanent . . (West of - Bountiful Motor)' competition wiih the American . ' ' .. . ' . . crop.'. . t ' Neither legiylafion'Bor goverw-me,. ,Sl Chevrolet .Sedan, Sliwhorcar that H extra ' control can long continue to clean In every' way,. It 'has beh 'thoroughly .'checked .and will' bear our GUARANTEE. A pars' give farmers higher prices or other , , . In benefits. If it were possible to leg. Good a ; bargain patnt, tlrea, popular model - . . too. islate permanent, prosperity fot battery, . , . farmer's,, or any other jcl&sk, 'it' 29 Chevrolet H Ton Panel . truck. All brake' , wouTd have been done by wise gov--, newly relltleQ, newly palntvd, new) ring, and , , erfiments many years, ago. . . thoroughly lightened. A dependable car enclosed ' .troin the Veajher. ' . . , 4 r .at our price.. . Food Needs of Child - , , Bountiful, .; . -- eele-brat- -- : ed IV-.-rar- ... .. y '' h '. h'a-r- f . house-keepin- . j - -e- one-ha- DAVIS HIGH " ' one-fift- one-twenti- One-thir- the-newe- . - bi e Saturday George OBrien . . t . . a start at tnavw-ment- , Thurs IP'.' - . Mr.-an- n, c . Neighbors - jpo-fess- . . ne-o- Sat., and f Futile Farm - both-side- The Calling of SEEDS pan . Federation . Wright fore-War- . Triumph ';. PEAS ... - 27-28-- ;- - a - .' REX THEATRE ... 830,-000 and Dry. . - Oilsand Scarcity Bros, cot-ton--hal - price-pegging h have-investe- .. d s .XJsedi .. Caps': With An OK That Counts nt - .a '. eJan. good reliable car Vt a low , . pricy. Splendid Ores, and In .fact. It's just bat one. might wa'nt , foe a knoA-abofar at .a .low. It's OK. Our price la rlghtt . corjL , '26 Dulck . -- . ' ,- a ut w Atfful 'Possibilities . ' Horrible as were'somi of the ea ,f - a This car has been (horoughly overhauled and has a new top, now paint on fenders. Cood'tlrs, and 111 give you complete 'satisfaction at kvery loV pries. , '29 Fori Tirutk. Single wheels. tire that are almost new. stake body and cab. We are now 28 Chevrolet Coach. ! . e ; lCT-p- ly overhauling ibis unit and few days. See. it. . will be ready ia .a. ' Sedan. Here la V car that wIB'take It is in fine shape, and bears, our written .guarantee; A real bqy in. a late model FORD your eye. 35 V-- Jng about Wd month on your food , . ,, . . 8 , , a car. , y ous G-- E . .. ; II ANT OTHER FINE BARGAINS A Written Guarantee with Every Car. Convenient Easy Terms. Doughty Chevrolet Co. Bountiful The sekiner you haye your C- - Kefrigerator in your kitchen thi sooner you will bein aT- - . : i' budget Refrigeratofs are powered with die fata mechanism that now gives sealed-in-ste- el ' vDOUBJLE'THE COLDM . '.AND-u'SEA0& LESS CURRENT-7-' ' ' . 68S.50 AND UP .. S Union Furniture Company Bountiful, Utah Telephone 15 e gines of death employed in the World War, they were probably far less destructive thn those which might be brought into play In a future death struggle of nations. , Prof. Leonard Hill, in his address os president before a London sanitary association recently cited one possibility which is terrifying in its implications. He declared, that a cer&Tdlund of germ whicli can be pasily cultivated is so deadly that a spoonful suitably distributed could kill a million persons. This is cot the first time such measures for the extermination of alike in troops and the event of another great war have been hinted at. And there is little use to argue that such diabolical means, if developed, would t no be used. Poison gas in warfare was con 4 I 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Coach , . 1931 Ford. Coupe 1931 Ford-Coach.- . y.-',..- .. 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coupe I.' $25 -. ,7. $465.00'. ..Vi a.. V $465.00 $275.00 '$275.00 $265.00' ' .' ;.5"..v . Mopth . ,. $165.00-- . . .'. . :.$165.'00 i. Buys'aNew. V-- 8 ' Bountiful loior, Inc Authorized FORD Dealers BOUNTIFUL r ' TELEPHONE 46 1J |