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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH 1 1 tr Is probable that the true purpoae of aports Is to permit customers and contestants to pent-uemotions, I Often gaze with wonder upon the Joe bourses, the Hank Leibers and the Glenn Cunninghams. How these eminent sporting gentlemen popularly and properly labeled as "Dead Pans manage to get away with It Is ft problem that well could Interest any student of box office appeal. Yet they do get away with it and, Indeed, those faces which never have twitched s muscle even at the tightest of moments, have perhaps come to so Important renson for ther owners eminence. No doubt the average fan, sccu-- . tomed to running through all the emotions In the course of a day, always will love the liabe Ruths better bocauser he can understand them better, Rut this very element of difference also causes him to stare In fascination at the celebrities who are as unblinking while slashing an opponent to ribbons ft while nibbling a crumpet strangely enough, In view of the o general belief concerning the SINCE It Slip and Pantie Set . rt-lea- Htw York Brvlc. P-t- WSU Dizzy Deans Howl Just Ballyhoo, Not Temperament WAS psrhap t be Cxptctsd ITthat the ftin af unrest that , a many Micro phones and congressional record should at last come to aggravate the gentlemen who perform In sports, from winter resorts, from night tlubs and from less ably ballyhooed centers of athletle ontlcs snd endeavors terse bulletins proclaim the news that the boys no longer pro weakening their niftiest layings with smile . As one who must live not too well) by sports I hare been reading such reports with proper diligence. While reading and while duly recrages ollecting how the of wrestlers and other eelebiated statesmen so often have elevated the minds of the customers I also have been doing soma wistful wondering. Obviously, If (lie performers can engage In their work with blood in their eyes as well as on their coses -- the situation soon may be vastly Improved. New patrons wilt be attracted and the waning attention of those who ones were steadfast tn their faith will be revived. ' This Increase! eest for laying It on the line should be beneficial for all concerned. Promoters snd their beswented prims dotinns should be enabled to purchase pew limousines. The National league might be to pay Its best umpire what be deserves, the state of New York might get some decent Income from the quast-lcga- l gambling and even the lhlllles might be enabled to arrive at the clubhouse each day with smile on their Ups six two bits In the bank. Unless you know youf baseball well chough to be aware that Dizzy Deftn merely Is a targe body of man entirety surrounded by press agents you are apt to suspect a vast sen of bitter Jealousy separates blut from bis Alma llater and tils fellow students. Actually nothing could be farther from the truth. For Instance, there Is the that Is being exchanged coie rernlng his newest DItsy contract. quite rightfully Is claiming that he Is the best pitcher In .btiseball and there--.for- e worthy of the best salary. Ills St'I.otils owner, If, I have read some of the more, eminent sports commenta1-- . lore correctly, Is attempt lug .to. pay .bint off with rain check. So Shore 1 blood bn the well-acte- d . on-shi- ,i chit--ch- 1 inocwi.. All this does Injustice, to 'Ureadon and Prd nett Rickey, Sain . rhnu-celibr- s of the Cardinals exchequer, 'll Is true that they are suave Who often have been wonderfully persuasive when dealing , witty lesser tollers In tljelf but Ihey also are.gentleiiM'it who are richly endowed Uh com-- ' won sense.. This means, that when their Star performer tins boasted and blasted lifmseTr onto rnough front pages, they will Immediately, prove to him that advertising pays. .With due of the fact that club they have a nd also a pitcher who would 'be cheened even if be wore a (Hants' uniform In Brooklyn) they will lay It on the line. Thereupon the best tuirlef In baseball will become the burldr in baseball ", .Naturally, Dizzy will hot get tin f 40,800 w hlcft he Is burling into the contest right ow siting, wjth s .plethora (sure, ( looked K up) f bit.ter adjectives. lust as naturally lie does pet txpeef It any mof than be expects snyohe to lake sprloiisly the harSti words been saying about, his. battery iate, Virgil, : lisq. . as . V gen-Demo- n Cine-ynrds- pennant-contendin- best-pnl- g if "be-ba- s D-vt- s, s Cleveland May JnTieril e Hockey Teanl Big-Tim- . see?. s Ta snake .plstachla together cqua? parts w Events in the Lives of Little Men aTt protect a rafidle front draft . . : .' candle Into it, Four off the water in which hnfon are boiled three or four time while remove the bitted boiling. Till taste so often found In red-sklnse- d onion. ' at Sea fyeek comforts written between the very seams of this slip and pantie set tlmt'a dedicated to smooth fitting and easy making. They're within everyones reach, and their low cost makes them an economy. The slip does a nice Job of molding the figure, with Its fitted bodice and straps that cant slip. The Yet . oho! YoUMG ."WAT T Guess But all-in-o- Know neckline's cut low enough in back to allow It to be worn with your low-0cut frocks. And could anythin be smoother than waistband panties which lie flat? A ray'on or crepe is nice. rntterh 9dG2 may be ordered only In sizes 12, 14, 1(5, IS, 20, 30, 32, 34, 30, 3S, 40 and 42. Size 16 require 3 yards 39 Inch fabric. Complete diagrammed sew chart Included. Send fifteen cents In coins or stamps ' (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly youf name, address, style number ami size. . Send youf order to The Sewing Circle Fattern Dept 149 New Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Bll Syndicate. WNU Srrvl, ' SCAlWWAfr 3 t r0' BE OP 1 Q VllS , w . y WOW-HUff- KiOMB : MlE; '.is SAFE? Dont Entrust Youf .. o'tWAT '.-'(J- ' r Herselp POUP must 3 O PAYCLARB ' . 'HOLD WAVS wriAT win valuable free prizes. Preparations person lo ask thetlief tfift preparation you or your family . are taking for the relief 6f headaches is SAFE to use regularly is youf family doctor. Ask him particularly ' about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. lie will tell you; that before thi discovery of Bayer Aspirin most pain,r remedies Were advised against by physicians as bad for the . stomach-and- , often, 'for Which is food for thought if you sock tjuick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayef Aspiriri. among the fastest methods yet dis covered for thQ relief of headaches . and the pains of rheumatism, ncu ritis' and neuralgia. And the.cxperi- -. titnee 'offormillions of users has proved safe the average perso'q to use regularly. In youf .wn interest fe ' . member this. . You tan gel Genuine .Bayef . Aspirin at any drug store - simply by asking for It by its .full name, BAYER ASPIRIN. . Make it m. and sec that you point to jlo this - Adv, the-heart- . Ths Tims Tsetse . Does a giraffe get a sore throat if It gets Its feet, wet? Izzle Yes. but oot till (lie. next ' . ' week, Lizzie adlcs Fight , . I still suppose ypure Eiggs going around with the same girl? tJJgg Yeah, One round after ri- . ' oChf'fo . THE FEATHERHEAD5 tjr VftftUna , For Grvinff Outtoui Oibsrne' yui, Nftpiwr.lUiftit , " . Hot, Hotter, Mottctl fire fighting app.v . BiHesmaa-Th- ls tline' :atus wll,.be ,a use n 59 years I Ki.ierly Dads Ept-I. . shAllnot be here. Salesman (ral&un.de'rsiah(llngly) But. madanij'It Is so light and venifcnMhat you could efirry J't.nhy." where- with' you. Pansk. Famillle l'lad, Oenhagrw ' ." . s NICK, HIMSELF, " Own or Your Family Well Being to Unknown BOYS GIRLS! Ifead the 'Grape Nuts ad 10 another co.lumn of thl-- paper and learn how to Join the .Dizzy Dean Winners and (EZ "BEHA'ia WHY VON'f , , Whether the Pain . Remedy You Use Mont-goriier- y 1 WXV ServicW Nwapapr. Dont out-and-o- 1 , . get whatyou watt. i - , Bayer Aspirin - a ' Heavy Competition' QUALIFIED jn?gs What bappy people yo.u must .be to hav elghj: nice daughters l.What resources fofyonr old age J Jaggs (very. 8adly) Yes," t have - .. resources epoughl Cut the difficulty nowadays consists ' Ih husbanding ones resources. Everybodys.' Baers scowls, "rl. mace and smirks attracted, undue attention" "because there have been 4'erhapsMa so many dead pa hired Iroxc.fs. Flrpo never smiled. IHs eyes were, wide open and he stnred coldly. Jeffries fae seldom chahged frOjn p frovV'q. out of( face Willards ekve glal-o- j fhgt might bale been carved .from wood. In spite of ttrd reported of their racf It canuof be recttlled thafleter Jacksps or'Jack MvVey, "very good, jjegro lighters., ever' wore other .thail( the game stolid, look that murks LouJ. ,. .. . . ft ft A paste made of dry starch and water brushed over a grease spot and allowed to dry on will remove apoj If not' of too long standing. ' Associated . . ft To remove Iron rust from white washable materials, spread stained place over n vessel of actively boll ing water and Bqueeze lemon Juice on stain. After s few minutes, rinse the fabric and repeat the process p '. . ' Cleveland seems deflnltely ts bf , . , , the town to Inherit the Not In tire be score: ' Jack Dempsey sud the tlearst A. hockey franchise wWcft I 9 Cana dlens will surrender after theprea-en- t Care making faces (, pne another season.. Al.Sutphln, who. will because the forme; heavyAelght give up his Cleveland Faloon hold champion Is mbscllng In on the Ings, Is to put up lie dough, lie Monk fight promoting gag will operate.! farm la Rochester Meyer, army's 145 pound backlield . . Sun Jose, Calif, will send 89 of star, refuses to take a bath during Its citizen Into professional base-hal- l the four days Immediately precedthis year in the future ing football game. Fears that the there will be n close connection be- water may weaken him At the tween the management of Aldo more conservative Yale the football Spoldl and tlut of L'leto Locutelll aces are prohibited from bath'ng on , . . Pedro Montane bus two Fridays during the season. $ams bod, guards. reason. " vCWRIGLEY'S FLAVOR IS FRESH AS fASPRIMfip if ICUT NW .THUMB TrYiNCs To Fix THAT BRQKENl IN THE: STDRM Jig-tim- e WINDOW L : FliT-HO- W gome A t 1 DIDrtT. HEAR Noa HELL WHEN IT. THOUGHT ANbU WERE M0RlJIW6-- : Do you know .anything hbout checks and drafts?". J'Yes, sir. Tvje trua our furnace for years. . L, . .... UT CrtER. AT 1HE NEUSM.EORS ' Lacking Courage' Is your, book 'on Culdratlod of Courage finished yetr. "Yes, but I haven't had the nerve to take it to the publishers yet." , D " ... ; whitewash. 1 . nd A soon as your furnace fire Is out and cellar thoroughly elcaned, whiten the wall with a cold water painl or . Oltjr. excellent-shortenin- cookies, Bright one year, Is perhaps the most famed of those , . . fat makes as for gingerbread Lamb ath- there Is the distressing ease of Allas Taubcle, who looks so snd during s match that she feels that way before It Is over end so bursts into tears w li e a site ' loses. Also there the misfortune of Miss Crulckabank. Just as Mist Virginia Van WIe of the golf tournament la a vastly different person from the young ludy who Is known to her friend as GIno Van WIe, Miss Crulekshank seCnis to tinve two personalities, So, In (hose very cheerful moments away from the courts, she regrets that sober face she always displays la competition, This regret shared by Some other contestants who feel that If Ihey co.ii M warm the sympathy of the crowd the tempo' of thetr piny would be speeded in time with the nppluuso Is on the red Ink side of the dead pnn ledger. On Hie other side thif absolute control over nerves npd iitnscles enjoyed by a Paavo Nurmi or a. Bill Ourr, though, hud a most Important part In making (hum the.greut runner that they were. Oblivion to all outside Influences, they could pace themselves through all those split seconds of action and renctlyn w filch make records. Occasionally great stone faces" a re useful for purposes of the moment,' aljho.ngh tint a usual' part of the athlete's equipment. For Instance, there Is the dummy piny In basketball, where a man stays close tn the basket, looks tmco.ficefned and endeavors to lure bis opponent Int6 a false sense of' security. Then t pas la thrown to him., be puts up Ills hands to catch the ball at the last possible moment and If he such. an adept at the play os Nat dolman, Marty Fried man, Max I'osnak or Moo' tSpahn scores a .' IlcJJ goal. Still tbls variety of dead panning Is perhups as far apart from the regular article as was one of the more celebrafed exploits of Silent Jiuk Richardson. Having been pre suutud by Harry Sinclair with a horse named Bruns, Sir. Richardson let Vvery one believe' Ihlit this was just the sort of horse that fhould be given away: Then, on the projov day and at .the proper odds, which werfe 80 to I, Rrun won at- Umpire : when carrying it about the house. a place wax on bottom of glass nd set Miss Moody, who refused even to took at Miss Jacobs while shaking pans. , fahlespoonfuf of amfrioals Atlilel to th water in which glass Jars ar washed, will, make the glass sety cleaf, Rinse well before using, oflleten Wills Moody. dead . ft A Recalling Dead Pan her 1 , , W - ft letes seem to assay higher per--, centnge of dead pans than do the men. There are moments when certain little twists or twinges of thelf bodies tndleate their opinions rather freely, but the faces of Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, Miss Helen Jacobs, Miss Jane Sharpe, Miss Norms Tauhele and Miss Josephine Crulckabank remain as calm In victory as In defeat. hands for the benefit of the plujtog-ra- w fnaklfig slip covers forfuN nlture, ample room should t? snowed for seams, easy slipping on and ott. sod tor shrinkage- In washlpg, fem-lnlh- women taqill YVhe ... temiM-rament- fldwih; (ult o SlpwmtJ.flftterlngi. mobile-mugge- d . has been Irritating Pattern n Mli'rbund. Made in Quick.Tiuie . p . I te UWRIGLEVS, 1 ... T PERFECT GUM self-appoint- C Vtiliri NicaptHf Dili big mm wim I |