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Show 1 O 0 I V .. 1 t 1 1ie WfiEIvi.lr I mimnn 4. : HWnH LAYTON. XEWS r WAIt Make These Spring .'Accessories Colorful ' '. Nipponese Typists lliiye Inti t town for ervam, Audtuicotl.anl as Dueling Pf fighting the ' ?'h house is that Bread. hJ hr Dukes eowrage tost . Master 2,O0ft.Claraciers to . eiapons Was Twains Idea ' vhL S wondt-- yuw Idni Ahlnb f Uk gvfry Sip I ht steaming cvf; " . ?. Put, f veiKtr. ' The Nippon. I 'manipulators .of joii i a strapgev h-- v fAtTKKH ivsa- found himself Mark I f Inquire.?, ?.T J here, Jo.. typewriter hiit to. struggle with a .";vbat a. second In- a. duel nnd 11 was up "A sfferigVr?" What .!? she eye faiSibfl Vpea aa vavvlepriil Id.! key hoard of YjrxkV chiirnelet- - Jo b . Mean by that?" Where !;tj he been, idate. .. . picked it by band. The slugs have to. Mm. to suggest the' weapons to he Wenderedl HvUleiitty. hot tome. 'mlliMimt'compnrtinenu In sliding' A Jeftcr met hr., sir.' yerr 11 first i.s hI itry !, that was why Wil- Willetts stlggestlon ,wfls tray. Tin stenographer must prAss replied. ".Mr. Hhbier.es.. ' a tut a noletts hadn't known he wsmi'1 Mr. a In pt nut lhes,t Indiknblj picking tmill front the employ peeled sUu Ulddcr. The Duke tcftluu'-l.Iu'wouldnt .. hurt Wo.'jld body vidual get. .tliey f the UMuknua IP sign' ment agency, nnd placet like that, out. Th how' came tile a question, 'dtqpl. kt"v form. rngnua vvn to pen It, fir." She said you one foot's nt axes' nest "Willett Ptit a stranger!' suggestion, which' Iharactet' the thru cpt'tnd Parry beritated, ' "Of course ture-have been reduced Pi their dlstatu-- and ruled oui ' altogether not," Annie replied. envelope.. "Xr Mr. Evan. Just Mrs. MulliA hundred dollar Id!! drew-- out. simplest form on the typewriter ton eripus.- Kye'ntuaJly he.'got them n b was small rn Wo and me. taken gan crept find now represent Idea only when pistol at a comparaWell." ivhoed the Duke, with when Madam and Mr. Kidder '. Jit. sound find thought se- tively great distahee, placed that re Courage boru of to spend the summer here, When kte.h the and likewise tnovef Well, quence,' lng coffee. and weve been let cut, I guess, the selected rlmraeter, I)r. I'i-- r Favorite Prescription makes directly good. I can use thK" when they divided t go to tier verted. A. metal firm weak women itrong, .No alcohol, ' hold pressure I Ye, sir," said the bull.r, A many. If it hadn't been for Jour little more coffee, sir!" a tiny Ink toiler nnd by d.u.-.--i w in'tabk-ta- . or liquid. Adr, pushe back. coming ..!!ed Thank you, scnt! the Duke. against the paper, which I ' ' ' , WNUStPViCB Peturning to the library, trousers 'And Just ne more plooe of toast." ' Needed Cur on n drum. The drum hi;'u ttn-- re COPYRIGHT, CHAMMNG POLLOCK still In hand. Parry Hilbert encounVolvo It the An breakfast cheerful Alone In the tietise of ronfempt pi'o;ree, : college, and out again Into papa's tered the ubiquitous Willett. I'll room be rend the letter. .. CHAPTER I ' I'lcvelaltd Plain Dcah-r- . w.:i!d head nil' many a demagogue. office sure. Id run straight. Why take those, fir,' said the butler, Mother! cm a nut? Who couldn't In a knight In taking them. hots stood a?,. 1 I iii returnm the 'n't ! Just it soon ns jotl complete ne Tuts dune never I mind! n l. to amt "Oh, Snuitiamu. armor? Put taut being knight withkeep it, verlookln; the sea f this smart pair you can begin us' ton. t ill sending Una special iteliv They! need pressing." . dart, deserted and silent, xeer t out armor thats different. have tlma to rll It, for It her I right for now, r you'll ery, ing I'll them. of th servants, if voti tteolile not lit Still. he had struck reasoTuiVy, for live awlsh f tin rain Mowing hoime. For jour sake, 1 Fprlng, Until arc very easy to do, for They'll be ready for yon In the open the Is Just plain crochet, against It a shingle. Wet to his at least In the face of w hat at Mail Naufather tlu Improves greater part hops almost a conspiracy of discourage morning." Willetts said, with n note heim. hut I iloti'V want anythin; that with n . akin, era? shivering, the puke jtrug idmpl shell stitch for conDid you bring any comes from him, aiut I slia'n t write ment. Fired out of Hollywood f,.r f finality. fled to pry open a window. IK In bat brim, nnd n the purse. tame. all 'Ilia trast aaaitn ok, John." From lil dank coat pocket, the a theft of which be was innocent pyjama, sir?" The rayon and wool mixture ' Any lie would do for row. ' Puke drew, a cheap Jackknife nJ as an unborn babe. "AH right, be Duke picked up the jjj.ir timv js an attractive yarn to use. "Yes," nnswered the Duke, "but. had said, Tll gu Hast, and start Acid-Indigesti- on M tiny searchlight. , I'attern ll.TJ come to you with dl-- t . lie had nearly like an Idiot, I checked my The Dukes thumh pressed' the all over again.' been posted the previous feet Ion for had It lllusmaking the set; nil . and Hod know what In bad frozen haplie Chicago. button, and, momentarily, the ray morning in New York, nttd there trillion of It nnd of nil ntitelie. need, And then be had hitchpened to the check!" fevealed waving wet was fto special delivery stamp. ed: material requirement. 'Til get you a pair of yettr fa and a single scrub pine bent In the hiked to New York, riding freights Hack with the toast and coffee, Neml 1.1 cent In stamp or coins You V wind. Then, carefully, he began when he cotilil. A pal bad chris- tlier's,' Willett volunteered. Willett Inquired, Anything ImporOver , (coin preferred) to The Sewing are of intieh a size." the him very because of tened Duke," the that away cutting dry putty tant. sir?" S'J Noedleeroft Dept., Htghth The Duke didn't mind. It was nil held a pane f glass. It was alow his clothes, and his English, and Indulgence, The letter?" imbed the Duke, n A ve., New York, N. . a how lie bud manner the long lucky break," only I the break acquired grand work, Why dont thut had been farthest from though . would It last? "Mustnt overplay hi damned thing? the Duke asked la Filmdoin. present thought. No. Ill send luck," the Put Duke, my Modernized thought New York with those Hollywood himself, and, a minute later, felt it to Had Nauheltn when I write, F.iffcl Tmvor the unshattered glass drop Into bis shoes wearing thin, and that Holly, the real Mr. Kidder wasn't coming and keep the money until my mothInto Television Structure ' wood gray suit, that had cost suv until tomorrow." Wliy make a break er returns." band. ' It was easy to pen the window, getting frayed and baggy. I'art of for It tonight? Alexander Hus-What time shall yoti want the Hack In !S.ST-Sfrequent sufTcrer from 'ackl you want realty quick relief The butler returned with n pair Jobless army In a city without then, and easy for a slim and agile HlffcJ built the fatuous tower ear?" tave from r an stomach," use Phillips Milk of painful upset of purple silk pyjama. man to climb through. Once la jobs, He hnd eaten his overcoat ' ' IK Grace reflected. It wa n long which henrs Id nnmo for the Inter from condition stomach arising Magnesia 30 minutes after meals. air?" . "Anything else, aide the bouse, he paused. Would or the proceeds from It, at any rate ' In t'nrls. It wns apto Moutuuk And, walk rational exposition point. You'll forget you have a stomach! acidity following "No, thanks." hnd paid the last dime for u bunk the electric lights be working, and a ft mere engineerno was there then regarded possibility parently, foods of mixtures rnu iking, of "I'll be leaving you then. Whut When you huy, see that any would It te safe to turn them on? la a flophouse, Suiter engineers stunt." of overplaying his luck. Why should ing this: stimulants time breakfast, sir? !ox or bottle you accept is dearjust try husense a Why not? Half the aumrner real of A love of hooks, not he ride to Montauk la comfort It wa faultily built and pre"Oh. sny eight o'clock." "Genuine Phillips marked flences In Southampton bad been mor, and the wanderlust these he f Tint 2 ly Take a teaspoonful at least, to within few miles dicted it would tie razed. Tight, sir. Hood night, sir," said of or,Montauk of Magnesia." Milk opened for the season. The Duke had Inherited from an Irish father, in f a Mill; !n Magnesia the nnd a lips writer disappear there, Today, states touched a switch his searchlight had whose name was Francis X. Hil- the butler, honing Mmself out. 2 full glass of water. OR ft a Instead of at Southampton? Host, Important Washington !" stand the ' Duke, a door, Tasy thought disclosed beside station! I might take a drive," he said. ' bert, and whose proudest boast was Milk ff wireless And Magnesia Ihillips' meteorological. the pyja . It was exactly the sort of room that he came from the University lng before the fire, with Out of sight of the house, he and guldo for airmen. It utllt towTablets, the exact equivalent SIGNS WHICH OFTE- NToo damnei' a luxurious break of Dublin, He had died In China, ma In hi hand. . be had expected took the precaution of burning that ers above HtrrI. A short time agoi the liquid form. tf U some In a There' catch summer fast room In a luxurious INDICATE "ACIO STOMACH nearly six years ago, leaving the easy! letter from John." I'll return that France added to Its usefulness by where!" Till acts almost immediately to residence. Most of the furniture seventeen-year-olhoy, Parry, to mused the making It a station for the broad-Willetts implied that he Iiad been money from Montauk,' mtnnsnta rmi trtit mini was covered, but a gay breakfast fight his way from Hong Kong to alkalize the excess acid in the I don't want to be hooked cast of television program. Duke, iNoictsma muNioFiiiKKUt some bewith time. the family Why acid the table stood In the center, snd, Neutralize stomach. to and from Chicago Hollywood, for robbing the malls," 0UtN AUDIT? must An Interlaced Ironwork atrurturr, seen son? never he hnd Or the a to was an door open yond It, that cause headaches, nausea, He found himself n New York. com stomach beautiful TM reaches LOtjorAmuir h was Klffel Tower height the n certainty even picture of him? Why did he . pantry. The Duke walked through, the and indigestion pains. You Jed edge of Southampton. f UQUHT KEADACHt If it were mine" And f PS I feet. The many visitor w ho place. take those trousers? "Im trapped," and Into the kitchen, turning on and black testilis ct once. heglnnln It was night, , to for the ascend, by stairway nnd levator, he grinned again. It was, lights as he went. After all, why to rain, A cold wind had sprung mused the Duke. the circular balcony- surrounding Try it. AND if you on ft 'Or else he's no more a butler moment. thould they mind an extra week up from the northeast. the which Mm dull for never the top had Life !een glass pavilion than I am Mr. Kidder. Theres a lot end guest? His teeth were chattering tower can see &! miles oi clear or for bis futher. Keep movlie grinned, and anyone who had and his feet squished In Ms of mighty valuable junk In this days, ing" that was the old inn a' sloSeen that grin might have found wet shoes. And this house had house." It was with that thought In Ms gan. And thut was all he ever It hard to mind. It was an ingra seemed so utterly deserted, so enIn "Ten mind that HI Ornce of Hollywood kept. Harry' memories began Hillisting grin. In a pleasant, likeable tirely safe and secure. Francis weather-beateNtranded, on cheek Pltlshurg. A lean other turned the face. face, o'clock," said the Duka "Whats finally and a little honey, but with large, the chance of anyone finding me In an Irish linen pillow slip, and bert hud tutored there, Harry had discovered that tie should have s eyes, surmounted here tonight? Ill be on my way dropped off to sleep. kind, ateel-grabrick-remother. The old man hnd never half, his beside bed were The trousers a of thatch unruly by again at daybreak." mentioned It, so tils son raised the awoke. when he The Dukes trim figure stretched a i'll take care of was growNow, fed and warm, he 1 lod btr," hi futher soles worn ' And all that clnemn nonsense had question. 'em, tidy tlx feet above the fire. lady. wand "It before the ing drowsy . said. I COT 'em of his untidy boots, but his gray must be swell to live like this nil evaporated from hi mind. How?" A CUN ON YOU I Just lucky break." suit, though worn, too, and wet, was the time,, he brooded, dreamily. re born Ton In Algiers. well rut and well made, revealing He squared hi shoulder, .and Wyyyvtt- Tsrj- r- ' . HU head fell forward, and Ms firm there," muscles. down and shoulders the stairs. sauntered carpeted square eyes were closing, when he heard n Wonder . If there's any grub," an automobile door slam, and, an Already, he felt a tiew dignity (TO BE COST (Mil) . said the Duke. The stliTenlng new, shufinstant later, voices and the Officinal Plant Above the' shelves was a cup fling of feet on the porch directly trouser were neatly pressed, and butofficinal Hood said the were sir," plants are those medicimorning, In that cupboard board, and beneath Mm.' ' rows of canned which have a place In tha nal plant ler, as be entered tbo breakfast things each can The Duke sprang op. of different countries, room. pharmaeoepla neatly wrapped in paper sardines, The breakfast room window There was nothing "make' shift" and which are therefore sold by ' anchovies, caviar, chicken, . bam, that was It! ' Put not In dressing . about the meal. F.van had been apothecaries and druggists. lohgue all sorts of things, gown and slippers. "Damned fool, off! Grace clothes thought to take iny .Thirty minutes later. Ills If not well. the Duke. ' Who were these peo. bad dined SuStalningly, Half the contents pf the pot. of ple, anyway, driving up to a closed coffee still bubbling on the stove house at this hour? O warmod him, comfortably, and he Well, what next? .Jail, pfobnbly. Washed, the dishes.1 Then he put And then he benrd the lower door 'everything, back In place, turned open and a woman's voice In the out the lights, 'and; whistling mer- hall. 'Maybe I can talk my way out" he thought, .and started down rily, went upstairs. 1. Whos there?" he At the top pf the steps was S kind the stairs. . of library with doors called, brftvely. answered. on either side, and, At Its end, win Willetts," he said. Willett, the ..flows facing the sen.. Again . he touched a switch, and, butler. Is that you, Mr. Kidder? And the lights went on. this time, lights sprang Into being on the landing, the Duke 'shadIn shaded Standing doubly A found' Mmself facing a rarty of ed now by .winter wrappings.fire had ben laid in the grate. lie four. (tYllletts, with his hat In his: , squat and powerfully built lit the fire, and a. cigar, and then and ludicrously bald. Another man , opened a door pa. his right. . and two i This was a mans room, gracious In a chauffeurs uniform, end the . otle young, women aulte and Inviting.'. The Duke felt the. and stout. They ttattressf drawn back, over the .foot- other mlddlj?-ageseemed pxopitlatbry, snd the fact' board of the . bed, and, sniffing a' isInstant courage. him gave pungent odor of cedar, and camphor, Kidder?" Mr. turned' his 'attention, to .a closet ; I that you, THRILL .The question had been asked .first across (the . room. A very Ihrge . . now It was repeatbut In dark', the closet, with an electric light In. It, Climb right along Info society very face ,! and .built-idrawers', and a cedar' ed In a glare- that with "The 'Duke lor some fei The butler, dhlnt . Atop the thest were two plainly visible. jehest was the meet engaging know Mr. Kidder,' then. That . hung a J pairs of slippeVs',' and above aIt 'blue-give It wpuld break." . lucky you've read la years. Tot this p.the only.' garment visible, and away, to' worker get him tlm dress, charming" second-stor.striped dressing gown of soft, light You he answered quietly. Yes," flannel. . .Ills own apparel still cling-brok risht Into f Ijjng Bland aren't are a little you?1 late, lng damply, the Pqke look the home, and couldnt qet out for sir," said. the butler. "1 I dressing gown "and slippers bagk to hs was mistaken lot the .prodithe blazing fire, and, standing luxu didn't hard any Idea you'd b4 h'ere, gal scion of the family and si i1. Y6ur mother said you waknt , rlously beore It, changed hls clothes. . found himself, In love, , ' Still neat, be carried the gray pvaiis bad tomorrow, 2 f0.1 . er shlp-;ht .to the to em down fakesuit and the Wet nndergarfhents and your fatter, sJr. tI hope you flere aje some of the regl( , back to the bedroom. . . thdlls and laughl lot .which . lie retyrnAd to the fire, stretching arent going to Be put out, sir.' I. hope not,' 'the Duke replied, Himself lazily In' , a huge, over the pen of. Charming.- Pollock . that cha-lrstuffed haS become, famous. Don't mite Outside, the storm grinning broadly, and,, seeing too. . . was growMng .steadily Wind-- , grin,, the four- servants smiled, e single chapter. . This Is Evans, sir,- - the butler flung dgajnst the windows, the rain This Is Mrs. Mulligan. continued. kept, up its iqcessant swish. . ' In the .thick of It he had' been Cook, sir. And Annie Jeffers, the an hour before. Penniless',. over-- . parlor maid,' If yopjjpq't mind, sir, , come 'coatless, trudging along the cement-pave- Ill get them set, and then Ill road from Erldgehamptin, upstairs to report Fine!" said the Duke,' calculate five miles to the east. On foot, he Join Dizzy Dean Winners! Get Valuable Prizes bad left New York that morning lng that five minutes, would get the out and Just after daybreak. Jobless and him Into his clothes, ' Send top from one e Dizzy Dsan Winnsri Msmbsrship Pin. New 1936 Grape-Nut- s package, with front door. By solid bronze with red lettering. fat broke. design, Battle Creek, your name and address, to Grape-Nuts lie was climbing the steps again package-toFor a month all through April, Free for 1 Mich., for new membership pin and certificate and illuswhen Willetts called. Ini fact the Duke had Lucky Rabbit's Feet. Illustrated in cartoon above.. tramped the trated catalog of 49 nifty free prizes. Youll package-topFree for 2 streets looking for a regular job." I never thought, sir. Your bed delicious Grape-Nut- s a has crisp, it linen out, the What the h 1 makes me want to Isnt made. I'll get . winning flavor all its own. Economical to suc, w.n u. s Battle Creek, Mich. keep straight?" he had asked him- and havg Annie up there right away. package-topfor which 1 enclose two for serve, with too, tablespoonfula, his trousers self, again and again. send me the item(s) checked below: Thats all He hod scarcely got with whole milk or cream and fruit, provide more a small Name right for guys with an income. If when Annie appeared Membership Pin varied nourishment than many a hearty and pilsheets Immaculate (1 package-topload of rubler-tiresomehodyd started me a Slrfet meal. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1936. Good Foot Lucky Rabbit's pram, and wheeled me Into low cases. . City A Post Cereal mad in the U. S. (2 Ceneral Foods , Ctvi Iff. ? eh 4 eal ?ur-nice,- " J. ... . - . he'-usod- f-- r.. . r iiules.-dlstancf- . f CHANNING -- pollock:: rr.re-'were.pt- td.-jt- 1 r . - , t i ! . nMe-h...tlo- ... . pt-a- r . Heres Very Fast Way.'- tu-e- 1 .... y- . to Alkaliz,';;;;:' - vhv-l.p- Away suit-case- nearly-starved- Amazingly Fast Relief Now. from Acid Indigestion" Nausea, and Upsets v beach-grass- Or-clc- . . . 1 ! IF over-eatin- . d . . - . . . - . d '' 1 , -- . by-no- saves the Pearls n y d - overt . self-respe- , . ;7. book-lined- table-lamp- an ADVENTURE starts this page! ;- s, - ha-nd- "SYNTHETIC GENTLEMAN". d - " '" SERIAL - n crook-dram- . y . s e - e e - . wof-se.- d SYNTHETIC GENTLEMAN FREE! BOYS! GIRLS! Channing Pollock full-siz- two-tone- d s, Grape-Nut- Grape-Nut- s BEGIN it here and read the ceeding chapters in future issues! s. ii-- s Gasra-NuTt- Grape-Nut- s s . ). d Sh p. only A.) by package-tops)- |