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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH Girlie' Name for Town When a trnlr conductor calls Bessie" and 'Josephine' In North Dakota he Is not addressing passengers by their first nnmcs. For these and other feminine names w?re given to towns and villages by rugged pioneers. Tromlnent among the list Is the cow town of Medora In Hillings county. Others are Ines, , Norma, Olga, Christine, Silvia, Frances, Janet, Stella, Wllla, Ella, Mary, Flora, Marlon, Alice, Elizabeth, Sophia, Beulah, Knthryn, Jessie, Luverne, Juanita, Freda, Cherry and Mona. linn-nnh- Curious Plant One of the most curious plants . n the world Is the red squill, which is found growing wild In the hills bordering the Mediterranean sea. There are two varieties red and white. The white Is used In hurnnn medicine. The red squill has all the properties of the white, and In addition It contains active toxic constituents' which nre not fully understood. It Is these unknown constituents, which make It one of the most remarkable rat poisons Uied Log Jail Lnw violators In early Indianapolis were housed In a Jail constructed of logs 12 Inches In diameter, says the Indlnnnpoljs News. Tile log Jail was the first In the city, ft was built In 1523 and lasted until 1S33, three years before the city was Incorporated. It was set afire by a prisoner and destroyed. On the tower floor of the cahln-Jal- l Hie only light admitted was through a window, ene foot square, with Iron bars across It. A ladder led to the upper story, and another to a dungeon beneath the first floor, where unruly persons Were kept, two-stor- Old Who Ar Peep! Rome people at eighty are actn ally younger, physically, thnn oth- ers at sixty or even forty. I'coplo who are really old are those whose bodies are no longer so strong or active ns they were, people who with their years have become worn, Infirm, disabled or sick, For people In middle life or later, who are merely not so active ns they were, the answer may bo different. Rattles Hold on Aletke Scenes and Persons in the Current News The Russians held Alaska by right of Behrings discovery In 1741 his explorations having been under the Itusslan flag nnd by the subsequent settlement of the territory. In 1799 the Russian emperor, Raul VIII, granted the land to the Fur Co. The charter of this corporation, an organization lkc the Hudson's Bay Co., which tins played so large a part In the history of Canndn, was renewed In 1ST.9, but finally expired In 1803. In 18(37, after a good deal of friction nnd conflict of Interests, Alaska wns ceded to the United States for $7,200, COO. Russo-Amerlca- Ziegfeld Was a Genius in Realistic Paintin' The reason the Follies became the institution they were and gave birth to new developments in lighting, costuming and plastlque lay in Zie- -. feld's genius in using human beings as painters use the contents of color tubes. He possessed a peculiar when It came to women. Some of his girls had a quality rarer than beauty a uniqueness, sorn n characteristic you and I would never see. I have often Bat with him at auditions and wondered why he choj flag-wavin- g certain types. There might not the faintest glimpse of charm only a long, lean body and a common, place face but afterwards, when th girl was made up and costumed, saw what a magnificent structure that long, lean body was for Its draperies, and how the blankness of that face had arranged Itself Into two eyes that looked like star and a mouth adventurous nnd x. citing. Fannie Brice in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Origin f Nam Chautauqua The name 'Chautauqua, first applied to tho lake In western New York, Is from the Rpneea language and Is said to signify "here one has caught fish," It became the name of the summer educational assembly first held on the shores of that lake In 1874, and then of the educational and entertainment system pnttorned lifter Hie Lake Chautauqua gatherings. han-nerlik- What They Should B we would amend the world we If should mend ourselves and teach our children to be not what we are but what they should be. Penn. known. Middle. A Houa of Lac museum, one of the first ' A of Its kind at Ilalas, Hungary, features a singto product, the famous Halos lace, made by descendants of the Cumnnlaris, a tribe Of Turkish ori- gin who settled In F.Orope at the beginning of the Thirteenth century and Introduced their highly decorative arts to the western world. Southern AtUnti Slate A Great Life Purpoa' Ret before yourself a great life The United States census bureau classifies New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania ns tho Middle Atlantic states. The Southern Atlantic states take In Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florldu, purpose. Devote your best enerMnke gies to Its accomplishment. It the one definite aim of your dally life. Be enthusiastic about It. The great things of the world are done by the men who specialize and concentrate and who believe that they can. Fleet 1 Manila Bag The American fleet at the battle of Manila hay consisted of the protected cruisers Olympia (Admiral Dewey'a flagship), Baltimore, and the pnrtlally protected cruiser Boston; the gunboats Concord and Betrel, and the revenue cutter McCulloch, Ocean All Lnwer One All oceans of the earth were a mile below their present level In a geological picture of the earths recent. history. Todny's ocenns, all of them, are lapping over their edges in a world fur wetter than it was a few million years ago. Tablet t Fraaa Ferdinand The Sarajevo spot where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered la covered by a tablet which "Here eurrlcs the Inscription; (luvrilo Trlnclp on St. Vitus Day, June 28, 1911, Heralded the Advent of Liberty. .. Speaking Nnma Here la a list of towns with odd names, which, with tho state Includ Spoonful of Caloric mnke Interesting combinations; cd, White sugar Is pure carbohydrate, Ash, Can;' Carpet, Tex; Mount, and Its energy vnlue Ik about HO Wash; Ogoo, (In; blear,' Me; sitel tfnlorlcs.'to a scant tflblospoqnful eton, Ky; Shoo, Fin; Kiiy, Butter,, margarine, lard nnd the Woudy, Miss; Flven, Tent. vegetable fats or oils yield about the. same number of calories each Knew All tli Wisdom 100. per, scant tahlcspoonfut My ancestors knew all the wisdom there Is, said HI Ho, the Stink damp in Coal Mine Stink damp' describes air In roal sage of Chinatown, but they were lines which contains sutllclejit by men of scientific minds and Insisted on Joining exploration drogen sulphide to smelt Datifonega, Ga., Named ky Indian Duhloncga, Ga.,' was named by the Indians. It means "yellow money." The region Is a noted eastern producer of gold, and the United States established a mint there to strike off coins in native metal Th Beaver Feet beavers front foqt looks tike a land, the nails being long and Slightly curved for ease In handling sticks, roots, etc. The bind feet are much larger and fully webbed. The beaver does alt of bis swimming with Ids hind feet end bis itoad flat tail Is used ns a rudder. Shark Skin ! Strong The skin, of the shark often has ten times as much tensile strength as oxhide; the skin' of the South a American cnpybnm produces 'leather much softer thnn chamois, and the hnlr of the Siberian hoar Is unequaled In. resiliency and strength. . Jta-lolg- (; . been New $10, 000, 000 palace on the shore of Lake Leman near Geneva, Switzerland, which has Just forof bureau of the new director 111., V. of 2 Alexander Dye Flora, occupied by the League of Nations. Monrovia of 3 View In the main street eign nnd domestic commerce of the Department of Commerce. of Edward Barclay as president of Liberia. that featured the the 1 Mas Xfuat Know IIS lion Before a man can train a horse It Is necessary that the man know more about the Job than the horse does. Given a good trainer, It Is said, a horse that is Intelligent can ' learn to pull bard, even without any lines whatever. A e Inauguration military parade during West Point of the Air for G. O. P. Aerial View of 97 Pnnvrmtinn viUitv LUiiuii V Has Big Job floStCSS F ftxSc X;', - TS ' r .rsw'' vs ' '' ryr to Miss Marian Lftng, secretary the president of the Clevelnnd ffMftM .mwrr 253 Con- r r vention burenu, will be the most popular--ounpopular young lady And Living The man who thinks he knows It all has merely stopped thinking. 'V r GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME, CANT Tth Tho teeth f Lion of Judah of the Lion of Judalt, marked In the leaves of the dandelion, inenn that God's laws have teeth In them and be who takes them tightly or breaks them suffers a penally, Vu-v- ' EAT OR SLEEP s'faWftcnrr v ''The gas o my stomach bad I could not aat or sleep. Even tnf heart hurt. A friend suggested Adleeika. The lust dose t took brought me relief No w I eat as 1 wish, sleep fine and never felt better." Mrs. Jas. Filler, Adlerika acts an BOTH Upper and lower bowels while ordinary laxatives act on the lower bowel only, Adlerika gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was in your sys tem and that has been causing gas pains, tour stomach, nervousness end headaches for months. : A- Or. H, L. Shoub, New York, reports; 'f F- I;, 'In addition to intestinal cleansing, t ... . faVv' Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria In' Cleveland around. June 7. She A beautiful .aortal view of- the model aerial training ground. Ran and colon bacilli. bus the Jh of seeing that delegates nre Adequately housed during the dplpli field, Texas, called the West Point of the Air, as three squadrons Give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and 6ee how U S A in the sky in the background. ,o t airplanes form the letters Republican national convention. relieve one feel. .f 5 V ' & IxS Was so -TF . O' a X'.Xv :so: ,y- r spoonful Just good you GAS and chronic constipation. Sold ay all druggists and drug departments. Part of. Great British Fleet at Alexandria Trade-I- n Off and On : - . lie who "swears I : ..V' For Your Old Cookstove On A Modern: F off money to spend on his I $ has more other habit. ; We Electric Range ' V w . r i v .(-a- V mm. ilitV , sb W'vv .w , CHAPPED X r- v , W, I,. y C..4SVV ' T e.je '"V , J. ' V X Ta quickly relieve Vckapphigand rouohness)' , apply soothing, tooling Mentholatum. M Malta being too close' to Italy, large part of the British fleet In. the Mediferraneati was concentrated at Alexandria; Egypt, ami many of the vessels are to be seen In this photograph, ' , Have you tried lb HEW MENTHOLATUM ' Medieval Architecture in Stone zy Fiddle Champ rr " of Maine. . O Is 78 Years Old . " K'- - 1 .'-- ... like MenlhoUfum oinlmen! It brings soothing comfort - NS - K X Eugene II. Staples, Ilappy Gene.' seventy-eigh- t years old, of Dlxfield.. Maine, U the ndwly icrowned fiddle HAlRGOm osn fr fSJ You need a mdicint . ri v'F F 'TFjF p 1 .U-: LIGJ!? for head cold? to stop it regular use of Glovet . MangeMedicine and 4 J ,fl fJA 70) Glovers MedicafeJ Soap fot the sham- . , , poo. Stops excessive Falling Hair;ovet. . comes Dandruff; pro ' Here'lt. -- n w normal bat growth and scalp health. Ask your Hairdresstf. nrtfi an opportunity yotl tanrtot Afford to miss.' Yout Electrical Dealer- and the Utah Power & light Company lam plferirig you, for a limited period, a mod-,'Etctrc Range with ft trgde-i- allowance of . Sol' a , etas - Drug Sum, m n Oft-PM'Y0U- .:"v tlednc Cobking Features r. " ConvenirtiCd ' ; i '..Comfort1 Cleanliness , , . Economy . v cook '. NOW is ihe tim? .'.fronted. A . . and . . s Speed Safety Healthfulness Freedom from Cooking Worries ' d. Avasteful methods of cooking and enjoy the edmfort convenience cleanliness, economy arid perfect results that ohly an. Electric Range will bring to you. gXfc'Z . f Fl; n , ': - v . WHEN kidneys function badly and V you uffet a nagging backache,' with IJme-consurAi- : . V 'V , . '. 12-4- 1(1 Stove have dhat Elecfric Range you'vtf NOW m the time,.to discard . WNUW .OLfa R THIS .REMARKABLE OFFER INCLUDES EASY TERMS. ACT NOW. THE TIME IS LIMITED. See YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER or UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. ' Millions of years ago nature. In Bryce Canyon, southern Utahs rational park, began to mnke, with rain, wind, sun and frost, this giant Tower bridge. It needs hut to have a meat beneath It and knights of old In the armor of the Middle Ages to be almost tluTpcrfect counterpart of a seen from ths and 11th centuries. Union Pacific railroad photograph. lb champion of the state of Maine ne succeeds the late Mellie Dvuliam of Norway, Maine. Foreign American Over 100,000 Americans live la the various countries of Europe the year round. dizziness, burning, tcar.-- cr toi frequent urination and getting up at . night; when you feel tired, nervous, ' all upset use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions cf boxes are used every year. They are recom me.nfd jhe country over. Ask your neighbor! ... |