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Show 17ECKLY NEWS EXPRESS, LAYTON. UTAH, MARCH 12, 1936 a FARMINGTON BOUNTIFUL Mr. Corbridge and family, who 'Ihrcd " ' f Now that the onions are gone sheep pelts for tho new wool pulling, plant in South Bountiful are being stored in tho Bamberger warehouse. Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Holbrook have returned from Los Angeles where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. William Burning-haare baek from Los Angeles. Joseph Vincent Iicnshik and Miss Edith C roves,, daughter of James Groves, were married this week. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Mrs. Mary Willey, wife of the late D. O. Willey, in the Bountiful tabernacle and in terment took place in the Bountiful " on occupied by Howard Ilellewell. A local fire insurance man sug gests that every home should be provided with a Fght ladder that any one can. handle in case of a fire as a bucket of wter will often m cemetery. The Bountiful Second ward . - . put out k ' jfire. union, which was held Wednesday was well a'.tended.- The program commenced at 11 a. m. and lasted until 4 p. m. Dinner was served at n.oon and at about half past .three to the school children, Mrs, William Holbrook, Grant. Sisters, Mrs, Ida llepworth, Mrs. Streeter, Mis law, little Miss Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da Ka, Davis, Jr., little' daughter of Mr.'.fcnd Mrs. Irvin Burningham, Mrs Stahle Wicker, their daughter- Mrs. Coy Ilayward and the Sunday school orchestra, Mrs, ' li. W. Ashworth, were among the entertainers. A e time was held at the high school in the evening which com pleted the day'scfttertaiiiment, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Willey of Byron, Wyo., are down on business and while attending to the same are visiting with Mr. Willeys parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. P. Willey. Mr. Roy Willey' owns land in the area where producing oil wells exist. Just prior to coming down here, he ha dan offer of $30,000 for twenty acres of ground he purchas od some years ago for $800. He has other land in the. came area which might sell some day for an equally good or better figure. Besides the producing oil wells in this vicinity, there are a number of gas wells some of them about. tho biggest if not' the largest In, the world. One has Just been brought, In that is so large and has such' a pressure that as yet they have not been able to control it; that is, cap it, Quito - . The city is under trimming of shade trees on Main street. The city council passed a resolution adopting the states methods of street tree pruning which is now la progress. Mr. Bowen, beautification expert, for the state road commission, was present and gave a dem anstration before the work was ' -- - - re- - . . ' gram, March 8, were the following members of the University Glee club: Don Fisher of Bountiful and Cottrell of Kaysville, The pro gram vas presented in the Union building on the university campus and featured the Glee club. Tho Democratic Women's Study group is giving a bridge tea at the Jr. high school on Saturday, Mar. 21, from 2 to 5 p. m. There are ing to. be wonderful awards and a marvelous time is anticipated. The Ford family held a reunion last Saturday at the Ford home in Centerville. The home of the late Charles Ilcrmanson is occupied. A. V. Peterson returned homo Fa-e- - . the race track farm ad- -' on the no A mov-- Lagoon joining d into the A. L. Rose residence s adjoining the experiment farm in -- North Farmington, this week.. The elders quorum in the Farm- re- ington ward was with son Fred of Gregory,, cenly Bishop Gregor', president. He did not choose his counselors at the .lime. . The city is having seven blocks of Chinese elm trees planted on First east street. The comer of the F. C. & M. Co. building that was used for a service station after the store discontinued business ,is now being fixed up fof a barber shop and will be : munity church Monday, March 16, at 2 p. m. The following program will be carried out: two solos, by Mrs. Alice Hess of Farmington, accompanied by Mrs. R. W. Ashworth state attorney general, Joseph E. Chez will speak on the Different Security Acts and Their Accom-- i plibhments in Utah; Mrs. Berlha Muir will talk on the Discussion Plan"; Mrs. Calvin Roberts will a report on the Democratic ; go-gi- Women's Council" held in Salt Lake, March 4; Mrs. Elgin Roberts will review the Democratic Womens Digest. Refreshments will be served and everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. James Murdock were at the dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goiden Lay-to- n from the hospital last week. in Layton, last Saturday evenPeople here who have relatives in the L. D. S. colonies in Mexico ing . Kiriiball camp D, U. P. will meet have received word from there at the home of Chloe Stringham that the government is taking land Davis. Friday, March 20. Assisting away from the settlers which they Daughter Davis are Martha Ashby have not a proper title for. Mr and Mrs. II. S. Mills of Salt Burningham, Hattie Cornia Davis and Fanny Hayes. We would like Lake announce the engagement of to see all members present. their. daughter Phyllis Mills to Le Mrs. Sylvia Argyle and Mrs. Roy Griffiths, son of Mr. and Mrs. JaraeB W. Murdock spent Tuesday Armond Griffiths, the marriage in the northern part of the county will take place in the near future. in- the interest of tho Ora Burgis, now Mrs. Jensen of Women's study group, Emmett, Idaho, gave us a call this Mr. and Mrsi Frank Paramore Week while she and her husband are the proud parents of new were on their way to Salt Lake. The writer and the Burgis son. family Mrs, Murray Howard, Mrs. Frank were next door neighbors, fifty Muir, Mrs. Horton Fackrell, Mrs. years ago. Ask thd Professor a operetta in Sarah Reid, Mrs. John Springer, Mrs. Trenton Thatcher, and Mrs. two acts presented by South Davis James Murdock are going to Mrs, Junior Ilighi' School Wednesday Joseph T, McCanns home for a tea and Thursday, .March 25 and 26, 1936 in the school gymnasium. luncheon next Thursday, ' Bprglars broke into the Barrett Preston. Captain Thatcher, of company D, JL45th artillery, who is garage Monday night and got attending the officers school at away with' ten new Atlas tires. v A new time card went into afFort Sill, is working very hard. Mrs. Horace Duffin entertained fect on the O. S. L. Ry this week Monday at a pinochc! luncheon but it is believed it will be changMrs. Calvin Roberts, Mrs. Evan ed again right away. Taylor, Mrs. Sylvia Argyle, Mrs, John Winegar, Mrs. James Mur: dock, Mrs. Preston Thatcher and Mrs. Steven Rumel, The luncheon was delicious and everyone had a Ernest Crant who underwent an wonderful time. for hernia last December Mr. and Mrs.- LeRoy. Florence operation at tho L. D. S. hospital and later are rejoicing over the arrival of developed a bolod clot n his leg daughter recently.' is reported' doing nicely. However, Miss Virginia Wixom underwent he' wont be able to movo for anan operation for appendicitis, Sun- other month yet day at the St, Mark hospital Mr.' Elias 'Parkin brightened up where she is in training. ! hi sstand with a new coat ef paint, m'e-h- t ' - Dem-lrati- . Only a few days mofe remain in which to file on welis with the atate engineer, to retain acquired rights to underground water. Mar. the 21 or 22 is the last day, .. Elmer Engstrom of this place and a young lady from Salt Lake ' are to be married' this week. Sheriff Holbrook made several , trips to Promintory during the past week oh account of the finding of , the body of 'the pilot, who was dimwned in the lake when the big .'airliner went down last' October, WOODS CROSS The ship wont down in the portion . ' f the lake that belongs to Tooele eount.y .but the body of the pilot ' had floated eighteen miles into the portion of the . lake that Is in . Ha vis county so it became. Sheriff nolbrookls duty to look after. It. fie turned the body over to the . sheriff of Tooele county. Tho tow- ,! ing of the III fated airliner to the trustlework of the Southern Pacific Last Sunday, .night, .Elder .' R. R, at f and trying to Thursday. ; Lamonl of number state Carr gave his homecoming the years ago, load it onto fc iflat car has Mr. Lee Andrus tisited with his ed lots of work for camera' mert of Wyoming ordered one of these address to a large audience ip Cen- wife and family last Sunday. Mr. President Andrus is working down in Jerieo, and reporters. It has been a big mammoth gas wells closed Which terville' First ward. had been used, for making lamp Tingey and wife recently from Utah. and made lota of . undertaking black used in painting. tho Australian mission a,nd seven Mr. Vaser Young of New York,' reading. It. Is said the I teen other elders that Lawson Miss and filed had a business man and notsearch for' the airliner and the Floraine Evans were hostesses at I Missions in Australia and their edprominent 'who tag been on a busiconnected with it la coating a shower given for Mra. Lyman partners were Also in attendance. nesswriter, tile company $100,000. to. Sm trip, Lke other westSanders,, this week. Mra. Sanders After church. Elder Carrs brother-in-la- ern' states, Sunda visitword last ' received .from spept U was Miss' Ruth Samuelson and wife, Mr.;- and Mrs. ehome of his uncle and at th ing an; Diego, Cal.,- ia' to effect that Thereformerly were .sixteen guests present. William Tingey, invited alt of then; hpth Mr. and Mrs. .Nephi Palmer family;1 Roy Cahoon; at Woods played cootie. First prize was over to their home. They spent the Cross, where Ko lived for a number fcfd been ; ill with heart trouble They nd Mrs. Palmer with high blooi won by Mrs. Minnie Lawson and evening in singing and talking of of years when a boy. A very enthe consolation prize by Mrs their missionary days in Australia. joyable time was had pressure. by many, old Refreshments were served. They, were served with delicious ice friends who called jSome 800 people attended .the during. the, day. Postmaster James II. " Ramptoh cream and dainty cake and all A delicious barbecue and dance given by thn dinner was served to Oavla County Fish 4 Game associa received a supply ', of Interesting spent. very delightful, evening. about. 35 guests, among them were corps pamphlets, for distri- .Mrs. William Tingey was formerly Mr. and Mrs. .Parley Young, antlon at the Davis high school gym- Marine the community Miss Sylvia Carr and her husband, other brother from Malad City, nasium last Saturday ' night One bution to those-iInformation about- this Mr, Tingey was al?o an Australian desiring admitted one to membership Idaho, Yasei,eAfd it was. the best . colorful branch of thd .. and to the party. , military missionary, , time, he had had since he whs here Mrs; William I. Layton am service. One of those ls brochure, . A mong the student from ' Davis about five 'years ago. Many Bounwhich gives the history of Old county who . tiful friend? and relatives attend- -' appeared oa the daughter, .Elizabeth, returnee the Flag code and colored Glory, of Utah At Home pro- - ed hi's 'Wednesday from California, where splendid talk on Be Kind to illustrations of the "'Origlpal Stars they had spent the winter, , Grand , Union, Jed Call is building a new. home and-- StrJpieV Lake .Erie,"' Rattlesnake, Fifbove James Wiggill, on the roa Stars and Stripc,,.,an4 First . . . . . . STATE lading to the Layton moetini teen . SJack" Tavy -- house. flags. Excavating is being dene Come see our new line of 1936 !t for the foundation, or basement wall papeprs. Te line was never more complete and prices never . . Notice better tJn'ion Furniture Co, Louis' Hepworth, who will be In ,T a11 water usrt Bounti- of a charge' of five, inelud . 5tu1 Stone Irrigation Com-- a ing Maeacr company ' . Mabey, Vanoy Hay Starting: March 1, you must display.: the'. Safetyphnyj All transfers of stock ant ward. and T. Cook, Clyde Fisher I. changes in water, tickets for the Sticker on you f windshield!. Wo have 'been officially aro cnsuihg irrigation season must bu ness leaving for the east on a busi reported on, or before March-- 25, to trip this Friday. They expect appointed as Inspection Station No, 69 to perform these be gone about ten days. 1936, to Charles W. Law, secretary duties. Avoid the rush. Come early, Dont he held up. George OBrien in Cowboy ; this Sat', and Sunday. Wed Nothin recommended except exact needs, nesday and Thursday, Romance . . Sevier and Neighbors Wives, FriNotice. and Saturday and Sunday, Mar day . Any changes in water ticket In CENTERVILLE AUTO CO. Richard Alien in The the Bountiful Irrigation Company Dan of Calling Mathews (Harold CENTERVILLE,. UTAH TELEPHONE riUS b reportcd before March Bell Wright Story Rex Theatre. 25'. lIU to Secretary S. C. Howard The Bountiful womens Democratic Study group will hold their reg-ulmonthly meeting in the Corn- old-tim- . , - . Lucin-eut-of- ' - . a Miss-Margi- ve I D. S., hospital Wednesday even;;; ing where he Vas'bpef$t6L on for S T.E V a pus case in his leg which affectPLUMBING, HEATING AND REPAIRING ed the bone so that a portion of th had to be removed. He bone 70-J2 Estimates Free. ha($ Telephone Bountiful been ailing for the last hix weeks. GET OUR PRICES ' Mr. and Mrs. Telford hav returned from their stay in Art zona and California. Mr Myr'.le Hatch and Mr. Rod Yourself." given Tuesday evening A special program is being pre- brother cf Eh Rodgers, wer in m. ers, 2 house crowded to an over at the pared for March 17 at p. laet week. married hall amusement in , Lake Salt the Bountiful West City. assembly hall an-- ! An extra gang are putting lm Mr. Delbert Betts is expected jin honor of the ninety-fourt- h of. ties on the O. S. L. Ry. this sida home, shortly, from the east. He niversary of the organization Hazel cf Becks Hot Springs, There Is al went back to bring home a new ithe Relief society. Mrs. board so a gang of men working on stat Greenwood of the general truck. Wil highway near Becks. and stake president, Emma Teams have been hauling gravel Haras will be the principal speak- ers. Mrs. Lowery of Salt Lake will on the school grounds in South DEL E NSON' Ai-W.- 1 , ( give some readings and there will EountifuL The South Bountiful M Men wil$ jbe musical numbers and a social j be will hour also refreshments give a dance, Friday, March 20 ig South Bountiful Amusement the the Invite served. We not only the hall of ladies jmembers. but all the ward to come and get acquainted j with the Relief society work, Mrs,. Reids mother, Mrs. E. I and Guardianship Molen, Is here to epend a few rrobate Consult County Clerk e do'vvn months. She recently came Respective Signers foy from Kemmerer, Wyoming, where further Information she had been visiting a daughter, Mrs. Vera Murray. She expecg te be here until about June. The Mutual officers held a busi- IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO. ness meeting Wednesday evening, BATE DIVISION IN AND FOB at the home of Mrs. Hannah BoulDAVIS COUNTY, STATE OP ton. One of the things spoken of UTAH . was about raising sufficient funds In. the Matter' of the estate nj to finish the term of Mutual this guardianship "of Valgene Lavpyl year." A very able informant hint- SmRh, Kenneth Orin .Ssmity "jemf ed of various social events to be Hrlon Eugene Smith, minors. given in the near future, so keep The petition of Ardith S. Ander-so-n your eyes peeled, " for anything praying for the issuance tfr that might happen. himself of Letters of Guardianship Mr. and Mrs, Granville Oleson on the persons and estates of and i qquite sick. family expect to be around Valgene Lavoyle Smith, Kenneth Orin Smith and Hylon Eugen Dont forget the dance Tuesday town" over the weekend. David Holbrook, Jr., son of Mr. Smifh, night after Mutual at South Boun- and minors; has been set for Mrs. David L. Holbrook of n Saturday the 21st day tiful amusement hall hearing West Bountiful, was rushed to the of March, A. D., 1936 at ten oclock a. in. at the County Court House, in the Court Room of s,aid Court, , in Farmington City, Davis County, . Utah. WITNESS the Clerk of the said Court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 10th day of March, A. D., 1936, : GLEN DAY, Seal f Clerk, 5 , , , the Bountiful Irriga-iocompany must be reported before March 25 1936 to Secretary S. C. Howard. 4 The John Pack camp, Daughters of the Pioneers, will hold their meeting, Friday, March 20, at the home of Daughter Ella G. Hatch with Olive F. Holbrook, Margaret M. Grant and Afton A. Hatch, assisting. Bishop E. T. Hatch who had been confined to his home for a week or two is able to get out around again. Mr. John Christy is planting five acres in young peach trees. Mr. C. M. Egan, who has been indisposed for the past two weeks, is doing very well and expects to carry on as before any day now. Mr. Jake Christensen, plans to go to work in Nevada for about 3 weeks, yery soon now, if the warm weather continue.! Mr. Frankum, father of Mrs. Ben Thomas and Mrs, Reece Davis t J Legal Noticed Nti4 NOTICE , . ' Barnes Banking Company Kaysville, Utah -- Notice to Creditors Member Federal Reserve System . And Federal Deposit Esate - 1 . .. es , . w. - - Davis TO THE WOMEN OF Sam-uelso- tt. , - . - , Uni-vrsi- ty - THE . SAY- A Aiessags Item tfca Home taondry Cquipmenti INSTITUTI, . ; ta&rd tbdtk Comply, tndgspert, Ccrr. ' . Water On UNSAFE Cars! - . r , . . -- Mil-onair- e, 4-5 . . y Water REPAIR . 2, 79-R- 2 - , ar Ulelp Kidneys teM, - TOOK OFF 17 IDS. Dont Take Drastic Dhr hr nftlcc drlj, nre(ul. C border. nikV ft Bur or ch i million liny n hJ:,,n7 arl- - 0FD8WFAI Be r BIWr . SmsrUnjf or' ?,chla' J (o UKe chm nril lnt, ii th .AClJ1,,y Calif, jdrurBlt n,,,r- fit.b.. PolfoBou, Add flood Uidthru out ?our Kldde'lce Bit,.1 Mr tube, erutlo. Irritating dbrTt,b iYfSn e,'?api Kldn,r or Biedder dUord.f; n,ctionM from Gatlin Op Nih.lTke you Emffer Le Pain,, liaevinh. .fcervoue. CvlCi Un,ler Dtcitneu HP. Bmirt I ,P5 n- - AoilJ ehancSi. Get nTVi h! ? lon' tek, Ued prcerlptlon ur,nsWork faat, cl fS). hour It muit brio new Tit m f!' In,4S n inl5 fuaraateod to Bz you ." wek r money beck, en return T? ryate co.t, only c a rtfrt:'ty,l0ka(fe-nthe ruarantee protect oU.druBB1"' Tin.1!! .,.ron .? " .0 ' : VIRGINIAN Telephone 228-- J ' v ... , BBApry SHOPFE t- . - ! ... . Onr Service, Home, and Equipment At , Unexcelled Merrill R, Holbrook Licensed Funeral Director and Mortician Telephone Bountiful 244 . Day or ' - t .559.5 : . AvoiloMj fhfi Gasolini Engirt) . , GENERAL III ELECTRIC Layton, Utah norn,n' UNION MORTUARY . s Only the best of suppliesrarciisedat . In igL7"6r ' easter permanent wave? - r 6fec)ii Out Acids s . My Tor doctoy prescribed mee'h said they rron- ,n' tlw leaL 4 vi inar Work. 8 houra It irnifiJi.18 Kruschea U muaft weeks lt gold." weight yon feel IA or montjr Uck S Zu!??"'. " no Ttlok'ey r,8 paid altepttoo to. ckoire. ,? empty g08slpera wha aatd thbre was no erupts .na th, bib1S pro 005 ou! fow pAuce. She Wisely fol. aAvteo. Why ton ! YOU? hepidoctor f Kruschenlo-da- y (that and coats but A trifle ti v simply take half teaspoonful in cop most m.nt for wlptlon rtllrri cv.. fiLt ln' af rlnf now yitaiit.i? , Why Not Plan Now to Have That New . WKOE& DOCTOR'S ADVItf ILadies Protests against the establishment of a nudist colony at the Pac'ific exposition In San Diego, Cal., were made the Braille club of that1 city. Members of the club,of course, are all blind. So, what? According to the ownship clerk of Bois Blanc, a Michigan island communiy in Mackinac Strait,! nothing much happened in his bail! wick duping 1935. There were no births, no deaths, no marriage, no! divorces, no crime, and no lawsuits among the islands 100 inhabitants. I v 4 ceased. Creditors will present tlaimt with vouchers to the undersigned at Clinton, Utah, n' or beforo tb . 24th day of April, A. D., 1936. ' FREDERICK E. MITCH ELI JOHN CHILD, Executors of estate of 2ilph S, Owen, deceased. Date f first publication February Q, A. D, 1936. 22-- 2 . Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for Public Funds f Zilphft B, Owen, ( HOAIE IAUNDRY . St EQUIPf.iffjf s yTWjV': oamceo, .BOUNTIFUL, UTAH TELEPHONE 231 |