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Show own.. ' - VOLUME ELEVEN Bt-- Contnichng State Ash . . For Greens Death ' . I.wiu.w Utah. makch inn urg- - - . i muj mm r-- u NUMBER . i nn n i Bountiful Firemen Complete First jione.of ConloiUioji in the: VVcgcah' Sea .V . Expected to Sort at Layton This .Week TWENTY-FIV- C r-i Clias. L Beers Aid Course Dies at His Horn given by the In Centervilb Light r JL Signing f.f contracts f w T935 sugar beet acreage is expend'd to begin late this week, the growers 1 Corn-la- st Friday Kessler from company The state Thursday urged th? of Department (hailee Edward Beers, 77, died Bureau of Mines, made st the Utah supreme eourt to sweep aside having reached pro agmvients InVrior, n meeting hold Wednesday night at family home in Ctntervilla the final examination at the office .the last leg! barrir to the execu: , of a heart ailment. According to th Agreements-tioft- of Delbert Green,, doomed of the Bountiful Light and Power Thursday Born in Dover .England, Jon--13- , aisers are to receive from 2d to Co. who rponsoml the course. Davis county slayer, who has ap1858, a son of Mr. and Mrs. 4S cents more per ton than was Those completing the course pealed to the high tribunal for a Edward T. Peers, he eame to An--riin 1933, J. B. Cooley, cashier paid from the Eire Department were: 'sanity hearing. when be was a young mem Chief Charles Trump, assistant Briefs filed by Attorney General for the Layton company, said nd had resided in Salt Lake City Increases accordvary Josh llill, Captain F. M. Balderston ind Ccntervillo for more .Joseph Chea hrough his deputy, Thursday. than 4fi to sugar content of the beets. Clifford Hampton, Arley George, Xelph S, Calder, seelc dismissal of ing He was years. employed by several Alfred Sessions, David Wiseman, Greens appeal so that the death Under the scale adopted, the more concerns in Salt Lake for plumbing iOO than growers of the county, James Burningham, Myrcn and penalty may be invoked without X v retired four year and many years Sucomprising the Davis County Del Holbrook, llyrum Brough, further delay for a murder ago. Beet Growers association will ' View of the Island of Lms. ohe of ttie padwam-Manila, which the Italian term the Helgoland of the scout leader ef Bountiful 1st ward in Davis county six ' years gar' Surviving Mr. Beers are hi . benefit. I Now fortWIed. D. K. waa In . !Pt2 and thinking from T. Turkey taken . Island The Arthur Jollife Ashdown, heavily by Turkey, Aegean. Italy jro. widow, Mrs. Harriet Beers, Center, Instrumental In ' making the of taking tt back wtille Italy U engaged i Bthlnp.-uItowewr, the Island I predominantly populated by and Clyde Waddoups of the Bonn ville; five ons, William E. Beers, the briefs paver the Filing agreements were the following offitiful Liht anffpwer Cow Greeks and Greece believes that In case f m tvillstribiuion she should be given the Islands. way for oral arguments in the case cials Centerville; Charles M: and Althe of W. D. association: Twelvelessons, one each Week fred F. Beers, Salt Lake and .before the eourt next Monday,. difor three months, were given by J. James F. and Frank C. The stages briefs uphold the re- Criddle, president, Clearfield: Beers, Sa II. Argyle, Woods Jesse rectors, Me Cune and Harry Gill of the gent denial of a sanitay hearing for two daughters, Mr. Francisco; Kays-villT. Charles Burton, Utah Tower A Light Co. Green by Judge Eugene E. Pratt Cross; II. I.. Haney, Salt Lake and Mrs. Dibble and Leo E, George The city council last Wednesday A. M, .of the Second district court. Green Eddy,. Compton, Cal.; nxithorized the purchase of the ha! appealed from this ruling and Layton, Layton; Ward C. Holbrook brother, Henry A. Eeers, Center-- ? Lawrence Holt. Syracuse and necessary supplie for the Fire ville and three grandchildren. favorable decision would, in ef- and Clarence Stoker, Clearfield. Dcpartmen so hat they may be prefect, grant his the desired hearing. A payment of 45 cents per ton pared in the future to meet emerGreens attorneys contend Green, on delivered 1935 beets in be will home gencies requiring first aid. Joseph Eggetts has Loeomc insane during the six way up made April 1, Mr, Cooley stated. on the bench cast of Bountiful years of his incarceration at the was utterly destroyed by fire totate prison, but the attorney A During an unusually noisy Be- which in started the : and day roof general argues that the convicted ' sion of the senate recently a senaThe Daughters of Utah Fionecrs was probably the result of a deThe ease of Pascal Leonard Boyslayer is now In better condition, tor fective complained, that he could not., flub, however, the building er, accused alayer of. Mrs. Blanch! will placd.j marker at the Bountimentally and physically, then he bear t.he debate going on. was covered : fully was at his second trial, when a by insurance. It Hatch Nelson in Bountiful, October ful tabernacle, Sunday March 15, Garner pounded hia grawaa nice a brick was but at 2:80 p. m commemorating the building . 13, 1935, will come before Judge jury found him sane and returned vel for but waa not very sue , some erected order, a years ago. Only 73rd anniversary of its dedication. Eugene E. Prntt of the Second guilty virdict. ceasful. told tho complaining and of the was , portion E. Dr. Besides dean building A. the f being Judicial District at the court house talks by Jacobson, represents-court Citing Greena ia very difficult t It U Football and Mr. Mrs. gentleman, others and school by occupied education of Eggett. and U. S. tive players A. the of in to the stake central of 17 light camps escape the death penalty, Faririington, Tuesday, March a ' the attorney general points out who made trip to Hawaii at Func- of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Most of the house hold effects were Tho hearing wili begin at 10 C. of Logan will be the speaker keep order; the senators have miich to talk about. . two juries have passed .utvm his tion. . an address will be given by Levi saved, the range was too large to a.- m. with It, Verne McCullough at a district-wid- e meeting being Miss the Teas' door Gardner and go entertained could not acting as attorney for the defense held at the Junior high school in through Edgar .Young. sanity and his guilt and that tha Philatelists may add ' another. The presentation, unveiling and be saved and some things upstairs and Wade Johnson of Ogdon pro- Bountiful; on Wednesday, March upreme court itself has held members of the University of Utah United States stamp to their hurned. . . 18, at 8 p. m. according to ansecuting fur tho state. grounds advanced by the defendant football team Saturday evening at acceptance will take place on the ht this Mrs. discovered month, as a new the home fire of Mr. the her Eggett and mado nouncement Mrs. The Edna front of the parents, in previous appeals were without building. by steps' Boyer is confined in the Utah red blue was but alone airmail and home as her husband State prison. ' stamp . France,' president of the Junior merit. The latest appeal, the elate Mrs. Wilford Gardner, 1455 Har- marker will bear the following in' ' in place of the presworks in Salt Lake., She had issued Farent-Teachvard avenue. . association. . '. j high scription: contends, presents, no new legal ent blu! one of that denomination, Dr. Jacobson in Bountiful Tabernacle, Marker quarter of a mile or so to go to get as questions and should be dismissed. outA Hawaiian motif was carried which looks too much like the reg- to Nicols Bob who had in to the decoration!, .Miss Joy No. 10, March, 1938, home, The mill of the law has ground speaker, who has a keen under. about as much go to stamp. dinRichards farther in was Is of the The Bountiful tabernacle the get eharge standing of problemn which are ular lowly upon this case the brief to the nearest to room the Mrs. and phone bom D. S. second L. oldest tho and the Geo.,C. Knapp notify acts forth. "Time has well season- ing being faced by meeting American Lcgi.on officials not department which responded school in their various relation, ed the deliberations of the courts assisted in the general entertain- house in existence, and was. the fire x captured Congress in their people of the 715 fir.Cst church house in the territory I wnacdiately but had to. climb up , f Justice upon Delbert Greens ment. Fifty-sifor traffic violations In ships with the child. A cordial in- only bonus bout miles three of the steepest fight, but also captured the who made the trip were in atten at the time of its completion. The greatest of all fights to wit, the Layton have .reached a new high., vitation is being extended to all. which to flew over the national to the home and grade flag Mrs. Reed Stevens entertain building was erected by August get when Miss Helen Plxton, homo agent according to Joseph A, Sill, justice .right to his life. The law of the dance. reachod the debates on the- -, capitoV water ed to .during had they a three there, with reel moving picture Farnham, architect, and the ite extension, service, states that this land bids this appellant must suffer of the peace. . be measure. run down asked a ditch that the flag-- . about i also They half of a the was of the of for dedicated leaders U, on February 11, a real opportunity part trip the extreme penalty of death for to speeding guilty be a mile given them as a memento to long before they could begin U. vs. Hawaii game and A. C. and 185.7, by Elder Lorenzo Snow.' Tho. the terrible crime of murder. charge, T. W. Woodlnnd of Willard and teachers of various, organiza- their U. of U. game on Thanksgiving walls are of adobe and the roof operations, so but little assistance victory and their request was Teach with tions to the Parent join a fine of $5 in Justice Sills , Green was sentenced to fact a could be rendered. This is the ohly paM It is not recorded that granted. and Denver U. some and of discusthe of the association timbers to hear were ers with wooden fastened court. Woodland was arrested by firing squad at the state prison on house in Bountiful ; they sought the pen with which U. games. A very delicious buffet pegs.' : city that could Gcorgd Faulkner oh the stale high- sion given by Dr. Jacobson. January 24, but execution was be not wrote his veto meswater supplied from luncheon was served. Foot ball play With, The lurrtber was taken from Remember this time, Wednesday the .President way and given a ticket for alleged ' stayed by Governor Henry Blood, ers one of the four sage, . miss .mu-sientertained with song, city reservoirs, March 8, you cant uSord to ' Meeting House hollow in Holbrook of 65 miles per hour.' who granted a reprieve that gave ' Mr, Nicols took the household vpeed tl .canyon. The tower had five, spires . . license the defendant time to perfect an and stunts. . Improper plates brought effects Richard Morton, William Lyona down to his place and storDr. and the central spire served as a town were: Out of guests nos to of each The $3 the state board of appeal. following pardons and Mrs. ed' them for and J. E. Thompson of Los AngeMr, and Mrs. Eggett. Randall, Morgan; Mr. sundial, The stone wall foundation motorists when they were brought will consider Greena petition for Mr, Mrs. les were and placed under bond for Eggett 'had pur- before Justice Sill: ' communtation of his . death en and Mrs. Fred Brunbury, Logan; was used for storing grain when chased the reckless his from place Mr. and Mrs. E. G. King, Layton; Johnsons army advanced; speeding. Later when their uncle, Richai-tence on March 21, Fjfe,- 804 West First ' names and' had called in court Policemawere William, been Eggett, Mrs. Phyllis Saybot, Ogden; Mrs. 'The building w.a! Completed at a only South street, Salt Lake; George A. on n-Nerd a it . few living months., Miss Dora cost Fern Parry, Ogden; requested that the case of.$G0,000, and was, dedicated .Tentative committees of the Lay Hake, Layton'; Toho Miya, Layton; be ' dismissed, Mrs. explaining to the and Kerr; March. 14, 1883, by President Dunn, Provo; Prof, 'N. T. Burton-- , 138 East Second on Service club were named last '' men are dead, your These judge: and Mrs. Coach Other c . execu-ivguests. Brigham. Young.. South street, Salt Lake; L, L. Kell- night at a meeting of the 'V.; killed traffic. in $20 Armstrong. Mr. and. Mrs. Einar The first' bishop to preside was honor; a decided that officers. It was er, 1405 Washington avefiue, Ogden Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. Paraalee, Bishop John Stoker .in the .years lulon Austin,. 320 Wilso'n avenue, club luncheon meeting- should be Tobias Wildstein of New York. Mr.' and Mrs. Oglesby, Dr, and 1851 to 1873, His counselor Were Salt, Lake; Lawrence C. Lake, Lay: leld the first Wednesday of each William F. Carruth, Evanston, out 109 candles City,, . . Mrs. Grosbeck. Joseph Holbrook end Peregrine ton; P. A. Ostler, Springville, was month, plnce to be agreed upon by on .hisafter blowing Wyo., fchargfed with speeding 80 .- . cake Fire Chief said Why C. . II. notified birthday Session!. Trump ned $2.50 fbr the same offense the members later. The executive miles an hour on the state highway I shouldnt married Tho marker was .sponsored by the the Bountiful City Council get againf iF.-t-he when he' pleaded that he had been officers to hold additional meetings' west of this city Saturday, paid a comes J right that girl members, along Bountiful of and evening out of the state and nnable .tie se- each second- and fourth Wednesday camp ' Dayis county $20 fine in the court of Justice of The Mrs. of Cantthe Florence local fire baby of had the all of for a company department are Daughters cure his license, .The present prospects . the Pekce William Holbrook in was rell sent of to Dublin, Aid ex40 Pioneers. First Utah successfully prison . passed 30 and. of between Patrolman .Jack Gridley made membership Bountiful. with. hi3 mother, convicted of shop I aminations. He suggested that the the arrests. ' , according to. Frank Iliokehlooper, Car ruth was arrested by L. L. will lifting. city purchase first aid equipment, for Police were club secretary. A Committee searching Fryer, captain .of the state high . .. . Suing his wife for divorce, a kit, splints, blankets, including before these contact who late thieves night probabilities Wednesday , , way patrolmen, after long chase Thomas a and Surridge of Norwich, Eng stretcher a at cost probable . the next meeting. Delbert ' Fonnesbeck, 140 West broke into two" business house On . accused his of father of stealing he dewas It $35. unanimously Third 'North, Lbgani pleaded guilty and stole an undetermined, quanlove. cided' to honor claim from a the merchadnise. tity of supplies and Saturday to a speeding charge-i' The Layton Motor company reWork on a new culinary ' water department for this amount. Justice Holbrooks eourt and was The their lotted Bay eamp sent invaders Ten rules of conduct given besystem is scheduled to begin next n theirFarmington permitted until March 15 to pay a ported that renewal on accessories the agreement offices automobile low are attribubted to Thomas of week, according to an announce- use . fine of $10. He was arrested Sat.water-untiof 80. statwaa Sept. 50 Entrance $ 'gained at Whether they were acJefferson.. B. made merit Flank B. Muir of Bountiful .ha! Tuesday by LcRoy urday by Patrolman P. L. Dow. on yalued It is a strange human trait that that exare an ing they the of planting formulated rear a wipdow by the Sage of in Town of Smith, been reelected, chairman, of the tually president the; .the state highway. A charge of by breaking later life a man often boasta of lawn tensive and le that there contain i Democratic board. committee, according Monticello of. not,., they words. the very things of which he was speeding 70 miles An , hour was building. whether the question that present sys- to announcement advice in a few Sheriffs officers reported At a cost of $20,000,'- kpproxl . placed against him. by Golden Layton much good' somewhat ashamed in his youth. 1. Never put off till tomorrow an undetermined quantity of mer- mately3V4 miles of cast iron and tem would carry sufficient water. who was elected vice chairman of ' Successful men point with pride to An offer of a. three rod strip o: what you can do today. chandise, including cigarets, wat- galvanized pipe will be laid to the organization. , . what their humble origin, to their early . ches, fountain pens and six- eases ring water to homes within the ground running east from the higl Other officers relecied . include 2. Never trouble another for ' struggles and mental nature of of liquor, 'was' stolen . from the town limits. The funds will consist way throngh the property of DavU Dr. G, Evan you can do yourself. . . secretary-treasure- r, Taylor, their first employment. W. was . Fenwick discussed. , Mr. 3. Never spend money .before of Kowley Drug .store, $9000 federal grant and . . Mrs. D. L. Rice, chairAnd it is a just cause for pride F.enwick will deed the to 'O property in general obligation bonds, The Davis County' Jersey Breed . woman, and Mia. J. W., Murdock, you have earned it. have overcome such obstacles in the return for the don't city 4. Never buy what you. pipin' vice chairwoman. voted when the town was organis. wrs Association organized last even . ' of the city water up the new through onee own energy and deed November 3. The position of vice chairman want because it is cheap. ing In .Farmington and has for its termination. There is no doubt that .. street. The mater was taken under 5. Pride coals more than hunger had not keen filled before the elecr In an interest purpose encouraged the man who has had to fight hls advisement. a . . hirst and cold. tion of Mr. Layton. Nothing of importance was ever Jersey breeding throughout the from the bottom ia generally way runs Fire outside the city limits fi,. we seldom repent of eating done without a plan. Notwithstam E. M. Bair of Woods ' , country, better off, hard as it may have will be discontinued unless the , ; Arthur Jacobson of Viroqua, too little. . Phillips camp, Daughters of ng tfcttf evident truth many people Cross was elected president of the seemed to him while undergoing commissioners )avis county agree bought it funny to place a sign in 7.. Nothing is troublesome that tbehr live withont a plan. They group, with Lee Thurgood of West Utah Pioneers, met Thursday Ken- live he to experience. for $1000 appropriate upkeep his bar offering freo drinks to we do willingly.' ive from year to year. If it Is necat the home of Mrs. Point, vice president and S. Milton It is equally true that many mea of the equipment and $53 for each 8. How much pain the evila have to to a built have a in Sheffield neth plan Kaysville. 80 and over if accompan of essary people Nelson, Woods Cross, secretary. ail because of a false pride which The Cattle and chicken coop or a hog house or a call into the county, according to ied by their father. Nela Bjerke, cost us that never have happened. The lession, Their plans so far include an ex- -' causes them to shrink from humble a decision reached by the council 9. Take things always by the 80, and his father, Gundar Bjerke, cursion throughout the county Sheep Industry of Utah, was con- garage how much more necessary which tasks might lead to ultimate after Chief Trump repored a simi- 97, strolled in and had cocktails at smooth handle. with E. R. Warren, western field ducted by, Mrs. Joseph Jarman. is it to hate a plan for ones life. lar ' fireman success. .Ford was a maHenry beproposal by' Layton 10. When angry, count ten officers There ii too much of importance Arthurs expense. representative of the American Following the meeting, .Thomas A. Edisoa chinists had helper been approved. At present the individual to risk ' Then there was the little boy fore you speak; if very angry, was Jersey Cattle association, in May. were elected for 1936. were Mrs. involved for theahead John D. Rockefela newsboy, annual for Bountiful appropriation from year to merely locking who, in answer to the question by count one hundred. Assisting hostesses and a local Jersey show later, per ler was a clerk, and neither had is $1100, with no provision made the teacher, What animal supperson starting out o haps in connection with Farm Bur--ea- Spencer Barton and Mrs. Clarence year. A young As a young woman, Mrs. Etta any early education to speak sucto teach school should think what for outside runs. City Recorder, plies food and leather for your Layton. day. others thousands of and kind of teacher he or she will be Lloyd Riley, was authorized to shoes, replied. Father. Richardson, of Woodland, Calif, be They not ashto letter a write the commissioners came should in the bride of Geo, Richardson ceeded because they were What at In the days before trainmen fifty. preparation Another belief goes ustU hands to amed their toil with them of the decision. use. The sale will bring approxi- and after ho died Bhe married his be made to meet the keener com- informing he board, if a declaration by sisted upon inspecting tickets itself. better presented A something to motion sell to Mountain the mately $1,500 to. the city, Mayor brother, Alfred, and when he die Dr. Wilkinson, a noted Australian the car steps, careless passengers petition at fifty, caused by advanc tS&tes Not every boy can become a Fori & Telegraph Co. Stocks reported. Telephone she married his other brother, newer methods the and the boarded wrong ing years, orthodonlst, may be given credence occasionally an Edison, or a Rockefeller, hut other pole in certain sections City Marshal Ersel Hepworth, John. He says the old idea that a heavy train, to their later chagrin and in- of younger teachers. In whatever every everyone who is not! afraid c man vacation ones lot is cast a look of the municipal system was pass- reporting on the eale of tobacco to jaw and prominent chin denotes convenience. It remained for a to wsxk un make an kc.'V ashamed five W. work for Without years, ahead is wise if one isnt going to ed unanimously. The poles will be minors, raid he had been unable obstrength of character is not neces-csril- y in Brussels to be the first to take orable Flint. of Mich., finally sold at $35 each, an agreement to find any flagrant violations. The Harris, aaj cseful place for true, but it does indicate that the wrong airplane, whereby he find himself slipped np upon when G and doesnt have to ke lost his and fin WPA a tained ' been signed between the marshal made an investigation, b; job ihe individual did not suck his was carried to London when he it is too late to prepare to meet having wkitecoBar check of job. $18. two concerns providing for joint order cf the council pay the new situation. to Paris. wanted to the Dayton Eupnr and - ca ,23 v ! com-m'-tt- ed . . s tf . e; Joseph Eggett Home Case On The Bench Burned Boyer Will Be M Plied on Set Down Today For Trial For Next Tab. in Bountiful, Sunday Football Players Who Went to Hawaii .I--'- , Timely Topics Dr & r Leading Educator Speaker at PT, A. Entertained Sat six-ye- Jacobson Vie-Presid- ar . - - eol-tcct- ioq 15-ce- er . Court At Layton well-knok- n ... nt Assesses Drivers . Fi-ne- s . , ' . . , . . Layton Service Club Appoints Committees - . V Speeder in Davis Pays Fine of Bountiful Council Okehs Fire Safety Kit . . Two Business Places .Wednesday At Layton Robbed It . . ' Sunset To Start .Work System Reelected Democratic Chairman . . ... Frank B, Muir Jeffersons Ten Rules Humble Beginnings l a - 1 .Jersey Breeders Organize in County ... I - r-- . i $11,-00- . Officer Selection. : Planned by D. U. P. -- . . . i time-honor- ed ly ; thumb when he was a baby. go b |