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Show J. 193 Vr.CKLY XpWSEXPftK$?iMATWf. UTAtt. SfARClT mmm Headquarters Co- - 940 CLEARFIELD 5lr. l'st The ward feunien will he enrolleea were sent 2938 a? Camp from Company up im Big Cottonwool canyon, to assist with the werk t be don$ on the 6piUway at thO dam ia r F-3- Twenty-fiv- s i.a iU fcr PalN-t- - rrtS as l?th and 20th ef March. Thursday evening 8, day. 4'rr- hell drift'd wih Thursday and Friday fUlt ha, 1. corns Jew Mr. v isumimi i" I .. & e .'jvnvn Bountiful school house. FOR f SALE Or .trade-fi- va atge roomed house and ten'acrea 6f land. East bench, Emily,' Han- - th Vif'aM eni Mrs. Lros'i Mv. week. j nil of Mr. vas Ir'Bif last t!i, raid,'-- I FOU IiEXT Twenty-fiv- e acre farm for rent in Kaysville. Good ive roomed house and good water. Silo, stable and culinary water. Apply F. II. Bishop at Bountiful, . j at 7:Slf dinner wii! K crt,t . with (he fhia adtilts end a program given l y the Wi ( different Frid; ergantzatioiis Farmington canyon before high water make work there impossible noon dinner will b svjvi-- ft.r h I them af'.vrwaM These enroll? es are not being tran dn-- a hi dar.c: ferred to thit tompany. They are Friday night a dance f. r ail. Ulffoh Partow i h iildin.L a rew only temporarily here en detaiched sendee. After this work is finished hours just south cf the store. i Miss Golds Criddle has !vn they will eeturn to their own com home ill the pat week svtfc ar. a. rny. tack of appendices. . , ' Honest and truly, ,we fiaye eu Mr. and Mrs. Marion IT.v'V! now underway. ;The Mr. and Mrs. Ms Slaughter, eamp pae -- "I hrr daughter. Mr.. first issue will be out this week .garct Carlow, Perald Adam... Vr. 'V r' 501 !,,r end. This publication has been; and Mrs. Pick West ami Mr. hr nnj .made possible largely through the Mrs. Lloyd Allenhee wor Mr. rn.f Mr. T!fr,e Plod ar issistance of Captain Miller nnd at a party at the home of Mr. and V I'lii' b t f (i?T ; r.aa vim Lieutenant Parker. They have bee': 'fw. : 7a 'pt i'ati rday rvtr.. ' son. IhiT'iv Mis .Traf.T talking "camp paper up here for ing. Mrs. 2 hy.IN King entertained pltliy of SuV Lake. Tiv rmcrircv; quite some time and their effort pin;' soon and a rcc.p-- i are at last beginning to bear fruir. the Bridge club. Thursday. The i ! take 1! r. hell at the brides home A. considerable number of reporters members attended v.Vre Miss Civ . .vr r.y. March 17. . ; made an have contributions, and Winn, Pear! Olsen, Veda Morten. Jate Ftrorg arid ELota etf'orial staff will be organized sea Schanks, Alma Dahl, ' hospital, Sunday. aoon. We don't know how good this. Oorihv Ha-rEdith Nelson, pel. The ! Phillips rams of th; !. i.suo going to be; improvements n,a Nelson, Hilda Hadfield. Mr, are anticipated; but it has at last Susie Nelsen and Mrs. La Vora tv is o? i'irrnvra me, nt the hmo Mr . Kenneth Sheffield, Thursalerted; and we hope youll like it. W'ood. day. Mr. and Mr. Alvin Stoker pent Mr. and Mrs, Porn Chadwick Last week intramural basetball Sunday in Ogden at the home ct rpoiit la A weekend with Mr. and as initiated in this camp and it is Mr. and Mrs. James Martin. Irs. 1 accy Cr ddl? in Syracuse. A largo crowd of Glebner girls being continued tonight. A schedule Mr?. E. ! I. JVoffield was the between the barracks has been enjoyed a swim at the Weber gym of Mrs. Parley Smith in guest dfawn up and considerable interest in Ogden after which they met at ' Monday, r tnirgton, is being shown In these games. the home of Eloi Rlokeis and had Mr. Richard (lerher re irv! Ms. I. This typo of play enables praeti-eell- a deliciou&dunch. . home fc.rrd Sunday Mre. Coll, Drown wa th. every member of this com !Vf Illitiois,a' food the who to wants pany participate in Sunday .t h,r daushlrri In S.lt.fcr,',"7 M , C" father. ! ,"!cr 5 this sport to do so. . Mr,. Uk,. Mr,. Ell. Halo. It Brown', 71.1 Mrthl. Th, la"'1 ml with k prent, att.nding from hrre were, Mr. and ter CENTERVILLE a few weeks hi re wilh spending Mrs. Joe Clark and family ; Mr. and I Mrs. Arlow Brown and family, Mrs datives. Mr. and Mr. Walter Cottrell. Mr. Fred Burgin was the honor Vida Adam and family and Frnrk Mr. and Mrs. Frwin SU eg an I ed guest at a delightful reception Brown, also the guest dinner was Mrs. Harris of Fait Fuo served and an enjoyable program Mr. Mrs. A. cf given at her home on Wednesday, and t day guests March 4th in honor of her eighty given by the children. Oailcy. Mrs. George Holt and Mrs. Ger accond birthday anniversary. The Mrs. H. J. Bam'S rr.icrtaine l tie Holt attended the funeral of her bridge club, Friday. There erving table was covered with a Mrs, Mary Willey in Bountiful, Itorraco lace cloth, a bov.l of pastel wire 12 guests, Monday. ahaded sweet pease,, a gift to the Mrs. Susannah KoMn returned Mrs. Joe Clark entertained at a home from California where aha guest of honor, and pink taper cen Monday, Mrs. Dolly Br wn tered the table. The following as quilting Mrs. Jane Doxey, Ida Brown, had spent the past three month isteu Mrs, Lester Burgin in serv Mrs. Verna Mrs. Katie Harris, Mrs. Fred Gib wjih her daughter. Neilson, In Long Beach. ing during the afternoon: Mrs. B. 3on and Mrs. Jacob Layton, dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green left Clayton, Mrs. aDvid Winn, Mrs. was served. E. Everett, Mrs. T. Holbrook of Mrs. Melvin Nelren and Mrs. Monday for their homa in Idaho Bountiful and Miss Betty Clayton. Amos Bish' returned Harold Holt attended a tea in A large number of friends called home this week from Lost River, Bountiful, Monday at the home of Idaho where she went to attend the during the receiving hours. Mrs. John Hatch. funeral of Alex Noble. Mrs. Norman Barber entertained The show Wittling" from West Miss Hie Cranney of Logan was At in party Wednesday evening Point will be played here Thurs a las week-en- d guest at the E. II. honor ef the birthday anniversary day evening, Scoffield home. of her husband MC00M and Michigan Mrs. Alkie Green and party re' Mr. and Mrs. Famuel Flint spent were played, thh prizes going to turned Sunday from their trip to Tuesday In Ogden as LesMrs. Edward Everett and Mr. guests of southern California. . . 'l Mrs. J. F. Barton,' delicious A ter. Burgin. supper was Mrs. W. A. Layton has been conMiss Carol Hyde spent Saturday .sferved to eight guests. fined to her bed for the past two and ' Sunday with hey sister, Elaine Mrs. Lester E. Burgin and young weeks, . in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Seger from ton, Richard, returned to their Lewis Weaver of Layton visited home Friday afternoon after spend Ogden visited with Mr. and Mrt. with relatives here, Friday. glng the past week visiting ia Tennis Smith, Saturday, S wish to announce that the ReBill Slaughter left Monday for Magna with Mrs. Burgin parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Howter and family Kimberley, Idaho where he will be lief society dinner will be held on Tuesday, March 17th instead of the Mr. And Mrs. Jack Barber an- employed with hit uncle. Walter 18th as was first announced. nounce the birth of a daughter on Slaughter. Elder Hansen of Salt Lake and Mrs, Reed Duncan ?i confined Mr. and Mrs. Peb, 29tht their tome la Balt Holdridge of Baker-fielto her bed again with rheumatism Udce, were Cab; guests of Mrs ' Mr. C. Olsen from Logan has Karsten Prank Hansen and Em Wallace Ktng, Tuesday. They were aline Smith, were married the lat moved into the place where Mr. friends of Mr. Kings in the mission ' ter part of the week. He U archi Tracy Hess lived. Mr, and Mrs. field. Hes have gone to Ogden to reside The Sunflower tect in the forestry ecrvica,' eamp of Daughters of Pioneers met at the homt of Mrs. Marcia Mansell, Thursday afternoon; A lovely program and story was given after which light refreshments were served. Mr, and. Mrs. Francis Jinsen and Mr. And Mrs. Floyd Peterson of Ogden were guests of My. and Mrs. J. B. Ge.braith; Sunday. Mis Ellen Clark and Max Hickman of Ogden, were guests of Mrs. Henry Grahato, Sunday. Miss Helen Peterson entertained in honor of Mrs. Edith Layton Merl-ill,- . Wednesday evening. 'There were 12 guests; Mrs. Merrill is vie it ing her parents,'. Mr, and Mrs Frank L Layton, for tw weeks while Mr. Merrill is in Detroit, Lloyd Kay Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bishop has been eery fr 4 phone 178 after 6 p. m. lOR SALE Seed potatoes plant el from certified eastern seed on new ground last year. Right Bize for planting; Bliss variety. David Holbrook, Woods Cross. Phon KAYSVlI.Llf ... ... I'Ott SALE ty ?' W M-- .- . hay. David L. Holbrook, Wooda 4- Cross, phone FOR SALE Good ured charter or coal range, fully enamaled, in very good condition. Reasonable priced for quick sale. May be seen at Clyde Hatch residence, Wooda Cross or phone 4 FOR SALE Good used electric range, fully enamaled, automatle 36-R- 2. . 1 45-R- 1. v- 4 feature throughout. Good as new. May lo seen at residence of Clyde 4 WadJoup or phone 188. FOR SALE Four wheel trailer truck frame with 14 foot bed; good strong hitch for tongue or' for truck; good rubber,' $65. j B. Y. Snarr, 1G4 East, 8th South, Salt -- ; ...in irm only rariii irm lower jiriru inline ivilli llic FAMOUS ttv pturtcrt HYDRAULIC BRARK8 ! 0vkl-Actin(- y p,t af-Mr- ' ' edit engine batter performance end eil Im trwMeaer-av- 6.M Ji.Ce U ed Im . woM tha fastest tookfnft' in Hit world! rang tThe new, low cost tahgt 7 oven and turf a ed looking. Oven Hi-Spe- : Wolfk FOR 3 AtS Telephone V lQc 2. 'i l t 'j.J N . C'.. rur-'- j !'' f tit. ' STALEY'S onlj Jond.tion NuBOfIB-T- h. Tomato,., WovenWlre' Stay. Ask the NuBone Corsetfc'relto show you trow these lie Napoli, Centerville. marvelous, tors'ets combine perfect FOR SALE, Five, or eix tons of freedom4 with full figure epniril.. good carrots, Ernest . Burnham, Call MriiiEdilb Samuelsoa today I 4 Phone 48-' Farmington. . 4 FOR SALE Eight to-pan- e FOR BALE Gas range, f 10. window sash 60c each; twd doors Four burner even control. . M. (glass top), 41.25 each; five and Ware, four doors east of the West one half foot bath tub and fixtures $9,50; wash basin' and .fixtures, I i 2.00. .Call et Rulon $4,60; toilet Burnirgham residence Bountiful, : i COME WHERE roots and norso faddish, pee Char Feel full of pep and poM the lender form you crave you cant If you listen to goaslpora. To take off excess fat go light On cream and sugfatty meats, butter,more fruit and at ary swpets vegetables and take a half teaspoonful of Kruschcn Salta In a glasa ( hot water every morning to elimi- Utah. 4 nate excess 'waste. , de Havre of Verllle Mra Elma MAN WANTED For Rawlelgh Grace, Md., writes: I took off 20 rotite of 800 families. Write today. me fine now.. lbs. my clothes fit Ben no consti- Rawlelgh, Dept. UTCtll-SNo drsstlo cathartic blissful but dally bowel ac- ver, Colorado. pation tion when you take your little daily FOR SALE Third crop alfalfa dose of Knfschen. -- LU N CH . I YOU ARB ' A T . ' SURE OF SATISFACTION! . . u r ' SMEDLEYS . y . A Bank Account . I BARBERSHOP Laytoru Utah Weather , . , a tia xlllllls AlIii-xaii a TTTtTtTtTtTttTTtTTTtTtTt , v a pESEREI MORTUARY IP m ove All M IE With a record of more than forty-thre- e years this bank affords its customers the advantages of ample resources and experienced service. : Davis County Ifl Bank at. v. DEER CREEK . GOAL t Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crav you cant If you listen to gosslpera. To take off excesa fat go light on meats, butter, cream and aug fatty sweets eat more fruit and ary vegetables and taka a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salta in a glass of hot water every morning to ellmi nate excess waste. Mrs. Elma Verllle of Havre de Grace, Md.t writes: T took off 20 lbs. my clothes fit me fine now." No drastic cathartics no constl patlon but blissful daily bowel ac tlon when you take your little dally dose of Kruschen. "j;4 CLASSIFIED ADS POUNDS OF FAT - SHE LOST 20 P0UIID3 OF FAT 231 Xnd disn comfort. Small rnre only 2 5 dents. Mrs. Portia Villiains of Danville, Illinois, says, I had' no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tablets hc!cd my periods and built mu .up." Try them next mouth. y . : IVtafln Mome Appliance Co. ' Bountiful, Utah right-of-wa- 20 TT-- IE- - H.1E typewriting, Stenorap CALROD $25 Allowance on old Range . -- Phone Bountifnl 1W Ira current np to in cookiiag pastries. let ' odic pains 4-- ewe-parkin- g, SUE LOST 51-1- Do Your Errands. by with GB 'heating nnic nies . It . . Tab relieve peri, li. Linkham's rent. He hay. H. O. Tack. Those Bountiful paid, hi euRtomary 4- mailed P check, the 53rd this FOR BALEFresh Jersey "cow. year, after receiving police ticket 5 Memphis has paid for the white John East. Woods Croea. : can? given to 15Q blind men, to In they ear have the traffic, For the privilege of L. B. Davis of Denver, has Minnie G. Hall , should tain? They that Lydia 7? ftLheifal demons kfipeciality ' Brices Beison&blp . economy and speed to electric cookery 1 la exclusive Tripl r tired out. with periodic 'weakness and TELEPHONE 216 d returned t . . Miss Edith Hydr entertained her bridge club at her home Thursday. There were tight guests, Mfs. Heiiry Graham and Mrt. Walter Thomas called cm friends in Layton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Fisher. tf Falrview, Ida., epenOast week-enwith Mr. and Mrs, Robert Green. . e . e LAYTON, UTAH . . GE Speedster hss brought turning &nv-)ricacat- many are Jurt dragging them- eelves around, all thit aditrlitomoni ort lilt Hint, klirlii. 0IH, and eufy'M M rkanpt tlikomt nli A Cmnti hU Wt Point. CO. DEtlOIT.UtCrt. WOTOft tc on$j Coutp&tc relatives Calrod heating initt fot both C1KV10LK? mceea m"" Mrs, Gfetta Scoffreld of Boulder City spent last .week end here with td mV CHEVROLET - Hi-Spe- no M1BIT10U . s. home from Idaho- where they At Annie tended the funeral t with Gm$ TIRED, WORN OUT, . folettotbiyf Oiemwlot'c lane delivered Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green and Mr New Gerterof Efecfift ftotefttdfic 3-- 4, 5495 . flat FstmhI PUa 11x0 . reck. A, - d, ard Mrs. James Green one-piec- G . . N v Den-ye- r, r.uwlcigh, Dept. U 5 Colorado. FOR SALE Mary Washington asparagus roots and rheubarb root Jet t of their kind. John C. Banger-te- r, 5 Sr., ef ed $i do STEEL -- . ill. car vm giving otfuf 2 8854. WANTED For Rawleigh Joule of 800 families. Write today, RIDE N eneece its I0MD TURRET TOP title of the only complete low-p-r urJ car tree ot tay, I forlroM ol iafy By ln ing the only rar in its price range with tlua famous Kncc-Actio- n Cliding SRoenrnoor steering cafod Hide Mgliing driving eoiier the smoother, am! most tom Ilian turn brfore ' able known. fort It is also the only car In its price THESE FEATURES AT range with New Perfects! Hytlraulio Alt LOW PRICES CIIEVBOLET'S e Turret Drake, Solid 'Steel l ml Top. I ligli Compression Yalv'c-m-- l 5nenfarS i'.ngine. smj many otltcr fcatuns ol AM9 lir. f i.l prirt of Ne feijwel Hint, Mitktmn. B ilk bunpirt, lUe first importance. Oporo tin end Ikotik.lko hit pruo it f .'It Uitinnl. K not- Ailkm on Maittr MoJclt See and ride in fww 1936 ('.her- tuatrj it en, J oAliliomd, Print ml i d UNEE-ACTIO- ... bMvIifwl oftW comfortable totfloc over treated for a Valve-in-iiea- man' tMPROVtD CUDINO safely anil economically. Am! Chevrolet for 1936 maintain te mo rndM-eoMpncssio- Jke City. Phone Was. C0n,0ft.rt.wr jU8t .. cwtreeuuM Jmp0rtant to go swiftly, cnroiNS nstttR ltd DRAFT VENTILATION ia New Turret Tep Bodies low-prlcc- HIDE N vTSUZ , I ' KNEE-ACTIO- nfnSrry It I important to go place ufiil r4 msoIIihI tW k r-- !.' 4. First class alfalfa .. 3G-R- 2. ' l 0 mj ' WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY ALL OUR FORMER THIS CUSTOMERS, AND ANY NEW ONES .DESIRING . FAMOUS COAL . . WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR DEER CREEK COAL IN DAVIS COUNTY. ' at . ' East 7th Youy lovsd ones desire the best Wasatch 2462, e FARMINGTON T7BLOOm3M MHIMIHHMHIMMIHmSStStti ALMA H. BANGERTER' . So. 86 BOUNTIFUL STATE Manager Phone' Bountiful 1 2 Washington, D. C. GEORGE W. GRAHAM Lieenaad I MORTICIAN BOUNTIFUL, UTAH TELEPEOXIS 1S3-T-7 wwwwwwww f DAIS DEPOSITS INSURED. : The Federal Deposit Insurance Ccrp. or call at home on Page Lana mile north of Bountiful 98-R- ww Crnnn iPJUUU MuimanlanruN'.".. For Each Dopoaltor .,'. i tJkiUOi j PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUOTY. |