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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAY1TO. UTAH BRISBANE A THIS WEEK Pretending Cto-- t us ttmDaign Songs, Slogans, tf In charges depth the 1 1 dis- y light bombs Mediter- ranean, bringing Italian submarines popping like cork9 to the surface. Yet the government tells the house of commons this Imitation war costs British taxpayers five hundred thousand pounds a month. r The old widow of a Japanese officer who committed suicide after the recent rebellion sends a letter of apology to Tour august majesty,' the Japanese emperor, saying; T believe the spirit of my husband, whose body lies In a cotlin before me, also sorrows for those who fell. A most serious people, the twenty-four-yea- Doctor Dafoe, modest man from Canada, who understands quintuplets, dropped In to say the five little girls are doing well, fighting frequently, sign of a normal condition. They like sleeping outdoors with the weather 30 below zero, but In daytime only. It would delight you to see their red cheeks. Three hundred and seventy-fivthousand visitors, nearly all from the United States, came to look through a fence at the quintuplet)) last year; 500,000 are expected this year. The baby girls are a wonder- -' ful advertisement for Canada. Many that go to see them will buy farms landers! VICE-VERS- h A I ILMO SCOTT WATSON ACK In 1SS4 . James 0. Blaine was the Republican candidate for President and Grover Cleveland, the Democratic atandard-bearer- , the followers of the latter raised the I rt cry f Turn the rascals out I' Despite the scandal of the Grant administration and the dubious victory of the Republican Hayes over the Democratic TUden, It U doubtful If there were any more "rascals" In the Republican party than there were among the Democrats at that time. But American political history la full of cases In which the outs raise that cry against the "In" to unseat them. That was the case In 1S84 and the Republicans were turned out after having been In power continuously for 24 years. Again In 192S the Democratic outs," recalling the candala of the Harding administration, raised that cry against the Republican "Ins' but this time It didn't work and Hoover was elected ever Smith. Now we are approaching another campaign and. Ironically enough, the Democrats who are uow the "Ins are hearing the familiar old cry raised against them by tome of the leading newspapers representing the Republican outs." Yes, another campulgn Is coming and, Just as In the past, we will now have our full quota of Especially, the latter, slogans and slanders for both sides have already predicted that "Its going to be a very dirty campaign. What will those slanders be? Dont worry I You'll hear Old Datne Rumor and them soon enough-tr- ust her consort. Old Whispering Campaigner, for Egypt, represent no real war. England occ- asion a Recently a Yogi ascetic entombed himself In Right Kesh, a holy place In the northwest United Provinces' of India. After 4i days those wltb-- j out wore to listen for the sacredi word "Om," whereupon he wars to be SELECT, HANDLE released nnd given fruit Juce. On! EGGS CAREFULLY I lie forty-fiftday they heard a faint,-Oand curried out the Instruc-- j lions. During all that time the as-- l Hatchability Is Important cetio bad taken neither food nor wafer. to All Poultrymen. Orientals seem ta experts In) IM W Jl t. hdltlieoll, ' 1? )$ f D.ts. nrt of starving. Jaflndranathl !$ one of sixteen persons arrested; .ti I'oultty Htuhnmit iVlUtie of Auruultiti In 1929 tn tlii Lahore conspiracy, N U riH 0 lied In prison after a hunger strike Much of Hit profit nuLiiig ef vlxty-ondays. Taha Hussein, of next mm mui pullot fuck will he dcicrmlucd the type amt who tried to assassinate the Egyptian prime minister, Sikl I'asha, and-wcharacter of hut. hlug used in condemned to seven years faard Good chick. and good llicuhutoi Libor, died lit 1932, after fasting fifty, otiW from good pullets util conic j eggs. The Ideal weight of hutching day. eggs h ft out V'l'i to 2s ounce to the dozen and Hot lei thin 21 ounce to the doen. Although Hie tn.tt 0KES Symbols and SLOGANS MAY BE SLANDERS, AND Mediterranean, Intended to Intimidate Italy and keep down discontent go and it will bring Money A Japanese Widow The Five Babies Are Well Democratic Edward Y1I I Even Imitation ar U costly. England's battleships, submarines and airplanes In the In i POULTRY when 1 w c . A CARTOON OF THE I860 CAMPAIGN The figure en the pile of rail la Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate laying; Little did I think when I aptit thee rail that they would be the mean of elevating me to tny In the center la Horae Greeley of th New York Trlbun laying; "I present poaltlon. assure you, my friend, that you can safely vot our ticket, for w have no connection with th To Abolition party but our Platform I composed entirely ef rail, split by our Candidate. that the figure on the left, "Young America, I replying; "It ne use, old follow! You cant pull th wool over my eye for I can e 'the Nigger peeping through the rail. that! rote-gettin- one-quart- should (if weight lu egg Hot ho ea riled to the extieme, iiet jeiir'n pullet will t tint to produce egg. of the Mime tjpe a thou- from which they wcie li.it lied. Hutching egg ttoui poultry bleed two tug (lock tdioiild be g.itlu-reor tluee time dolly dm lug cold wcutlici bccuuio chilling, to iiv nothing of I reezing, ruin chance ef a good Imtili. Stoic the egg In a cool place, prclcraldy at d() deMini In ns even ti gree temperature im poulhle. The nir tn not ho too the ilornge room dry, or moisture tn the egg will he cviipnnitcd. Blued In ctenn trny or cn rt mis, the egg should be turned two or three time dolly. Do md vvinh hutching egg, hut remove any dlit with n tine suiul-pnpe- r or emeiy cloth. It t fur better, however, to have produced hutching egg perfectly clean tlmn to have to clenti them ndcr they are Discard the uhimrmnlly gilt tiered. Colored and oddly Mmpcd egg and set the nclcctcd egg In the Incubator within two weeks, and prefer ntily within in thy of the time they are laid. The man referred to In the foregoing quota, did triumph tn th stirring campaign of 1S(V when Abraham Lincoln was the Republican can- lion was none other thun George Washington. hose line were penned by Benjamin Franklin didate. Among the slogans of that campaign were "Millions for Freedom, Not One Cent for Badie, grandson of the Immortal Ben Franklin, Popular editor of th Philadelphia Aurora In 1795. And Slavery, "Intervention Is Disunion. Homes that was typical of the abuse heaped upon the "Free and National Union," Sovereignty for Free Men," "The Constitution and the Union, head of the "Father of His Country" by the JefPrinciple Used Now and Forever." "Let Liberty Be National fersonian Republican press during the final Gravity to Ventilate Hen Houses and Slavery Sectional, and scores of others, on months of Washington's Inst administration. both aides of the slavery controversy. While there Is some IllTerence of such a la It reninrk With especially good start, wny to venGrant's famous "Let Ua Have Peace" was used able that our political history should be filled pinion nhoiit the best to good advantage as a slogan In electing the with slanders and that In the heat of a presi- tilate poultry luMiM-s- , n simple Man from Appomattox but the corruption dential campaign common sense and common tern based on the principle of gravwhich marked his two administrations provided decency seems sunk to unbelievably low depths? ity ha been used effectively In New multiple-uni- t laying hotmc the Democratic opponents of his successor, Hayes, "Bargain find Corruption !' waa the cry of th Jersey with the best possible type of slogan. So "Til-de- Jacksonian Democrats against John Quincy for mure than a decade, says E. It. Gross, professor of iigrlciiltiiral enand Reform echoed throughout the cam- Adama and Henry Clay in 1824 for, aa a popular 187G a as for in the gineering Ht the New Jersey Colpaign powerful rallying cry song of that period declured ; uniDemocrat. Ry all the rules of slogan logic, the lege of Agriculture, Rutger n waa chaw eunntnf Henry Clay versity. brevity and the force of that slogan should have III dobta bad thrown Mm all aback, won for Tilden but election boards and an elecThe only change made In tin Vo ha felt longing for Treasury pap, toral commission decided otherwise. gravity system during the last ten He made a bargain with John the Great, In the campaign of 18S4 the Democrats had I shan't the particulars here relate, year me the adaptation of hew a winning slogan handed to them on s silver materlnl for constriiellon and sucRut Harry was placed In the chair f State, Heigh-ho- , cessive Increases In t ho size of the eays llarry. platter by their opponents. The Republican Un candidate was James G. Blaine and It looked But such s charge as that wni fntld compared flue, I'rofessor Gross report. window Hie as though his followers with their rallying cries to those hurled front this der system, during the campaign of 1823 of the house serve a Intake openof "Blaine, Blaine, Blaine of Maine and "As when Jacksoa over Adumfl. Tt was triumphed Maine Goes, So Goes the Nation are and would elect regulated uoeordlng ings merciless, filthy, scavenging campaign. In him. But his cause received a fatal blow when which nothing persona! concerning- the candi- to weather condition. The air a group of ministers called upon Mm and their room to nn out dates was denied to the accumulating spoils of passes through the L loealed at least flue which take leader, Rev. It. B. Burchnrd, declared In a speech published privacies from the temporary legal Six feet from the window and ex that all conscientious Americans slioyld vote the amplications of General Jackson's .matrimonial tends from two feet above the floor Republican ticket because the Democrats stood affairs to the billiard table, that piece of for "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion. Blaine did furniture at the White House (then occu- straight upward through the roof not. hear him distinctly enough to realize the tenst two Teet above the ridge pied by Adams). No writes Mende Mlnnlgerode to at gross error and to repudiate this slur upon the in Ms book "('residential Years. of the roof. The flue Is made of four wntlhourds of Insulating religious belief of millions of Americans. So the Considering the veneration (n which the namo strip to onlled slogan which the Republicans had attempted to four light posts to form Is held throughout the tack On the Democrats proved to be a boomerang of Abraham Lincoln box or tube and I loan airtight United Mates today, It seems strange to look and aided In defeating their candidate. In each unit sceonunodatlng the newspapers of 1800 and find In cated through 100 to lffl bird. A targe can pro The tarllt campaigns were prolific with slo- them a reference In to blm such words as these vents ruin and snow from entering gans. Among the most telling ones were "Prohorrid looking wretch he la, sooty and scounthe top of th tection and Prosperity, "Free Trade ahd Pauper In aspect, s crons between the nutmeg the honso through Ized Labor and "Free Trade and the Destruc- drelly flue, dealer, the horse swapper and (he night man , , . tion of American Industries, which the prnc He Is a lankslded Yankee of the nncomellcst ' For most effective operation of tlcal Mark Hanna boiled down into (he visage and of the dirtiest complexion. Faugh t till system, the flue must have slogan of "The Full Dinner pall. After him what decent whit men would be cross section area of at least tw Sometimes a slogan will have a "kick-bacnnd n half Inches tier bird and . President! after It has accomplished Its purpose. There Is tn most eases, thl nrea may he ad After Lincoln's assassination, the scandalno doubt but that "lie Kept Us Out of War vnfitngeously Increased to three nn Immediately- busied themselves with il hnlf Indie mongers Woodrow Wilson In 1915. Aod helped per tiled. A flue which then fate decreed that within six months after smearing the new resident, Andrew' Johnson. is too small don not afford until his election we should be "In" and not "out" of He bad, they asserted, "been drinking for a elenf air change to earrv nwnv the war. "Too Proud to Fight" was another phrase month and on the night of that tragedy "had tnohstnre and keep Hie litter !r to be roused from a drunken stupor and token that haunted him later, n doctor to be Bobered up. Both Urant and to Aa for the slogans of recent years, they are were accused of habitual IntemperCleveland ' too familiar to most of us to need much comEgz Auctions nn alleged Indiscretion In the latter's and ance ' America turned "Back to Norment Bcnnsytvnnbi Is a great state for youth was exaggerated and distorted to make malcy with Warren G. Harding In 1920. In 1924 him auction selling. Four year ago an habitual appear profligate. when the Democrats hoped that It was restless around Dojlestown, Pa., fioultrytnen Cleveland's opponent, Blaine, did nothing to under Republican misrule and hot for a chonge, an egg unction. The Ide has tried they learned that It had decided to "Keep Cool stop the spread of this scandal but when Cleve- since spread Into Montgomery, Lnn With Coolldge" Instead of vote for "Better Day land was olTered certain papers which would caster, Butler, Chester and North With Davit." In 1923 the Democrats, wearing a besmirch Blaine In much the same manner, he le Egg nnd pout and destroyed the pa- ampton count New paid off the and "The of brown Sidewalks derby singing Hum $1,000,000 more worth ANDREW TO ST, T8Z UNO less scrupulous Democratic try York" asked America to remember Us "Eight pers. However, Bold were the first six during A Cartoon of 100 Years Ago Portraying Presl-den- t Years of Wall Street" and to "Give Main Street partisan got hold of the story, which reflected 1935. Farmers get about months of Andrew Jackson as Despot Treading a Chance." But Instead of heeding this advice upon Blaine's family life, and published IL It ten rents more a dozen for tjmlr n th Constitution. America voted for "Hoover and Prosperity and became common campaign gossip and, despite more regular have eggs, buyers which a Blaine frank explanation was at last for "Safety, Solvency and Sobriety." When that supply, and consumer get lietter Oregon country. So the Democrats raised the prosperity vanished In 1929 It was willing to forced to Issue, the slander continued to circurggs for breakfast, ns the auction No Texas and cry of "Polk and Texas; Clay New Deal" and In 1932 late. And this was only one of several incidents jgten t0 a promj8e 0f on quality and the more alliterative, Fifty-fou- r 1884 Forty or elected rranklIn D. Roosevelt to get It which Was as bad, If method put n premium In the- campaign of New credited with bey , , Jersey Jackson-Adamand their candidate won. Fight campaign of And these are Only a part of the slogans which not worse, than the auc first to state the egg fry ing The war with Mexico and especially th'e bat- have played their In American political his 1828. part held one first been the having flons, tle of Buena Vista produced another slogan tory. The slanders have been At one time Cleveland while discussing with In Flemlnelon., Many eggs shipped equally numerous. which helped elect Gen. Zachary Taylor PresiS. Wise, a political opponent but a personal from Pacific fomtf an John are often forgotten after the tumult Slogans producers are dent In 1848. It was bis alleged remark of A the sbontlng of a political campaign dies down. friend, the death of 'resident McKinley, laid: In sold the hi New anrtton by little more grape, Captain Bragg 1" which struck But, unfortunately, that Is not always true of "I don't know whether, after all, McKinleys life, York market. The Country Home. sgreat the slanders. Even after a candidate become sad aa was Its ending, was not, taking Into conthe popular fancy aa being Just what commander would aay under the circumstances. President of the United States and la tradition sideration everything, to be envied. It Is true In the same year was born a slogan which ally entitled to all the respect and honor due he was struck down by an assassin. But he was Raising Ducks crystallized in popular phraseology the most that high office, the gossips, the whisperers, the never 'assassinated' in his lifetime. Bodily death Why aim there no? more ducks fateful movement In American history. It was keep up their dirty work. Few Is by no means the worst torture which a man raised on American farms? The Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free presidential candidates and few Presidents have can suffer. The torture of lies and misrepremost Men taken from s plank In the platform of the escaped being the targets of their poison tongues. sentation affecting wbat Is dearest to us In life greatest objection given by farmers and poultrymen Is that Free Soil party (formed by s coalition of the "If ever a nation was debauched by a man Is Infinitely worse than the mere physical pstn they do not have a pond or stream G. 1840 James In founded by the American cation has been debauched by of dying." Liberty party, near the house. Although a pone and the Barnburners," the him. If ever a nation bas been deceived by No doubt other Presidents and other Presiden- or stream Is a valuable feature. It Is wing of the Democratic party, led by Martin man the American nation has been deceived by tial candidates who have suffered as he did not essential. All that Is necessary Van Buren). But It failed to win lor Van blm. Let his conduct then be an example would agree with those words of Grover Cleve- Is to provide sufficient water for Buren, the Free Soli candidate, just as It failed future ages. Let It serve to be a warning that land. And American citizens might well remem- drinking purposes. An ordinary to win eight year later for Gen. John C. Fre- no man may be an Idol and that a people may ber them when, during the coming campaign, with a board about four trough mont, the candidate of the new Republican confide In themselves rather than In an Individ some whisperer seeks to pour tn his car. the Inches wide fastened along the top party, when the slogan was changed to "Free uaL Let the history of the federal government poison of slander against a candidate, whether will prevent the ducks from splash Free Speech, Free Men, Free Kansas and Instruct mankind, that the masque of patriotism Republican or Democrat, Socialist or Comtnu Trig the water out. Wallace I Fremont" may be worn to conceal the foulest designs nlst, or the standard bearer of any other party Fa"rmer. J Four yean later, however, this "free motif against the liberties of the people. C Wwiira Newipaptr Unloa. What will the slogans be? It's a little too early yet to predict that very accurately. But It looks now as though come variation of "Don't Bring Back the Horse and Buggy Days might be used by the Democrats and "Save the Constitution by the Republicans. However, there may be entirely different and more potent ones after the nominating conventions are held tn June and the campaign gets well under way. About the only predictable thing about the powand stay. er of campaign slogans Is their utter unpredictability. Often the carefully planned ones whereas a chance A democratic young person Is are failures at Edward the Eighth, new king of remark or some unexpected Incident may proEngland and emperor of India. vide a slogan which plays a vitally Important At least, that Broadcasting to 200,000,000 that part In electing a candidate, In the been their has ocpast. history live under the British flag and In 1S40 the ('residential candidate of the of the earth's cupy surface, be does not refer to them Whigs was William Henry Harrison, the hero as my subjects or my people, of the Battle of Tippecanoe. When they nomas Ms predecessors did, but culls inated as his running mate John Tyler of Virginia, the combination gave them alliterathem "fellow men. And Edward VI II does not refer tion's artful aid." Shouting for Tippecanoe and to himself as we," which Is cus- Tyler, Tool" plus a few pointed remarks at the White House Incumbent such as "Van, Van Is tomary with other rulers. Mis faMan and "With Tip and Tyler, Well a Used-uof ther spoke my empire" and my Biler" the Wlilgs won an overVan's Bust dear people and called himself victory. whelming 'we, Four years later slogans played a very decisive submits to Roosevelt part In electing the first "dark horse In President American political history James K. Iolk of heavto Increase a congress plan we were involved In ily Income taxes of corporations Tennessee. At that time over Mexico the proposed annexawith suspected of holding many billions disputes Britain over the with Great and of Texas tion not distributed. The of profits taxes might run to over 33 per cent. TO COMMAND. You never can tell wliat Wall Street will think. President Koose sends taxation volt's program fctoeks up. Perhaps Wall Street undistributed reserves." has no Ci rout Industries will not be forbidden reasonable cash surpluses, Such a rule would mnke expansion and Increased employment Impossible, e Orientals Are Experts in the Art of Starving Selves n iri DANGEROUS! Avoid rLlt ofinfoction; enjoy Inutant relief from pain and quickly, safely remove your corns use Dr, Scholl's Zino-padThey soothe nnd heal; stop ehoe pressure: prevent sore toes end blisters. At idl drug, thoe nnd department stores only 8SJ on J 35(1 a box. s. Valiant Conqueror , Ito 1. a wise man than can avoid n patient man that can vil; he It; but bn U A valiant man that ' an conquer It. , . I eft-(iu- ro - Beware Coughs from common colds Ko matter how many medicine ' you have tried lor your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can eet rcllel now with Crcomulslon. Ccrlous troublo may bo brewing and you cannot afford to taka a cbanco with anything less than Crcomul-elo- n, which rocs right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to . soothe and heal the Inflamed mem- -, hrnnes o3 the gcrm-ladphlegm is loosened and cxpdled. Even IT other remedies have failed, don't bo discouraged, your ' druggist is authorized to guarantee. Crcomulslon and to refund your money If you are not satisfied with . results from the very first bottle,. Oct Crcomulslon right now (AdvJ.. ;' ea . IDIOIGISI . ' A Joint resolution In the house and senate suggests a congressional medal of honor for the late Gen. William Mitchell, head of the American air forces In the big war. Few congressmen would vote against a tribute to a man who fought so well for his country, and the medal would please his widow and chil- dren. . Uncle Sam paying rent to for the canal, offering the usual 250,000 rent Installment, was told: "No, we do not take Tan-am- n ' 59-ce- dollars." : Washington admits that while' It way try Interesting experiments with .Its' own monejr, and tell Its own citizens "Gold U too good far ; you," It has no- right to make the iputskle world suffer. Tanama will ' get. an amount of money equal to 30,000 of out. dollars before wp ' slid off .the gold basis and Into th "jnfl'atlou bond" era. . - Sometimes government ownership things postal Jnlnlstjry bpns the first Television-telephonIn the world, between Berlin and IIpzlg -- the charge for three minutes only $1.40. When you call up a "strong, bluish' light" Illuminates your face, which Is seen by the persop at the other'end of the line. That would ' hfcve bedn Improbable when tele-phones were Installed In the big farls exposition, not so long ago. dene.-G'ermany'- a .get-- s leriK-dls-lan- e . ' Four years ago the Lindbergh child wns kidnaped. Bruno Haupt-- . convicted of the kidnaping ipan-n- . and murder, caught spending the marked gold certificates that Lindbergh paid In' a vain effort to get back his child. Is still alive. It Is said that he will have another reprieve. Our system of Justice Is not hasty. C Kin Syndicate fttir WNU Service, Ida, "'BLACK LEAF 40" Keeps Dogs Away from Evergreens, Shrubs etc. 1 tl iso - 'gam-Idln- g - That Hang On p - : 1. YOMEII usi lVVTtatpoonfal par CsUenet Spray. AGES OF ALL Mr.--' Jew Vlgtt of '809 E. Myrtle SL, Fort. CoI llin, Colo., said: wo miserable and weak and used to .be trou- " bled .so with headarhea and dizzy spells. I had ro strength and fust had to drag ' myself ibbul tb house. Dr. Pierce's Favorltf Prescription .helped to relieve me of (he headaches, I enjoyed my food, and felt better in every way." Htw size, tabs. 50c, Llguid $1.(10 It $1.35. vote-gettin- k ' . - re-ele- War-wear- y - tale-bear- I 1 1 s . r BIr-ne- anti-slaver- y CLASSIFIED ADS Mull dime for Xr Srfiln Fret' ftrlleved. l oor LOTION, 1003t Vi 1(111 trliil. m;iomi nr. cvansvili.e. ind. IVIIITK M'r.ftORM CHICKS from own stock only. Irlc reasonable.. AI"Q breeding rorkefol. Write for details, J. 11. tit, 1. Moreau. Hill. California. (del--kinit- rr, Mrs. Baileys Sensitive Skin Rash Broke Out But ..Cuticura Soothed Read this letter how smarting rash and blisters doe to external causes were relieved la almost no time by Cuticura. I noticed an itching sensation on my face and arms. It afterwards formed blisters that left the skin very tender and sensitive. Finally a rash broke out which, when rubbed, caused a smarting and Intense Itching. It was agony. "A sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment relieved me so much that I bought some. After using one cake tin of of Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, the rash disappeared." (Signed) Mrs. Grace Bailey, 390 East 201st St, Bronx, New York City. Cutlcnra also soothes the Irritation of pimples, ringworm, burning and Itching of eczema with wonderfnl speed and effectiveness. Buy today. Ointment 25c. Soap 25c. Samples FREE. Write to Cuticura, Dept. 19, Malden, Mass. Adv. one-ha- lf PARSER'S DALSAM HAIR EUmorw DaadraC-SMt- a Halt faBha lamlg ColorFtM ui llak Beauty to 6u uf fl 09 kbima. udCray Ideal fnt dm ta FLORESTON SHAMFOO connection with Parkers Hair Balaem.Wakee the hair soft and fluffy. $0 eaata by mail or at drag fiat HiacexChamfealWocfeA PatslMfMvM.ll |