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Show . e WEEKLY BE CAPTAINS OF THE ROAD sitile Mr. Ronk was able to portray V all characters. . Friday at j the 8 p, m. in Grnnts-vill- e NEWS-EXPRES- S, LAYTON, FEBRUARY . C, 1936 LAYTON REQUIREMENTS ; FOR YEAR' 1936 Chevrolet Truck on Economy-Safet- y 'New Run Rctert Earton, successor to Jogymnasium, the Davis Darts '.REGISTRATION- - seph Johnson, took charge of the There is an unxvrilten law of the will meet the Grantsvilla Cowboys Cayton postoffice, Saturday, Feb. in Davis sixth league game. This tea that is followed , religiously lst jTV. Johnson, however, will ' exciting . Applications fop 1938 registra- assist Mm Barton until the latter namely, the desire to pave life. game we know, will be ,XVhy cant we have the same high event, as Grantsvill? is even .with tion mu.st submit the follUwirfe getsVully conversant with all the Davis in the running for a place in items to the State Jax Commissicyi details of the office. Mr. purpose on land?' Barton is Such voluntary action is always the tournament. or. t.o one of its branch offices be- quite familiar with the work as h$ Davis will furnish the assembly fore based on necessity.-Life-savinlicense .plates will be. is- has a iri t?d Mr. Jbhnson quite a automobile traffic is now as im- far the Grantsville student body sued;.blt, . 1. Applicatifofl tot RiigftUration. in sea traffic. next Friday, Feb. 7. The following portant as Ten, new cases oPscarlet fever have Davis from been A new form hoi printed were Such rules as the following, ad- talented students repeated Tueday. The disease hered to with sincerity, would have been chosen to participate. June should.be filled ia Jby tfie is greatly 0ji the increase in this . Wood, Margaret Grant, Helen par-to- n tife a hundred-folppplidUst:, vicinity. vocal solo and will be acconK 1. Before making a turn, get in 2. 1938 tax certiflcal.. ", The residence portion and the traffic lane nearest desired direc- panied by Sarah Mabey; Halvpr ThjB certificate must v snow ticket office of theBamberger sta Campbell, Allen Strong,. Frank tion. that the property tax has been tion here, is under quarantine as 2. The rear vision mirror is for Tashima, instrumental trio; Clark iaid for the current year. It Ted Smith, son of the agent, has is issued by the county asses-ao- r developed omething beside looking for traf- Robinson tenor solo, accompanies t case of scarlet fever. a, fic officers watch cars behind by Sarah Mabey; Dorothy Sessions in th. county in which the The waiting room however remain ian accord Ilalvor solo, reading; you. applicant resides. . .. ! dpen. . , 3. Never take chances in 3. Owners certificate of Regis- - . Mi1, and Mrs. Golden trumpet solo,' accompanpassing Campbell and Layton -' ied by Wesley Day.' and do not crowd the t ration for 1935 or.for the last Maine Whitesides returned home Saving seconds is no excuse for iyear the car was registered. Monday from a three months stay Mrs.- Hannah Evans walked 185 The certificates of title should inr Los one causing unnecessary risk of miles from Lee.ds to London at.t-hAngeles. if&t be sept in .unless there is life. Reuben Barnes is ill with pneu .70. . . of . age of f 4. Learri the feel of the car on a change in the ownership monia and heart trouble. the read, like the captain dies his , the car, in which case the cerDelbert Naldcr fractured a co. He He ; . tificate of title, properly en.--. llar bone and thip. Study the action of the car injured his left should on the dry pavement, vet pavedorsed, should accompany the er while donw ski slope. . ridirtg All Knows . certificate of registration. ment, gravel road and icy road. Simmons had the misforHarry 4. The proper fee for Kegistra Even the highest ability is hot one tune to break his leg when he fell hundred per cent perfect In driv .tjon. IIow often in. the store, on the S.Thi8 fee is shown onthO back on an icy. sidewalk in Ogden Fri- ing. . club hear we or room, street, 5. Take driving seriously;- you of the. application blank and aY- this' said.. It is'often .said by thpse David E. Layton and hjr. and be the same t are probably no smarter than the who' are pi'obab-l; because someone' peeved Hrs. Jake Layton leftTuesday for All as lart ..year. last person whose neck was broken didnt passenger agreo with them. Iri fact, Arizona on a Union Pacific stage. thia be can on a windshield. The smartest men cars registered ' they say it because- they think Delbert Jaques, who has been for-aa fee. If year, (supposedly) met with unfortunate that THEY are absolutely right in ownership is made trucking to Kemmerer, Wyo., was disi.ster through gross carelessness and the other fellow change, entirely of title is to delayed several hours due to the or if Courtesy is not a sign of weak-es- s; Tn other words THEY think THEY be issued, an additional f 1.00 ast snow Btorm. lie left Suigay it is a sign of character and know it all' and are sore because-thand expec.ted to be home Tuesday for the. issuance of .such-titlwisdom, and the ability to be world doesnt at once recognize night; is required., .The drivers . and obliging. their, superior viewpoint, judgment-oMrs. Margaret Smedley enterdoes of the not The sea captain doesnt unneceChevrolet truck one of the new applicant cement block from Los Angeles to New York, a lH-toCarrying a 10,000-lb- . knowledge. tained some of her tob'e friends to Tax in at a the need sent 1936 models just introduced demonstrated that safe driving means economy. Speed limits were observed in every ssary take chances when they It is easy to think He Thinks party. Wednesday afternoon, f She .Commission to secure registrcommunity, with 3S m.p.h. the maximum on the open road. The 3511.4 mUea were completed on two quarts of oil car be' avoided, but he. willingly lie Knows It AH" after an opponent d of a cent per ton mile. The entire run was had as. her guests Mrs. Samuel and 308.6 gallons of gasoline, ht a cost of 01.6 cents per mile, or . risks his life and his ship to preation plates. has given us a good argument. fender. The illustrations show the test truck even scratched a or mechanical without failure, repairs, completed any Thurgood, Mrs, Jesse Barlow, Mrs. vent an accident or aid another . rear axle, and cabs with solid steel roof, May it not be our inner resentment Emanuel Hanks, Mrs, I. W. Barlow i and features of the new 1936 models. Coupe type Vessel in distress. But automobile of the fact that the other fellow are some of the improvements. In the lower right, Harry Harts, who drove the test, ; ; water jackets, and MrB. Clifford Barber, CENTERVILLE drivers, willfully risk their ow ACTUALLY IS better informed il seen bc$ide the 10,000-lb- . block. The test was officially observed by the American Automobile Association. j . wTSI . lives as well as the lives of others, on that ... Miss Norma who .. is attend Ellis, , than we are? point for no good reason at all; it Of course a strong - man will ing school at Henegars Business'! A .hard driven ball struck Mr. (John Davis of Syracuse, . N. .Y, While chasing a mouse in his doesnt make sense. Rebecca waa Mrs. college in bait Lake, spent the' hpme at Sycanmore, 111., Benjamin John Marter'of Wisconsin in the j sped through a stop sign and was his Ford Roundy stand firmly for present con If ordinary rules of common victions until ho sees hils error. On surprised by her. four nieces, Mrs. week-en- d visiting with her sister Hancock fell and broke his hip, and eye after it' had crashed through fined ?3. .ense and courtesy were followed the other hand knowing from ex- - Emily Tarrish, Mrs. Emma Walton Miss Zola Ellis in Syracuse, the front door, bounced from the liter died of the injury. Mrs. Ray Walker and son are In driving .(unwritten laws), acci- -. perience bow further ' facts and Mrs. Linda Smith, .and Mrs. Nellie hall, into the living room and on ' Bush into the kitchen where she was of John Lake, O., dents would be caused only byjight have in the Buckeye relatives Idaho in Falls, past often chang Walton, Saturday, at the home of visiting have a fidd.e, but he did cooking a meal. didn't Idaho freuk circumstances. for three weeks, od our opinions we can have face Joseph Ford. The occasion being Dont Take Drastic Drags Will Simmons has been confined have an organ which heplayed af by not being too bittcHy positive Mrs. Roundys birthday anniverhad set fire to his house. he ter Tour Kidneys contain 9 million tiny to his bed with tonsilitis and inthat we are right in any one Now the would-b- e Nero is in jail. Rinser, reported lost a bridge atsary. A lpvely lunclf was served. Ko,p0 ' for tho past two weeks. stance. 7 Knobtowri, Mo. Thieves who dis- - careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder Mrs. an.Ed. Mr. and Brown ' disorder mnKo you Buffer from Qettlng Police are hunting a thief who mantled and removed the structure Xlp Mrs. Harold Holt, Mrs. George By this we do not infer that nounce the' birth of a son on Fri Xnrvnu.sncss, J,ona of Pep, l.ep; ' SCHOOL NEWS some con.' stole two possums that the Were caught. raltln, Rheumatic Paine. Dixzlnera, CirNelson atviewpoints are not forever day Jan. 31, at the Dalrymple ma- Reed and Mrs. Melyin Under cles Eyes, Nour.ilsis, Acidity, ' victs at the Bellwood county prison lfurninff, lUrartlng or JUhlnn, you don't Davis high school has a new fac- right and others forever wrong, ternity home, Mother and baby are tended the funeral of a relative, camp, near Atlanta, had fattened be bard calling need to taho to All druitRlM chances. Its going Miss Bertha Hatch, in South Boun no doing fine, the ir.ot modern advanced treatBill Tap, declared Mrs. Carrie ment for . ulty member, Miss Ruth Zollinger However we do believe that cirfor Thanksgiving. a Unclnr's pres' three troubloa -Ben E. Rich, eldest ?on of Mr. t.iful, Wednesday cf.last week; has taken over the position left by man is always right. Moreover called Cystex (fj Works 7 Stoltzenburg when she heard of the cription 4X hours It must, fast safe and sure. Tn Mr. and Mrs. A Hie Green enterWhen relatives of Charles Brum marriage Mrs. Evelyn Crocket in the Domes cumstances alter casea and what Fred Rich, returned home Saturmother, rMs. brln new vitality and ia guaranteed to' tained at a bridge party.' Tuesday of Liztpn, Ind., came from hala Scott, 6i, of Lhiuicoihe, O., make you feel 10 years younger in one tic art department. Miss Zollinger might hold true in one relationship day, from the .French mission. ' week or money back on return of empty to attend his funeral they to Will F. Kaltenbach 23. not in another. Mr. a close friends. may Virginia .few A evening Valentine is has just returned from San Franplanned for package, cystex costs only 8c a done at party ham-pa- ir r6him concrete found' ten and the guarantee rrtects yom nichel to to druKSiats to. nurl this Saturday by mixing' It is manifestly unfair get Hurrying Miss Lucile and- Mrs. Florine King, Mr. and' cisco. where she studied costume his cold home before garage. .burgers they got thinks He he knows it Schofield and' her friends at the Mrs. Roy Manning, Mr. and Mrs. designing at the Art Fashion the epithet Stoker. chool. This work is to be applied all against a man who reading at home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ' Miss Margarett Snarr of Salt Ncv.,.to Ralph Herfey of Martinez, Joe Stevenson left Saturday for Mrs. Frank Sheffield, Miss Genn her Masters degree; she receiv- every opportunity and listening to Alvin Schofield. others Lake Mrs. Midllis actions and his of in home home make will California eve Morehouse and Ilean Evans their prove opinions, after' a Calif., They Alplanalp .In honor of Mrs. Bernard Thomed. her B. S. at Utah state. Miss week-en- d is not conceited but is forever as, a recent-bridehe last were, in months Mrs. his California. cf visit way with left Friday for a njonths visit in guests Mrs. Norman mother, Zcilinger has done extension work Mr. to Mrs. if Dimond learn Adams. and Annette E. Stevenson. willing by Barber perchance in Tooele county, and more rccent-taugand Mrs. II. F. Terrill,, Members of the Acacia bridge ,03 Angeles. Sixteen Syracuse primary offi- club will, entertain their .husbands Mrs. Luclla Barlow, Mrs.' Alice.' Henry D. Call has been away at Virgin Valley high seeking and listening he can find a were the hostesses at a .charminghe now cers one better than the convenattended the from his school two. duties weeks thought primary a chool. Bunkerville, Nevada. Her this Barlow, Mrs. E. Hanks, Mrs. Daat ly arranged miscellaneous shower nohostess diner ' holds. tion of North and South Davis in evening at the home ofparty .at. the home of Mrs, Barber on suffering with the. flu. ome is Providence, Utah, Mr. and vid Stoker and Mrs. Samuel ThurHowever if you find a strongly Mr. Mrs. and Kaysville, Saturday, Mrs. o afternoon. Evan Ellison. Rampton The Royal Twenty-twThursday F. F. A. guests will good were guests at a dinner at . Mrs. Amy Cowan, o Clearfield be, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day, Mr. the home of Mrs. Margaret SmedDavis F. F. A. chapter and a few opinionated man who docs not even guests were served' a- most deli- and children returned home the. ' first of the week from the coast. entertained the 4H club on Friday. and Mrs. Glen Layton, Mr. and ley a Syracuse Thursday. A very towns of Davis county are cooper- keep posted on the facts of the var cious luncheon. ious moveirs of the times and Mrs. W. D. Criddle has been con- The following were present: Mrs. Mrs. Spencer Adams, Mr. and Mrs. delightful dinner was served and The with' Agri-turthe birthday Utah State of ating who will never listen courteously Henry Barber was anniversary celebrated last fined to her bed fo about ten days Wells Hadfield, ' Ina Campbell, Marwood Layton, Mr. and. Mrs. an enjoyable time was had. Forestry school on trees, to side then can other tothe say you week Miss Lcla Layton and LeGrande his at home. secure a number of trees for plantpleasant with the flu but is able to be out Mary Waite, Mrs. M. Steed and Frank Morehouse, Mr. and Mrs. He with and with Justice around ness pity were Sunday dimnfr guest .was Smith. Arminita again. Light refresh- Joe Day. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Elliing from the nursery. evening enjoyed by all presAH. Thinks Knows He It atMr. Mrs. and Alvin and Mrs. Eugene Reed at Stoker ments ent. Lunch Mr. were of served. Mr. was The play chosen this year for and Mrs. Otha Green, Mr. served to Mr. and son, ' in Tho more a fairly modest man Mrs.' Russell tended Salt a in Clearfield.. home their Mrs. and birthday the annual Clodhopper, ppresented party Leonard Layton, Mr. and Dutrden,' Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burton of studies and reads and listens the Mr?. Floyd Lake Mrs. at the home of Mrs. this Tuesday club Whitesides. Mr. Claire is The Feed Store Parkin, Leon Harris of Rigby, Idaho and Mrs. by Kaysville, Howard Stringham of The cast of characters more he realizes how little is what Norman Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Hor- C. C. Christensen In honor of Mrs. Bountiful were dinner guests of Mystery. of Miss Wilda Waite, who is attend was a guest over the week-en- d re; Henry Gibbens, Renee Nelson, he knows compared to what he ace Barber and tyr. and Mrs. Carl- Stoker's mother, Mrs. V. C..Lingly, Miss Nora Holbrook, Sunday. A. C. in Logan, j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spackman. school the at ing being her 70th birthday. Lemuel Peck, Claude Moss, Mr. might learn. Goethe the' greatest es Larson; week-en- d with her par Layne Ilodson cut the fingers on mind ever was George H. Bennett, Jr., spent the spent the produced Miss Larene Cowan visited with Germany Elder Ben E. Rich who Philburt Ted Peterson, Westloy his left hand when they got cought Mrs. Alvin Waite, ents, Mr., and week-en- d in Salt Lake. Miss Nora Adams last week-enseeking new knowledge and. died returned from the French recently Meadows two clamps on a sliding between mission of Raymond Anderson, with a Syracuse. Miss Lorraine Layton and Miss Mrs. Harold Ellison is leaving prayer on his lips More will be the .principal speaker at window the Davis high school, at Towtjsend Knowles Charles PetTarley Weaver, Elmer Major, the Centerville First ward ascra-mo- tomorrow for California in and ef- Margie Deen Morgan were Tueserson. Martin Peeples Keith Coop Light." Monday. The day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs David Stevenson and son, George great have admitted meeting, Sunday evening at fort to restore Her health. Dance at North Farmington, er, Alvin Hawes Ray Odd, Bert that truly learn could something 7 o clock. Everybody welcome. The following homes have been Eugene Reed at their home in and Eldon Simmons left Friday Henry Kuabara. Keeper from they night, Feb. 8th. urday for Omaha with eleven car loads every man they ever met. A very successful demonstration quarantined this week with 8(f rlet Clearfield. Jenk James Johnston. Reese of Pleasant View Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Soker spent of cattle. Dick Glen fever: Adams, Day,. given by the Sate song leader, Ebenoater asunderwent an operation, Tuesday, in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holt, FanFriday Vern Cliff Otha Green, was Smith, sociation, held will be invited attend to Kirkham, Wednesday at Miss Hazel Thurgood spent last nie Clark, Edella Smith, Ida Brown at the Dee hospital. Mrs. Reese was the Centerville school. Hot dishes Morgan and Ernest Owen.. and be on the program. Josie Robins of Layton. week-en- d visiting with friends in Dorothy Hamblin, Lorna Adams, formerly and interesting Christ Burton returned home Fri Jim Mrs. were Evans, underwent an Elouise Stoker, Mrs. W. Crouse, demonstrated for the good of the day after recovering the past two Salt Lake. for According to the latest reports appendicitis at the Miss Nona Holt will entertain Larene Dabb, Mable Manning, operation WE WANT JUNK CARS school child. weeks in an Ogden hospital from from court officials, the court is Dee Monday hospital, her bridge club at her home Fri- Athlene Weathers ton, Norma Moss There will .be now functioning 17 full force, alin North a skull fracture, A few more cars of cattle have afternoon. Mrs. Melvin Wood, Thursa Levitt Mr. Alex Dawson, Sr., ia ser- day We dont care Sow old tbv rarmington amusement JialLtfiis though, the court Is not a model are. or what modal or make. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hirsche and Mrs. Charles Flint attended been shipped out during the past his home. ill at iously Saturday Feb. If vou night, ofcan drive It down to form of real judicial court, the 8th. to Los Angeles. our olare. we will allow von Mr. and Mrk. J. W. Staley left Sunday for spent Sunday in Salt Lake visiting the primary convention in Kays- week, II. Smith enter-tame- d ficials are doing their best to folDanes have turned the cal-ti- e MO each, for one or elx to Two at a dinner party. Wednes-da- y Los Angeles, lie expects to under- Mr. Hirsches parents, Mr. and ville Saturday. annlv on delivery of a brand low court procedure. The court Is of Hvidoere, where Empreas .Mrs: Charlie Hirsche, Sr. new 19S5 Chevrolet Master Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Session were has treatment he .which for go .The evening. held every Wednesday during the table was SDort Sedan trunk model. Dagmar of Russia used to live and The small daughter of Mr. and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. where ' New car warranty on this been suffering tome weeks. decorated with fern other royalty used to visit, sixth period. Several cases have sprays car too. Dnlanre can be Melvin Mrs. Wood ill been has with Clark and is Miss Sessions Garner in of Elva Ogden nasturtiums. The guests were, Ogden, Sunday. into a hot dog stand. heed tried and they are proving a handled on monthly GMAO tonsilitis. term Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hcre'a vor chance Dell Mrs. and Mr.' with ' Smith, Mr. visiting to ret She too trice on vour great benefit to those who are parEugene Reed, Laurence Sessions and Mrs. II. A. Cleveland. Mr. v ' old car. and It la limited to and Cook. ticipating in them. and only a very ahnrt time. See Robert Roberts lef Friday for E The the at club music met study Randall, Mrs. John Conditions around the school have ua on thla oulek. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith home of Mrs. Edella Smith Wed- Chicago with beef cattle. They exImproved a great deal since the Mrs. A pect t6 be gone a week or ten days. E. Smith and court has gone into effect. Mrs, nesday afternoon in Clearfield. DOUGHTY CHEVROLET CO. Mary Mary Reuben Kilfoyle has been ill the Steed. program was presented under the SOPHOMORE ASSEMBLY her past week with the flu. direction of Mrs. Smith by Bountiful , We are arranging a variety of plana ta finance aatomobilea Major Soph., will present his ori ' The project of the new park in James of student. Day, piano for you CanDrummond, pending the payment ef the boon. -- Let aa explain the ginal amateur hour Friday, Feb. 7 continues Clearfield in ada, was wakened by his of atSmith spite details Clifford Ur. to and tin. you. baby at Davis high. Ha jar Soph, is none coughing, to find his house on fire. tended the funeral services of Mr. weather conditions. other than Harold Steed, sopho- He just had time to save Mias Helen Raddon of Syracuse his f.m- - Smith's lister-in-laMrs. Annie more of Davis. He Is Major of tbs married Thursday ia Reno, was Smithfield held at Smith, Tuesday. pep assembly to be given by the TIRED, WORN OUT, ' ' . ... Sophomores. horns. r 1934 Chevrolet sedan, heater, spotlight, trumpet Sunday Each school in the district will be 1934 Ford De Luxe coupe, radio, heater, anti frees. ' VICTOR JORY represented by the following sopho 1933 Chevrolet Master Eagle, reconditioned. HOW many mores: Marsielle Dawn, John Hol1933 Plymouth sedan. are 1932 Chrysler six, sport coupt, radio, heater. Prntone. just dragging thembrook, George Fadell, Ben Barber. Escaped Devil selves around, all 1931 Ford sport roadster. Felicisimo Basiuk Parley Call, tired out with peri1931 Plymouth coupe, rumble seat. Gladys Hatch, Beverly Edwards, , odic weakness and & Wednesday Jnlia Wickens, David Adams, Rath 12th WEDNESDAYJFEBRUARY should Each used car sold by as ta covered with a written money Elo? They that Lydia Wickens, David Adams, Ruth Gor- hack guarantee. Bay with confidence drive with satisfaction Born to Gamble E. Pinkhams Tab. don, Margaret Nelson. South lets relieve peri, . The announcer will be Val Shefodic pains and disfield and tho yell leaders, George comfort. Small size $25 Buys New V-- 8 BY THE SPONSORED only 2 5 cents. Sun, Fadoll and Lncille Ellison. Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, ... .. life-savi- - -- md d. . . i right-of-wa- y. - Thinks It in-th- - will-no- - . wi-on- e e fore-aight- ed r ri - ' . one-thir- . ' full-floati- full-leng- th cross-contine- nt - - - . J . . Help Kidneys . DAVIS HIGH i . . Nlfc-hfr- . . now-hav- . . : ). pf-he- . Ma-fie- ld r '. . , ht - al . ! . 1 d. nt St B'-vin- Pa'rent-Teache- rs j, a . beau-tiful- ly : V2tiei?3inis USED CARS w, no anoiTDon ; Saturday & . I. . J - , j!l from 1 or Thurs. Bountiful Amusement Hall LYCEUM ASSEMBLY Thg Lyeenm assembly presented Wednesday, February 5, in the auditorium, consisted of a 8 -rt play. The play, April Showers xtxvk ;- vtj written, presented, and all rr ren parts played by Jack Ronk. 17 means of clever stage setting arJ off stage conversation, the ver- - Illinois, says, (I had no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tablets helped my periods and built me up." Try them next month. Fri., Sat, and Crime & Punishment REX THEATRE Three boys in Montclair, N. J. must wash cars of the police department as punishment for charging a 1033 license to a 1935, and using it. Month EUTAW CA1MP, Daughters of Pioneers New and Old Time dances Admission 25c Good Music a Bountiful Motor, Inc .. ' - Authorised FORD Dealers BOUNTIFUL TELEPHONE 46 |