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Show t N - t o tUfiRfeKfcY NEVs KXrRESS.taVTOy.JTXlV. --Li ?!? nff Btoalfet He nothing tf tstterest Ip t nulU firs! iastaaiVi , snff And o''rliaglqhy aomefanly, i about t ofose She ?ov, whei hr iv kiritf a mull Vckvl a T letters of papers. .These he extracted nff tjfuS nU fell ., wa focleu. t'a tie may Ill --d-: fir asd Oatt IVrilla rjtsf. n3 h .hot ft Oit ni! ?h.e iann jftivans? Am mnrtilerlng , gm ' . "I itar fs iR'iif, Aslcr fc, tooi Id tJ ;.. ff. froh-- i Fact? plant hihl t' fcfow 1 r!tfifq IhA ktwise hows, given atj and light. T . nBisai , tnow hln nff "he ? hi knows, ' life seriously being a pessimist' ' (irierJrtiys fljsl tueBir.e ofi "H whs knows, -. Ten ran JVotfT!) Ct)il(i-Afal)k- m Aft IhkIi A fmssj-MlitsThis Is so . caSe or flows wml evldenc and Aeitlnipuy It U subtle srito, glaitneif Jtb la "STAY SWEET .. s Gough e Is Your Banger Signal - lie jnd know iio? he water vOt-eact Vt.a bellcsS clttcruess. It has merit'd aler;v-.wJiRIs filrfr; fJo matfef how many medicine fut renioie oulll soil s ta tnws,lu ed tk fat. It piay go further. Hut' and who knows not, aadkliew not you have tried for your 'He cough, chest If Shore ft mother vuurtrf It will cojnt flmisf. cela or brondhlal Irritation, fe'ff, Mrs. a h''l-rii- ua )e ktxrai pot, h you can ; relief ipw with Creomulslon. hr asLctl "I don't Believe I Os Atm aint yiethie) ss. tbesir Iwo," get litis.- . . fiorlous trouble tnay.be brewing and Apply fiaTnJ remoter wtt?V A bftuY fan make soy fullef ?onlght" who knew rmf, and knows lid you eaanot ' .He affoed to take a chance remove l curl, bogiqs Whop palal a heat tt at ny : "lev, glai child -- Warii with tmythllig less than Creomul-lo- n, he Is know ft lakes Remove with a putty kqifiN time, and vtlth a calm tniile, he which oca right to .the seat v . . Wnt,. time stiff rannot he hurtled. V, .sniissed Garth ent) walked fwajr mTM?T there twA deaths Weren't of the. trouble la aid nature to aoolhe and heal toe Inflamed mem- ' It It Fleming Stone. alike,nld rerliia. ."With n branes as tho phlegm Walef should never ?e ponreff rn Df. Tirere Ilcnrit iVRrtv sit tTiCetJg. lie Jed her to a flftTr teceplli Mr. Mwldes there were thref people is lOonetjcd sind expelled. . tSO years iniff liver Ihe pills will up Ijtlli Mate, no. It fat. spread jut burning nialil vhauf. sm? the fonnj am? vloset? the doof. , Even If remedies ether nij They xcjjiilats liver nff Flour will extinguish Gw blaze,-It is not exactly that ( wa? to feur. They were wot In. the room, dont bo discouraged,, your iruggist 19 authorized to guarantee make a riort." Stone bpgarv "tpit as. I . was, but w eli hove L you Creoraulaion and to refund your' Am! ever a : tf! , want to esk yo some qnestlons. theorize the thihg was 1onel Vou hot'rramu ts'potircff snopey If jtoa are tmC satisfied with . will tlic'er A U a tut like tTiJslrlan lu rau doctor to left unuscil Some serious questions, which will, must hart a xjotlritj hpw theap mur pntnt results fconv the very first bottle. ful man, That ciMipcrutlon, said pvrvoft undressed him and put porhapt. nlfend yon, Of that I must tlere would have been accompllshet?. CHAPTER VIM Contrnu4 harden. (Jet CrcumulUon right how. (AdvJ him t bed. Went out, 13 pulled the take the chance, but 11 annoyed Ho toatter how tnipfoUahtf." wd he be that itk ns 1 trust you will answer door stmt after Mm. Tip of canned asparagus tnay ?ie , Scarcely realizing vOf course 1 hxvh," replied JttoTie, ' he Glllmore dld.aa removed and wai whole If the bottom liistfto excluded, there them." Ik Bn you are." Ing but my belief rot qtily , What did be kill t!n;w Util" per hid. Doctor Crane came ponderousI rertstnly shall, Mr. Ftohe. lo probable but etl unbelievable thnt I of the p'V of enn M opened, , Malcolm impaand . . listed Stone. the best of tny ablflty." , , cnn'l suggest It tuUil I get a little ly up the stairs, ' . lot. water . ' Mheti poaching .cgs Coles wns In love with your . Jolsoa, more proof." tiently followed. suppose, m we find , tor Imll. fulf a Come rolling fm room Now, Doctor Crane, Stone be-- . ne sign of shooting or uta&Mng. drop eggs 5lr. nid a so for "Iaok here, Stone, that ?ohg Ye, he wll Into tt, tutu rut gh and gan, "lets gef quick action . here, Yet we aiayflnd those things when time. He made s slightly unpleas- where Bob Red was linen teinhle, ... " ItV water, a Is murder?" . we finish leaching the'trolll.ug gef around (a s leal examina- ant sceije on our wedding day.' a wasnt It?". you agree this ' sir, I do not. It Is a dear tion, CtVING CHUB UNKNOWN ftlMIOIIS Btebbtne, you call op the you know, but he wns so nlcr nlito'it "You.doul read map? dvlovtlve . . A suds mftdit of nnplhis aoap and it afterward I forgave him. ( nev.er stories, 'do you?"' ' ease .of suicide." nwrgue and let's get started." WITHOUT ASKING DOCTOR ' . "You decline t$ consider yther . "You dont agree to a natural encouraged him In any way but .he . So seldom fluff a. gooff one. 1 sprayed over house, plants wlj de. . , . death, then? Stone looked straight persisted In tilling toe how much he do'! care for gAngster yarns and stroy etonll Insects Itmt Infest them. possibilities?" 1VINC. your c!,nj t a, cell. Can't other no fit him. possibilities. Aint Well, Im glnff you're to cared for ine. As he was my broth- that sor? of thing, but. 1 do like a fine or remedy you dont v 2.1 nlmdcs For roasting pork 2d to te murder no yay for the criminal have an autopsy ; Im curious about ers friend, couldn't; 'shake hlin well thouglit-oil- t problem." All nUmt know rntlml ask Pork to get In or out. Can't be natural some points. Auff l mtatnl want entirely, amt. as I say, be has been, '"On of the favorite plots of. the tm tire pound Is required. m ilocfor is . first ..'ini ydf fa ily should pever be roasteff lu n quick different of late. On this f r!f he detectuV . death, subject too well and strong. to.be present." . writers Is tlm wo stoty risk mother ' A laff to or any was : "You may, of Course. Are Gotta be poison, even If we havent and I .really, liked eallcvt MiernivUcally sealed evot), jou a him charming, . . : . lake, found the container yet"' t medical man, Mr. Stone?" Tljls. hns bewv used over and over Doctor am! iJiilff autlioni Todehn artificial fruit dtplttn white "Did anybody holler fills? I fneatl, "Not quite, but toy calling bringLogical enough, doctor, but youll Sgqln and ! ronfpRr.lt always has a rium: several' then lies 'sxnU limes', be. a container me up against medical matters more did anyone take It fof granted, personp say health, and sometime admit there had .to , for me. You know the for ' In clref water to wlilch a few.ilroj life Itself, depends on till ' null since we find none- we cant go Gr less, and I cant help learning s haps, that you were beginning 4o inula: The.sxpected; man. 'does not fif lin been mhled.' turn to Coles, ?n a scriopS why 7 bit here and there on with the suicide theory." So offered when . a'ppanr at brenkft', or whenever of ammonia a you're : "I sect .And arc you looking for "Oh, no, bow could anyone think he l looked for. Servants are sent Oh, I guess we ban. Lets leave in a remedy for your bargain" roll-Jn curtain To such a tlchtco sprtng.1 the container for the time bein." thing of me, whop. Corey so to hia room; but fair to get a reanything definite aj a result of the sk your doctor before ) child; hollj- roller firmly, put end e!' .' . . lately died?" , ; "Very well, that point will beepi post 'mortem?" sponse. Then tbry brehk la. .Tho ers, ' "But think again.. Couldnt some victim. Is found' dead. In lvis rinito, to spring between.' tines of fork tni "Well, yes, t think I may. say ! Now, a; a medical man, what poison you iuy It. Do tins for turn until spring tight. . will allow l(s Victim to swallow It, am. That Is, I'm looking for cor- one notice your rising Interest in whfch there Is bo posslW-l-ltof '' sake qnd your pwo peac'. A Avaclot(t NewI'Opi:-WNtScrflr. Dob and be disturbed at tt?" and theo have time enough' to- un- - roboration." l' . . . . pf.mimf. .. ; to to b(Ti ' ''Its absurd pretend . dress and go to ."Of your own theories?" calmly, and pull Just nke Bob P ' t about Ask' ' hip particularly Of and die covers and eourse, la you. you jcao "Of my own deductions. I have quietly, Yes. Now; If youre read many, Keltic Amltitioft Thai up' the of milk used the frequently .. no fuss about It? . small use for theories In a murder Roger Garth don't jtfu?H Rirec youll know these stories are. alt Contribute 1iich' ' ' do about Phillips .1 From thd corner of his eye Stone case." . magnesia . ; ways solved it) g' possible, plausible, ilk of Magnesia. lie will tell hi "Well, then, since you want plain interesting way. A'n sxperlepced could, seq the do'etor beglh to look I see. I suppose, now, Mr. Stotie, U Is that floMo ambition, ilia high t speaking, that nian also professes .to reader can usually tell Wllat that embarrassed. ypu that for over 60 years jphy.- -. you know who did this murder?'. t and flip best, thnt must Io birn sicianahav'e endorsed it as SAFE. . are shout 1 "Theres lots of poisons," he said, for IheTq only "Yes, way win Uo, suppose I do. in and. 'organized. In .the i kind of "that don't act right straight off for your eldld-Tha half a dozen of .tlieiu lu And you know the motive?' bnaln, which will not let .a .man lw . first i the minute you take 'em." of ap. of plot Vant ills course." "Oh, that, . . .Intellectual power your child ta ' content unless remedy you ' ' Truei" Stone agreed, "but. those "And the method used?" dohave. peared Jn. angvylll's Big Bow Myrace and is recognized liy.hls , . poisons, when they do- act', dtaw the "I think bo, but. that must be re roRM when stery.' A corking story, 'billy sccotid Atsor this sires' that U. sli'ouiil conla'lbufe to' Ucmcmbcr Ustir you... Now, ' ' to- "Trent's' Loot Case.' victim up into 'spasms and writh corroborated by the results of the Vlll, lu this You. can slt other by Muiiiij to . thplr.'.welfprr. buyv.and say mThillips Milk of . ccc'iit a mbitituta- for (ha genuine tpg contortlpn's." tale, of .Zangwllla all the solution . . autopsy." It Is tho heroic feeUng ; tho. fve Magnesia" to .your druggist. f'lullipV'Milk.of Magnesia.. Do this in . and tried out; One, Iris Youre up. on poisons, I 'see," and Docto? Merritts eyes had grown oJii dem Jil produced days ot yoiirvelf and. your chiltliqt Comes tha interMt now, Also, in tablets of course, Is thexlglrt one.'- j am. the doctor scowled.. . , and in. ths Interest, ol th larger and founder as this converdren wltlmut which' no sl.nlo Is nUfo gods; taste of. peppermint, that, ' .that ' ; ' "Not so touch as you are, nob a? sation went on, but these three . not surd it Is the best one or tiro wltlmut public In kenerab polliloiil' JuStltutlons ' like to take. children touch as Id like to be; that's why Statements were more tlinq he could most likely one, but it Is vastly 'en are meat- without suU. 1 1 want your knowledge and skill. swallow. Sarcasm crept Into Ms tertalntng, However, the point How tflr. does your experience. voice. Then,' sir, If you know the If mi' making. gre so . carry you? In or Do you know much murderer, the motive and themeth .fiction, many .possible ways, , about the rarer poisons?" solving a mystery 'of a sealed room, od, why not 'divulge your secrets Not jso Very much, Mr. Stone," and let us make an arrest?' there must be' the- some ways In real' and 'Doctor Crane made his admislife, and we cannot say any . 'Troof, my dear sir; proof Is room Is unenterable." sion frankly, If a bit unwillingly. . . My deductions and conclusions Theu you've only to spfl which . "If:, Bob was killed by one of are so Improbable, so dlilicult of behiethod suits the cnae of Bob Coles those' drugs that lief, that I dare not declare them OH, iJM SO THRILLED to .kfiow howl his murder If It 1 GEE... 71 In crop up the story books," until 1 can .merge them Into one' was accomplished THIS DEAR HEfe THE murder WISH .Maleolm put In, "then Its no suiand, I statement, and prove'lt If perfect deatli? .can you explain Coreys cide. Where could he get a thing RICHEST YOUNG HEADACHE the autopsy carries- out my belief MAN IN' WOULD QUIT. Well, Mrs. Malden, here's Just thet of .that sort? That argues for mur-'- . positively, I. will explain.' I don't -- UP and those Of. trouble. six' I'VE TOWN Mr. A der, eh, .' perhaps Stone? GOT mean to be mysterious." That sori MAY-more- methods of .getting into the ' BE DATE TO GO "And the motive?" Stone looked of thing is silljr. Bub I' can't risk RICH-mkirTT) BUT rooto pet one fits the .fact of sealed SKATINO "As thoughtful. to clues?" .He spoiling, my discoveries by band ' BRAINS WERE lf our Bach method! . . problems. WITH BILL looked about Bob's room.' '"Nothing Ing them out .You must MONEY He'd BE though clever In Itself, Is lacking Jn ADAMS' has been touched. What do we gpe that for yoursel."i IN THE POOR some clement necessary, te fit It to. read? Only .that Coles came up to . see." Stone knew be woult ' cases."-two our his room last night, somewhat has say that, even though' he saw 'noth HOUSER "You will tell me abbut those diftlly undressed and tumbled Into, bed Ing wbafever. "Ill get over to the t ferent . ways of gpttJ&g into the and fell asleep at once. He never morgue now," Merritf added, "You foom?" . woke, not even when the murderer come along In 'about ah hour.". H Found Nothing of Interest In I will, at tlie first oppor "Yes, cauie to his bedside with the dead- When: Stone vyent .down the street 'ths Suitcase. tunlty.? ,ly draught If that was the way It ttf. the morgue be was admitted to ' off me.Perllla But you must not Rosy, to the was done." the operating room. Without seem- care for found IlJUla'waltlng for. and too. these lounge, take seriously." things "How. else could It havq been ing to give orders he Issued explicit "II may be they need to be taken her with the news that ahe had done?, asked Malcolm. directions about the care of the re.You know, of concluded not to go. back with her tolght have been administered mains, end made sure his advices Iq a serious. way. , a .. course; large' proportion of to New York, thgt by a hypodermic needle. In that would be carried 'odt done have love ar6 that murders .the You know Just dont case a tiny puncture should show." entirely wefe ' Thotographs and what youre up against now, Hilda , "That will be discovered at the made, and much rmlnutlae web list for their motive." mean a sort said, land If things shduld clear up ed. At last the unpleasant' task was ."Not Teal love, you. , Autopsy," said Crane, rather pomtor posses- and get more aerene I could come or desire of jeAlousy pously. "I will attend to that" over, and full results promised by sion." TT stay as long along at any time, and BILL DIDN'T. Toor old Bob," said Malcolm, late evening. WHY, l!M SURE ' s I mean. do what Just that as youll have me." "Yes, "he was so happy to be LOVES YOU -BILL ASK ME TO looked' Stone perplexed, working Fleming' Now, two of the men who loved you be. better, Hilda, ".and would 'It wlh you, Mr. Stone." YOU'LL fiedmed LOSE DANCE satisfied THE BIG BUT but Doctor Merritt "lie had the instincts of a detec- "I .told yon so," he said. Nothing have been killed In the. strangest, Terilla really felt relieved at the NEXT MONTH HIM FOR GOOD IF most Inexplicable fashion." ; new plan;1 "Yon see, thefalry god- -' tive." Stone paused, then YOU DON'T STOP GUESS THE ' said, "I to hint at pdlson of any sort" Madnme so Mr. cant bonder-wh"But. assume Malden, mother, m BEING SO any you he was so terribly tired SNOB THINKS The doctor had told him nothing .between Corey's death and Stone Informs me, Is there waiting SAY, IF and sleepy that be tumbled into of the sort, but he bad no wish to HE'S TOO GOOD MEAN for me; and .1 shall have to play op SHE FELT AS Bobal" bed?" , ME a rouse controversy. BAD AS YOU "How do you know be did do "Perhaps not a', connection, bat tb ber more or less. . Well, let's all The sheriff had been persuaded DO SHE WOULDNT done by the try to be entertaining now." not have t6en may that?" they ' not to order an Inquest EVEN HAVE A same person?"' . But It was hard sledding. Bridge "By the way he left things. His "You see," Stone said to him, ."It KIND WORD FOR "Who? butwas the Interest waa , clothes are properly folded, but Isnt tried, case for a coroner at all. SANTA CLAUS not meticulously so. I know his Both Doctor Crane and the medfea , "Answer .that question yourself. alight. They, danced a few (urns, so Who wants you desperately that but Perllla said she couldnt stand ways, you see. He did not take examiner report that nothing was tub bath; the bath soap still has It learned or discovered qt the autop- he vvould commit murder to get It. She excused berself and went . . off to her own room. Itosy followed paper Jacket on. At home I beard sy which pointed to anything but you?" . I absurd No one "How fttterly Bob splashing in his ber and the two had a- little bed? tub every death from natural causes. They " does time chat. night-this to have both given certificates "You know better than that, Mrs. "I dont know, Rosy dear," Perllla Just lack ot time, I think," Mai-- . effect Therefore, sheriff, you have 'olnj answered. "We had to hurry no crime, no criminal, and no victim, Malden. Can you not think of one? said, in answer to questions. "1 am "I suppose you mean Mr. Garth. not exactly afraid, but I have .t to change for dinner last N'Vct' This somewhat garbled statement night" But It's too ridiculous I Do you vague feeling of fear that things I know, but that doesn't doubt exhad the desired effect owing, plain his haste to go to bed, later, less, lo Its source. Fleming Stone mean that he killed Corey, in order will happen." and to omit his bath." on that he might marry me? And tba Well, do brace op, dear. You oSiY'ii had no Intent of wrong-doinBob killed because he then Coles, course, you know that children should and Xo," gaid Malcolm, was certainly have enough friends and working, It is queer." the contrary, he of was fond me? drink coffee,. But do you realize that Just then Field entered with the rather rapidly, toward bis own ends. be, too, helper." like that" next The Something day Perllla party police. A big, burly detective He wanted to get back to New York, the caffein in coffee disagrees with many gtown-up- s, Stone but Perllla en route found for themselves New gravely, hisspoke cut too? work oyfhlng but pleased to see where he felt he had 1 beard' the ring of conviction In his York city. Perllla and Jane LatiFleming Stone. The medical exam out for him. If you are bothered by headaches or indige voice. mer had a drawing room In one car iner followed. He sought out Perllla and had tion, or find it difficult to sleep soundly . . . caffein "But," ahe weht on, .greatly puz- and Stone and Garth had each a re I Doctor Merritt' talk with her. Malcolm was with may be to blame. Field. "Let me introduce Flem- her, and Garth. It seemed to Stone zled, bow could It be done? How compartment In the next car. They been Bob have murdered? all went together to the dining car Isnt it worth while to try Postum for 30 days? ing Stohe." Garth was always with her, but that could a for believe that moment' doo't Perllfor luncheon, and afterward Postum contains no caffein. It is simply whole Doctor Merritt, the medical ex- was none of bis business. do believe,?" "What come to la Won't m.v you said, you aminer from the city, waa a man wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. You want to go borne be asket believe It was, a nature drawing room and try a rubber or I of few words. He It is easy to make, and costs less than flung the bed- the girl death contract?" two of can start we clothes off the dead man and made when me tell cent a cup. Its a delicious drink, too , , . and may Just "What I After your other experia few preliminary testa. fro BE CONTINUED) We are sending Bobs body on In prove a real help. A product of General Foods. Died about two or three oclock charge of Fairfax," Stone went on, ence? Do you believe Mr. Malden, REE-- let us send you your first weeks supply of Oliver" A RoLnd for this morning," he declared. "Cant and I assume youll want to go by died a natural death? believe free! Postum for means can't that" an Oliver" "A Roland a Simply mall coupon, o . . v. "No, I tell nearer until we have an train. All of your Then the circumstances are the blow for a blow, or tit for taL The w- " Better get to the morgue I shall go by train, of course, Gknekal Food, Battle Creek, Mich. same. Since, of course, you dldni reference la to Roland and Oliver, I hope fight away and hold the Send me, without obligation, a week aupply of Peattua. said perllla. "Mr. Stone, of kill your husband. It was the same paladdlns of Charlemagne, whose soon aa possible." youll go with me, and the rest Name- as If he had been In a room alone exploit were so similar that It was "uVaIt a mlnute," said Stone; you can go as you prefer." Coles as was. he when between to difficult them. died, had Street distinguish bat killed him, doctor?" For no definite reason Stone "I don't follow. Just what are you At length the two met In single com. State- "You people been here all look at Bob a room, anothtr wanted City day bat and fought for five days withFill in completely, print nam. nitd ddreet. and havent found that out? Why. bo he went up to the third floor getting at?" Food. Ltd., If you live in Canada, addreM! General out either gaining the least "That If a murderer commits somebody had It In tor him and again. Cobourg, Ont. (Offer expiree Dec. 31, 1936.) second crime, he la very likely to ame up here and killed him. Then There he saw Bob's luggage. ed glanef a( Jtppe. ... hef elrle, Beady fof my f putd Mat-Jen?- '' " 1 :. chapter u e u .. .. U - .. germ-lade- have-Tailed- , honi-U.-Adv-, . V BItag , . - spring-lockin- g v - s AGrave Mistake for a;. ..Mother to Make - egl ftST .,.' fT G: ' ..... - .chn-rm- - - .- r 7i . ''. d . ! your-child- 1 access j mlstm-erstan- : J . ilia-heart- s . e this-typ- -. - - . - - I t , - 3 . lack-Ing- OsmS a little-khow- n - - i half-bake- ! . , wl-th- - . s, t . con-necti- Lfor - IB - . b " : ; OF - f one-ha- lf u ce. autopsy. - post-mor--te- rn -- a |