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Show V.EEK;Y. . J w NEWS-EXPRES- . Petition To Form t i Town in East Layton Granted, Monday e A petition, signed by presidents of East Layton, asking for the privilege of forming a town corporation so as to get WPA Money for a municipal water was presented to the county commissioners, Monday and grant fifty-thre- ' ' be about 150 I . The following article from the clip sheet issued by the Press Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., should be of more than ordinary interest to many people of this county, More good beef will go to market in the first 4 months of 1936 than in the same months of 1935, if cat tie feeders carry out their first-o- f year plans, says the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. uBt cattle in the feed lot at the first of this year in the 11 Corn Belt states numbered 25 to. 30 per cent less than the Slyear average, although 31 per cent greater than last year, the largest increase in the 14 years that reports have been made. Last year, the decrease in fattening cattle from- January 1, 1034. to January 1, 1935, was the greatest ever recorded. Congregational t . 48 V -- ... . .. Samilei .Morgan. Community Church ;.ircall.'oifi)aVis High- " . " T II E B O Y ''School Improving 'O.DONT . . WORRY ABOUT . . MC, I'LL STOP . BCrORC I RtACH wvr . ... v-- to .high-Scho- is-r- Lo-- . vac-seriousl- y - e - ? , I slip-com- es ,1 and-honke- d way-low- secret escapades, adventures planned he knows or- thinks you will not approve of. . The age old law of the gang Ja his rule Thou shalt npt tell," and its not unnatural between the afrea of 12 and 20 a boy needs special moral training it is the ago of xis - Barbara Wood of , ions, dreams, trying of the 'unknown. ' It is the- churches' opportunity and devine privilege to help the boy walk and live in the way of purity of thought and life and it is the .one controlling purpose of the church and uSnday school to win tho boy for Christ ahd His Kingdom. Come to Sunday- school next ' , - ' . -- . 'Miss Barbara Wood, 17, da ugh ter of Mr, and Mrs.,E. A. Wood of Fnrinm.tong hfld hpr heel badly crushed, Monday,' while attempting to board he school trrfin at the Davis high school, to return to her home in Farmington. Iler foot Blip ped under tho car wheels. The surgeons are trying to Aavd but-iwas not certain at last account's, what the out come would be' as the circulation in the foot seemed to be seriously Interfered with through tho condition ' of the heel. her-foo- t t - The fourth league game is to bo played with Cottonwood, Thursday February 13th. Mr. Thorpe, district supervisor of the EEP teachers, visited the Classes held a the Bountiful Jr. high Tuesday evening, for those CCC members wishing to become Better trained and seemed favorably impressed with the program. 1 Stamp Novelties By MELVIN PACK MABEY The reason the post office depart the color of the 16c airmail special delivery stamp was because the plain blue one didn't get as mnch attention as it should. vnent changed A new I J I'h iV tlji JILM) ( ed 16c the The sport set of Hungary was at twice its face value. These .i -- Notice of the Annual Stockholders Meeting In Courtroom ''.- . at-rth- e dls-tfact- fd - - Delinquent Notice -- - ton,-Utah- d , , GLEN DAY, . . Sel- ' - . d -- - - the-Cler- 1936..- i .. . i'o ..Seal . GLEN DAY, .Clerk. By ZADA WAJTE, Deputy t IN .THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE DIVISION 4N .AND Davis county, state for OF UTAH ... . . Tn the Matter, of Ihe estate of . Owen, deceased. The petition of Ada WaPace praying for tho admission to- Probate bf.a certain document, purpbe the last' Will and orting-to Testament of Zilpha B. Owen, deceased, and for the granting of Letters Testamentary to Frederick E. Mitchell and John Child, has Wn set for hearing on Saturday the 15th day of February, A. D.. 1936.. at ten oclock a. m., at' thei Court House, in the Court Room of said Court, in Farmington City. Davis County, Utah. WITNESS the Clerk of! sakf Court, with the Seal thereof affixed this 4th day of February Zilpha-B- - I I 416-47- a, . i (br (ihiQusa ijcriFi odlfe Wed-rtesda- . . 347-333-3- Ley-lan- d, Legal Notices - , NOTICE rates which REDUCED Long Distance ctills after 1 each arc no p.m. Evening extcmcd to in- - elude all hours qu Sundays. ... . pcrAon-fo-perso- . I night and- the faille lower rale applies at all hours Sundays. , 9 9 includes all tails on which fTieV rate is more than 35 cents I You can now enjoy more frequent contacts with members of your family living ehewhete... with the folks back home. sons and daughters at college . . .far-awa- y friends. Call them Sundays r any evening after 7 p.m. For any additional information on these reduce toons just call our Business Office 1 an order of the Board of Directors made on said 9th day of November, 1935, so many shares of each par cel of such stock as may be neces ary, will h sold at the office of the Company at Layton, Utah, on Saturday the 15th day of February 1936, at 12 oclock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. KAYS CREEK IRRIGATION CO. F. L. WHITESIDES, Secretary, j Corporate Seal M . IIXX3D DOCTG3S ADVISI UNION MORTUARY Out Service,. Heme, and Equipment Are Unexcelled Merrill R. Holbrook Licensed Funeral Director and Mortician Telephone Bountiful 244 Day or Night I. Robert Hlckoy, Roaevlllo, Calif, writes: My doctor prescribed Kruschen Salta for me be aald thay wenldn't hurt me In tba leaat Tve t IT Iba In I weeks Kruachen la worth lta weight In gold." Mre. Hickey paid no attention to SToaslpera who said there waa no safe way to reduce. She wisely fol- hW d0Ct0, dvlce dont YOUT Get a Jar of Kruschen (lasts weeks acd coeta but a trllle). fclmply take half teaspoonful la cup of hot water every morning. dniffglets. to-d- ay HOW ABOUT THE GAS MILEAGE AND POWER? Theee Uoubles can not be corrected with a hammer and chlaeL We have the very latest MACHINE TOOLS know how to use tome in and talk it over with os Thethem. cost it will b surprisingly LOW. All mechanical work by Adult experienced mechanics. CENTerville CENTERVILLE. UTAH - . Notice To Creditors ... Estate of William B. Clarke, also known as William Bingham Clarke deceased.. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tha undersigned at 1001-- 5 Walkei; Bank Building, Salt take City, Utah, on or before the 10th day of March, A. D.,-193- . LYNDON W. CLAYTON, Administrator with the- Will Annexed of the estate of William B .Clarke, also known as William Bingham Clarke, deceased, ' Date of first publication, ' - January 10, 1936. Notice to Creditors . , Tijstate of MaryJ, Jones deceased Creditors will present claim' ii. Vouc.ers to the at tne residence'of the undersigned undersigned administratrix in South Weber. PuaVo.Junty' Utah on w 24th day of March, A. D., 1936L . MARY BRAKE, Administratrix of the estate of Mary J, Joncn, deceased. Date of first pulffication, January 24, A. D., 1936. 1. Estate of John P Jones deceased. Creditors will present claims-wit- IS YOUR CAR AN OIL HOG? 1603071? 17 IDS. 67 COV WIT ' Clerk- , . John Stahle, Jr. -- ! 1 Notice to Creditors calls ate also. n - n 20-2- Notary Public . reduced (rom $ p.ta. to 4:30 i.fti.. every.. generally (Thisstation4o-slatio- Seal . , . mmm rparegia Kates on GLEN DAY, - y, ' . 1 , m ; NOTICE . WOOD SCROSS Ari-zozn- at-th- e Farm-ingto- f . y 'IN TflE DISTRICT COURT -PROBATE DIVISION IN AND FQR DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH . In the Matter ot the eslatd aft4 Guardianship of Gten East,' mihor. The petition of Delbert W. Easf'-anHarold Whitecar praying for the issuance to themselves of Letters of Guardianship bn th person and estate qf Gleq .East. Minor, has been set for hearing oft Saturday th? l$fh- dirv of February A. Dm. 1936 at teh o'clock a, piCounty. Court House, ip th Court Roopi of said efiurt in n City, D&vyi County, Utah. WITNESS of Court, with the SeqV thereof affixed this ,4tji- day qf February Af D J - 3- 5l-$- NOTICE - 459-42- : Clrk. i f . BOUNTIFUL' y auto repair CO. - January 24, A. D,, 1936. Member Federal Reserve System And Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for Public Funds 49-52- -1 Notice to Creditors Estates of .Joseph deceased. wiU wiM,reflt0uS Fa? iSH!? It Udv amt Preaent claim undersigned t0TTth itX;. 1 FONTELU UDY mM1 wlt,, estates of Josenh Kaysville, Utah h vouchers to the at the residence of the undersigned undersigned administratrix in South Weber. or th7ointy,UahVon March. A D., 1936. MARY BRAKE, . . p,n!rStratnJx of the estate 'of John Jones, deceased. Date of first publication, TELEPHONE 79:R2 Barnes Banking Company , 1936.. 51-5- 2- - largest LTuxh 2nd. g" Seats End Squaking ok t.' . ' . Shirley Heywood of Layton. Nine, night, Feb-- 8th.-Sessions camp, Daughters df the rows of. 1L seats jach are being . 'Wednesday, February 19, show. facilities Pioneers will meet at the Set to wUtah seating provide up Feb. 20, banquet. . Thursday, five of Rose Warren, Friday, Feb In 99 addition, for hqme spectators. .Friday, Feb; 21st, show. inm been seats have similar at 14, , placed Feb.2p: 22nd, dancing. Saturday, Thiij Saturday and Sunday, Feb. New Addition and recreation ball side the railing for the use of law8 and 9th Victory Jory in Escaped mill be dedicated, Sunday, Feb.' 23. yers. completed. from Pevil Island. Wednesday and Meet your old friends and neiph-rnr- s .When this work at West Layton during the entire interior', of the court Thursday Born to Gamble. Friday house will be rfepla'stered and d6 Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 14-- , 15 week. 16 . and orated. . . big Columbia picture, IRVIN CALL,. Bishop. . By t i and Punishment. Rex. TheCrime y . atre, Bountiful. . . ; Modern- . Mrs. Annie. C. Carr And son, Lamoni, Thursday from . Ltfs Angeles, where ,Mjs. CaVr went to rrpet hpr Son .returning . Noti'ce is hereby- given that the from a 24 year, mission in Ausannual meeting of the stockholders tralia.. fe. Nelson who had been D. Mrs. Livestock Deseret company Antiquated wooden benches, so of the home of her parwill b held at th general offices of staying old 'that their creakings have Mr. and J. F. Ashby reMfs. ents, Woods the Cross, corporation at. lodges,, juries and specta Davis on , turned to her home in Detrich, fcp. 17th the Utah, county, tors in the past, are being replacWednesday. seats day of February, 1936 At 1 p. ed with modern theatre-typ- e I oT Mgdam Schumann Life The. board of the for electing purpose in the Second district court room-iof directors to serve for the ensu- - Ileink, wjll be? reviewed by Mrs. . . FArmington. . and for the transaction AV J. Mercer "before TnemJberai of The' new scats, which "were or ing yearotheiwbusiness 'as may be the Jessamine Literary. club the dered- recently by the county co'rh of such afternoon ef. Saturday, Feb. 8thi before . the said misSioners, are being, installed by properly brought Mrs.. meeting dated this 4lh day of Feb. tess. F. B. Muir will be the hosSongs which Mademte Schu1936. WALTER DANSIE, Sec mann Heink has made, famous will . Signed , Pleatfe be present- - at the stock- be featured with string trio numThe Kays Creeks-- . Irrigation holders meeting in person,, if pos- bers by Evaletta, Alary, and Helfcn Company. sible, otherwise, please send in Grant vocal selection by Alice Ashproxy- in order that you may worth Carlson and piano .solos by of your holiness, Lay Principal place ' . Higgs. ... be represented-ant. your stock vo Janet . v The Daughters of the Eutaw TheVe aYe delinquent upon ' the camp will hold a dance next WedSigned STERNS HATCH, " nesday, Feb. 12 in tlie South BounPresident. follpWing. described stock on actiful amusement hall. Admission count of assessmemt levied.' on the 25c. Good music. rt . 9th day Qf November,' . 1935, the ; Alias Norm& Hardy .Who assist. several amounts sets opposite the ed at Kresses store in Salt Lake names of the respective shareholdduring- the Holidays' is again clerkers as follows; Hazel Grant Clark, a , former ing there. At pres'ent she is taking No. of No.-oresident pf Bountiful and we be- the place of a lady clerk who is in Name :Cert, shares ' amt lieve still has & house and acre the hospital, due to injuries suslot in Bountiful, died in Cali- tained while toboggining. 12 Adams Elias P. 471 $67.20 cify There will be a dance in the 1st the first' of th? week. fornia, Adams George . : . Airs. B. E. Gordon, Mrs,' A. J, ward amusement hall, Wednesday. ,1V. ........ .i. ....... 546 '30.00 Mercer, Airs. R. W. Ashworth, enA'dam? Golden tertained at dinner in honor' of ' M 7200 Airs. Charles Gardners birthday .14 ,i Adams J. Isaac 596 6 30.00 anniversary, Thursday. ' Rock-f ; Robert Scott of Granville Olsens home in Odell Springs 1.2 Bresock J. W... 479 7.20 :died at a hospital there Saturday orchard has. been released from 1 Barkdall Faye.. 543 0.00 from injuries suffered, the .night quarantine for scarlet fever. Carlos. before when he was hit by an autoMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Telford 0 15 Oscar :... 90.00 mobile as he was returning home returned home oh Thursday of last .7 42.00 from attending a social or Show, week, from a months Craig O.lene .... 500 trip to 1 501 Othello.... 6.00 put on by the Mutual that night. Mexico and California where Craig 1 .6.00 His wife is .Patty Sessions Hatch, they visited relatives and friends. Craig Shirley ..'499 Evans Glen .... 674 10 20.00 a daughter of Pebregrine Sessions Among the relatives was Major Charles Telford who recently re24.00 founder of Bountiful. 4 Findley John A. 510 This weeks storm turned from France where he had program Flint Jesse B. 529 8,4 20.40 started off with an been practically all the time since electrical storm 0 Flint Samuel 14 287.00 such as we have not had in the the end of the World war, Flint Walter winter for a half century or longer Eutaw camp of Daughters of E. 5 42.00 and since we have had snow, little Pioneer ara holding their annual or much; about every day, ending dance of the scaosn next WednesForbes Mrs. , ' G. .... 334 3.7 6.40 up with some of the coldest weath day night, Feb. 12, Modern and old er of the winter. We now travel time dances will be the feature or Forbes Airs. canals like they do ' in the evening, also other at t radons. through 344 15.00 Venice 2.5 Henry ;.... the walls are of snow. Good music,. Admission 25c, only Galbraith Alton Powell and Alice Burning-haSome of tho trains on tne O.' S. Wilkie 16.7 100.20 were married during the past U. Ry. have been as much as four ' Harris Ezra. 12.00 week hours late this week, due to the Harris R.T. Lyman William Sandersj 28. of storms and heavy snow, north of 153.00 here. . 12.00 Salt. Lake and Ruth Cathern J&ques' Ada Dance of Bountiful 20, were marWm. every at 1.20 9:30 Tuesday Jaquca ried. during the past week. South Bountiful amusement halL Mavros 1 132.00 County Conimisoner Fred Alogan. ton and wife returned home, Ramp Caught milking a neighbors cow Earl ..: . 20.40 froni quite an extended Charles West of Burnham,. 111., was Mcrgan Wm. visit in California!' fined for theft, . .. . Mr. and Airs. Keneral Samuelson estate 8 .48,00 announce the birth of a Nalrler Mrs. daughter. , Mk Grr2 Archer, 76; of Saturday night after the Gold Eng., has begun her 57th year and Green ball at the Junior as a teacher jof dancing. . high Bchool, while trying to start their . car which some one had tampered With, Jack and aErl Stacev wore struck by another car, both sustaining minor injuries. Probate and Guardianship Notices Air. Calder, manager of the Consult County Clerk or . Bountiful Alotor Co., has returned Respective Signers for ' from the east where he had been Further Information, . on business. Merna, six year old daughter, of Air. and Airs. John Stahle, . Jr., was knocked down by an automobile at the J. C. Penney corner, as IN THE DISTRICT COURT, she was crossing the street, WedPROBATE DIVISION ' IN AND but nesday, with exception of bruises and cuts she escaped serious Injury. She was rushed to the doctor's office where th ecuts were sewed up. She seems to be recovering. j Mrs. Herbert Streeper of Centerville, returned the first of the ' week from Francisco, where .she LAYTON, UTAH had been visiting with her sister. North Farmington Alutual are h A rt m a ilk Sam-uelso- n, airmail On March 2 there will be a 3c Texas centennial, stamp issued. The first day will be at Gonzales, Texas. Anyone wishing to get a C t day cover can send 3c in coin ) tie postmaster there before . . pepcial livery stamp will be lamed at Washington, D. C. on Feb. 10, 1936. It will have the aame design as the one formerl yused. China has .issued stamp in the world. Ho-bro- 481-513-5- d -- . 475-61- r 536, Wednesday. . -- . 29-29- , - Home-Comin- g ' Telephone Bountiful 70-J- 2 7 GET OUR PRICES . News Notes From Farmington Bay Camp Number 536 basketball team. They played t rapid fire game with the capaMe - Clover team at Clover, last Friday and won with a score of 24 to 18. The other game of Thursday eventing. Feb. 6, was a breath-takin- g affair with Bingham; each team -put forth every effort but Farmington Bay came out on top with a score of 48 to 42. In oiler to add the finishing touches, both teams were served a lovely luncheon afterwards. Ten officers, from the Fort Doug las mess school were guests- of honor at a luncheon given by camp. ' . 1934. Tho Farmington Bay camp wit-- 1 tiessed a lovely program, Wednesday evening, February 4, fcatur-- j ing Muss Beth Sessions, who gave a couple of readings; Mrs. Norma Holbrook, two vocal solos, accompanied by Miss Edith Law, on the piano and Miss Reva Wicker, two very nice readings. This camp has been victorious twice in the past week with their . Estimates Free. In the Matter of the- estate of Mary Evans Briggs, othfrwis known and written as Mary E. Briggs,' deceased. . . ...The petition of. Merrill R. praying for the issuancj himself of Letters of Administra.-tio- n in the estate of Mary Evans Eriggs, otherwise knpwn and written as Mary E. Briggs deceased. has been set for hearing on Satur- day tne 16th .day of February A. D., 1936, at ten o'clock a. tp., at the County Court House, ifi th Court Room of said Court , i Farmington, pavis County, Utah. WITNESS the Clerk of nid the1 Seal thereof affixed Court, with this 4th-- day of February A. . - PtOMBINO. HEATING AND REPAIRING . .. Farmington Hurt Getting: oh Traiii one-thir- , e b Vr DELSTEVENSON ' At West Layton : Home-Comin- driven by Frank down by J. Holbrook, 19, flf. Fount iful ha. he was walk'ing along the rqad to go building to file to the some papers Sunday night recovering as. well as ported . . could be expected. injured having lie. su.Ti'i cd'a- broken collarbone, broken right arm, compound fracture beof. life right leg befow the kijee bruises and sides numerous cuts Mh Morgan was walking along-thcash, side of the road- o as to but Holbrook Sayi fl never tell my folks any . ,8e approaching-car. was passing another machine anti thing," It is one of. the mysteries of, a came up behjnd the school principal miles or more rising boy this loosing touch at Mo rate of forty was . The .road .very .hour-with your boy. As a little chap he to you with everything St. tales of lions he has killed, the rob hospitHl by John L. Alien ber he has caught, the little things 0f gait Lake who . also witnessed he is going to do. Thon little by the accident hrs horn of the dang Mr. little so gradually, you scarcely no- lo Warn. Morgan the latter was hit before 0 tice it he begins to.grow reticent. s, -- He gets It from the older fol-- .. wuU. ek ou ct lhfl an-au- ; Big Is : DaVis county; state for OF UTAH - of the , Famtul Morgan principal struck was who School, Davis lligh THt bottom:.. .. increased operations per cent in the western Sunday. Corn Belt as compared to about 29 per cent in the eastern Corn Belt. Greatest percentage increases were South Dakota, 220; Nebraska, 195; Missouri, 160; and Kansas, 150. Cattle on feed in the 11 Western states, Texas and Oklahoma on aJn vary 1 numbered 78 per cent more than those cm feed a year ago and d larger than the nearly average for the 5 years; 1930 to Feed-lo- about . . . . . ir.glOa.in.-TVn ege class Thursday evening : :. p;-- Bountiful families in the new' Llore Steaks on the Way, But Fewer Than Average Says Gov, the , that there will municipality. Hie petition was presented by Uessrs, Green, Adams and G, Ches tor N alder. D. 0. Green was appointed town board president and Edward Simp non, A. W. Adams, Byron Nalder and Hazen F. Adams, trustees, to act until the next municipal election. - : 11-3- d. is anticipated ' She is at St. Marks hospital worship .every stamps were never used on letters Services morning where her school principal, Mr. month unless another extra 10 was ad- 2nd and 4tb Sundays JnJhe Morgan is. service 0 ded. These stamps, were sold and Noxf 'jndoy moaning i ssued solely to aid athletic org&n- - n. ni Cwre Talk of Town morn ' class Satdrday " 3'Iip. Junior . zations. sys-tor- n, It LAYTON, FEBRUARY 6, 1936 - S, . rl vdr- - l" Notice to C Estates of Annetta Udy, .Creditors ith vouchers the day o FONTELLa Administrati Joseph Udy s deceased. Late of first January 24, Foote & Dai fValker Bank I Utah. fijf |