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Show 1 . J LAYTON. UTAH, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 Tflinutes Make Plans of Meeting Agents To Benefit Rural Living In Utah Of School Board More careful planning for agriculture in the counties will be the central theme of the county agents program for years o come, according to Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural college. who conducted an extention conference last week at Logan. The agents were urged to make a careful invenory of their respective counties ho determine the uum ber and condition of livestock, the amount of different crops grown and if other crops Could be produced profitably, and emphasis was placed on a rarefur investigation of the water supply and bow it could be put to better use. They were also urged to make a study of the range; tax delinquency indebtedness, how taxes and other obligations are being met; marketing relationships; what the county has to buy and sell; living conditions of the people and the health of the communities. Studies are al so to made on methods of preserve ing the soil fertility. Many of the towrts In Utah show that at one time the people had greater hope, wealth, thrift. You should find Cut why that is so and help to build a program that will assist our people .to come back, Director Peterson advised. Held Monday 1 E. L. Barrett, Junior To Put on School Boy Orator NUMBER TWENTY Wasatch Range Cases Set in Dist. Program Designed Court For The To Halt Floods Is Now a House Pajrc Legislature l Coming Term Kenneth Spencer, senior of Murray and Edward L. Barrett, sophomore of Bountiful, students at the Utah State Agricultural college will be chairmen of two ef the four committees of the student legislature to be held at the state capitol February 7 and 8, according to Dr. W. J. Vickers, director of debate. The other two chairmen will be chosen from the University of Utah and the Brigham Young university or by reppresentatives of the three schools. Local committees for the four . Floods, wh!ch In tho pa?t have wept the farms of our county, bringing down rocks thjit weigh tons, taking a toll of three lives In the district court, second judMinutes of a regular meeting of down homes and other icial district, in and for Davis and battered the board of education held at the buildings, will not happen again If county, 'fatale of Utah. office in Farmington Utah on Monthe control projects now under Tiie following cases have been day February 3, 1936. set for trial to be heard at Farmiway are successful. Members present: R. W. Adams, In an area etrriching from ngton, Davis county, Utah before presiding; John R'., Rampton, Ezra Farmington canyon to Balt Lake lion. Eugene E. Pratt, Judge preB. Parrish and llo'race Van Fleet. City, Mother Nature, in a retrilni siding, beginning at 10 a. m. each .David E. Cook, absent. The clerk live mood, has damaged property day: to the extent of $1,000,000 ip the and the superintendent were also The Slate of Utah, plaintiff vs. L present. past 10 years, according to an in- Ibachall Leonard buyer, defendThe minutes of the previous vestigation conducted by Iieed W. ant, '1 uesuay, ' Marcn 17. 1936; bills are: Mr. Spe.ncer, local and Bailey, director of the intgrmoun-tai- n Wade M. Jonnson attorney for 'meeting were read and unanimoushead chairman, Ernest B. Gunnell, forest and range experiment pLuitui and it. Vern McCullough ly approved. senior of Richmond, an.d Wendell A committee consising of Mr, station. . attorney for defendant, R. Anderson, graduate student of careless burning Roberts, Mrs. Eldredge and Mrs. ino une ol' litah, plaintiff vs. Overgrazing, Logans committee' for the bill on nnd general neglect, respiting in George C. Layton, deieudant, Tues Hatch, representing the e a legislation; Mr. Barassociation of West almost complete destruction of the tuy, .m nr oil i,.1936 (2nd case). rett, local .and head chairman, Rob"Bountiful met with the board to natural vegetation on thd mountain Ji. U bcniiott, plaintiff ' vs. A. T. ert J. Bullock, sophomore of Fres-loin ask that improvements be made slopes and in the canj'orts, are Smith, at al, delendans, Monday, ' rdaho'trnd Raleigh Barlow, sen Speaker jJsoth Hypos of tlio house of representatives ts pictured asserted by forestry officials to le Aiarcn 23, 1936. the West Bountiful school building ior with commitItoheri? of Vobhy) Montana, Simms, Currish, west two in fourteen, newest member of the page Hr tho evil which have caused nathe walls . by removing Sophia Marguerite Thurgood vs. sonnel of HLuuho, and ItoJthj's mother, Mrs, Marie Rosier, Just after the ture's tee in. chaYge of the bill on regulaside of the upper floor thus conwrath Eldeh 'ih ur good deieudant. t'o'rise. tion and, taxation of public utilities boy had been enrolled In his new Job. Young rariisb, Four-l- l elub memSiowurt burton Co., piaintiff vs. verting the whole west half of that The present problems ts to' check ber from West Terre Haute, Inti., gained considerable fame ns LamftvA. Hendrickson, sophofloor into a play room. They re11. burton ct ux, defendant Cluuies . further until barany the damage. more of. Payson. local chairman, Orator of the. Wnbash. ' cost of estimate the an that ported ren slopes ft re again 'covered with inurday, March 26. 1936. ' Loof Jensen, DoyleJ. was made by Mr. Walter Grant at P. L. Lurnnam, ef al, piaintiffs sophomore a thick watershed growh.' Officials gan, Jesse' W. Reeder, graduate from $800.00 to 1,000.00. They also vs. Roy Gaboon e al, defendants; believe restoration of this growth ( student of Brigham, committee on U. S. asked that the building be wired will prevent; floods by' checking-rapi- Tnursuay,' March. 26, 1936 (2nd taxation of metaliferous mines; for lighting. . .runoff from tbe ennydq banks ease;. ' Raymond N. Malouf, sophomore . 438 The question was discussed by bensie . il. Gwillian, . plaintiff, vs.. during heavy rainstorms.' of Glenwood, local chairman, n William the committee and, on motion tftken 0. We. live too much withqut plan- Thurgood, defendant; l Davm county's flood and erosion-controMangum, and Marguerite 'I uiimlay, March 81, 1936. muler advisement, with the expecta ning. Instead of planning for the 35 Co. , projict is not only singular juniors of Logan; committion of looking over the building future we wake up with uor Asia in plan, but is one of the outstand-i- h . Since lax Commission, plaintiff tee ont state the for redistricting on the visit to he school this week. doubled to meet the obstacles of vs. irolavitu hoods Co., incorporTho Davis county sanitation revegetation experimehts in the According. to It. W. Groo superMr. L. T. Thompson and Floyd each day. We worry over the floods. education. ated, defendant; Tuesday, March. Each school has a committee of intendent of the highway patrol project, being carried' on by tho United states, C. J, Olsen, assistant E. Fletcher, music supervisor and in the spring and over the drouth 1986 fund case). said. Though ap- 31, band instructor, met with the in' July and .August, whiR water three working oh each question fo.r through Davis county, 433. ar.rests Utah state board of health, under regional foster, proximately 200 CCC wOrktrs have board to discuss the purchase of goes to waste- in all of he fivers. the purpose of drawing up the nec- for traffic violations were mode the. sponsorship, of the U. Si Pub- been excellic busy in. tho area for the past bills and Health Service, 'reports amendments. throughout the past season. . band, instruments as referred to in We must conserve our water re- - essary two there remains much When years, tho lent from four the results conoverstudent led the list by an legislature past Speeding the last meeting. Mr. Thompson sources! Our very existence in this venes these committees will com- whelming majority totaling' 173, months of work being carried out work to be done before the project pointed out that these instruments state depends on wateh.lt means forming a committee of nine Improper registration .and over- in the north end of- Davis county. Is completed, Mr. Ohm said. Most ate fundamental for a band and if money, health, convenience. We bine on each question. . loading were almost a tie being 68 Tho fine spirit of cooperation and of the work dona to dato, he said, ; it expected to have such an organhave lived lip to where things cbme submitted are be- and 67 respectively. Fortyjthvee b willingness to do away with nil may be conridorcd secondary, the ization in the schools it is nece- easy; we must now face tasks of All of the bills in Dr. F. D. Dnines drivers were picked up because of unsahitary conditions in the homes real problem being that of reing handled ssary to have at least this minimum conserving our .natural resources. Borne idea of the contribution American legislation class. lack of license and 27 who failed and on the farms- of residents of planting the areas which have been of the foundation instruments. Mr. Following the extension conferdenuded. to which the Davis the Chevrolet Motor Com- -. Up have timcl Governor Blood present will to observe stop 'signs. Others in county helped' spendidly Ilenry II; Fletcher explained the need of a ence a three-slaschool of philos have vi'il to major Constated across of a in. the session operations out of house made the the the cham panys present old car junking proput program, following order band, that there are many students ophy was conducted at. the college open bers in the state capitol. Each of total: Lack of inspection, certifi- concern to every- - person ; in tho building machinery-catchmebas- gram is making to the cause of who would be glad to play one of by representatives of the .agricul- -' ins and terracing. Some largo areas traffic safety all over the United x '. ' the. collegiate legislators cate, 22; reckless driving,' 12; vio- county, the instruments if they were avail- tural adjustment' administration will thirty-siA noticeable difference be sworn into office by Secre- lation of public service commission in the have, however, already been reseed Stales may be gained from the able in the schools, that this dis- for the Utah staff of county agents rd with various Bpecics of grass fact. Mr. Steve Doughty of the causof of State Milton diseases II. tary contagious spread 4; laws, 9; lighting, Welling. improper ' trict is behind most of the other and specialists.' The session will be presided over drunken driving, 2; .miscellaneous, ed by flies, spiders 'and rodents and thousands of small trees have Doughty Chevrolet Company, on districts of the state of its size and ' will be the results ip years to been set out .with a View to check- Friday scrapped the eighth old car . by Herbert. B. Maw, president of 12. .' that such an organization in. each ' to be scrapped in Bountiful sins ing rapid runoff. the state senate and Walter K. . The total fines for tho season come. . school is essential for the advance- to. is It Davis A well mention to that new of was amounted This house the of inception of tbe program $2,041.20. Granger, speaker project will be started in ..ment' of the general wfork in the I.C.C. the 1st. for to the Vebb county Jahuary ciijoya representatives. county highway reputation applied canyon Oast of Kaysvillc as schools. The superintendent To mark tbe milestone on, the-wa- y und to be used for .construction bejng one Of the county's most soon as plans have been approved thought that, if it is expected to to the local goal of fifths care in sanitation of any in tho and rights of way adjusted by the or maintenance costs. ' Utah growers .of onions and poGood make this music a permanent feastate. , be saved $5Q,00(L anDavis county flood control commit- to be junked' during January and will tatoes ture of the schools, it will be neo ' This same typo of work will be tee. Invetisgations are being made February, something of a cereArt interesting document was nually as the result of a decision T&x . assary to make this initial expen- returned by the Interstate, comto. the people of the south in available rought to light during the Farmington, Shepherd and Val mony was thrown around yesterditure and then to add to as nec- - merce commission following a comend of the next Verda within the of thei eightieth annivercounty canyons to determine the days wrecking party. There wasassary, Mr. Fletcher reported that plaint of Colorado growers and a two weuks, and everybody is urged best type of work to of the Carson of the founding sary prevent flooda quite a crowd assembled to watch differential he had a very good discount on the demand for a lower' to' themselves y of avail, the in & opper-unitCo. Pirie these in store Scott areas. Terracing has been the smashing ceremony. Chicago instruments if the number refer-- in relation to rates from Utah and offered to When you realize that scene install Someone in cast that had both sanitary completed In Ford and Parrish can WHO? Single persons who had organization .Ted to in his list presented to the Idaho points to markets outdoor toilets like at this while this one arq being enacted all ime, rules is and the west. for net income yon finished or and of $1,000 or more in Davis preserved employee nearly superintendent is purchasd. Mr. over the country, This information and estimate is of their first store which read as gross Income of $5,000 or more, he labor necessary for installation and Steed caynons. said Mr. Thompson thought the orchestra contained in a report from Ernest follows: a furnished free of cost to the hard to see tho isnt It Doughty, who net and married had To couples determine definitely how efshould be built up along with the D. Salm. Executive secretary of effect which the be opened from 6 ncome of $2,500 or more or gross property owners, by W. P. A. work have- - -will must Store program Associafective the terracing methods of band. It will cost ers under the Mr. abput $6,000.00 the Utah Citizens Rate on of street 9 and m. to supervision highway safety. At p. m. the year around. ncome of $5,000 or more must file lood control will be, an experito $7,000.00 to provide this min- tion who is in Washington, D. C. Store D. J. llickey of the U. S. Public least 25,000 cars whose further be swept; counters, returns. must an denied ment C. has C. I. started can-rolast fall at Lime where the imum requirement.. Health Service, base shelves and showcases dusted. WHEN? east of North Salt Lake, will operation would be a menace to period begins Mr. Rampton moved that we appeal from the Colorado growers A their owners and tho public at representative of the U, S. e continued in the reconsideration of their case Lamps trimmed, filled and chim- January 1 and ends March 16, 1936 spring. make an effort to build up a de- for which . a negative decision was neys cleaned; pens made; doors and large will be retired permanetly on WHERE? Collector of internal Public .Health Service will call on One of two partment in the schools as explain-- rendered last October, following windows opened; a plots will be this month, and the probabilities the you pnd explain of advantageous In revenue district water, for the which pail worked over with flood prevention are d by these teachers and that we that the figure will run even hearings during the summer def-at also a bucket of coal brought la be the person lives or has his prin- to be gained by installing these action This toilet units, persons desiring fur- methods, while the other will be higher, for dealt, are cooperating Appropriate $6,500.00 to be put in Boise and Denver. time to fore breakfast there is business. (if of place cipal left in its present state. At the botto the budget for next year for the initely closes the case, it was said do wholeheartedly on this HOW ? See instructions on forms ther information are asked to con- tom' so) and attend to cusomers who comwith the case The of each plot the runoff, afer a Here in Bountiful thoprogram. originated sult purchase of the instruments, proof the local comlumber removal any call. 1040A and 1040. potato and vided they be carefully selected plaint of Colorado rates will be measured and of fifty dangerously old cars from heavy rain, in the panies must on be not county. Store opened WHAT? Four percent normal given from standard makes at the very onion growers that compared by means of weirs and the highways should " reand Idaho shipper were dis- the Sabbath unless necessary, and tax on the amount of net income Utah cachment basins. This experiment duce the hazard fromdefinitely best price in the judgment of the mis.traffic Colorado to growers, few a minutes. for then in excess of only the personal exemp criminatory will help in the future planning of superintendent and the teachers. The employee who is in the tion, credit for dependents, earned haps, for next to the driver himThe motion was seconded by Mr. projects. self, the condition of the vehicle lahabit of smoking Spanish cigars income credit, dividends of domes Van Fleet, discussed and' carried Mr. White said one of the largest the most important factor in traffbeing shaved at the barbers, going tic corporations subject to taxation undertaken unanimously. projects and other places of and interest on obligations of the during the ic safety. to dances On motion of Mr. Van Fleet the winter was the Tbe actual junking of these old of a dam his em will building amusement, United States and obligations of surely give the at is- presided over by a Factory mouth question of insulating was deferLime of cars to o to be canyon instrumentalities . of the United auspicious Preliminary plans tor the devel ployer reason and red till the summer survey of build control of the Chevrolet materias which in Faced eroding Representative his an inStates. Surtax on surtax net honesty. by of an acceptable agricultui integrity alarming increase Jngs is made in preparation of opment have who has to actupast Motor times blockwil years of not Company, must Davis many scarlet Each county come excess in for employee pay of $4,000. fever, whooping cough al program ded repairs. and mumps, the Farmington City ed the highway and terrorized resi- ally see that the cars are destroybe discussed in a meeting of thi less than $5 per year to the church Mr. Adams reported that he had representative of organized an and must attend council Monday evening acted dents in the vicinity of Becks Hot ed in accordance with the terms of Sunday achoo Monday Incoem-Ta- x 5ut received word that Barbara unorganized farm groups to seek a solution to the problem. springs and the Block A Guss Pack their agreement. regularly. Wood of Farmington, a student at i&J p. m. at the court house m Mr. Brown of the Zone office in The purchase of a fire eiren end a ing plant. Man employees are given one DONT return avis high school, had. met with Farmington. Lake City who was in Bountiprepare your" Salt ' At an week to tho crest of the dam a spillfor courting install it as well as other place Dr. O. J. Wheatley, extension evening a instrucwithout first th An accident oh the Bamberger to studying ful attend to this first punkinf to is klso were discussed. matters, way prayer meeting. tions on the form. provided which will reguof the Ush Agriculural two if they go student train a short distance from economistwill be late said, This is a sound The in outline hours 14 the work of program street to overflow. After beautification comany present Running from college, DONT fts menced ihe school.' movement adminprocrastinate.' that Chevrolet has start federal Early the should be leisure hours the formed of tha a mas officials rubble wil ;he program apiUway south, store, city by of data permits a cartful e continued On motion of Mr. Van Fleet, the istration in setting up county plan ed from an economic standpoint, sembling in conduit 380 melt this feet onry been reading." has the spent long plan year by as well as f;om that 2 its contri.wuperinendent was asked to' pre-- . ning boards throughout the nation Who .was it heard sighing for consideration of all tar prolkss. Ing of green ash and Chinese elm built to carry away water to cen will discussion DONT the Tho tnemeria destroy principal to trees on First East street. old days? ."pere attend the convention Of point where it will do no damage. bution to safety, for a<a Cjuna of a probuilding around the from which return ter was preyouy Two v water propositions wre dis The spillway and conduit together for the latest period reftot titsw superinendents to he held at St. which will better utilize the gram pared. records for this aca&n, foe . Xouis the latter month cussed, the extension of the water contain 600 cublic yards of ruble part of this natural resources of the county. omit when DONT V sales explanation of Chevrolet xnr cars the maia 600 of feet on for Sixth North masonry, most of which has been will be the first superintendent reported that The Mr. Stacey is asking, for some help a seriesmeeting and trucks, as well- as used errs God may have decided in advance such information is essential street, which will be 'carried out laid this winter. to be held. in his music department at Davis wha your destiny will be. But when an intelligent audit. Attach mem- as soon as practical, four-inc- h Four miles have been added to and assembly plant are cpenjtixj-pipe of Moines, Mrs. Helen Eifert, .high school. you strive to live so as to distin- oranda to your return. capacity to meet the asstaincffT. being used. The other was a pro- the road starting at Bountiful am ' demand. Mr. Burton reported that Mrs. la., didnt see much of her husband guish clearly the guidance of the posal that a PWA project for drill- running to the highest t of the " The husband inner voice you are peaks divorce. a savand is got It that Crocket Elmer of Schaltz expected Henderson ing a mountain tunnel for Rudd mountains. This 1 had left the district to ae probably goal cf 15 miles now for for in road, one prison year fifty, to be junked by Febiuary ing! yourself many uncomfortable Minn, ate two pounds of sauer- Creek to increase the water sup- in length, permits access Aept the pf ition in Salt Lake and spent one for car theft, and is now and by auto- 29th will be easily reached by . I2r. in 1 minute, 59 seconds. kraut detours. that he has engaged Miss Ruth gery, another .cnwecessary be worked ply there, out. term. mobile to all canyon heads between serving Consider the other man's error D. J. Hickey of the Bureau of Bountiful Zollinger to take her place. On and North Farmington Doughty. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Pate, of and eisjudgments with charity and the action. was unanimously George Danillo was fined a $1 Public Health spoke to the board and will eventually join another William Finck of Pittzirrib get their indulgence. Hold yourself to a a cow for tangling up the traffic members on Health and Sanitation Wood River, 111., who named . Approved. ' decidei road being have strict accountability. Of course if in New York City, on Linden Boule The council discussed the possi- labor in constructed by transient out to repair the tall ELt cf tix On recommendation of Mr. Ad- 15th child Finis, and in LHL a Farmington canyon. name, vard and Pennsylvania Avenue. car, which was parked ams, the superintendent was aske there is nothing you hvae so far misrepresented bility of closing the schools beover The car rolled, the can Not 16th match Ur. knocking their call Epilog. couples many to make an investigation of the yourself as to have doubts of ever record of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacobs cause of an of scarlet fevFinck and crashed into a Mrs. Hill Nancy Porter of White health situation and try to obtain eussed at length and Mr. Par amounting to anything then be of St. Joseph Mo., who recently er, whooping eough and mumps. t 9 Wash., who had not left her house Seventeen homes Uniform method of taking care rish agreed to take the matter up charitable with yourself. Give your observed their seventy-secon- d wed areln quarantine for 83 years, recently died at the You may sot iikt whii with the above diseases, 11, six and f and treating contageous diseas- with the Bamberger people to see self another chance and determine ding anniversary. you but by determining t age of 102. with it. es by doctors and nurses in the what can be done to stop the ter- to make-goo- d one respectively. : the best of it yea caa f ' I Men endure. The ekists health more is Principples committee will perish. as that than meet condition in matter among it county. Furthermore, z instanity before taken. good, are rible any steps Therfor tie to principles. Thus or less comparative. Most of os aro with the Board of Education and The question of conditions on the the students on these trains. Dan1 Miller was appointed dog-ta- didnt exercise whatcri? ( I the city physician to discuss the good men get bunched together. a little off at times. and decision has beta l .L'i t j I Bamberger student trains was dts collector. Meeting adjourned. . Parent-Teache- rs one-hous- n, . ' Jhe-'Tlo- Public Health Sponsoring Drive State Highway , Patrol Made in Arrests in - Mil-to- Fon-ncsbec- k, ; For Sanitation . . . i Junking Program Furthers Traffic . - ! . Safety Over U. S. , - - nt - . - . . . Onion Growers In By An . Ruling : ed The : Old Days tele-jrati- In ncome . on A - Nutshell . -- . . . n, The-filin- . 20-ac- re I Farmington Is Threatened With Farm Planning Parley Slated An Epidemic - . Dchts . the'Ci Sentence Stimulants .'The all-time 'to - a -- . . 1 v mo-tio- I o r " - j"' i tl:vT f . |