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Show 0 O ; 0 . .. ' : -he- We Find Wliat We Look For in This Old World of Ours 4 I have always been looking for the nobler qualities In human beings, and I have always found them. There are great souls all along the highway of life, and there are great qualities even In the people who seem common and weak to ns , HO$RE DAY dr.mmes-w- , talk About sartqmi Q 0 a . O 'w-eeki.'v Scenes-- ' t : - V. news extoes. i'.AYToyr.-irrArt- -' . arid . Persons.Tii the Current NeWs .. ,. : . . . ;, .' . 12 at 30 and .8 a 80 Is .. Conparative Gas. Mileage -- Ttfoke whg wouV drive at vin excessive sate of speed nfiist expect to of the prlrileget Jhdg!ng from .tdiJU ftpnilscted by ttee American, Au- - ' frequently amolig my diabetic patients than has obesity fovtr weight). I am quoting Of. Ellitrt! I. Joslin, Boston, the oatstanding Life InsujMnc conipanle twvvrj strict In their oonsbleralios of permitting pvecwelghts to take out Insurance, as they have found that oh tnany of them later urwr Stored (Jp f"a4 ' ABNORMAL conJN tion Has occurred moTt Whether the Remedy ... - .. . 4mobl.leussocI9Hon. Different piakes f cflti wew fesTed speeds, orBltli tolls etgas adoll cdiisump- Aon ipoei was Jownd fo be about the Aiat Aft intoikFoUlle'iyhlch goes IS a fuilea t gajriiije at 1 ike mlh-hou will go but K at ftO jie wcj t Pl.o Raw, nA 9 a( 9l, OR ecinsnmptlon Is sev- a I Ji. mllr FROM vury .f iuitc 9 rut ii Fitjuie perhodr trnsr the voM this thaw at SkV4athftude Magftzlpe. il a Jo sitir, !uift tu bcroii. Lisin 0 The Man Who Knows :. - " . Y-- tti !:he t gr , iory tiolU tl ,- . ( vf this lu-fi- if it wtilc?. . l til ts a SI. Bfrnnrd. Insurance f ;, fo IIu-jslmres from hi Mm? in tli high Alps In (he lirt year of hi lift-- . Rover been me' Li tropM-of 4 suhurhutilie whose ot, Georgia, a Jml of ton, took the dog ovi-j-lock, slock and barrel, s.i a steady com- SOper rent already Are show. In sugar In the The averurlnw. age diabetic oia o nulny Dont Entrust You Own or Your Family! the cmitrid fuTc-r- i iflqrlal man. ayplicatots is SAFE is Your Doctor. Ask Him . introducing hen.k 'mcas Virrs, ti say nothing id rcal and major plan expectation that came t.i mui.Oit; at tvt-1ai sell vm lug lluil fnwtraM ty In fact they have found (hat in for - line.-.-, develop diabetes Headaches, Neuralgia or Rheumatism Pains U',omtn)fionf(i liquid- , - woman has Ieen - Itxadrjet ' greatly overweight. panion. Well-Bein- g to Unknown Overweight Is due Had It hot tvn trover's misforHr. farts to overeating. What Preparations' tune to pick up a ease of t Added te (he waist line It cut wldch in duo coarse lltOBG jpeople could fori tcr.enia, fine, bef take any prepare from the life line. Dr. Chahlea It. BEFORE you ciHiuauntcah'it Its evil InllucnCo to fit aqd 'regular, if they, would.,-pfilydont know all about, Mays says: Men fifty years old mure than follow the .rule of doctors and of Rover's for the relief of headaches; or the and are in Vdievitfg eoristipatifin. . fifty pounds overweight blur not coat, of hospitals milking; or only rheumatism, neuritis pains Jvevcf-.takmuck tnore likely to have cancel any. laxative that 3 Unsightly but uiomnUnry, amt uw neuralgia, ask your doctor what he "action. Or one-- Ihe doso of in harsh than the normal. This means, then, thinks about it in comparison, such an unfit associate for young Museum of Naiurnf History fn New 'York which tvhich CJint .he measured. that eating or overeating is a fac- was I Theodore Roosevelt Memorial haJl of the American with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. Georg Ip; All would have, gone .well Doctors know the.exactly if this dedicated In of fell 5 President aa the lilt Roosevelt whlclr liner Arknnsns fcy rule Wreckage flg danger We say this because, before the swnuip, with dog nnd tor In causing cancer because half huj, so affect lonatvly-wci- t is. Violated. They fisc liquid laxatives, 17 persons to their death, S Col. Edgar S. (lorreli, who was elected "ezuf'.or commercial avlptlpa carrying most of Bayer Aspirin, discovery the cases of cancer are found In they dlsjioScd, mu? toward the nnd keep reducing the dose until the by the oewly urgnblzed Air Transport Association of America.. "pain remedies were adthe stomach and Intestines. other,. bowels need no help at.&lL' vised against by physicians as being ' To sum ft trp, the overweight Deduced dosage is 'the secret of Pirt'lent Gets Worse.' bad for the stomach; or, often, for ' have a higher death rate. At fifty the heart. And tle discovery of After a HCsuhin lq tlu hands of nlding Nature in restoring regularity. Y'ou must' use' little less laxative years of age an excess weight of fi5 Meet Cuba's New Prexy Bayer Aspirin largely changed high priced veterinary, Rover each time, oqd dthats Increases rate death medical practice. the 'why it. should by pounds took a turn for the .worfse and bo a liquid like Syrup Pepsin, . ' Countless thousands of people I Am quoting from Dr. Miguel M. Gomez 50 per. cent, an 'object of lt y to nil Rave .Ask for of who have taken Bayer Aspirin year your druggist Tlow to Live by Irof. Irving Georgle, ids 'friend and mtnpnn-loa..- ' Dr. .Caldwell's byrup. Pepsin,, and if in and out without ill effect, have forMariano Dr, Fisk. Miguel Fisher and Dr, Lyman Comer, The vot," true to form', held it doesnt give you absolute relief, if proved that the medical findings mer mayor of Havana, was elected out promises uf a cure, bo! ft isnt a joy ond comfort in the way However, overweights have more about its safety were correct. than the death rate to consider; president of Cuba. lie was the Remember this: Genuine Bayer Georgte's father, acting entirely for .it overcomes biliousness due to concoalition candidate and defeated . stipation, your money hack. is must the think of their rated lil5 own 'peace of mind, decided that' fastest among Aspirin everyday they methods yet discovered for the relief life their chances for good health, thd hapless Rover should deparl of headaches and all common pains " their ability to get around easily, Mercifully this life' via the chloroform route . . . and safe for the average person to their resistance Love their ailments, nnd called In a neighbor to admin-Inte- r your fell.owman; but Judge: to take Tegularly. mental ability or grip, the lethal vapor nnd Impart to Mm. . You can get real Bayer Aspirin at young Georgle; the Aiijl' news "that any drug store simply by never Some Famed Light Eater Rover- had died ft natural death. asking for it by the name aspirin Famous men whose brains keep alone, but always saying BAYER second thought, however, he Upon clear till the end are usually .light ASPIRIN when you buy, to the. conclmddn Mint chloro, ciinie exwho from early years of eaters forming a dog which bulked n liun perimenting have found out Just dred odd jxiumls ivns ori it par with wha-- agrees with them and are sat.to throw n clinmiilon attempting ' isfied with this amount and variety without wrestlep knowing, a single of food. Chauneey Depew attend. . In advance.grip ed dinners and banquets three or A If M it, Rdver acts up we will have four tl hies a week for years, but our bnnds full," Raid the tielglihor,. over i and looked the iJ c-inienju ' always Alio Building "Something faster Minn- chloroform the foods he knew gave ate only . Is called for uader the A scholar Is as much a him the nourishment he required. man as one who builds a fortune. Is My RUggesllon that you f M . M Thus. A. Edison came of a see your .friend, Henry MIiorIs, the , . ' , ;zr.A'-family who for generations engraver, who lives ijown the street, had learned to eat wlmt they knew and borrow an ounce or no of ry their bodies required and no more. nnlde of potassium, which he nsert lldvw you tried Ihe Thus In an Interview some years former President Mario 0. Menocal. Thousands of Chinese students from 15 universities and many middle for hardening .steel plates. A tpn The president of Cuba. Is a powerMtW MENTHOLATUM LIQUID ago Edison said: The body Is only spoon of cylinldo crystals dropped for head cold ? a piece of innchlnery and. eVery. ful excutive; he even names the schools have been demonstrating against the encroachments of the Jap- on Rover's wet will result MmlhoUlum ointment tongue like anese DID Some and movement the .here of of them scatare seen and the mayautonomy provinces practical man knows that to get governors In .almost Instantaneous death, With It bring toothing comfort "They were yetting on each In with a fire of ors which hose the cities. police Peiping tering they captured. good work out of a machine an.d others nerves. Intestinal out a struggle; swift, painless nnd same time, sluggishness was really In repair at it keep merciful, Hints my RiiggeRtloni" the cause made them one murt knowhow to take care of tired with frequent headA FAMOUS DOCTOR bilious Boy. Is Messenger of Death,spells. but aches, It. Now, If you .have a Mouse of that is all changed now. Mickey Daddy of a inun AS 1 young man tht Being action, George'i engine and a boije'r big For they discovered, like Tat Dr. R. V. millions of others, that to drive It, no wise engineer father set the wheels In motion .by enough of Honor . Joins corFierce practiced mediLegion nature provided the Ids send and full to boiler will fire that hunting in up capacity offspring laxatives cine In Femuylvanla. rect plants and vegetables. Tonight hliii 0 round to the steel en Hi prescriptions met to wishes when he lng tak$ only eight try Natures Remedy (NR Tablets!. IIow much With appropriate, ceremony, Walt graver' with a note with such great demand explaining tin) better you feel invigorated, refreshed. Imporhorsepower out f his engine. If he moved to Bufthat of creator Mouse, have dose. to increase the tant you do not Micky Disney, needs f. the moment and request he does, he sooner or later burns N. V., and put up falo, Theycontainno was decorated with the Legion of lng the necessary c'yunldb. Little In form his If bars minerout or th6 grate phenol his tonic, him conferred the Honor, al derivatives. upon . by the' did j 'Gcopgle know, But that. Is Just what majority Colden Medical Discovery, which will elimiOnly French government. The presents- Uiioti receiving .tlio 'cyanide, the nate poison from tire intrstlncs, increase are doing; burning up 100 horseand tone up the two pot'en-tla'assassins dismissed the appetite, power of fuel In their bodies and Buy tuAitl Tab. 50c, liquid 91.UO ft JI.35. Georgle to proceed with his piny tnklng out. eight horsepower uf .while .they . made, ready to betruy work. . for FIRST AID . Rover Into noceptlng'the death dose. Stomach. About the' Truth For 'some rental) or (other, 'how" As you know, early man lived ever; Rover riislsled all offers of Common Skin Ailments1 outdoors, used the great 'bulk of cyanide,' keeping JiJsi tongue tight-- . muscle covering hid body, had a ly between his teeth. Georgia's faWHEN kidneys function badly and natural appetite and" filled" .his W you suffer a nagging backache, ther, familiar wl.tfi'Bubterfug?n for stomach when he obtained food be-- , with dizziness, burning, scanty or too 'administer! tig 'unwanted medicines, cause he. did not know Just when freauent urination ana getting up at called for a quart of milk In' which night; when you feel tired, nervous, he would get his next meal. Thus to pass the knockout dose to the all upset use Doans Fills. Nature supplied him with a stom ELECTRIC LIGHTS victim: Geongle was sum .. Doan's are especially for poorly ach that would hold enough food to Write driven. Ynu build them. Wind to moned courier. the Willingpltfy Muinr Electric, Uldgway, Montano. working kidneys.. Millions of boxes fill his needs for a whole day t)nd ly,! the lad, .a,ll. unconscious of the are used every year. They are recom. more. mended the country over. Ask your port life, was .called updn. to .enact,' same we these have huge hustled to (lie Slicing, house, and BEFORE neighbor! Today COMES o'f muscles covering our bodies ., and .wus.bnek.In a Jiff with have the same large stomach, but grudo A milk." , . ' Elimination of Body Wast we do not live outdoors, ' do not Rover Wise, to CVhnlde' .. Is Doubly Important so do work these huge muscles and Carol of Rumania receives the cross from the patriarch, Miron tion took place at the Disney stuWith all the skill of a gpngstef King half the about more than not need arrives before dios in Hollywood, In .the presence administering a sleeping pptlbn tb Ja tLa crucial months that the baby be rid Crlstea, while Prince Michael looks on, during the Blessing of 'the food that was need.ed by early man. is ' body it important vitally the river. Dambovlta. The cross is thrown Into the river and of . a large .number of friends and a fellow stew, Geoygle'p father of waste matter.Your intestines roust func Yet because we have the same big seek to retrieve It. The successful man ,1s rewarded associate! by J. J. Vll&la, French spilled' the cyanide Into, thja rich swimmers chosen food of completely without griping. stomach and get the kind; uledal a fluid, shook the greenish crystal .with given by the king at the royal palace after the ceremony. consul In Los Angeles. we like, many of us thoughtlessly Why Physicians Recommend beneath the surface and. placed the think we have to. fill this big Milnesla Wafers mixture on the floor under Rovers three times day. wafers are candy-likThese while eased the nose, Remember, then, that we. nqed Ask your doctor. Ask the beauty milk of magnesia in solid form-m- uch the out of barn pure Georgle expert. GARFIELD TEA a cup some of all the different kinds of pleasanter to take than liquid. Each A dozen flops of his niasstve nightly often does more for food Is meat, that eggs skin dally, (a) wafer and than is approximately equal to a full adult your complexion tongue, a grateful look In his al- dose of costly cosmetics. Expels poisonor fish (b) cream, butter or other liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed FREE ous body wastes that cfog ths most human eyes and Rover was then swallowed, they correct both thoroughly, starchy fat, (c) vegetables, and eventually cause mudsoon outside the cream and cyan- acidity in the mouth and throughout the SAMPLE pores dy. blotchy, erupted skin. A week minerals snd (e) and (d) leafy, CART IELD TEA of this internal oeauty treatment' ide facing Budden death. To the digestive system, and insure regular, com water. But If we want to be at CO., Deft IIS will astonlth you. Begin tonight. of the two scallawags plete elimination without pain or effort. bewilderment Brooklyn. N.V. our best mentally And physically (At tour drug store) who had plotted the annihilation, Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and we eat Just the amounts of these j Rover did not die; nor did he show 48, at 35c and 60c respectively, and in withfoods that will keep us strong tins for your handbag containthe slghtest symptoms of. Internal convenient out Increasing our weight above A Splendid Laxative 20c. Each wafer is approximately at 12 ing distress. normal. dose of milk of magnesia. All adult one The grave digger was called off. stores sell and recommend them. The two plotters left Rover and good drug WNU W 7 36 Relaxation and 8leep. went to supper, wondering. The Start using these delicious, effective do much has been written pbont gently laxative wafers today next morning our hero was up with anti-adthe value of sleep that many nervProfessional samples sent free to registered ous Individuals worry themselves physicians or dentists if request u made Into sleeplessness. They fear dire on professional letterhead. Select Ndvch, DANDIUFF SAID SPOTST ailments or even Insanity If they 4403 23rd St., Long Island City, N. Y. ras lac., don't get a certain number of hours 33c & 60c nevpr of sleep each night. had Now while nothing can take the happened was this; Cyanide of pomusplace of real sleep, with every tassium Is an alkali. Cream Is a found that cle relaxed. It has been In combination, they neutralfat. to unable Is sleep ir an Individual ize each other, the latter serving but cm relax body and mind to a as an to the former. antidote point almost approaching sleep he Ice bridge was formed In the Niagara gorge below the falls by a combination of high winds holding Therefore, the elaborate poisoning . This cent 80 as per can attain as high back the water In the upper river back of the falls, and by the cold snap which formed giant ice cakes. The program blew up; more remnrk-ablof the value of sleep. themselves (background) also were chained by the Ice Jam which lowered the upper Niagara river to falls still, the dose cured Rover of fc WNU Barrie so record The flow was lessened each day until s mere trickle of water was going over the brink eczema. K..-f-t mt I Tfta Orff! WNU Service. and any intrepid sonl might walk from the American side to Gost Island . fonie-glou.-- 1 - uue-thlr- ; " - fo-call- ed ... . . . Chinese .Students. Demonstrating . . . . Bayer Aspirin t Q 4 v Ml r - v - self-mad- e eirnim-alances- V-- king-live- d VEGETABLE J CORRECTIVE TRICK - Blessing of the Waters of Rumania - fire-bo- ready-to-us- e dlg-sti- l . Relieving Injuries , Resmo! ... tr BABY un Wa-ters-- Qmufy is more than shin deep . s authority on diabetes. You are taking for . . tion-regula- rly, stomr-ach- e i e mint-flavore- Bridge of Ice Forms in Niagara Gorge Prink fylllhyi lift d, FALLING HAIR break-be-F- e s'J-tlm- e e aye-ter- n. |