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Show : - ' ' I WEEV.NtWS-jfPRriSsVLAYTtlN.FEBRUR- LL. KAYSVILLE. The Kaysville ", art ifniE.' Julius alub heAf , 4 . . ,'T . . THERE? TT ( 6.. to ms North Da via atajw co'afe- ence will be held Jtero Shtuaday 'I and Sunday. Apostle Melvig is . EfaJlardwiU bo the coitfcrenciV. 1. ,iThe ' THAT$ ah E OOr;. 1 UKf i ?Sy -- t; mm1 e T ' I . CLASSIFIED AD3' bXker .tire and inner d , e, tube, mgunteef on a. rim, all ojf the tick of anopen car. com-ple'- rep8rb to.thtf Union Furniture Corpany and be rewarded. 51 V0J4 ftEftsTT Nicely furnished aprtmets; el gasVtjuipped. Call Richard String-huIV)Ufui it, 51- . . , ,fc TyicU'r Your JiAiR m, nowr? ST iOHr ix .. K'1 SALIw-GodVS- foV horses g 0s6it. Elb IVj blks west of Five Scnljii ftoufttifuk Pfflftts; , 1 I.Cn fAL Bnndlp cq,w, four, , 50-5- V p o ! tr.i SPDAii il' c -- BETTER .77KG YOORJEtP JEEP A Xsz jm mrs gw- Mr jus. yeare ultL ea!f,.?(xi tMvl freshened,, third ie,Jhalf gAUona ftulk;'Eei J.eentifif Wdv Lane lahn . Croaf. Paget ,5(M FOR R fINT -- T wa 'rooifi n furl islii'd, nciuife J5fnf. Ethel Thomas, third hoqsv fast pf the Bountiful" , Mortuary. rrfod-tFOR RfiNlWFlvi oie4 home ?: furnished or unfurmsh? . ed. EmytiCt f M. Cy JIolbrok, Union Fuf'niture-- . Co.. iBouptifuL ,. 49-. Thane J5. . '' re tseeeiiai m ra Be Vaccinated To-- ' , ImmuniM Yoii Prom t 4 .. . p Foil .. . 'FOR .'" :.! 1 t otj ... otfnrod ItENT-Fo- uj: Bonntjful..25-Rg- . Phone K apart Tor iH-:-, ? s 1 48 . ' "roomed NT-Th- ree.- Kbuse Htfier partly fujnished. or unfurnished ?ith two stoves and hot arid cold water. Flora E, Mout phone Bonjntiful 203. ... w O HeievT to trail fttiy tofigef fiefora yon tmy ttial i.fV new ear! Arrange" n Font V0 donionstration e - or . . .45- - . .. t Clean Out Acids jf" K C' AtErhafters, ment partly furtiiwied; Idcatpd onh milt west of the. Junior high pehool on Ihe few highway. Enquire Rountiful g4Q.W. Glon Ihglcs. ' 47 FOR RENT Xhree roomfeL home. Enquire Woodrow , Rarlow, - Col-lo- tt, S burning .Incubators; in first lasf rutininc order, 458 egg dapacity Call .John K.Rmplofu PHone Bdun . 47- -titul Dip then 3 Smallpox Tatchc- -. Arizona. ' . . . . MM Mrs. Nettfe Lockhart is spending The htfalth unit will be at the a few days in Salt Lake witfc reL Stoker school, Tuesday, Feb. Jlth. ntivee. .. South Bp'untifut, Thursday; Fb. .The Daws County Tedctiers sociatioa entertained at a baftquet 13th, t the high school Thursday even- - . West BorlfttifuL Friday, Feb. J . , When there is- so simple a pre. . , jpg. . ..., ventive for these diseases,' why do . , Mrs. Johft W. Thcfrnley entertain hot take beepU . .ed the Bay View club of it? at her home, To allow a child advantage ' to. take diptheri Wednesday t afternoon, Special or small. pox shows a lack of par guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Wright netal We reftponsiblKty,1 ire now Mrs. H. J. Sheffield, Jr. and Mrs. an of epi'demie suffering scarlet ..Fred Sheffield. . . . fever. Do we want a similar con'The Lantern club whs entertaiii-'e- d dition nth diphtheria Or smaU pox home of Mrs. W.F. Take advantage of this- opportunity Wednesday afternoon Mrs. atid hdve your, child iniunupized and . Kennetfi Sheffield reviewed5, fhe let ns PREVENT" disease. . ok 'Lucy Gayljeart by. Wilja Citlor. Eighteen membe'rs , A Odvcn, H present and the special lher 82 Bnrtop. Blood, Mrs. Keith BaTnes ahd Mrs fteftths. Kent Johnson. la 1923 th'e; policy of immunizMr- - May Lavender spent Ved- - ing chikjrcn was. boguh. In 1927 nosday in Bingham with friend .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitesides there were but '52 cases of 'diphentertained at a dinner and card theria 'and but( thrve deaths from the disease m 'the In 1931 patty at their, home- in .Layton. Ihere were four city. cases and no Saturday evening. Cdvers were laid, for Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Evans, Mr., deaht,s, at-th- "' LOOK . .. ' T 3X AlUpt TA soPVfrr-- r . 9 'fOST---Anol- pVARYER.CrO PLANT1 -- .'.. " y 'V:"V a heresPOWN y-;- : mt . itor. i Mias Brifla Bloxijjn rttwreed; , ' home from Jthe St. Marks hospital' . . ' Thursday. Mrs. Clartnce, fJleVeriy of Rig-by, Ida., Mrs. William Yoting and Mr. and Mrs. David, Weaver. were !" guests of Mrs. Henfjr Graham last . wbek. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Glen WorfhingToh . motored ttf Nephi Saturday and were accompanied. h6me by Mrs. Worthingtons brother; Alma Btfr and Miss Jarbt; who spent tho week-en- d . . here, Mr. and Mrs Glei Rotins ac- . companied Mr. and Mrs. Trunutn . . Curtid of Lagan on a motoe-ttiin . . . ' 1 WELL--, DOVVrt 5T0R& . , 6 '-t TS?hat h TJqI WKfl ,art exhibit and tea at the jJwblio , school building Friday afternoon .from two till four. The exhibit will be open to the pjjblic Sunday from .- . SKEEz'Elp:;;-- DO YOU KAOtV &n I I VII- F- - T. . "" . ; . . '. . ; ; . . . Then left talk t3ma..l?dr(l dculera today ean make' ft easicr.for yon to own a Ford Ilian ft has ever. V-- H O U R, ' y : - - TO ALE E 1 NE'6PLAN A ,t It. . v SUNDER . R D r . tK'en.before.. New financing orrangeiueiits'throuh ' Universal. Credit Company bring clown financing1 . cost to a' new low LetV talk it.over. today.'. , Tha.only way your body can c.lao out, Aolda and polAua waitoa from your .. blood I thru 8 minion tiny, dollcat Kid-n- y tube or flltara, but bawaro of cheap, ilrnatio, . Irritating drug. If functional Khlnn'y nr fl'addnr dlaordura mu-kyou ulfer trom Hotting Up Nights, Nervoua-nr.j- i, Log Pallia, Unckachu, Clrulra Undar Klua, lilaiilnaaa, HliBiiiuat lo . Pa lim, Acid tty. Hiirnl.iig, emarttng nr Itching, don't Uka a'liancoa. Ut thh Doctor's guoran-tnr- d called Crates (81s-Trt- ). f and aura. Wnrka (nut, In 41 hours It must bring nw vitality, and Is guaranteed to Its you up in one week or .imuify back ?n return of empty package. Cyhies coNte only do a day at druggists and 'the guarantee protects you, preHi-rliitlo- OF; UNIVERSAL CREDIT, COMPANY Circumstances may prevent you 'and Mrs. Leo Green, Mr. and1 Mrs. from building a fortune but they Ford Dealers Offer YouThred' Advantage . . Clifton Smith 'and Mr. and Mrs. haven't so much power against New- LoWer Monthly George Briggs of Layton, Mr. and .ho need .to jia'p . Payments ' more thin 825 per nionta after down payment, Mrs. W. D. Thomas of against your determined plan, to 940 . Kaysvilje ( mild up your character. nd Mr. and Mrs. Norman New Low Finance Cost-6- N plan for-1A . . momh os J4 TXfT Winters IT IT1 ' ' F-4- 8 : of Ogden; ' I . Gamp'' . W l . U U, II ; jhS .ofljl a month on total unpaid balance plus insurance.. Mrs. John Graham entertained New Complete Insurance-artu- al values-krAform . si ladies at an old fashioned ; . fire and then; $50 dbductible collision; combined additional ' . AftCT U&linl quilttlnvori Tin vmnri Last week' we were rejoicing over ' ' ' . , coverage a.uch aa damage from falling aircraft, cyclone, wind',., , ing. Tuesday. ' . Ihe fact, that we had received an alorm, earthquake, tornado, flood, riot, bail ami erploaion. '. O Tbla ptan'alao anpliea (a Ford Samuel Morgan who was commercial uniu ' . vT addition to the army .personnel at . . t,. . . . v: . ,' . . injured Sunday evening, is . . .. . . week are we this This .. . . ;. camp. ' . eking along as well as can be 'ex. . .. . . ; . . I." ' ' the fact tjiat wa are go- -, pected. . . . : . . .. . Mrs. William .Parker's .father of ing to lose Lt. Jack B. Marshall. II 'transferred to q being Cqm ny . Wells ville was here . Sunday ttf .Cedar City, 1508, camp DG-3name their baby fot them, Miss Beth Gailey . was home 'Utah. Lt. Marshall is a vqrjt popuJ ; lar officen with all mqmbers of this from Logan to spend the Week-enwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs camp; .Last jspring fie was assigned to this company, from the March team will W. E. Gailey. . journey to Tooele to son it shotild receive at least a por of tho frost of the viaduct, plunged Field District in Caljfo'rnid. Durr,ya4ye.aril.1'Gtylr Nfrith the five from 'company tin n' .of and Wayn Sheffield and tangle rather than Ihroiigh Jtho guard rail and . shot nny'ertae left, ' ing, his services here he lias serv- 2517, camp DG-2. ' Miss Helen Peterson will "op heirs' to. ; children tho emburikrrlent. The men down having jt go spend ed es Both 'Mess officor and. Store : this week-en- d in Provo sind attend . . who might, hhv'q him" enrouto were to Ogden from Mr. Supported, officer in . addition to Summary the basketball game. had they been willing. Another . Poulos homo.. , . . court officet'aml welfare, officer. .Mrs-rule yvil-l-' require than an aged perThe victim is curvlved by a broth George Gi'een entertained We have mocH havenjoyed very. the Jolly Neighborhood" club at her son fnust fakq'an oath that he has er, William Poulos of. Clearfield. ing. him as one of our officers and aonie . .Wednesday deeded npt, transferred afternoon. A qr of. any to" t do to see him leave; but if he The problems of what K. 'S. Bovendcr of Winston-gQod time was had by 15 members. hpte his property wjthin thn year 'pre. must of his about 0. the money nqw go. hope sincerely supposed grant Salem, NC. saved 1,023 nickles to Mrs. Thomas Chadwick Is stay.- -' ceding the making of an applica- for the Centerville drouth relief his street assessment of $81.40 ont will be a pleasant pay assignment tion for a pchsion. ' . ing with her daughter,. Mrs. Grace ' After . . to . . asked one now which are well carrying a bullet in his they , Some prospective Warburton, in Salt Lake a few 'All that glitters is not gold applicants, jl head 20 years, Geo. M. Bow for was the principal problem days. we have been told, which seems' to is said, t have been transferring pay for, ron of St. Louis died of pneumonia distRo comTown board the Centerville 5, Wednesday, of .February Mrs.. Carl Cottrell entertained t case with the old ago pen- property to children- or other relaThe decub bd. the cussion her sewing club at her home Mon- - pany seoured a new mascot-- a. at least, lo a certain extent, tives for the purposes of reducing cision Monday evening. to was given" to Sergeant Quick sions, bear Mayor Henry according pESERETMORTUARK day afternoon. There were eight for he who would participate must themselves" to a state of indigence Cleveland to to liquidate William and How was af iathev ' try thq by so be to for lien wilj guefcta. on his a eligible tljatthey propgive the date in some way, probably ard Mann, enrollees of this com-- 1 prepare Mr. and Mrs. John pensions. t if fie has any,to-therty, county' Hyde and .? Other requirement of the Utah-plan- over a period of time as there is in' which he resides. family of Downey, Ida. wecehere lany... mascots: Tbb of Speaking' now before the Federal secur no provision made for it in the bud The state, board .ojf public welfor, the funeral services oif Mrs. will attempt to have the Tramp dog that spent quite a fare decided at its ' Weaver last week. , ijr board have ndt been made pub- get, They 'regular mptn lic , b'it of time at this camp last fall of $2,400 reduced.' Hdwev.er, i is understood that charge Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Williams ing Monday t)iat this should be one He comes for returned. has a, J t ; and son, Park, spent last Week-en- d of the requirement. By enforcing the. Utah old age Assistance plan for a, while while, ahd then hfe ' goes will . diqualify . the a aged persons haying .. M,n iJ haam ., nttrM jsuch nagreement. county, in'Nephi with relatives. , I.L ai4 ma 53, . of . dependents wMr. capable supporting ' goiernmeilt. yill and Mrs. Wayne and Mr., , , SP-- . Some pf th fellows fie afile to reimburse themselves on them. Varying monthly allowances, and Mrs. Emery MortoA o'f Salt at camp wiraa-- ir fie he is an' inspector and that death of the aged person for .it is reported, will be- fixed accordthe Eike visited friends here Sunday.. .sy . while 36 Wasatch 2462 & East 7th So. in one camp, and Mrs. Vern Woolsey. entertained spehds. moneypald Anything, ing to a person's- need ranging to. another. Were gladf, goes then, from'a'few dollars ft month up to Your loved ones desire the best. from' the' sale of p'rop-' six guests at a waffle s supper, .Mon- to have him back,gnd if.he can get remaining a miximum of $20 or $35 a month. ifnits after gove.ment erty day evening. . when costs he no more. it forty-thre- e with the cpb, especially fnay stay. claims have been satisfied, if is Needs upopn which pensions are al Word was received here Mohday. along a truck after it beneath Pinned ' assumed, will go to the deceaseds lowed, vyill be determined by rep- skidded on the icy highway, George that Mrs. Fletcher, mothep of Mrs.-Dr- . We cant win all. the' time, fcven estate. resentatives Xt tfie, board of public . . Rutledge and James Fletcher though we would like to, so we Poulos, 53, Clearfield was killed welfare. , This alsq, c.onorms died in Smithshire, 111., requirement late Monday at the Riverdale via:: Monday. went down fn defeat "before the to a. provision- in .the old Mrs. Wilma Galbraith entertainpresent adduct. The driver, Pete Souravlis, basketball- team- fronr company pension statutes now. in force ed her bridge club Thursday. age was 44, Ogden, uninjured. 238, camp'F-3- 8 at Big Cottonwood in and also with an expresMrs. Alex Criddle is State Highway Patrolmen Jack very ill at The game was played in the Junior sionUtah, in the .national security laws her home on the Mountain road. exCridlcy and Rink Smurthwaite said Alex Dawson, Sr., of Layton is high school gym at Bountiful last in which the federal government matold Mr. them the Souravlis Tuesday evening. The score ' was 41 , expects, in event of the. sale of very ill chine went into a spin just north 4 j ; Mrs. Jacob B. Layton of Clear- to 36. Cottonwood gained a lead property of a person on pension, to. in the early part of the game and receive a return of f, the of field is spending a few WPA workers start four with wijl days her sister, Mrs. John G. M. Barnes held it all the way. We arent down money it has advanced. new projects in the county this hearted. to Were going try just a The state board holds that if the week, Richard Pelton, The two Kaysville camps ci thj planning enlittle harder. Next our government supports an aged per-Tuesday Pion'eers1 will meet Daughter of gineer, announced Tuesday. ' : Thursday, at the homo . of tire. Work will include the razing of Jessie Barnes. Everyone is expectCOULD NOT DO IIER the, old district school building in Feel full of pep and poeeeee the ed to dress in pioneer costumes; v, and graveling, lender form you crave you cant Kaysville; grading Misss Vesta Barne entertained of Colemere road in West Kays- if you listen to goeaipere. 6AI37ACTI0XT 18 the Evening bridge, club at their To take off exceae fat go light on V7HEN rrfy; ville; laying of 2,700 feet of meats, butter, cream and sughome Thursday. fatty ; from Snow creek to cooyey ad ary sweets the when ttsared eat more fruit and pipe atoalj thing you Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green of Ida. and take a half teaspoon-fu- l ditional to vegetables harden is water, a East culinary tempt Rest el Supplies are tied. ; ; are spending a few weeks here owof Kruachen Belts in a glass of when you are Layton and grading and 'graveliht hot water every morning to eliminervous end ini-tebing to the illness of his father. on Gentile street in Layton. Permanent waving nate excess waste. M yonr Dance this Saturday, Feb. 8 at Mrs. Elma Verllls of Havre de have Only partial appropriations wic end irv North Farmington. A SPECIALITY Grace, Md., write: "X took off 20 i! this medicine. It been made for these undertakings, lb. my clothes fit ms fins now. J"1 be whet fast Mr. Pelton stated. Men to be hired may No drastio cathartics no constiPer all appoints - A blacksmith first thinks of the yon need for extra will come from other projects pation but blissful daily bowel act tion when you taka your little daily shape he wants the iron to be. He energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of they are finished. ! doss of Kruschsn. then works np some heat about the Trenton, New Jersey, savs, After i .... .jf i idea and the material He then pro doing just a little work I had to lie recomdown. My mother-in-la. cecds to hammer the material into mended the Vegetable Compound. shape. Building a life is something ( ' I can tee a wonderful change now. I t Maximum Ifissniwa like that (;$-- 1 Licensed ij i Wouuld you invest wisely? Put 1r ti For Each Depositor v thoughts and actions out at inter228-- J K., est which will build up for you a PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GCCD BOUNTIFUL, UTAH TELEPEOI7U IT3-A s4 fortune Headquarters. Co, 7 C CC Number , ... I - Oi 2 Bt .'. ad criti-...cal- , .- 0, ; , d tnw ..........; ' " -- .' .... ly " Honmito'iFol: BVOotoir0 -. r '. t Coffee & Roll 10c ... CH 10c STALEY'S Ei-Wi- 8. Solution To Drouth ; Well Debt Puzzle Property .Lien. Necessary For' Utah Pensions 10 N C H r , - Service AboveAll e .- A -.' , George Poulos, - a Of - ni7 ( Clearfield A Banli Account On Way to Ogden - a. fV' ... - ft .. I - W P A Workers In Our County to Start New Projects - one-hal- G? FAT perienced service. Davis County SMEDLEYS BARBERSHOP nr at Layton, Utah nouoEuonti FAraiINGTOIJ "TTBioonn 3-in-ch ftnum ! le " nil BOUUFOL STATO BAIa deposits msimnD u The Federal Dcpcdt Incarczco Washinstcn, D. C, - Virginias Beauty Shoppe Phone ; . w GEORGE W. GRAHAM of personal force. resources and SURE OF SATISFACTION FG1I3 YOUR COME WHERE YOU ARE SHE LOOT 20 . ' With a record of more than years this bank affords its customers the vantages of ample -- ' W MORTICIAN -'- U . C:. tt 4 I I 4 |