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Show tfnSirppuf v vrurc wdopcq t avtav tttati Pickled Pine BRISBANE THE INVENTOR OF THE TYPEWRITER By ELMO SCOTT WATSON HE dick and clatter of tbe keya were allenced aa the visitors paused be-jaide the desk from which the noise came. What are you doing T writing an article on the . )i "Im typewriter." about?" Its about the typewriter." I understand! You're writing an article ABOUT the typeBut writer ON the typewriter. why?" Well, you see, February 14 happens to be the anniversary of the birth of Christopher Latham Sholes and he , . ." Oh yes, he was the chap who invented the typewriter, wasn't he?" "That depends upon what you mean when you say Inventor because ..." Yes, a great deal does depend upon the definition of that word I At least a dosen men did the pioneering work that eventually resulted In the modern writing machine and each of themhas some claim to the title of "father of 'the typewriter" or to the honor of high-spee- d Oxygen Is Life Behind the gray walla of .Eton school, where Georges The cent taken from the before It disappeared and placed before the altar. Kings go; the crown remains.' being Its Inventor." Probably the first effort to proA duce a writing machine was made printing at the end ef the tine Is Affair. The first machine which he Inby an English engineer named lien indicated." vented was a simple afry Mill In 1714. A patent Issued to Principle Reversed him by Queen Anne on January 7 made an old with fair, telegraph the princiThis Indicates that of that year states that he Invent machine was the re- the first to use ao Inked ribbon for key,. a sheet of glass and odds and ed and brought to perfection an ar ple of Burt's enj, 0f W00(j amj matal. It printed on modern machines. the letters and characters. only a aerles of w-- but tlflclal machine or method for the verse of that recording ,t w .h the type In the typographer"In the meantime another Atneri- - germ 0f the final machine. For, to Impression or transcribing of letters moved at the letter each of Imprint simply or progressively one after 'until the end of the line ...was can, living In England, was working quota ffom tha Uerklmer county on sn Invention which was to have In all as another, writing, whereby reached and, Instead of returning s direct hearing upon the develop- - history: "This machine was Important In writings whatsoever may be en the carriage, as Is done bn a mod- ment of the typewriter In Its pres-- the grossed In paper or parchment ao ern history of' the typewriter for typewriter, the frame carrying ent form snd to give him strong I neat and exact as not to be dls ana thing It Introduced onjy shifted mechanism whs the to the trtle of "Inventor of0(her crank to the machine tlngulshed from print; that said backprinting while the shop to the starting point II was Johnljanipa machine or method may be of great Densmore, who dropped In motionless. the typewriter,". remained Itself paper use In settlements and public ree 1'ratt, horn ts Unlonvllie, .8, C., one jjay jooked the machine over, Burt obtained type for his ma14, 18.il, and, for several years an(j the being April deeper ords, impression pronounced It good for nothing chine from John Shelton, editor arid after his and more lasting than other writ graduation from Cokes- - gava to show that the Idea Was Gazette, Detroit of the proprietor Journalist 1 feasible. He was Just the man that lng, and not to be erased or coun and Sheiton on Muy 25, 1829, wrote bury college In 1810, In the South. and terfeltod without manifest dlscor lawyer sholes, the dreamer and Idealist, the first letter on the new con In 1804 Iratt.ahd his wife went to needed. e ry." Marto was addressed lt truptlon. -Except for this patent, which Is tin Van Buren, then secretary ef England, where he devoted his stten- sholes and Densmore kept ham-tlo- n to perfecting a writing machine merlng away on the Invention, built filed In the British patent office, and said: which he called the pterotype" for model after model until 23 or 30 had there Is, however, no other record state, "This Is a specimen of printing which h(i was of of of the principles granted s British pnt operation dona by me on Ur. Burt's typog In ISM.. According to the Na eot Mill's machine. The same Is true rapher. You will observe sopie In tlonnl Cyclopaedia of' American of a writing machine which Is said accuracies In the situation of the to have been Invented In France In letters. These are Biography, which calls him the "Inowing to the ventor of the 17S4. So neither Mill nor this un typewriter" and which of the machine; )t his was the first working that known Frenchman have any very imperfections says having been mud in the woods valid claim to the title of lnven-- . of typewriter that ever secured t Michigan, whore no proper tools sale," I'ratt chilhipd'four tor" of. the typewriter. operations could be obtained by the Inventor, as requisite to the accomplishment of In construction Claimant the who, First of his purpose. They were: wished to test the prlncl The first real claimant to that That It wus necessary to bring little' taking one of number of types at the title was an American William pies ofIn It, therefore, any making It- I am satisfied will of the operator, and in Austin Burt, a native of Massachu pains arbitrary from my knowledge of the printing to common- point;; to succession; setts, where he was born June 13, business as well as from the opera form a' colored ' or other legible 1702, but a citizen of Michigan In with of tlon the' rough machine,, his 1820 when he Invented "typog character t. that. common point; to which I am printing, that the typog feed the, paper across, the common rapher.'t At any rate the recort rapher will be ranked with- the so as to make proper Intervals of his Invention In the United most point In and novel, useful pieusing the letters-anStates patent o.ffice declares that between the words; "this patent discloses the actua ventlons bf the age." device for. to the prepare bringing On July 23, 1S2U, patent No. 200, construction of a typewriting ma and speedily, back to readily pnpor Andrew Jack chine for the first time In any coun signed by President Its starting point with an Interval son and Secretary Van Buren, was the describes working between the lines."' try." It then granted to Burt for his typog of the typographer" as follows: In 1807 his machine was exhibited of the model "The type are arranged on the un rapher." The original the1 Society of 'Arts and a before was lost In the fire of Deder aide of a segment carried by a machine read by thq Inventor before paper 1S30, which destroyed waa printed in Its Joulever pivoted to swing vertically cember 15, office' and all Its. con that society the patent To that sapie and horizontally. rnal year' also he been made, and finally, In 1873, they ' . "The desired character Is brought tents. . made and sold several "pf hie ma-- turned out a. machine which was Found No Market. to the printing point by moving chines Ih LondAn, among the pur; I deemed sufficiently perfected for Burt's Inveutlon was so far In chafers, being Sir Charles Whent-1 actual manufacture. It waa Sholea this lever horizontally to a position over the same character In the In advance of the times that it fouud stone- and Dr. Bence Jones, the ail-- that named hlS Invention the 'type-tho- r .1 bis stten of ."Llr of Faraday." dex, and the Impression Is made by no market,, so he turned writer.' The model was brought to ' I tlon to other things. Among them ' then depressing the lever. Hlon, Herkimer county, New Y.ork, .Three "Cranks." ' .. Several styles of type may be was the Invention of the solar coim But' more ImpdMant atlll la. thelwher the Remingtons had a gun used and they are arranged In two pass, an Instrument which rente of lhf typewriter .was the factorL nd It was with the Rem-fahlstcrrjr rows on the lever. These rowa r died variations of a magnetic that during the winter of lStifl-- Ingtons that the Inventors made type can be shifted on the lever to needle, due to local causes, and his 07 In's little machine shop In. the the drst contract for the manufac-outskirt- s bring either one to the printing Interest In Internal Improvements In of the flty dr Milwaukee ! tor of the new typewriting Michigan territory. The latter in point chlne Th,a waa ,n February. 1873. three ml thoughtful "The paper Is carried on an end eluded a project for a canal around and hard working men.loflked upon Th actual manufacture of the maless band which travels crosswise the fulla In SL' Mary's river, the ss 'crarfks' bj their neighbors, were chlne beKan ln the following on the machine, and this band forerunuer of the present canal at Ltember. haYd at work on s pel Inven- Sault SL Marie, so Burt's fame as R was a very primitive looking "The! his of tlon Sd own.". sqvs Father of the Soo Canal" la seaffalr that waa turned out bJ'the the of issued Typewriter" by cure even If his right to the title Story but It was the ances Historical Rl8tona the of Herkimer society of "Father of the Typewriter" has a11 tbe f tor New i923. typewriters and la Yorjc, in county, R connever been firmly established. 8tllV labeled, ln Its museum reposl- . tinues During the next few years a nura "One' of those rnefi; Christopher tory as tbe model 1 Remington. her of writing machines of one sort Latham Sholea, printer and news- u wrote on,J capital letters. The or another made their appearance. ewtng machine Influence was apwaa mgagedJn develop-The first of these, and one which paper man, In Its appointments. The a ing lrent machlne'for aerial-numbering showed a nearer approach tirttte waa a cu carrlaKO returned by of blank hooks. In this modern typewriter, was Charles ly the pages had Interred one of the rloua foot tread,e wh,ch however, he work Thurber'a printer which he patent others, Samuel w. Soule, while, the tu,cklF demonstrated Its useless-thir- d ed August 20, 1843. of the group, Carlos Qlldden nesa and waa aoon displaced by the The first machine to nse contln hi time trying to Invent a now fnmn,ar band carriage return, In uous roll paper feed, Instead of an put e mechanical spader! to take the Nevertheles, the fundamental endless atrip of tape, as originated of construction embodied ln clplea of a plow. Chance caused by Burt, was invented by John B, these three men to writer still survive, drop the Inven- - thla flrst Fairbanks, who produced his pho- tlons on which fbelr has since thougb aPPl,ctlon had been workthey netic" writing machine, patented bH?n odlfled or transformed in to and their pool tnterests In a lng September 17, 1S50. rrelous little many waya ,n th new and far greater undertaking. On May 20, 1856, John n. Coopof I machines today.1 one to "According story, the Ides er patented a writing machine which 0na otber ,tin tbe b,,torF arose out of a remark made by Gildexhibited for the first time the Latham Sholes as the the den while paging machine wai Christopher WILLIAM AU8TIN BURT against principle of hammer-printindeFather of TJPi"Rer" Why cannot a wheel or disc, which corresponds nearing completion; aervea mention. (Incidentally, the a machine tach lm be the made that by will moved for letter spsdng very closely to the modern type- write letters and words and not fig- Natlonal Cyclopedia says that "If presslon lever every time the lever writing machine. A ores onlyr subsequent article In Sholea can b called tbe ,ather of la depressed to print In June, 1856, Alfred E. Beach, Scientific the American describing th typewriter,1 HFratt may Justly be Is made shift line by "The space editor of the Scientific American, called Srandfather. ") M the lng the frame carrying the printing brought out a mechanical writer, the model of the pterotype' a ma- - llma Sholea waa mak,n the fins chine or the whose principle waa to reenre designed for Jnst such a pur- mechanism toward the front on his typewriter a lmProvmenta never rebut the pose came rear of the machine, paper perfected, at bltter raised letters Instead of printing waa an Pollcal campaign additional to them auggestlon maining stationary. them. It contained the first alignln and wased Politlca the a chance visit to the Mil-"Ink pads are located at each aide ment of type bars In a circle, demlnda and 00 th tongues of every-Hamachine wtukee and all the of Wllone shop of the impression point livering their Impression on a comG. LaDue, who bad for many ona' Thata why today whe you type, except the one In printing po- mon center. years been dreaming of the Inven- - alt down at your typewriter to try sition, are Inked every time the ImPortable. First tlon of a typewriter,' completed the lta acUon' or t0 war vp" la depressed. pression lever of auggestlon that set Sholes. for 7u begln wr,t,DS- tap out In 1857, Dr. S. W. Francla of New A dial Is provided walch lndl U u 00 time the the,e wordt form to of this Glldden and Soule to working writing cates the length of paper In Inches fork added a11 tood men t0 com 10 1116 a,d for machine and the to the exclu- pianoforte keyboard wholeheartedly, which has passed the printing point tba Party" Christopher Latham la printing each line, and aa the action for the first time. This slon of everything else, on the new of Shole waa tbe tnventor" of that oi' method A Idea. practical mechanic, Mat- operator knows the width of the pa greatly simplified the 8entence thlaa the to who Schwalbach, had helped I keys. stop striking per being used, the time er I . . Veterans having successfully climbed the long, long road, the government began the biggest "payoff" Job In history, the printing of two billion four hundred million dollars worth of bonds, to be distributed among 3,518,191 World war veterans. The mere distributing cost alone will be $7,000,000. Now government wonders what new taxes can be Invented to pay f billions the two and ma-Wl- tfdle-age- ta 1 - - - be-"Th- m it 1 C Wwtwa NitwMt Cnloa, y. Mississippi, Missouri River The two great rivers are sometimes spoken of as the Mississippi-Missour- i, which Includes the mileage from the source of the Mlssou-r- l tolhe mouth of the Mississippi, a distance of 4,220 miles. The Mis. sourl river from Its source to Its mouth ln the Mississippi Is 2,94.3 miles long, while the Mississippi alone, from Its source In Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, Is only 2,48$ miles ln length. Pilot Whale Not DwngereuS The pilot whale Is not dangerous like Its close relation, the killer whale. A specimen la usually not more than 20 feet ti length; It Is nearly black all over, and Is sometimes, known as the black fish. On the. throat there Is a whitish patch, which sometimes extends to a very narrow strip down the center ef 4h under parts. fuM-grow- heart-shape- n d Longest Bridge in World The longest railway bridge ln the country, as well as the world, Is the Huey Long bridge spanning th Mississippi river north of New Orleans. It )s 4.4 miles long with water span of 3,524 feet, 135 feet Above the water at high water. Tt cost nearly $20,000,000 and required three years to build. ' Scotlands Latitude Scotland lies ln the same latitude as Labrador, nndson hay, South Alaska and Siberia lands of frozen 'soil, Icebergs and dreary wastes, pf Intense cold. Though Its northern bounds are but a few mile from the Arctic circle. It hears no counresemblance to the Ice-boun- d tries. Pore in Plant Leave' Plant leaves vary tremendously In the number of breathing pores per square inch. The greatest difference, It Is believed, Is between v r . ip axv A V . 1 g were 14 wives, the youngest sixteen, and the British royal governor, Eden, who shared profits of the pirates expedition. Teach, like Bonnet Morgan and other pirate bold, was of an aristocratic fam-llHe had brothers ln the British service who were dutybound to shoot him on sight r . ct - Teach, Lloyd George says the new king, Edward VIII, has the magnetism of his grandfather, Edward VU; that he comes to the throne with such great troubles ahead as few king have ever ehcountered, but bis courage and his sure Instinct will not fall him." . prln-plac- Blackboard Americas moat notable native pi-rate, died in 1718 with hla boots on. A British officer, Lieut Robert Maynard, cut him to ribbons ln a duel at Blackbeards lair In Ocracoke inlet North Carolina, la order t get a $500 reward posted by the government Left to mourn Black-bear- d the mistletoe, which has only 200, .All five walk, all have gained weight during the past month, and have new teeth. Annette has three new ones, twelve ln alL All hav beautiful big eyes, high foreheads, pretty faces and look as French aa the Marseillaise; get plenty of oxygen, but wrap up welL 1 1 Roof Colors in Chinn In China the use to which a building Is put Is not Indicated by lta design but by the color of the tiles used for the roof. Green In dlcates aa official place, yellow ia commercial place and brown a place where people live. "The Blood Is the Life," according to an old Hebrew laying, and oxygen is the lire of the blood. No oxygen means death. In three minutes or less; too little oxygen means premature death, inferior health meanwhile. The Dionne quintuplets are mar velous In their health. The marvelous babies sleep outdoors every morning and afternoon; on one occasion the temperature was 30 degrees below zero, 1 sep-enc- 1800, Royat Artitt Many of the frescoes lh the town hall of Stockholm were, painted by Prince Eugen, brother of the Swedish king. The town hall Is one of the most famous modern buildings In Europe, and architects from all over the world like to study 1L to do with the Red Cross. Associated Press sends news of a Swedish field hospital," captured by Italians In the South, carrying ammunition on five trucks adorned with Red Cross flags and Insignia. Th "field hospital" automobiles contained, In addition, 27 cases of munitions. In modern war, the saf plan seems to be bomb everything. The war drums of the Ethiopian hero, Raa Desta Demtu, were cap-- , tured. He will miss them. I la Edward . Interesting news from Ethiopia sent by sn American correspondent says the residence of Halle Selassies son has on the roof a large red cross, although It has nothing - End ef Inquisition and though It meant Spain was not under French rule, It was really a happy day for the Spanish. For Napoledn abolished the Inquisition that had been taking hundreds of lives a year by the most cruel means for centuries. . - ' ' Napoleon entered Madrid one-hal- . Antlers set of ant- lers Is a matter of spectacular proportions ln the moose, largest member of the deer famllyi living or extinct Moose antlers may approach 100 pounds In weight, and they have been known to have a spread of 75 Inches. The palmatlon of the antlers may present a width ef solid bone for 12 Inches, and the number of points often runs as high as 25. simple Church of England burial service, read by the Archbishop of Canterbury, was heard far over the earth, wherever Britain 400,000,-00- 0 subjects live. ,g - Moose Grows Hesvy Growing the annual The services were broadcast, new feature of s royal funeral. The I - of was coffin an-clai- m . Ed- magnifi- crwn Englan 1 - Benefits From Forests The benefits from forests are many. The most Important are: Protection from soil erosion; retention of rainfall by the spongy layer of leaf mold on the forest floor; lessening of the occurrence of floods; purification of the atr by the Inhalation of carbon dioxide and exhalation of oxygen by the leaves of the trees; Improvement of fishing and hunting; the profitable use of lands which are of no value except for forests. ward VIL and bis grandmother, Queen Victoria. a . glided. coffin ther, King I . onn g was lowered into the vault to lie beside his fa- One-Lett- . y England learns discipline and cricket, King fourteen he was apprenticed to the editor of the Danville (Pa.) Intelll gencer to learn the printing bust ness, but at the age of eighteen he decided to join his brother, who was then living In Green Bay, Wis. Two years later Sholes went to Madison and took charge of the Wisconsin Inquirer, owned by his brother, Charles, and In 1840 he edited the Southport (later Kenosha) Telegraph. Four years later he became the postmaster there and after moving to Milwaukee was postmas ter In that city. He was also ed . Itor of the Sentinel and the News, Miss Eileen Donohue as she appeared, In the costume of the commissioner of works and public a o a ties, in a skit presented by the New York Y. W. C. A. as Inpart coilector of CU8tomSi jt wa jur. f ren Im celebration In 1933 to mark the slxt lath universal 7 clIt!he hlg career ,Q th offlce that e the typewriter and the entrances! women became Interested In making a num- . WOrklnc with world. The typewriter shown In this picture Is the original model per- be nach, manufactured the first which from Sholea Latham fected by Christopher th other twQ men ,n thelr le chine shop on a writing machine. one-lett- Wind- sor castle, on the hill above the John Atden Descendant Sholes was a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, and was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1819. At the age of It Oh, now The Crown Remains Veterans Reach the Top The Useful Red Cross the big Idea and to him the Invention of the first practical typewriter Is credited." can see ... Iwhat's I know you are that for myself. Bilt THIS WEEK Sboles develop his paging machine, was added to the group of expert menters In the little iflachlne shop, and proved quite a handy man, both In carrying out Ideas and suggestions. But Sholes was the man with "Blackboard Pickled pine Is pine which has een subjected to a chemical treatment which ges It and gives to the wood surface something of the soft patina of old pine or "deal" from which the paint has been stripped. Pine was used for room Interiors and furniture ln England ln the Eighteenth century, but it waa never left ln lta natural state. For room paneling It waa painted; for furniture It was also painted, and for mirror frames, for which It was often osed because It was easily carved. It was either painted or . The unnecessary air disaster In Hawaii, two United States bombing planes destroyed ln collision while plying "In formation" and six men killed, causes aviators to say that they object to night formation flying. They may well object; nothing more densely stupid could be Imagined than sending up planes to fiy at high speed, almost wing to wing, Inviting disaster and death. Even ln these busy times there ought to be somebody sufficiently Intelligent to stop that nonsense, at night, and ln daytime also. i For Better Work USE THIS NEW LAMP . Mr. John noran of Milwaukee, called by his fellow workers "Soda Ash Johnny," flrst used soda ash to clean locomotive boilers, a discovery that should have made him rich, bnt did not . . "Soda Ash Johnny," a proud man, refused to let his son accept a pension, told the authorities: "I am still able to work, and no boy of mine la going on the county.' It will surprise you to hear that tha eon, aged aixty-slhas appUed for an old age pension. x, ' The atatement that Imagination la worse than reality applies to everything death Included, let us hope. When a colony of nudists mova oa San Diego, Calif, the atrongeat proteat comes from San Dlego'a Braille club, an organization of blind people. They could not actually know whether the colonists were dressed or not, but they do not like the Idea. Consider how men have persecuted, tortured and burned each other for religious difference, ln matters that they could neither see nor know. Rlnt FMur WNU 8rvlc. !, There is a beautiful new low-cofloor or table lamp on display at our local stores that will help you in your work. More than decorative, these lamps deliver soft, glareless light with an intensity st - ' that eliminates eyestrain. . COME IN TODAY! $4.95 and up. Convenient terms can be arranged. Many models Electricity Is The Biggest Bargain In The Home tUtfAIHI POYFEIR lUMJEIT . . |