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Show 0 .. , V. . LAYTON. UTAH'0 THE WEEKLY NEWS'EXPRESS. . - . c o ft o 6 00 0 A e 0 o 0 1 rmmmmmmmmmwwmwwwmwmmmmmmm . 9 TheMindLELl A ; 9 ww9 9 9 ,OUR.:eQMlG:SEGTIO.N ,,, ' ; :'. V -- . rp 1 .... ; : .. r- -. . 1 ' . ') '"I1!1 ( I'rlfil'p .- . -. .. : : . iiii,Mit.itTii iin; (i s . . . - .' -- Events' in 'flit ixr'ei of Littte'.MeiirT1 . V1. V. ' WWw'i'" a, HENDERSON' ;. ". . . ?. , '" "A Gitl arid a Ghost ; By FLOYD GIBBONS 4 . .. Famous Headline Huntetf. '' ND I'fn certainly glad you didnt drop dead, Mary Greene, JT, the night a ghost walked right 'into' your bedroom. girls, .turn, the '..pull tip your chairs a little cloier, boys-.an3 down am l.vv listen to true. Jght ghost Stpry. It is worth, Marys . . , When Mar movjed ojft to a farm phe Ares In Juslt 4hp aort OfS mood made her nervous and atckljr, and ha.t.ghosts like. Her school work-harher patents 'decided that kite needed a rest and reah' air.; 5o they , , packed her e(T In AfrH, 1U25, t a farm. darned by frlenda. ! Now Mary always hat Iad a horror 9! ghostisttorles antf.rt . wak "ghoit stories thjt (his farmer doted on. 'Mary aaya Jls bed klmfstiries always 'told of weird happenings .ft midnight ghostly faces yhr'ouded fig urea with clahklng chalns-- of weird .cries, footsteps and. unexplained thump.. . . . . tngs on wails.; . . . horkerles-p'.t)nd night, Mary says, aft'ef a particularly ror ftorles, she limbed the wdoden stairs to her bedroom, with rflofe or less fear and frejnbllng. . She. was nervous And. lay aleeplessly In bed, ; floorl' .The' rest watching-thmoonbeapis .throw. '.ghostly 'patterns i of .the family bad gone to sleep long since. t 5 d hair-raisin- e ui-th- ws f g. of those Intensely, quiet ones, peculiar to. the The night was-onNot a breath of plr stirred and the leaves on the .trees In the yard might have been painted for alF.thf noise they made. Once In .the distance, a Ear off train whistled, and the screAmlng note, as It died .down, . . made. the silence all the more Impressive. The grandfather clock- downstalra begari to strike Its alow, to ths girl In bed tike the mqurnful peat- -' sonproud fng of a. churchbell tolling. tho service for the 'dead!'. She counted the strokes carefully. At eleven she held 'her breath hoped It would be the las,t. And as she listened, hoping against hops that the hour she dreaded woqld not strike, a dog howled in the distance,-' New -- York;, -- Cdu-?ord,V- ' -. . Soldier, army ; bailor, Garner ; Hoover,- - r. 9. . Americas Cup, yachting; WlglU-maRodSevdl-t- , n , Cupr '10. stateroom, ocean lipCr; ,c611, ' ( Use only ttie. following . w.ordsi pavy, Curtlsf, prison, electricity, fat, JSevr Hampshire, Oratory, vyigctn,tennis, gdlf. - Answers . .1. Electricity. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wagon,. . Golf, t . Fart, Oratory : , .. 6., Newt lLamp- - . Bhlre. 7. Navy. 8 'Curtis: 9, Tennis. 10.- Prison. Salt Lake City Directory. . - Minute Change Is Made in , . Our. Incli ;' Now 25.4 .Mm. . . ,The Abierican Inch' tinlt of .mens usenients' lias lost of Its former Iopgth In order that precise measuring In' th'e United States and England tnpy be done on he samje basis. The; new definition df. the Inch- Is no.w 23.4 millimeters a difference of about Inch tn a' mile as compared .with the. fir' reronternrm s , Hour Bririgs' Horror' to Mary. bedclothes over her. hpad. And as she She shivered end. the last notes of midnight did the clock struck' TWELVE. Mary-say'drew-th- - Albaay, . 7. ; d The-Witchin- kttiKdiusfhrxtls 4 J , couh-try- .' - notes-sounde- e s FIT,. WELL ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Brace Artificial Llmbt Truaiei Crutchea Arch Bipperta' Shoes- Elastic Hosier Established in Balt Lake In 1901 Ph. Was. (264 Satisfaction Guaranteed llS W. Thitd So. i Salt Laka City. UL one-eig- THE FEATHERHEADS IT . BUT AS SAID .1 A-- ;.!!r:?2L' : :' v' "- '..-'- mer. Amerlcnn r , s , , ' -- .'' -' "' ' Cood-h- y MUST BE cSoiUCr JUST- LIKE ONE TIME WHEW ETC etc erl . - K m V jeAr4vj KNOv, Mast VMilH AGd,.WB REMLy pr BE (jOINCt-- standard, alteration, was made This-minut- necessary by modern precision manufacturing and the confusion arising from Varying standards In' the two countries Montreal Herald. ' Y ONE. ; AS . Week - ALWAYS SAIE?, O'Nfc. NEVER. OUTStAY SHOULD ilC'- - MilPl nUC, f iii - the Moonlight She Saw. a Flguro tn Whitd. had hardly died before she' heard other sounds that brought her heart' Into her mouth In abject terror. Each sound seethed, to the In terror-stricke- ' . . girl, niore horrible- than the other. . Stealthy footsteps were coming bp the stairs. 'Chains clanked . dismally and In the silence of that awful night she heard plainly the thump, thump; thump of a' heavy . object being .dragged . through the silent house. soon upstairs! &he heard them coming And the7 awful Bounds-wertoward her room.- She sat up stiffly .in bed and wet her lips dry from horror resolved to cry out Finally words came but the weak, squeaky voice sounded strange and unlike her own, ' . "Whq's thebe? , The Ihtrudet Was 44Silent as a Ghost. Silence. The noises stopped but as the gtrl listened, she was sure' she could hear something breathing just outside her door. The door wns closed but unlocked and As she stared, 'her heart' almost . stopped beating.. The door moyed! . ; Mary, now'besld'a herself, tried to.screanv She opened : wide hee mouth but no sound came from her parched throat. her bulging, eyes staring In terror, she waited for , . Stiff and rigid ' . the worst! And it was not long, in coming. ' Her door slowly opened In the bright moonlight. she saw. a figure shrouded In white and as she sat thepe, too tense eveo fo fqlnt, the ' . , . thing approached her bed ! . - , - ' . n - i Visitor From the Grave Is Too Much for Mary. , . She took s deep breath as persons In great danger often do and Jiorrlble as It is to relate Into her nostrils c'auie the overpowering odor . of the grave. Tbe sickening stench of death. ,. . NVow I That washe straw that broke the camels back. And U Is ' all that Mary remembers. . , ' . ; But ths knows shs must have ecreamed because a Scream ' brought the farmer Into her rocm on the run with a shotgun that. hadnt been off the wall since Armistice day. The minute the farmer sniffed the ghost I mean the goat he knew t of fits had gone and pulled his what had happened. That pet stake and dragging stake and chain after him, bad come right luto the ... FINNEY OF THE FORCE '.' Eyes, But See Not billy-goa- hopse.' ULLETIHS o EoiTA And not the clothes line and there, on his soiled back, trailed one of Mas nice, clean bed sheets I , , t ' , But that Isn't what got Marys goat What burned her up was that the farmer seemed more concerned about who left the . back door open than he was about her nearly dying of fright , T dont dislike goats any more, Mary enus her Interesting letter, I late them." And that goes for me, too, Mary. Id rather smell a ghost any day. OWNU 8rvlo. , Colors of Mexico's Flag Tbe colors of the Mexican flag, green, white and red, are symboll cal of the aspirations of Mexico at the time U began Its life as an CAHT Ytz SEfc "W SOlCM SHTREET OKi& ? vjAY WAL SlNSE SE2. &E A SfPAHCeR IN TbWN OK. SHORE sOOD LUCK TO YEZ QJQ 9 VNim NwiHHr OiM i However, nation. Independent states an authority In the Washington Post, the meaning of the national coat of arms Lvtnpch more deeply rooted In the history, In the traditions and In tbe personality of the country. Tbe eagle which perched upon a cactus plant, strangling a serpent. Is rich In meaning, rich In symbolism. For centuries ou end It has lived In tbe hearts of the Mexicans,' In the hearts of the people who descended from the first settlers of the Valley of Mexico; and, besides belnu very much alive In cherished tra dltlons. It may have lived In real Rj; it must have lived In renllty. In the beginning of the Four teenth century the Aztecs, an Indian tribe, wandered Into the rich valley of Mexico from the north, and spread throughout that cart ' weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerereeee U. S. Certified Pullorum :i . - tested Chicks .. Whit Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, for immediate delivery. Headquarters for Hart Gat ; brooders, for natural, artificial, or tank gas, ran ba used anywhere. Also, the new .Sal-HRadiant. Phene, wr.te or wiro for prices and complete .Information. . ot Ill Be Seeing Yod Frison Governor (to released' convict) Im sorry. I find we.have.kept you here a week too long. Convict Thats all right, Blr. Knock; it off. next time. Louisville Times. . RAMSHAW HATCHERIES Salt Lake City, UL . . Going Down There's pleuty Of 'room at tha top, I tell you. Less Yes, as a mattdr of theory. But your wife only lets you have the bottom drawer of the bureau, doesnt Moe she?' Moe-rY- es, er Magazine. ' 2687 So. State St. TIMPANOGOS HATCHERT 2(1 Bontb 7th Rest I Provo, . Utah of the country. In 1323, having halted on the shore of tbe principal lake, they beheld, perched opon a cactus plant, a royal eagle of ex traordlnary size and beauty, with a serpent In Us talons and Its broad wings opened to the sun. This was considered an excellent omen by the priests and the plsce was chosen as the site of a great Aztec city. The foundations of this future metropolis were laid at once by sinking piles Into the shallows, for the low marshes were half bur led In water. Such were the begL nlngs of the Great Tenochltlan, capital of a mighty empire whose d gree of civilization astounded t!i conquering Spaniards led by Cortez Into Mexico. , During colonial times the nopal and the eagle appeared at various times as decorative motives In the coat of arms of the City of Mexico. When Independence wns attained In 1S21 the trlcolored flag was adopted, and an eagle perched upon the nopal (cactus plant) ana strangling a serpent, became ths national coat of arms. SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY Oar lobby Is delightfully ulr cooled daring tbe summer months for Every Room Radio 200 Rooms 200 Baiha Pathfind- youre right. . . That Should Get a Laugh agent persuaded the variety broadcast to use Joe Frisco In a bit I got you a bit on the air, the agent then told Joe. What A theatrical conductor of a five-minu- five-minu- te can you do In m m my formed, New York Post. In- tl Temple Square Rotes $1.50 to $3.00 Just Like Good Ones Mother "Now, do you know where bad little girls go to? Molly "Oh, ey go almost everywhere. yes-i-th- , HOTEL that time? the stuttering comic . . Mary Says Ghosts Still Get. Her Goat. . only that Billy had pulled one of his old tricks robbing Green, White and Red Write For Spring Catalog . - terror-stricke- ufiisuii Hum Supply of PPstum Free Read the offer made by the Postum Company In another part of this paper. They will send a full weeks supply of health giving. Tostum free to anyone, who writes' for It Adv. n . 94 Wh Mn. M. E. ByntnoA IsAmii Stall Fak Wioiwr c e Iw thick ; eltnf, , A Horni poetry;, Demosthenes; fi; The Night Was'a Deathly Quiet 'One.. . HuvMmi3N mail horse,. -- , ,- . DXIRBRlTI baklifpwiw. Iiowsta CbfcktfGiri.tsInMr." McSbaden-- ; 4. Thln' istening.to. peering-Into-windo- The Similarities Test In each problem of the following test there are three words. The first two words bear A certain relationship to one another,. Write In s fourth word which bears the same relationship to the third word that the. second does to the first. 1. Flame, gas; bulb, 2. Gasoline, automobile 3. Frank Frisch; baseball Harold ; : . . f-- . .Service. m m m m m mmrnmmmmmmmmaft ai ' ; . y rVM,..r....i.,,,VM..r.. I - ' ? O 9 Belt 8yndlcat.WNU t ; - Meter .' ..- s.tniWt'W .. . ; tl -- . . SOME JOB. 'American travelers who admire y Holland's tulips seldom realize the amount of work the bulbs require.. About 100,000 are planted to tht . acre and each .must be set, and later dug, by. han,d. V . No Choice T1i Ilhtrl Temple Senate has a highly desirahlo, friendly Immae--ulat- ou e, will always find it and aupramely romfortahle,therw-foro thoroughly agreeablo.Von can understand why this hotel 1st HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You con also appreciate why . fts a mark of diatinetion fo stop at ttiia beautiful hoatelry itmot-phrre.Y- He Do you really like conceited men bettor than others? She What others? ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. Ia Other Word WHAT PRICE LOSS . ' Wife You dont love me any more. Husband Why, dear, I certainly do. Wife You couldnt love a woman with such old clothes as I have been wearing. What did father say when you told him you were going to take me away from him?" He seemed to feel his loss keenly at first, but I squared things with a good cigar. Theres tbe Alarm t White Hows your Insomnia? Black Terrible. I cant even sleep when Its time to get up. Answers Magazine. -- WEN LEVS wmmmsi PERFECT GUM Tn lit: mi&m m? Gum . !a |