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Show JJATJ ,kfOT7J 23331X3 S7f.Tvf odJ (to el .TQglofy rf-- iu.jii-- nos ,41 To .n r. jiv- i.. if 1 vp.l 'tltt n't I V 4 rab-Pxrm- uriJl.iriT f. Ofli-- 'i .fi;ii,1 r .'Trij's fU8 j, :;C)iir 11vr x! tx.f, vxfr'i' is' 3fli:t r f Peeve - 3A'lJ e i IHWE A CDI.P 5AV WHEN -- lX f OF OF pf ,r.' ,,n i PlNMER AHCJ HOT WATER -- IMA ft PieiMli L!0' qi.'J r.- - -t ?rr!l 1 CPNE- - Hr AS A flOPLE- -1 Lt LET i.rr MTft' rtitfii rial a b:fl hi.ivift (lud) efN :C I fV OfTTi VA i hitvr" m-- 2?, a ' r. rA :i v iiU:UOlthtl fOr.W'J 1:1 la!) UT'i t l mMxkoo VJHEHHfc HOAHP ,nK Li; n ( ih? X ,B imI irto V ii-w- - J f youp pbiidi Is, oatlni hoi eid rjy4 feeling betterKoep pft Wlf ofe tU aynipst iflgi .n .few days hr U77 yon wUl se(raibazlnr.inkrovotae( TT?iinappettte.color,welkhtabd kptHt .RortoAar iarg store hks the rehi Calt bn a fowtisVfupW flgs.hll WrtUW.NrlS nM! iWi . i?aturB; or'ilcerfW1 'acting . )ti . . fc,. WARNING: i Jf tleailihss jr-i- .1 :l , 111 'T'lIEUE Iff Greenwich Village, saw a battered, old lyneb .'that seemed to ba conveying a colored picnic somowhire. A colored man was at the wheel with a1coWred woman, Evidently his wife, at his side, while the body of, the truck, seemed to fairly swarnx will) children df( assorted ages and sizes, but all o?llic sanje.&bflflfTony, Xli parngtmnn, cxpln.lijUt 0aO It Sl'Aa not a picnic., Toriinmi!;bl'ra and 1 thktAualier.of-ciitA- f . ti The T)uttCKe(L old ArwR Is waste rbiiieVer the TIlThge. ti u'mber of apartment house own- - li A ofll-clf- ll g ! .'J yellow ralneraC ,wIn l903 about 98 per cent of Aie, world's supply,, of jsulpbuf wgs tdug oqt of the, bills of Sicily where It had tfeen produced - for several 'cenlrlps.1 Although Viujpbur now. Is the .leading Italian, mineral, Italy Is the' seednd largest producer.- - Ja cui-do- r. ChtIu,:Spntn;,',,Aistpia,JLf, t J?h nee,.' CreecOi; iCblna! Viand' Alexlnr also ;havd orklngij but. ; rthj total ohtput;oi, a If of them.' icludliig,-- ' Italy,: Is:, ioaly ."about ,;on&'" from fifth; of the" fftfibiinf'-take- n deposUi, tpday:Resembles Oil i color that Intrlgiies-JlArtlif- r&UmforbtheriV t'&: !6trjil?''dhs ' f velvet Tkre l taf aria- s vefy ct,-T- .n-?- area-fosamble-s beautlftil f Velvet wWpg1 fliesimge' 1i The hair-oniaroe- pliotq-graphl- c a to. moiRfU. low shoulder' accented., by, smocking, slen-denie- Ai'vf ss d JttfV&FlP- Cffirr.EA6F v ''' I'ut Coeds in Texas i TAlhauy. .While crulalng,;be keepa . a sharp lookout for Junk ashore, his -- . fAts tfr legq herq canned ib(for! asVfiflrt ..No.-xnatte- om time ago eczema!. , the itfhlng during, pnd jjunui done - din? 'sm; OTotsi bfi...fh.!!l.,&-.- tbld,-Hbr- r . Till ls 4)aW-- . nfcsiSr I OiertflifftfMfl' Leaniigbventhe ylM5Uc.l)b :!' it. '"l o.'ii;,! ,in jo ir.iirjiMiifj t captains wont tAvb suything. to do exceptkeep ship gnd sit around and yara'ontil jervatory sjufig. ; !, 4- - ms Srlit.--W.N- tJ Settle. Miilletos Official Plowir" i Mistletoe is tbe official flower of f i: , Oklahoma. lid 1MJ,' 1,1) Uk City. UnV , for our catalogue. Mail,in coopoii. KAIVf " T d ill (J; wdlyooooaaoaepu oou oupauyup m Rivers' clte'ln! Amazon river ia perceptibly ( " The affected jby Jhd tides as far up as the towii of Obidos', State of Para, Brazil,. 400 miles from the mouth, river is tidal to Tir Mississippi , Red Pointe Coupes Parish, i;. r30Jr miles, Above tha mouth. - Rivet-Landing- ill Need to KndwAhfarcni Weather v iThs ' tfioif 'jrrartiCa! 1 wiiffc.tbat I i sxnlaiwru. Pdtv'fta : -- t u ff1 -- buttons add , -' - i ? - da at fiaVlieloWv r.r,TT l,7-:- 'lie!::! ? cGpp'er-coloted- te-'-- 1' ir' Wornwilrf v BhorfiA " ' 1 'ttause., ?ha T lot - anfff 13 Sa-jil- J MftaiOa tlv eU- - JutjfiO--i an "Why idnlirtioMlUn WIS4m G0 A iA by, SZAtSSASlSAS ti XU, tfSL-fl.- lt YM. xtofy , UPream-:.fojujuiv your wiU, re- - : Rgkt-;blueicr- 'iIture ions this prettily gjasmmnTca ad r trK?d ' i 0) I ? 3 WghturU; 1 r Fall JRn"dlef WoifienS of every Tn TT.Ic.h T!sh JeiuMae .frack.-i- all that rf jaW j t, St - r. tik j'aty SxA j Yi-f- 'qnd-nH- Wfimfi colors. Heavier hairy bis and Of course you took An tbe.cbartn 'woolens' for later fall wear, ralso sleeves 'wfth suede palms and with a match of the flattering For that at first glance. matter Ungi wrist strap. Pebbly woolens who wouldnt, for what an ador- - with wrist tucks and duvetyn mix-b-l "fishlba It fa I ? Jth ac4 bid tBre ' i . iiaTh 'i.jrdJ. TJostCff rce' eparliuehr estimates that af leastrifl00,0 BO Aner-lean- s Wea- llctsV money ) petty an- - al-luri- open-top- We If uTJlrtie tnnny pf, tbft UW --fall itlOVAS. ..ChCre are Ioo's basket weaves with suede Xiatmifsrtswn wear In the moat g not only "good to look upon but It is i IS Tau bturon? of- - wltloliYMfii i sy In? Glove"-foV gow-r- a gark5hlnq'Vl1vet!gnat; tened iwSrdltfr 7, ntra Yiacrwi tf?n yi .Similatf tw.r4Mta,08iN 77 , , Jr, ntK ' rV, vnM) 4 Tit Busty Cslliri Prelessiei Kim n Dipriniii - You ton liow learn, a profeexloil fhat-wi- ll riuuka pab IndHpendent fir iha mt f yanr day. IIS per raaath any far tha campleta coura of aix month. Phona or writ J Is d nJlmdl-xd lit pig!' Tvr"'l TfiI?i,Qn'. -- Isdi-tiip- taikool-- i bish fire spread to a toed; a parrqf owned by prank !.eone. Spread thel if'll! 1! : TTTT alarm! roily;-hunlit' a city' notfprlvafelyftofcnedj err. but lQ lU cael the propert ithewnyorr,Uil.,tei thy, twoipuiaii tugfc. Dne of threap for an alrln set Up such a comiao waved and Immediately the tion when never seen M.n(yarv0'lirleui feeding, ytlnsr :tha fife.' spread that pigeons, thcugh Cliy.;jJai'pafk Ijm pj4 deslye tw be a barge captain Leone rushed out to .see what: was one of the largest 'colonies'' in the arose Tn mkk Soon there will be wrong. no reported tbs Are and bafgecolenles rtiCoentles slip and moved, Polly, to a safer Clty place,' j ie - off-whi- o.rytynJTaeilimWwnhjirkot'whcli': th waist'1 .vtlefR.Aiot 1- i iMrta orttvini -- be mvj .Utah High School of Beauty. Cottars blue.-especiall- 4. r,Oaet sidb of T' I Thls tee- blue-- i ichloOtwhnfn.-idaytlrfieitnfeejBblpl- : niajoi gflfierjrt Al.iri plate in: tints to; r iN'ove- - ;bYlts?ial- approximateik Parfot Give JrTi" nd'Vs in 'lingerie hues t I cki 'c, t p'Payi i m e .Vrpugkt, from id Iaro)8.t'.i'l ;8 4 nt. years-prisonme- 5 Novel Belts, ButEorirAdd , tvA mi - bWx.of.'operAac In .couAhoditfaa PRODilfi-- f - .V--f.- w TaicU'ewiV cdNlt many hjrdnght ; friay' AN INTERMOUNTAW j- Tmberused,for contrnst.-Sill VJ JJI- J fl ilefl lf0,,enfneers, 'Ailti shdr Btafbs krtiiy.Jli Wk promoteif over GjefflU s number of brigadiers hi? tbe oath read ;Msf.kh3tij )fiis.giyep point, I b4- -' of a longstring barges watched tng:sUepberdl, dowu..;tk 'Hudson . 10 annb(iriee behite-charge- of 'ruby! trahsiVar-ie'n- t d ,r': a gorgeous - .i.COiaJ:TJU r ' Bnng.m r rcb - i fve Tibei! ! somewhere, that officially all ? CTfUJPT jtt COUGIf HOSE DUOPQ -- tiotherix foods W onjmehr foH tlielr . she cptflcs out with rice and wheat ' v "f l'' and The the greatPitocks and- waU- paUentlyrui-tl- l their? benefactor Appears.. They are eOS tamj?.. snfl . lazy.. .they... won;t . get or, of the way until actually focediTJ)y the 'feet fit Irate 'pqdei'. trTnns.- - srria .bof . for me. Afriend of hard .the., r.9lh..fflai.. .Ji.?' i.. t- - , Botird!un and shiny i fabrics are P being ;usod - in rilngerie.caNvays, .however, wlth' a: mootb'- surface weaves Unlike the rippled, isedfndresafabrice' today." Crepe : dd? chine fir thfijttftsc' fabric, hut : theriV hre ee';'also duir?rajpn Ct4it)p,rr Pcld d'Aiige' Jerseys" and backs srtthis ,wVosf . E VayiAwm? Randall hail, one of oite"HlArtfir jK - boat' : lt jswhttq. I pyt plo are real; s - frunk-puedfvH- - how tlls iall, 0 below-wSar- zi : VWforroV cause of the little boat, and through his Industry, jiii for the winter even though he Isnt tfMeCtb flnd ork At? hl& tiadaf J oJiii 1rt) 'I'jhq To Mentlpn of Riverside rlTeS,e me to, recall that the' womabT Wo feeds' the ptgewia at' One- Hundred' FourtHr sirjt Atrie thq drlve-l- s not detertoJ .by ..yeaLhcr. !.$ - Califorala.Thvstiinctdrey-.khr-Toufided'-by- - e ii.- a' 'shade ' was first shown!? n 1 sail n1 'dreWsesfor evenlng wear last; year flANew" underthlngs lii' lhfB color afe tTjmmed velthpr wfth Alencon Tae dyd tO mntch,' or .wlth real , yatentienpes either jn .;Whtte-- pr shades, pchre,'. Othe?, fasWquable;, ari salmon! i J hnd.,rpsfirleafv tei&ir&on.r.i,iMV T,-- r, .Church Ruill.of .Wine: Casks? : Originally ? conservatory built vf' eld 'wine ,ckfeks a quaint 'little church stand sft the todwood region M; : 1 t, gives first? - I - i ca' - ; es . h?80! 'rrTV-- - T:o 'of .Russia"' ; Russia ( isr iand ?of. more than about eight imilMh square-mila' seventh of thetotal land: area! of .the world. And. hal a population of apprbxirhateljrrorre oivundrfeil And hi' t.jSiise 1 In! the j, Hal fir Wnament .v,iTb-'lhtes- ! -- ' BEST.:FOR- - LINGERIE -7 - la .U.tahand .Idaho M-t- l f apd.'-VTpw- .( the right antl-cllma- jt f ldlys.f, above self-velve- s I Refining Service Stations - nts velvet.- To tl6se,wha co;et.a ?lee! ol.line, tlie fact that, wrap- - , Utah-- . Oil, , Similar io.UJ SiLawr-Joa' sedrf collar .it i Acurlouanoniaiyha? Wirdis-covere- d for to add to so richof in' NeW Zehland at ly fcoWrfui a 'Wrap' Would be butr'r an' Audkland.1-- ' It wis that1 thelaw, inaxi-iimuc1!. . for: stealing any "arUN, WUt NWHpaertnlon.. V ticle penalty from a vessel in port la fourteen years imprisonment, but ths maximum' penalty for stealing the ICE? BLUE COLOR IS Vessel itself is only fwp. . ' Vist saw (o.ay,y,ur floor-lengt- ! . v.at: 400' set; with.; stylepews vMis ;ic precious. stioiwa.-'.-iP.'- ' Over her charming f 6wiii of. 5 stately j white- flatintrniilady posing 1 sdlliouette ITtxh. Berver, . f - 1 rilTn-'M- - pic-ttTr- fe lyona-vlvt.,Tha- by fhe jbarulsome? rJowaled of and the?gUterlng center of ' avlnhyard a' grapegrowing area. floral glaniorous vac-- , .Popular Urapeietwhlqh 'Mdgazdfii.ld each? of XJ Jceht to the appearanee-othe-'e,po fashion. posed. i 1ASK YOU B rPRU GGJflT FOB rrs ,t.hq that this is IhdeednerS'-ofluiurlolis fash; ' ons In whTclr we ore living, Thq "'fl'rsf pf &lw patr(clai'i,?iartetle u' and ; V;'(vol , gray Vrtrf-yftK- tad ierttfon, iJlialltjv;iehtor, 'matchless 'detail, .ture, Vail: corablHe to' olakw'.the tuipibiy ik n,"heSp4dk?the iWUP.io. x, bl does 'thts fitr.ry, V'pfJyeivetabeahtlful,-- as 4xgu!l-tyPCSv-- super-''lifnte- r f present both ; fr 's:i iiresartt'seasoh, as? to ' ' tag- defallvft 13 k 'hlasteiiilece:" Coi; ; I'drs 9 w'hlfch u 1 encal raherot' Hite neck .fifty iriiilion.persons..i':'-- In nd Enyiitf homamad yrodneta, MpediDy tho? that merit ouch loyalty; and thereby bring pur beloved (inme itatee forward ,,ln all,, their beauty, power and rlyhtful popuUi vtl ir:vim larity. I" ! IYY.'CENTKTi cvioXi-cariij-j- Jh iHf! fHiu! 'sort" fetsIoijk.Jjke"Tjjas, with jts' humeropssui- V&hiisporenU fon-- j T)hnr prbpertlev fiTTlhtiSIiIphuk ::tluiie'rib hle)rowa,' TlCiiea, W-State? of tWfU nlted ' S tn tes It :Qf novelty ,.way fpmetsuch supnhes about J?9 peV epofAtper-Te- a tev,eryt fashionable V wjpkpf ? iWk er, I per i yel jets ic tho.rr muriy In normal times frorti ' Cent come .uncut;-.-- , (lull , panne i and. Nq f n.d'4. .V h, r.p'n Isl ah ft; To lorn do faconne varieties.! bc::tnI-:Mii?- i Tito tome tm o ' chuicUrt Loyaltr , trnxthcM character ar moat CMentlal . , , grext ' atates and. Instilutipni. We can trenf thea ' our character t,rpng 1 -- -- , Stjlphur-pro(luclnc-- ov'ijnnry4eg.ifr(fl noil Afsoement mr! THIS VEEKS PRIZE STORY !':? rrrf '.vr,1 CWS V a fplor - In-;- iphltedSta Is, nd -- , , M;-,- t - na-Jur- ! asa Tbfo4. cnrcles, pa il)f ale volcanoes there is sulphur, but craters were not only beneficiaries, for; the coastal plains of Texas ' now 'are the worlds grenegt source ,0f the lava-spoutin- Washlntton, TWrty years ago the sulphur Industry In thfi Udlted States was In Its swaddling clothes., jin J90 oV drillers discovered large (JcpoAttf In Texas. Vrom thlsand otUoftdepbsIts sulphur production has developed lintll today, domes'-timines give up about 80'4'pcr jcetot of the world's supply. ,$ P, Terhnps, to the average laygian, julo sulphur Is known only LefMW teftfie raanufacturj of Vifntchbs'a'rt-ingredleu- t of plllr-unshelvoA Qf store liquids filling drug a yellow Buhstapca. thnl Is burneiT tft CpnijgfUq HldjJootns," sayb .IhiMik (rqpittie. National j!e,, fe5atffil? society. ''Hut to many chemists anti JpaS-a far more Import contlfiues the'llmi- etn jf hides In many product? He village. hns never llved,aDjrwliere elSe, so he knows 'tlia village jind its people. T,he (ruck, lib bald, is a misldcss bh-- one family. f the buslnesstSA - - Makes Great Strides Sii U. nr S. in thirty Yeara.' ll'i ton o , . gor--gOp- . unis 'M, glory? about this '. peasoris ." velvet, evening wraps rWhlch. is simply, entrancing-Th- q scene lo. the foyer pf tlie thea-- , ter Voir, .opera, house as fair patrons oT the arts,: flit about in' their velvet' wraps reminds one pf around coat types remain In TaTor, a .huge jewel.! b'ox ' filled with ani- Is 'most happily ! reassuring.- .'.'Tlie. mated rubles i and- sapphires, em-- ; Stdniilng "j doltlmnllke "flireequarten ernlda,. turquoise J and ' topaz, l for length velvet wrap 111ns t rated, to fashion has def reqd a vogue of. the eight ,at !e,1top''Ts? that; Sort Jewel colors'5 for. evening. velvets fVelvete In n blue, There hre iqany electable colors.1;" 'fashions''' this'VekqUlsfte.' J itarmPnt.Even piore ' Uurlng Jap d ,, exotlq are" .the aewjGblhese, .colorings, foV Hailes 'vapdllacqucr., reds iand. vivid .bliios and Jta goUleTt yellows of the t0 Another from. Among ., Iha arista-'Orient Varpi top, healners .on.,the crt)l ini thecrpalui.'of erenlng'wraps. presejni; autumn. uvl;5w:loter velvet t Is posed ; Wnwlto tthe'-.le- ft in' thg; in o'.r.i&r.ac.R rs yr i grobpvb ill ere .welTet of surtptnbu?.-mlenldratfiattze!,r, However, it la not, oniyVealth of Itbe.lUxhry1 of the: New York. I Shl-a- . nu-- j .rt . 4-4- frni-7TTT- tj , to JIar yard i , . Rarq Rooks;' fA. large collection of' books and maps recently presented to? Harsome rare vard university accounts of , early vegetables ; end explorations in America,-- . ln .(. With a ?wlfe 'and others. . . contrlbutliqia a flock of children, the truc,k owner "Manufacturers of alcohol, alutp, Melted, ,'St(r doesnt . ncej ajiy tiLsslstr state produces more. thad' 2, 000,Ci&(i ltj944qiA,(urtMMir4 Ings, binders and bleaching agqntl;. tonra year, , 1? Many cellulotd, cements and chemtqaljj;oi depoglts, particularly, vfre forked In "mugh, dyes, U'honlte, elasMcs and eiplcv :J Ktliose Sicily, ' K of Is all rrnctlcnlly gives ;flre eHngulsUers, firewfirks the" yam? way as c6at mlne?u In lir one forjn or,nnotller. Much preserved foL nlA fumlgiints; , Texas, a furpltulujvn.'lous stuaes of re- glass, glue kud) glycerin ; leather, on oil field, "with lofty Isjtoiietcfl. . That which Is liquid fuel; .live stock food and dcrrlcksdotting1lt;heJan(ts(;a'pb',and pair, .T .1 salable Is trucked up to Harlem and lubricant; medlcln and njortng a vBelqork rctf plpesVcoverluv tftf into 1 ? sold,therdf either Co Individuals or picture films; pqjnts, pner, ;; nui!''Vj. grolqul.o rfliW reN sons baled and ate papers toilrailra, pfJl drillers f IVhen i supplies reach', iulphur, nl .old .papers frigerators, vVodeivl itegtormlnalurs, auil soid.l the inarket tlwy.alnk steel piping, force oiss being decldedjy bullish qt' present. and ruhffr; shejj polish, soap, sndiw stenni Intd the deposit, and o!10 The stult'tlmt cant le sold ls pickled 8teel,l I storage batteries; 'ppiiip'1 tho.'pic)ted , tnlneral' through leant tea too Aia mi comiiwiti ihso onr.i trucked to.dtimps o Is used to sup- sugar, andj textiles, ne all good pipes to a huge, wooden vaL As the C- costly cosmetic. Exp I poitoft b ows body wuset that dot in porU Ittli nt Is fllleitjt sldei'are, built highply hentTUnd after l'ouy. hhd told customers oft))o anlphur predooer. t. ;; dyentuUcmddki me that, I agreed that.lt Vasnt any And this Is only a partial, list f er. i'VThe! sulphur., solidifies It is Of .1 n f.wflin - blotchy. ttuwrdAlo. A w . h!. imernr,,fcy hrtMtmr. . tea c will almost pTise sulphur, the users of tje mlner?y. , plculc. astonish ytou.Betoiii). OrMkir, Is State. n y.rti Sujphur n'rT'br Dr-Tesayien, tttf wooded sides ref fhf (Ar9vrgf"SJ$t) was no respecter Speaking of JunkJthre ls ltbe Old vat are removed and Hie mountain-ou- s ol tfie rftivy wprUl, jcgloss when slo scnt(frcd German, un SHIS' block 'of sulphur abOut 1.000,-- ' JclvVler ,;iy Hfiptfirithrough She earths rockj 1)00 of his country, and Is exposed. ' A character lou Vrin, laxative trade, vftlfl bus a jshnek' np." on the tni?! Apparently, howerer, sjie lstic wight; in the ' Texas sulphur Hudson jienr flie sfiack colony was more generous with some (r-- . oioelin eouhtry are the towering -- yellow as" lo '01 known U.over cny, srtitehRIver-fT blacks, gjeamlng ft the- 6un. Some side drive residents 'Vrieif Mrd Vo shSp.mH .pf the vita ln which the. sulphur in molded are. 800 feet Jong, 300 feet 2S tNGINEERS to i.: OO fqet0 .'wide, and ,Cromi-10tOhigh. of ni of the Cemas1A,,saUb4at lgjn Railroad spurs- are laid beside; the .nt it ; cVift 'if k It Is!uy' hmslljj .00 P .blocks, and a? sulphot companies rot constiUi'toUl1. .inilsiinro! Uiupjf Ih .riK receq'orderk.;, explosives-'- , break whatever materials came to hand. flown the masses and the mineral But It, Jurnislyi living- - Jnf is conveyed to ,by",stCoshov-h'M- t the little IhuiA (taring the summer, i V i r;!1 .i , V'olhhi ii pint rchU4ttnj some itbrrs beii null try tn tuhUMt, sd M tnro'thn r 7 '!.r;iT CrnJarWP rWhoMlcknei sari ' 01 1.,' II.1 1 !g a.ccM of.fkffpss srfl dias clogged a child's bowela.i.I j - tt "t'C JfWWl ,4 ,fl4 pnoeSuH - v- It iU io'plru, wi Enow blx ro3 It' ftlna'Wy from frfxndj. i;1') ; y4T4Nn rqmb; wdVs jaT; 4.i;W nil'. -- direction' A 'A -- ri it v ifm lol raised In Greenwich medicine" thaLlaiieeded to stlm j 'i. (.WMSfV.;i)t, children that VjV, I,:i l - .?rt,T? (!M- .0'iiH 1 ill .a nil' i: itv ffdm Wtlnfet feut noHroubll Is .'"1 miM.1 Ji 14 t Tif I '. bowql condition .. - MMshi IM r'rrfi 1" tho-appetit- e i u Oil W i 'ji7 i .t . w of1 K ti:s t . iWNPEW WC 'ita f S WUR-(rPE- i jhvvv.-n'iav- .Li-ii- r h snybey orglrl of slaglihssss Jl,How to or eonatlpatioo sod build s Uf scpetlts. ,r . Thetroublawith children who. will t Is usual ttarfa. The tymp-no- il toms iarft a tongue thats always mo coated, bad breath, poof colordell yes that are often a bilious yellolf. .T , No ppetJte, po ambition even for rioLhPhiy. vJIard to get to sloop, hard him f,:wkolntho morning. Thefe'a .as absolute remedy fqfr this . condition. It . gives listless and ene youngsters flee of w yoong animal I They eat I Wl 1 TA&LET EVfBK V Vh HAV; t .o'ri. sTi It rl 6REEhi 'A ES f.i OjGKS iIrid eas1.. ,j'J t .n.' t j-- -- A -- (OLP-TAR- rja 0 ' Tiy ) JfT'. jetno rl :;.-- i vr ?o Inf: jls.T fC-3-- vi .i .n.- - o 4 '' V 'f VSMStiUttiSC yd lh fcll.a t- ;ft Mi " 'i 'i" - X - c'"i uu..l am r J fa.- Sf- thoitfqfc Wllh a wem jAptV? Aik, peck. T u.'!rfF be m one. ; 3 r::,'r--J- ss oJ I vh: for "tereea" eniw' H"r never ' .:jv' T Wow1 MATTHNAAAE .art me CVns C , ; tia n (t:I , Yfhy h; dJ -.r evi-f- t n'-.T- 1 latnplo;f'BlWnySweari- - black t!trrvlnjr;r Joe1 : Russo P,f7bJrt. . jcnmjfFevs by, a rod helmets ISddlePuiien onhls.rront springs: tfemiSWMX if pwty . fastened thetn to hls m nntfbjleerlag; wbeekv. Qy Habey; was Bill a lirfO J.rr? r , i Thc Jor yent, riMt-'m- C7J tltunl, dr tnlfSm.hn.;; :o,oi i- Bafny pldfleidf .clidr Is possibly vH:!uthe beat .known lucky pleco In this ; aro,, other, coses ?, without number. Johnny Hannon. xd j. f 4 re j aT? t. ISO ij .?) rr;:t(ra'T i nv; - 1-- v,j h'iJw 1 . , vlr. ITS 7 J Hu . r.Ti5?vii nrv Br.CHERlE NICHOLAS ,; t 14- -. .Mry.'in-- s? 7r-- q ..-- t .n MC2NINO47oUFKL MEJCT AS -- BO r.rf ?EWRE60lMO'OPEP-1f- lE Tie M0RNIM6 VOOUPA NR'6tE:yODTri;: g ) THE, I f1r ? : tTtfC, y.- IS LITHE f &) rr mLVOO TARE: A CAPSULE vA1 f' i Wt a w UitsioU ji ;s r.jr n .Vekerfaiif iff ff ' ?rv I tf rrin'VT W'f! ? 'XHATWO WOOLP DO ' WtiS M0 PEMfPy Of r NE)trM0CfllM6..lMi few Pa?W f inrapS klMlCOHWte; AMPfEUMFfie7ltUAlL TBfm60lM6t)P:TaEP wtA toqi.yop', parry, aod.your fllsllkf Jrokea;, mirrors and black cats, o tt abashed! Your pet super fy erfi iUUons ,W9 ,,aa nothing compared ;X0!f"lth thMe of the men who' risk their nna.HMvess. drivers to, automobile races. all the sport world they are the TOost eurettHous.-aceprdlnto Alfred Daytod of the New. York Sun. nrtJ Ulardlyxono of them bat has his pet )n.H-rJ- i- T- -. T ftfelntokefnh at the fl j- y Taif-j- jL :m rvo jwo) m 1ar, 8l f L O,!'! itr. vO (i!risi'.l .ji. ftfn I sJiftiSWff'Wiiardi !,' - raoa ona if in . Hi IT the vmajrNEw.H exfuhs, uyroKrrrrAH tea of ?rftitfjW YJM77 Ikdd. fa. disease a, hudraffecis ' all Fpefi.-cbjmunicatl- warm-blood- ed aniinafs, including man. Dogs arwesyeciaUy susceptible and. because ef theif tendency to roam, are the .chief disseminators of the disease. liable. is:ja?ed .by ,the virus of poison1 ttawmittqd bjr bite from an affected animal, tho poison being Jp the saliva,- - i - L V- |