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Show 0 w 0 0 6 c e o V rpp XfiTT - . . ,, I fjrgg yyr .THK ,4 ofaTVi .sr, r,,ii I m Scenes and Persons: in the Current': News; MtUpIv vVf o f'-- 4 ..V . J rT ( i r?.:-n.'o- r. ! I .J r.. ition heijeal: a- ft)peii Cells ofliHiuiHrcds - y$ S f .& ,' :j : h v 0 n? it-- . s xc I'J f f wt & , r M tJOr- V . - ,v- vj , 'bV'.lt A.r ,."! r r 1 f "i ft. ' - '" - '' ; ' .-r! uTT3MfeY 1 tfftly-'iyi- '.t Uv-r- .J ; i; i aCtlielr, annual task of waslilng the summer's grlwroflf the NAtloilal tnpltot. Wisconsin state police In armored motorcycles escorting truckloads ot milk durinjfdhb farmers strike. 3 ' est meinbers onneiviiA advisory ooara; left to right! it. B. Flanders, president 6t;JonQ3.end l.amson MnCli!nb lhnj1;1 Geii.tR.t president .of Sears, Roe bock & Co.; Clay Williams .of, the. Reynolds Tobacco jT j 'r t'ietrfe Du' Du Pont da Ifeihours 4 CO. Poot'bf j '. i pffhy'and ?.'! 1 .IiDivir...! I'.cia if. , . .n i ?nj ' f !... .;! vnii diltejvd TJt.blT Ik declare nf TJd.rtns, Fromg.TAlKikio to. t'ti.'d,' person's, were Killed In cm. iiecilon with enforcement,' flie IdlJ or .trjl-ito dry A fierier sun. blip, an, averu, 1 of p JO,iH(,dmt a yVf,r a total outlay of $.vjo,tsM,iMMt. 1 ring tlmt 'period America'- Hllelf hits been fijni-fi- l t VH.StV v '' : r ilri-nk'hl- ()00;000. .' :... v t M 0 To Erect; Skyscraper M .; fr - s . t hltiwl8, In sailor folk of flio tig-an- otng ilsh whli-ti.t- ventewhat to oiir advantage. It mayiM b b( top tliuV there are tlioso wpA gro' ?! If , ;:t5:i!:, so mperlrtrllyt tncffnl that they hha' 1 i void. h(lhgr .bored. ,Tlve.sA Artf the t IU tmm a f I t r:v,r pclfieesof iiumaV soqlety, whose oys ... v, t ter the drld.ls and whA ate! far and ; Xhetce'. ho goiUng nrburid it,' one alnijily unist owq tt.nmlo frock (Of Dway,.'ni0re bleSsed thaji .thosb Aprhojf i tniyve lids schsoik '.U'.'U not on.y begap with, ami continue, with , their that ih so pa rule t.unlc nfiulo of lllyer, ioons, In.dlnnapolls .News, i for dj-.h- 'nlt-b-. fir? porhaiw (bYiclUmlng-- . for, for; plnld. velH-tTniaj? wedc'. but' rmfityt 0 thtf; beet dre made With', etylpd TVo niodcl .pictured Is' of a! tunic Jblnek falUn with 'gl.lt bijitbns (gokl fo'ucjies op M a ok ore 1 "hist wvifd "of Blnct amj 4ji rlilcj. red phtloiu? tV etuildeti; Viltl). gill hnt nnllliepds,! AiKlfh Is really woesiurlejJ out Q Jell .jfou about the. vvue f,orv luniihdinA '.Iworative belts .uhiph necessarily goes .hmbr Iqnu?, Jacs-- i -- fnrihpV u - t 6 tin- t - Jtd - spn tiibhdceibsl, Tway, )! - wbt-sto- ; 11 'u i- -t . -- if; i! on ;;l 5u brvN -hand I j 5;' ? .,10 U5.J ti'i irtA rir rtv , IT - he'd 4 - i7 "nT rif-t- l t '. TT'-i- V TfriTitilrf -- " ) ,, -ill !! ! 1 1 pi ilie X.ke Vo .si 1 ngbm. 1 p qp or t m e nt as filreiul;fiig'rt-- ' t all . cottotjT fiirttierS It: can come: In, contact, to foitroy the stalks' k)f: this lyonr'k ryvltlj-who- ; is 11 Hr. r. iii 'a' tf 'Sfri f b ,f! jS t .'cotton crop.i bbcmifie i liiose1' . talks (V 1 g.' '! 71 ajuaJi .0 yy- - I '' ' iyA ' ; f ?? i'7 r '. 'V, ' - ?f k A ! ! ' r T7 xtr. d YM?. J sXtir Mrs. .Merry, Fahrney .Pickering, years old, of Oak. Park. Ilk, suburb of Chicago,, heiress to the millions -- left by , the- - late- Dr was. dragged from reter-Fahrnean ocedir liher fit New- - York iwhen she tried to Ail wlth bef ftance Count'Gebrgd Dt Georgiortvho was , VJ . .& r. 7 tnAl 'vj'. 4$ ten t4, Js5w'-j3- V' tryst - tevl vz f iA'SA . depa-rtmen- - 'thl cohntry at the Teqnest of the r federal !authOrlllc A 'The - m h young wo'rfan "declared kh'e Win Join Orville J. Elselo, wed Amerflc)!t'ana the SQUtj ;ounUn . 'check 'aftiy signing ' him the she"can. .get; rspphr,a3 , (a? . tecessarytn9ney,frqq? .herf family; 554.44 .as a tenants "which had been nsed ' c 'j 1 ' l . . . v , , '! r, r fr S1 !t;f n t .r ; ' V;v:i'I ri Iowa farmer, 'ras- Ihe fiEst tft fecelvo' a goveraraent tbe"prop eduetioU rwheat4laa The' atrea share fo cutting six. act es ft ther for raising Wheat. lie !lsahown Bolding his 'small son. t. " - J dieck'-was-fo- r flfty-flV- e , s, . , ,. '!' -- J , ,i, f 4,f. IDiTM...., , VT. . -r, . i" - Tlrr-ii- . . -- 'Ccw r f ! ?T. ' btniStf rif i h , j te'fyi jfj0bh L.' Mb 'Hy.rfnuf v- f t TY rW:: zm $ ej ,. f r i Yl . ' siHben frlefiflj " 11 -i - .khe-shaft- dhJt;'' hrnes - s 'ftsrsssgssrwwee leoir ti' r.r Beautiful FootbaH'Teattiin AineHcaj ' .,!.(...X . A I , JI iWiV Wj ini v (K. $1 9 ?-4' 'XMil ,.f. tt -- Tffl fi f C yrt t '. 'I. rV f mm svms'tos vk n- T jiJ - f f f ' V sr Vitift zJ iiavr ; od '"Cl FlH-fBc- phlLfti9 t??S Y 7 4' itw ldst zn$- knprsved iimkfisS sftsr tke I - .u t jiL i Unquestionably the most beautiful' football team lu f he United States I 'tk4 I'fcsP L" til i d-- heakbar nr tors h - ... jt.1 ; v H as good players as they; are good lookers.; They are .students in the Weber Utah, and.tbey challenge aoy feminine-griteam in the country to a contest. s lG jfc above, and the gtm re' (Mormon) college 01 Ogden, Is pictured ' , fJ is lst reed JqaD eita nui dliw bna Jf.hda 'W Hr. j80j a'?olq ,.Krqrl bttd TT t i yfT , edy iil 4 Tasv 'curd Ya-- r vvwr At , 1 (j3Kiri r' lin Idaeldr Oilltspis, Tertr TV ; S to .aqrdoctovul.r xi I tTJzz rkyBW'A7r! i iteont mHo '419 A 1 a.r f " e'ii-Tn- .IWO 3, 2ff, ?el , oxo tnots j bi'A Tyrw fee v 7L JW d a' rfiXid f wn-'nfeL-.- Pimr r e IKK, ' ?.B E,PmoC i: : ? T Cheflcelt( i 'ii&iotyvKvj zik . ,Jvvltit XiplveraJyraV''xS'ac',jy ( u - Stnfi6i(s MA tt Sfysyi Vpi'rft VflK.6 wi f, 'ifrnmj A, VA! - r' WtT: ar.-DtJiiUi- -i ; ta-d- ' gltUH-tw- tit Jliv I WV -- o rh M ' S i Bentley, who. has. been A h.t f child ,.wetare ..worker, hi . tho Naand modern Robert Lukerolre three Frank prospectors, Titus,. These tional. Capital; for many .years,' has near of lot a excitement caused In Owensville; of the hamlet Moyer, a. recess been giren. appointment to Ryle their' discovery ot gold In the' neighborhood. "Pay dirt Judgeship on the J u venlle court bench Batavia, Ohio, by la laid to be producing at the rate of $1.20 a cubic farm Titus from the of the district by President yard. MayrA sswtnet -- fe.-i-; yf-r- i - ff f ? , -- S"fL !W mKlfiJ (U A Lm wfc - t i m-- ?: hm-dfCd- h lmss4 VVr- t- l :;Y uth; s Voi cefHuskji. J ahq, jilt , PiIlL-LIPSMil- Jwk.TfvivhoOT- yrvx - mi ilm 1 milk.d.innRneMawhenrymt hay rfj?M!afl-'genuine See th at t h o ftania iTHlU 1 yt?l ii vSt'-- hoit - , Id a bats; , vi .xr j U i yw -; S y tljitnv tfrS itjaff ftsf fctyn i&i i fi M I ffn- fto 0.V pth T i:o rcrrtp b?ff v ?s.tn A i rm Sandburr.May Make Idwa . ip ""4 ' i r trlt .'iir i Moist vi "A, 7-- si-.- urfi.jtyoyfi ,1 TTier'bV Gold' in the; Phi a! ' S; i developed lntq, community aN fairs. It pointed- outTthat;.' a bile- every CoRon farmer ought .Jo Act lndivldtfallr thn 'effoVts of all when Joined: tbgeiher.Twlll' bo ranch greater n for tint hole !arens then can be tfahde teftsoft' 1 'from' thoilest. ablyr vrfree ' , leaving ftr '. pef-Iod- WOMAN MADE. A JUDGE e .. hibernating,, p; fa asking that, The, the. light on Jhe weevils may; be -- Ar-r- 't -, . w-w- whfstjeof sU'klvuu ,oukPJiracs jaud, A i;lceff, VtjdfonQe to neutrally ti.4r'tldifl'! ?' r 'f 'Slttaitenfcfcini that cmusJa pju'chineut. luscrlbfd ,wll!iO'far,.iiii-- ; Mid other headache, ttfl''rlV6irTl tllstre.: Try w ,r femiko a fiew persotir' I iUiii .1 Mill adT (dicl phera blq. cliq ravtcrs ?? f ... tj to f.iv Ituh be caceAil (ydu fetDRAL v,oii ;i iH.firty-fairgtatw) lciu, ! o A ass -- Ininm--ttir-- ai' reeled IMetBakaea'fttalaaUeiaeiaaMLAaAdHa, Key jjlpjiq, qy as fVjUec , IJ1 Ihcrk WFS.-isnibe- j label, iiicpw teiijit't'a,(ivltr( oiicptid'fitr'jiu. h!nu,, probuLiTy wWl-,gtj, llle thr'o.uglj .old qucsflon of.. w,iH,th,r!rTtlIui'IaU foriuiie;)n-gcms:uiidrofVnW met, ala with ,uthVr.i thropty, jiusky , voice thoV ( result 0 expcrienco with Each tiny tahlet-.l1V.V : m; il flnndbufr that an.irhilvfftWvtliuirib. juried tUcri.(. ,V.V . Ot The" rr j According. 'te a. .M .UeO-to , tdT . llrrr tiling tlio boys thnnib f Minw0. ,n tribe ot- lndlatiSMkiibjvn ;.-- . r"J ho remove. with t6 and 'tried It .vatKtoKrfiicis.ifgiti'oY jds s as tlf Jnras,' fled (rptn Me.lco biirr ls ddwn tcct1i.,:Tlie'l 'slliiped of ycafs- iigou cirrrj lng fwltli fn1 his irhehi-i- i " them Jew6ls: and', fireclmisd Wtilfs. tlyoat'nnd lodged c!iH v'.: ".' j I 5taa,,l Ca 'who', worked 'uh. Surggotis .throifgtv The 'legend nays,' that the Indians enflro lit high! (h'aa'.effprrto' roinove fsland t p'''-- l)viylOtl landed oti rr r?" Vr,r,A-,;wl-reIt fi ebilgo to hdmiols their .rfdiH In tf (Jdeivtinnt'i rim-- , 'ter' pally. fTfl'l ..opeyatp,' 'A TT Bpeslli'aycsnd ping from Die Atlantic ocoap to the .. burr Tib have probably 7 , would, . vnt-CVlrt of center1 tllo Island, andUimi-reached he hoy V, longs vvltli fatal ftdt .Ishetl,,, . ,., i .. ,it results biyl, the vperfttion boctf. dH I' 11 1 , trace of 'llwn jthfeylfsind.: ntiAvy.'v.t were , uncovered hr .17t)j by .tliree kyed4 - . Oii men who cuine.iipon ia' dcpreMton KitFisherman' Uses Line ,to : oak' tree bn- Uie inland near Til Save Man From Drowning and started to dig. They unearthed v'V wli'nt appeared to bei bilge pit I f.rr A, .fisherman lassoed. A drowutng man add 'Ptflled him 'to Pa Jos, Inpiequate fo ,qulf.,V! shore. ftt Ihp .diDuth Jof the Rbsstan oda P0LTTECHHI5 ' ffco' h k d iffert n, 1 1 tca , ; iJih nd'Madhoa'CA. .rlyerTacroratnif. tO'r GS&t." -ysi'.t t. bave suni t'afts 'lijuw.TC; A Miles.1 Offers epmpl!ti''dilYMF cowrio In EteetriMU ICSatitat, mVadaL u It uud dug lu- the. viciplly of Jlie oak ;., Miles' tt'a fls1iIngwfitri'hA(saw 'a Id loaf the pctiifi ncflrby- (rqe.'biit'.rnlafortumi .dogged jflielr nd t -- Also hpeciol ihqrt , jxtejis, auil aU wpcb forced tohban Two tit 'tlie.'pcciipsii'esqafied. llie XriMdlT'lSiM'l "Htprj AlrpAan 'i;ei iig of 14ck third,. Bpa repn tlwkauj, dim fiber , quest nmJ cist , 'of financial backlog apd sea water .carried ovt jQ'ip Kionl bisfldodod lljLft rniJ fitfeitfitj ibp mowiJiug:.nina,' which ,HJ 1 rr Niton bn seal till ballet- - thatthdre offers first Lfrotysoshoujdti ftn.piiljfjd.hlm to safety. In Letters ana f .lrO 'r? iuL :!r ; IVlir'.SI iZyjt lu'iii ai!'j inn A. 'hrtmoresf JOuV iLJza, cr ii da 0 wisnyeMMNiuiHn, i 1 llif-- ; ;. i -- .1 0A ftr 'HzvtAZZ'iC'rs jlUtc.Trr ' I . i f f i V 0-- Avtu: C'- " t-- lufi ' the- 'department; weevils, explained J'llowlng ?, the, stalks under or graving the iand de.troya the- weevils In etages, and destroys: the places In which, they ttiny grow ,ne$t Sear. Destruction if. .the hllernatlng-- places ' also1 may cpuso many weevils, ",pow Jn aijalt stage, o starve to death before cold-- ' weather 'arrives, 'while others will be In V weakened : copyiitiop I.frgni', lack.'.of food dnd, wMJ .not, suyvjvei, jtho, av? it s twenty-tw- 1 . ,H::n ruiAiJ 7, bait " iT -- u . - stjicar - Uie fta fly dcstruqtloqr'1nrftftfl fall of .tho .Kfallv? prev.entA"thoj"iIer; velopmept of 'ft!multj(udo,,df - 1 'tl'exjU'dltJbrt' wifi 'oxVaviile' jhe! Isjaliil tn ijahK' ".ydnrS thit-ynex- t tnr,v! ' in; boll wfovilS Are noW'- hlbernqt-l- j Maiioiic bay. iluva of thefgren'tt-s- t spring io stage-oitreustifo tjuo'stk lB Gannijlnn 43biry, at fl,quipped, vrith' 4ts ,lght n' oextp,yiiars crop of ;,cottaa boll-- weeyll.;.-ri'I, Moutu-ui.- ' ;hi, j N x(di, j . Ui'll ijjlK, glneer,' will ; 'gather j : - bivliO'! "' observktlojiab'nFrobn'tlirro nb thtife since ,17tfo "slgvis lending' JA' jifdvfi hy ; v.Ifll'uii),- of Urn h strkngp ra" jjf tieopI once JiilmblteU ntjie ;lsHnndh!ave' bph'in(led by Tudumi Ihbldilrd iHumblj n 6 an- onj Uhk Ulunil, iknOn, eart,v fiext , d in "" J''1. .lr nil lied v? V? ' ' V4'' V XAitilitril.'culuVi;r.B-Wivu(),.4nn- oil Boll Weevils of Agriculture .o' r - vA -- f." i i as orsrT , .Vri 1 ttwmt Lmf 'r f t;t 7 - ' i! 'jta7' sir firii 1 ' i'.n . 'r;:j .. frp r!fj; ? ''r: t '.- ias-itH- J rv H tn:oY 'J ;. nhfvV t'.ul i; . Or-Eftrl- Gets First; Wheat .Reduction Check fi ' it r:suii"r Or! B -- - ?- r.t Jrcajure In i the ilfscorcrlee bidtju (following'; the Modern Methods toBojOiseJ lif by.vthes'e' ,epcTlItiont,and 'ht8'uvn u- vn on OnW taUnd. jv.lcloryk K V, Cflhh-se- l- of, liusband JluiAy1 jh&iii ef apses' that Is Are feet The yield of the orchards- about tnwood,.W, VaA ire showi (inre tfee tHe,f and. the cannetlbj ire deep and eight miles tong. By count there ars:l!0(00 bushel oir;tpp19, , tusy at;th Job Of...'Converting; the great croDr Into. myriad ti.iVtifiapBiPdvH?.'1'1 : t ,..... .'Jra wt-nw rort .0 r ; .K i f r; HEIRESS FOILED,- - a ' ic' : 1 1 . n-hiie- Jn'Texa1''5 .;,,-'l,nenc- T.rr r. - i. - xr.- ? Medilerril huim imic wft ,the';!tiuiic, gijiike,, lileh for of Icnurse? a: tun if '(IJve('i ronfurly,.oplpej1 ffidt f,t1ie. Is; now- - ,pn. clifinqhs are worth botljiig fur i uii' lytlst Ijo att racTt vCIy ibClfed. J ilVitli t po vogulsli tjwthl 'doth tunlda- worn' ektrt f of. black Velvet! a 'bPlt joyijr quox-n'.o- il -77; ' ';.i s t .' ivj. .. !f Birthplace efColumbuS An Anvei'kUft Uvese' .biilldJhgsi eipburrfls-ied- , vhij- -- sgnie Gouda Italy'. Thi ..nmdern' skyscraper of Getioa hr to begun' this fall. ,;.Ame.rinin tisftori. bo .tlw (ijrt hplucfc ,of Vutunillu't, hiivs- 4unj foil, tiliiii' sky sent pvn-- slreadit" Vxl.-there,, the (inurter of iJiw potW.jji.! lug; generally. ?omy .tUlif? '. high; ib, tta-s- hi hurene yofjetti,:'ji. and;wbkV. terof.f vj fl eaubbecLf !, r t worae,!oftej6 seeiu pgrnrily t huf.'as we s6 .qf fen. bictlesy,.. protect j ourselves. few., being bored, 'Jbe lawj xs of eojupetmatlon would-seetotyork if i Hiildt! nwtonto-blf- e i thei-utntle- , p places. Kel7.d lsii5r8r less horeddritr nn.yStlmiilid cost te the owners of (Jf feddepart nteritMr eral prisoners,, .lie. '.added that I: ndvfsahle .to Issue'. might not-bblilnket order for' release, as hinny Cases bare other sides; to thpin over and .above the simple! breaking of ' the prohibltlmi .law., for' Repeal also wllV issuanee of tresldenttal pardons for the' thousands who. have been senlust 13 years and tenced over-ihewho are uW ou parole. ., : Already a number nf those states which o have .voted' to throw the ' eighteenth amendment Out - df the Constitution have freed-- the men, mif women held Ih accordance with in Alichlgnn ..Governor that law! Comstock tot out everybody., ,. . From Indiana, y here' ! here was until,!.. Inst; NovemU'r, V it .bo'ne.-d.rlaw equaling that of Mlf'IdKan Jn Boverjty, comes woml ithot, Governor iie.N utt ? bfts V relensed a ol.r persons held oft: fll mplt vllqnof, charges affd IglTjhg- consideration 10 all 'transpot rattle chfirges.!.'.' y rt-and . Has Lots of "AppIes';Thjs Year West" Virginia 48,01 a : jjfJ f , L-- ''i ) ji.iil" e -- e psttlcH-llPd- prrT.';Wi(Kr CM3sfcSELU.. ii bf-in- i i .nUtlcnt1ohew'1U"h!?Ve Ihten made-ttn- d a 'new leaf will, be turneil over ,11'bslafp where the bonk open for' U . : , I years..,.,!t ' WiU y set. Common Csnse. , Ajccordl n g ', to.. Attorney , General tlomer- - Ciuunil.igs,-;coin uioii sciise atVrtmJe.yvUJ he 'iiialptaini'd in tiie hi rlgr cvr-tfti- n frsfvsi q j-- - ; Tire-tv?eril- ,k)f xv n I ' ;; . ec rlY "' borp-.wlt- ( fa j'jzuA,ti tab"-Klnetalls.- nlcd-aens- i 1J ' 'iT-t'-y V 1 tr r'nt .irs Stiver the.'miuth, said" Mr!' fft ffermlts a pleasant and' ',n;ut 'hurty-burly,- Heal In 4 HU Taw after repeuj tueans bearing thetas lawJ.'.Mr.A'ummtngfl tins ceu' to sntue. pijlns ,to nkiUo ossod a. on march y ri I .vt. plain. ft Is more thair a i , hut The fiisNirv of prehhwttop'over fit the goeeridu of man, years slimv the following fiift''lnn which have heei- (nark. . ? tpllles as fur ns tlm TtKlerargijwru- ' ar on the release d pro! .Ion ' ment aouf Is isrtei?tnqd offenders will fallow ,'ln Hne with to .Persons t,e ifumper of b;llt,l78 orders .from. Voshl,hgW .,a;.ii free were convicted stul'llnes "of &T,n.Viie evory .mat and womnti owvktcd ef 000 were since! I02d--rcclnto v,iude.t I the wordlug of the irds before tlmt Bine wore 00J aecu. Eighteenth huiiiulUunt ; ... , tatvly kept t.'C, bid ; Horiu-- ; re,.prlilhithm 1' I ceived Jail Kcntem-Tea- iulltimS. so longer a.: posslbilitf. u .ns Went in Htlerney4 fee, irviUrt'' ousts ns death or taxes. By hvem and lows of , :cr the' last necessary slate ' The federal coveriiuietjt .' a Witft cdmfortnhiq ,stirft 'Id.rf'e, Vei)' frlf :,;J! lost, Inthe subsequejit '.'; a's,Itoften "is. Still more afjvaniager, ij' ' a. . oui I Uilak.,13, U to be of. tagf.in the tempera-?;:j) ment, because It is more certain to be retnlne'nd Is piore likely to 'affori r: : S pleasanter6' passage through' Ufft Tact, I slionld lnelnslvety deflne. a ri b' the rntuIVIVe ability t Say the . Udng and do the rlJcht'Jihlnt at 'thp ; J , right tlipef hn1 .never to sajr'ot do the, wropg thing. No pnd; I tffke It, has jt1 tjiore complete comprebensoq, of the.;, ' vahw of, tact, than tlQse,o us who ha ve.. 1 . noj, those u who, always, ,7 or nearly always, say ordo ajia wrbng ... frirfagrtff TririhTOrassm'entoof of oiirselves,' buf of other peopla ,r ?. Thosp who: Woiild ho popular, mqstl'j have- - tartf but," pit the"otber' haml thiAi'a who 'Rticeeed-ipbpular thA In'evlP- inpsf often t.? ablfburjlen qT. popularity ,J' ri lh: rfpdon . that It' d stji Therft laiTid Houbt vantageous fo be1 boril fl rl r d Possessctxyf-Tt- I -; h! ' 1 M- U1 up bn (hr arrest and; I'fwseemloh wen ty. uf NuuHeggers after .tire nmeiHliueht ' becomes effecilvoi .j 3; for MyilKRIKH s uu-iit- her 6 as.it can tv umnagii there will ocvui an exlu 01 prohlliitlon from .Jedcui peulieu prisoners! tlpries throughout Uio .'ouiury with out pnrallcJ dace sjt'iu ,w;' ihrew utes of,; , open Ut i-- jvffCl Washfurtu. OiPlstnn day dawns andis s.Kn after IVtvm , 4 L KLTS TUNICS AND s foivtstiw ot IndlatM and prgiulaUJg ftnslderatlon to fh:': graver, liquor charges aftey rqpeal Is ftrietiml fncI - "... , . Such Innlcnhy does hot that the federal govern uient1 Inlebds ti Convicted1 Liquo VioTaf- ojt q Be Freetf. A- - m$vv P ft -- ..-. A. WT i-- y JV5 0 nr-- i- ;$ ,vJw j - . asiBisv-.-)- . T . r ' L? tWKKKI(Y j M TllA .Jut: j3 A 4 o ssssms eyvhw Yjsaaw snT NFAVITTkss, l'YTpT. UTAH, u ,7 .jsei .m fO ' 1 !.)- t - c s ( |