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Show O o o 0 0 O O i ed the Wend with heep. N.hing unusual happened until the year Thornley 1920 when Senator of Kaysville, and Herbert Barnes took over the leased the Island and contract drawn the management, was s& these parties between up arranged as to make the . Island .'.Til 5 WEEKLY, NEWS EXPRESS LAYTON, 5 o o 0 UTI, o (i Q Oo n ImproT. blood poison, but i. CNn AU C. Cheney word that her sister's son had been killed in an autmobile accident. He is the son of.'. Mr. and Mrs. David Cannon, of St. George. (aeamore camp, D. U. P. member met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Amelia P. Waltoru. Mrs. Algle W. Ford aave the lesson bn Indus- - ot feeling very weH It was feared and Buffalo hunts, I though you ) or lands cff tjhe lake,tff-Couig liman Ashdown miraculously make their deductions lrht ffe developing a cam of typhoid' cscapt deatU- - Monday evening when an dtrui ablaut hour would bo interested in this as it is what hallqpination3 fallow crazuu? . arguna taken they teats the huf vep frtfn bod trsveltng at 35 or 40 miles an hour a pretty gotd write up for your The writer cannot see few, more series we were unable to Jlnd any his car went 85 fet over an embank single telling yslelara came oovfn rge nil Mm car tin rasitto proof of typhoid. HU wife la ment.eLeavina Oxdon ahollt 730 p m state with the exception of ft -tbinc to merit such inceptfbn. mistakes that the jeporter made. If the propose! dyking of sthu 'V row, wanHH cur a , v hark ,n ifferln4 fron the malady leg 4. i he and proceeding toward home on the ne might be comjnf down canvon road, Jie met eliet'that cars one . of south the in for cotdS a and out point ManJ. followed be Thankipg you agai yourake His wife, however. w)h bWndUg Units: the wind was the diaea. hot lake ,Jr" courtesy while I was there, ..tiicely oiled rond madC t and, through tjfi improving. ISiey have no,idH fromblowilki hard and the dut and blind . Yours truly ."A ' hnt oigve Mrs. Rltov co4niie(P ihoalm; IhUts nmde li Imaosalble to see ground on thewt tsiJle and thgn across rtic iVcie It to creek taronJ It! car tunied completclir M. M. Clarabut fontlVme cn groim Fo the d'"ki0Tk tb .wvipnt hWbwtfiJ loaditig ' . use, Wiev do not " hy ' oves ii r landed WlA fli VilH t,v(4 at k.lf.n sL.t, MaaaA Atw r 1. to ;m, Improvement Company with Thornley and Barnes, This newly organized group1 was known as the Bufflgt Inland Livestock Company, with Senator Thornley as manager. Mr, Thorvi herds ley augmented the thous-m- d on the of Island by taking there from cattle .their and sheep ranches in Davis county. Besides it 13 numerous sheep and - - - 1 C- Crp-can- i ; to. o " Vocal Florence the C. Ford cldente as If is 72 years younR. A, Jovely luncheon as served to those present. Assistant (he roadway, k iftid uice hostesses were Mrs. Linda P. Walton flouedy and Mrs. LllrP 8. Cottrell and Mrs. Lulu'K. mV. out In a HejtdlnRf estimated there'weije eiore, than 400 head of Buffalo. The Island Improvement company had planted and fenced ovpj 500 acres of alfalfa,. and hundreds.; of tons of hay. were put up each tM. u i'fr blanr. year to take care'o? their herds Jn llilcaae when feed on the range, bne&jpe scarce. In order to better tako cave JXU?JtS of the sheep and cattle .on the-nothis new crowded conirange, over ,, pany decided to. reduce the buffalo herd. Although the Island Improve ment company had taken care of , all orders that cafne in, the size . of their herd had greatly increased.. . A new and novel idea srfgpested Dunctfif wJo vhs quite Durfcff its history .tka... buffalo waters tmcf-eafternoon at 'ffifr - hem'. Eight rsfA'vn itself which .if successful would mcA is back Jo herd has hw Island nStKlk.5 ovcmt.and amf'hdl Ahtelqpe at, he reduce the herd and. also swell ...I ,''"me vrtlu dlJiS 4h,imn.rV5tf1l. . wm.; prosit. tracted all" .hunters' .from CmVmMJmT' of and. ' high account. . 'h!frr?ia-parts dry, bank j Mrst.Braston.Jbatclrrr their Shortly after,1 emd-frfa h.ugd birjf."with . nimrcrous .ed fn .the leading Sports magagines, the. world grid has also been . the "t.hich it. .rista." statels .upon . .of legs greatest in headnatfqndl .gTowirig widj there appeared This condition. attractions. Portidns the. would tml ' Cover pf . lines the story of lhe Wonderful .resort wa scathe w.cs r. herd of buffalo on this Untamed qd Wao"on,.picturiiatio's of Pione- .if the the er were Island where the wat,crs filmed there Days, qf and.th Desert Island inviting ppople' to buffalo clean, pure- - and. "not m ..shall in figured the inlargely This hunt. and alluring cprtie the- - picture. to Next of pleastiiV rcsoil Senator vitation appealed, strohgly ta -- Jft o sportsmen far and wide. Jhe idea of big game hunting was. thought of only as being'in remote Africa, but here was a chance to hunt find . shpot almost in their back yards.No sooner was the sensational ad .vertis'ement circulated than letters , of. inquiry came pouring in from all ovefr the United1 States- and these inquires were soon followed by. hunting parties. I f5oy a few of these inquiries to show the reality of it. But first, iet rue relate the story of another famous buffalo hunt copied from 'President; ; Wilford Woodruffs diary ef "1847: Surprising results .were obtaip-,e- d by. the ordinal band of Pioneers when they staged th'eij? first buf Thornley. qf Kaysvrlle. "who . . tho Irqprovcnient , -- .- w rtan-ding1- t tlRt head ot tho voice department Clwrlwton coIIorp, Columbus, Mo. son of Mr and rMa. Hyrnni Parrish 411 dlstlnnulukohlmBc-l- t by Binging In Utr.h at hl golden wedding i(eota Nov. J5 anij then go by afrpl(wi t&aHe(Termn,.Mo., to Bing at Park, the, wedding 6i Mies uiutf.tter of (loverip Ijenretta and Mra. Ouy . of J Park, yo. Mr, Siyn J. Coomb was the recipient a ufpilne party on his of ronyitlp th brthdav. given him by his chiln , 4 daughters dren. M m. driyim Mrs. CJlOord 8mlth and X dajightM' Luncheon was served anfl a largebirth duf calfe centered he. table. ' '''- -" Irlonds In wit eft by Gilbert Cal Lake Coombs Mrs.. Company charge of the Island jit that time about the be.?t idcji as to its tells u3 that . when preparation? Were ''.The tae 'the picture and made to Express they Were ready to have tho buffalo part filmed. he and his n class matter friend Bill Howell,. Glen ilesa and others were engaged to drive-thLayton, Utah, buffalo to', .convenient place tSLANMKU Actof March 8. 1978! hoe. A imtnight lunehron Arid when ready, were to turn them served 'to the 12 fcuest present.-- ) Advertising Kates oiv'TYiJffi'Kation In the year 1837 Briant Stfing- -i The one '.over to .the expert Jhorw.jm who Editor & Manager were playing in the pittm e. All o.f tiam took charge ef the- flcks and .lered herd's on a sudden out dashed- the would-bAntelope Island and conCt;ejvs aud over The Weekly fronteer buckaroos . mounted ' jn tinujed to ila so ufjtil hist death burning om Hector T. their famous broncos ready to do 1871. During those fourteen', years Xlr. cooperation ydur Island w3? transformed from tended, IReif part. As they'eame gallopirig, , hope to be able to ' ' vacitable A waste land into a prop- - imiori B t.owgrd those buffalo that beautiful class local news- supimqr morning .with their, fancy pefo.us.. farnt XIany acres of land home- - of Mrs., if. G ParMmmn. in silver mounted saddles n! their yer.e plowed and planted, some. to Salt Lrik iiurht iH'jrrcftbmonti JOHN STAIILE, JR. some to- alfalfa.-Awev.e served to thqtighteen-guestgrain, orchard hhirt, 1S was started Arid a nice . . garden present. d Ptm'RelJ jQoodfeJIow planted each- year where most . !:J. G;Voo.d tin. are of vegetables were raisvd. fn son bom .Weduosda'y..Nov.-H'hs si th f l ' the range wre p,ainS' when lbey Pllft riSvora the? "snieT'tLirfiret that !he fieMs.giid . 7.7 tli k010!13 Array of refinement in cumbrous well bred horses where Mr. and Mr, yandb. LoMstler are rev1 onnSi m ever short f that hera. be-.scui the Iisteninff sunshine they time before the wild ponies. folclng. birth bord TLbpi?nep?bmin0coJItinued . NoV. 8tk. !At IBs hlTi for- - rmmod leisurely amt . playfully. Wednc.-,,aywlfJdlame 8ohe Panicky. charged Sfl; Kuulh st day about flailing Parent; sonw ward, gome about faced, snorted twenty head ef dairy t ow it. lliRh Tuesday, Nov. 14. T.hor; 111 Woodruff. The first, hetd scattered and- ran. in from back to the rear; .were'.brought be a special, meeting of parents and. violently criuld before the hunters thiMren and grandchildren get ,to othe.rs .stopd defiantly, eyes red, .reeh each, evening which pastures t 'eclOgk for the purposo patrons supplied e C. Wood, a .them .and the Pioneers moved. .on pawing the f acquainting, the dystem and operan abundance cream and butter, pf. . ;;v ground ready for any .. of tho school.. After the meet- ation at hla met to another herd. This time the . )Voods Cross, "uirierc.us strong, healthy Ing; parent will 'ylslt the cMases: emergency. The riders from the Pift Jiomo, Oct. 28, 1933, to celebrate , hunters' held a council to. decide Covered Wagon also V "d Kiris. b(W9 : Mr. Olive L. Barlow .president ef charged but , on a plan of attack, fifteen men not in the direction father and grandfathers 77th ' Boon after the .death of Mp. the 1st vard Itollef soclotV. extends. of the buffjjo. ' A hot supper wri aerr- down the rode and ot . . to Invitation .left the group all cordial .women birthday W As ' . . mothto afl present and ' x?::ich4X'' the ward, espoclojlv . . ed . .bluff coming out on the 'plains table' they sat round the' dinner t0 ers, to attend, the Tuesday afternoon , that evening, many a hearty suddenly close to 'the herd. Each readings, 'musical numbtra ana was meeting. A very- Interesting leaden on. as latigh k,e;,tyA'!:,l1 had in each hrs W.0??; most turo. toasts were given during the epufae his out aiftmal, suited TtthieS.Vvireto Hful jnan and Dining Room by of The evening. Grandma tang. of them going after a cow, "and win he- given., by "Mrs. Kotto boys and girls grew up and became Itutn A. Black Joe," accomariai by Bartholomew. before JJP c0".t1'i1osfi9 prominent .in various, activitie. 4 Mrs. Konna McKtnneX, daughter tfl g1 hiba9e vile, the inatrament'he has Prom this group have crime presi- - Mr. and Mrs. Bober J. nuriilnpham v ' tha he downed a cow and a calf pj'riyed every since he was a young of.Vi. ;. from last weU-ea.- d stakes, high' couricTlrriet, . YTON Wore he noticed. 0,V Rockwell man, aqd the children joinii in tho . Lake hospital where she submitted . tM a a i s : i ' ' " i" , . to a She , is orwratloo. stranded on the prune furrounded i chpnls. major reported perous .farmers. sheep and cattle' eonvafeoflng ud Wood Harsh, and her er .min, rorjr nlobly. 8ho" lefjt Henrietta by three large bulls Several of the enof business ptortiotcrs big lake.-Thursday "for her hiirps la rider. two qo ip, also Abby Wood Cook, men turned to assist their comrad . . . . .terpris'es, merchants, doctors. All SoaflloiM cams I, U.' t. met Thurs- ... j. . , . riisters to i as and Mr. Cruze, who' was th charge, materialized' from this wondotful day afternoon t the home .of Joseph were ccvited they 'approached began M. Stephens. A 'life sketch of guests. All present wished ( tho shooting at the three animals. .The decided that after all, the boyrf family of boys and girls who spent John II. Barlow ws Riven by, Mrs, 44 4 sound of the shooting sent the bulls who Were familar'vyith the mental and enjoyed" "their younger. guest a happy,. and long life with days Llxxle B. StflnRhjl;!!, lesson, JMd off at a mad pace with- President I philosophy orf the beast were prob- ' I .' A . n hcrrue'back riding and motoring inupon thri Island. '.As they5 grew llnp Uod ,1ti riotipcr Itoujes"' find Woodruff's horse flying in front of ably more efficient than the more older a cluded, for few men of hia ago of tho Industries Plomvr. Homos',. Id to revisit the longing -- . ! . . T" driv q car as he does and enjoys it ha 8:t:.ih Rivoh and .them. He was chased some distance polished riders. Cynby E.n home where' their pafepts. ahd they thia O: WkddoHim. eein'eptlvely. The before being able to escape the mad At" the" expiration of the Thorft had 'BO ; : . .many happy days muHtcal- portion of the proRram,-- ' dljBpent -rush of the frightened jariiriials. Lease there were some- - came .over them. It was a desire rooted. )V Mrs. Kipma Garrett,1 d . --WOODS CROSS The. hunters finally reached camplthjhg like 200 head of buffalo-lefof e a old "by books' time, and codld not he easily shaken bupr that quaYtet the .personnel of. which very much heartened over their on thd Island. These were Sold to seemed to,- grow with them as they Ia4 Thursday Nov. 23, the D. U. Mrs. Garrett, ellle Ma'bey-I, skill, having brought, dbwn three "Mr. .A.- - jLerinard. .The agreement grew older and finally, had its was an1Tolmim Neliutaw J!. Maude trfmp will hold its regular W. Myrtle pows, three bulls and five calves. I drawn up between these partips 'realization. When oil October, ftth, son. for the afternoon meeting dthe home of llrs. Edith I was their first hunt and not a Uya-iMrs. S. Cannon and Mr?. Mary part as follows: 1933," just sixty-tw- o years after were, assisting hostesses will in. II. ThurRood. . f Hatch? Mrs. man .in the group had had any-- l TIIJS AGREEMENT- entered the death . pf thei" father the fol- ' "Elder flush Calk Vho leaves Nina Moss, Miss Lizzie clude, soon into at alt Lake City, Utah, 'this lowing group met at' the Utah . previous experience .., fdr, a mission to, California.- - waa honand Mrs. Bair. Lesson topic llatqh 7th 'day of April, 1926, by and be- Woolen Mills factory pn IticharI ored aStirrday evening at a party at . Our- ; Industries of th Pioneer Home..' . tween Buffalo Island Livestock street, Salt Lake 'City.- according Iho CaH , hoove. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eldredge 18 .'ow-wi Mr. and WedneHdajf "first : Mepds. evening as Corporation, party, and A.- II to previous .arrangement, jand pro- .Mrs. VV lard Call onlerlalnod nlccg Miss Louise Eldredge apd a tplr at. Leonard of Ft. Piprre. Smith Da- ceeded to put ipto effect this long dinner In horvr of their Bon. Those Mr. and Mrs. N. J. accompanied .by Hanson of Salt Lake, motored to Gar kota, second party," WITNESSETH ahticipated visit. They" wpre Thilip .present the fam Inhd week where last they spent a few ... That "for and in consideration of Ilcpry.' Jed," Richard, George, all djy and a few 'friends. .. iluva vlBltlng relatives. The hides arrived safely a- few 'the covenants hereinafter hiade sons of Brjan't, and Briast 6.,' J. "$tl8s Kht'd Chase was hostess Thufs : ; Mr. and Mrs, Angus Stevens of .day afternoon to tho members of Kttn days since. We are much pleased find glven,..it is XgrtCd:. West Bountiful have returned from a , .. Roland, Rqed M., .Chariton, grand- ball ramp..J). The lesson was to Chicago where they attended , with them, especially the smaller., trip tl. That" the "first party shall children, Stringham A. Stevens-anby Fuso.tafa Strlqgham. Hanthe Century,, of Vrogress exposition. They are a" reminder to'Louise and and d9eg .hereby sell, end .the sec the writer of this artlclp. In a few nah ft. .flurnhiRlinm - of Halt Lake Whllo there they purchased a car In a sketch of the life of Mrs. Mary myself of the pleasantest day ' of ond party 'does hereby bujf all f moments they were, speeding west- gave wUU'h they motored home. Anrf who was special . OUr trip. Island the buffalo on.. Antelope. , oHuth Bountiful sugar beet raisers ward toward the . Islartd in their burnt.- A vocal solo, was rendered by, , , loaded tho last of this years crop of Wish that you might visit New at the agreed" price "of Fi.fty Dol limousines at about forty- - miles Ffank . " . 'should So ; Do To Fail beets on the car today and West W'(? York state this summer and then laps ($50 J)0) .per head,, excepting per hour. In less- than two liow. Mrs.. Alglp B, Richards attended Bountiful growers will finish digging of the. Delphian olub 1 could possibly thank you person that the second party shall have they had parked their ears at the which-- was held this week. . . : Tally- for the trouble I have made the right to select from th'q bbffalo old church house rind were enjoy- tho Jfalo ward 'MondayAnafternoon In ..RJEMIND' Thi regular monthly meeting of chapel. "Interesting the D. V. P. John Pack camp will be you in settling the tanning matter. immediately prjor to loading not ing the surrounding .at their ojd literary lessor", was enjoyed followed held Wednesday, Not. IS, at S p. m. to exceed thirty coWs and)or heif- home on the Island.. How. dear to by &n organ eoncert given by Ethel Very truly yours, t st th home of Mra. 8. Nelson. HoRan' Hanseh. Chas. R B.arlett our arid ouc bulls hearts of exceed to not are and the . tep The lesson, Industrie of tha Pioneers, Mrs." R.- - Alvin Moss presided at a . : e er Home, will be treated by Mrs. of the childhood when fond recollections prettily appointed bridge luncheon not- to . exceed twenty-fivAnheuser-Busc- h Mvrtle Hlgem Phil Wednesday afternoon at her home. Inc. 1926 calf cron': The second party present them to viV' t . lncludod 12 friends. St Louis, Mo. hereby agrees to pay "the expenses Henry, Jed, Richard arid George TheTheguests U. of U. Mother's club meeting CLASSIFIED . , June 14, 1926 of gathering the- said buffalo, load- the place almost seemed sacred was held Wednesday afternoon at the Mr. John W. Thornley their of and home was the because.it entraining Union building. Salt &Lke. Following ing, transporting, Six used leather bod Davesttte li'iViii ii Kaysville, Utah provided, however, that parents 4mL where they them- the nominations of officers an lllus m shipping; to be sold at once prlcac (3.C0 to was Palestine' J)ear Mr. Thornley: the first party will permit the sec- selves spent their boyhood days. trated lecture on $15.00 one third tb4r vtba. Your note of June 10th duly re- ond party to use its 'scow" for There Btood the old. home "just as given by Dr. Fred Stauffor. The Elders of Bountiful 1st and 2nd Union Furniture Co., Eour.tlfrl $8- ceived and I thank you very much transporting the buffalo from the it was when they left 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 wgnfr aith their partners enjoyed 1 1 1 David Wlssmaa wCJ of allowing Island; providing .the expenses of years ago with all the quaintness programiaDcs . for your consideration and . refreshments .H IH us again to hunt on your wonder operation are borne by the sec- of pioneer construction and just Wednesday evening In the 1st ward prlora for an kinds s t pi.5y gg llvock. Phon Bt AS .NRA.MEMBERS ful Antelope Island. We will ond party. below, the old milk house and the chapel. Hiyrum Krause 'Wf this city and OR RENT Cjod SALE FOR of of water their lease still gladly do so in the fall spring just bubbling the At expiration Elsie Cannon Gilbert of Ida Uironshont Utah have We could arrange to be there the Buffalo Island Livestock Com as cold and refreshing as ever. were married receatly. - Fielding, AH Beauty SorPe, . farm, fruit, berrtw,'' TLMiia Sf wlucli went into 5 roomed fcrkk t late in October and if you give me pany withdraw their interests and There was a feeling that almost Dr. and Mrs. Bchsfrir and three ir garden, standard prices ;b, ' adopted -"of "Tremonton were chicken coops and czti-r-- ' the prices of these buffaloes I will the Island Improvement Company, inspired awe or solemnity as they small daughters Ootob 9th. j. effect week-en- d . : ., of . last Mrs and Dr. guests a Pba-W. Stable, " tell you how many you can re- with John .C. Dooly, as manager, moved from one old familar spot J. C. Blocks. Henry 1;.J cr i $3.50 .. 119-Permanents (children) . , . serve for my friends and myself. resumed its operation. .This was to another. It was a time of remThe assembly heUd at the oSuth $4.00 nd up I hope that my brother will have the year 19271 Since that time the iniscence and Phillip, the elder Davis Jr. High ichool, Friday featured "Permanents (adults American Education week and Armis75c returned by that time. He is at Island has been used almost ex- brother yeho is now seventy-six- , Marcel J tice. Talks were given on education Lejjal present in South Africa, big game clusively for the sheep industry. was just in the right mood to lead by two graded pupil and Mr. eighth Reset ...., out in the discussion. J .0. Smith ot Wood Cross gave a hunting, but I do not expect him This year, 1933,. the company is Probate and G6iri.r ! . After about two hours, during very Interesting talk on Armistice. back until October and would charged on the Tax Rolls of Davis Shampoo . l ' splendid muqjcal program was also and Scalp Treatment Oil Consult naturally be doubly anxious to county with 21,105.01 acres of land which time luncheon was served, Aglvsn. C?"!; Shampoo County c? '9 The Issue of the Junf ? Tls't the Island with him. for rurtL;? L with an assessed valuation of $88, we got back into our cars and rode Journal waafirst stuSigners 1 Wave and Dry to the distributed Finger over 40 of hill and dale to the north dents ot the school. It constats of 4 sheepr What do you intend to do with 765.00, also 6551 head t ; Without Dry Finger Waa the rest of the buffaloes and what buffalo and 20 horses. part of the Island. Thousands of pages devOUd to education week and C ' lake Shampoo been have The were will become of Antelope Island? I various poems, made the Pack with comments Henna sheep Armistice, along grazing Many of ' and articles are products feel so sorry to think that that as to just what use should be made shore. A herd of buffalo were seen ib- - students ot the Eyebrow Twee The Journwonderful stock should be changed of the Island. Some have thought just a short distance away. From al nas the reputationschool. one of Estate of E.L:: of being Manicure should be re- the top of the hills we could see the best produced by any Junior high to other hands. deceased. that the State Prison the Salt Lake City. in the distance Bird, Carrington, school In the state. Tbit one Is partiWith my kindest With this code all slioopcs charge exctly Creditor iO-witand moved there from regards - cularly splendid. Iswhat source from work. and other Fremont, nil vouch trx Stansbury hoping for an early reply if you I do not know for Kamo prices Mary Evans of Layton and David of materials will he Gibson of Clearfield were married re at t KaysvUli, things according to A much grade 1rran?e higher the above, I am. cently and Ethel Harris of Clearfield the 28th assured. is satisfaction used and and Chester Scoff leld ot Tremonton. greater Yours most 1933. sincerely There Is an exceptionally good pro Work Guaranteed All A. V. Carnally gram on at the Bountiful Theatre tbla One of V i GEORGE W. GRAHAM Your Patronage Is Appreciated Saturday evening. Hudson-EsseA very Interesting article written estate of L ' by the county assessor, on Antelope deceased. Rome, New York Island will appear In next week's Foote December 11, 1924 I Clipper, Senator J. W. Thornley 504 TV Licensed Embalmer Mrs. Ray Plerottl returned a few 228-- J Kaysville, Utah days ago from Idaho where she was Salt L Appointments Call For called on account ot the death of her Hear Sir: 126-First pull:. Phone Bountiful, sister. MfiMM cnc0SnK a clipping from mi ai? our City Recorder Lloyd Riley who Is papers describing Elk - . Ip-dia- -- - " - - e . 1 - - i Xpj - .." ni Mr.-s- all-hind- Celebrates the-birt- ..'.. . ! Ilis . Da-vl- . Birthday Home in WX - c " . the-youn- g S J rn , .:... '.... .s' T-lf- -- UBASONABLR.mCES : .- life-tim- ; , I , - - . . - .ramp-,bm- 'iTAfl'"..': e 1 H aS-l- - t . Mrs.-Sy-Jrt- wttwttw if ',.. ., "1 K - a -, ley-Barri- con-iltv- n f .. ..' - . ', ! , ... t .K4rr"r - , - - Semce$,5S; Writ-- I , . - lntjuded-membora.-o- f V?: - U.-- wE'ciiE'ra -- ,' Burnt-ngha- I - If Far-amd-r- - 1 . - us Ori- DldfS. SERVICE 'STATION ' Layton otah . s 1 AD3 jiin tti ill - . r7 . tn-txC- ai n - -- -- Nc7: r-- . 1 $1-0- Notice to 0 . ir x . MORTICIAN W Virginia'a Utah Beauty Sliop Hitt |