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Show o o TtieWE H9 -- RATION, UTAH. NOVEMBER lft 1933. - VOLUME NINE Descriptioii and History of Antelope Island Mountain In America s NUMBER TEN tv 44 Pay For Funeral Services Tax Payers Leary Janitor Work For Held Last Sunday Municipally Owned No Extra OfV Re$ Cross. Starts Last Saturday Intl'iwlv'p T Summer School For Wm. Moss, WX Minutes of cam- paign .planned in f f' dr ,u board .Office ty .Armistice 6, c a regular meeting of of education held ta Fartnington, Utah, Nov. 1933. , . Funeral services for William died on Wednesday afternoon of last week, were held last Sunday in. the West Bountiful chapel Bishop TTiomas E. Winegnr in charge. The speakers were Bishop Joseph' Tirfgey of Woodruff, a friend; Dr. T. J. Howells of Salt Lake, a. missionary companion; Oscar W. Moyle of Salt Lake and David O. McKay of the Council of the Twelve, Resolutions of' respect were vead by R. N, Schluter, cashier of the Farmers State bank, of which Mr. Moss was' president ,and by Walter Dannie, acting manager of the Deseret Livestock company of which Mr. Moss was general manager since its beginning. The opening pruyer was by A. U. Eldrcdge benediction, Amos Cook and the grave in the Bountiful cemetery was dedicated by Bishop William Winegar. Musical numbers Were by the chapel quartet, also Clifford Roberts, Charles Taylor and Miss Bertha Sessions. There was a very large attendance and numerous beautiful floral offerings. Wo always regarded Mr. Moss ns the backbone of the great business he built up. Up to the time of the panic tho stock in his company was sought and bought by men who were engaged in national affairs so they were in a position to know of the best stocks in the country. ' Tho work be did was similar to that of a creator as the feed on the desert that would have been wasted and on the hills that no other animal would cat was converted into wool and mutton. Wbrtl we consider that this man at the Moss, who ' (?-- i 3 '4 m.1'- - Power Plants Tit ! T Thgnks-1.All member of the board, the Hundreds elerk and the superintendent were (! ntrmUies grvop present with President R. W. aid during Antelope . past Adanvs hi the chair. The mjmiteS of the meeting of year. One of most intensive October 1(1 were read arid approved I in thfe history Mi. Frnnk MorSley of the BeneortnfDav'is county chapter of tjie ficial Lif,j Insurance Company met American Red Cross will be launch with the hoard and asked for the Chris Rollins, Sol ed Saturday November , und will privilege of working out and precontinue until Thanksgiving Day. senting to the hoard for its Volunteer workers throughout the al u proposition whereby thenpprov W. board Layton, and the touchers may copoerale in county will aid in the Campaign.Officials in of the drive (routing n retirement fund with the point but that charge vouch the NRA slogan, inspranro for the benefit of teachWe Do Our rart," might be adopt ers. The hoard agreed to listen to ed by those who become members siieh a prPpnsitidn. : of the Red Cross, for they "do their Mr.. Smith rejortV( attendance part not only in times of floods, at a. meeting that earthquakes, and other disaster, was held at tho Clinton school last but in a larger measure during the week. A vefv large number of papetition with the present privately depression which the country - is trons ,tho hitchers of th6 school owned company. and Miv Adams. .the dork and the experiencing. The first blow was delivered to ; As an example of what the Red superintendent were It present. the municipal ownership group Cross has done to aid Davis coun- was a very fine meeting with a when their two candidates for city who families were in need of good program and excellent demcommissioners failed to qualify in. County ty . help, they point to list of supplies onstrations of sehuol work, tho primary election October 24th. which was distributed locally to Mr. Howard reported that Mrs. ran ninth and tenth in a field They relieve suffering-othe. destitute. Mahalie Smedley of Bountiful had of twenty-twFarmers of the county received called him nbout a junitor bill for In the campaign the opponent !n the midst of the dwarfted r- - nothing more or less than the biff our late President Brigham Yo'uhg 840,000 pounds of stock feed, while the summer school at tho Stoker of associates. intimate his most municipal ownership pointed out and in 2,225 so barrels of flour (almost 9,000 building. She understood that the mains of an ancient sea arises lumbering- carp prevalent was that it the Island municipal ownership would sacks) aided in providing junitor work was to be taken car majestically from the sarine waters j the .Jordan River and the Utah When he visited taxes by removing taxable ncrease a for food purpose, Davis for generally of by the board. After a discussion what is known as Antelope Island. lake. county families. property from the tax rolls of city, Needy families in Davis county Mr. Smith moved that it be. the This ancient sea known today as The Island is connected with the business and pleasure. lived and state; would increase man white first county that The a 120 side received Great Salt Lake; is but a shrunken main land on the east by pairs of blankets. The policy of this hom'd to pay no exelectric rates if the income of the remnant of a vastly larger body bar made by the delta or alluvial on the Islajid, as far as our know- quanity of piece goods distributed tra janitor work for summer school proposed city plant was not enough of water which existed and which deposit from the Jordan River. ledge gees,' was an old mountaineer would stock a large dry goods in any of the schools of the disfo pay off the revenue bonds at called was who Stump. Daddy the i in 768 store, lakes raise filled in this of including 2, the valley trict. The motion was seconded and the Following completely yards came present rates; that such a him Garr, After Fielding muslin, 2.600 yards of outing carried unanimously. lowest portion of which the modern bottom through the shallow water by a eity government lake now rests and extended be- they soon came to the Island. who had charge of the animals as flannel, 2, 950 yards of prints and Mr. Stringham reported that he would in building of a huge result old He the built lived. he as.' ginghams, 200 yards of special and the superintendent had visityond the northern end western Resting their horses here they sat long house and which would domachine of a political church corral, part 250 the and in at wonderment boundaries of the present state of apd gazed serge; yards of Birdseye ed the people of the Odell orchard Lake minate Salt City for until there this remains day. Red Star. which ; Utah. To this ancient sea the name beauties of the surroundings. area and arranged for 12 students o come; that the plant never could Presidents Young and Kimball Ready-mad- e We do no-- know in just what lake Bonneville has been applied. . clothing distributed to take the Utah Light bus from the raising of up- ie successful because the private But time passed on and with it direction or what course they pur- moved their horses and sheep there included five dozen pairs of mens that neighborhood to tho Juninu superintended million a of wards sheep in his life company would hold at leeat fifty came a mysterious change and the sued when they again took up their several years later, placing them trousers, seven dozen pairs of boys high srhool. This arrangement re- we can what a lot of 'of the business end that appreciate and Toronto of Joseph that in charge trousers, three dozen pairs of chil- lieved the bus so that it is not over employment this furnished. Not per rent would dying w;fter3 saying good-nigjourney but it is safe to say be forced the meet the city to the lofty mountain peaks grad--uall- y since they said farewell to their Peter O. Hanson. Several times drens play suits, 19 dozen ladies crowded by traversing- tho street were with the herders that only of the themselves. Island expenses plant out of the drifted down to its present homes in Nauvoo and crossed the they visited the bloomers, 11 dozen ladies union west of the school street and car- i.ho sheep, but the men who shear fund. tax in general of summer 1850, the In level. Its greatest length they, and 28 suits dozen mens and rying all the children. vests, .he sheep, spin, weave and make today is Missouri river they had not seen about 75 miles and its width 50 anything quite so picturesque or company with several of their fam- boys union suits, 33 dozen mens Mr. Rtringham reported having of it, the same with the of the livestock klnxs and great . miles. The lake' is not deep as so beautiful. Although only two ily, spent two or three days there. and boys shirts, 15 dozen boys and attended with the superintendent, clothing lackers and the retailers who Aa the at ranchers, at least ol Utah. meet-boy- s many suppose, its greatest depth and one half miles to the summit The lake was quite high girls sweaters, 40 dozen mens and a very fine aceuato- tamlle the meat. Men on tho range aa 1 know, from a far Hanand Toronto and both would not exceed 75 feet and its of the Island there is quite an eleoveralls and 42 ing at the Junior high school where time, ranches putting up bay, feeding tincenhlD began aa oae ef t son met them at the lake shore dozen womens hose. 53jumpers, meet . dozen mens there, was a very large attendants .' ? average not over 5. ent, itt avert the longest vation; on reaching the top one with sheep and 'cattle. and rowed them over, hose, 45 dozen children b hose, and of patrons. now la tho 1 eucceiofiil and .. There are, eight islands within suddenly .comes face to face with while aboat Deseret Live Stpck of which to go. Utah never had any great the teams forded it. The 28 dozen infant hose, shirts and The following committee of ten iQ The the confines of this body of water tho crystal like waters on the weswas tho manager and superin-endedrivemplrea mieh aa wore, ta Texa r in was time the largest of which is pleasantly spent tern slope. residents 6f the street west wrappers. Women, tha largest and bast where over Antelope, twenty sheep operated and in visit, the most important and the one Thus, say the Officials - in and parallel to the street on which lords of about 2,000 in a heard. that atat and ot tho United StAtea Looking across the lake toward ing over the ofIsland interest bathing, charge of the membership cam- - the South Bountiful school is locat-paigwhich this little story treats. the east one is impressed with' the ing places that of tha Goodnight Family, ,fstrange There would probably be that wii nor did It have any comparable In sisa and inspecting their can be seen that the ed, appeared before the board to .It stories of the existence of beauties of the valley and the aI- - boat-ridin- g lambs in so tho each many of herds, or breadth of rangeo to year Daddy" American Red Cross has 'done its protest against the bus the lake and its islands have been most shep. Old perfect mountain chains horses and course being of number the thoso of Montana, nor Wyoming, nor deforty years written, hut nothing very definite silhouetted against the dark blue Stumps mountain home, then parts in Davis, county durihg the taken off their street: Arizona. Those men and those ranches would however total over 800,000, . is known as to who first saw serted, was visited. They drove past year. Now-- it's up to you were the product ot the hardy, venMrs. Jess Cleverly, Mrs. J. II he sky, but on the west thefitscene is their to 40 the began sheep prior raising turesome and nervv pioneer stock, carriages as near to it as do your part. theme lake, trod upon its shores or sailed even more beautiful, a Hart, Mrs. E; S. Arhuekle, Mrs. ago, so the estimate before combined with the old time open rangNation-wid- e and walked the remaindRed Cross programs II. S. Salter. Mrs. Wm. Argyle, years upon its briny waters. for the poet. The painter may in possible, Btatcd may not be much exagger es of the West and Southwest. Those er of the way, a distance of a half will aid the membership drive, one Mrs. D. J. GmhaW, Mrs. David C. ated. Credit has been given men of Utah aa 1 knew them, pans var-- . trude his ideal into the picture by was or more. mile wus writers to individuals such as said James E. Talmare. Everything but his before me now In memory: James being heard over KSL last evening Howard, Mrs. Carl Hatch, Mrs, . could The be that greatest thing Baron La Houton, a French Ex-- , paints lack color and his work found just as the old man had left at 7:30 oclock. The other will be Floyd Hatch and Mi A. R. How- said of the deceased, conscious of Andrus of St. George; E. P. Woolley of Kanab: Lemuel Hodd of Blending; it, and a curious conglomeration of given over KDYL at the same time ard. Tlorer; Padre Escalante, a Spanish looks eheap in comparison. his ability to make big money, he David Hullock of Cedar City, by Uncle corrals sheds and s barns,, This little group of horsemen houses, Mr. Burton expressed hto Saturday night, with Floyd Explorer; Miller of the Astor Com, noblest work o: JeBBe W. Crosby, Jr., of Pangultch; remained the as master of ceremonies and ure in having the committee pleas' Whittaker ot Clrclevllle: pany, Provost, Jim Bridger, "Capt, after riding over the' Island all it was. It was located at the head man" ant JamesHatch pres and honest God, of Heber City; George M. a of musical qumers y the navy band. small, on canyon, against the open for the ent and night that .. .Bonneville. John C. Fremont, the camped day, suggested unto lie presi gave Ceaser that which, Kit east shore and Emery Wblttemoro of Nepht was The house mountain steep the where Howard. a', Carson, dent explain the policy 6f the boart longed to Ceaser and to his com county; Samuel and William McIntyre by spring tracf-r- s , Stansbury, set of made cedar home. upright Good posts The next ana trappers, and of course now. stands the old on transportation. Schools with headquarters In Balt Lake and as pany that which belonged to it. back to Salt Lake and covered with a dirt roof. Close the Indians all figure in the rode Mr. Howard asked for the they Tho pAHMlng of William Mobs of one of the moat thorough, most buc- day glory. water. of was to a it good spring and .gave . a report of their But until the advent of of exprossjng his feelings Davls county, Utah, means much more ressful of these, William Moss, of Bad Times privilege Brigham City The house and barn formed a part th oIohh of moot any one Individ- - Woods Cross. . on the transportation in tha; thanran findings. ual mean. It In the end of below was and the of In the year 1870 when William Mom just corral, There were several parties visitho had in an era luusually neighborhood and tho history of the state and doan coming Into this comer of ed the Island later on in the sum- his orchard and garden. The peach temmonschse suggests that in vited the committeewhy to be present, perhaps of tho Intermountain Went. Wyoming and Utah, Judge William A. no with loaded trees were fruit, mer and rode over its borders.. The bad rimes wo sacrifice first from among those Ills life end seems the end of the days Carter of Fort Drldger, which was granted. when hlB herd mentioned, I waters of the lake were low and larger than walnuts. The old man, ' would take as my best guess that waa In It with the mill- Important Utah, began things. Mr. . Howard chair the moved Adams Mr. then that explained how, v A message In the the reserve, feeling that Civilization was enfamous scout and hunter. Kit Car-so- n. they could ride over dry shod. tary largest . . parents.. tj in years past when the distance to appoint a committee to make a as ot western had his reserves, Of rid1848 in military Late while fall the upon rights, croaching is .When trouble cofnes we turn to He perhaps the only one children was beyond 2V4 study of all transportation in all a protected and tree range had his fundamentals. Home becomes transport among the whole lot who left any ing at the north end of the Island, picked up his duds and driven is still ii the district. The motion was secthousand head ot longhorn resolution a miles, Lot Smith, Fielding Garr and He- horses and cattle to a secluded deader. Neighbors and' friends force, was passed which tangible evidence. onded by Mr. Stringham discussed Texas cattle bearing his A (bug) boart tho by The .last in Cache Valley. waa William Mobs mean more, We understand better In the .L D. S. Museum, Salt ber P. Kimball came unexpectedly spot and carried ,and the chair appoint- brand, andto ho in eny neighborhood where the east. Into the country celghhor Lake City, is the remains of an upon a herd of antelope, needless heard of him was that a.Ute squaw the mission of the church. We ap- that, of children ed of 12 as the board the committee a or ot William Most and his Deeeret Live numbering to say all were surprised, inclu- crept up behind him and cut his preciate the services of the school.. group old canoe made from a tree more lived beyond 2 miles from whole to do this work. On motion 8toek Company, of which he waa the pine the to The returned throat. which the schools If party are a blessing in good school, a bus should be put on and of Mr. Smith a vote of thanks was founder and long Ita manager came which was found on the shore of ding antelope, pricked up the lake, said to be the identical their ears and went bounding away Church ranch that . evening and times, they are an imperative ne- a route established to the best ad- given the committee for its atten- the Chapmans with their Neponset n and the 8tone ranch with craft made and used by Carson to over the rocks and brush to a place drove home the next day. Brother cessity in bad times. They safe- vantage ef residents of the neigh dance and the president expressed venture Sessions Ita foreman. The healthy or a and died Garr in 1855, year time From health of until of the .that, the guard safety,. child; they borhood. The bus route was es- - the boards appreciation for the and progressive and conservative go to and from the Island which now it has been known as Antelope two later Briant Stringham took fortify the home; they give hope he and some of his close growth ot the Deseret Live Block abtablished for the children living be discussion and information. companisorbed them all, and encouragement to citizens who has been called Church charge of the stock. Island. It ons used as a retreat or The matter stoker cost 2V4 and a of the miles tho installing rendeyous In 1857, quite a romantic episode are the victims of misfortune but yond William Mom and hla Deeeret Live when hostile Indians by many because in early took became to Island the charged to them. But if the bus is at Centerville school was referred Stock Co., always produced and never Lake ter; Salt in City. who place can underChurch take satisfaction that not loaded beyond the Vk miles to the superintendent. Brigham friendly, a retreat where he could days eperulated and showed moat excellent Mr. Lamb, supervisor of art in Judgment aa to when to bny, rest from his long wearisome Young took possession. Later on' it minating on Antelope Island; it heir children are cared for. The Imit, the driver may permit chilwhen hundred of Salt schools are ourselves stirred the four Buffalo Island because called was toworking route to ride the district, explained his work to to hold, and when to eell, and this journies without fear of molestatthe dren along living WiS. to Lake center. the Thos, wonderful combination coqptod with, gether in the education of our the board; how he spent his sum- an ion and where he could pasture of the numerous buffahrwhich bus is loaded. untiring Industry, and a loyalty to been kept there from an early lliam, then one of Salt Lakes most children. When times are hard we until the have mers in his burros with aome teachfor outlines the making his company aad Ita stockholders, that on the board yielded to of closed out need to make the education degree Iater merchants, prosperous date. better ers, visiting the school in the after security. There is also at the L. D. thoughts of hla own . by to take more seriously our com- many applications to ride As early as 1849 the Church his business, and had made extenS. Museum a portrait of the. fam2Y4 miles noons of each school day to give welfare, combined to bring him most under with East to sive living just go mon task of preparing the young wonderful euceee. But In ous scout and also his trusty rifle, took possession of the Island and his preparations ind finally passed an order allow-n- g directions, explanations, and sug- hli prime and gave him especially end hie comfamily, where he expected to for life. to He stated one of the best that money could used it as a herd ground. In that teachers. gestions pany practically unlimited credit. all children transportation who uti ful make his home. 1 1 Times which suggest retrenchFielding Garr, under the di- and buy at that time. Ilis canoe It la VOMing otrango that In one 2 miles from school. that this is the one subject being is year ive beyond engagment call daughter, accomplished for increased safeguards Vfr. that creative. He week John B. Kendrick one of Wyomabout 25 feet long and not over rection of Brigham Young, byilt ed to taught increased js purely this Adams stated on David P. Kimball;, butj for schools. Next to food, clothing the old church house. It contained account of their 30 inches in width. ings greatest ranchers, who went cost and that with increased en showed work that he carried from from so young, and shelter, they stand between being the saddle to the Governorship be Near rooms. seen us the may five by Antelope Island is situated rtfllmcnt the cost of transporting one school to another to give the of and the Benatorahlp from in the place where they molded the ! r. Williams would pot consent to and chaot.Vet us preserve and hie adopt the southeast portion of the Great children has increased during his. teachers new ideas in terpreting ed state and William Mote, hit eaual The young couple improve '.our Kchools. Let us their which was built. marriage. it from adobes the a outlines. keep as Salt Laker Its central part Is due successful, grower end manager administration, from 8 or 9 thouthe children ftret. Thfe house is still in good state of were determined not to be thwartveetock ventures, but wh. except The superintendent west of the Court House at compared of be$30,000.00. to dollars about sand matters in and ed their when Taxes are the price we pay as It is the center plans, duty to hie church ington and is just 15 miles distant. preservation. board did not think it the report of the first term this to soma public lift, 'tbwti et!3ed him which many a thrilling came desperate with them as well citizens for( such services as He said the around 1) stay lu which of with that last year As early as 1848 the year, wise to do anything to increase Mormon private life .should part t the life Her father schools, as with their woven. parents. been has shows a enrollplaygrounds, in parks, increase th episode slight ,B .?- - VM pioneers took charge of the Islsame trusted guards fiver her, streets, police (and courts, When- that cost. He concluded by saying week Many prominent characters have placed the ment. and and used it as a herd ground at annointed committee the hatched she and was by JUDGE GEO. H. ever we cut taxes we must reduce carefully Tho question of the use of gas as had a part in the affair of the Is- them, its CRvT, JR. for their horses and cattle. and day, until the hour some of these.services to ourselves last meeting had not completed act Mr. Mean was a atocvv night were: f some Porter yhich fuel at West referwas Bountiful y and dl- -i land, Early in the spring of that year Rockwell, rector of tho Farmers had come. That morn- Our public services in proportion eport on which the board will bank Jim Bridger, Briant of departure red to the clerk to get information. Wood Wm. A. Potter, Albert Carrington, Cross aa we!! t in an unguarded moment, she to their Jbasic importance are later. ing, Lot Smith, The Fielding that and director Stringham, superintendent reported Jedediah M. Grant and others, lq varU r enter- darted out of the back door and probably fhe least expensive se'rv Superintendent Burton supple- the r.,v Brigham Young, Joseph was association of prises. mounted their horses and set out Garr, almost out mented Mr. of by instantly. ices report O. Stringhams sight Judson Peter He filled a mluloa Bountiful are asking for an apwS?uy. and aad to make a survey of the country. I Toronto, Len Rice,.Hanson, A carriage and four- - horsemen Heber P. Kim- stating that the bus is now going propriation for tables on which to on hla return served tv J of ct0(jdard. kop down bethe east side of the Following were and West in n for street her, and, as the for Bountiful, allSons be waiting previous banks of the countiy are serve lunch .at the Stoker school Company, fore all. White and J, the Jordan River they soon came the He to misse had 12 the guards from it fairly survived by fclj t'rfeen two fires. The bank exam transfer of the Walker. John W. Thorn- wra at an estimated cost of $29.00. He to its mouth where it spreads out Scott Gamble, and her, Bhe and her intended were ineta are urging the tanks to get Utah Light bus will, in his opin- recommended that an appropria- Grace J.Ann Hatch Eoa Glen Hess, and Eire O L'-over many acres of land. Here they ley, over to Judge Elias Smiths liquid as quickly as possible, which ion, settle tho controversy. This is tion not to exceed that amount be Ralph Cross; elx daughters. Mrs. v Dtfoly, these and many others hurled 1 crossed to the west side and office far as husband made and ant were the on John of committee the means report a reduction in loans. The and Mrg. Chios made from the per capata fund for 7 Balt most of whom could ride the buck- wife for all time. They then jump ' toward the south point of the Is3L Lake; Mrs. Gertrude'- also desire that the as it can be made at this time. the or of depositors wildest On motion rope improving bronco grounds. ed into the carriage, drawn by two bank shall be unquestionably sol- land. As they rode through the ing Mr. Howard claimed it was not Mr, Howard the recommendation . shallow water at the mouth of the steer. steeds the and committees report, that this was unanimously approved. accompanied by firey The following excerpt is taken of nted composed Kuard. river they saw numerous large Richard Crossman of St. Louis arrangement is only temporary book called iour The clerk presented the accumuSol Kimballs A. Young, Heber P. K.m was fined for how it works out. fbh with their backs sticking up from Joseph a physician of bills for the month which lation striking Experiences: Thrilling I Knowlton and Brig who had diagnosed his ailments as Mr. Smith moved that Mr. Adams are represented bv voueners ixo. Ella M. Hatch. WoSd Cre- - '- - four l"11 hall, Quince roseing around in the mud. Brother brothers Rnh'7 'ul In early days AnteloPf Wand ham Jr they made a dash due to Kimball said he thought they were In liquor be added to the committee and that 49091 to 491146 inclusive and which David A. Alexander on Jhenose most considered was their for and Antelope Island, reaching he matter be referred back to the were approved by members, and on a thinking the lake desirable pleasure r porpoises and vY e destination in leFg than three ortjl, would be full of them called the would be pleased to have you committee for adjustment and re- motion of Mr. Smith popped and ori1,0 Ceoss; tl rrmdcktldrn resorts, many l!!dirM?.?reaA-rndchlJC,-tnews Tho a broth- into seconded here Island Porpoise Island. The fish many pleasure motion bring office port. was paid. by(dered er. clinry hours were spent there by (Please turn to page 4) Mr. Ilowqrd and carried. Layton. of course as we know now were Sappy Meeting adjourned. month ago. Hots, died lis than tt for the information contained in this brief history of Island am indebted to Andrew Jensen, Heber C,Ki Kimball, J, E. Talmage, Henry Stringham,C.O. thorn George Payne, M CUdy, Parley White, John for ley, John E. Dooly and others. The writer does not genuineness of all contained herein although it has been gathered from sources most reliable and from those who have had actual contact with, and from Hie writerss own personal knowledge gained by visiting the Island for several years as .1) D . - . Parent-Teacher- s Assessor. . 1 d two-fol- d . t . r The people of Salt Lake City Tuesday, November 7tb, delivered a crushing defeat to municipal ownership when they voted down by two and a half tn one a proposal to spend $18,000,000 to build a jeity eectric plant. The complete convass of the votes showod 12,901 for the f eVeltw- - bends 'neesanr to build the plant and 29,350 against the municipal plant bond proposal. The barrage of ballots against the municipal plant movement waa laid down in about eoual volume in all sections of the city. A fair analysis of the vote shown that tho aboring classes joined with tho uisiness and civic interests in voic ng an emphatic no to the pro posal to put Salt Lake City into-thelectric power business in com- vK U' $18,-OOO.O- Oit e o. large-undertaki-ng ht - . ; Parent-Teache- rs , ck vq-Bto- nt - . - . Gib-on- Ab-rn- m .In -- the-Ifs- . hls-tor- . ten-tv-tbr- ee Bv-ro- - over-shadow- pa-ro- 11 Parent-Teache- rs ,- - V aS Wad-dou- to-o- over-indulgen- j I , 1 a. J . V r a |