OCR Text |
Show t frw rrl WORKER NG - 1 a J;. ., kv 'll!:! 7 JA ' n: Lh: M 7TU'eM'T V a vcl s: -- y.i.?:y c.7 V-- - i'-r- . . .. .J,.; .1 j " ' iU - a. v j Lv.nTv.ib ... The rvsjvonse wpS ; ; prompt "' o'dar'cATbm!gh4? ,1i a. 51 :le I thiBokbi-Miri- cV ,'4 cl. pjeit la tarabe relied;.,,,;; nam jici j .r' r odt rut a. pa-tifer- ' dId,!:iYby pat t.'L 1 plni al.wiiys J . her, ip market doctors c.Ill ' jJ&th, tWstock jV1 it-- ' Smif herofAtf Jy of expressing only to tx in Ailse, f struck milled' by by more was what plainjari.tbe, wording ' ly ' a, quotation fronj their 'brother : k,iYoy "cbht mean 'iie; heygr Has icht" her - anything b hy,! Cir(ras this wedding tducati)r ,alo'ne-an- d ft ,musfjiavq cogtf a fortune. "Oh, not sopiuch, ( perhaijs, Ljturaut ,1a, Characteristically Laura said. Jim is pn ahgel about money: matters.! 1 Louise ndfitlng.' hiced"'ihftl other ;.tvo:1n(n:ully. Vou oifghtVb Voow her .brtter.tlian " Ncifn I sfuVs tlyyt. nlwpys ,;', damnably independent. lloncsily, Tin WQrrlcJ.obout.,ker,; Left- ploue idie nolinM .L ft!-- ' bught, td do.VLUcyi .,,"11 hat briokiiVtJS to buy a mail prA.iu.itUeTcouniry, i' She 'could .,e;l ,v''V raistj .wbat-I..ca- to-d- m rJ yf i'lrj-- r fqi, fShe,:.d9,,-- s yt MISTAKE McitPment-- I Indiitfor !W gaih.iA 1 . TO! hwoJ .UilmJ-tellin- g ,;io .1xm than she is of us . A, i be !'.() J OT 4 la vnc.i; t Si ! : ,'.-- ku5ik8 nldj V S M'ld I'l'i.l ltls fdP11 11 in g sin "bU.V'ni--.- """! vr i "j ,t!bO A itilOu if i't. 1 1 1u;h 111 k 1.11ft inttt . FAMTIflJrtl'l .1.U...M tfl T T vil 4 U t :T 1 tcoKwtwr.iye I now tV. t... Iliv i: iiT ( utoI'I and 8ill-Le- I say (f e ' I JU, diiiu wll If 'i-itsdn- I LdTatUi "best looking of any of us when she' looking yoirdidPT get a "Sly dear Smif, Susan has deyea, I did. I yawned several turn out like this? It nmkes you elded to run up to the Manor for to words feel too conspicuous for In- - 'TMam m ' llcartl -- was. showing; ua, 9j friends? 'The lovely ladles, daddy "Goodness, tJBareli J,yam Igor pow A ana firing in marrlaae. bed Ill if ;H and her tariff-wd ter Vdm h to:flo aaytAJftg binoif-vb- roryd'vu-gja- j . a.f , j mil-lio- anfl-mifjijfn- 4hkt- - rflieifcNHrt'e care from Louise began. tf,Nir'OBeT denies, pftg wuld br'passable lf 8hed , lifted, every ftn 08e Twe; Laujashrugged her shoylderl ton or two" Luci .snapped. to hav a good appetft.-Tramme," s rich.' af-- TTrapafatlobTfor ; a campaign In about "TtUcIng' declared wlflx London this spring. -- A good move Ah ; mum, dati an I ham most jmetuous voice th n os on Susan's part. left fn d world dat I can and no uncertainty rightly -That isnt what I mean. What call me own. Well b. ' difference. U do I care for th Phelpses and their feet tbit I ebMll.de . - 1.' "' ml hlB M e, aspti: fears old, taking Smif with company, rode over to hls Oiaridt Jther Culpeer!s . t Cuss) it 'pie to 'w;how iTt'siT' n nlr see It, GrunmnanTa; lalned, "theonlyrthlng qrnazlnnfo auick relief rhtrtinftlHsX l neuft- - 1L j ,tM lJd .li if.iji iiilaP. .rnbtiO la eT'iJi t? OTTiTT ItuWHYlAYtR'I 1 "Ai-r) . 1 f ' : TY bohmai odT ustqmLq TilJ Not :Uw.2?4to li'.' .kiltwat,!7. , 1 On) 01 ls"d ni ono odT eniB)) !fsrtcon bliilTB'J jJflin Aft see that spirin. relief o '.ihliA Im 1 rfllYi. xt obi. .ki ksNot Harm & 5tfi 'aJilw .Woi KalsJtiO p.id) ,sni .srttJio) boos a ornos. .iM aLjollMaeiolteiv A. , J"ij i rf ) pTiyyrrpr,nnriT9',iiiwribo7 fCRisMort'Ja-AdTirr- ASS AYERS iraf bo ,jAl 'AND nd L4k4i St., Salt Uallln (urqlik ed on r.queai Om Tiw Box' ItAeiHWgIkebtngct ' can now get relief from first treatment by uslni 1701. - n nniunMAJuyaKKeiiitCtfdi viitniuiiiiiiiiiuiir .nobgO luonsy Iron and OJtvXQulck Relief) Pile (Sta3c tLytr ' fill for the vaMiT odt y)iD nfm'Llo .aim Olnt-reme- rd dy ft sufferera no iw fO'r jllcted, guar- - JJ Vsotra 5f:uoa"JJUJ ) 48 jetory relief o?i Rad plle 0lnt for sale, It acid lest In both severe cases, never fall- - llsdijlltl ul fT,! To etM To )89 yq 9tlf,0X9W .vcL?9!iT .blli'XJ VooJ 0 c ,r I bat s'fL A Get Q. It not experiment If your drugpile Ointment gist does not carry It In stock, inali lfont the belqw elU I - blk : T-X- : Uuatot4!lM) HiO. Honey Mftir.. r ' Order for One tube of Q. R. Pile Ointment to be mailed prepaid to . ) a to) 4. p, 0, Address On conditions tbsti If Tfc5ft)2tl satisfied with Jesuits dbtalned, I am to receive money back upon returning tube to your laborat- ory, , 1, JI ;r tLAtzsrr rTNirT Xl t r; ZiaMES&vsfiK A ' 1 Wl h' do tr I ? n,lnoas!mm toM oil 13 'luirn;!) . , 1 TSlP.OlO ORKBrSOMSI tvOVrV far an rent the place to hi 9 ray and try .money Tl need to llrajklli Lovely jBhould. SheY oepCUdlpg qti pie .tq help her Jills grandmother accepted out, prjrtest the facL thrigh,thj8-party- , pf TamV life tiiii starved acfep "Butfimlf, when, U) tye sea yoii nothing to tempt oni if Ws bloo agah? Louisa asked, her solicitude ; TJ! r,(TO BB CONTINUBD.) creeping, Into her voice, and sensi:j tive little Tace, Whale Mtat Standard' in Jipia .17 j j i Whald meat which tastes vwy Impulsively Smif kissed her..' e want to know j where you much like beef, Is a standard meat are going to live now that Cihtras In Japaa.'".:;i'ti"nv;n:''.r.1f'.iit.:iiijixi.'j, n: 1. j J.VU - EB H llBbnr.1 t'iT situation the' if 1 , Bill-Le- e idmf if p to qually among hls daughter; rs, who had no pow, r brother before, owever much tl do so. Each round hundri the tew ate of Lovelylea, residuary estate and the to give as they Bill-Le- sisters and a casual "Ill bii'jick," forR.nitoY utkbra)auL mltied a toas imlfUfeatJdfl<h Charles jlelps. thefe WeeWi neptf iao.thlsoYN udttls.VTliehlWa ihiiAi WS'W unitpectedl at tact do of on .You nird and set her hj. bi? a lambs JhintMier as letting out the ihttf irtfinp, this one's th with he stared after the rnism Vhed of liori,jBaflHigSfn bk'M' lovn r,orl ask ; and every one would agree ai ioTi')'.iftiynflrrt ar,n:,r pair: Carles CAeips, so i Jd-uhlQL "ft:sTfo? tAVirhf 8 Ill yive go all ti 'tchWf ; es:nl McfP1 Charles I A: I ask avowed to forg fjthat things as tii; lying no, Siif -- ca kfcssLt hridifl IwTVioh rttsay If they believed she must iSyu hduse iofatooK fflt Winrub i'andiuatwwht; To If, reived jilili4diWi2r'maph hniMwuc&t All - . , l46nin!rpzi1xfediadeIaeV: has jvas read he proved comt Jl S' iiHII'lf Ixjvflyf the elder had divided -i eavr thigjjlilt'JvtfDUd steiiH, AelV0Pf :i ,T9bn (Gr equlred a violent effort to k he habit of calllug hoeRmlf. anikb Lovely was given to pfforf extfp In the scurgfTitor kinusor . ' menL Ii (Lovely was from Ills mount hum?,1 pd young Lovely; In bis turn f d- o) t-- olonolt fore she a e J By i bait brra orit ' Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or disintegrate, in the amazing space of .two seconds after touching itiBisturc. pal all The illustration of the glass, here, tells lhe story. A Bayer ablql starts UpJ flmlf, Smif I ahtr wold". shout And he accepted, as dldpVcry one else, the nam of ori)gvttFHiy Smjf: for hls - youu wa babJ-- ihi WL hfkbkJtflilat df the whole family and Laurijiazardi clall, eager as " Ion. Sm trouble. "We always sidestep ap Bill-Le- .wjrcorru tNapie )e 0" ,1,ja.$!N Ills pet nnmo hdf wns "IiOvellneHS," a name soon asidie could talk she ready to whu'hAig 'CTMr: iiiH RSUEffPMipM) saddlo, for' nasartfi ZZ-MLa'- J i 8AYVR dl Now This frlijrdg and relations. repudiated iBqfnr.o ah mi 3 i tfonf BbfliSihW' -- risk a guess that shell continue to betedt In. Its pidnyipog l.flTfUin town way, cliip.Tlm for ItTsee yinire.Tiiy and 1 forgone,1 um; twireflt to let la4 I agreed. So take her with her 1" mi; sympathy.'" I to f fftr hole 'ere liuttj regarded her youhfesit noil THB; QUICKtrrI ,,1, KkowW..a-j- b: )Fa1 the childreuWcra'llafiflitfiiTie tut tm - yMingeiit- t- named - Matilda Bmlth, after her mothers mother, -was sftefate Wo Afnld viiTk, jfier mother fI y T fu1 to) y. ly icoKi)y:.'; onjhif 11 00 'onlrfal Ji 't ami-tim- ly T 1 KNE,W 11 JNOVi 19 stod yM al boll A IN NyaftfCLr 0TTtA f7 i.i'' .SAFB rjiviaa rr p .'T jlitai'T L tula "to T'1 por, YTOPpep BAVfcR ASPfRiN AWFUL HEADACHE i lit h totwa! t ASPiam I ininaqr T l'.t i .rrny."l rpj4N'w9M&pie? V !l id ','4 . LATER. mx'jI H ,'l; n .m And rv'e-A- uil wNt v f, I", ,1 Splitting H?Apft9H' ,ifv hjiujthn ho nlonq owmp) to it,: ho toi I, (blyednai sbnii that: permitted hi Av I vintage wines' anil Icycry lndulgenb ahlT Of which enough1 Tbmnlned 'tit time of his death to make Id son a'rlcll riftfl.- His IipIA, Irt'furA, dle before ho had time' to' jm'twtlr, (ill Inheritance. , Ills son, .anythef ' Lee' Lovely mnrriod tlia j d ny,' lm CnQip of age, a girl, wllbprif eih Uj t bt:a tpr(riiidi)g 4nfiucpca, onrlv mnrriago ldrM' :obtkQ I'fio .M ' .0 WORlC msf e.e ,to convjnp nrtd ,Tftvr !, p.b ; 'M sQ, jx'Ariio'.', tlmt, Ulp bcarUesscnplallHU hpil na.'q'i T n? I plcrtVlnnt ,f(i - hair put of place, rl& pudding.' 'And as wholesome,' , titrI a Il'J.I.lft lo?iM7 v.;iisH and of , so-4- rcaL ulo no) Iik. .Irul t! 1 Ease PdinV Hpadacho Jodi aiil v m opi!W.-ivo7iti- of Smif . I b Lrffpcrty jhfiV1. HCdirofvifi) S then mot bods,1 )fO.J iHnv-JSJ- IVei f of ailylc. ,x! iiiirti rejpmWif tflil 1") aT ,1 ' beehiMs tuvv 4jl V75 ..1 y T5 -- i added xtreme disapproval hgalnl he didnt lly; "Naturally had no. right saddfe er .with his thick In earnest." were 'you nVwfr rfiif pfIdfjftrn what she wAs then." offspring, young as she ait 0 looted not 7 fancy ighp need money rhalleng-inglat-, Louise , looked Lucy, t her "At any rate and where Jtwas to. come from In owllshly. chaltb took up and Lucy ,1 pretty ilepreftf; j3bVfi!o(,sIon " lenge. the conversation said Lucy vaguely. bringing sharply "Exactly, "Louise always talks.a$'':Jf she back where it had jtarted. 1 TT Shes, .not thecpTy peiffn whos $ for were the only oqe l?o cpres 'li4rd' upI'Wlth'fdUf'tmlnren that Claifre Coodhue'-rilIt SaifA' Isadora her! And s do you becomes a chronic condition. wedAnd most the charming Laura. Shes the most consider he bad eiff at&jvthei huost:.'j;enerous'ipersorifl ding For blind f hMJW j We I dont Bee how you did It fore It would be different. to the un fortunate facts. I shall dating, Income. would have where-s for saved up it, This saved onoyr suggestion. always Insist that nT flfimTii unprepared. n,fv her face by providing her with au suifrlInglywasenough, more in tticjfls Ake It JI'tY18! Tillte1 ber elder hls wlfe Lar cupMMf follower a sudden they or sisters pause less, d. : tul of" re- - seemed to her selfish and Smif Course I lonedidnt, Smifs going to be awfully As far as money went, Bhe nonchalantly, flnaee(i t0 lve tuf ,iy, llf-and Carter had less at their Ned I f SIri Kind (giving second plate)- You fceem .eeofll j f tn to 'stay- pa Ml Afqr. jive neyer dared to psk her, and J iviwqhderlag whit MV, do with herself, now that shes lost Cintra. You told me I would Jiefer inTbo) bid: SiuEf. It really Is a wai for anything if I married you. to think of come tragedy when you Up I didnt, think you would, but her. side.. of. the aftoif.iiloti cant youje always wanting something. deny that she has given, up her whole life to that child' Ive said she .nni fathericarrlcd -- ' ii.o,7 ..btiii.'ilT tiio : (tivii .by1 nivi-- ; d i,r. : tssa ; 44714 UN i) . apejftrtrfvg Laura interrupted Louise, she" letSmif- - use Itfv: Hadn't we as dftfpi'' ftp Mf ict A , , ,!( . pit l c.i? ?i: ri .nni it fil oil Va tfie'LoVe1ys,''pfLovlyloa presnnted Uttlecif Interest to the lingering f ncwsjniiiigr ,hr. .noviillst. They .perp .uot ho logi'mlsry.-- penniless pntriclnna, immolated vp'fho on that, Smif BEDOUGHt .7.i 1 AT TIRLT gl4hce;;.lh'e history, of rtorlhuget ,know,i tiiatn sbe i she tdqs wfl, .V hbuy.h "rerhapal aliieff'oudm Cut-.-nclthe- '11:7 Ik -- have been so doubt ii'.Susan.iypuld if before MORE SATISFACTION D?1 iU J , Inga DIDNT; REGISTER f 'inuT btffe flMice. .V -' : make Tamela precious oufd W invfted tb be a bridesmaid. Bjnre.that, tbef 1, o? 1 ', ( "'"Susan '.wagali jeniirely If Vn4" otie1 wfly . . ...... ebej cangoi you jfiuj.nuytJiJnji itasvro.'LtKi-- rj;Lucy snitfed.. vnvt - m b? id tOLtf Sudan phelps Helped ;jsuhstftntinlly ut when' slie'ldnt 'Sniff tlifeTapartirtelit. Awfully dbceutidf me !l:think "hjll,T;Seed the botorapart thejbame police fellers fdldii1' let stanj stUlolong enough? tot ice. clean to f ! 1 to borrow' trouble; ''after all, " whjtye ,7 -, I ij I ITS ab-n- I - T.ill-Lee- s YOU CAN Dtp ENDONIPC V 'cer-taiui- i lc6i!hmans aflinjing.i ianceo1f'ib,iu fisii .brought- - a-.- able W Wu'd but this year something; 7:Dol1y ... bonT iM 11. i j fi be- ,,'!J vnhxv'i ' H y a fashloiuihle cul!ftgjed', is the, last bill to be paid," (lo t' d "r os? f.Halsy-tcs-y- jjot, .i ' pep-som- e h' had-gone- need" u ' LlSAFEl.A vi.yinvif usiail :,toiuDch withi yu, ' ' ; r.nk pWw'tul Smif"1 Inaorj? " I.aura, a.a week froip fiodAy;,-',,1'BVTIca'r Vo ir had1 Riitue froublo on Eyes... that tiihe I' 'iugLf.itoi;hav.fe, osouped tour, l, youri 4 p.. f.p frorii the. RfteeiT3cta-,of- ' Bad tN4 Skin ' tlnai wedYi rcSj.xaiv outnpf gas while .cyoss-- a r ni hi Tong ago hovr ng mbufltain,and a uioomdUner nj, 0MB dull oyes, iilmply ikln, flli'O Ustbd J, culd fUse'j'piue of hip stuff (Ofirvoittjuw. nd lack of from !,T nowri Rlugglshness and cOnatipaUon. Now , ' r that would. 4o. Just as Veil, ns gas. NR (Nanire' Romodyl k hw iblief; "Wd-BJi pparklliiR loviillnoM and vital health. No .nM In (..n irf hloiall more iuulti'jilve partial relief for hei . Ihe off the ate it tWfll. NR Taiilcta give thorough dean gaaitanklbo-ccentlon 'llio elder girls were v'1' fora Id igbire three miles. hCInclo-on- tl d Uuf. ,SntJy tlinulatlng the entire bowel. ' eUUJeiis take NR for thorough, eToctlvw.,,V nrchrd'-JbogLlauL''' il i'.l i , from constlpaUon mltuf Enqulfcr.ti.ni j.. v"I slmiUd,say 'V have , Exciting a ZSc box, ni'n.r'.i?1 ik:.i ' y I'. (let AM druKgitit' plansbnt I must hurry, '' Thats I.U), Jluasant aafo Tm Mt ...... f if i','"'1 Tam cnlllpg'.mr 7'.., and not hub I.f;4, RrfonuJtiR. us what 7Peorge4lavo yoi, got the tlm?-k- , ; 7Not Without. telUng Jackf PaL.of .It;, the bony hand' Lontsoi IniI MAC" Quick relief for acid indigee-- v f: cd youje.rgoingi TI I from bon, hearthura Only lOe- .- i.f) Ja hut UYlJ ten r my Ita watch, missing rloreil ,hor.n ,iW ,;M V? , mlnutca to pomvtblng,..; .J li..1 n'l tlont you, said (.' 1 'SiulT, "only Tin pntiiop afraid you wont like It MicO'ou .hear it.,Lm going to. .ha au adventuress."; 1 lMqxzAwm Pollytao't' !4trtffu9windy,7-- T . t It nwoll Orn.ce beyond' her. deptb .and ?!' ,IT mi : , l'i m. , f fair. I said flume veryiexact words -- HknJ imcould onC,? have sthls--1,,behove, knovkiuuch.abotit' hesaid; (lood.I don't Uko gblf?K )o you on Laura it, conceded gra- bi'aiiry, women, vhat I want.lo know proved I wouldnt Absolutely nothing. jls she .sound and klnd? ;.'VorraUtr evdo know how to hoM myj caddy ciously. .fuif9 done W on (ftlo'WV'.9mJf e4" i what steady tin. double: harness? riNa OlOjCi pnfiprlv." she has a year is more than ohlcl?0us';-;or;dogu.',:can kicking- oven ttitl traces of Jilmping understand," Lucy hinted. "The gitea' looking 'for better pasture? f CJiil he,.',c)4wu mea-- ym Jwbi.etterX,had, from LIU Lee AJ5v.' IiAhid-4Blii9'"uot have inmg-inatlb- ttfJfliejJiir-!ihe- ; siumucr hoildays,'' said business In South America Enough' fo tbiflk'o( .such a Iiiu(se!y SiibinilW'd"'th6:,iS(ig(,Vtfofi " us I li,o pi II Lew Lump pot, site went on; thlngl"'(food agatn'sald Vie, 'rfiy rtryl y birr "epw yeap hhgd JboptHl,,he,wQu!d last ;faney.1'vvroie' ,hovek. Fin off. resiiiibUitleg ij3rt hor shoal It. wasja beautiful tveiing. , j . to.cpb-hratetiia'.captur- .iii:'rri g the sisters agreed In cUorusut.Lucy h,ad tp add; V ritqgardless. qf expenses, wasnt cfrcum-etanceV-h- LACKED ROMANCE1 tpl'shoce! Anilaa, Lucy begiuui ,otUi,AheonderstBd-tn- by a fat uian ylih a wife and pine expreMSlim on Btoi(ra bront? tkch Children I Brooklyn F.ugle. -- : but Pnvver wouldnt. i -f? I.n ,,VA her pot, jnaaa Indianapolis ,ui kV b.ic '.nPI New, h.'rc vrdir.rT rtn?78.I ' 'i'i 'T I rii'iVf 'jyrxt. nTt'S domfuBr.?' n bigger than youll J t' Mi 1 )i . Suest9 had gowa: VFerBC.teidctahtly making rructkaily,' Smif confessed; St e ready to go, under which isnt every day tbq IovcJ family tbree elder Lovely sis- acquires a belted eorL'U seemed ters felt that they 'were free to suitable Moreover jiig earldotnt 'a 'good fel , dpflre ,for private .without giving the lmpres-- . iowrPhar he fiaw In antras hoi slon of a family council. yond me. .She hasnt the.braIns..of l a a; mosquito I told- hijn. l'v ' " (Cyril had to rush Just after Hie ceremony; ,ncy f You;. didn't f Lucy .criedi: Incred- ' said. What did you think f it, ulously, v - 4 OlV'lin?! onhe twf en-rej- s' . .bl J mif Titfi gone?!'". lAinTAskqir. "WQ! yf)U lee ,how keep your i4rtaicnf?:r.t faivcyilfs over.'-lat- he fgtilfabler Toi' Iflildctfon that had1 uhfted an' American"' family of ,distinctic,iyi the English nobility. g s ir.rj to ozcoij ;. Hollywood .diet !,from Iiura. would prescribe thyroid ex- pathetic she Is? Actuary jiing por litter of confetti that concealed tract, sa't free-.ijic- t .and flvj outls a beat to spare Lolstpr.bfTjp jhB hope Jbe. pattern ,(pf4ha.rug floor day If; you can call tlu?nj meals, that Bhei wpuUh't. have part; with ' ijiknL"witne9 to ths Lucy coutrlbuted. tlfg oyerf . . Clhtra4lVnfrY r: .. 7 i i ,$n$5grpom had . The chomswas eager find rarnesr, it; the d her r",N oti fe ii sei,V. , , Jhi cy0p k c t departed. The catering had been aud S ralf liughisl. , i j j j" Wow in auswer to jxuPi .ASmtf. lavish; the wine, In days of supIt. Forget ghrlft if anything would was Very Wewer there.'. Iiepter t n pose jdf9 ugh t, 'yerltaye; and the make a sylph iCihe surely this tvedi, neverf uif- ftidtru'd familyi'iiiii( : apartnfeht, among' fie most beau- dmg would ,hafe. Jloxy did you down hls .throat. What Tin wfnty- tiful and capacious in New .York, like ftS-YTJi ii keraSSTjjiiiHl) nlngt chan; l' . . vCIWPTER T'HB weddlngwas phi A cl ;ima Htf fb when you broke the news to herlshe went sU.J$LPLeT5 t' fresherrifirm; "fes, but it .1 to pUeet -. ; It ! tOJ- owenf t6: callJon,',aear; frifepifiirji s.7 and her. new born,' daughter.' ' JShs WAs mftatthe door hyilttrew'Hlram::DiI..l fill! of bews About theew' si8ler7: 'f,irf!;; have yon named herfr"!rloK 10 apjted Jane. ; Suddenly tH , aggrieved Vxpresslqa nitn? 4 oyprtpread ,his 'happy face,, and al-- t,'c 1L8H91$T 0.1 tO lo A 1 9( umK B THERESE BENSON .... i . ifjan ;'m cum aal! k!j Jj .wW-ia- ( - I 41 Maori 1 7 ?ll'lta;:3LWly. .'(ilro r;::v o.ff u . 4 0 ft .in t IT THE BABT TfrrmT-NAMI- i 5 ifWSJ EXrRESSrLAYTONTtTraTT no 7 S- yjxsta am gwaw WEEKLY-NEW- S THE ATiiS-?i47- a V; r a |