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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS LAYTON, UTAH, Mrs. Agnes Johnson hkd the mis- - Mrs. Clarence Hina of Clearfield, fortune to scald her leg very ser j Sunday morning. underwood iously Monday. apelu Sundown aden with their bob Miss Corilla Hamilton, who was Miss Merle Gibbs of Salt Lake Lewia and family. ttjured in an auto accident last was a guest at the Water Cottrell .T.h inipi camp met at the home f eek. Is reported improving. home, Wednesday. Mis a wta Lundof Salt Lake was a Miss Virginia and Miss Fern Mrs. Robert Pattillo has return-Ogde- n l&st w6ck6Qd guist to MJbb Molbi rimmons were visitors a few Thornier. home after spending Mrs. Richard Calderwood of Tr- Uonday. weeks in Salt Lake with her son, spent last week wltn Mrs. k. Mrs. Virginia Hammer of Cali- Robert. II. Scoffield. Mrs. George Scoffield fornia is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones of Lay-to- n Mias Beanie Calderwood wero guests Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooley. were guests of Mr, and Mrs. at the Scoffield home Wednesday. The American Legion and Auxiliary Mr. and Mra. Frank Bishop and Myron Phillips, Sunday. honTof M.'. daughter, Louise, of Bountiful Mrs. Rulon Barnes and Mrs. urdaTne"nlnng at pent Sunday with Mrs. Irene Clifford Linford entertained the Charles Odd entertained Mra. Roetta Kllfoyle Ware. Literary section of the Lantern club at her home Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Layton Barlow and club" at the home of Mrs. Barnes, the And Jlra. Lucy nesday afternoon. daughter, Joyce, of Bountiful, were Wednesday afternoon. Barker will entertain the club la. I Sunday visitors at the home of Ilenry Graham, Hyrum Sandall, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peterson of Og Fred Brown and family. evi S. Ileywood and Mrs. Laven-e- r of Mrs. Peterson Miss Lorain Smith of Sunset attended the funeral of Fred den wereMr'guests nd Mr" J B' Galbralth wek-en- d the sSnda1' Lay-towhich was held in vender spent as guest of Miss Helen Adams. Miss Olive Robins has accepted a Sunday. Mrs. Frank Morehouse entertain position with Nye and Nlssen and Primary conference will be held started work on the first; taking the ed a number of friends at a lunch- n Kaysville tabernacle, Sunday at of Mlsa Vesta Barnes who replace eon last Thursday afternoon. welve. signed on account of her health. Mr. and Mra. Stanley Layton Mr. and Mrs. Seth Blood entertain- A number of local people attendwere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ed the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Ann ed at a family dinner Sunday for Mr. Mra. Truman Curtis of Logan, A. Frank Smedley at ,und which was held in Salt Lake and Sun- why on Thursday of last week at a parcel ehower honoring Mrs. Adraln 1& wcekf Preston, Idaho rpent the recent bride. Mrs. De Yonur Young.-end with Mrs. Andersons mother, was formerly Miss Dorothy Sbropei Mrs. Sadie Clark, The house was beautifully decorated petitor who posted a notice Of wage colors a deieciouu reduction. Under such threats com-lunMrs Waltr Reed of Richmond, in Hallowe'en was served to twenty guests. rpanie, postponed investments, in daughter, June, and The bride received many uaeful and machinery." call A, .beautiful J, gifts Cannon, of Smithfield, the br. Lawrence Chaffin of Los An go- - j Which aptly illustrates ed Wednesday at the home of Mr. les. Cal., stopped over here for a presidents purpose in eliminating and . MrSt H ce,s;ong They day with his parents while enroute nrineinnl Port conditions m vacne Valiev home. Tuesday from the east inhere . workers wages as the means 01 i item of on business. been had by competition he improving. Mr. Oliver Pierce was badly shaken uniform hours and uniform rates The steam shovel moved out bruised by being struck by 0f pay in each unit of every in-a- n from behind the O. S. L. depot here up and while crossing the . autmobile Wednesday, having completed the street In front of his service station. now complete Ills Injuries are pot considered serious cut here, nt The writers and leaders try to The Ladies literary club met at tell us that whether or not we are the grading at the north end of the of Mr Sadie Friday f aPPF n3W highway extension ready for the home A large numberClark, our minds. That if were In at- evening. jr, aveling which should commence tendance. The evening was spent in two persons are given the same flf ncxt listening to Mrs. Reeves of Kaysville things one will be happy and the Thomas Sa as the frame this is true, Us? summer?1 Mrs. Cbarles TurneH othr discontnted r. Work well under ay, for his new was among the special guests. house on his pro rty .across frpm Mr. AblUiey Clark who has been Pot-the Bamberger working with the C. C. C. forestry ' , v in southern Utah Is (pending On Monday nmg. the city groupweek-end home with his mother, nd eject,', together the council, both ol Mrs. Sadie Clark. LAYTON . NOVEMBER 16, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anderson more a I with what we have than we do to learn how to acquire more. The mayor of Mena, Arkansas, has issued an order that men may not work on the streets minus their shirts. The mayor doubtless has an interest in a cotton plantation and when he sees the women appear We are just wondering what would be the situation, of everyone today if they bad all followed the advice of Theordore Roosevelt and , raised large families. In times like this it is a job of real proportions to make a living for a family of . two or three to say nothing of nine ch son-in-la- j on , or twelve as the late . Theodore- - Urged, I n, ' I with Mayor Pa er and to . .discuss the elect Abbott, proposed iewerfereject. There was much interesjrnanifest, and the Bountiful, Z. Curtli of Salj Lake and Mr. and discussion developed the fact that day. 'uesday. Mrs. Olen Robins and familv anrdev tA ret Carlos Smith of Farmington and application Mr and Mr. Sterling Sill of Salt J" Those reported on the sick list Mannda Call of Murray were re- include Joe Maylin, James Ball Lake were Kaysville visitor, Sunday throughrfor government loan it ! Rle Cranney and Golden Scoffield woul&Sqr.necessary to get close cently married. and Mrs. Lynn Sandall. wero In Kaysville Sunday. estimate afi.. the project would of a National Recovery Administrator Mr. and Mrs. John Bugger of The Davis county Ladies Facul- of Lqgan Martha Weaver. Mra. Myron necess Mr. TheV IJugh S. 'Johnson issued the folity Ogden were Layton visitors last ty club will meet next Wednesday Phillips and Mr. Hanry Graham visit Til hftvea preliminary lowing interpretation designed al-tothen decided n ed with relatives In Layton Friday. Sunday. t the home of Mrs. Harold estimate' e- - ekcludetrom the exemptions E. Morino and Mr. survey made andJ. T. E. Palmer. Mrs. Arta Whitesides spent the in Farmington. their that clothing tablished. The couhaii' than vakrd Wrd'Tfn.be President's Executive week-en- d report visiting in Salt Lake City Richard Bowman, entertained Prlgmora lo froin the weekly wash was stolen to authorize the -Word city wgincer to order of Ocfbber 23, employers was received by the par- about twenty of his friends Mon- from their homes this week. r 2,500 than less in cated townsdf This ents of Mr. Andrew Watt, who is day afternoon in honor of his sixth plan Mr. and Mrs. Giorden Galley of run the proposed survey. Idaho Falls, have been visiting rela- will be more definite also for the population but located in Detroit, Mich., as an em- birthday anniversary. tives In since lant Friday signers for the pervice to be gov- extend over a relatively wide area ployee of the General Electric Com The American Legion play Noth They left Kaysvlllo for their homo Wednesday erned and include a number of comm by. pany, stating that he and his wife ng Hut the Truth, and the M. I. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Evans entertaini Mr. Golden J. Barton left Friday itie8; had visited the Century of Progress A. play Girl Shy, are on ed a few friends at their home in for a few October of order Executive The in Idaho Southern Layton, days at Chicago recently and while they thir way. Saturday evening. Lewis Weaver of Layton was aguest to attend the flower show at Twin 23, 1933, exempting from the prowere greatly interested in the exThe Evening bridge club has post of Mr. oud Mm. Henry Graham, alls and to visit other Idaho cities visions of the Presidents Reena; hibits, to a large extent many of poned their party this week until the new scientific things there next week on account of the carniMrs. Ruby Durant and son of Og- on business for the Miller Floral ployment Agreement and from aplodon spent a few days here. Company. had come under Mr. Watts obser val. proved codes certain employers Alvin rMs. lJnrkdull popuhas 2,500 been very Wilson, the little son of Mr. and cated in towns under vation at the General Electric Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Strong and III again this week. Hrs. Golden J.' Barton, who is in lation applies only to employers en work shops. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Moss of Bountiuon, Allen, and Mrs. Emma Strong Wilford Adams underwent an spent Sunday in Riverside at the ful visited with Mra. Moss Bister Mrs ;he hospital in Ogden having sub- gaged in trades or services of, mitted to an appendicitis operation which the operations are customar J Barnes. Monday evening. operation for removal of appendix home of Bishop and Mrs. Russel Rulon Francis Anderson of Ginns Ferry a doing very well at last accounts. ily confined to local areas. It does at the Dee hospital, Tuesday morn- Capener. a few days at the Ida., Is Wilson, the little aon of Mr. and not to those trades or serv- ing. He is reported as recovering Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Scoffield were home of spending Joseph Jarman. Mrs. Golden J. Barton, was operated ices apply in which operations ordinarfrom the operation. ward carnival will upon at the hospital In Ogden, Thursguests of Mr. and Mrs. Randall be The Kaysville over a relatively wide Nov. 16, 17, 18 extend held A missionary farewell will be Barton in morning for appendicitis .He ral- ily Ogden, Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Robins spent Tuesday day a number of .cominclude and area lied from the le and given in honor of Philo Dibble in operation, Mrs. Minnie Taylor of Salt Lake In Salt Lake with her daughter, Edna Executive order out of The father munities. any danger. West Layton JUs amusement hall, is visiting at the home of Mr. and who la very sick. Is In Great Falls, Mont., attending therefore does not exempt from the Mr. Mrs. and and Lewis Drakes Thursday night Sunday even- Mrs. J. E. Palmer. the Northwestern Flower show whore Presidents Rethe arrival of a boy born Sat- he hae taken a dlanlay ing. Two small children of Mr. and for flowers provisions of the urday. to enter In the show. James Wiggle is seriously ii: Mrs. Ted Simpson of East employment Agreement and from Mr. Lee Burnham met with a very the provisions of any. code those with heart trouble. an operation for the unusual accident 'Tuesday noon when in selling at Funeral services were held for removal of tonsils, Saturday. he was riding a horse from bis field. employees engaged retail such products as. lumber, James Alfred Lavender of Henefer The horse became frightened for some The Bay View club met at the reason or another and run away with building materials, building special but recently of Layton, at the Lay-to- n home of Mrs. Nathan Reves, WedMr. William Koroulis, of Green him. He took a course out of the ties, builders supplies, and coal. ; chapel last Sunday. There was nesday., afternoon. Mrs. Henry II. River, Wyo., Mr. anc field into the driveway and continued a large attendance. The speakers Blood pave the lesson on The Is- Mrs. John Stathis of of this place on towards the highway through the were, Stephen L. Searden, road leading through the Max Rufus land Within by Lewisolm. in a away hospital in Green private Dicksori and Jabex S. Adams. The Florence farm. On reaching the highMrs. Bruce Major visited her sis- passed Tuesday, after three weeks way be collided with an automobile opening prayer was offered by M. ter. Mrs. J. L. Dabcll in Ogdon, River, illness from an appendicitis oper- which struck the horse broadside and An example of the practical re F. Adams and the benediction by Saturday. ation and complications. lie is sur- throwing Mr. Burnham over the top suits of Lawrence E. Ellison. Counselor operation under codes of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Phillips and vived of the automobile and onto the paveby his widow, Merina Stathis ment. He fair Frank D. Adams had charge of the daughter, Margaret of Tctonia, suffered a dislocated right competition was afforded in Koroulis, and two small girls also elbow and a broken rib and a badly the services. Beautiful singing num- Idaho spent last week-en- d by the cottop-textil- e adoption with a brother; all of Green River, bruised hip and sprained ankle. He industry of regulations limiting the bers were given by a quartet: 0 relatives in Kavsville. Funeral services wero held in Is resting as well aa possible when My Father and "I Know That My Claude Barkdull of Nevada was seen Thursday. The horao died abort-tl- y purchase of productive equipment. The intent, as expressed in the Redeemer Lives a duet by Elder here a few days this week to see Green River, Thursday afternoon after the accident. The beet harvesting should be comRichins and Mrs. Howard Pasket; his mother, Mrs. Alvin Barkdull, burial in the Green River ceme application to the National Recov tery. Mr. Carlos Clark, son of Mr. pletedof here this week. A very fine ery Administration for approval, of Henefer. Beautiful Home, ac who has been quite ill. and Mrs. Hyrum D. Clark, o crop beets waH harvested here and Mrs. C. F. companied by Mrs. Curtis Paskett, of Al- Farmington and Miss Merinda Cal tbore was considerable more acreage was (1) to prevent unwarranted two duets by Misses Vera Layton berta, Canada Cummingham this year than baa been grown for expansion of plant facilities and will spend the next daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scuyler several and Blanche Adams Coin' Home three months with her The Increased acreage (2) to place no obstacle to the pursister, Mrs. Call, of Murray, were married in Is due toyears. the very poor onion market chase of equipment for replaceand 0 Love Divine. The prayer E. II. Scoffield and other relatives. the Salt Lakiet temple, Tuesday, which has prevailed for the past three ment at the home was offered by WilMr. and Mrs. J. E. Palmer spent purposes or replacement purThey will make thir home in. Salt years. ford E. Wiggill and the benediction Sunday with Mrs. Laura or for the purpose of bringA skeleton of an adult person was poses in Long Lake.' of thfc grave by Frank D. Adams, Ogden. uncovered by the contractors while ing plants into balance. Here was MK' Hyrum D. Clark has movei excavating near SecrUt hill on the The pa itoefers "were, Letand,' Mel Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas left hit registered the will of a great in'family to Salt Lake for the new secondary highway. The bonea dustry and Thomas long burdened with too worn found with the head down, and yin Stephens, Jay Wednesday evening for Paonia, Col Henefer and Ray and Lea Lav- for a short visit with Mr. Thomas winter, ' much producing capacity to get been had Indicated evidence the body Miss Louise Smoot, daughter of burled that ender. James. Alfred Lavender mother, Mrs. Flora Thomas, of way. bis lg the third nucb rid of abuses that caused tremenMr. and Mrs. II. A. Smoot and Mr. skeletons that haa.becn uncovered at dous waste and profitless opera was born November 5, 1885 an Ottumua, Iowa and his Mrs, sister, Raymond Hansen of Bountiful tblB plare. here seems to be no rec turns. was the son of John and Annie Henry Roberts and family. cemetery having been used Salt Lake ord of a no Mr. and Mra. Rulon Williams of were married in the Bandall Lavender, In the early stages of the ad- here and body seems to he able to The temple, Wednesday. young give any Information Logan apont last weekend with as to their ministration of the National InIn Kayavtllo. couple left immediately for a short Identy. dustrial Recovery Act there was A daughter was born to Mr. and honeymoon in Los Mrs. Andrew Sbrope and Mra. Owen ' Angeles. Lund entertained at Mrs. Lund's home an occasional expression of fear LAYTOflSNEW GARAGE Certain Retailers Not Exempt I - In Small Towns SERVICE. I t IF YOU HAVE CAR. TROUBLES I Load Them On To Us Rob-nso- -- s . , -- whose'-operatio- OIL GAS s ns Y will relieve you ' " andjve v J j . . , WORK. QUARANTEED - '- ! Sun-da- Try Us y- We Welcome You. S .... Next door south to Eliis Store . ... con-elder- . co Layton-underwen- V. t son-inla- w $ Serve nranews ; YoU-Y-'::;':Y-: It Wo are slire ycm would not take his prescrin- - . .tion to a pharmacist of whose ability and qiiali- fication .yon are Hot thoroughly assured. .Thats Vi. why we want you. to know the following1 facts: ' ..Here, only experienced,, registered pharaa-- - Vi ' . . cists sarve you. .'. Y Here we make it oiir lifes work ' filling- ' prescriptions perfect and accurate to the mipuYV' ' test detail Only the freshest, purest, full strength .chemicals and pharmaceuticals,' of known anil-'Ireputable manufacture, are used. Thats, why you .fi should help your doctor iiihisrwork by bringing .V his prescription to.us the next time he prescribes-- Vi. - - ; f jj . Our Prices Are Lower! -- &! .. . I . rela-tlv- BIRKIN'S PHARMACY The Old Reliable KAYSVILLE ea . - - 9p UTAH CLEARFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Jesse H. Barlow visitors at Ogden, Saturday, Ethel Harris of Clearfield ant Chester 3coffield of Layton were married last week. The Smith Canning Company is drawing to a close the canning o:! pumpkin, squash and table beets. Large dumps of beets can be seen at the loading stations to go to the Layton Sugar factory. The beet crop this year is a very heavy one in this district. The Clearfield school athletic teams are rapidly growing to be outstanding and will make a showing this winter with competing teams. Principal Golden Adams is a good coach and is developing some good athletes. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Mabcy were visitors at Layton, Tuesday. Several Clearfield people attended the hard times dnnee at Layton Wednesday evening, sponsored by the Daughters of the Pioneers of Layton. A big time was reported. TRY OUR PRICES .'. In Compliance with the NRA code the following prices have been written in and we are hereby publishing these Code Prices When Away From Home A and be amazed at the low prices ' . . You Can Be Assured That The . ve bring to you by our low margin Haircut , . ' Will Do All In Its TO SATISFY YOUR TASTE ; DANSIE 'I . , , a Power . , SOd; Shave ROYAL CAFE a . . , It is a Pleasure to Us to do so' ' ; : : Plain SbampoP Fitch Dandruff Shampoo Childrens Haircuts, up to CLINTON . YOURS FOR GOOD SERVICE ' II ROYAL CAFE daughters, were the Shupe in John Young of were the guests of Mr. j6w0n nd Mrs. Leo W. Child, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders of announce the birth of a viper, baby girl Mrs. Flinders was form-on- . M-- Above Prices will prevail as well as the code hours which are;', 8 A. M. to 6 P..M., except Saturdays and days proceeding ' ..holiday- s- A M. till 7 P. M. ' beet harvest is to a close here and the drawing ia heavy crop this year. "KAYSVILLE mcrn were Wrty at Legion and entertained at a card the home of Mrs. Cahrles aux-Iiar- that the plan of abrtblng; in industry as many aj possible of the unemployed mktfU retard purchase of new'maeiAinery, with consequent injury totXZ$ilal goods industry and its millteisn ofurkers in normal times. On. the contrary, as Malcom Division Administrator Muir of the NRA told the Machine the Tool Builders! Association, weeks. Clafirnh iHMvic;i-Eleono.,,.Jone- Harvei &,with Jher and Mv.Km.,ayd riWende11 lXr'?renoe s5s also Mrs. with Mr D. SALES' . m SERVICE ' 4 manufacturers in the cotton-textil- e industry must purchase machinery for replacement purposes. Their equipment has deteriorated seriously during the last few years, as figures for machinery sales will strickingly reveal Ad Mr. Muir Promptly and Gcurteously Towing and Vreching Serive continued: . The significance y baturday evening. .. Officers and teachers of tho M. tak,n .das in Ogden Mnday mt for a ftw : j , . n SEIEDLEY BARBERS iMIMItKIHM s. ild of Clinton. iiiJ16 . ; 25C .. -- C. here -- Jlr. so? LAYTON.. .UTAH Mitchell has gone to the camp at St. George, after his parents c. ! . Ogden, Saturday. Mrs. Frank Skeen and aon, Jimmie, of Plain City were the Friday guests at the home of Richard West. l. ; 14. ........ 355 Tonic Singes No Services less Ilian .......... . Loretta Child and Kathryn and Clara, 8ts Mrs. Grace go '' 755. a SERVICE AND GROCERY ; . ' of profit and low overhead ! : ' V of this point to the manufacturer in that indus try, and the same applies to coal and any industry, rests in the fact that with wage chiselers restrained he now has a chance once more to secure a premium on efficient in a Moment's Notice BRIGGS-LAYT- ON PHONE 100 LAYTON, UTAH -- Incorporated IIoalund of Salt and Monday nLkSuildxay hS irtth Mrs. Ann Barnes t ' I cut-thro- I 8 limWMMHMMI I t T. 1 n nPKUkH Reliability can only be had by the use, of. the best r. lining and thoro, skillful servicing. Best equip here as we specialize qn Brake Work to insure your satisfaction and safety. . -- efficient methods, management, and an efficient plant. During the dreary years of competition, while the pressure for lower costs was ever present, progressive management lived under the constant threat that anv capital investment it might make in at ; CaiSo (Gsipaitoje ILayton - - LJttali ts I . |