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Show Debtors Grain to Cows to -- iDterwountaLvHews Spbitefds .Jirlellj h jrURKEXj SIGN PACT CHINESE WIFE CALLED I'LANr LIVESTOCK SHOW t B jr W T. Crandall. New TorK State College of AtrH:ultMrerriVUiUaervli:B.T The amount of grain required bj a (Tlry row depends to a Inrge X; tenVJoif the butteratf test Of jfet 4vr milk testing. from 4 to 5 per cent; and one pound brgralnjoltwoil&. a half pounds of milk testing 5 per rent and over. Joloxfy I Ilia ver) Jilgh -- tilV'alfa IQ belnHiljUsigra may be fli neeVftnd and In keep. j4ilM'ts recovery cancel all obliga before reifoinmenda . tions te?; tn (per cent valid ope.jHuni itiln W thvMixiounds jlof kU!k tef 11 4 9 ptr ViW-otrbr. V tablf Kvety grain-feedin- g It .t f. ExvJwx" 0 L3 l mr'KPtqwM :tKrewrqt lifesbck of i'aiiiiiitiontiqdiie 'cofmty, (ya The' tempproiy relief Children get 23th, according to a report of the from some synthetic, bowel strain, census bqveau at Washington, D. Cl cathartic Set--u even and irritation in th No other Idaho county was in the A properly prepared liquid .lddqeys. m.,liSfionin, .laxative brings leading BO'cqhhtfds movement. Ki i r'JL ' fioip to " jirod hefloo. 2 Thcreisnno discomfort at the. timer ileus, habit-formi- dont Trouble.,..nd self and- - IDA. coiuVi bqyetQ ,Bive, fha child a doublo ? H h 'wliqtrasseir ng k : itleTf taw vA of rjjtat BOISE, a Petidli',gilol,yrd Laxative JiiivTTIklflD id I? . i . Aa appropriation Points Out Advantage ,, rponjKqjqf.galherjng .sec5rft tq "rV'A AryfVlS, of Gassing..!-- Borers' infanqilq paralysis yUl st is nr. sI.tax.Lr Ij Idaho Digest t r. Up , "jnv w?e-r"- 'i Wl 1 -- seycn or eight months of jlactatlon Wltfiout'ta'pid drhpfc, aWl at ' ttule will keep ine'fcows In nt least fair physical condition. Grain should never be fed ro heavily that the vain ft qfr the,, a Oiled niUk.wlllrft, than- - pny'iurjttu' ixtxib gnafn.. , uuTe sSTrov-Ia- In hid liv'd ti'jLiiJ i f maintain fliW kJttaj.1 the Chino s. show i'.lOl'Ohtoil ths has.beeb fpteiby WlpLC(l1lPt7 I tODimltglqliiiJj ain frois 0 Fx; to IbLdlJtductlunM during t : -' qf grain mixtures cowl f.hrqdurlogf Poily-feiM- bid and c5 OGJDEN, rUT 81 o. r? f tel jsuch amounts aOw tccfiuiSclp fimu-.- . iif the individual cow. Variation f WT1 kiQjisMei' hIkihTJ Also tfJ frtkejr 1 ntion. ) - al f of-- grali.forfca,rtt.Jfltra jpountiar. Evan-gellc- Lntheran church .of., Toledo, . Ohio, has forgiven more than $20,! 000 In unpaid pleClges W HsCemmunf. . BINGHAM COUNTY WINS .. cants, The church has 2,400 active mei . fiaT ters, and.. Is (lescgibed ag th$ largest 'JEROME, IDA. The beet rrotestant.chu'rch. In Totedo'and th test this season has been the WrgeSt district-.- . the of the history jlargqstiInthq' 'Amerlcan-t.- ti thera a la indl body Its action Is prompted by ths Present IDA. SnOSHONE, only spirit ofthe day, explains the pastor, nations are that a turkey crop Cb ornmi coropard..thJ haU-oI!5feJder We be!' many of our ?Fte ..H thj In- .at seveAVefirs rsKed people having made pledges In goq fajth, but unable to pay them, are burdened by the debt they owe the believe that the church, teach others to pray the Lords Prayer should be the first ts .' . reduee forgiveapplications t The resolution passed by, the Te . the. manager or tp7 reads; , mllk.t'KWhere 'iay and 'silage ar fed liberally, and when cows are noj on good pasture, thefpltywlng . rates of, gVuIn!,feeilug may ,Rp taaed : jlwitttf except !dhos of tetj'fifkfi fiiihlityT feed "ffalfy one pound of grain for each three and a undft Ufity pounds of milk potmd pne Z tROf LIGHT Vjr "thousands r"on Butterfal rvises- - Daiiy-Exper- Stating1 their aeflon to the words n the Lords Prajr, and forgive ui otin debts 5 we .forgive our debtors, , the congregation of St. Paul's ) t ij' Amount; of Feed Defends in Prayer Forgiven !peite(kthft yofuyli. Ji Peterson,-th- e - m 2 , Car constipation- br corrected i f hiklrmx?) v YcsV say medical men. .. rrfYc?ll( mquy; mothers who have piafiisUliatifudl ol TMiiVntnteiit, .followedhav tnent W Ihe cfuifrol thrift sensible piedical advice: ia ofrfifIl9seafse16se(f!tlie,.jnm:iil'liquid, laxative. 2. 'Q latfons ,dfrl no1 good. f1'1'2 "liowevlir, t eholtilnVH," find, suited to thd ' In 4fttteTiflbkTt mfliil tliS JM fh tify, niitti apA isfva,Thursday liq,ptaetWJ!l VA cOiiHlomeratloh. of , "i v 7, re 'r ftvjx mo; e (Ijiy, HG fi plrt-'ThDEXr B ol! flnil tlalel. Wns.ndt yj:educ&the:dose 6tW'iu re . siicrf a So sLstnpt Of;j'V.hrj.u:y,tiext, k4lfti f Nt? v puHtq iimpkef by; nylirunnndp','bf 'trryans "urnh . . . hip j the oh Mrj be fenaL tot (Trundled1 ,'vnW moyjng regularly ' dwelsije 4hflt .a. will xiRire.Ki'-of glxuiaLJ oftrs the ,Joipei 4hq. qpwtpt opfo IhnLrflay Iq ' MHt Ptntqff proluildy forester!) rfporfS'r v s Rndi- hearty great pntlonal observances nxidcVfjhUjerid.Rlio 'f I oef rendee .their in.lfetf yilfjutiai4id gliepd !y.dolH5rs ai.thia, season) jhv grating seasod on. Ijijr .pju SiOgqtian the t'llgrlrq ioltera aiIio tfc UOtW Tfi ttuiiks fq tiiq.GmiHtrtler of NlUldnsr'fdrl' a Ung wonn liqg-.- i 1 has 'closed1. ' The lear r.; r y An; approved diquid laxative r(one luipp.enedttaj drw4Ug Roesolts-q- f a Survey ihhjIs .foUtth Aj'peu Vyhcyfr., that-i- s ofavhiT widely .jaswl for children) is la1 (lie" I'rvh'tit ysingVYashlitmil ? by: ft'.,4)hahdloriapnfamologN of; sorirwasextoii(Tf frdtn dityssjl .pir(uuil(i list; '( ((oj,'slnju wlilvhl Syriq- Pepsin,' The y;t tnOhth' etiiteNrattiraf ishe w single conditiohi L ,Qtiy, o SnlOUutb, Ut best.- ei'Jojhjg. ri bechhse a, 'X hlstorytatr fJMnpiaarw esamtde, ''act, gthv.Inlf jircf.(u!en(wuud :&u ! ,id ifS wltiw WnMiliifttorTV veytaico-opw-rttioiVn i tvfy((r wjl tfi,', oga (u- nml ,igqn- - to r EiUnmre;. pN te1 hortt example erby t4iat.Uj),1ltgi'Qii Ihlliers wflre ' dormt qf help ?i)reparJitloiv,ift jy.s t VI b9wt 'WlT(t VipriclA Ijnovl A " ' ,,M rteaniClluqliiuum,, tvlf V wronpItAlMw? i;hailkKlvtiiff (lfly he--' hj Jill auccoRHor, Jotui ' dn m .4,' ;,fdt Ing a red tetter day on quctCfl)witinrii,ti)M it two ThqnkSRlvthg dalfi iitliig'hlsnfhulirstrjtj1pr anJ7age2wUea, wqme'fj :lThe dose ca be; regulated lor any also-trnpdji-heatdj-jthat- - we owe 4hs eWffldfolhinMF,flf .(me on .Wrdnfkdny, May p. ,170 )ind 4h? thor or.ueedh ,'hge' hppertahgfa c: .nf:, ; tc fen waq (fuiitness t,vQ3. ltltaoidyaicce.s8fifl pafUyihlolWoftk1 Your, 5,T)'vivliv; druggist bas Dr. Caldwells' ,qne s . n 't j s d ; 4ver,'Iftn!f . ij alJowoi vouiiirj-to-iDleddlUxa1 teems EomlnIn p tp a .am lain jlntd j certainl;y tlig q thepiitPhrtlmTlt 'nlpiyj r mtiiioii ddllaVs will . .Syrup, epsin.rhlqnaber, N; H. A. bn liutme'Nbntfd1 eo trrt lnntTliflaMdllffavi'itobell) Irmln'- hf 'I'houin.'CfrPrHoa,' lui lti(was. rj IvyL hy jmes Wis fiiuusper .bo thd! first puympiitto teiifar beet U i 't A,. 3 IUV WiUlHqn tihn'lTled Ayr-sjMrs.1' irnle-w-?5hlV'aiitagpi'fl qnltq 'awnrd-The one of first alstle fn'orn1 Treef of hVr"'irt,ror3,to M'hlkpSniHiihiratlon. Mieajeqt jurttudr.1 . J .i ijl(lel)iet'Uy(l,3'iurqdiy In August of, 1812, tile dent l''l!iAiurV','t'tiHv j'ir c 'io r vV I n,"ft !. p u Id c cob' ifpll.:ltrq'vte9: rptJSth' qver, 'whether liirJ,0 .xn T k 1ft: eVWt hnhipd, Thursfldy fceptPtn. excellency- Of hoti fliey. 'Should 'ecoiiomfee'.-by5 V nworf.o. CASTLE. DfiLE.rUT-rrThetteatmenE Data col bonds JetsjcUecKtPpKn WLon jfltf :mitting-thpf Aha1 le Persistent coughs and colds lead to ed;, miuf1 4nilebtt!lpo8) of, Bnfery county lected .klielp'vutnpihent of JTbankMvhtgf snswrr of.lhc story yflrcey trouble. You qaa slop them now Beriquft t) Air 1930 easctl ilie qoditlon'ifw sgJytngiifrfHn which pun Tldrry , ith CreonjuUion, qn emulsified creosote ,V to $24,000 at1he'presebt'tlmrer 33:1: VrclKVnl.qin" thVlnrgestpenth Brea', i n .un presently. .',ee lehrs Hon ,la a direct .doscendant, that ia pkasanttq4k.erGreoiuuUion Is ' s' 1 10' JefaftilMnr 'o-ai- r 7! of' lliestfffA AmwWt)sxho lliflt'1 first 4' prf Upvii ,.7 Hey medjool discovery UAT.LS, t) so tnc 'llcrltua tq'.Atnifrloi tridtbwnl 'Tinly jM'rcenj ivuruiy trei.'a naryjheck qfilie yilica profl action tioh; it soothes, nqd heals the inflamed r i 0 f Cs f ft tin, .Sya s So an iE la anm rti4rrWe qnapf rold nod ckoVhidl huffleft' 4(ek fop 'sil'eh an ohservaiu-qhn .COprqoJ .aDxnUtce-- , fon Donneville uu4)th varied v Editing wli h- - tlm ehe fell .iinck ft -membranes and hduhiia genp growth. f.lT wirfy winf the' HFtleeortpnny of 1011 Slle wTieh groitly' tintr.thi'reC paS'.'fiq CO uju ecj,to n; hH wyeq wiiich had been , treiUqd Of ad known drugs, creosote is recog Jipfealjj'ngnin lierieiHtnrlaisrthns'chrfyln!? , RBnoqnce,VUTUt! there Is Countjpaa , thesq Thanksgiving ihiys and. the iuuival D; Ik, lit Jhe epd of Uie 19,12, Kkown torlhg'pf (ttt 'came .irOPpd, hn(w alUtyon ty high medical authorities a? one . b 1,04700: husliel !qf nized With the grenesi nnfJ jjy tho rlgrlijW; pNPtfothpr the of T.reowtne immnor they In., agencies for per contrast, H'uson,',r3fi.Upet cent ,whatan n virage- firodnctlon ;'of sistebt great eit.hoallpg sqwK.1 Vpeuldcutdiarter,' Madison scoined to hnve hai colds and other farms tbe pmgrbss of the and fhej'Iind prop couis we or-- , jan'fsdimdtly of ten in I re trees! the hifesl,od 1120,000 biLsliris lldrt signed under - of thrqat' '' ihrf ' oci'l)sloq..,for.4'ro(-la)iijngr;,Ujoubles. Cffeomulsjon contains, (ThankglvlnatrdJij-an- I'tii'h i'Cnr fill, .;thropgh. the '.soetMbg' ,0s shet chn nig 'whkh: wore tfeated In lieu, tht Llierit beans plnli," I li't.Ui Aiiproxihi:ite-l- y i in addition to it remain od for Ahrahart. Lincoln to: ritsmife priiyluliiicfl . 'A croote', other healing ele .LThts ivaa'ahno'st jGoitey'ft Iyulya JlopW that bat flay.' .or pwo years' ago. Oto'ftf bin rlyvlflK)l;iriiehs'in the "talents Ulrich ft'oethe Jp andbeal the infected .1 tlK'CUSio.ui and ,to ltnh up thb pruhlulmeiM'hfl r 8lJrflmekthe thTtshitlofi In 'orchards j, TiiaDkshlng..daK iindJn ihe mnln the ha Vft signed .under tfiq metnbranes and stop the Jfrilation and i county' ctrstiuh thh with iW Daqlailop at IlyrtiomtW'tid'Oor'haB day! IMIgrkn by yMatiRsh1 clfir 'that werA treated ' f year a;fo Over ' ll t ' c": H artitnatlort, while' the creosote goes on to control plan. T Ji t t he I rces were rfi mii d j h,.rJ fmiro ihg 7r " Thursday In November as q'nAtloal being gotten In, phr 'yenf the stomach,' is absorbed lrjto the blood, pending! ta fu fest, UT.e-Utix SALT, tAKH .CITY, and a dayfor, giving thifnks.;"' so we rttghf ftef I moj-iTu tT wear on fouling,--thnand .pqlUtJihJlil Pbclli(hl Per ness wns'rlfe.'KlqfesWC t'n 'ten "orch.ipts , and attacks' tlie seat'ofthe trouble. Idaho poultry Interests fuiv launch! l. j ' before' adding nnot 'typrstnr tb'ffio r?oqFnt? Patdd''' the'storni wns nrewlng, she was ppctnll Tnnnner rejoucp' yogethfiffljftW; ,Wfl .had 0 Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory la.InAlule iprd' now 'yhq inqiept ftiOre vigorous than ; In the treatment of Ia foure In ihe Greati Eiunnchniqr persntetat coughs and thanksglinifi ,jv ,4tatlierpd pie frulf pfoiic hours,- they ' cold brodclal asthma, bronchitis, and cne day killed as. much fowlO," Is lwlfh-- tilde Frrnoli artinonltfonl,'(herclie faT:uimc!?.'4t.U plan, In' linpel that It might' help lo hvert disis excellent for building tap the Syitero a oii.rbelpe besides, Served the Compqtiy filmq i week, hepc thit Sarah Losephn lfald 'comes .Into, tire union, Very stnle. she wrote In an editorial, i Farm Boys Make Money beef find' other products vvhlchcd v after colds or flu, Ydur own druggist is Unie amongst pt her IterrertlQPS.. we la- Godoys, "rtU would Join Inn'nlon Thanksgiving the .t;WPreIseloiir-Arraes,tjiat the' authorized to refund your money on re-Jllghsciiil yockllpnal agriculturq rote'wdtl? tJVk.,li on the twenty-fourtof thK mrtrithwpuld It flot mnny of.thOHndlans cqnv not is cold if ' spot your cough' of , the. poultry Jndn of btvr jcry. elsy-ncehamongst ; ns, und amongst the jqa(H4hdr be a renewed jptedge' of. lovb and. Iqyaity tq the studuts1.lqr, lQ32tI(lh'pi!in beyed by Oeomulsion.?uJ "i3 fadv.) ' fiurm-- products had .flnaB ift of, men, threatened ,pglce by measure;-try UuItnl.-.StJVteIhe, constitution t W KIljgMhpsfjL'.wthatiffeytgelifi I lilth gdar-fpt'aiioV, S'd.'i'i jnf tuq' Lmly Whwtt fttTlhrea flqok auil a.pJqnQVP In..edttcpUqnL,and aMqes ipevqoi 'prosperity,, progress and qlftEretvrnfcqf hiOLth million dollars ftn'U lDAUO FAI.LS IDA.-Th- o perppfdity ealy .or rfensted. and they went !carrIei on part of NoTendier: saw ftatlofihl japd.ilittllfcd'.tWI civ!? proems of her ,du.y fwltfti hy cRnvasRhng to our grynt, UepnWIqy. Se-IJJT.9 an almost NOW: frqM kiiHElproject oflbelr agricultural tatq shlpTncntJ mviuiid' COO cars pql home.niHrt M !! iBj1vi hrought io thl Plantation and .the Jrovernofs of statpi and Jwriteniefl : anftversal ThatiksslWni; perl Keptjinot. nt PARKERS : Bof'tlonnlrdUTerohees,r. anil byappenl-lng J jcdursesLlOtAftem kubtraotlftg hl X. nawtmatowe'lqn our fiouvernopr, atidmpon the Cap ; to sa nrrqsMontlfll.: with day, Idahd but ? HAia provrfdfng Ipqpfe proclnmatlon npQrtJki1'o t'reSldi'Ttsl tvrought uu ponses, MhRr'lrtJet'M ghowed a la ronstnntl.1 Tlo Success! aw aicadi othersp' a t.Vi-- i a woman-asked Ita .rWt rydl total1 fir"2V , Impart Color nl dftV"TiS ttbanf thoestabltshment of Thhnksgfving (veqrly'quarter 'of amount; yhpr relatively, Jikili percent- - f HsOulyfCiymU fade4Halr ,c' dollars. b The-- ' Htfotirtl biiVlTfe Ih IF I fcktTtirtrMTay rlhs df such hblflnym ffWngI rwwr the beginning' ofJrage agp'bf Id:ihpjPp.a)5oqslfea(hlhg tlil Norvihh1 Pirn re bt, there .was no peace. In vr rva1 Ing ,torp.l, t iX Dny;or i,0gW the following yang, ,1022, m iete,Plt?V??.,VW'bhteu wonvjif. tsr.2 she ngrtTn"f p iteOUt dqJtGa'sW'WopCaffer excessive, pj swift- opcyajtorsi;. while Kir toft and daUr.ss enu tv 4 vt.I jtiiPPed,( 10,103 n day.pt thantsS? .lyryca' 1 .r;nr1il .o'.ors. State .hathft, 3)00, car jor odtti na-- edw 79 tbe1 lnititmn and hotfn conneqtiqq women tf'achpra.ln,puufc cqoo $Uq .dopianrt-qi- ) day rata lsnet tool Ugh: tn x6nsld7. come, about Ito this vry-Itltb- t tp nr-- rr Septbrntier,' MU01 rofftbsWft! M for Inlivkfieplng the ignity pL oh.ypH D priest, '.eraflwcf notbel ft tlflf nvonld npner,of GodeyS'Shefrratei rtircier.!fl I to do wlih' the;safe HjrrLpaHot; Ihlp- and put thb aemti iljlqu)fsUCc'h:nrql,T !d) ?di l?i stJCTt.'rT"'! had liftertlietlmt til proclamation tbst RppAfnts Thyps-jlalangtmgr.xkSlie started the first. h e votu r f WJ3 3 jp1 qrol3 twwntjisttrh hfLecf-Rt&o- f waslih trsrorntr Physical (Jil.qDTlmbltORrvrrt qforJ the,. trallito J,of'hetlSex gs ynelAfiw the first: to ndrx fl tlhU fl ftre nld; first thaw fBSe'ifbamlfld'.the: wqusfllWld;renTbvefti th AfthoqlraiieRf d W h7or K'v!',!kliipdlr,(iomq fnfetmlltq Wajraulwla. InfipVU'b.'em'RifAte Mwrthiy Iciest ftf,tke $e-DlsvasedVlaurs) ftdvnpdnacntf''ftf wouWWtVWrtfjel, nlllilln! 4a Ka nnll.d La tl. 1rrs )?pdrl,ygrs,iiJpimotinee(! society V. d vA Y . iti AW vftGI 'Mlkn L.ili.1 Li 4(?t .'SiOnvftJtamLtespft-Hiily&rt,- 51 Hrfes cn state.. baltertologtst'"tlephrtRrHeiiei tt'ft tray ot peacli'.'btiWfs1 ft tW '111 aMny i i i w . - -- - '"HliK-el-- slf.-voq- tha-Tores- li ! the,if-ooatry'1v(-a- rViliea,.harty'pf ! Ti I T lhe-IIIlnd- - li iDr.-Caldwql- - ii - Ihe-bes- ja-i-- ue l oa'TiltirtumyAtu-ii.c'vv.TlI'qi'omjtio- GGPENVUT-f-Approxlmatet- a - y f and.ono-qfuartei- -- - fji 1 ' ns ui f r I Bronchial; Troubles 5 d Ihirf jWeijeoBimsion f 1 .has-(lee- r tds'-yeur.'-- froid-$30,nn- , . wflmmil' ! witb-two-lbl- J - IrC.-tldeVit-, -- - - qjiw-ry-- - - - d nk-glvj- h' the-las- 4 t f-- fraRf-dn- ' t y - " b- ' ever-wlth-h- 'If . - -- , li . ! s n- - wloI-lt n - day-.-wa- vim Jq-- r balsam ,he-haps- jf - J5 MiSSUiiatf?S s NW- - 'i "rrpfiiq - thl - ,ii'm,ru f H - r - , Aiww !vWhf! BenwTwDtadrolT-OtawHalrytUfi- auuioi-Btdnif- . n ItUo-;tb- - e r ; y iteHtiT ii? A FfnteS-''AroeFfC- p or-ihb" Jk Ihfllhs.!h .troHire.ofiei io at litioc-o- f quiji&fi,fh( Ihanuota'I81(lRf'mI yfik;'hot'' uiiti! pjeat bf'Rlng Phinp'frf-jmH- j In tTTf o victory-ovpiiii- w A k - , PM id a, , PT:rj; AhtvIhj gu'e-'o- ftb.ldieraw:tfpijureuwi e 4iiah;qm.-hnf- f eth.first'vrcnr(led formal J-- t M4 ctiis l croc n fc dtwf 'ohrfdd n'f t after Utl - M " aflahal ThanksgWIngifny wks peare, ,yas derlarwL' lsoontiutied r.ka fcryjfpr 4h8, whqlft natlpa fEeip-jIba- !l Ihpkivl(ig andt pfteqsant 'hsssbceu men unnilpfofd, fsWdjejAjV reinpiiOritaeht' eelebralliri.l' M'4r Wa prolan; ttlqn tT.Tl covin -- 5tIZ It da Woo font 0 13 glenUfukjtluujr tisu.H.iaais T. REAVER; count ,new elemenf Ciirtft tetq JV, efcThaLnksglvlng'and ,0pe itlch dm1 pqjeprtloft lit Hft iresiaentiAT I7 rtoibot ;.l53:en', i-- ye , sj,observajice qvUtCaHifh. Wf?P,3fejlhrUt'fremfowl JhrmtrfV.b jne, gaifle,ir4j wcyft;ygp?te)40 "bej .people: aed congrfM; but - ft yyai) fa taisofilnahriete t iyai'the .AwrttiSibfi 0ilevi tfjintyy iqfofi , ,1 JTV..U iiij tae fAQ.taot.ygax . . vdft , R AIM, M jwqr.-Uf- t cm rcuA;scbpot) hoard-- ni!l. t fMipe - y rrtCv''ht , n n d jlujlrv Ja?t 4iTpa t Early. I ,livf the- govtxhonr s yW.l.lhf.'narfilng, ;! Tiutrsilayi ilRshij Qpnl.vPl lifts! te (the cswei4lljwr-F-arStaf- other enstonj. - rcsldonU-hAv- o- nover -- 4vtatd from fhe . nor harT"governopfi of tbestntpS,' ,r ; .piakgjtue.ast Thumlny in rAlTof'PftrnhJqbephi flitV, the 'Mflhjjf November,- which had',lH'?BVashlnstoii,a cMce. Thnn4lvtpgMi'fq'long' as'' heremft!nod editor-otha-ho- pe f ; brtuglnx happened that Thursday, November '20! k' universal holiday, r lor Golloy's. T.a fly's? Book', (she resigned in the last Thursday In November that pressure tbcar upcm.tlia covernors, she next cpmhpf, 1S.77),- she ji dt stoqd guard over her cherished f'd that. fact .was to have yn itffportant (qulned correspondence afltls.jIHpflly thousands holiday. , !Iacl'II'jot boon, for ro.i hw, in thy yearr 1 with senators and n Jtha ltter V-of civil strife and. reconstruction the history '.of .Thanksgiving of private persons of Influence S,rDl f prtcedent M ir ,h1 8eo farther on in this article, i congressmen, and the clerfcy.set by Lincoln, might verytweU hare been ' put' Ent although Washington was the first to Issue In her effort for'the establishment of state aside, but by the time she laid .down her editorial Presidential proclamation for a national Thanksgivings she was almost Immediately sue In her ninetieth year, the custom had been pen, thanksgiving .day, he did not establish a prcce- cessful. - By 1819. the third year of her cam firmly established,' had taken Thanksgiving r 6Aht which waa followed consistently During palgn, most states and territories were keeping Its place In the hearts of ell the day and on people wacond administration, ha again Issued a Individual festivals, but no. attempt, was made th calendar of the nation for all time to coma celebrate thanksgiving prsclamation. On January 1, 1795, to coincide the dateiMalne. wight j (tar WMUraNiwpapr Cnioo.) T- - , their bMlstnhca'tn Ito f - - - - , - r' "V, , . 1 ' T.TIrere to ;j '.f - p. .' for j tlflei'C ivcuY vtcesptf.Xlie to WwdvantaijeTurli), " -- off.lp ;Mhwqi''rwlU 1.11. 1: bh') V;;' according "c'lfirnd or'lVlid GfRlH,,,; Tob Thanksgiving day proclamatloivc:itfrw'e that xtoc rcer.otj i'yiJiqiUvIiIeTr"' thegf' thfaTOl;'' Utakcounbi J03trJiate,totfit,.Dv 193 cars,:, cqmh'rfff with 250- cars ycaracccrfflng to the bgri- Cl ci'l cultural agent. f V h( "il d" w BOISE, jIDA Major, crops Jn .for ln i-- -- - Idaho will bring $17,000,000 more ' pots Fijsin $ uj ts-bacK- wiA e ;i fwy warn of vxo bUddcffuftC tort. Don't (JcIjy.Try.Dowl SucctssbJ 50 if woim yean. Usd over. At att( Vi i i t Doans PILLS I- 0 riervouJ, b'ct ftrvd feelins UaBe P; rJT ,Ie a crop survey recently mnde2The crop values ', reporfed are : hogs, 5350, 000 $1,375,000; wool, 51.773,750 ;i toes,' $ 1.512,500 j heat, $4.3GO,SCO;' apples, $S12,500j M, $2,010,000; hay, $3,044, OOOi iv fHnejfW.BWgfrJConiition 'Wfcrcd loclnrot .'-'- I Ihij year than last yeAvaocordlug 'wv :v , |