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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS NOVEMBER 16, 1933. ford Hotel. Mr. Mahessy who wa shore it was amibrtion was toowa and By following the lake this xnounan ranen in his On expert at his business cured buffalo. the from about four miles and mounted this huge buffalo hide-af1000 oi inem. he over the After had corraL tain to the :T2 hopes mr; placed it on exhibition in front Classman purchased a carioaa, bad driven from the south his store. A group of distinof to out billed in ref took and all the Island, they generally little mountain, den but for some unknown reason- guished German tourists visiting (Continued from page On) . ujre behind this the city put up at the Knutsford, hours. Here the young couple spent completing its destruction. Captain them through the they were side tracked and unloadThe men ran little a this wonderful looking ani-- , E. called T., seeing 1 "oneJ,,Tloon remaining there Garfield and Dauris went to work deep sand the whole distance ed at a place southwest of Garfield mal became interested and until her father was well on his and transformed it into a bathing this bought town in and railroad around to the corral, This was the it fro Mr, Mahessy and sent it county. hundred one in Tooele journey to the East. Not a living ,.rcnrt. In the middle of the boat nearly captured and with their compliments to the soul knew where they were, except year 1891. They were herded constructed a rather impro-TT?- 8 bead they two some wbo years perial Museum &t Berlin. The price here for tl,cm in their vised dining room and kitchen rautrht 0 the Among the paid was $3000.00. bv were came purchased out Untl, thy where short orders were grilled were some of the largest and best when thev W. K. Whitney, secretary of th and trans-- 1 aCe & Sons company White also sold o and served. Tbcv chewing - Navy under on the Island. During the month NumerGrover Island. ferred to Antelope neera fir8t frum, soda water and candies. In a k Si.a 1 The Mormon ChurchunVr the My there,ca of how bought three of them and shipped told been have VBl,ey many the stern of the boat they made a stories ous most Btorn direction of .Fielding-an- d from them alive to his home in Vermont. eighteen of ihe Indies halh room while In the prow, die . the buffalo were transferred said These also sold and these of valuable Briant for $300.00 each. have 0f Some Island. invested thouStringham, E to the men. T This unique LJ?'k00X room fotJIhe kh!,ng9,Jh0 r sands of dollars in valuable stal- - Jh balance t0wvt over at the south The above are just a few of the, driven har Parched, and dry i;ttle resort was quite attractive as could he found in any country lions were thev -- JJf and p?ce in and brood mares, which were in many places so badly crack- - and on earth. Those present from old tell of the many orders that came to White profitable. It enjoys the men va(i point of the Island. They - tturnect loose on remained witnessnever had narrow & who the and cmpany. In the daTKe;0U3 l? ivde tinction of being the first bathing countries, experiences . comPleted their work Se7eral f thrilling encountered alIn the second beime ed crowd-stood before a scene place, .such year 1894 they bought 10. while nimble they In,Stead Great Labe. Salt ve5etation, rcsort on the escapes -used as island horses the head Elk of and excitement. most and put them on the with wiry, covered almost believe it or not, this was thef bog continuBae paralyzed the waters, die animal to take the place of ing them through Island. the entire valley and besides there Beautiful over manifested The enthusiasm thd by traveling taken were trails rough large ones th'ey that of the Garfield Beach which they Others were. Unlike the wiW .antelope of water which was inningconflicted in 1887 at a tost the onlookers was so great thpt it of the Island from the time they the tlumsy valley horse, which at that agree lake the claim but l?JC&TVly a Thi r lifted them from their feet. were foaled until they were grown. was not fit for riding over a rough was low point and they went over dry that once graced the Island by cwe(uenf of $70,000.00 and where the atten-inf- n almost "became Before their It had who second nature went gotten to fairly north (ance 0f pleiruurc seekers reached they them co!i"try shod. The truth of the matter is their beauty and cunnmgness. !L!l8Ctt aPfeerhent between the ?0U.ntItS Dav,a a total of 84,000 in a single year. breath and recovered from the to climb over the rugged mountain made clear by Mr. M. C. .Udy of thev were more domesticated and of horse- sides, and to jump up and down Church and Chambers. White & In the liked to Play find, romp around Sssions. ?err,Ke other boats of the lake of less hock. another exhibition Sons Co- - being, completed, practi-hig- Farmington, who says: before itself or five manship "places four Shomaker, feet' preeipitoi presented Groves, X,hos1891 Bill Classman bojighMSnosrtO the ranch where they were-heaimportance were: George Pavnc's jSSiu C The speed which they could 'cal,.y Put an cnd to the horses year Aaron Lilly of the lake, Captain Dahls them, which almost left the first of buffalo and unloaded them Pitted and fed from the hands of make-while which for some twenty years had P... CherryWniand Osmond steam btnrt White- W DITTI8 CfIVVIL over such sold th women as well as the men. traveling U.M 11 1J places was been the joy and pride of the men at E. T. Two years later hethese They formed the habit of Tk. ... ,n th Frnffof boat, the Miller boat. Old Bob the nHnni simply'noarvelous. They Co., Sons & White to roaming them m Prominently connected were 17 now. In the contract drawn over the south end of the Island ne.ither stumbled no?(ell, no trtat- - wko wer 18ltin,f cattle Old ktl0f Wand The Salt boat, Mr ter how rough the countfyspor how in the spring time it wfis .R0at used by Charles and John up Mr. Glassman agreed to deliver where, fast they went. They werTBrtwq The reat PacifiCvRailroad was them warmer and the grass sprang up, tTiese and the Jake Winters to Lake nX day V!v.B0 settlers Farmingtpn. Park, 8,nt ,n.had to Hackman, ally of a kind disposition, and as completed by the junWltm of the White & Sons company had charge mor quickly. Elk like their cousin boat lik ek- Lot led distance up the canyon sheep gentle as lambs, after having ,Un,n Pacific and Central Pacific of the Island at that time and Mr. the moose are fond of water and ? v?af"orti"K Owing to the density of the his close toobUin sufficient water for culin- - ters with been hamfled a few times. But Railroads at the Promontory north partner of the lake, boats that ordin- - h?.cl?T an expert stockman, delight in wading out and feeding all of their perfections, thev west ot Ogden, Utah. The junction WmJVaJker, with and th round 80 arily would sink to the water line i1,owed ,by ?" The company on t1 grasses that spring up, uieirfforeman. was these two roads brought the y erackod by the drought that of the boat in fresh water, ride so partner. While had a weakness that made many a which they. though there was no grass grow-ha- d boat flat a laVge and West together and form-the- y it was dangerous for a horse to go high as tq make thorn top heavy lhcs w,ld ammaU were on th run mans face turn red with anger; to trans- - ing m the lake, nevertheless they, several used for years railloved their Island home, and d the first th!- - --But there they were, in the salty water. Even a moder--- j around the large corral, Lot threw from the formed the habit of going out and cattle their to. ad Pffphesiz- - ate disturbance gives to the shore his lariat over tho front foot of it was htyd to wean them from it. way. A golden spikewas presented port the the water. It didnt last long Mr. Walker, knowing would go West and breakers prodigious power and the one of them, and at the same mo- When a favorable opportunity pre- by California and was driven in a the v,r. There were some half witk of buffalo, 8ad Tb8. is waters become very bouyent. When ment his partner had lassoed the sented itself, during the summer specially prepared tie by officials this boat by making kni!iRm i0U1iIf tom f and Magna working at Saltair it higher sand so they settto with there is an unusual disturbance same animal around the neck, and months, thev would take the near of the two roads with silver mount & top over it with poles: beach who discovered this little. putting with their ed lariats abound the horns esL cut to the Islamf, swimming to clear off the they become most destructive but fledge hammers. Thi3 ceremony It was then tied load- - herd, as they played each day. on to the firmly tbe,v croptf. Soon when a tornado hits.tho lake ft .is of their saddles, had, in less than tho lake wherever they .happened took place May 10th, 1809. The p 4k vS ai?d ing place at Lake Park. All fir-- 1 the opposite shore, and planned to a half minute, thrown the horse to come to it, and keep to to n- .began going un- - chief officers of both reads. were rangements having been completed have some fun. At an opportune With thesd and Pimply irresistible. Vop? I'0 dragged it over the soft and til they reached their destination.' PresPnt. together witli a large con adobe houses facts In mind one can readily .were ready for the buffalo. time they jumped into' onp, up as if by magic;, the derstand why the City of Corinno, smboth surface of the corral, a dis- Lot Smiths Jfavorit saddle horse course of enthusiastic spectators, they Glassman Mi. enlisted the services companys igasolinri launches andand crops planted, sprouted and grew, the Timely Gull, The Garfield arid tance of several rods, to a place nlqved this trick on him several including Brigham Yoqng Wm. of M. C. Udyand struck out across the lake. Unde if. Walker, Where tho fire and branding irons times, even taking the Instead of sage-bruswith many other L. D. S. .Church offi Perry Potter all green fields other boats of the lake were sq paddle expert horsemen. cover of the Island they were able cials. Immediately after th cere of corn, wheat and rye sprang up were, and in another half minute him on one occasion. lashed to pieces, easily After a ride this quar- to get in close writhQuJt being seeij. long days horse was branded and turned , Ono of the most beautiful little moriy the golden spike was wit and greatly shall I Ray, to their It was about tho year 1800 that the E. T. tet next morn- As they rounded the' point of tho The arrived at loose. They had.no more than got- nooks op .the Island .is on the top drawn and an iron one substitute! ing springs President Young, atthe.hfad f a ten del,Kh! th iud moro were saddles Island, they came suddenly, up'on1 in their they out of the tfay before Judson the mountains, aliout five miles It is now on exhibition at the abundantly, the select of prominent men, bar- the innocent and unsuspecting elk armed double and with early his partner had and Stoddard streams Increased until there was visited party Stanford University, Califor reled from the north enf. It covers nearIsland ugaln. . Antelope out on shot started their aqd killed the entire lot. guns horse ready for the finishing ly one square mile of '.ground, and nia. Lcland Stanford was .one o: water sufficient for evesy.purpose. took all of his clerks with him. tho g'were arduous The buffalo task. so and it touch, continued the railroad ffieials who wieldec until the slopes to the west. It is made up " .consequence the majority of-- whom were gooc Jr1 5 A LONELY GRAVE in when the fields, grazing quietly threat Salt Lake which was so low musicians. They formed a splendii band had bpen disposed of and 'of low hill. and shallow hollows, the silver mounted sfedges. the horsemen rode up they started turned loose on the range to make dotted .here and there with in 47 and 48 began to risend ex- qbdar 'didIn building, this railroad they off halter skelter across the prairie string hand, led by Horace K. robin for the next Among those Who homesteaded one was the in that until Yialf could no the A other way in pand biggest thing they aqd. evergreen trees. longer Whitney, and masy filbasant hours on the Island were - George lands .is no the direction. There wrong at valudrive their herds across to the Is- - were spent, in Intoning to the expeqted any moment; The mile beolw fs a small pool of liv- of building up the West that hat herd a when of able Frary, his wife, Alice Phijlips, and buffalo, saddle horses ridden by these ing water, th6 only pique within ever beei accomplished. This prq turnftig land and so it became necessary to sweet music. , Tho party remainci four little children, two girU ' their heads their stampeded put they horsemen frxpert construct boats in order, tjiat they there three days, enjoying a coi w.ero selected five miles where one .can get a ject was completed qt a , tremen two. close to land shoulder the and boys. ground the wild bands, while oil some good drink. This was the home of dous cost. On account of- - the long might continue to have access to tinued feast of .pleasure the whole from, to houlder they rush blindly and It was about the year i&90 that oT these runs. test It whs distances the and use traveled of the a. the wildest Island. Much to.be horses. lonp time. of tho time and,bjake wasS'pen; that tiied the mettle of And now for the story of the in boating, birthing and, climbing In 1870 an antelope was seen soarceW settled conditions of the madly onward. There is only one silver and copper had been discovevery horse to ft) tho band, the horses that came galloping over the Kills with a 'West it was plain to se that at course left for the horsemen, to ered and there was some excitefirst boat, taken from Brigham the topmost peaks of the Islam in the lead on a 15. or 20 band of wild horses! It was proB' first it would Be a loosing roposi-abl- y pursue and that is to let them go ment caused by the .discovery. .'A ' put a JournBl ung of , January All places of interest were visitec mile run could be depended upon the only one left to hepresent twn. It would probably not have "ntil they exhaust themsohes. Mr. number of people located claims some riding in carriages, others oi Wit v small party of friends 1 horseback, and some going a foot, as horses that were almost price- its once numerous kind. In early Been undertaken so extensively a Glassman knowing this led his rid- and also took up homesteads. Some ers in a round about way for about of these were David Leach, Wm. witnessed the launching of my boat Many visited the wreckof the once less for saddle animals. That day days they learned to regard the the time had not the Congress' o:' ten miles. When the buffalo, finally Frew, Geo.H. Payne, Daniel O. ' the of island hose horses below price just thocity bridge and from famous boat, Timely Gull. The hqrse as their best friend. During the United States under President stopped. they rode up from the Adams, - Fred S. Luff, E. W Sen- the west bank of the Jordan. I heavy winds from . the southeast fifty per cent, and the man who hard winters when the grass was Ulysses S. Grant given encourage-deeplside and with their shot ior, George I. Frary aiid others. could opposite to afford own one of these done christened hf r the Timely Gull, had broken it looo from its moor-Sh- e covered with. snow, the nient- - Thia was by granting guns turned them back in the di- There 'is a story called-Los- t u forty-fivfeet long and de- - M118 at Black Rock, two years bar beautiful animals was considered horses out of pecessity pawed the to the Railroad company every odd rection of the ranch. It was night Trails to Fortune. snow off the attached to . signed for a .stern wheel, to be pro-- 1 fore, and had driven it to the Boulh lucky, graSs and ate the best section of land, not already patent-of.i- before On the morning or the fourth they corraled them and sd evej-- mine. A richvein of ore id pellcd by horses working a tread- - end of tho Island and thrown then moved along te pastured ed,or twenty milef on either side ' of theW rRht mill, .and to be used plainly to high and dry upon tho rocky beach. tIay. President Young and party new. The way. This natur athey rested until morning. It .was discovered. It is followed with car antelope herd different that they started and yrfth fervent zeal, hope Every evening a couple of latye retur,ndthehome, and those who com followed closefy on their heels ttf ally caused a. hot of upsets, set out with the next transport stock Between the city' riches illuminate the mind.. morning. Limp totopo Island, company declared with- gather the crumbs that fell from Uers who had pquatted on lands camp-fire- s were made, and young posqd and tired from thp previous days They work This Was the first boat of con- - nd old alike woujd uriite in nav out hesitation that they had had the prqvcn-bia- l titleon to later acquft-incessantly fojr days, . table. The Antel- thinkflng "the time of their lives", and would ope's experience, they were more sub- weeks or mabe months, then sudwere move to either sequence that Was ever sailed uponMn? or forced, this of in buy time appreciation good roasi; generous dued. When one would turn on the waters of Salt Lake. When the ing andgenuine qlways look back to this excursion act was not soon forgotten, so, dur- off. denly a fault is found along the eating meat for the t with the great- ing the summer months, wherf Antelope Isflapd was also effectei them or try to break away all. that vein, A fault is one of the pfreat Antelope Island first launched; President ing meal.. It was atpusing to Bee was was to pepper him curses of mining. It 4s caused by--; Young, with a select party, made the times were, good and they were By this gqvernntent land graht in thejnecessary clerks and members est 6f pleasure. nose with a load of shot and some convulsion Another interesting story told is feeling the benefit of tie rich bunch The Churchalthough in possession Be of nature which excurF,ns over the lake of the Deseret Dramatic A&ocia-witfell into line again. bursets through ore bearing veins, It, and it was jeonsidered to tion sitting p round these fires tljat of John Baptist which Began grass that had. taken effect uponlf and were utilizing the entire im Salt Lake City and terminated their lean The course taken with them was turning it sidewise or upside down ribs, they felt honored Island, in reality could lay claim a.nove,ty in those days. broiling teabono and tcndorJpiir bflrv to but one section. up by Garfield, Black Rock, across and sinks itself again some where The Great Salt Lake unlike some steaks, which they had fastifned to oit Antelope Island. This probably to hpv the privilege of lakes similar in size has never the ends of long,, sharp sticks, WU bd recalled with interest Ijy over lh Island with theirromping The homestead Act provfdes .tha the bottom lands, over the Jordan into the bowels, of the earth leavr highly been noted for its, many boats. Then with bread and butter jn onp many of the older settlers. esteemed friends and benefactors. a house shall b built and a home towards where the Cudahy plant is, ing fragments of the main. body. The excitement began when, on On onq occasion, in the up to the State highway, along scattered on or near the surface. Since the advent of the Pioneers hand and their meat in the other, early fif- - established for a certain period o: north to Glover Lane and down to The .Prospector picking up the. cighty-si- x fhurch .had.failet years ago, the number with plenty of, good milk on, the January 27th, 18G2, a man named ties, when Hcber P. Kimball and time. This-tjiwould not exceed fiflech and these side, they ate with a relish that Moroni Clawson died and was bur- - companions wer cofralline one of to do with the one exoeption, this the loading place at Lake Park. fragment 'soon loses it aeain and .....i Considerable excitement was creat- if h,e cannot trace it to .the place c,y ccmqtery. John Bap these wity bamJs, a herd of An- - where they ,had built Jhe Ok ed although they have plAved an im- - would, havA made tlie kings and tls4 convert to Church the in House by them as they passed along wherq nature tossed it he might noblemen section ran Church, This w?8 telope of the earth 4opk on wit along with them almost tpn. pcTtant part duringtheih period of the highway through Bountiful and just as well and usefulness ere riot. much when envy. , events' newf Ilcbe. tufn.of Bouje. unexpected tie pack up and go home. . , touching considered In the light of boats. Another important fonture, con given the job of sexton. Later inifkirtksof his hhrs with his spurs practically, brought to aitd end the Centerville. It was a sight the This iust about tells the story of The Timely Jull, , Bfigham jnected with this pleasure trip thai tho evening 6f the day Mr. Claw-- 1 darted out titjvapds them and lar-so- n activities otf the Church so far as people had never seen before and- the mining excitement on Antelope', wa buried, ome of the fam- - iatbd the fattpst one. in the probably would never see again. Island. , , Youngs pride.'and iov. was launch- - made all whowere not aCquaintei bunch the Island was concerned. ed in the year 4851 apd met its with western life look on jvif riy went back to the newly made the others then scampering off to As early as 1877, Robert Hark-ws- s Some troubJe was occassioned by! But coming back to. our story..5 and Adam Patterson negotiate destruction. some four years later, amazement, ;as the, display o grave and to their surprise caught.1 the foot hills. , and WAre driV1!? aIon the Mr. Frary full of ambition While anchored at Black.Rock on horsemanship. There werfe upwards the s.exton In the act of robbing it. .Briant Stringham died in 1871 ed ror and bought from the Rail- EX, 'W4h,en ?hey Wuld, m?et the Bones, that some would fortune day fie was arrested and locked up in rand, sad to say, Became smile of those terrific gales,. fo which of one thousand horses. on the qfev that there road .company their odd sections.of upon .him and his family' articufcr go- - worked county in particular is nqfed, land, the majority ,of them being the city jail. That night hishousir np interest takerrin the Jsland-wa- s land. They also purchased from the me- Au day by dav on h'8 searched by the officials and horse. There wepe then nbcfut five Church section 18 and the old offf havS came up and tope it. loose from almost as wild its deer. Briant while htead l0ifd at mininR claim. to Ifieir consternation found a hundred, and thev vtere its moorings, 4nd Bwept.it violently Stringham. who was in allowed to home. The Ilarkness-Patterasobox filled with .run across the lake tq the soutl end of Jniade it a point to cprral charge, wild. For four years thev ownership yas of short durhtion. krge clothing the Island where it was left bat- - horse on the Island, art least every once which had been taken from numer- never safr a human beirig The in 1884 the Wells Fargo Bank, with J. E. Dooly as president who tered and beaten, perched high and a year. At such .times they, were ous graves. The box and contents IChufch people were anxious to were to .taken had furnished the. capital; took the tho Court tham House, inhandled upon beach. and looked after 1875 rocky dry offhand, It was branded, Hundreds pf peopje .visited the with Chambers-- White &contracted over th interests of never reclaimed. Fragments- may ln a general way. and Company dad came5? r.om work'- Patterson. Following ' this, Fred buffalo were parted and the form- still be seen President Young, had iftyited Court, House, examined and iden- - agreeing to let them have one-hare, of thp once ala er tilled most of the went his way with the remains. of all they could deliver in Salt Myers purchased the Wells Fargo of the- most noted horsemen clothing. l df.rest- , fneJd9 M0 faU!2,ua boat . was Tth 80 The following m taken from the Llake City. These interests and a little later on White After this experience one of the - The City .of Corjnne on he territory tq be present cm of I Be Frarvs. very the Iargest'and; best boats of them this particuViV qcension. They Journal of Hngham YouqgMfoiir horsemen to nssdst then? They & Sons company bought Mt. Myers riders rode on in head and ?rouJ forsook their interests. baseii by the Church came there mounted on the best dated January 2Sth, 1862 This &. left he every met off on a. J. bftdy shipped hoinj to Dooly and Igland for a time and Th. day was pleasant in Salt land and bcpaVto oer about 18G5 in Chicago and to ,tak Part in the yearly wort at on?e Vhite & Sons company in control road until the herd passed by. . to wheie Syracuse, Davis county to tho City 0f Mx,unduP. and they wvre all ready Imka City. At 4:00 p m. the pria- - Near.tha Jrtfi eni on the easi of the Island. This was 18S5. White pd dismantled expe,r they pould be among friends when. th grave yard side, they built a corral close to & Sons leased the Doojy interests ienCod whiS foB Connne, .Box Elder county, where and anxious for the fray. Among oner was taken-tbetBe threatening storm should burst. . it was assembled, launched and them were such-mens Lot Smith, by the police. He only, admitted the lakfe. tons of hay were and continued to rtm the Island )oat Oh diES-hi Xllll?e'nSVI'on tbm In due time their . floated down the Boar River Judson Stoddard, Brigham Young, identifying ahout a dozen graves stacked in the center. They built until 1903. , t he had wetations were realized, a child the lake where it .was used as,to the names This robbed, which U of fence from th corral to a little Company carriedon a wholeRice, Stephen Taylor, ,backs of tbe wa8 born, and with her came all pleasure boat Und then later to Ezra Clark, Ileber P. Kimball, and the police made noto of, but it was steep bluff, a half mile away. This sale butcher business ift Bavis others amf 711 &CCW transport cattle and sheep to and be Ashby and Garr boys, and ery evident that he willfully lied formed a wing oi the sotith side, county and Salt Lake City and nat- the joutside. While S"WS Perry Potter nnnvy8 from the Island. The life of this others, every ene of' whom knew s about 6 pairs of childivns shoes and the lake formed one on the' urally used the Island for 'lc boat like its predecessor, The th Island from A to Izzard. There and clothing were found in his north. Thev were then Mr,. Frarv raising. They imported fgm Eng SS for ready mens house fa besides and as womens and a one not was of number them sliort business. Stationing their hired ' but could ride heV duration, otpure.brd rr started '.cio,, the Anchored and tied to its moorings a bucking horse bareback, or lar- - garments, dresses, etc. Reports run men along the north of the Island, Hereford and fron lfnnfi. ,fc was torn loose by Mat the wildest mustang on the that ho had robbed about 300 to prevent the wild horses crossing galloways! 01dJfrs vin reme! the lakes tempestuous range. President Ypung was not graves. At first many doubted thiit to the east side, the three .coa-su- her eeetiTENrt ffie State Fair rest of them a thing could possibly happen tractors rode south in search of number of years the John II. for a cludinu the onewere loaded on. In- f!!jie carTled away across the lon 1" Riving them' the word to that fell over the theShl nj c,an"? White but on further investigation many horses. They had not gone & Sons an; wrecked on the rugged tfo, and there was something rtute. stalls and companys started far over drd the water Mr their j.d mE and the bod- - when they discovered between six-- . livestock, exhibits under Hog Mountain. When graves were for the next thee days! the care of ?s found stripped their clothing, ty and seventy head or on a of William Barber of Centerville althouvh w8 a The boys left the ranch, early The people aBaIt Lake City were low side hill. Keepinggrazing almost out of sight These cattle were the finest in the only a side issue to those who loss.P total that morning in bunches of three over incensed the situation until came and about two hours apart. They greatly behind the land and always took the blue rib- owned or leased the Island has 05 Caot. Gurfinu a iSv was with the greatest diffi- - j horses,they and il 1 the min-crossed , Island to the wag signal .wealthy the west side, given and a bons. The . galloways were black fittle the police controlled the rush made towards that culty P'i1lhetic them. The wild with long hair and quite large, thhS mobs that each day gathered at animals started in Th! t Hght direc-th- e although very attractive they prov- thent c,ty reahd the north end, scaring up and built a steam wl4 to lynch tion. and prison threating ed Ch to bands be not so of seemed wld 8 horses as to everything profitable they went; christened The work like a charm. tone of the con- - dairy, or beef, while the eithr for This and heading them that way. By hiJ year around! herefords 8 fr0I!l Mract0r8 an old stau driver, dress- - became popular for both. At the Th,e2nWm Vhppin6 TleasurJ8boaLdTkXClusie,y for a that time their horses were pretty the well gaunted, and ready for the air these cattle attracted the at. skipper, fm,uJtraDauris' ROt Up ention of cattle men from far and on the east much 'short parties 1 15'niile dash that lay before them, and and made Burof sheriff the At request L ho?? " th Island. Many rela- before, got his e Urslons around Tb? ,wer island-raisemakes a near and when sold brought pLture flr long-w- . the lake. When and Henry W. Miller of Davis 8eVeral beautiful anima ton prices summer vei fine ? I and their as they thnnXn.Us.e th. boat winded, amtold thlt edThe h'S John the grave robber was he thought would make gooXstag-lake!- ranging from $50.00 to $1000.00 Buffalo an fall. attenda" I each. Jones run was something county, tied 8Ped on died soon to the wharf at after Mr. Island m the Lrs. if ct0uATnteJP?z I wonderful. in one Bock Glassman han White Gne had been They the twelveperchIn?BJlbe purchased bridli Yeini in the picked Great JTthrt SofnJ evening a lipht are Bead was branded his came from him and the buffalo on n 4!?e 5rst bet of the Island, and from the northwest P ,yo!n $ passes robber on his forehead, had went tearing down the hill a few vay. .ncetl,H ncreased in their worth could only be estimated grave Island. ?It happened in Bis ranch wr n,. intensity until it lia ears cut off and left on the Is- - the Old Nich himself wa if the around. ment TTiis!faSaScatter.ed the class of men who owned Yn U 'PriS and a 8 able tornado All D8il!e,a varit-jb- y pu, way about as nd. Later when Dan Miller visit-- 1 him. He followed a f w Glassman on the them.The moment one of these wild ed the Island he found John Bap- waves rolling witk ' otruod and White Two of thk'0nes by beaten leads to'it Ogden hiVhiv1 through sage own-- 1 or and . tremendous f!gre,at volume bands were started up, they must tist had gone. He had killed a two- - horses w,tb B0e aid fiends soin in ?ly ,VI8,t,nr P.mtely threehade back, lashed the I be kept on the run until they shores of the lake -state, Texas. While the lonely grave. year old heifer upon which he liv- - I place where the trail the other. When st .one end to cached their destination, or they ed. is supposed he made a raft took the right hand fork aif Hej nding a long Gne day he saw a government would not sell theirs so It rders soon came from different cat was quieted ans i? ,Jke temp- - would scatter and run in every out of some slabs which were there horse took the left. lie In the year 1903 White & Sons bu,ffal in .berd,n No rection. set to d2.L parts ekt of men the broke could corral fields. local Thrilled upon the seen. 1 Whether and the by he 1 company. successed-escaped. company of sold their interest in the over the high sage brush HU this sight OnVnXw came the pride of the iA e Carfield, one of these bands unless they ed in getting across the lake or ing herd of large ugly animals he from Island to each w year in a a d. seagull whirlwind I lia and ac- - whether he perished in the horsemen, became back s?.rt high upon the s WK was 8een wer? in away and Rochester, interested, inand united'theb E. J. v S die upon horse was found several inter- salty Dooly learned that they belonged pletely ruined, no 8lmost com quainted with all the surroundings quiry ever and old later, ?.. th, and mounted on the seen or heard from thereafter. d to a man Buffalo Jones repair it at firsf amaRed beyond and conditions, for another run by that timo . lbe8tof horses total loss but a b LW.t0 It is Island said William F. Cody was l h0 first one And thfil that Antelope is about 16 miles with JaVw p s Near the north end ea to the nianagenient. on th. Island was its greatest breadth is 'to the west side, is a of the and fr?,lareest tongth. . little tn Instead of mg of the round-up- , a dust was about five miles and tapers off al- - tain that projects ov.t into the take just th. City. Hh, pU..l.s opposite, hi, hobby th.i, the old Knuts- - the cattle business but later stock- - BzY.licD cd Kktory of Antelope Island C:antab In Americas Dead Sea ; re 5J r:fj,,8h?rrd ES, tSIs the. north end of the Is- - most to a point on either end. The land. It had the appearance of a east side is comparatively smooth, at and a good wagon road extends whirlwind, moving southward miles almost its entire length. On the the rate of about twenty-fiv- e an hour. Nothing could he seen but west Bide there are many beautiful little glens, coves, and precipitous canyons, and the land is rough and rueged from one end to the other, The wild horses that once roam- ed over it possessed characteris-wa- v tics peculiar to themselves, and in many ways seems to be as intelli- gent as human beings. There were two reasons for tha Tn place, they seen-nea- r d p , j Im-irraz- ed eeho j dis-VTa- 3, rt iT' sure-footcdjb- sad-all- y v 'fve nr I Jh h. - d -- - iX A .thisia'The. J1' wiJT50;8. I trans-continent- al how-prowe- ss ed 2 ad un-pra- qf-.th- e - h, kSI8f Le-lan- la er - 1 1 . I ; I y - e, t, half-starve-d of-gre- at cven,-boat-w- . I high-tone- d I h . ; . e -- - ,., - I is w-a-s I n f Hm-kngs- , - lf - - ,vtpart fc sidefel ship-M101- 88 n t8 T-e- t I air, Wit I ch r "; do-roc- SeKXck in" S ed hsreeh'SMn! rt Mlir'hlj'h!?; ndtlrjTlir Vo Sffl h!lT2ny?d ift T' Fhpa'stfsurrs n.ecr,0r sA t JSfS 1-- d, swift-foote- d, ln niVure,y k.k w7ii cpany th. VreVT IM foiu' I di-i- n feW S? wenti patthat Ping ' I i .. nick-name- fdj' Sfc&MjUh - 'SKS?l2'jK |