Show VENICE 1 l it if one enters venice by night when the moon to sa making a path of silver down the grand canal flooding with light the palaces whose dazzling reflect tiona in the water ater render it hard to tell where the reality ends and the image begins piercing the dim mazes of ther the aide canals lifting the rialto into heights of ot ether herial lal splendor and transforming into fairylike fairy like structures even the little bridges one has ban of course seen the sea flea city in a way that nils fills and enchants black gondolas with a lamp at their prow abal silently out of the oba dows draw up at marble stairs for a single ingle figure to alight thou then pass again into shadow what silence leace Bi what mystery what beauty even on a night without 1 a moon venice is full of charm the familiar domes domed turrets bell towers are etched against the dark blue star spangled sky iky the lights on the piazzetta Plaz zetta twinkle magically from the piazza comes a strain played by horns borne and clario nets breathing the human passion and feeling of the moving crowds going epand up and down the squire squire and the groups eating ices foes at F florans florins Flor orans ins the boats bang up their blue and crimson cres sets flickering bickering in ia long lines linea across the bay the men of war in the harbor barbor se send up signal rockets which seem to run along the rigging as they gem the night with violet gold white and scarlet no arlet the evening gun bounds from the training twining ship and around us blows the wino wind from the adriatic which the fishermen say my la in the glees sea calling 12 but in spite of the subtle beauty of these impressions one really sees seen venice only when one sees her color yet perhaps on coming down the orand grand canal at midday mid day ones onele con la IS not so 80 absolutely AbsOlu tOlY of intense color as of all the surface seem to give out oat vibrations of light the water the palaces the sky eky the farthest reaches of the lagoons are all opalescent but fairest to me was venice one afternoon to towards sunset when I 1 was returning in a gondola from the lido midway in crossing the bay achille dropped his hia oar and for a time we floated with a feeling of being suspended between the gently heaving sea of glass and the far off sky eky each suffused with softest rose color in IB front of us was venice the iridescent domes and minarets mina of st marks seeming to be drawn up into the amber and crimson of the sunset the lovely outlines intensified and ethera lizel dirk and the campanile reared its solemn height above the aerial mosque and all the many turrets and spires and towers of the city that took shape against the mellow blending endings bl of the west then at our oar left across the sea of rose and pearl rose the Euga nean hills bills their pyramids towers and cones standing out in clear relief above the shining waterline water line against the gemlike gem like blue of the sky |