Show A POLITICAL DEBATE the joint public debate between hon frank J cannon and hon joseph joeeph JL rawlins bawling 7 closed in the salt bait lake theater last laet night that historic structure was wa probably never filled to such an extent with people before from pit to dome every inch of spa was wai occupied and hundreds hundred of persons were denied admission the republicans sat at upon unon the west side aide of the building ani and the democrats Demo orata upon the east speaking peaking ts lasted three hours mr cannon using the first hour mr rawlins the next hour anil and a halt half and mr cannon closing in thirty minutes As AR by tonight the debate will be a past pait issue only a brief synopsis of the speeches to ie given both candidates were enthusiastically cheered by their respective admirers HON J CANNON was introduced by charles crane chairman of the republican territorial committee mr cannon said laid in substance the republican party of utah takei taken the ground that this bis is the first and only campaign held here based en ea on national issues no other election to la a criterion as to what the political faith of the people is IB the two parties have bare their platforms platform in the field on some things they agree those points I 1 will nut not discuss the proper subjects for debate are tariff re cipro olty currency a free ballot and an honest count the republicans republican wish to give to utah protected wool and amnesty to huch of her citizens who have been dis franchised by whole sale gale proscription applause P protective tariff is to us a charter of our industrial independence I 1 am in favor of the federation of all nations as much is as any man but we are not yet prepared for it all nations nation are look ing towards america today and follow ing in ID her wake by taking oteis tending to the adoption of the protective system our friends on the other side aide say that the more we buy the richer we get but I 1 tell you if that theory is put into practice the sheriff will sell you out they say the profits of the protective system goes to the rich and well born I 1 say gay in the sense in which they use the term are no rich and well born in the unite 1 states men are born bora equal ai in this glorious country of ours As soon as a man a foreigner pets foot upon our soil boll and breathes our atmosphere of free dona dom he becomes a better man the average price of tin is sixty three per cent loss lew today than it WM was in 1860 the distinguished gen aleman who spoke for the democracy in a debate the other night said bald that major mckinley Mo Kinley nod and his hii friends drao carried all the tin manufactured in the united states in their vest vast pockets poc keta I 1 notice that nearly every democrat in the country wears wean a tin badge remember that the tin of which they were made was wao manufactured by americans americana applause under the mckinley bill but beneath this principle of cheapness uon in ia something nearer and dearer to us no patriotism demands that we should protect our wives and children our free school houses and american institutions and we an ae going to do it too As to lead of it in mexico to is 17 a ton in england 52 in the united states 77 and the only difference is the cost in labor every school house and brick block in utah is a monument to lead there are men among the opponents of republicanism who at the eleventh hour are doing all they can to save their party ty from the demise that awaits it cal but t I 1 tell you their death bed repent ance wont help them laughter the taft republican party is in favor of the sheep industry it has 2600 2500 herd hard ers an alone to protect in this territory to may fifty nothing to the owners you can tool fool all the people a part of the time you can fool a part apart of the people all the time but you cannot tool fool all of the peaple pencie all the time laughter reciprocity is not free trade it i is a principle whereby people are allowed to enter our gates and are compelled to buy from us ua if they would sell to us the republican party is in favor ol of flounda money only the party that uses force at the ballot box is afraid of the force bill laughter sugar was made cheaper by the erection of the utah sugar factory at lehi lebl last year everybody knows that As to alleged church influence being used tiled by the republican party in this campaign we deny it out of their own mouths our opponents have convicted themselves if the republican party Is in successful in utah it will not be due to church influence fluence lin but because the people will simply assert their houst horist eat belief a thing they did not do one year ago when they loaned the local a of their protracted applause MR MB RAWLINS was introduced by col lett he said raid in part the other night at ogden our eloquent friend said that if it were not for tir the mckinley protect protection iou bill at traction would lose loae its force and the earth would be burled through space e and be con averted into star dust dual daughter Taugh laughter ter he now says if it were nt fot for idt bican free lead ore our mines would all close down the lead pro i of our mines Is ie only about per cent of the entire output the other 9 10 being gold and silver applause the price of lead has baa gone down the production has gradually diminished dimini phed since the enactment of the mckinley bill the republicans tell us that it if the democracy wins wine in utah our mines will close down they cloar down here between 1883 ami 1886 applause A op lause since the mckinley bill went into effect the three largest mines mine in gintic tintic were compelled to suspend business renewed applause A at t ogden the other night my friend quoted from a letter vur purporting porting to hilive been received by him from the well known hardware hard wa re firm it rm of E C com coffin a co of this city when the gentleman read it I 1 was following him in the republican campaign book and found that the letter had been copied bodily from the book or the extract in the book from the letter applause to the persons who are now engaged in manufacturing tin in the united states the people are compelled to pay tribute annually the shoddy mills have bave greatly increased in number since the passage pat sage of the mckinley bill england the area ara of which is not much larger than utah sustains head bead of sheep in all the united states we have head the labor cost inthe in the united states to is less than elsewhere regarding bounties the republican nominee has said that if the last territorial rit orial legislature had been republican instead of democratic there would have been sugar factories in every coubry in utah laughter we dem erata crate dont believe in bounties A applause applause last year the lehi lebi sugar company was paid 1 bounties it if that thing was extended indefinitely it would exhaust the territory Terri torys a finances democrats believe in home borne industries dus tries but those industries mut must sustain themselves when the farmer is ie unable to make both ends meet at the end of the year he has just as much right to go before the legislature and ask for an appropriation as an organized corporation has in 1857 the republican party joined with the democratic party in reducing the tariff why is it that the millionaire manufacture ra resell bell their products to foreign countries 35 per cent cheaper then than they to do to the americana Ameri cao caa people they are able to do so by the purchased provisions ol of the mckinley bill the in famous system of republican protection which has given to carnegie wealth beyond the dreams dreama of avarice to is crushing the life out of the people it hu aaa created the famous alliteration of tariff trusts and tramps the rich it makes richer and the poor poorer it fills our prisons and poor houss houses reciprocity in a a kind of latitudinal free trade extending afar oft off to the little island where robinson crusoe was stranded and one or two more such insignificant mr cannon has seen fit at to refer to the election of one year ago that in IH not an issue of the present campaign he says that it was wag not a criterion I 1 dont know the democratic party has not resorted to the use of the du sunday aday schools tre applause or the elders meetings to further their pa political ends neither have they dragged the names of men sacred to lu the mormon people in the mire cheers and applause from the democratic cratic ride of the house they have endeavored to be honest in their can vass van they have issued no illustrated pamphlets as rewards of merit in the sunday schools the speaker here referred reter sarcastically t to 0 what lie he termed an unholy alliance between the republican leaders charles crane and judge bennett on one side and joseph P F aud john henry smith and bishop clawson on the other hisses and expressions of disgust came from the republican side of the house mr rawlins bawling continued you may sneer and protest but when men steal the livery of the court of ot heaven to servo serve the devil in I 1 have a right to tour tear off their masks and take them by their bootie aid ad horns and hold them up to public derision in provo the people have been told thild not to vote for joseph rawlins rawlans because he was an apostate and an agn agnostic ustle at mill creek secret emmis emmie saries were wt re sent gent among the people I 1 am told to inform the people the same thing the way to judge a man is by his hia past life to the f people eople I 1 would say eay if you listened to the admonitions of such men under such circumstances oh ob poor utah who has been wandering in the wilderness of despair for forty years hang your heads shame in but I 1 aay that on the morrow you will express your honest convictions at the polls polla As aa to the result no man will yield greater obedience than myself I 1 want no advantage over a political opponent and will take none As the light shines through the rifting drifting clouds after a storm so go do do the signs rigos of p pi freedom in ewh DO appear men have mista mistakes miR taken keu the temper of the people with whom they thaw have to deal no trick or dark devia will now deceive them it if 1 I for any purpose desired revenge against t the i I 1 could have people no greater wish than to see flee the se hemes of quell in divi duals as I 1 have referred to succeed the democrats Demo crata have confined thera them selves to legitimate discussion in ahta campaign and with the result I 1 will be h content applause CANNON CLOSES I 1 am not going to tear away the th maskind mask and show enow the faces of bombera MOm member bera of the democratic prominent and otherwise who hold positions and are covered with hony and have used their church influence in a certain 41 direction A I 1 have traveled more mila ap and made more speeches in this thir an am laign than any other a man and I 1 never nev yet have matte made a personal attack any member of the other on on party T have heard beard of and read insinuating I 1 r marks made by the other candidate oan can didat re against my father who was hla his client allent at the time he referred to supposedly under his hie protection A glaube blaume pl auBe aume it belongs belonga tt to us ua to show ap to ta the nation that we can stand eland on ni broad political plane with the people out the united states staten in every of word the gentleman uttered in concluding ht ibis speech there was a threat agal the people of utah he gulstan nat said that wn trally unless thy they vo the democratic Democrat lo ticket on the morrow they would be tegarden ded by the nan as insincere if that is ie so 80 the dem 0 bratle party lied when it adopted its la 12 t platform at provo AL applause fn an thing the republican pirty party will I 1 not at ne do Y in tale territory tf if the democratic party is successful sul and that is accuse the people of insincerity applause App applaud lausa it Is ie said eaid that for forty years yeara we have ha wandered in the wilderness aud jad that will hang our heads head we in the vahe valley of shame if a certain thing occurs ro morrow the people have the privilege of redeeming themselves the democracy democrat has thought for a long time it owna owned 0 us body and soul I 1 know that when thil ach home rule bill was drafted ug its prospective offices were parceled cut applause yens yes people of utah wi we have bave wandered in the wilderness fo for forty years under the leadership lea dershin of ft democratic braes but tomorrow bod yoa will be lead into the promised land by a republican joshua applause 1 l the great gathering then dis dia dispersed parsed persed amidst vociferous cheers for the resper respective oai CRT di dates |