Show THE PAVING TROUBLE there was a special meeting of the city council and board of public works held on saturday night to con sider elder the paving squabble the following officials were present president loofbourow and hornhardt Horn Hardy lawson kelly evans evane Want laud rich blob folland karrick moran and 81 th the members member of the board of public works present were chairman haines and downey conklin coaklin and clawson city engineer doremus sad and city attorney hoge were also present prea ent president loofbourow presided stated that the members of the council wanted to most meet the board and ud arrive at an understanding with the company as to the manner in which the paving work should be pushed karrick kittrick said he believe afi the council had anything to do with the contractors he thought the board of public works had full charge horn said karpicka Kar ricka ricks statement was erroneous he thought the council had everything to do with it the board of public works had bad the supervision of the work but they got their direction from the council the council had ordered the contractors should not do certain things the contractors were doing just what the council had bad said they do engineer doremus said that there was not much to say the contractors had started to work and that was all they had bad torn up the west side of main street and were now tearing up the east side the curbing which was the most important part of the work had not progressed at alland allan on the whole none of the work w was being done satisfactorily mr doremus also stated that the contractors needed more room to work in it would be best to lot let them grade one side ot of the street the length of two blocks the only work being done under the con tract so far was the grading and about two hundred feet of curbing at the present work it would take three months to tj complete one block he thought the work of curbing was being done disgracefully slow they were now working five men setting curbs but had only had three heretofore he hestand ata ed the contractors had idine nine men they said cutting curbs at the rate good cutters work feet per day could be gotten out the contractors stated that they had bad theme men cutting curbs two weeks so far though they had only got down less than feet the curbing was not being done according to contract he advised the council to give the contractors notice under clause 21 of the contract which provides that if at any time during the progress of the work it shall appear to the board of public works and the city engineer that the be force employed appliances provided or the progress and character of the work etc are not satisfactory and in accordance with the specifications written notice should be served on the contractors and if the mitter was hotst once remedied the city should at once take hold of the work and ana finish it at the expense of the contractors the section referred to is as follows it ic is further distinct ly understood that if at any time during the progress of the work it shall appear to the board of public works and city engineer that the force employed the appliances brov provided aided or the progress or cha character of the w work ork or materials furnished are not respectively such as aa in their opinion will insure the completion of the work under this contract in the time apeci specified bed or are not in accordance with the attached specifics specifications from such work they shall serve a written notice on the contractor to at once supply such increase of force appliances ances or tools and to cause uch such improvement pro in the character of the work or materials to be made as li requisite to make the same game conform to the specifications of this agreement and if on the expiration pi pt ration of ten days day after the service of such written notice upon the contractor personally or by leaving the same with some person at his office or place of business the contractor shall have failed to give satisfactory atis factory evidence of his efforts ability and intentions to furnish and remedy the he specified deficiencies the city may t thereupon are enter upon and take possession of said aid work or any part thereof with the tools materials or appliances and hold the same as security for any or all damages a a or liabilities that may arise by reason of 0 the non fulfillment of this contract within the time herein stipulated and furthermore may employ the said too tools materials and appliances as the city may deem proper to complete the work at the expense oz of the contractor A good deal of unimportant discussion followed after which C E haines chairman of the board of p public bublic works stated that as soon as the contract had been approved he be had called the board together and had bad mapped out a plan to govern the progress R ress of the work and that the culmer jennings paving com company M any had been notified of that plan he was waa in favor of pushing the work as vigorously as aa possible and was in favor of giving the contractors the extra room they asked for and just juet as an much as they could nil fill up with teams and men if the contractors failed or refused to do the work as directed however the only power they had was to report the matter to the council the following notice from the board to the contractors was the be i read SALT LANE LAKE CITY nov 3 1882 culmer jannings paving company gentlemen we are just in receipt of the tol following lowing resolution passed by the city council on the ultimo relative to work done under your contract it is the sense of this council that the work shall be prosecuted as vigorously as possible according to the terror of the contract in pursuance of the above we desire to inform you that at a meeting of the board of public works held last evening we were instructed to notify you that the work is not being pushed with sufficient vigor and that we request you to increase the number of men and appliances on the work of grading at once also that the setting of curbstones curb stones be pushed at ai a rate which will insure its early completion and that all parts of the work be hurria hurried forward in such manner as will enable its completion within the time stipulated in the contract respects respectfully ally A P F Do nEmus C L feAz HAINES city engineer chairman mr Jenn Jenning ingi Bi one of the contractors contract ore stated that the first delay in beginning work was caused by them thea having to bring twenty five block makers from frem he be east then they haj had to got get curb cat batters but had been putting more men to work each day they had sufficient curbing on hand now to finish the block they were working on and sufficient stone atone in thenard the yard to complete the entire four blocks on main street As forthe for the street not being cleaned up the delay in that matter was caused by the contractor for sidewalks piling his sand and gravel in the street he then named the number of men he be had employed rich inquire I 1 how many they had at work on an the street and it if it a fact that the sidewalk contractor had been delayed byth by them emin instead of they being delayed by the sidewalk contractor he wanted to know if it had taken a week to set let feet of curbing it if it it take at least last three weeks week to do a block at that rate the work would go mighty slow alow continuing his explanation mr jennings Jennin gB stated he was prepared to put all the blocking down on the west ad side of the street and could have it done by wednesday rb he f work though until the sloe eleo trio light poles were out his contract however provided that he should bould have a clear and uninterrupted treet street and he considered the poles an 0 betrue tion however if the council so BO ordered he would go to work monday morning grading the treet street for blocking an AB for the grading the works at price were ready and they were negotiating for a block of ground near bear the rio bio grande depot to erect a plant to push thin contract and to do outside work all he be begged for was a clear uninterrupted street with no delays delaya b by 1 the railroad oom panya th blocking they oy could and aad would woul complete a block of paving within eighteen days day he would nIt be responsible for the weather however and it if it got too cold he would aPt be responsible for the work |