Show SOUTH ALABAMA conference this conference convened jat ft a place in the woods wooda at westville prepared pared Pe holmes helmes county florida on saturday and sunday oct and soth 1892 peterson of the alfred W president Pre aident routh gouth alabama conference presiding present J golden kimball there were of the southern states mission alfred W peterson Pete raon president of the conference anti and traveling elders elden john pearson joseph Sore charles 8 cottam frank C croft wm win B R ashby jr joseph condie cendie warren harris T 1 I alder carlos H loveland goo geo H rogen bogen slid and W owen ridges pour four meetings meeting were hold held and an on ea time w wa had those and within hearing heard board much good sound doctrine from president kimball and the elders elden three council meetings were hold held during the conference in which the elders elden gave a report of their labors aborn during the past year and received much valuable and necessary nece Beary lustrup tion from president Preil deBt kimball Kirn ball relating to their labon for the coming year elders pearson and peterson Pete raon were honorably released relea aed having spent two years yean laboring in the south elder croft was wac chosen and sustained auita ined to succeed elder peterson Pete raon ai president of the ton lion ference and the elders were appointed to labor as follows fol lowe elders croft and rogers in La lamones modes crenshaw and butler counties alabama elders and loveland oveland Li east part of holmes county florida and the out east part of geneva county alabama elders ashby and alder aider west part of Holmes county florida and west part of geneva county alabama elders cottam and coudie condie barber dale and henry counties alabama elders ridges and harris jackson county florida conference adjourned for one year W OWEN clerk clark of conference |