Show THE WORK IN california in april received a notice from froin the first council of 8 seventies gentles to for a mission to Call frnia and western prepare batea I 1 arrived here to fill that win alon on OD the of last august the next day I 1 started out and found a few saints sainta who were 1 pleased to see ee me there v waa no place to hold meeting in BO 80 brother john P jorgensen Jor geneen proffered his hl house for that purpose accordingly I 1 appointed a meeting there tor for the following sunday and notified all the saints I 1 could find I 1 hold held Me jestings mee stingS tinKa at brother Jorgen sews for three Suri sunday daye administered the sacrament and talked to and comforted the salad saints all I 1 could the third sun day they unanimously agreed that we should hire bite a hall which I 1 did for one month to hold one meeting la III it on sunday for 10 A number of people who belonged to the church but had loft left utah for different cause mostly in search of work came to jur cur among them brother joseph Nat treas and or dr J P P van bergh sunday morning october 2nd and I 1 rw rot baptized brother nat and in the afternoon of the same day organized organic d the oakland branch in the alameda conference of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints with brother joseph Nat treks prel dent and N B Phil phillipe lile clerk on sunday the fth of october brothers Br othera J P P van and james jamee P jorgensen Jor geneen were sustained at couri solon X Nat trees and I 1 set get them aft is rother to apart adart monday the luth october I 1 baptized baptize brother and Slat slater erVan van don bergh re be brother Brot Aier jorgensen Jorgen aen was re bap sized bast baring the exact number I 1 can not tive give you in the branch braach but will do so ao in my we have had a few strangers to next meeting after our first month our we rented the hall for up was i month for sunday mornings evenings at 15 per month we and meetings in fraternal hall hold our washington tret street between thirteenth on OD and fourteenth streets freeto tre eto where bold our 01 meetings meeting there are two halla balls we in the flame me building on sundays we occupy one on and the spiritual the other theirs being the largest ita charge 10 cents admission bud they hull hall i is filled our meeting Is in free their collections collect loM A and nd we only get once in no have hare card while IL a ot stranger ranger we a a hallway telling of our mo meeting the in on the of october I 1 wont went to I 1 found some ome saints anxiously looking for me I 1 re there baptized tired two and baptized three children bap I 1 shall return there soon and branch there there are a organize is a inquiring after the truth no few very verv to have any time or inal I 1 aa hoem one to listen to religion now all they tion or talk about is the election and think thin after election li IN over it if the politics will permit I 1 think I 1 shall hall weather bar it if I 1 do outdoor pro preaching aching and try nothing more I 1 will at beant have done my part 1 remain ramsin with kind regards your brother in the gospel J li DA ITON E east ast fourteenth street oakland nv nov 2 1892 |