Show ELDER HAAGS DEATH the NEWS is in kindly permitted to publish blish the following letter from won don C W musser sent to the first presidency of the church regarding the death of his follow fellow missionary elder adolf haag MOUNT CARMEL HOSPITAL near haifa turkey oct got ath 1892 referring to the demise of our be loved brother and fellow worker in the cause of truth adolf haag I 1 will say bay he died of typhus yesterday morning at five minutes past four on the of september the day after I 1 addressed you my last letter brother haag was again taken ill III and notwithstanding everything that human love and skill kill could suggest for his hie good bein done he gradually sank lower and lower until the angel of rest was sent bent to loosen the bands holding him to this earth of sorrow and pal and bid his hie soul ascend on hig higland hand be removed for the labors you have so ao willingly and faithfully performed IP I 1 was wag with him from the time he be wax was taken siek sick until his spirit was waited above and not once did I 1 hear bear him complain I 1 did not I 1 could not think he was so BO seriously fil not even when he got so 0 weak I 1 had to feed him and lift him from one bed bad to the other did I 1 realize I 1 would soon have hare to part with my energetic and noble companion and even now after seeing fleeing his thin pleasant face fixed in death after our long visit to the cemetery listening to the doleful music of the village bell made to toll as a mark of respect for the man of god who had left all behind behina to follow jesus after beholding the body of clay returned return eel to tol another nother earth and seeing the flowers that were so BO lovingly prepared to strew on his grave it is hard for me to realize that he be Is gone and I 1 am alone brother haag though here bore but a short time bad made acost of friends frien dp rb as evinced by the large concourse of people all anxious to show their sympathies by coming to the funeral among whom I 1 saw the german consul and his wife who by the by have been very kind to us the mayor of haifa who entertained us all one afternoon listening to our testimonies and in fact nearly every one in the colony was in attendance you will see by the heading of this letter that I 1 ara am in the hospital this to is a house built on top of mount carmel whose people come to got get the benefit of the fresh mountain air by order of the doctor I 1 brought brother haag here but it ii did not seem to be just the thing for him so last friday the doctor had bad us move him back to the colony where he could got get to see me him oten erand where he be afterwards died ir in brother graus house after the funeral the doctor said it would be absolutely necessary for me to return to the mountain unless I 1 wanted to get irei sick and as I 1 felt that this was the case I 1 decided to come right up I 1 shall stay here a week or so go to rest and n recruit myself I 1 have jut juet finished letters to preal dent young and to brother richart richard haag of salt bait lake and as I 1 know of nothing more of importance to corn cora muni oate cate at present i will bring brine my brief letter to a close my praying the lord to bleu bless you I 1 re main your brother in the covenant of truth DON C W Mius sica I 1 will add that brother herman heriman I 1 la well nd s reports everything in bond condition at D C j W 5 |